HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.i. Expenditure for Community Center Telephones . . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUblMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Expenditure For Community AGENDA SECTION: Center Telephones Consent PREPARED BY: Jim Topitzhofer, Community AGENDA �E#;�1�A � � � Center Manager � �V� ATTACHI�IENTS: Telephone equipment proposal APP VED1BY: and quotes In outfitting the Community Center with telephones, I am recommending to rent equipment from Vista `Telephone Company. As opposed to purchasing or leasing, renting proves to be the most cost effective alternative in the short run while affording flexibility to change systems easily in the future. Renting phones from Vista enables the Community Center Department and the Park & Recreation Department to virtually use the same system as City Hall, including the same phone numbers. I have attached a proposal which outlines recommended equipment and how it is intended to be used. Vista has offered the lowest equipment rental quote of $138 .45 per month. The Centrex voice mail package and line charges add $186 . 10 per month, but would be added to any type of phone rented. An up front cost of $1, 251.29 covers installation and purchase of one cordless phone & headset. The up froi�t costs of $1, 527.46 is funded out of Community Center construction account # 427-48000-01-580 . RECOI�Il�lENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the expenditure of 1, 527.46 for installation of Centrex lines and features, installation of phone equipment, and purchase of one cordless phone, to Vista Telephone Company. COUNCIL ACTION: . � ROSEMOUNT CONIMLT1vITY CENTER TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT PROPOSAL JANUARY 12, 1994 Underlining Principles ' The proposal for telephone equipment in the Community Center is based upon the following underlining principles: 1) The Community Center Department will be sharing office space with the Parks & Recreation Department. 2) The Community Center and Park & Recreation Departments will utilize their existing numbers. 3) Customers calling the Community Center Department during operating hours will dial 322-6000 and directiv reach the Community Center Staff during and after office hours. 4) Customers calling the Parks & Recreation Department will dial 423-4415 (the existing P & R number) and directiv reach Park & Recreation staff during office hours. 5) After calls are received by staff during operating hours, calls will be directed to individual voice mail of key staff, pertinent recordings, or a message will be taken down by the staff answering the call, wluchever the custorner gives the staff nermission to do. 6) The Community Center shall utilize existing City TDD equipment for the hearing impaired. These calls will then will be translated from City Hall to the Community Center. 7) The safety of staff will be considered when selecting phone equipment. A headset will be issued to the Rental Coordinator because of concentrated phone and computer use. 8) The phones will be answered by a Manager On Duty in the evenings & weekends v�a a cordless phone. This enables the MOD to answer the phone while attending to the facility. 9) To maximize customer service by increasing speed of returning calls to customers, all full time staff will operate xheir own voice mail. 10) A telephone equipment vendor sha11 be selected based upon their ability to offer the equipment suitable for the above and at the lowest cost. Purchasing vs. Leasing vs. Renting> The City of Rosemount is currently renting phones from Vista Telephone, using 'Centrex Equipment'. Vista supplies much of the City's telephone equipment outside of City Hall in their own offices, thus eliminating the need to purchase telephone control units and voice mail equipment. Vista can manipulate voice mail options and telephone ports right from their own offices. Renting proves to be the most cost effective alternative in the short run, and afford the renter the flexibility to change systems easily. The disadvantage in renting is that telephone capital costs are transformed into operating costs. Leasing telephones, telephone control units, and voice mail equipment is the next economical alternative. The advantage is the lessee owns the equipment after a certain period of time. Purchasing telephones is a costly venture. The construction budget would have to endure up to a $15,000 expenditure to purchase phones. Recommendation Because of limited resources within the construction budget, purchasing telephones is ruled out. To afford the lowest cost and flexibility in the near future, renting is recommended. Two telephone vendors were selected for quotes to rent or lease telephone equipment (Vista Telephone, and AT&'1�. Vista offered the lowest rental cost, $138.45 per month. Up front costs include installation and purchase of one cordless phone, at a cost of $1,527.46. Monthly fees of $186.10 would be added to the monthly rental or lease cost of any type of telephone using the Centrex systern. This includes line charges. Equipment Summary 8 - Merdian phones, same model as in City Hall, for offices. 2 - Merdian phones, with restrictions, for Concessions & Skateshaipening. 1 - Merdian phone, no display, for part time desk. 1 cordless set 1 head set Centrix attendant package with voice mail • � .-i�-u4 lU . ..� �.I�1I r_ �_r� �h�Eu ..Id11 �V1:!si��. :iVu r'���!C:� City of Rosemaunt Cammunity Center V,ista Telephone JANUARY 13, I993 Minnesota/Iowa QUOTATION PROFILE - REVISED C�NTREX LIPiE ANll FEATURE PRICING' Unit Price Extended Price Qty. Description Per Month Per Month 13 Intragroup Line $ 2 .93 $ 38 . 09 13 Enhanced Feature Packages $ 5 .85 $ 76 . 05 IO Voice Mail $ 4 .95 $ 49 .50 3 Voice Mail Recording $ 4 . 95 $ 14 .85 1 Paging Access $ 7 . 61 $ 7. 6i CENTREX LINE AND FEATURES PER MONTH $ 186 . 10 CENTREX EQUIPMENT ��� Unit Price Extended Price Per Month Per Month 2 M80Q9 Business Telephone $ 3.85 $ 7 . 70 1 M5009 Featured Set $ 7 . 00 $ 7 .00 8 M5209' Featured Set $ 15.00 $ 120.00 1 Trendline telephone (elevator) $ 3.75 $ 3 .75 TOTAL CENTREX EQUIPMENT PER MONTH $ 138.45 TQTAL MONTHLY EXPENSE $ 324.55 INCLUDES LINES, FEATURES AND EQUIPMENT ONE TIME EXPENSES INSTALLATION OF CENTREX LINES AND FEATURES $ 166.46 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATiON $ 776.00 i CORDLESS TELEPHONE (EXTENDED RANGE) $ 375.00 I HEADSET $ 210 . 00 TOTAL $1,527 .46 NOTE: Installation cast does not include cost ta install new or additional cable locations and �acks . Charges are based on regular time. Tf installation after narma). working hours is required, overtime rates will be applied. ~ Private This information contained herei,n should not be disciosed to unauthorized persons. It is meant solely for the use by authorized City of Rosemount and Vista Telephone personnel. Page 1 12!G�1i9� �9:�7 STRUT SPEC I AL I T I ES -� 1 6 i2 4�� 52�3 N�7. ?-� Du 1 ' ` AT&T FACStMILE TRANSMISSION """"' i3-9�1 . �TODAY'S D�� TIME T. � NO.OF � � � � � i� PAGES 1 1 TO: � �d �'� ►v i Faonn: � �pN ,� vt� �� !{�4�JV1-�- W� ��l�(il' �AT, � ����� �� 7ELEPHONE FACStM11F `��- ���3 / 7EtPPHONE W10E TELEPH�/O��C � �rrri�:� J ���� C� ��� aw �� �- �-�.- '((�� f. , �3 ��l �°j � �, _ Q�n � z °°c� �,�� j�j �p.�z z0� f�l m � ap� �� Z x ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER PARTNER II COMMUNICATIONS SYStEM Configured for: 4 lines and 11 stations Capac�ty at Installation: 6 tines and 18 stations Total Capacity: 16 lines and 48 stations fquipment: Control Unit 2 34 Button Display Sets 8 P8 Button Display Sets 1 Cordless Set • 1 Headset Ceritrex Attendant Package Lease: 60 Month State & Local Gov't lease: $157.42 $ 97.55 $255.07 -One year guaranteed service contract. -Coverage includes parts, iabar and lightning protection. -60 Day Money Back Guarantee. -An 860 Natline number to answer any guestions about your phone system for as long as you own or 1ea5e AT&T equipment. -A11 prices include equipment, installation, wiring, training and a one year warranty. � 0