HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of March 15, 1994 Regular Meeting ' ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTfIORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 15, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, March 15, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chair Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, and Staats present. Staff present included City Administrator Burt, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Public Works Director Wasmund, and port authority attorney Miles. Dave Simons, consulting engineer from SEH, was also present. Additions to the agenda included an Ergotron Update to be discussed under 4. E. Chair Carroll suggested amending the order of the agenda. Commissioners agreed that the introduction of student intern, Eric LeBow, should be first followed by the consent agenda and then Item #3.5 Mike Miles presentation of policies for meeting procedures. They also agreed to amend the order of old business items. Economic Development Coordinator Miller introduced Eric LeBow, the port authority's new student intern, to the commissioners. Miller advised that, among other things, Eric will be working with the Business Park Promotions sub-committee. Chair Carroll requested that Economic Development Coord'mator Miller and Eric contact Apple Valley to investigate the sign advertising a new business park at County Road 42 and Pilot Knob Road. Commissioner McMenomy advised that he had heard that a tool company was proposing to build a new structure on that site. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the February 28, 1994, special meeting minutes and the March 2, 1994, regular meeting minutes. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Port authority attorney Miles presented information regarding policies for meeting procedures. Miles directed the commissioner's attention to the three-ring binder entitled "Port Authority Resource Book" that had been distributed prior to the meeting. Miles provided a brief overview of the materials in the binder relating to the four issues raised at previous meetings; distribution of materials presented at public meetings, point-of-order issues, distinction between public meeting and public hearing, and conflict of interest issues. Chair Carroll suggested that a copy of all materials distributed at port authority meetings should be put on the agenda table and that the port authority's goal should be to allow ten minutes at the end of every meeting for public comment. Carroll also suggested that each person allowed to comment be limited to three minutes. Commissioner Busho requested that copies of the Code of Ethics be distributed to all city commission members. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed staff correspondence and the resolution in support of New American Neighborhoods, Inc.'s intentions to apply for Low Income Housing T� Credits to develop senior housing in the city of Rosemount. Miller briefly reviewed three financial scenarios prepared by Springsted, the city's financial consultant. Miller explained that tax increment financing is not required unless the board is interested in lowering the rents and/or improving the quality of construction. Commissioners voiced concerns regarding the wording of the sentence in which the resolution referred to low-income, senior housing. Commissioners agreed that the comma ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 15, 1994 in the first sentence of the first whereas should be deleted to clarify that the project would be strictly low-income senior housing. Also agreed upon was the addition of another whereas stating that the Rosemount Port Authority has been advised that New American Neighborhoods intends to apply for the Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the Dakota County Housing and Redevelopment Authority for the development of a senior housing project on the Carlson Properties site. As a result of this change, the first item under "now, therefore be it resolved that:", was deleted. MOTION by Carroll to approve the modified version of Resolution 1994-1, A RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR NEW AMERICAN NEIGHBORFIOODS TO DEVELOP SElvIOR HOUSING IN THE CITY OF ROSEMOIJNT. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Anderson, Carroll, Staats, Busho. Nays: 0. Present: Edwards. Port authority attorney Miles advised that he had talked to David Allgeyer regarding the services agreement with Peer Environmental and Engineering. As a result of those discussions, Miles recommended that the board proceed with the initial contract as written. MOTION by Edwards to approve the agreement with Peer Environmental and Engineering Services, Inc. for future environmental studies not to exceed $8,000 in value. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Anderson, Carroll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Public Works Director Wasmund advised that the subject of purchasing the Broback Industrial Park and land consolidation was back on the agenda for clarification and further discussion. Wasmund explained his reasons for presenting the idea of buying down the Broback land for Cottages, Inc. Besides the fact that there was a $.30 per square foot difference between Cottage Inc.'s budgeted amount for land and Broback's selling price, negotiations with the Brobacks were difficult because of the number of lots involved and the different owners for each. Wasmund felt that because of his relationship with the Brobacks he could facilitate an agreement. He also explained that he had had recent conversations with the Brobacks and has found that there is a favorable reaction to selling their property. Discussion regarding Dakota County HRA participation also took place. Wasmund also commented on the March 11, 1994, memo from Commissioner McMenomy stating that he has no interest in the properties. Staff was directed to continue soliciting the HRA, determine the contact person among the Broback group, and provide a report at the next port authority meeting. Commissioners also agreed that Wasmund should check with health and environmental agencies regarding the highline wires on the property. Port authority attorney Miles reported on the March 15, 1994, meeting with Mr. Harold Wachter regarding the sale of Mr. Wachter's property to the port authority. Miles informed the board that Mr. Wachter is very reluctant to sell only a part of the 42.2 acres and prefers to sell the entire parcel. Discussion ensued regarding the port authority's options, which include: 1) do nothing, 2) make offer to purchase the northern fragment of the property, 3) make offer to purchase the entire parcel, ar 4) negotiate an option on the entire parcel. Consulting engineer Da�e Simons explained the platting options if the port authority did not purchase the Wachter property and how it affected the "small lot option." Commissioners discussed suspending the offer to purchase the Wachter property pending further developments in the Business Park and agreed to look at other alternatives for small lot purchases. 2 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 15, 1994 Commissioner McMenomy left his chair at 6:50 p.m. Staff was directed to meet with Mr. Wachter again, summarize with him the port authority's concerns and explore alternative options. Commissioner McMenomy returned at 6:55 p.m. Chair Carroll deferred discussion of the Business Park Development Agreement to the Apri15 port authority meeting. MOTION by Edwards to adopt as port authority policy for development of the Rosemount Business Park the policies found in Chairperson Carroll's summary of Business Park Land Costs/Infrastructure costs. SECOND by Staats. Discussion ensued regarding park dedication issues. Commissioner Edwards called for a point-of-order stating that discussion regarding park dedication was not germane to the motion on the table. Chair Carroll called for a poll of the motion. Ayes: Carroll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy, Anderson. Nays: 0. Discussion of park dedication fees continued, specifically regarding the two options open to the port authority. One option would be a cash dedication and the other option would be to develop four acres into a linear park around the proposed wetland area. MOTION by Carroll to direct SEH to include the pathway or trail system, as discussed, along the south side of County Road 42 in the plans and specif'ications that they are now preparing and to do so in a manner consistent with the requirements that have been specified by the parks department. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy, Anderson, Carroll. Nays: 0. Chair Carroll suggested that the port authority initiate contacts with the other owners of land around the business park to see if there is any interest in selling their land to the port authority. Commissioners concurred to wait and see how the currently owned land develops. It was decided not to pursue any contacts with adjacent property owners at this time. Chair Carroll requested commissioner's input regarding port authority meetings and the need for more time to finish an agenda in one meeting. Carroll suggested that the port authority meet on another night, different from council and other commissions, or that special meetings be scheduled when more time is needed to discuss certain issues. Commissioners concurred that, for now, special meetings should be scheduled when needed. 3 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 15, 1994 Commissioner McMenomy requested that an Ergotron update be placed on the next meeting agenda if any new pertinent information has been received by that date. Commissioner Busho advised that she had received a complaint regarding parking on the old post office land remnant. Because of the wet conditions, cars parking in that area are tearing up the sod and lea�ing deep ruts. Busho inquired about the status of the request for proposals for the purchase of the land remnant and also requested that public works look into a resolution of the parking problem. Chair Carroll called for community/audience comment. Todd Remley, from New American Neighborhoods, clarified comments regarding land prices of the different senior housing proposals. Renee Stevenson commented that she appreciated the time the port authority was allowing for public comment, but questioned the timing of the comments, in particular, not being allowed to comment or ask questions until the end of the meeting after developers or proposers more than likely have have left after giving their presentation. Rick Berens, speaking as a landowner, re-emphasized his point that the city and port authority should not be competing with private businesses in the area of development. MOTION by Carroll to adjourn. SECOND by Edwards. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 4