HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.j. MCWS Permit (Biscayne Avenue Improvements, City Project #249) � �' CITY OE ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCtL MEETING DATE: December 6, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: MCWS Permit (Biscayne Avenue AGENDA SECTION: Improvements. City Project # 249) Consent PREPARED BY: Bud Osmundson AGENDA��� � City Engineer/Public Works Director �. � ATTACHMENTS: SEH Letter and MCWS Permit APPROVED BY: As part of the improvements which are proposed for Biscayne Avenue under City Project #249, minor changes wili be made to manholes along the MCWS trunk line on the east side of Biscayne between 145th Street and County Road 42. The MCWS requires that this encroachment document or permit be signed off by the City prior to construction. Therefore, this agenda item is a request to have the Mayor and Clerk sign the i encroachment document. I The major conditions which are part of the encroachment document requires that the City be responsible for any damage or cost which the MCWS may have due to damages to the existing Iine. The City's contract with the contractor who will actually perform the work will indemnify the City for those same damages or costs. Therefore, 'Staff recommends that Council approve the motion as stated. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTI�N TO AUTHORIZE THE MAYOR AND CLERK TO SIGN THE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT WITH THE MCWS FOR CITY PROJECT NO. 249. COUNCIL ACTION: 5 .t . . � � . . . � � � . . .� . . . . . . . _ � . � . � . . . . .. . � � . .. � . - 3535 VADNAIS CENTEA ORlVE.Z00 SEH CENTEA,ST.PAUL.MN 55170 612 490-2000 &Ji0 325-2055 - ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEEAING • ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATlON November 7, 1994 RE: Rosemount,Minnesota Biscayne Avenue Improvements City Project No.249 SEH No.A-ROSEM9406.00 Mr. Bud Osmundson City of Rosemount 2875145th Street West Rosemount,MN 55068 Dear Bud: : Enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services(MCWS),and two (2) copies of their encroachment document. The encroachment document is required to be completed by the City prior to beginning construction on Biscayne Avenue. Please review, complete and return the encroachment documents to us at which time we will forward them and a copy of the construction plans to the MCWS. If you have any additional questions or comments,feel free to contact bave Simons a#490-2066 or me at 490-2145. Sincerely, Christop r M. Cavett tlo Enclosures c: Dave Simons,SEH SHORT EtLtOTr HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS,MN ST CLOUD,MN CNIPPEWA FALLS.W� MADfSON,Wl , Metropolitan Council Working for the Region, Pianning for the F�a.ture Wasteu�ater ServiCes October 19, 1994 � �i � � � �� � � Mr. Christopher Cavett SHORT ELLlGi i ht1�DdICKSON. INC. SEH 3535 Vadnais Center Drive Q�T 2 a ��°4 200 SEH Center St. Paul, MN 55110 SI. P_AU� Dear Mr. Cavett: The Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services (MCWS) staff has reviewed your request of September 27, 1994 to encroach upon its sanitary sewer pipe for sanitary sewer and water main construction. The MCWS has a 12-inch forcemain at this location, which is within the right of way of Biscayne Avenue. The MCWS has no objection to the proposed construction project provided the enclosed agreement is executed by officers of the City of Rosemount authorized to enter into such an agreement. Assuming an agreement is entered into, you will be required to notify the MWCC at least 48 hours prior to construction in order to allow for . the MWCC's inspection of the work. The following is a list of contacts for that purpose: 1. Mr. Walter Wessels (772-2585) 2 . Mr. William Moeller (681-4500) 3 . Mr. Kenneth Bombach (229-2142) Please note: No work near MCAS facilities shall commence until all parties have siqned the enclosed aqreement and the 72 hour notice has been given. Any deviation from this procedure may result in you, as the project owner, assuminq additioaal liability for any damaqes to MCAS facilities. Should you have any questions, please contact Ms. Carol Johnson at 229-2147. incerely, I � I �� l "v� � . . `��� I William G. Moore Director of Engineering & Construction WGM/LLM/bw �' cavett � cc: J. Matross C. Johnson , W. Wessels W. Moeller , K. Bombach L. Shuler � 230 East Fifth Street S[.Paul.Minneso[a 55 10 1-1634 (612) 222-8423 Fax 229-2183 TDD/TIY 229-3760 P;P� .� �( `t� CONSENT OF EASEMENT HOLDER TO ; ALLOW ENCROACHMENT ONTO ' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT3 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the Metropolitan Council, !, a, public corporation and political subdivision of the State of I Minnesota, (successor to the Metropolitan Waste Control >Commission) � being the holder and owner of a sanitar� sewer located in the ' right-of-way of Biscayne Avenue, located within the follawing ,, premises lying and being in Dakota County, Minnesota, and described ' as: Property Description: That part of Biscayne Avenue right of way lying and being in the E1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section, 29 Township 29 North, Range 23 West, and also in the Wl/2 of the SW1/4 of Section 28, Township 29 North, Range 23 West, Dakota County, Minnesota in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, hereb�r aonsents to the encroachment onto that certain sewer pipe owned by the Metropolitan Council. The encroachment permitted by this Consent is described as follows: Sanitary sewer and watermain construction and reconstruc- tion of MCWS manholes. This Consent does not allow the encroachment onto the pipe owned by the Metropolitan Council to be used for any purpose other than the purpose described herein. The Metropolitan Council and the City of Rosemount, hereby agree that said encroachment shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. The City of Rosemount will indemnify, save and hold the Metropolitan Council harmless from and against any loss, cost, or expense incurred by the Metropolitan Council, including any losses resulting from claims or damages; to property or injuries to or deaths of persons, judgements, court costs and reasonable attorneys fees, which arise out of or are claimed to have arisen out of the encroach- ment on or use of the gipe area by the City of Rossmount. 2 . The City of Rosemount will notify the Metropolitan Council at least ?2 hours in advance of the actual physical start of any construction. 3 . The City of Rosemount hereby agrees that it will ensure its contractor's and subcontractor's compliance with all applicable safety standards pertaining to working in the atmosphere of sanitary sewers. _ ' Attention is specifically directed to the confined rules ' adopted by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry Regulations, Parts 5205.1000 through 5205.1040 and 5207.0300. 4. The City of Rosemount agrees that the Metropolitan Council employees, aqents, and successors in interest shall have access to its facilities at all times. 5. The City of Rosemount will pay for repair or replacement of any damage to or destruction of Metropolitan Council's facilities, which damage or destruction arises from or is attributable to the encroachment described in this consent. 6. Should the Metropolitan Council find it necessary to remove or disturb in any way the city sanitary sewer or watermains, repair and/or removal of said city sanitary sewer or watermain shall be paid for by the City of � Rosemount. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have caused this agreement to be duly executed this day of , 19 The City of Rosemount, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation By Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On the day of , 19 , before me a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared , respectively named in the� foregoing instrument, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of said City of Rosemount, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation, by authority of its Board of Directors and said Board of Directors acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said City of Rosemount. Notary Public p � � � � . . . . . . . . Metropolitan Counc'il, � a Public Corporation and Political Subdivision By Dottie Rietow, Chair �i B� Helen A. Boyer, General Manger, Wastewater Services STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On the day of , 19 , before me a notary public within and for said County, personally appeared Dottie Rietow, Chair, and Helen A. Bvyer, General Manager, Wastewater Services, respectively named in the foregoing instru- ment, and that said Metropolitan Council, a public eorporation and political subdivision of the state, by authority of its Board of Commissioners and said Board of Commissioners acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said` Metropolitan ' Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY• I Jeanne K. Matross, License `No. 68615 Metropolitan Council Wastewater Services � 230 East Fifth Street Mears Park Centre St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612) 229-2108 rosmount.con Ftf NQ ---- - I R:\U STD I 100 � Note: If o sewer main is connected more than 24" obove the invert of . the outgoing sewer, connection sholi be by means of an outside drop. , See Plates 103 and 104. 2. � � � O '. : '� Type a 8. or C � •; � -. See PU OS . . 11. SECiION 'A='A' ' 2'-3' � �..�: b . � � . . Grout� 2'-0 � i ��_p Grout y. _------- :. . . . • + � .. . . i O. . GfOUt � . � 4. '1r :� VARIES � • .:;: : 5. .�� 5 �Grout �A., \ 5 . . � ; � 10' I�IN � 13. Height Varies 12. -----__ —�— --- ., . V .. . '' '.M♦ /�� . • �• ^^ . �� ' • � V. �,u . � •.• . � � '.{••• •' � �•�.�i • .. r�� . •J . l. �� : . .. . . ._ : ��.� . . . . . : .� ' ..`� -. • � � 1� ' V. 1'-0' 15 1'-0' - 6'-0' Generol Note� � Neenah R-1733 frame, type '�' Gd and concealed � Lean concrete to bear agoinst firm undisturbed soiL pick holes for in Roadway Access Structures (IRAS). � provide water tight sleeve or cast—in gasket ull pipes. � One (max.) reinforced concrete adjusting ring 7', 4" See PU05. or 5 thick with full 3/� bed of mortar. 10 Provide o—ring rubber gasket per AST�1 C-443. 3�. Provide 2 rings of E—Z stick (t/4') gasket material 11 17' wide polypropylene encased steps. under casting. �2 first length of pipe shall be ductile iron pipe or � Precost/reinforced eccentric cone und riser sections as SOR 26 pvc for new connections. required per AS7�1 C-478. 13 For connection to existing AS's, core drill opening and : � Use only precost sections. No brick or block provide Type B water tight connector. 6�. �' cost in—p(ace concrete or � precast reinforced 14 4� minimum — sand cushion. cancrete (64' min. o.d.). 15 Under�isturbed soil or compacted subgrade. 7�. Cement mo�tar all oround. 16. Lifting holes which penetrate through section wolls ore not permitted. or:+rc�cr: � � GRAVITY SEWER ACCESS STRUCTURE � �� 9 � MWCC METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL �`�N0_ � FB�� 9 to 93 ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION ��. ��n e�: DEPARTMENT STANDARD INTERCEPTOR DETAILS Pl.,_1_ 5T. PAUL MINNESOTA