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Minutes of October 4, 1994n Regular Meeting _ RI'rY pgpCE��Gs held RT AU�O p,utro�ty °�as t .- g05���NE'TIl�G the Rosemount hall, 2$'15 " 145th stree RE TO� 4, 1994 lax meeting °chaanbers at �l� O C B� t h ereof a regu �oun�� and noti c e •15 p•m• l n t h e d M�er p r e s ent. t to due call 1994� at 5' Busho� � yursuan� � pctober 4� derso S�present included on Tues y missioners � Development gosemount. with Com were absent• �onomic V�lest, m�ting tO order d wlppern�a� tor wasmund� Ch� Cartoll ��e w�ds, M�Men�my� �' m Du� Develop en Fe�ere• Ed � Co�,znuni�l attorney I,e Commissionerector Bu�' EX�utive D��er, aaid p°�' authoritY ���ollege to the agen�• the techni were Coordinato �orrectlons re �ding the students be made tO the m�utes g read that S�dents will There were no additions °r �e m�utes �ead the that a correction acti thp mk�.n sh°uld ha�e C�oll �uested e�t for the busin utes r Chaar the �nOnum � when k ori the m�utes• 5EC0 desig�g „ r„onument to stadents business p� �ortecti to "constni�t a for the g de ggn, a monument the e consent agenda with d ten ro�e th gusho• issues � e by M�er to aPP , Q. p,bstain� tl�ee m� ent• � MpT14N Ayes: 3• Nays� dvised that ther u�ai�g evelop of the eXp�tion date of by Anderson ator M�er a the cla,r�lcation �the ment Coord� ount Yrofessional be ��luded ed that ic Develop the Rosem ��luding �at it ��M�er eXplai� onom resolved � oney issues able s� be held on m or issues tues axe�'X�crem��money thatof �h�creme a DS w�ter K�H�Se would ba� three ro�lss ue orney� an �7�la1te �nount � resent va1 ent to bis the the`�F district, �d the P o� autho�ty a ld be tesolved. orget the a�eem � con�eP�" a reement, the P shou de�elopment g between S�� e �issues lgth h�P�ng the agreement en� or se meeting eT 6, at vahich tim pct�ti r can either apPro�with w�ter-II�S before �other pctob next m�ting �n ting reement �hutsday� before the that the P°�' auth�e� after the m�e to s�the a� gtaff was signed agr�men�er explavl� the agree would 5:30 P• to be rove that they � 1994, at re then� M • erson t� app S �on�urred pctober 11 �d the meeting had befo cra� mission �ies�a�waS not ready e the� er autho� �ie com meeting f o� a,J. Special meeting• et a special �the fin d to Betty 10 � approvv�g lt ana ct the com�issioners ed to conta ieg�di�g the sale of lan . ditect � he�ng can�eled. Carroll °Pened the publi �eg�ding the$ett At 5:45 p•�'• Cha� ed S�f correSPonden�e ator M�er review Steven s��l�� d posted notice we ment Coordin ublished an �o�oml�Develop osal• �fldavits of p D�ce Center prop ad�ised trat the ecor�'g secretary widstrom R bli� comment. i�ble for the site. � file• �oor fot pu as not su ble for � C�oll opened the easons whY the ente the area was not suita Ch erous r��Te developm steuenson stated num ea for gene ioject would r��the � the P RO5EMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1994 children because the area was too dark at night and questioned whether anyone had checked on the number of police calls to the area, questioned the validity of the statement by Economic Development Coordinator Miller regarding the lack of inquiries by other developers for the site, and felt that action by the port authority to approve the project was self-serving and was being done just for the TIF money. There were no other comments from the audience. MOTION by Anderson to close the public hearing. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. In response to Renee Stevenson's question whether the site had been shown to other developers, Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that he has offered the site as an option to other developers, but that most everyone has been interested in a higher visibility location, i.e., Highway 3 or County Road 42. Because the commissioners had questions regarding the resolution and the Schmitts had just submitted the development agreement to their attorney for review, it was decided to defer this item to the special meeting on October 11, 1994. Chair Carroll pointed out some typographical changes in the resolution. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that a meeting had been held with Dakota County Technical College students and their instructor, Mr. Skujius, where the students presented their designs for the business park entrance monument. Miller and Chair Carroll both agreed that the designs were unique and were pleased to see that they had a high-tech connotation to them. Miller explained that the students are interested in appearing before the board to make an official presentation. Staff was directed to continue working with the students to narrow down the number of designs and bring it back to a future meeting when the full board is present. Executive Director Burt advised that a meeting had been held with the Carlsons regarding their proposal to implement a redevelopment TIF district for their property. A tentative proposal should be ready to present to the board at the October 18th meeting. Burt also advised that the Carlsons would like to solicit suggestions from the commissioners about what types of businesses they would like to see on the property besides the proposed motel and resta.urant. Renee Stevenson questioned whether the terms and conditions of the sale had been on file during the posting period of the public hearing notice on the sale of land to Betty Jo and Steven Schmitt. Staff advised Ms. Stevenson that the materials had been available for review at city hall during that time. Port authority counsel was directed to examine the notice and advise if the notice and staff had fulfilled the requirements of a public hearing notice for the sale of land. Ms. Stevenson also questioned whether Community Development Director Wasmund had received any comments regarding the sale and, if so, why those comments had not been relayed during the public hearing. Wasmund advised that he had not received any comments from anyone during the public comment period. 2 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 4, 1994 MOTION by Busho to adjourn. SECOND by Miller. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 6:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3