HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a.Community Center Construction Budget Update _ � CITY OF ROSEMOt3NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18 , 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Community Center Construction AGENDA SECTION: Budget Update New Business pgEp,ARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA ]�T�■ B � � � Center Manager � �V! ATTACHI�iENTS: Summary of Change Orders, AP VE Y s � Summary of Aecount Balances, Recommendations The completion of the Community Center will require additional funds. An analYsis of the construction cont3'act, adding changes, as of January 7, 1994, is approximately$194,400 over the origitial contract. Funds set out to cover remaining payments for construction(with changes), architectural, and furnishings payments, are not sufficient and will require additional funds- Why are we in this position? One reason is the many change orders that have been added to the construction contract. Since tha start of the project some 233 change orders have been presented to the owners, totalling$194,400 of City share. With the help of Craig Weber, Project Manager for the Minnesota Facility Management Office, ea.ch change was identified and categarized. Out of this amount, $115,000.37 (59%) can be attributed to actual changes the City requested. The storm water pond($85,167) and the arena acceleration change($28,587), contribute to the mzjoriry of the changes the City had total control of. Outside the control of the City were changes due to poor design coordination or code requirements(41 0). A summary of these categorized changesis attached. The second attachment illustrates the deficit with the construction funds. According to calculations from 7eff May, when including expenditures yet to pay for construction,architecturai,and furnishings, the project will be in deficit in the amount of $333,841.0'1, not includin�the additional chan4e orders that havven from this date forwazd. The last attachment summarizes our recommendation for funding the deficit. pfter joint discussion with Ron Wasmund, Jeff May, and Dan O'Neil our recommendation for making up the deficit to date is to use a combination of master lease and cash on hand. That distribution is suggested as follaws: 1) Establish a master lease credit line of$98,000 with the lending institution offering the best rate. Purchase all items identified leasable with this financing line of credit. 2) Transfer an additional$21,000 from storm core funds to lower the commitment for the storm water pond. This is consistent with previous authorizations by the Utility Commission and City Council. 3) Transfer $50,000 from the bonds paid up account. This is an area with unallocated fund balances. 4) Transfer the balance of$165,000 ($334,000 - $1b9,000) from CIP reserves. Minimizing the amount needecl to be financed now and not affecting daily operation of the city. Any future construction change orders would also have to be made up from this CIP account. This account would then be repaid either from future excess community center revenues{if any) or increasing future levy amounts. RECOi�Il�iENDED ACTION: Motion to balance Community Center construction budget authorizing transfers from funds listed above and proceeding with establishing master lease account. COIINCIL ACTION: _ r RQSBH011BT COHHUHITY CBNTBR & NATIONAI, GUARD ARH4RY CHAHGBS IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT 1/9/94 HSABC BOkDBD TOTAL OWoer Poor Code Peadinq Approved P�ndinq Apptoved PBHDIHG Requested CaordinationAequire�ents CRY3 TRBS PROTBCTIDB 9.98 0.09 419.00 919.90 419.80 919.00 0.00 @.90 CRt9 SRYLIGRt (172.81J (172,81) (1,382.50� (1,382.58� (1,555.31) (1,555.31) 8.08 0.06 CRgS itATBR LIkB CflANGBS 1,927.88 1,921.88 9.68 9.99 1,021.88 0.00 6.00 1,921.88 CRg6 SfORHfiAfBR CHAAGBS 1,168.75 1,168.15 0.09 9.80 1,168.i5 @.60 9.@6 1,168.15 CRg9 &LBVATOR AAADRAII, (24.31) (24.37) (195.00) (195.00� (219.31) (219.37) 0.09 9.@9 CB%16 LIATBLS Af SCIF 32.]S 32.7� 0.80 9,@0 32.i5 6,60 32.75 0.00 CRI11 &LBC I,IGHP RBYISIQAS (115.44J 9.69 (923.50} 0.08 i1,038.94) (1,@38.94J 8.99 0.00 CRgt2 BI,BC AT t�CH SHApT 22.08 22.88 8.90 0.68 22.98 0.80 22.98 0.08 CRB13 AR68A ACCBLBRATIOH @.@@ 0.00 28,581.00 28,587.09 28,587.00 28,581.80 6.68 9.69 CR%14 SLBC CORTROI,S �133.12) (133.12j 9.88 0.88 (133,12) (133.12} 9.80 9.00 CR%15 BAICK SUBSTITUTIOR (1,036.84) (1,030.84) (3,242.88) (3,242.as� (4,213.12J (4,213 12) 0.00 9.90 CRI.3 CHAAG6 JOISt SIZS 45.50 4S.SB 143.14 143.14 188.64 0.80 188.64 0.08 CRI1; DBI,BTB t�CN CHASB (69.63) 0.Q9 0.00 0.09 (b9.63) (69.63� 9.0@ 0.08 CRg26 SPORP FLOOR bOGO 8.@8 0.80 1,241.60 1,247.00 1,241.88 1,241.08 0.69 0.00 CRB21 IIHGLB ftBST VROI,T 1�3.8i 153.87 0.�@ 0.60 153.81 0.00 0.0@ 153.87 CRI22 FIRB ➢Ai{P8A 46.25 0.00 0.@0 0.90 46.25 0.98 0.08 �6.25 CRI23 CA�iGB &I,&VATOR gUSB (31.63) (31.63} (253.8@} (253.09) (284.63} (284.63) 0.80 0.80 CR%25 CHAIiG& CObOR ON NBTAI� (215.38) (215.38� 0.08 0.00 (21S.38j (21S.38j 0.08 6.60 CRg30 STRUCTURB CLARIFICATIOA 816.00 876.09 0.00 0.00 „ 876.00 0.09 876.00 9.09 CRg31 l�CH CLARIFICATI08 97.13 9.80 0.08 @.E@ 91.13 0.@@ 97.13 9.00 CRT32 !{6CH CI,ARIFICATIOA 34.75 9.00 0.0@ 0.9@ 39.)S 0.6(� 39.i5 8.00 CRI33 HBCif CbARIPICAtIOfl 133.25 0.0@ @.08 6.88 133.25 9.89 133.25 0,8@ C8%35 !ffiCN CbA&IFICATIOA 14.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.13 9.00 14.13 @.69 CRB36 N&CH CLARI�ICATI08 302.13 0.80 @.00 0.00 382.13 0.08 302.13 0.80 � C&%3i HBCH CLARIFICATIOH 19.13 0.@0 @.00 0.0@ 14.13 0.00 14,13 0.06 CRg39 ![6CH CLARTFICATI08 17.13 0.60 0.@8 9.00 17.13 0.80 11.13 @.98 CRI40 FIRB DANPBR 34.@0 9.@9 0.99 0.00 39.90 0.0fo 0.60 39.0@ CRI42 8AalQll6T FLOOR FIHISH 9.00 0.@0 (4,881.00� (4,881.80) (4,881.0@� (4,88 L 09} 9,08 6.80 CRg43 D&I,BTB BI,BYATOR SUKP 0.00 0.@0 (1,069.09) 8.00 (�,969.907 (1,969.00) 0.90 0.09 CRI44 L088Y BRICR 9,580.00 9,588.80 6.00 0.80 9,59@.00 9,508.00 0.09 0.80 CR%4fi CODS R6VISIOBS 1,716.15 0.09 22,593.44 9.00 29,370.19 9.00 0.00 24,378.19 CB%47 ARgNA &LBVhTOR PIT 80.15 0.60 9.00 0.00 80.15 9.@0 88.15 0.80 CRg48 180 S%PRASION TAHK 9.00 0.68 433.00 0.80 4"s3.00 0.@0 433.00 9.60 CRg49 ST�RAG6 Sff�I,VTBG (32.38) 9.88 0.88 0.80 (32.38� (32.38j 0,88 0.68 Cfl%50 lIISC SLBCTRICAI, 151.43 i51.43 (1,754,41} (1,754.41) (1,982.48) (1,002.98) 0.00 @.@@ .CRIS2 6%PAASIOK JOIST itORR 44.19 @.08 353.58 0.00 397.69 9.60 391.69 8,08 CR�53 RBLOCATB hHiJ 563.13 9.00 9.00 0.00 563.13 0.0@ 563.13 9.09 CRISS R&PAIBFHG P08D 0.90 0.88 85,161.68 85,161,68 85,161.80 85,iS1.00 9,@8 0.80 CR%5i SQBSTIPUTB DAI�PPROOFIHG (57.31) (57.31} �180.28) (189.28J (231.59) {237.59� 0.09 9.�9 CRI58 if00D D40R CHABGB 72.?5 12.75 6.08 fl.08 ]2.15 @.@0 12.75 9.86 CR%6@ T,IGHP FI%T1JR6 CAAflGBS 62.63 62.63 0.@0 @.0Q 62.63 62.63 9.90 0.00 CRI62 .DBL6TgS IN IC6 ItR6�A 0.88 8.68 (38,939.@0) (38,939.@@� (38,939.00J (38,939.00j 0.@0 0.98 CR%63 D&LB4B VAPOR BARRIBR (417.42) (911.42� j1,313.16� (1,313.16} (1,]30.58) (1,730.5$) 0.00 0.09 CRg64 PRSC11Si PLAAB QP68I�G 220.25 0.@0 0.@0 0.98 220.25 0.06 228.25 9.90 CRg65 I►�GLB AP PL�A� FL04R 94.25 0.00 @.00 0.00 94.25 0.90 94.?5 0:00 CRZ66 C8AAG6 PIPIAG (873,50} @.08 0.@0 9,98 (8?3.5@) (813.50J 9.@9 0.68 CRg70 HISC gI,BCTRICAL CAAHG&S (95.31) (45.31J (3,125.04) (3,725.04) {3,829.41j (3,820,41J 8.00 0.90 CRI11 NISC BLBCtRICAL CflANGgS (44.88) 9.00 9.@8 0.88 (44.88) (44.88� 0.@8 0.80 C8%73 ADDBD DOQR LIAPBL 9.08 0.00 721.00 0.00 721.90 721.99 0.90 0,0@ ` ` TOTAL 4r►nez Poor Code KSABC B08DBD Pendinq Approved Qending Apptoved PBN6IHG Requested CoordioationAequiteaents 43.63 0.86 43.63 0.00 CRT15 R6VISIONS IN C6ILIl1G 43.63 0.60 0.00 S�Q� g,QO , CRI16 ADDBD BLBCTRICAI, - RApGB 0.00 0.00 1,308.00 1,308.60 1,308,00 1,308.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 435.25 435.25 0.80 0.0t� CR%11 BLBCTRICA6 - ARBA G DOOR 435.25 0•88 . ', CR�18 &LBCTRICAL - SCORBBOARD 0.00 0.00 1,931.06 1,431.@9 1,431.09 1,931.00 @ 0� g.98 � 69.157 (64.15} 0.� 0.0@ CRi80 C8AAG6 BRICK - ROOH H2t2 (69.i5� (6�.i51 550�09 @.00 (550.00 558.00 g.0g CR%81 BAAQUBY PATIO GATBS 59.25 59.25 0,90 9.08 59.25 0.00 59.25 CRg83 HISC 6LBCTRICAL 0.@Q 48.88 Q.� �$.$a 8.�9 CRgg4 NBCB R6VISIOpS - &202 48.88 0.80 �.�g 31.89 0.00 0.98 0.00 3L89 31.00 31.06 0.90 CBt85 !{ISC BLBCTRICAL - BAHQ 0.gg 113.62 0.0fl 113.63 �.� 113.62 113.62 g•�0 CRI86 SKYI,I6AY BRACIAG 190.12 0.90 190.12 �.� CRi81 Sl{Og6 DgTBCTOR 21.12 21.12 169.00 164.ae aa�.90 887.89 0.� CRI89 RRYISB ARBAA TOILBTS 9.00 0.90 881.90 0.00 44.63 44.63 0.00 0.09 G&�91 D40R & H1�RDKAR6 CBAflGBS 44.63 0.98 9.08 0.�0 235.15 235.T5 0.� 9.� C&I92 CHA�GB STBP F60TIAG 235.15 265315 9 Q� $.� (6.31� (6.31} 9,89 0.80 CRI93 Cfl�GB $qBi(ASH SIB� (6.37} � • � g.� 115.25 9.00 115.25 0.� CRI9fi iSBCHA9ICAL CRAflGBS 115.25 0.80 �.� 9.@0 �.BS CRI98 C8AAG8 COLOR ARBRA BIACR 0.08 9'�� 11Zg25869 iael@g8' 11a025.09 11a9258@8 8.80 �•� CRI99 INPORY YILL - DBLAY 8.00 9.08 126,80� (26.90y 126.@@) (26.08} 521800 0.@0 CRt102 RRYIS6 ARBNA LIGHT SXIYC 0.89 CRI103 RBVISB tiRBRA LIGfl4IAG 8.99 0.69 52T,88 527.00 302.25 9,00 302.25 0.@6 CRI105 GRAY�TY ROOF �A4I�,ATOR 302.25 0.08 0.08 0.00 8.00 0.00 (56.63� 156.63} 9.@0 0.09 CRI106 STARTBR g4R H044R �22 (55.63) �•� g.00 CRI10i �L8C4RIC�L YOfl DIKHABLB 51.40 51.98 1,244.i6 2�382.09 2,382.00 2 3fi2B@0 1���66 Q Clt%109 ARB9A XATBR 4RBA4K&AT 0.09 0.@0 2,382.00 � 473.00 0.88 473.00 �.Sg CRI110 DOOR C8Al16BS 0.88 0.09 413.0@ 0.80 0.06 801.02 0.08 CRllll C8A�G6 TYPB Z LIGHT 123.93 123.43 683.59 �$380 (306 63j (366.63} 0,08 0.08 8A 0.88 0.B8 0.6fl CR%t12 R04H RBVISI4NS {3@6.63J S�FBTY CHAIAS FOA LIGHTS 31.18 0.00 1,189.60 0.00 1,226.78 1`0�00$ 3.38 g.g8 CRI113 38.38 CR%114 CHARGB TIV4LI LIGHlIAG 38.3fi 38.38 ��Qg g'e� 46.15 �•0� , 46.75 0.09 6.09 46.15 0.0@ 0.08 0.08 C[�8115 CBAAGB 4YPB N bIGH4 46.75 34.12 0.@9 0.00 3Q.12 34.12 CRI116 CIII�GB SP68L A�GLB 34.12 �.� lg3.gg 193,0b 0.80 0.00 CRg117 Ai1D S�RFACB COHBO LOCK 1@3.00 103.80 9.� 0.00 (111.�9� (111.00) 0.0@ 0.00 Cxi118 DBLBT6 DOOR I8 ARBNA 0.00 9.60 (111.80� 1�g28.5g 0•@0 CRS119 !{&CHAAICAL COBFLIC4 1,028.50 1,028.50 0.00 9.00 � 1,028.50 S.� 9.80 �.86 1,142.60 0.0@ 1,142.00 i,142.68 9.@@ g.00 CRS120 AI?D ACOUSTIC CBILIAG 8•BS 0 �g 8�� 33.63 33.63 CRI122 ADD COADUI4 33.63 33.63 0.�0 �.�g 182.25 0.89 0.80 i82.25 182.25 0.69 0.06 0.00 " CRI123 8lt�AGBACY LIGHtS 5�.88 0.6@ 1,621.90 0.00 1,684.88 1,684.88 $•� CRI124 SOUND CHAAGBS 401.98 0.80 401.98 e�e� CR%125 RITCHBB DRAYINGS 14.1§ 9.88 387.83 ��� e.� 447.25 0.� @.09 1,241.1i 0.@0 1,63fi.58 9.88 1,636.56 0.00 CRg121 BLBCTRICAL FOR K4TOR 236�.13 236.25 261.09 261.00 441.25 �.� CR%128 ADD At1DITQRIU!( DOORS 39 �.� 265.00 265.00 265.00 ��5.� 0.80 CRI129 ICB RIRK SLAB CHt�RGB 0��s CRI138 SCORB BOARD a01iGH IN 0.00 0.00 4,965.88 0,80 4,465.00 4,965.00 0�@� g � 0.@0 9,939.90 0.00 9,930,00 4,930.00 0.09 0.08 - CRI131 CORCBSSIOA ltSCH �BLBC4 �•� � �0 3,644.90 0.@0 3,644.80 3,644.80 �,� ��5,88 CRI132 C8I�A6Q AR6AA XINDOf( 0.00 0.00 1i5.88 0.09 �CRI133 FIRB ALARK RBLOCATIO� 175.88 �•89 g gg 363.38 �.89 0.80 363.38 CRg134 NgCH DBTAILS i1HU 8 & 32 363.38 �.00 �.0� 4,126.08 �.� 0.00 4,126.99 @.00 4,126.00 8•� 0.90 CRfl135 tiRBAA T4ILBT D40RS ��� � �� Q,gg 68.63 0.08 68.63 CRI145 B�LARGB t{SCH SH�Pt 68.63 �.�� �.89 738.63 0.09 138.63 9.� CR%146 l�CHA9ICAL I8 GYK 738.63 8.08 0.00 41.09 41.08 8.00 0.@8 0.00 0.00 41.@0 0.98 9.@0 CA%14i CBANGIBG 4IIBLB 4,9@8.00 9,809.09 4,988.60 0.00 4,008.00 CRI149 CHAAGB BOILBR S4AC� SIZS @.� �.� 39.12 9.08 0.09 39.12 CR%151 I►DD ABHOYABLB gBHCB 39.i2 39.12 0,98 9.80 535.99 0.00 CRg153 RSLOCATS COltPRBSSdR 129.28 0.60 486.11 0.00 535.99 �.� e,�a g.e0 g.gg 0.80 0.90 (119.25� (119.25} �.� 1,861.09 CRIt56 AGOUSTIC PAABL CHA9GBS (119.25� � �e 1,867.09 0.00 1,8fi1.69 ��� CRI151 Pt�TIO DOOfl CHAAGBS 0.@9 � O�ner Poor Coae BONDBD TOT?�I, HSABC Approved P6NDI8G Requestea CootdiaationRequiterents Pending i�pptoved Pendinq 0.00 0.96 (116.00t 1116.80� @.98 0.00 0.90 �116.00) 0.09 64.00 0.00 64.00 0.00 CR%15B BRIC& SHAPB CAt�8G6S g,gg � �B 0.00 1,986.00 ' CRI161 BLBCTRICAL CHAAGBS 6�•�@ 0'g� g,sg 7,980.00 0.08 1,980.89 0.00 0.00 CBg162 AR88A 6K6RG8NCY LI��'T g�.00 0.00 173.09 0.00 113.00 173.00 0.06 9.89 6,559.90 6,559.08 0.60 CR1161 YB1(DIRG ROUGH Iti 0 0� 0 90 6,559.0@ � � g,0g 3,811.31 CRg169 OYYICB ROUGH IR 430.81 0.00 3,446.50 0.09 3,817.31 0 80 � 8� CR%110 GRBASB TRAPS g.90 2,6s3.08 6.0@ 2,643.90 2,643.88 441.90 0.09 CRI171 CDIVBRT AT ACCBSS AdAD 8•88 0 �� 441.99 0.09 282.30 165.60 �.�0 171.0@) 0.09 9.08 CRI112 NISC !ffiCH CAAAGBS 0.00 171L68} 0.08 (111.08� � �.�0 @.� , CRI113 C8AA6B TYPB 00 LIGBt �.@� �.00 0.p,g 98.50 98.50 9$.50 9.00 0.00 319.60 0,00 319.00 0.90 CR1176 AR1{ORY KITC}I�A CHAAGS 3i9.90 8.0� g.OQ 3,852.90 Q.�O CRL111 CHAAGB llOTOR STARTBR �.0� 3,852.00 0.00 3,852.00 0.g� @.08 0.00 CRI183 S�EITC�S FOR ARBRA 9&ATB 0.00 0.�� Q.gB 5S3.2S 553.25 �.� 9.� C9%185 PHOflB KIRB LA866I6G 553.25 �.@0 0.� �8g3,8gj t803.90� 0.@9 0.90 t 145.001 0.68 145.08 145.00 0.06 0.8@ CRB199 DBLBTB COHPOTB&XIRB 9.98 �.�g 0.00 0.00 196.15 CRI191 RBLOCIITB ARB�A UOOR 196.15 0.09 0.00 0.09 ' 196.15 CRI195 ADD Pt+RKIAG LOT CII�IRB 1,448.80 0.@8 1,�49.@0 0.80 0.00 0.89 1,448.00 0.00 2�856.90 0.08 2,856.@0 CR%191 OAK BASB IA BAAQUBT 0.00 0.00 2,856.64 0.00 0.00 593.09 0.00 CRB199 i�RBAA RAIA LBADSR 0.00 0.@0 593.00 9.80 593.@0 0.06 g.0g 402.38 9.09 402.38 CRg26� BLBACHBR SSt�I,BR 0.�� 0.00 g.gg 10.50 9.�� CRg219 ADD YIPIAG IRSULATION 402.38 9.00 0.90 0.0@ 10.58 941.00 @.60 991.00 0.00 CRg228 DDC! 4PBAIRG IA ARBNA 1Q.5g 0.� 991.08 �.� 1,946.80 5.0� CRI221 ?�DD COADBRSATB PIPIAG g.@� �.�0 1,9A6.88 9.08 1,9�6,88 �.08 1,146.08 0.09 1,146.00 0.@0 CR%222 RgDBSIGp AHU 32 �.� 9.� 1,146.00 0.85 �.gg 749.00 9.88 CRI223 PIPIHG CAt�AGBS 0.0$ �.�0 749.0@ 0.@0 7�9.00 ��,25 Q.� CRB224 ltBCBAAICAL CHAA6BS 8.00 0.09 14.25 @.00 @.80 ' 0.0(� @.98 41i.50 0.00 411,50 CRA225 PIPIAG &CO�RBCTI4�S CUH 14.25 0.00 8.�@ g.@g 1,105.05 �.50 Cfl1232 YIR6 S?LBDPIQB 471.50 �,$g 1,105.90 CA%233 PIRB BII! I►RB11A 0.�9 8.00 1,165.00 Total 22,212.01 13,621.01 112,159.67 11,654.22 144,426.68 115,060.31 31,338.69 �2,081.63 Origiaal Conttact 1,190,169.98 1,199,169.98 3,746,000.90 3,146,009.00 Add Changes 22,232.61 13,621.01 112,159.61 71,654,22 �eW Canttact 1,213,091.99 1,204,396.99 3,918,154.61 3,811,659.22 , i� Q ose�n,oun� � MAYOR 2875-145th Street West,Rasemount.Minnesota Edward B.McMenomy PHONE (612)423-4411 Mailing Addreu: COVNCIIMEMBEFiS F/�( (672)423-5203 Joan Anderson p,p,Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-Ob1� ��hY g�gho James(Red)Staau Dennis Wippermann INTERIM C�l'Y AOMINISTflATOR Rona�d E.Wasmund DATE: January 14, 1994 Tp; Ron wasmund, Acting City Administrator FROM: Jeff May, Finance Director gg: CommunitY Center Construction Deficit S hown below is a breakdown of figures used to calculate the deficit in completing the Community Center. $ 3,918,154.64 Total ContrantContract aseofrl/7/94S of 1/7/94 _ 2����,92g.61 TotaT Paid o � 1,140,226.03 Still to Pay on Contract as of 1/7/94 $ 3,262.44 Maximum due Architects �S enditures + + 165,358.21 Projected Non-Contract ExP $ 1,308,846.68 Total Projected Expenditures as of 1/7/94 - 1,308,846.68 d 424(Community Center Constr) 149,365.60 Deficit COH Balanae426�e �ena Construction) + 599,032.48 COH Balance _ �d 427(Other Improvements Construction) + 318,017.54 COH Balance • ---------- ding Sources ($ 541,162.26) Deficit before Other � Stox'm Water Project} + 63,9?9.26 COH Balance - Fund 415(Armory (Project Became Change Order on P�enc�)tract) (Actual Balance $243,341.93 - $100,000 Suppased to be + 143,341.93 COH Balance � d 222(Armory Conting Y __ Returned to CIP Fund� ($ 333,841.07) Remaining Deficit not Incl.uding Additional Change Orders Listed on the next page are possible sources of funds to use and explanations on how I came up with those numbers. � }�in `s �oming `Ul�� �JLosemount�� v� 9 � . . .. . :._ CIP FUND - #202 $ 485,000.00 12/31/93 Unaudited Unallocated Reserves - 50,0�0.00 Probable Encumbrance Requests from 1993 GIP Budget j - 175, 000.00 Budgeted 1994 Transfer to General Fund + 100,000.00 Planned Return of Funds from Armory Contingency $ 360, 000.00 Available Reserves ' + 25,000_00 1994 Budget in CIP for "Council Designated" $ 385,000.00 Total Available for Community Center Deficit ' If money is not returned from the Armory Contingency Fund, the Community Center Construction deficit would be reduced by $100,000, leaving an undesignated fund balance in the CIP Fund of $260,000. I would not recommend , reducing this undesignated fund balance below $200,000. Therefore, an additional $60,000 could be transferred to reduce the deficit and the $25,000 set aside in the 1994 budget for "Council Designated" could be utilized to reduce the deficit as well. This total CIP funding available to reduce the Community Center Construction deficit is $185,OOQ. PAID-VP D$BT SSRV BOND FIIND - #102 $ 63,000.00 COH Balance , - 45,000.00 1994 Budgeted Transfer to General Fund , + 82,000.00 Funds that will be Available to this Fund after Debt Service Fund 326 is Paid Off 2/1/94 $ 100,000.00 Total Available for Community Center Deficit I would suggest using $50,000 from this fund, leaving $50,000 as a balance for unforeseen incidents. Also, the balance in this fund will grow sligYitly during 1994 as old assessments are collected that go to this fund. STORM WAT�R CORS FTJND - #607 $ 21,000.00 Amount Owed to Complete the Armory Storm water Project $85,000 Change Order to PCL Contract -64,000 Balance in Construction Fund(from page 1) $21,000 ' The total recommendations from above available to reduce the Community Center Construction deficit are $256,000. This leaves a remaining deficit of approximately $78,000. I would recommend taking these funds and any additional funds to use to cover change orders from the General Fund reserves. I would also recammend that in future budgeting processes that we make every attempt to budget to return these funds to the General Fund and to the CIP Fund reserves. One final consideration is the use of a master lease to purchase the equipment for the Community Center. This would delay the repayment of these costs so . that they could be included in future budget Ysa&SMo gan and believecthat we with our consultants from Springsted and Brigg have approximately $98,000 worth of equipment expenditures still tment throu h � that would qualify urxder a master lease. By purchasing this equip J a master lease, payments could be spread out over a 3 to 5 year period. By doing tlzis, we would have to pay none of those costs up front(helping to " maintain our fund balance) and in future years budget from $20, 000 to $40,000 each of the years of the lease term, depending on the length of the lease. If Council wishes to pursue this option, they will have to pass a Resolution declaring their intent to issue this debt so that all of the items can be ordered now, allowing timely delivery to coincide with the opening of the Community Center for aperations. , . ROSEMOUNT COT�IMUNITY CENTER ' NON CONTRACT EXPENDITURES ' ICE ARENA $817.97 ' Iee Arena Equipment 1'7�.45 Arena Tables & Wastebaskets 1,500.00 ' Skate Sharpenin.g Machine 502.47 Air Testing Equipment 500.00 Arena Parts 2,300.00 leaseable Tools $5,797.89 Total Ice Arena CONCESSIONS $14,717.00 Concession Equipment 2,233.31 ' Cash Registers 2,575.85 Concession Counters 3C2.00 Concession Tile 1,603.00 Concession Rough In 417.47 Other Concession $21,908.63 Total Concessions OFFICE $1,527.46 lea seable Telephones 648.23 Computers 22�321_pp leaseable File Server 27�ppp.00 leaseable Off'ice Fuzniture $51,496.69 Total Office pTl�g F`URNI5HINGS ui ment $10,000.Ofl leaseable Cleaning Bq �P 23,437.00 leaseable Tables & Chairs 12�ppp.00 leaseable Fitness Equipment 25p.00 Safety Equipment 500.00 Miscellaneous Equipment $46,187.00 Total Other Furnishings pTHER NON CONTRACT EXPENDTTURES $1,400.00 Fire Signs - Material 154.00 Fire Signs - Core Drilling 4,000.00 ' - Epoxy Paint Change 34,414.00 RAHA Reimbursement $3g,968.00 Total Other Non Contra.ct � TOTAL NON C0IVTRACT E7�'ENDIT URES $165,3S 8.21 TOTAL LEASEABLE FLTItNISffiNGS $98,585.46