HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Payment #6, West Ridge 5th & Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #242 & #248 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 6, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Payment #6, West Ridge 5th and Shannon AGENDA SECTION: Pond 3rd Addition Street & Utility Improvements, City Consent Project Nos. 242 & 248 PREPARED BY: Bud Osrnundson AGENDA Nj�.� � / City Engineer/Pubfic Works Director � t � L,�. � ATTACHMENTS; Payment Voucher #6 APPROVED BY: This item requests the sixth payment to Hydrocon, Inc. in the amount of 54,025,34 for construction of City Project No.'s 242 & 248, a joint project for West Ridge 5th Addition and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition Street and Utilities. Work completed and represented in this amount as of November 15, 1994 is 94%0 of the contracted work. The curb & gutter and base course of bituminous is installed and open to traffic. Sidewalks, sod and seed work is complete. Bituminous surface course placement and final restoration are the remaining item. ', Attached is a copy of the Pay Estimate for your information. Staff recommends approval of this sixth payment requsst. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE PAYMENT #6 TO HYDROCON, INC. tN THE AM�UNT OF $4,025.34 FOR THE WEST RIDGE 5TH AND SHANNON POND 3RD ADDITION STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NOS. 242 & 248. COUNCIL ACTION: 3 ... _ Y,,,... . , .:. ; • �- �!� � •r MEMt�RANL�U1�/1 �/ �5T.PAUL.MN p MJNNEAPOLlS,MN O 5�C'_CUD,MN O CHlPPEWA FAtLS, W! _ MRDiSON.W1 � TO: Bud 4smundson,City Engineer/Directar of Pubiic'Works FROM- David F. Simons,ri.E. D,A.�: Nov�mber 2T, 1994 �. RE: Rasernount,Minnesata 'West Ridge 5th Add'ztion and Shannon Pond 3rd Addition City Project Nos.242&248 SEH I�o.A-RQSEM94Q3.02 a�nd A-R�SEM9403,03 ' Attached is Application for Payment Na 6 for the above referenced project. The combi.x�ed amount due be�veen the two projects zs�,U25_34- This brings the total amc�unt earned to$2T1,33Q.23�cvhich is about 94% af the tota� coz�txact a�mount. ?�.11 the utilities, curbing, bitu.miz�ous base caurse, , sidewalk,svd and seed have now been installed. Of the$4,025.34 due this applicat�on,$2,8�5-42 is attributabl�ta Wcst Ridge 5th Adc�,tion(242)and the remainii�g$1,2499Z is attributable ta Shannott Pond 3zd Additi.an(248}. The detaileci cost split calculations aze also attached. P�ease�all nne i�yau have any questians. tlo Attachments 1; ..,.,...�..�. SEH ST. PAUL i�� ROSE�OUNT �1008/008 _ .::;����;� f ' . �o!A!h�+�"'_. � . .,,�. - ��4�`_, ...-r. �- crrY o�Ros�aurrT APPLYCA�TION FOR PAYIVIENT N0. 6 CITX�'ROJECT NO: 242&248 SEH FILE N4: A-n�SEM9403.02&9403.Q3 PROJECT: WESI'RIDGE 5TI-�ADD�T. &SHANNdN POIW 3RD A.DDN. CONTRACTOR: Hydrocon,titc. CONTItACT Y7ATE: � 1�.0.Bax 129 APPLICATYQN DATE: 11/18/94 North Branch,NIlV 55056 �OR PERYOD ENDING: I1/�5/94 � Total Con�ract Amount $2$9,252.00 Total Amount Earned � 271,330.23 Material$tuitably Stored on SiEe, Nat rncor�orated into Work � Contxact Change Order No. _ T'ercent Complete $ Cantract�hange Order No. Percent Com�lete $ � Contraet ChangE Order No. Percent Compl�te . $ GROSS AMOUNI'DTJE . . . .. .... .. . . . •-- - . . . .. . . $ 271,330.23 L,�SS 5°Io RETAIlVAGE . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 13,566.51 AMOUNT 17iJ�TO Dt�TE. . . . ... .. . . . . . . .• - - . . . . . � 257,7b3.72 LESS PREVIOUS A17PLICATION. . ...... .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 253,738.38 AIVIOUNT DUE THIS APPLICA�ON ... . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,025_34 APPROVED_ Bud Osmundson City Engineer/Director of 1'ublic Works ,