HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Receipt of Development Concepts for Old Repairs, Inc. Site . ` CITY OF ROSEdlOUNT EXECUTIVE SiJ1�iA,RY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: APRIL 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RECEIPT OF DEVELOPMENT CONCEPTS AGENDA SECTION: FOR OLD REPAIRS, INC. SITE NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 7. A. ATTACHIKENTS: "PRELIMINARY PROJECT PROPOSALS" APPROVED BY: FROM WHITE FUNER.AL HOME AND KURT WALTER-HANSEN MEMO FROM JOHN MILLER, CORRESPONDENCE FROM KARL BIEWALD Please see the attached memo from John Miller. RECO�NDED ACTION: Please refer to the Miller memo. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: MEMO TO: Chair Carroll Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, Staa.ts, Wippermann FROM: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator DATE: April 1, 1994 RE: Review of Preliminary Project Proposals for Redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. Site The Rosemount Port Authority recently directed its staff to find development projects for the old Repairs, Inc. site. We found three persons or businesses expressing interest. 1. White Funeral Home 2. Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen 3. Dr. Karl Biewald Two proposals were received following the "preliminary project proposal" format adopted originally by the Rosemount EDA and later adopted by the port authority. Dr. Biewald and his partner, George Bloomer, inquired about the site but chose not to submit a proposal because of the time constraint, i.e. they didn't have adequate time to study the local office market. I believe both men are still interested in the site, however, and would consider a project if the port authority does not select one of the actual proposals. The proposals from White Funeral Home and Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen, however, are good news for Rosemount. Either would represent both a fmancial investment in the downtown and the addition of a service presently not found in the city or the expansion of a service presently here. Both would construct substantial and aesthetically pleasing buildings. And, implementation of either project would serve as an impetus to a refocused and increasingly dynamic downtown. Unfortunately, both projects will not fit on the Repairs, Inc. site. One must be given preference for use of the land. To aid the commissioners in their decision I have reviewed the proposals and have prepared the following summary: White Funeral Home Dr. Walter-Hansen Land Use: Funeral Home Animal Clinic - offices Size of Structure: 5280 square feet 9568 square feet Building Exterior Brick veneer and/or Brick veneer dryvit (stucco) or lap siding Construction Date: 1994 1994 Job Creation: One full-time with 31 - Uses Dr. Walter- several part-time Hansen's estunate of one job per 300 square feet of building Value of Construction: $450,000 $400,000 Assistance Needed: * Land for $1.00 * Land for $1.00 * TIF through 2000 * Additional park land :xx� * �x � * :x * � :� Prior to the submittal of preliminary project proposals, I had the opportunity to visit at length with both proposers and other city staff persons about the development. Here is some additional background that may be of interest to the commissioners. Dr. Walter-IIansen: At present Dr. Walter-Hansen is working from a location at 14670 South Robert Trail, a remodeled residence. Other adjacent properties are also under Dr. Walter-Hansen's ownership. Prior to considering the Repairs, Inc. site, Dr. Walter-Hansen, operating as Shamrock Animal Hospital, purchased land in Apple Valley with the thought of moving the business to that city with only a satellite clinic left in Rosemount. With a recent change in "trade areas", however, a more strategic location for Shamrock Animal Hospital is the north side of downtown Rosemount. If Dr. Walter-Hansen could find such a site I believe he would keep the animal hospital in Rosemount. If the animal hospital were to relocate it would permit the redevelopment of the present hospital site which incidentally is adjacent to three vacant lots owned by the port authority. Moving the animal hospital might very well permit a domino effect of redevelopment activity, regardless it would permit the creation of a relatively large parcel of land in the downtown at anytune in the future. 2 White Funeral Home: This is a service that Rosemount does not presently have. Representatives from White have been looking for sites in Rosemount for several months and White is serious about becoming part of the city's business community. One of the attra.ctive parts of the White proposal is the effect on parking for both the downtown and the adjacent city park. For much of the time the funeral home would have only very limited parking needs. The site would then be available for park users and for persons with destinations to the Dakota Central building ar possibly South Robert Square. The addition of the parking would certainly send a signal to downtown business persons that the city is sympathetic to their concerns about the lost parking from recent T.H. 3 changes. The location of the parking in front of the building would certainly strengthen the perception that adequate parking did exist in downtown Rosemount. x� x� � � � � � � � � No�u =ahJut the fin�?ci� analysis? I�g� would the gQrt authority ce�n� o�:t �ith e�+h�r ef thP proposals? First, let me state that both proposers are financially strong. There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that both could perform and complete the project. In that regard Rosemount is fortunate. But let's look at some numbers. Cost of the Repairs, Inc. Site Purchase $130,500 No-Repurchase Agreement 20,000 Demolition 11,300 Watermain Extension 6,500 TOTAL $168,300 This total includes no port authority staff time nor any city employee staff time. It does not include architect fees paid to aid Repairs, Inc. in evaluating other buildings in Rosemount. In addition, it does not include appro�cimately $12,000 of Repairs, Inc. rent paid to the port authority and presently held in an escrow account to be repaid upon Repairs, Inc. relocating to a code-compliant location in the city. For our purposes though the $168,000 total is acceptable for comparison purposes. Lzt's do the comparison. 3 White Funeral Home > City Assistance (land) $168,000 TIF received by the port authority (1) ( 112.500 ) Total Assistance $ 55,500 Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen City Assistance (land) $168,000 TIF received by Dr. Walter- Hansen (2) 100,000 Park land provided (3) 16,830 Tota1 Assistance $284,830 �1� Acc:��es a �?�.�ilding ual��� �f �454,QQ4 and ann�� increment ?.���al r� _fi_v� tn,QT'c�At�Y �f the building value. (2) Assumes a building value of $400,000 and annual increment equal to five percent of the building value. (3) Includes 8,415 square feet of land at $2.00 per square foot. Let's see if we can determine a simplified break even point. Assume that the annual property ta7c payment for White (this now includes land with a value of $43,120 derived by multiplying the area of 21,560 square feet by a $2.00 value) is based on an estimated market value of $493,120. Annual taxes are likely to be $24,600 of which the city can expect something like 25 percent or $6,165. Dividing the total assistance of $55,000 by the annual city tax payment of $6,165 deterinines a break even point for "the city" of nine years. Now assume the annual property t� for Walter-Hansen (this now includes land with a value of $62,370 derived by multiplying the area of 31,185 squaxe feet by a $2.00 value) is based on an estimated market value of$462,370. Annual taxes are likely to be $23,120 of which the city can expect something like 25 percent or $5,780. Dividing the total assistance of $284,830 by the annual city tax payment of $5,780 determines a break even point for "the city" of 49 years. Now there are certainly flaws in this simple analysis that are big enough to drive a truck through. For example no considera.tion was made for the present value of money, a calculation that would extend both break even points but extend Walter-Hansen much more than White. 4 On the other hand, there was no consideration of hastened development of the present Shamrock Animal Hospital site and the adjacent port authority owned land or of the synergy produced by additional employment the Dr. Walter-Hansen proposal would have on the downtown. And the building values may not be entirely accurate: White is at about $70 per square foot and Walter-Hansen is at $40. May guess is that one is a little high and the other on the low side. �xm * m � �x � � �x � In conclusion, I recommend that the commissioners select the proposal that, in their opinions, work best for the Repairs, Inc. site, that the selected proposer be directed to work with the port authority staff in completion of a development agreement for the site and that an escrow be required from the selected developer in the amount of $5,000. The escrow would serve two purposes, to cover port authority costs in conveying the land and to cover other costs and to serve as a performance bond. The proposer not chosen for the Repairs, Inc. site should be directed to work with the port authority staff to select and present to the port authority a site with a development proposal for completion of the proposed land use. This to be done within 90 days. The port authority has two strong proposals before it with experienced business person as proposers. It should not lose either. dw 5 �, PRELIMINARY PROJECT PROPOSAL TO THE ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY Please list all principals involved in the development of the proposed project: Kurt Walter-Hansen Mark Lindell (Charles Novak, Architect) S.B.A as my financiai support Contact Person: Kurt Walter-Hansen Address: 14670 So. Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55068 Telephone Number: 4 2 3-3 5 6 5 � * � � � � � * Please address the following as accurately and completely as possible on additional sheets of paper: 1. Describe the development experience of the persons listed above and note any projects on which those persons have worked with the city of Rosemount. 2. Describe the project and/or proposed use of the property in question. 3. Explain why the developer(s) wishes to locate the project in Rosemount. 4. Note the building/site size required to develop the project. 5. Describe the number of full-time equivalent jobs, if any, that would result from development of the project. 6. Identify any special needs required to insure project development (semi-truck access, highway access, city sewer, city water, high visibility, special permits/licenses, specific location). 7. Explain the assistance, if any, needed from the port authority to allow for development of the project. . � ��� SHAMROCK ANIMAL HOSPITAL 14670 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 Telephone: (612) 423-3565 3/31 /31 Preliminary Project Proposal Repair, Inc. Building Site Questions 1-7 1 . Developed land and relocated a bank building in Appie Valley serving as the General Contractor. Project completed in 1992. Converted residential property to commercial property now known as Shamrock Animal Hospital. Latest addition to this project completed in 1989. Served as General Contractor working with the City of Rosemount. 2. Proposed use would be Animal Hospital. Relocating the existing Shamrock Animal Hospital to this site. The building size would allow space to be rented out to supporting business or others. 3. This lot would make it possible for me to build a new hospital within this calender year. � 4. May need additional land or scale the project down. 5. As a general rule, one full time job is created per 300 sq. ft. of building. 6. High visibility is needed as well as city sewer and water. No special permits or licenses are required other than my license to practice veterinary medicine, which I already have. No need for semi-truck access. 7. I am requesting a similar support package that was offered to Dr. Kerry Johnson for his project on the same site. Thank you for considering my proposal for the Repair, Inc. site. Sincerely, .����,�1��������-a-�--- Kurt Walter-Hansen Enclosure: Site Plan - , . 110' � � I 15 I I13 ( I I I I I I f 153' ( 92'x52' I I 7 ( 2 ST�RY ❑FFICE 21b' I EXI�TIrJG IBUILDINu I I 55` � � �� 8 I R/W� 63, � Ri W I � I . I CURB CURB HIGHWAY 3 SITE P � Af�ti 1'=20 a MILLER FUNERAL HOME DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 3335 WEST ST.GERMAIN P.O.BOX 1228 ST.CLOUD,MINNESOTA 56302 OFFICE:612-251-4109 FAX:612-251-4693 March 25, 1994 ■ Mr. 7ohn Miller ' Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West P.O. Box 510 Rosemount, Minnesota 55068-0510 Dear John: Per your request, enclosed is the "Preliminary Project Proposal" for the Rosemount Port Authority. If you have additional questions or comments, please don't hesitate to conta.ct me. Also, at this time I plan to attend the port authoriry's meeting on Tuesday, April Sth. Sincerely, MILL F NERAL H ME ESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION �� �d� � ---' Gary . Verkinnes Vice esident G :dmc Encloswes A DIVISION OF JIM W.MILLER CONSTRUCTION,INCORPORATED MILLER FUNERAI HOME � DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 3335 WEST ST.GERMAIN P.O.BOX 1228 ST.CLOUO,MINNESOTA 56302 OFFICE:612-251-4109 FAX:612-251-4693 � ' The Information Contained Herein Has Been Prepared for:� ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY A OMSION OF JIM W.MILLER CONSTRUCT1pN,It�CORPORATED PrincipaL• Jim White Contact Person: Gary W. Verkinnes Address: Miller Funeral Home Design and Construction P.O. Box 1228 St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302-1228 Telephone Number: (612) 251-4109 ,e ,e ,r * ,r ,t ,r x Items Number 1 through 7 from the Preliminary Project Proposal are addressed herein. Question 1. "Describe the development experience of the persons listed above and note any projects on which those persons have worked with the city of Rosemount.� The principal person involved in this project is Jim White, owner of White Funeral Home, Lakeville, Minnesota. Mr. White has previously been involved in two funeral home projects. These funeral homes are Iocated in Lakeville and Farmington, Minnesota. As the contact person, I, Gary W. Verkinnes, have been involved in funeral home design and construction for nine years through Jim W. Miller Construction, Incorporated. I have worked on funeral home projects in Coon Rapids, Shoreview, Cottage Grove, Cambridge, etc. Question 2. 'Describe the project and/or proposed use of the propert�in question.' The described funeral home project is 5,280 square feet. The funeral home has been designed for slab on grade construction. The wood frame building would have a combination brick veneer and/or Dryvit or lap siding. 4 Question 3. "Ex�lain why the developer�,) wishes to locate the project in Rosemount." Mr. White has expressed interest in locating a funeral home in Rosemount for quite some time. Currently, Rosemount does not have a funeral home facility. Mr. White feels that, because of the increasing � population to the Rosemount area, a funeral home is needed within the city. Additionally, Mr. White's son expresses an interest in the funeral home business. Upon project approval by the city of Rosemount, Mr. White's son may possibly run the business and move into the city of Rosemount. Question 4. "Note the buildina/site size required to develop the project." The building size is 5,280 square feet. The site appears to be 110 feet by 196 feet (21,560 square feet). The site allows for 20 parking spaces. Question 5. "Describe the number of full-time equivalent jobs. if any, that would result . from development of the�ro�ect. There would be one full-time job and possibly several part-time jobs created as a result of development of this project. Question 6. "Identify any special needs required to insure project development (semi- #ruck access. hi hway access. city sewer, city water. high visibility1 special permits/licenses. specific location). This funeral home project requires city sewer and city water. Additionally, the Minnesota Department of Health requires a permit. Question 7. "Explain the assistance. if any, needed from the�ort authority to allow for development of the project." Assistance currently being sought from the port authority would be for the City to sell the property to the White Funeral Home for $1 and provide city sewer and city water to the site. -- � � ( PARKING � � I SEtBACK � ' �� PKOPERTY LINE 196.00' � f-- - - - — �-. ._ _.. _. ._ .— —• •— —•—•—.._.,. ._._._,_,._,_ —• i� ' � � � 1 3 5 6 � (O�j ( 1�1 • � , _._� , .._._.._. _..... . � -- . � _w.---•- �_ __ II�'' NEW APPKOA(�i PER �° �='����'� 1�1 MnDOt SPE�(FICA710N5 �==_�=.._ I I ��1+ � � i � I� I • NEW 51GNAGE PER C17Y I o � � ' I ORDINANCE � �` � o � --.....__..___4_._..... ____-- ...,y� r.. � Iw ^ �� � r� 12 (� Z � - - - - -._ . _ �� � I -� -. .---�-- - - - -- - - 8 - �� W � � � �� � PA►]EtKING� �� � �--. __ ._._..._ . � oN. � . � �� � r 2U �tALlS 9 i � I . B17UMINOUS SURFACE__� __ � ' I � ~ ( � _ ..._..._.__..�.. __. � ( 15 1O • ' " • � � _ . „ , „ . ....... ,.. �.._.. � --_...16 --- - 11 � ___.__ ___... I � _..___17_._ .. ._. ■ I � o sT. iwir. 3 E �8__---. . . - I � T � - - - - - -. L ...... . .. _. . .._... _. � - ,_ ,_,_ . _ --.._. ___ PA��TF�I� .—''-'—''-'--.'-'--'-=—'-LRD55"E/15EM�NTTO'71D'J7t� � •:-.� SETBACK PROPERTY LINE 196.00' PKOPER7Y THlS LOCA7'ION �'. �' APPROX1MAt� , . � NO TH March 24, 1994 Mr. John Miller Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Mn 55068 Re: Repairs Inc. Project Dear John, Thank you for meeting with George Boomer and I on March 23rd. The meeting was very informative and there is interest on our part. However, given that we have had no previous time to devote to this project, that the deadline to submit a Preliminary Project Proposal is March 28th and especially since we both will be out of town as of March 25th, we respectfully need to decline. George and I would need a month to research tenants and to do not want to submit a formal Preliminary Project Proposal unless we are fairly certain of the rental outcome. Since you have two other applicants for this project, we do not want to stand in the way of Rosemount's future. However, if March 28th is not a firm date or nothing concrete is positively resolved with the other applicants, please get back to us. With rega , � �. Karl . Biewald