HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. City Newsletter/Council Minutes Discussion�. j CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIIMM.ARY F'OR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: JANUAKY 18r 1994 AGENDA SECTZON: �,GENDA ITEM: NEWSLETTER/COUNCIL MINUTES NEW gUSINESS DISCUSSION AGENDA��n� � � � PREPARED BY: SUSAN WALSH I1li ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT AP OVED BY: ATTACSMENTS: LETTER FROM DOUG �iEIKKII.aA � STAFF MEMO Dou Heikkila of the "Rosemount Town Pages" has requested an publisher g council in consideration of his newspaper opportunity to address the citY ,S ��nthly newsletter and city getting the opportunity to publish the city c ouncil minutes. Attached for your review is his letter addressed to the city council. o attached for your view is my memorandum dated January 13 , 1993 which Als I feel the city council should continue its outlines reasons why ralationship with the "Rosemount ThisWeek." sed with the final product of the monthly newsletter and city I am very plea the staff of the "Rosemount ThisWeek.'" I also council minutes provided by es'� since feel the city shouldn't swiha� the�citythas"used thet"Rosemount ThisWeek" it's only been ten months t as its communications newspaper. There needs to be some consistency loted information to the public. �Furthermore��M�•m ansk$400 fora full providing e ad. I m assuming a cost of $200 for a half pag a e. I feel a half page ad would be less attractivoingato alfulltpage P 9 e; but g the reader's attention ps much as a full pag the newsletter and more with a larger size news aper would mean redesigning staff time. . Heikkila's bids are lower per column inch for the newsletter Although Mr oint out that the "Rosemount ThisWeek" is and the minutes, I would like to p roximately 3600 households in a nonsubscription newspaper going to app ear and has a Rosemount; and the "Rosemount Town Pages" cost $10-$12 a Y distribution to 1200 subscribers. . ublishing the monthly newsletter and RECOMMENDED ACTI�N. Continue p it council minutes in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" (no formal action a Y is necessary) . COIINCIL ACTION: M E M O TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Anderson, Wippermann, Staats, Busha FROM: Susan Walsh, Administrative Assistant � � DATE: January 13 , 1994 SUBJ: Rosemount Town Pages Attached for your review is a letter from Doug Heikkila, Publisher of the "Rosemount Town Pages. " Mr. Heikkila is requesting that Couneil consider the Town Pages for publication of the city council minutes and the city's monthly newsletter. On December 21, 1993, Cauncil took actian to renew its contraet with ThisWeek Newspapers for the minutes and newsletter to be published in the "Rosemount ThisWeek" for the calendar year 1994 . The City Council had initially entered a similar contract with ThisWeek Newspapers in April, 1993 . I have had telephone conversations with Doug Heikkila and his brother, Todd Heikkila, regarding their bid for the minutes and newsletter. I expressed to them city staff's dissatisfaction with the past service provided by the staff of the "Farmington Independent" and the "Rosemount Town Pages" when the °Farmington Independent" was the city's legal newspaper (Apri1, 1991 to Apri1, 1993) and when the "Rosemount Town Pages" published the city's weekly newsletter (April, 1991 thr4ugh October, 1992) . I also discussed with Doug Heikkila, since he was not involved with the newspapers at that time, and reiterated to Todd Heikkila the problems that city staff experienced with their newspaper. I also informed both of Heikkilas, which was prior to their sending the attached letter to the Council, that based upon the problems we had experienced with their newspapers and the poor service the city received, I could not recommend to the city council that the city publish a newsletter and its minutes in their newspaper at this time. I had suggested to them that it , might be a good idea to see how they do with the legals for a few mon t hs and then a p proach the city for the minutes and newsletter business. Of eourse, both brothers felt I should forget about the past and ' that a lot of problems were because the paper was so new. If I thought the problems were based on lack of equipment, office , space or lack of staff, that's one thing; but when most of the problems existed from paor attitudes and lack of cooperation, I fail to see how these problems will go away; or at the very minimum I need to see that the problems no longer exist. S've listed below some of the problems city staff experienced when working with Todd Heikkila in the production of the weekly newsletter, the publishing of the city counr.il minutes and the I��als: (1) Items would be included iz� the newsletter that staff d�dn't want included such as sports standings. Staff would insi.st they not be published there but they would show up there anyway, (2) There were typographical errors on a cansistent basis. {3) Page layc�ut �.�as do�e p�orly, and it was not attractive. (4) Wouldn't fc�llow city staff instructions. (5) City staff provided, at Todd Heikkila's suggestion, camera ready articles, and he wouldn't use them. (6) Newspaper staff was not accommodating and uncooperative. (7) Almost every week there were mistakes in the newsletter. (8) Minutes were reproduced unattractively and not published the same week staff provided them to the paper. {g) Affidavits of publication were not provided on a time�y basis and were provided in a poor manner, Therefore, because af my and ather staff's past experiences with the "Rosemount Town Pages�� and the problems we experienced and the attitude of not wanting to accommodate and give us the final product we expected, I cannot recommend that the city enter a business relationship with "Rosemount Town Pages" at this time. I also would like to point out that in comparison the staff fram the "Rosemount ThisWeek" is very cooperative, highly professional and provides the service we need. I rely on their staff to give me suggestions an the layout of the newsTetter and to provide an attractive monthly newsletter. Since April, 1993, this has been done and with not one problem. Finally, I would like to advise Council that I also like the idea af Rosemount having its own newspaper, and I had some mixed feelings when the city council designated the "Rosemount � ThisWeek" as its source for communicating with the citizens. But because of the distribution to all households in Rosemount and the final product of the published newsletter and minutes, I feel the City Council's ob jec t i v e o f p r o v i ding goo d communication to , its citizens is being met. I am a strong proponent of using local businesses every opportunity I can, but city funds must be spent wiseTy even if it means using a vendor outside the city. . , , JAN-12-94 WED 60 : 19 .,,,, P. 02 ��,., su�..��C� To: Iv�ayor and�xty Council From:Rosemount Tawn Pages � VVe wonld ]iace to present a bid on the city minutes and ciry newsletter.It is aur understaz►din$ that tJ;ae current contract voted pn by the last couneil can be cancelled an a week's notice. Th,e pubJisher will be at the meeung to explas.n why we feel we'u�'arrant serious cons'i���flt to zepresent the city on these bidded proposal:s.Ci.ty stafF Y�as re9uested reasons why to bid on the rlainutes and newsl.etter.'i'�ree reasons will be listed with this z�equest. They�can be discussed izx detaz.l, along with o��r reasons at the next councxl meeting• . 1)We car�do the jo6! Heikkila Publi.carians Inc.is the officiat z�ewspaper af Dakota�ountY,Rasemount, Farmington,I.S.D. 192 and publishes many other legal notices u+ith a variety of legal firms and indirriduals.Our association wi.th Dakota Countl'i the City of Famlingtoz��d ISD 192 has ' been far aver five y�ars.W�have proven our abiliry to get��]�b done. 2) Price of Bids: Minutes-$4.50 per column inch(This Week�$5.63}.M�ntt►ly newsXetter-��2 Page for $20Q—�3.33 per column ineh{Tltis Week$515--$6•7$ per column inch}. Along with monthly newsletter bid—will pick up iz�format�vn fro�city staf�,get general outl�.z�e of p�ge,return proof to city staft of page,receive fi�al approval from st�.ff be�ore print�ng,vir�ua��Y guaranteeiu�g mistake-free capy. ' 3}Sup�ort of a Iocal6usiness by tk�e city. In,A.pril, 2'he Tawn,Pczges will be a three year ald�ublicaCion,and n.ot�et a pxofitabl�Qne. This added r�venue will help us imprave our product(I.E.added staf�az�d cash�.ow.This is . the newest publica�ion in Dakota County.The�'arnzin�ton IndependettC(w�ich we own) is the second newest at 14 years.Max+y pa�ers in the county have been puhlisk�ing 'zn excess of 100 yeaxs.We want this newspaper to have that legacy in 1Q0 years. Covez7ng tha hlstory of thxs city. - More xn the here and now,we�eel we are nearr mal�ing thus newspaper an award winning publication.Along with this letter is a copy of a letter congratulaung The Farmingson Inde,�endent on an award won in I993, � We feel that thc added revez�ue, and a commisment Frorn the city to work vaith the newspaper, wi�.accelerate the z�,oveme�nt of tlai.s newspaper in that ctirection. Zt wauld be great that revenue generated by Rosemount's cidr.�ns would go toward a yo�ing k2os�maunt bus�ness,and not to az�office i.n BurzLsville. , � Th�nk you, �-n ����� Doug�i�%.kkila, Publisher A����lA�IV1\ rtVo'n �-+ . ' ,� �RESS y ''?' LindaI.Pallcman,E�ecutive Dfrector �r,t�, .�.0� � $arbarsTrebisovsky,Assistant Ezec� :ve Director ' I��7 ° NovennbeX 39, 1993 I3oug HeikkaJ.a �arr�wlgton S�adependent PO Box 192 Par�r��.ngton, MN SSC�2� � .. ,_ . I7eat�I�ug. .._ _-------._�_. -- -.__.. �-- . . .: .. , _._._.. — . �ongratulations! � Xot� �re a'W�'�iNE�.2, i.xa MNA's Better Newspa�er Cozates� It's not possible far n�ae ta tell you whdch award y�u have won. Xau will�ave to wait until Thursday,Jazxuazy 27 when you axxi.�e at the co�►v�ntion. �le plan to kee� the wixx7aaers a secret unta.l tkze canvention,but you'�l get t�ze printed list af winners when you piek up y�ur regists�.ti4n rnaterials.'�'b�award wi�ning�z�tries wi�l b�dispZayed in tk�e Trade Show axea. Please note t:�at yotyr nam��r�.d z��wspa�a�r natne witl.appear on your plaque or c�rtifi.cate as showr� �bove. If anything xs ia�cv.rrect,not.ify Barba�a at Cenbral t'Jffice �mmediately. If you caz�not b�at the awaxds br�akfast cez�emony on Saturda.y, (January 29 at 8 a.�,}would you let us lmow? If it is not�ossib�e to b�there,wouZd you mab.e arrangements fa�'somebod�else frarn your newspaper to pxck up rhe award? (J£yot��ar someone fram yaur news�aper will he �res�nt at the awards ceremony,there's no need to norify us.) Cangrat�J:a.t�onsl We're loo�C�ng f�arward t�seeitxg you at the conventio�. �.P..St lt'.g�S, . a � � . � ' '• _. �i���4��� Linda I.�'alk�z�a�tl • �xecurive I�irector .L�.F�KJW 12 S4uth Sia�th Street,Mi�n�aeapol�s,Minnesota 5540z (612a 332-8844 Fax: (612) 342-2958 Yresfnen�: Rv�E�T'L.ItRA13FC7RU,11,1'�a��fialflNews;Vtc�Pr�t.�mt�: �.�xnRt-�W.e�v.*sRww�pue^� �+A�;�oLYNu.ars€u_ EG'ANS.'1'he Frce Press.Mankato:WtLLTAhi C.RAMIG�.Mc1..eod�ounty Chzonicte.Gl.eriooe;Directors: J�.��M.�i1LLE�:.yYannaa i'IOaeorGl�fARLE9fi_flUN7;Tylar'T'rib+ate�R.EI%I�ANF)NSUN_ wiftCAutlLyManicn*T�Tew6.T��san:'�ras►�urec. D�NNiSWiN3Kofvst�7 D�uo�c LRk�Q'r�tbari,et8eeker County Recard;ImmediAte F�St��E5ldeni: L?IKR�.�a..rozr�v�aN.a_....a�a-i".��LTarald Rt'vir.w. ThEs stalionery p�lMted On reeycled paper.