HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Public Works Week Proclamation t • CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 17, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Public Works Week Proclamation AGENDA SECTION: Department Heads Report PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA NO. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director �TE� � t! ATTACHMENTS: Proclamation, City Data Sheet, APPROVED BY: Metric Conversion Chart This years "National Public Works Week" is May 15 through May 21 . The Rosemount Public Works Department works very hard in providing City residents first rate potable water, sanitary sewer, storm water drainage and street systems. The maintenance personnel are well trained and provide efficient and timely maintenance of all our City systems. We all tend to take these services for granted. We need to appreciate the fact that without an effective City water system, fire protection would be deficient; without our sanitary sewer system our environment would be severely harmed; without an efficient storm drain and street system and proper maintenance of these systems our lives would be drastically different. The Citys' Public Works personnel should all be recognized for working hard to provide public services to the people of Rosemount. We ask that the Mayor proclaim the week of May 15 through May 21 , 1994 as "National Public Works Week". In 1994 the Public Works area is or is going to cope with two major areas of change. First is the continued fast paced growth of the City. The services the City provides to its citizens keep expanding as new requests are made and there are more and more streets and utilities to maintain. The second major change which we all will be coping with is the conversion to the metric system. The Federal and State Governments are mandating that all plans and specifications for Federal and State aided project let (bid) after September 30, 1996 be prepared in metric units. That means that street widths, speed Iimits, weights, volumes, etc. will be reported in metric instead of "English" units. We will follow MnDOT's lead on providing dual units in reports, plans and specifications beginning July 1, 1994. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mayor to proclaim May , 1994 through May , 1994 "National Public Works Week". COUNCIL ACTION: 1 The City of Rosemount Office of the Mayor ******PROCLA►MATION*�*��* WSEREA,.S, public works services provided in our community are an integral part of aur citizen's everyday lives; and WHERF.A�.S, the support of an understanding and informed citizenry is vital to the efficient operalion of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets National and highways, public buildings and snow removal; and Public Works WSEREAS, the health, safery and comfort of this community greatly depends on these Week facilities and services; and May 15-21 1994 wgE�.As, the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works officials; and �, WSEREAS, the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated personnel who staff public works departments is materially in,f luenced by the people's attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform, ,, ' NOW, TgEREFORE, I E. B. McMenomy, Mayor of the City of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim the week of May 15 through May 21, 1994 as "NATIONAL PUBLIC WORK.S WEEK" in the City of Rosemount, and I call upon all citizens and civic organizaxions ta acquaint themselves with the problems involved in provid'ing our public works and to recognize the contributions which public works officials make every day to our health, safety and comfort. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT THIS 1TTH DAY OF MAY, 1994 E. B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST• Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk ��� _� ' � F Ff� - �� �� American Public Works Association _•_ 106 West 11th Street, Suite 1800 • Kansas City, MO • 64105-1806 i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GENERAL INFORMATION REPORT '::��I:'�T:::���0::>>:>;:<::.~:::<'.:",`.;: �::;::::;;>::::>':'`><`''>::::><::::>::>::::::>::>:>>::<::::>::::::::;:;:;:>><>.:::<:>;::::::»»<_<::»:>:::>:::::>::::>:<.:::<:...::;::::>>�:€;�:::::>:;><::':;><:::<>:::;;::::::;':<`,>'":`<:»>:<::�>::>:`:>::::::::::::::::::>:::::<::,, <':>::::>::::::>:::: ................................�i�."�"���k... ........:.:.9.���. ....:.........:.:...........'�.��.��..'�..............................9.��'�...............:..:,::::::::::�.�.,�.���:::.:.:....................:����..:......... TOTAL MILEAGE 115.28 111.2 108.22 107.37 106.58 TOTAL BITUMINOUS 97.3 93.2 90.22 89.37 88.58 TOTAL GRAVEL 18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 18A TOTAL PATHWAYS 8.4 7.7 7.7 TOTAL CUL-DE-SACS 81 81 ::>::::>::>::>:::<:. <.,:::t`�'�ir`:I�I::::`:.�::;::�tiT��:l�'::<::::::;;s>�::z:>::;;>::>�«�'9 '::<:>:::::<;::�<`':::::>:::::>::::::>::�E...:.2:::�>:»:<':;i::;:`.:::::�`:::::;::�::::::�:�:::>:':::::::>::::;:`::::>::>::::>::>::::>'�'..: :::::>;:;:::<>::;::»:>:::<:>:<:>� .,. ._.;:`::>::<:>:<::> >::>::>::»:��.::: ::::::.:.�._14�....__f�.............. ............... ���........... ...._..........��. ._........ . ............ �....................:...:..:..��:::::::::.:,::: ::::.:.::�,�8�..._ • SANITARY SEWER TOTAL MILES 36.5 34.1 32.1 31 .95 28.85 TOTAL CONNECTiONS 2,713 2,531 2,308 2,108 1,914 LIFT STATIONS 5 5 5 y, FLOW TO MWCC PLANT 269.0 229.9 220.9 21 1.0 190.0 MG MG MG MG MG • WATERMAIN ,, TOTAL MILES - MUNICIPAL 45.1 43.6 41.18 RURAL 7.1 7.1 7.13 TOTAL CONNECTIONS 2,744 2,531 2,308 2,117 1,912 WELLS - MUNICIPAL 4 4 4 RURAL 2 2 2 WATER USAGE 300.8 331.3 329.9 270.2 269.5 MG MG MG MG MG NO. OFHYDRANTS 385 368 337 WATER TOWERS-#1 --- 500,000 CHIPPENDALE AVENUE GAL CAP. #2 CONNEMARA TRAIL --- 1,000,000 GAL CAP. • STORM SEWER TOTAL MILES 21.6 19.6 17.9 • POND INFORMATIDN TOTAL NO. OF PONDING & 100 97 97 DRAINAGE AREAS (PLATTED PROPERTY ONLY) TOTAL ACREAGE OF 222.49 213.45 213.45 MAINTAINED AREAS AROUND PONDS {EASEMENTS) NOTE: ALL INFORMATION ON THI REPORT IS CURRENT AS OF DECEMBER 1, 1993. i The Minnesota Department of Transportation °Standard Specifications for Construction°, 1988 Edition and Supplemental Specification to the 1988 Edition, dated January 2, 1991, shall be the goveming specifications for this Contract, as modified herein these Special Provisions, and to the extent that atl references to the English or U.S. Customary units of measurement shall be converted to the lntema�onal System of Units(Sl, commonly called "metric'� as shown: Temperature °Celsius = 5/9 x ('Fahrenheit-32) Mass 1 kilogram = 2.204586 pound Distance 1 meter = 3.2808333333 feet For this Project, Road Station = meter. Any other metric conversions contained herein these Special Provisions shall take precedence over the above formulas. Should a value contained in the Standard Specifications not be able to be converted due to a formula with numerical constants (formula derived by using English values as input), the prescribed procedure is to insert the proper English unit values, compute the formula, then convert the outcome to the proper metric value. The following is a list of common Engfish terms, the Metric terms, their symbol, and the expression in terms of other units: �uantity English Name Metric Name Symbol Expression electric current amp ampere A Basic Units time second second s Basic Units mass pound kilogram kg Basic Units tuminous intensity candle candela cd Basic Units length foot meter , m Basic Units angular measurement degree, minute, second degree, minute, second °, ', " Basic Units frequency hertz heriz Hz Hz=s'- force pound force newton N N=kg'm/s2 pressure, stress pound/square foot pascal Pa Pa=N/m2 energy, work, bending moment, Btu, joule J J=N •m quantity of heat foot poundal, torque power, radiant flux horsepower, watt watt W W=J/s electric charge, quantity amp hour coulomb C C=A•s electric potential volt vo(t V V=W/A or J/C electric capacitance farad farad F F=CN electric resistance ohm ohm . f2 f2=V/A electric conductance mho siemens S S=AN or II-' magnetic flux maxwell weber Wb Wb=V•s magnetic flux density gamma tes(a T T=Wb/m2 inductance henry henry H H=Wb/A luminous flux lumen lumen Im Im=cd.�sr illuminance footcandle lux Ix Ix=1m/m2 _ sr = stera ian