HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.4. Adoption of Revised Protective Convenants . � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDERATION OF REVISED AGENDA SECTION: PROTECTIVE COVENANTS OLD BUSINESS i pREPAr�ED Blr: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . A. (4) ATTACFII�iENTS: DRAFT COVENANTS AP VE . • Z2'G:A� Additional discussions of the proposed protective covenan�s for the business park was held at the port authority' s January 25 meeting. The members reviewed the document and its unresolved issues, e.g, lighting requirements, and made several recommendations for change. Attached please find an amended draft supplied by legal counsel Miles. We believe this revision will provide the additional land use protection the commission desires. RECOirIlKENDED ACTION: Motion to approve and record the (amended) protective covenants for the Rosemount Business Park. PORT AIITH4RITY ACTIONz M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Chair Kevin Carroll and Members of the Rosemount Port Authority . FROM: Mike Mileg�� , ity Attorney DATE: February 10, 1994 RE: Second Revision to Protective Covenants for Business Park Attached is a re-revised version of the proposed protective covenants for the Rosemount Business Park. The only change from the draft you reviewed on January 24, 1994 is in Section VZI {B) on page 5 . This change simply indicates that any lights 30 feet or more in the air must have shielding to protect from "inappropriate" glare on adjacent parcels . Please contact me if you have any questions . JMM:gmo DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS THIS DECLARATION, made this day of 199 , by the Rosemount Port Authority, an ageney of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota {hereinafter calle�, "Declarer" ) ; RECITALS ' • Declarer is the owner of the Premises lying and being in the County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, described as follows : The North 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 32, Township 115, Range 19, except the South 13 feet of the East 525 feet thereof . (hereinafter called "Premises" ) . � Declarer is desirous of subjecting the Premises to the conditions, covenants, restrictions and reservations hereinafter set forth to ensure development, improvement and use of the P�emises in a manner acceptable to Declarer so as to: (a) Protect the Premises from unacceptable development, improvement and use; (b) Guard against erection on the Premises of structures built of materials unacceptable to Declarer or which are unattraetive to Declarer in appearance of design; (c) Ensure development of the Premises in a form adequate and reasonable to Declarer; (d) Provide adequate off-street parking space and loading facilities, sign controls and setbacks; and (e) In general, provide a development that will promote the general welfare of the Premises . The foregoing paragraphs (a) through (e) are hereinafter collectively called the ( °General Criteria Standards" ) . NOW, THEREFORE, Declarer hereby states that the Premises shall be developed in accordance with the fo].lowing standards and guidelines and in conformance with the General Criteria Standards and shall apply to and bind each and every owner and successor-in- interest thereaf and are imposed upon the Premises as a servitude in favor of Declarer only for the benefit of Declarer and such assignee of Declarer as shall be given the right to enforce the provisions hereof by written instrument recorded in the office of the Registrar of Deeds, Dakota County, Minnesota, but only if such assignment specifically gives the assignee the right to enforce this Declaration. Mere purchase of the Premises or any part or partial thereof shall confer no right to enforce the provisions hereof . Furthex, such conditions, covenants, restrictions and reserv�tions shall operate as covenants passing with the title to the Premises and are as follows : SECTION I. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The following terms and words as used in the context herein shall be defined as follows: A. BuildinQ Site. Shall mean any lot or portion thereof, or two or more contiguous lots , or portions thereof, or a parcel of land upon which an industrial or commercial building or buildings or appurtenant structures may be erected in conformance with the requirements of this Declaration. B. Declarer. Shall mean the Rosemount Port Authority, its successors and assigns . C. Improvements . Sl�rall mean and include all construction necessary to erect a building and other improvements on the Premises for a use permitted by the zoning ordinances by the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, and shall include the building, parking areas, loading areas, driveways, sidewalks , fences , lawns, landscaping' �- lighting� f�--f� �.,t.�r�J• D. Owner. Shall mean the party or parties, their heirs, successors or assigns who are entitled or claim title to any part or parcel of the Premises . E. Street. Shall mean a right-of-way dedicated to the public or in respect to which an easement has been granted to the public . SECTION II. PERMITTED USES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. A. Except as further provided in this Declaration, the permitted uses for the Premises are as contained in the zoning designation business park set forth in City of Rosemount, Minnesota Ordinance B. B. No noxious or offensive trades, services or activities shall be conducted on the Premises, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to Declarer by reason of unsightliness or excessive emission of odors , fumes, smoke, vibration, dirt, dust, glare, waste or noise. C. In no event shall the Premises be used for the following purposes : used material yard or any type of exposed open sales or storage materials, or any use which would create an excessive amount of sewage or a quality of sewage which would cause a 2 disposal problem or for manufacture, storage of sale of explosives oz similar dangerous products . SECTION III . PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. Declarer finds it impracticable to set measured minimum or maximum standards for contral of noise, vibration, dirt, dust, smoke, odor, glare and waste within a business park area. Therefore, in order to protect its interest in the Premises and to enable Declarer to develop the Premise in an orderly fashion, complete architectural and engineering plans for any proposed improvement to be constructed on any portion of the Premises shall be submitted by Owner to Declarer prior to the commencement of any development or construction of any improvement on any portion of the Premises . Such plans shall contain, at a minimum, the items and information required by Sections IV, V, VI and VII of this Declaration, and shall further contain suffieient engineering data to enable Declarer to determine whether the proposed improvement will operate within acceptable limits of noise, vibration, dirt, dust, smoke, odor, glare and waste. SECTION IV. OFF-STREET PARRING AND LOADING. A. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided by Owner for both customers and employees . Parking on the street side of any building on the Premises shall be limited to customer or guest parking. B. No parking area shall be allowed without appropriate boulevards and landscaping so as to "break up" such parking expanse. The Architectural Review Committee established in Section VIII, below, shall make final determinations as to the adequacy of parking boulevards and landscaping. C. Off-street loading space shall be provided and such space shall not be part of the area allocated as required for off-street parking space. D. Truck loading and receiving areas shall not be on the street side of any building; provided, however, as applies in the case of other restraints, Declarer reserves the right to review and permit such areas on the street side of any building where the facilities are so screened as to be aceeptable to Declarer. E. All off-street parking, driveways and loading areas shall be properly surfaced to control dust and properly graded to assure proper drainage. The entire perimeter of all parking lots, and the outside boundaries of all traffic islands and driveways, shall be concrete curbing. 3 F. From and after the date a building is constructed on a building site on the Premises, the Owner of such building site shall maintain adequate on-site parking spaces and loading facilities to serve the needs of each such building site, taking into account, the building or buildinqs located or to be located thereon, and the use made or to be made thereof, and shall keep such parking areas, driveways and loading areas surfaced with asphalt or concrete and properly kept and maintained at all times . G. No on-street parking or loading will be permitted. SECTION V. LANDSCAPING, OIJTSIDE STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE. A. Sites on the Premises occupied by a building shall be landscaped in accordance with a plan approved by the Declarer. Such landscaping shall include sodding, planting of trees, shrubs and other customary landscape treatment and shall be completed in accord with the minimum standard set forth in City of Rosemount Ordinance B. Al1 such sites shall have an underground sprinkling/irrigation system or other mechanism or system which will properly maintain the landscaped areas . B. All buildings shall have foundation plantings of at least one plant per five linear feet of building foundation. C. The landscape development having once been installed in accordance with an approved pian, shall be kept and maintained in a neat and adequate condition, which shall include lawns mowed, edges trimmed, and trees and shrubs kept in good condition and appearance. D. The approved plan for landscaping a building site may not be altered substantially without submitting a revised plan to Declarer for approval . E. The Premises shall at all times be kept free from debris, paper, excessive leaves, branches and trash of all kinds . F. Outside storage of materials, equipment, products and trash is permitted, provided that such outside storage is screened completely from view and is not on a portion of the Premises fronting on any street designated as a major or minor arterial or a collector street under the transportation element of the City of Rosemount' s Comprehensive Guide Plan. G. Nothing shall be done on any building site which interferes with the natural drainage of surface waters. 4 SECTION VI. SIGNS. A. Al1 requests for signs to be located on any part or parcel of the Premises shall be submitted to Declarer for approval. Deelarer shall consider any such application in light of the General Criteria Standards set forth in this Declaration and shall either approve the proposed signs as submitted or require that the proposal be altered so that any signs constructed shall be in conformance with the General Criteria Standards . B. The following requirements regarding signs shall also apply on the Premises . 1 . Only wall and monument type signs shall be allowed on the Premises . 2. If a monument sign is proposed, it must be comprised of the same materials as the principal building structure on that portion of the Premises and no space shall be allowed between the bottom of the monument sign and the ground. 3 . No sign shall be what is known as an advertising sign, advertising businesses or products other than those sold, manufactured or warehoused on the part or parcel of the Premises on which the sign is located. 4 . No sign shall have in use, any flashing, pulsating or ro�ating light or lights. 5 . No sign shall be located on a rooftop. 6 . No sign shall violate any ordinances of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. SECTION VII. LIGHTING. A. All lighting on any parcel or part thereof on the Premises shall be approved by Declarer and shall be consistent with ordinances of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, and with any sign requirements applicable to the Premises . B. All lights located over 30 feet above the ground directly thereunder shall be shielded in a matter satisfactory to the Declarer so that no inappropriate glare will be apparent to persons on adjacent parcels within or without the Premises . C. No direct area lighting shall be cast onto adjacent property by any lights installed on the Premises . 5 SECTION VIII. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW. A. No improvements shall be erected, placed or altered on any part or parcel of the Premises until the building ar other alteration, plans, specs, including front elevations and/or architect' s rendering, and a site plan showing the location of such improvement on the Premises, including parking, loading and landscape plans, have been submitted to and approved, in writing, by Declarer, which shall constitute the Architectural Review Committee, as to conformity and harmony with existing and plan structures on the balance of the Premises and as to location of the improvements on the building site, giving due regard to the anticipated use thereof, as it may affect adjoining structures, use and operations , and as to location of the improvements with respect to topography, grade and finished ground elevation, and as to fulfilling the purposes of this Declaration, and the General Criteria Standards . Declarer shall undertake these responsibilities by causing all or a portion of its members to sit as an architectural review board. B. All improvements shall be constructed in conformity with the existing building codes of the Citg of Rosemount, Minnesota. C. All building plans shall be prepared by an architect duly licensed under the then-existing registration laws of the state of Minnesota . D. Any building erected on any part or parcel of the Premises shall be of concrete masonry construction, its equivalent or better. The architectural treatment on the exterior perimeter walls (i .e. , those facing the boundary lines of the building site) of the building, shall be one or more of the following: 1 . Face brick. 2 . Architectural precast concrete panel . 3 . Glass . 4 . Stone. 5 . Decorative block. 6 . Other materials when approved by Declarer in writing. E. All buildings shall be constructed so as to screen all electrical and mechanical equipment on the raof or to secure all such equipment mounted at ground level by screening approved by Declarer. 6 F. Metal buildings shall not be permitted without architectural treatments satisfactory to Declarer. G. Declarer shall not be liable to anyone in damages or otherwise who has submitted plans for approval or to anyone by reason of mistake in judgment, negligence or nonfeasance of itself, its agents or employees, arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval of any such plans or any action or inaction in connection with this Declaration. Similarly, any person, firm or corporation that submits plans ta Declarer for approval, or becomes an Owner, agrees not to bring any action or suit to recover any damages or other relief against Declarer. SECTION IX. UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL FACILITIES. No building or structure located on the Premises shall be served by other than underground electric and telephone distribution facilities . Poles, wires or other above-ground electric or telephone distribution facilities may be temporarily installed during construction or repair of the underground system. For the protection of underground cables and facilities, the grade or contour of the land above and adjacent to said facilities shall not hereafter be substantially adjacent to said facilities, shall not hereafter be substantially increased, decreased or otherwise changed or altered without the written consent of the utility company providing such service. SECTION %. F.1�SEMENTS. Declarer reserves, for itself, its successors and assigns , a permanent easement over, upon, under and across the easements as shown on the plat of the Premises for the carrying of utilities, water or sewage and the maintenance of such facilities, and Declarer is hereby given the power and authority to execute deeds or other necessary documents releasing or conveying any such rights that it may deem advisable or necessary. SECTION %I. ENFORCEMENT. / �� A. Whenever approva Declarer is required, Declarer shall take action within thirty � days after receipt of the request and all plans, specificatio or other documents required to be submitted for approval. If not approved, specified written objecti hall be mailed or delivered to the applicant within thirty �;�ys, otherwise the request shall be deemed to have been gra ed. All requests for approval or applications for variance of the within conditions shall be submitted in writing by certified mail to Declarer at: Rosemount Port Authority 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 7 B. Each of the conditions, covenants, restrictions and reservations contained herein shall continue and insure to the benefit of Declarer, and its assigns (as limited herein) for a period of twenty ( 20 ) years from the date of filing for record, and shall be automatically extended in their entirety for successive periods of ten { 10 ) years unless Declarer executes, acknowledges and files for record an appropriate instrument in writing, terminating and releasing the requirements of this Declaration. C. The standards set forth herein shall be enforceable by Declarer and its assigns (as limited herein j for the maximum period allowed by law and shall be enforceable by: 1 . Injunctive relief, prohibitive or mandatory, to prevent breach of or to enforce performance or observance of these standards and requirements; or 2 . Money judgment for damages by reason of the breach of these standards; or 3 . Both 1 and 2 above. D. Failure of Declarer to enforce any provisions of the standards and requirements contained herein upon the violation thereof shall in no event be deemed to be a waiver of the rights to do so as to any subsequent violation. E. Declarer may grant variances from the strict application of the provisions of these standards and requirements in cases where, by reason of extraordinary and exceptional conditions of any site or circumstances, strict application of any standard would result in peculiar and practical difficulties or exceptional or undue hardship upon the Owner of the building site, or where otherwise deemed appropriate by Declarer. F. Invalidation of any of the provisions of these standards and requirements, whether by Court Order or otherwise, shall in no way affect any of the other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Declarer has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. ROSEMOiJNT PORT AUTHORITY (DECLARER) By: Its : Chair By: Its: Executive Director 8 ' � , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SALARY-BENEFIT-EMPLOYEE STATUS DECEMBER 21, 1993 Employee Name: Irutiated by: Position: Authorized by: Date of Hire: Appxoved by: � Date Start in Position: Payroll:�w9�e A� b 1/i... �'c`"�",� ,..,._. � _.._., � � -�---�-�--- � _.�,�__x__u�_ Employee Number: ��'e�r.'����� ���� � Comparable Worth Information 1993 1994 Position Point Value Position Salary Range($) Position Salary Mid-Point ($) Employee Salary Information Date(If applies) Yearly Amount Hourly Amount December 31, 1993 Base($) Comp Wortk► Adjustment($) Annual Adjustment(COL)($) Merit Raise($) Movement in Range($) January 1, 1994 Base($) Longevity 1-1-94 ($) Car Allowance ($) Other Considerations ($) January 1, 1994 Total Salary ($) f. _ Longevity (Change)($) Longevity (Change)($) Merit Raise(During Year)($) Merit Raise(During Year)($) Movement u►Range($) Movement in Range($) ,�,, I , m ange( ) C.�'�1�';�r e Tota1 After Change�-�-94 Total After Change�-�-94 Tota1 After Change acac-xx-94 Vacation Hours/Month &Max 1-1-94 Vacation Hours/Month &Max acac-acac-94 �,,,je,r,t.� 1'��r a'n 1�v�� I�t t�l �� ,�-'t"c��'�i 1�ot,� �,��,,,, ' �