HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Olga Strese Lot Boundary Adjustment .- � � � ,y y ra, - � � �� - — r . • - ^'�.'�t-r"--—wr ._,..,,. .. • * � . 4R63 idest 145th Street --� Ros�no,�nt, MN ssoss , ��'�-i'l r� � l � 177./�.1 t�ELMAR W. SCHWANZ � LAND SURv$VQAS.INC. papie�ere0 U�tMr urr�of TM Sute ot M�nneaeu 1d750 SOUTH ROBERT TRAtI �{OSEMOUNT, MINNE$pTA 55068 6t2/423-1769 SURVEYOR'$CERTIpICAT� - �� � PAI�tCEL A - D�scription co�nbining Str��e home sit8� and tbe �and to the weyt. rbat part af the South Half of the Northaest Qu�trter af Section 30, �'Qwri$hiQ 115i Range 19, Dakota County; MXnriEsota desc=i.hed as follows; � Couanencinq at th� southeast cornez af thereof; thenGe West a3ong the sauth �in� of saxd South flalx of ti,h� Northwes� Quart�r 152,08 feet to the pofnt af begin��eq af the xand to be $escribedj thence cont3.nuinq west along saxd south lin� a distance of 215.37 feet� t2��nce north parsl�.el w�.th the east �ine pf said Soath galf of the Narthwest guaz�tei �65-01 f�et? tk��nCe easC pazali�� with the south �.xr�e o� said SoutA HaZf of tk�e Northwest Quarter 213.3Q feet �o its inters�ctfoz� with a 1in� �'awa aoxth at right angles to t�e south iir�e of said South Ha�f af the Nortl,west Quartex from the poa.nt of begitu�inq; theace south 165.Ofl teet to the poiat cf begi.ruiinq. Subject to al� easeu�ents af reco�d. Gontainxng d.81 acres (35,365 squaze feet) . pARCEL 8 - DEscra.ption of balance p� propeztX. The eas� 527.37 feet of the South �a].f of the Noz�thwest Quarter of Sertion 30, Towns�ip 1].5. Range t9, Dakota Connty, Minnt�Sota; EXC£�TZNG ` therefrom �e �oJ:�.owing descrxbed �racts of lanc3: � 1. The aorth 330.40 fect q� the east 527.37 f�et o� the South Flalf ot the Northwest Quarter af saicl S�ctian 30, Township 115, Re►age I9. DakOta COunty, Minneyota. ' __ . .__ 2. That part o£ the South Ba1� oi Che Northwest Quartex of Section 3d, �'ownship 115, Rang� 19 dcycribec] as foilows: Seqirusinq at e pair►t o�s the south 3.ine o� saa.d South Nalf af the Northwtest Qu�rter 20.00 feet i�est of the Sou�heast corr�er of said SOuth Eialf of the North- we5t Quarter= thence tQorth lfl rods; thenc� i�test 8 roc�sp thence Soutk 10 rocls to said south xine; thence East along said south liae to the ' p�.ac� ot begi�n;iaq. 3. xhat gazt of the South Haxf of the Northw+�st Qu�rter o� Sectior� 30, Tow�ship ].15, Rang� 19 described as follows: Beqinning ati � poiat on the sou�h �iae o� said South xa1£ of the Nprthwest Quarter 527.3T feet west of the sautkzeast c�rncr thereaf; th�nce aorth or, t� J�i.n� para].�el to the east iine of safd Seuth Half of the Northwe3t Qunrt�r a dxstance 4� 27Z.25 f�et; thence east parai].el to th� south line thexeof a distance of 160.00 feet= thence sauth �+ara�.lel w�th �aid east xine a distience of 272.25 feet �o the south line thereof� thence . west a�ong said south ].iae a �istanc� of 160.00 feet to th� �oiat of beginning. Gontinued ` .. r ...., . . . . . . . .. . .. . �� . � ' . ' . '' . . . .. . ..� w V1A'�a�0� .. . .. � . . . . �� . . . � .... . . .. � . . . � � . 7 .��...._"__. ._tv .... --- .. . . 4063 �e�t i4Sth Street � _ _ - , l�os+smauri�, MN 55058 � 17l./11 :,, _ _ ,D�LMAR �t. SCHWANZ LAr�b SL►nvErOn3.tNC. ned�.r.►«�V��t.w�et rn��tN�a��t�n��a. 14750 SOtl7H ROBEp7 TRAI� ROSEMUVNT, MiNNBSO'tA SSOOA �12NZ�•I TQg SURVLYOR'S CEATIFtCATE 9. �'ha� part o£ tk�e South Half of the rtort.hwe�t Quarter of �S�rtion 30, Townsl�ip 1�.5, Range 14, Dakota County, �linnesata descz�ib�d es fallows: Gomn+encing at the sautheast cvrner o� thereof= thence west alonq the south Xine af said 5auth Ha�f of the porthwest Q�arter 152.OQ feet to the point af beqinnx�g o� the laad to b� c�escribed� th�nce continuing a►est al,aeg saf.d sout� Iine a distance of 2�5.37 te�ti t�ence aarth P�tra�.le1 with the e�st line of �afd Soutla Ha�f a� the Noxtln+est Quarte� 165.Oi feet; ther�ce c�st paral.lex wxth the sauth line of said South Ha: o� the �torthwest Quartex 213.30 £e�t to its intersectioa with a ].ine dxawn noxth at xight ang�.es to the south,r Xine of said Santk� Ha�£ of thc Nozthr�rest Quartez from the poiat ot beginning; thence �outh 165�04 fee' to the point o# begkaninq. Subj�ct �o a].1 eas�ments pf x�cord, if any. , Contain�.ng 9.6796 acres. i h4reby ce�tlfy Rha!lhf�lurver,Plan,Ot roport wes � praperad by me or u�der my d�rec!n,pervl�lon end '' ' �hat ! em a duiy Repiyte�ed land Surveyor undtir �� � .' r� {!, � .. r,' tha I�wi nt 1he Steie oi Min�e�ota. � �l QS--11-93 Qelmar H. Schw�nt bNed Minawotr Repittrallon No.aE?S CITY OF ROSEMOi]NT DAROTA COIINTY, MINNESOTA RESOLIITION 1994- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE OLGA STRESL COb�20N BOUNDARY LOT LINE RELOCATION W�iEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a request from Olga Strese, property owner of 4063 145th Street West, to realign the property legally described in attached Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the resulting lot will be an enlargement of the R-1 Single Family Residential parcel identified as 4063 145th Street West and will include property occupied by an existing accessory structure; and WHERE�AS, the adjustment of a lot line by the relocation of a common boundary is an exception to Ordinaace XVII.86, Section 2 Arr AMENDMENT TO TAE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE XVI I.4; a.I1C� WSE�REAS, the lot line adjustment will not create a new lot for residential use. � - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Strese common boundary lot line relocation subject to: 1) the 80' x 100' remnant parcel is recombined with the Olga Strese home site creating one parcel; and 2) no subdivision will occur until such time as the parcels are platted in conformance with Ordinance XVII.4 City of Rosemourit Subdivision Ordiaance. ADOPTED this 17th day of Ma.y, 1994 . E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST: Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor• Voted against• CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAROTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA ' RFsSOLIITION 1994- 64 A RESOLIITION APPROVING THE OLGA STRESE CO1�iON BOUNDARY LOT LINE RELOCATION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has received a request from Olga Strese, property owner of 4063 145th Street West, to realign the property legally described in attached Exhibit A; and D�IiEREAS, the resulting lot will be an enlargement of the R-1 Single Family Residential parcel identified as 4063 145th Street West and will include property occupied by an existing accessory structure; and WHEREAS, the adjustment of a lot line by the reloca�ion of a common boundary is an exception to Ordiaaace XVII.86, Seetioa 2 Arr AMFNDMENT TO THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT S17BDIVISION ORDIN.ANCE XVII.4; c�Ild wHEREAS, the lot line adjustment will not create a new lot for residential use. NOW, THTREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of ; Rosemount hereby approves the Strese common boundary lot line relocation subject to: 1) the 80' x 100' remnant parcel is recombined with the Olga Strese home site creating one parcel; and 2) no subdivision will occur until such time as the parcels are platted in conformance with Ordinance XVII.4 City of Rosemoumt Subdivision Ordinaaee. ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 1994 . �� � a � �� E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATTEST• Susan M. Walsh, City Clerk Motion by• W� PPermann Seconded by• Staats Voted in favor• McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, Wippermann Voted against• None. . , � ;;���'', CITY OF ROSEMOu NT z8�5-`�TMt"AeetWest P.O.Box 510 Ever thin s Comin U RoSemOUllt.►l Rosemount,MN y g� g p 55068-0510 Phone:612-423-4411 Fax:612-423-5203 � C E R T 2 F I C A T E STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) § CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ) I, Susan M. Walsh, duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Rosemount do hereby certify that T have examined the City of Rosemount records and the Minutes Book of said City for the meeting of May 17, 1994 and hereby certify that the attached copy of Resolution 1994-64, A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE OLGA STRESE COb�tON BOUNDARY LOT LINE RELOCATION is a true and correct copy of the City Proceedings relating to said Resolution. IN WITNESS WHTREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said City this 18th day of May, 1994 . Susan M. Walsh City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota Printed on recycled paper . . � . . � containing30% � posf-eonsurtrer materials. �..�'�' l�►�?..t_L r-�,� � � �6� � � �� � ��� G �.����,,oH, � ��s � ... ... .�, , :� a , ; � , � , . , . � � � . : , � � ; : � � � : � ; � � , � . ' ; � , . ; � �. �