HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. 145th Street Eminent Domain Proceedings ,,.- —= ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �r��� ���Lt-�L'"��� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION! � . . - � �-c�!�r� T�Gt�,� � CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 17, 1994 9-� �_u�z.�_Y_ .�--y AGENDA ITEM: 145th Street - Eminent Domain � ,/� A NDA SECTION: Proceedings u2"S nsent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA ��� �� � City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director ATTACHMENTS: Resolution with Exhibits APPROVED BY: Letter from Fischer At the last Council meeting Staff was directed to, if necessary, prepare Eminent Domain or condemnation proceedings to allow City Project #245, the reconstruction of 145th Street between Chili and Cameo Avenue, to proceed. Since the last Council meeting, there are two remaining parcels which require right-of-entries. One of these parcels also require a permanent easement. The attached letter from Mrs. Lucille Fischer does summarize the concerns of one of the remaining parcels and the residents on the south side of 145t� Street between Chianti and Chili Avenues. The sidewalk or bike trail on this segment of 145th Street has been maintained in the winter time by the City since its installation many years ago. These residents are requesting that the City continue this maintenance of the newly proposed sidewalk. One option which may be available and is somewhat agreeable to the residents is that the City would maintain it for the next ten (10) years, at which time the snow removal maintenance would become the responsibility of the homeowners. The maintenance of the 5' sidewalk does present some concerns to the Public Works Department, in that the City does not have a machine which could plow less than a 6' wide sidewalk. Staff believes that the one last right-of-entry needed on this side of 145th Street will sign the right-of-entry if the Council would approve such an arrangement. The other remaining parcel is on the north side of 145th Street. The resident in question has sold the house in the past 6 months and believes that by not signing a right-of-entry they will not be responsible for the payment of the assessments. We have talked to the resident and recommended that he contact legal counsel and assured him that the pending assessment would be identified by a Title Company to be the existing homeowners responsibility no matter if the right-of-entry was granted or not. At the time of this writing, these are the two remaining parcels which are needed. Hopefully 6y Tuesday night with further negotiations with the residents, Council will not have to take the proposed condemnation action and this agenda item can be eliminated. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DIRECTING CONDEMNATION OF LANDS NEEDED TO ALLOW THE REPLACEMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN ROSEMOUNT. COUNCIL ACTION: � � �p � .� � � . . May 7, 1994 City of Rosemount City Hall Rosemount, MN 55068 Attn: Bud Osmundson To Whom it May Concern: My name is Lucille K. Fischer and I live at 145th St. W. here in Rosemount. I have written to you folks before. All the neighbors living on our street were very mueh opposed to a boulevard for this block. We did not win this battle. When I wrote before, I told you that most of us on this street are old and unable to clean a sidewalk past our homes . I also said you should furnish us with names of anyone who would be willing to keep our sidewalks clean. Two out of 5 homes are vacant in the winter month� so we would have to make arrangements before we leave in October. We want to request that the City of Rosemount continue cleaning our sidewalks like they have been cleaning the bike trail . Some years ago I was given the option of hading sidewalk installed or a bike trail and I opted for the bike trail . The bike trail has been m,aintained by the city and I have had no information that angone fell into the street or had an accident on account of the bike trail abutting the curb • without a boulevard which you seem to think is a safety factor. We maintain that a boulevard is only wher� sand and salt is continually plowed onto it from the snow plow clearing the street. Z think the salt and sand issue is another moot point. When we came back this spring, we found loads of sand put on the lawn. It is a mixture of sancl and salt so cannot be put on any other area of our y�ard. So now what do we do with it? I know this year it will be shoveled back into the street once it is torn up. This is an appeal to have our sidewalks maintained by the City of Rosemount. Thank you for this consideration. Sincerely yours , � ` e�e� � ��,�- �-�....� Lucille K. Fischer 3390 W. 145th St . ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOWTION 1994 - A RESOLUTION DIRECTING CONDEMNATION OF LANDS NEEDED TO ALLOW THE REPLACEMENT OF UTIUTY SERVICES TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount finds, with respect to the property legally described in the proposed Easement No. 94-3, Exhibit "A" and described in the right- of-entries Exhibit "B" and "C" attached to this resolution and referred to as "Properties", the following: 1 . The Properties lays within the City of Rosemount; 2. The reconstruction of adjacent 145th Street and underlying utilities will begin on land adjacent to the Properties in the next 60 days; 3. City of Rosemount Staff has determined that the most feasible and appropriate method in providing utility service to the properties is across, under and thraugh the Properties; 4. To date, efforts by Rosemount City officials to acquire rights to route the utility service through the Properties have been unsuccessfuL NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Rosemount City Council as follows: 1 . The City Council determines that the reconstruction of 145th Street and the underlying utilities are intended for public use and will benefit the public good; 2. The most feasible and sensible approach to providing �tility service to the Properties is by constructing same across, under and through the Properties; 3. The reconstruction of 145th Street and utilities and the acquisition of easements on the Property necessary to provide utility service to the Properties are improvements for a public purpose, and will promote the general welfare of the City of Rosemount; 4. City Staff and the City Afitorney are authorized to negotiate on behalf of the City of Rosemount, the acquisition of easements and right-of-entries on the Properties necessary for the installation of utililties to serve the Properties; 5. If negotiations are not successful in the judgement of City Staff and the City Attorney, the City Attorney is authorized and directed to proceed with acquisition of easements and right-of-entries on the Properties for the reconstruction of 145th Street and utilities by exercise of the power of eminent domain, which shall include the use of the "quick take" provision contained in Minnesota Statutes §117.042. ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1994. E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: ' � EXHIBIT "A" . O� -- Schelen 300 Park Place Center 612-595-5775 Mayeron& 5775 Wayzata Boulevard 1-800-753-5775 Associates,�nc. n�ir,neapoi�s,MN 55416-1228 FAX 595-5774 EASEMENT NO. 943 City Project No. 245 PIN: 34 - 62850 - 014 - 41 OWNER Mary Moeller 3380 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT: A permanent easement for utility purposes over, under, and across the west 5.00 feet af the north 46.00 feet of Lot l, Block 1 RAHN'S ADDITION, according to the plat on file in the office of the County Recorder, Dakota County, Minnesota. Said permanent easement contains 230 square feet more or less. r, ,, J:\4438.80\SURV�MISC�EASE94-3 NOTE: No laoundary survey worlc was peif'ormed u to tl�prxiu I hereby certIPy tfiat this survey.plan.or rrport was prepared by locatian af this lract me or under my d[rect supervlsion and that I sm a duly Ucenscd land surveyor under the lawa of t State of Tiinnesota. 3 �� y� D. Art�c�,LS. Lic.No.11394 au E�sEo�►2.x�s Engineen • Architects • Planners • Surveyors 145TH STREET � WEST _.._...�.._�..�._._._ . _._....._.__ ._�....�w._.._.._...�..,�........._....____. _...._.__..._.....:�:::::::::.......:m:�::::.:m:.......�:�::::.::µ:::.....:::"� ..............._..._.......:..._ ...:....�.:��_�:::��_..__.�::::��__�.�:�:��:�:�.�:::::..:_.:::::::�::.�:..:�:wr: _.__..w...___.._....w_.._ _...._..__�..._._... ....__._..__....._._......._......_._...._...._........__................_. ....�_ _ _ 5 --- — — .,�.M ..{w•. �.,...,,��� � � � I � �• " .�► (j' µ �� . � � .a / `, � . ..w•., y�� '"r ►f � ���C, .�� �_..�.... •'J �.... t�... Q j) —�►I �P E R M. E A S E ME N T ........,..:....• ...ti.,.,,..• ��...,�:.,h.�r � � � o � 94-3 v � Mary Moeller ' I 34-62$50-010-01 ._...__....._r_. m __-�____.....w....��._.... � wYf,���........................._........_....._......................� ........... ....__...............1...._......._._.................................__.....�.. _.__ 5I 3390 i 3380 i 3370 i i � , . w._. ._.._.._ ._..w..:.........�..._....._._�....�_ ..........._ , ...._:.._t.._.__..._.C� ......._..... ......,.._... SCALE : 1" = 20 FEET Orown By� Oate� omm.No. or�r Drawng Title EASEMENT SKETCH Sheet No. Sc �i�n '�� 1lsreron k 94-$ Assoc[�tes,Inc. �i���������,,�$„n�r,n CITY PROJECT NO.245 K.�.M. 03/17/94 4438.eo �oo►.�k w«c..�...e'ne■.n.0 M,�,..u+ ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA Yb�rMIM.YM 6NI1'IW�{12•SY6i7T6 � � � . . . . . � . � . . . . � . � � 44�S8.BO+SURVrCA0rEA5E+E9�-3.OGN � � . � � GAH'BIT �B� . . City Project No. 245 RIGHT OF ENTRY The undersigned, owner of certain land in the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, does hereby consent and grant unto the City of Rosemount, its agents and assigns, the right to enter upon and commence construction and all activities required in connection therewith, for public utility purposes and driveway reconstruction, over and across the property legally described as follows: P. I. D. # 34-62850-010-01 Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 1 Rahn's Addition OWNED BY: Mary Moeller 3380 145th Street West It is further understood that this Waiver does not constit�te a waiver on behaif of the owner to any claim for damages for the removal of trees, shrubs or the acquisition of permanent easements over the above described property for the purpose of public improvement by the City of Rosemount, its agents and assigns, and by the general contractor. This right-of-entry expires on August 1, 1996 Dated this day of , 199 . Mary Moeller 3380 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 STATE �F MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 199_, by Notary Public � r � �. �H��B�T �C� . City Project No. 245 RIGHT OF ENTRY The undersigned, owner of certain land in the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, daes hereby consent and grant unto the City of Rosemount, its agents and assigns, the right to enter upon and commence construction and all activities required in connection therewith, for public utility purposes and driveway reconstruction, over and across the property legally described as follows: P. I. D. # 34-03700-080-06 Legal Description: Auditor's Subdivision #1, pt of Lot 6 com 2235.5 ft W & 33 ft N of cen sec 29 W 110 ft N 150 ft E 110 ft S 150 ft to the beginning OWNED BY: John D. & Brandi K. Felstead 3395 145th Street West It is further understood that this Waiver does not constitute a waiver on behalf � of the owner to any claim for damages for the removal of trees, shrubs or the acquisition of permanent easements over the above describedproperty for the purpose of public improvement by the City of Rosemount, its agents and assigns, and by the general contractor. This right-of-entry expires on August 1, 1996 Dated this day of , 199_. John D. Felstead Brandi K. Felstead 3395 145th Street West 3395 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 199_, by Notary Public