HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.f. Deputy Registrar Hours ` ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTNE SUMMARY FOR:ACTiON CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Deputy Registrar Hours AGENDA SECTION. Consent PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund, Acting City Administrator AGENDA �1�.�..� � � � � C ATTACHMENTS: Memo firom Finance Director, Log of APP VED BY: Customers This item is before Council to consider closing the Depu#y Registrar on Saturdays. Beginning in October of last year the Deputy Registrar hours were expanded to include Saturday mornings. This was done on a trial basis. The attached log shows the number of customers that have utilized these expanded hours. The Finance Director's attached memo expiains some ofi the details of the impact these expanded hours have had both financially and in relations ta his Department's operations. I feel that at this time these expanded hours should be discontinued and a return to the hours of operations that we had prior to opening Saturday's be put back in place - those being Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and closed from 12:30 p.m. to 1 :00 p.m. fior lunch. It is my belief that these hours provide an adequate benefit to our citizens without causing the City any additional financial burden or staffing burden. � � ' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve cfosing the Deputy Registrar office on Sa#urdays and resuming the hours o# operation Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., being clased from 12:30 p.m. ta 1 :00 p.m. for lunch. COUNC(L ACTION: i�� o osevycouvi� PHONE (612)4234411 2875•t45th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)42&5203 Mailing Address. Edward 8.McMerromy P.O.Box 5t0,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen James(Red)Staats Harry Wil{eox Dennis Wippermann DATE: December 15; 1993 . a�MiwsranroR Stephan Jilk T0: Ron Wasmund, Acting City Administrator FRQM: Jeff May, Finance Director SUB.lECT: Saturday Deputy Registrar Hours On October 2nd of this year, we opened the Deputy Regisfirar office for business � on Saturday mornings from 9:Q0 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This was done as a ' compromise to the hiring of a part-time Deputy Registrar Clerk. It was to be done on a 3 to 6 month trial basis. Nearing the end of Decernber, we are now at the end of the first 3 months of Saturday operations. As you can see from the attached handout, the business that has been generated by the 5aturday hours has been very minimal. For each of the "Deputy Customers" that are listed, the maximum that we can generate as "City" income is 53.50. We fiave had 25 customers in the 3 month period. Of those 25 customers, somewhere between 15 and 20 of them have actually been able to complete their transactions(the balance woufd have had to come back at another time because they did not have afl of the necessary in#ormation to campFete the transaction). If 20 customers completed their businsss, the City would have made $7�.00 before expenses. The eacpenses include satary & benefits for 3 1/2 to 4 hours for the Deputy Registrar Clerk. As you can easily see, being open on Satur�days is not a profitable operation for the City. In addition to the disappointing turnout of customers, being open on Saturdays has disrupted the operations of our Department. When we began the hiring process for the Deputy Registrar Clerk we had no intention of being open on Saturdays. The hope was that with the additional 4 hours of hetp Mondays through Fr+days, the . Deputy Registrar wauld be able to offer assistance in other areas of the Finance Department on a regular basis. Adding Sa#urdays to the hours of the Clerk meant � � ' taking a day off during the week. Doing so makes it difficult to establish a regular ` . pattern for the Depu#y Registrar to assist in the other areas of the Finance Department. It is my strong belief that we discontinue the Saturday hours of operation. I do not feel that the benefit to the citizens has been utilized and the disruption to the Finance Department is not justified because of the lack of use by the citizens. �ver���ivigs �amtng `U�� �Jl.osemounl�� � �..��_.� � Satu�day ,A,ctivity Deputy Registrar . :�::�:::::�:::::�::`:.;.::::.::::__:::::::�::::::::;::::::�:::::�:::�:�:::��::::.::::.::.....:::..::.:::::....:,......;..:...:_:::.:::;:...`....:._.:...:::.:::..:;:.;:::::..:.::.:::..`_':;::;:.�:;�::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::.:`.:::��;:;:::`::::::::`:::�:.:�:::_:..�:`:.;�;:�;::::....::�::.:::..:::::.:::.:::::::::.:::::.:::.:::�:::::=��::::::: ::::::: � ::::::: ��.� ���� �:��. :::::::::::......:................:......::::::::::::�::::::::.:::......:::::::::.:....................................................::::::........::::. :.:::.:.����z��:....................���::::::::::::::::: :.::::.:;::.::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::.:::::::::::::::;::. . .. :::::::::::::�: �:� ::::� �:::�:: �:::::::::::::�:::::::_�::::::::::::::�:::��::�:::�:::::.:::::::::.::::::�:::::..:::..::..:.:._:.:��::���.::��::�:�:::::;:::::::::�::::::::�:�:::::�:::�:::��°:��::�:: :�:��:�:�::::: ::::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::.. ........�. ���.... .....�� �. ::::::::::::::�::�:::::::::::.:::::::.::.:::.:.:.::.:::::::.:...............�:::::::::::::::::::::..................� ..r����.::::.::::�:���r��c...��...:...... .� .�r� :::: .:......:....:::�...:....::.:::::::.:_.�:.:::.::::::::::..::.:.�::::::.:.............:::.:. ::::::.�::::::::.�::::.:::::::::::.:�::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::..::...:...............:::::..::::�.::::�.::.::::���:::: 10/2 1 10/9 4 1 10/16 2 10/23 2 10130 4 11/6 3 11/13 5 1 l i120 1 1 12/4 3 12/11 0 , � , , , Saturday ,Act�r�tY �PD��c� , n��� i .� B �A� Deputy Registrar �:::�::��:��::::��`: :::::�-�:::::;:����:::::::':::::::::::::::::::::���::����'��:::�:�::�:��::�:��::::�:���::::::::�: :::�:::::�::�:::;���::�::��=:���:�:::::�:::�:::`��:::;::�::::>:::::::::::::::::::�::�:�::��::.�::::::.::::::�::::::__::::::::::::::::��:::::::::::::�:::�::_:::;..::..::`:::..::..:::::::;:.....::::...,.:.::.�.. :::::: ::::::: :::::::::.::.::.:.:.::.:::::�� ....:.::.:::::..::.,:::::::�.�::�:��:.:.::.............:.......�:c�r�::......... .....::::���.�� ... . :.::::.::.::.:.::.:........ -� . ��::::::.::.:..�::.......€�.�:�.:<:::<.::::.:::. .. .............�:::...._..:.::::::..:::::.::....... .....:::....:� ����:��:::"°`::::�::>::��:::�:::,:::::::_.:..;.>__.::.::::::°.>°_.:`�::�::'::`::`�`::::>>::�:r�::::�:':°,`',::�::°::}>�����;�:°:��:��::�:��:��::::::::::��::�::�::::�:�::�::��::���������°�::��:�°-����:>::;:: ::>:::::::::>::<:::::::::::::::::::>::>:::::»:::::::::::::::;:::::::.::::>::-:�� »::::::::::>::::::�::>::>::::::::::::::>::>::::::::::»::::::::::>: :�:: � . >:�:::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::>::>:::::::::;>::::::��::::::��:�'::::�....�:.:::.:::::�:��.. ... �. :::::.::::.� :..,. .. ... ..::::.:::. ....... :.:. . .:. . ..:::. :::::.::.::::.::.::.::.::.::.:.:..:::.:_:::::::.�::.:::.:.::.::::.�.:�::.........:..:�:::::.::::::::::.:..�:..:..........�.:::��:::.:::::::::.....���:.:::.::::..�:�'� .. ........ .. .. ...:...:::::...::::......:::::... � .:.t:. .�:::..: 1 oi2 1 10/9 4 1 10/16 2 IQ/23 2 10/30 4 11/6 3 llJl3 5 1 11/20 1 1 _ 12/4 3 12/11 0 12/1$ 1 12/25 CLOSED 1/1 CLOSED 1/8 5 , �