HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Minutes of January 4, 1994 Regular Meeting r�� � � � � ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JANi7ARY 4, 19 9 4 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was called to order on Tuesday, January 4, 1994 at 7 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City. Hall, 2875 145th Street West. Interim City Administrator Wasmund administered the oath of office to the elected Edward B. McMenomy, Mayor and elected City Council Members Joan M. Anderson and Cathy Busho. Mayor McMenomy called the meeting to order. The Mayor McMenomy and Council Members Anderson and Busho joined Council Members Staats and Wippermann at the dais. The Mayor ealled for the Pledge of Allegiance. Reverend Johnson of the First Baptist Church gave the invocation thanking God for our many blessings and praying for guidance iz� local and national government. Staff present included: City Attorney Miles, Interim Administrator Wasmund, Administrative Assistant W�1sh, Finance Director May, Assistant Planner Pearson, Parks & Recreation Directox Bechtold, City Engineer Bud Osmundson, and Community Center Manager Topitzhofer. Additions to the Agenda were as follows: Item 7.b. 145th Street Reconstruction; Item 8 . a. Minnesota Va-lley Transit Authority, High Speed Bus Project; Item 8 .b. Alanning Commission Meeting Time Discussion; Item 8. c. League of MinnesoCa Cities Newly Elected Official Seminar Feedback; Ttem 8 .d. Designation of Official Newspaper, a Consent Agenda Item that was moved for diseussion under New Business; and Item l0 . Update on Admini`strator Search. Parks and Recreation Director Bechtold introduced Nancy Schrupp, Secretary Aide for the Parks & Reereation Departmen.t. Nancy started her employment on December 27, 1993 . Council welcomed her. City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Osmundson introduced Randy Bellmore, Maintenance Level II. Randy began employment on December 27, 1993 . Council welcomed him. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the Consent Agenda with ' an amendment to : the December 2I, 1993 minutes and Item 5 .q, pulled far discussifln _� >under New Business on the designation of the official newspaper. xSecond by Wippermann. A�es; Anderson, Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, `Busho. Nays: None. City Engineer Osmundson reviewed the Through Highway 52 (TH 52) c�orridor study which was adopted by the City and became part of the City of Rosemount' s Comprehensive Guide Plan. The frontage road along the Koch Refining Company side of TH 52 would be extended to 117th Street and eventually south to Coates. Council has discussed the idea of having this trontage road turned back to ' the City. ' 1�TDOT (Minnesota Department of Transportation) can choose to do this with or without City permission. Osmundson noted that the safety issue of this road should be a priority to possible maintenance expense. Koch � Refining Company has indicating they will be willing to continue snow ! ',-, ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR. MEETING J�N'UARY 4, 19 9 4 plowing of the frontage road that effects their employees. Also this will increase the number of miles of road in Rosemount and thereby increase the amount of State Aid funding available. Ray Knutson and Buz Anderson from Koch Refining were pres�nt to answer auestions . They confirzned their company has maintained and done improvements to the frontage road in the past. Some details would need to be worked out such as liability, but they are willing to cooperate. MOTION by Wipp�rmann to ador�t :�. RESOI,QTIaN FOR Z'ii� C7'TY TO RELUCTANTLY ACC�PT THE TL7RN B.ACR OR RELEA5E OF THE FRONTAGE Rt�AD ON TH52 FROM i��1DOT. Second by Staats . Ayes: Wippermann, McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson. Nays: None. Mayor McMenomy called for a short break at 7 :56 p.m. The meeting resumed far th� Public Hearing at 8 :00 p.m. Mayor MeMenomy opened the Public Hearing for the Appeal of Variance Decision by James Atwood, 3190 145th Street West concerning the placement of a garage on his residential lot. The recording secretary noted that the affidavits of Posted and Published Notice were on. file. Assistant Planner Pearson gave an overview of the variance as granted by the Planning Commission acting as The Board of Appeals and Adjustments. This would enable Atwoad to remove a barn shaped structure and replace it with a two stall residential gasage. Planning Commission gave con.sideration to the set back requirements, site lines for n.eighbors, and the right-o�-way for the sidewalk. The granted variance for the street side was 22 feet, side yard was 5 feet, and rear yard was 25 feet. The actual variance was five feet fram street side setback standards . The requested variance would have affected three feet of that setback. Pete Atwood, 3190 145th Street West showed pictures of his narrow lot, a drawing of his house location and right-of-way lines . He noted the hardship it would cause to any future additions to his house and that his backyard would be eliminated. He asked that the garage be located 25 feet from the street. M�3TION by McMenomy to close the Public Hearing of the Appeal of Variance Decision by James (Pete� Atwood at 3190 145th Street West. - =Second by Staats . Ayes: McMenomy, Staats, Busho, Anderson, � Wippermann. Nays: None. Ma.yar McMenomy requested time to see the Atwood home and consider the location of the garage at the next regular City Council meeting. Wipperrnann did view the Atwood lot and agrees that further back would be an improvement. Busho noted that Planning Commission made a thorough site plan review and stands with their recommendation. Anderson would like it moved back: Assistant Planner Pearson noted that 19 feet is the standard par}�ing space requirement, the amount in frant of the garage with Atwood' s 2 ROSEMOUNg• C�TY PROCEEDINGS Proposed �GUI'AIZ MEETING line. placement on1Y leaves ? J�ARY 4, 1994 This would cause a car feet to right-of-wa the street side y and the sidewalk areaea there ,to stick prOperty out into the MOTIpN b� McMenom � decision by the P anninable any action on Street West, g Cflmmission the appeal of the variance McMenomy. Na�,SecBushaY Staats, Ayes°r StaatSAtwood, 3190 145th Andersan, Wipp��ann, City Engineer Bud Osmundson reviewed r�garding 145th Street the results of and basically show reconstruction_ a surve questions asked w a 50�50 S The responses Y taken the north hat o P1it on all of the are sumrnarized side or p�ion the resident would �estions asked. The buried or overheadthe south side?; �2 like, (1) P�rking on lighting? utilities? • � Parking on both . and (4) Would you like Sides?; �3� MOTION b decorative Y McMenomy to ado t FEASIBILITy ,1tEPORT FOR CIp `� �SOLU'TZON �J�ERING AN Busho, Anderson, � PRO�CT �� UPDATED Wippe�nn, McMenomN�� 245. Second by Staats. WiPPermann Y, Staats. Nays: None. AYes: endorsed the�ted that the Rosemount Ch lightin enhancement of the cit ��r of C°mm�rce Co J to define the entrances toY Center and discussed mmlttee Assistant the city, dEcorative Planner Pear�o� Transit Authorit asked for higher level y Hlgh SPeed gus prosupp°rt of the Minnesota Valley independent °f transit ser�ice 7ect. It is intended to far wa °f L19ht Rail across the metro area pravide a �'S to lift Transit. This that would be congestion S°me of the burden of Study and others vehicle lanes,roads in the fut �lntenance are looking ure by using busses inphiEh and MOTION b J occupancy APPLICATIpN1FOR�ann to adopt a RESOLUTION Speed Bus SERVICE B't7DGET IN �IIPPORT pg p� Proj ect. Second �N`�G�N�' MODEL McMenomy, Staats, Busho. Na ss�aats. Ayes: �ae�T for the High Busho Y � None. son, WipPerznann, asked City Council Commission regular meetint� �onsider could a change of time more ea.sily attend. gSMa�orhat residents for the Planning people complain that �he y McMenom and interested . :to discuss this meEting was too� agreed tha� he has h�aties � this info issue with the glannin early. Staff w ` �t�On to Council g c�mission as �e�ested Council for further discussion, and to bring back Members Me�er Busho asked for Cities garding the fe��ack from other Cit seminars, training provided by the Lea y �ouncil attending in Februarl rEsponded favorabl g�e of Y• Y• Busho Minnesota and Anderson p�an on �e notcMenomy asked why in the ailowed to a commiss�,on b Wasmund saia he �,ouZaP�y :Eor a commission, y'laws, elected and surroundin esearch Interim officials 3 eities a this and check A�inistrator Pplications. S�atutory reqi,iirements 3 ROSEM0�7NT CITY PROCEEDINGS JE�Lp,g�y �E1994 commented on the official newspaper design.ation. City Attorney Miles irements to be The Rosernount Town pages has now filled its requ . ublicatians an� has requea��aa�° bae°m�t�te City �ualified for legal p a er. Miles note oi Rosemount' s Of f icial Newsp � ' s boundary if avazlable and s�at��Ps a newspaper within the city qualified must be used. eS„ as �h� City nate the¢°RoST�t.�e�yearn1994 , Seeon.d bv MeMenomy to desig None. 2YS.OTION by al newspap._-r f o �nderson. �aYs = 2S. of Rosemount official leg�a�n, S�aLz�s� �u�ro, 4�7ippermann. Ayes: Wipp;. _ Abstain= McMenomy. orted that 55 applications have bsen osition. All appl�-cations Interim Administrator ��inistrator p and narrowed to a field of received for the City grimeyer Group Council on January 25� received will be reviewed by 15 . Those 15 applications will be reviewed by . Five will be selected for interuiews to be heid 1994, at 7 .00 p.m. February 11. and 12 . A es: Secoad by Wippe�ann. y The McMenomy to adjourn. Nays; None. MOTION bY Busho, Andersan, Wippe�nn. McMenomy, Staats, meeting was adjourned at 9 :32 P•m• Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentsecretary Recording ATTEST: Ron Wasmund Interim City Administrator it Council Agenda Packet is Clerk' s- File 1994-1. The C Y . -, � � � 4