HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.e. Tree City U.S.A. Recertification . 4 � � . . � � . . .. ` � . .. � . .. . � . � . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl�iARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 6, 1994 AGENDA TTEM: AGENDA SECTION: Tree City, USA Recertification Consent PREPARED BY: AGENDA ��PLl1/1 'l'1' � Lacelle Cordes, Programmer, Parks and Recreation ATTACI�lENTS: APPROVED BY: Proposal of application for recertification It is time to apply for our recertification as a distinguished Tree City, USA. Tree City, USA is a award given to those cities who depict an honest and active program to promote the protection of our natural habitat and of our trees. Part of the attachments include a proclamatian by the City of Rosemount identifyi.ng the last Friday of April to be Arbor Day and the month of May to , be P.zbor Month. Parks and Recreation staff worked together to complete a variety of programs for Arbor Day, Earth Day and other nature programs over the past year. This proclamation indicates that we would continue with these types of programs and others in promotions of tree planting and protection. It is the Parks and Recreations Department's intent to join with committees, commissions and other Departments to further`enhance our golicies relating to the preservation of our trees and to continue to reforest our city. RECOMMENDED ACTION: ' Motian to approve the application for recertification for the Tree City, ' USA award I COUNCIL ACTION: ', s TREE CITY USA Ap lication for Recertifi�ation � Mail completed application with requested attachments to your state forester na later than December 31. _ The TREE CITY USA award is made in recognition of work completed by the city during the calendar year. , Please provide information for the year ending. (Some states require information in addition to that requested on this application.Check with your state foresterJ As I�fAYOR of the city of ROSEMOUNT , (Title—Mayor or other city ofTcial) I herewith make application for this community to be officially recertified as a Tree City USA for 1994 , having achieved the standards set forth by The National Arbor Day Foundation as noted below. 'yea'', Standard 1: A Tree Board or Department List board members,and meeting dates for the past year;or name of city department and manager. Parks and Recreation Department. Jim Topitzhofer. Director Standard 2:A Community Tree Ordinance � Check one: �Our ordinance as last submitted is unchanged and still in effect. , 0 Our ordinance has been changed.The new vers:on is attached. I Standard 3:A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least$2 Per Capita ' Total community forestry expenditures........•••.............................•• ...................................••.•.......... $ 3Q.800 Communitypopulation ....... ......... ........ ......... ....................... ......... ......... ......... 1 n F,nn Attach annual work plan outlining the work earried out dunng the past year Attach breakdown of community forestry expenditurns. Standard 4:An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation Date observance was held :7ednesdav. May 18, 1994 Attach program of activities and/or news coverage.Attach Arbor Day proclamation. Mayor 12/6/94 Signature Title Date Please type or print the following: Mayor or equivalent City Forestry Contact Name: E. B. McMenomy Name: Mark Joosten Title: Mayor Title: Parks Forester Address: 28�5 — 1�Sth Street West - Address: 2875 - 145th Street West City,State,Zip: Rosemount, MN 55068 Csty,State,Zip: Rosemount MN 55658 Phone#: �612) 423-4411 Phone#: t 612) 423-4411 NOTE:Ifyour community forestry work involves some new ideas or special projects please send photos,news stories,brochures,orother documentation for possible inclusion in National Arbor Day Foundation publications.(Such additional material is not necessary for your community to be designated as a Tree Gity USA.t Certification (To Be Completed By The State Forester) (Community) The above named community has made formal application to this office.I am pleased to advise you that we reviewed the application and have concluded that,based on the information contained herein, said community is eligible to be recertified as a Tree City USA,for the calendar year,having in my opinion met the four standards of achievement in urban forestry. Signed State Forester Date Person in State Forester's ��ce who should receive recognition materiaT: , Name: UPS Address: TStle: City,State,Zip: Agency: Phone#: r FORESTRY WORK PLAN / CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1994 The City of Rosemount has continued making Tree City, USA certification a top priority. Our Arbor Day Celebration, this year, included a joint effort with Dakota Electric Association Utility Company. A tree pfanting ceremony and reception were held at Jaycee Park in Rosemount. Dakota Electric donated a Maple Tree, as a memorial for this event, to be planted. On hand, to take part in the planting ce�emony were many citizens of Rosemount. A local boy scout troop were also present to distribute seedlings that were also donated by Dakota Electric. On final count, over 275 seedlings were distributed. Efforts continued by City staff and volunteers to eradicate Buckthorn from Carrolls Woods. Carrolls Woods is a 60 acre nature conservatory, which has been overcome by Buckthom. Many "man" hours have been put in to the cutting, clearing, dragging and chipping of the Buckthorn. Again this year, a group of "at risk" teenagers, from Rosemount Senior High help with this project. This experience has been beneficial for both the group and City Staff. With this tremendous clearing out of the forest, we have also started reforestation of the areas where Buckthorn has been cut. Our citizens committee continues to work with the Parks and Recreation Department on the conservatory land and other park projects taking ptace throughout the city. An intern has been hired by the City of Rosemount Community Development Department. One of there duties is to develop and to put into effect a Tree Replacement Policy. The Parks and Recreation Department is very excited about the completion of these ordinances. The City of Rosemount received a Small Business Administration Grant in 1993. Due to the end of planting season, we were only able to complete half of the planting project in the fall of 1993. This spring the remaining trees were planted which totaled 67 trees in aIL The Parks and Recreation has also made information readily available to citizens who have questions regarding Trees. If we are unable to answer there questions, we have established a network of professionals who are then able to help them. Our nurseries continue to thrive. Much pride and effort is put into maintaining these nu�series by the Parks Staff. Some transplanting and replanting have been done in both of our nurseries. , The City of Rosemount plans to continue to develop more "Tree" programs. Some areas cited for 1995 are: 1. Develop a Tree planting guide and Tree information guide for citizens, we would like this to be distributed to all residents in Rosemount. 2. Continue updating our Tree inventory, and keeping "up" on this. BUDGET ITEMS PERTAINING TO THE FORESTRY ASPECT OF OUR DEPARTMENT: 1. 50% Parks Forester Salary (536,362) 518,000 �, 2. 1 Part time Summer Parks maintenance S 3,000 � 3. Trees and Shrubs S 7,000 ' 4. 10°k of the Parks Speciafists Salary (528,000) S 2,800 ', TOTAL 530,800 � CITY OF R4SEMOUNT PROCLAMA�ON VVHEI�EAS' Minnesota's forest treasures were a significant attraction to early settlers because of their usefulness and the beautiful environment they provided; and VV�E�EA�S.' Trees are a vital resource enriching our Iives by gurifying air and water, helping conserve soil and energy, serving as recreational settings, providing habitat for wildlife of a11 kinds and making Rosemount more Zivable; and VVHERFAS: Human activities such as construction damage and poZlution, as we11 as drought, �isease and insects, ' threaten our trees, creating the need for concerted ' action to ensure the future of Rosemount's trees; and VV�IERFA,S: The next decade wi11 be one emphasizing the environment and �he citizens of Rosemount wi1Z be able to positively impact the world problems like �'global warming�' by Iocally planting trees and ensuring that these trees are nurtured, protected � and wisely used in the �ears to ahead; and W�REAS: The message of Earth Day whose twentieth anniversary was in 2990 is stilZ strong, teaching children and aduZts alike that trees are related to a11 components of the environment - air, water, soi2 and wildlife; and y�E�AS; Each year on the 3ast Friday in Apri1 - Arbor Day - the citizens of Rosemount pay special attention to the wonderful treasure that our trees represent and dedicate themselves to the continued heaZth of our cities trees. NOW, THEREFORE, I, E•B• McMenomy , Mayor of the Ci ty of Rosemount, do hereby proclaim ApriZ 29, 1994 to be ��f�,�OR Df���� and the month of May to be ��ARBOR M011TTH�� In Rosemount, MN. Further, I urge aI1 citizens to become more aware of the importance of trees to their we11 being, to participate in tree planting programs that wi11 ensure a green Rosemount in decades to come, and to plant, nurture, protect and w.isely use Rosemount�s great treasure of trees. .�: ,�. � 9 MAYOR �� ATE E.B. McMenomy I P � Ar�bor Da Ce%bration v Wednesday, May 18, � 994 7:DO p, m. Ja ycee Park Rosemount Parks and Recreation wili be holding a Tree - Planting Ceremony in observance of Arbor Day/Month. Following the ceremony, information an tree planting and care wili be distributed by the Parks and Recreation Staff. Dakota Electric wiil also be handing out seediings for those interested. ? For more information contact Parks and Recreation at 423-4415! . :..:::..:.:._::: ...::.:. ......,:. :.:..: .. .::...:. ::. :: .:.::.- ::.:�:.....:.:.....:.:.:....:::.....::::..........:::: :.:::...::::.......> .�.. 4 �: C{TY OF ROSEMOU NT z8�5-`�TMths ee�W�t �=. — P.O.Box 510 �� Everything'S COmir�g Up ROsemOurtt!! Rosemount,Mrv •� 55068-0510 Phone:612-423•4411 `" ' Fax:612-423•5203 May 23, 1994 Mrs. Mary Christensen Member Servi�es Assistant Dakota Electric Association 4300 220th Street West Farmington, MN 55024 Dear Mary, On behalf of the City of Rosemount and the Parks and Recreation Department, I would like to thank Dakota Electric and you for the generous gifts of posters, seedlings, the beautiful Maple Tree, and time that were donated by your organization for our Arbor Celebration. , . I have enclosed a picture of the event for you. We will be publishing a copy of this picture in the Rosemount Town Pages and the Rosemount This Week. If you would like to submit this picture to another publication, please feel free to do so. Once again, thank you for your donation. The City of Rosemount and our Department looks forward to working with you on future events. Sincerely, ����.� ��� Lacelle Cordes, Parks and Recreation PrograitZmer City of Rosemount cc. Dave Bechtold, Director of Parks and Recreation Don Boyd, Dakota Electric � � .. «s . � • . � � � � �/ � � � . . . � . . . � . . � . . � �. . . . . � . . .. . . . . 4 � . . . . � . � . ,��R.�4R �,�.1'' , : �.� EB � L �:ATICJN . � Z 99 . . : . � . . ; . , • � TM . ROSF..M;1tWT PARK� /1!`JC r£CREATION ' "��rees are tl�e s�iis o� u�c cyc�e o1 �fe" , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT — xobcrt �tulcu PROCLrIMA770N . �VfIERFr�S: Nlnnesote�s torest treesures were e S�9n«��a�t A..R130R DAY CELEI3R.ATION attrect�on to early settlers because ot thelr uselulness end the beeutiful environment they WCf�11CSAliy 11t1i�► IS 199`} provided; end J / �VHF_RFrlS: Trees ere e vttel resource anrlchinq our 11ves by 7:�0 �1)�( purllying aLr end weter, helping consorve so.il end � r enerqy, servtng es recreet�one2 settings, providing J(�yCCC Pl�I�R hebttet tor wlldlite ot all klnds nnd mnking Rosemount more livable; nnd 15425 S�inu►iou Pnrk�1�(�y ���ERF.AS: Humnn ect�vlttes such ea constrvct�on damage nnd pollution, es well as drought, dlsease and lnsects, . threeten our treea, creeting tho need tor concertod ectton to ensure the tuture ot Rosemount's trees; nnd jy7`�REdS.' The next dacade wl11 be one emphesiz�ng the envlronment and the citizens ot Rosemount wi21 be able to positive2y impact the world problems 2�ke �lel�Qn(e DI�VQ B���l�0�1� "globel warmtng" by locelly pinnting trees and ensuring thet theas trees are nurtured, protected . nnd wisely used !n the years to ehead; nnd jY��ilS: The messege ot Barth Dey whose t�+ontteth Ar�ror Proc�antatioi� Mr�yor E.B. MCMct�v►�ty enniveraary was in 1990 �s st�ll stronq, teeching chlldren nnd edults allke thet trees nre related to e12 components ot the envlronment - n1r, weter, soil nnd wlldllte; �a Tree P�a�it[�� Mark� J��Sf��� {�ERF..AS.' Each year on the lest Fridey in April - Arbor Dey - the citizena ot RosemounC pay specie2 ettention to the wonderlul treesure thet our trees represent and dedicete themselvea to the continued hpalth ot our cities trees. • . NO�V, 7NF.REFORE,I, . Heyor ot the City or A syecir�l l{�nn�s to Dr��of� E�ec[ric !Or ` Rosamount, do hereby proelaim April 29, 299� to be "ARI�ORDAY~ donati�� t1�e tree seec�liiQs rtn� ta c�I( t{�e ' and th� month ot Hey to be "ARI30R MONTHN In Rosemount, HN. . � i�tdivir�cc�ls wj�o l�ave do►in�ed [lieir tinie �to •�fLrther, I urge alI citlzens to become more awere ot the impottnnce ot treea to their we21 beinq, to participate �n trea pIanting jie1F1 WI��1 ���� eve���� proqrema that w1I1 ensute a green Rosemount in decedes to come, end f , to plant, nurture, protect and wlas2y use Rosemount�s greet treesure ot trees. 1 � T�ie Rvsei��ou►iL Parks rr�ir� Recrentioi� StR ff HAYOR " D.LTB � •