HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.3. Status of and Schedule for Petition for Rezoning, including Clarification of Zoning Boundaries and Decision Regarding Overlay Districts(s) � r CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SiJ1�IARY FOR ACTI4N PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: CLARIFICATION OF BUSINESS PARK AGENDA SECTION: ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDAR.IES OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . A. (3) ATTACHMENTS: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT APPROVED . CREATING BP1, BP2 , BP3 , AND BP4 ZONING _ ����'�� DISTRICT, PORTION OF MINUTES FROM 9-7-93 MTG, � ZONING PETITION, PRELIMINAR.Y PLAT MAP At the port authority's September 7, 1993, meeting it approved a motion to initiate rezoning of the business park from agrieulture to business park. On January 25, 1994, the city council created not one but four zoning districts for business park development. Those four districts are identified in the ordinance amendment as BP1, BP2, BP3, and BP4 and feature different permitted uses and different design requirements. I visited with Rick Pearson, the city's assistant planner, on or about February 2 and presented him with a petition to rezone the 80 acre parcel purchased by the port authority. Mr. Pearson asked which parts were to be BP1, BP2 _ . . Among other things, Mr. Pearson stated ��entertainment" uses were permitted only in BP2. He asked if the BP2 zoning district was to cover only the "Muller parcel" as described by the port authority on January 25, 1994. After some discussion Mr. Pearson recommended the issue be resolved by the property owner, the Rosemount Port Authority. On Wednesday, February 9, I met with Chairperson Carroll and executive director Wasmund to set the agenda and discuss issues. The direction given at that meeting was to have the board resolve two issues: 1. How much land to rezone. 2. What to rezone it. In looking at the second issue first, the port authority really has only two options in rezoning the land, BPl and BP2. The BP3 and BP4 districts are much tao limited in the land uses permitted. Now, there is one significant difference in the BP� and BP2 districts in terms of land use. Entertainment is permitted only in the BP2 distriet. That pretty much establishes the Muller parcel as BP2. The second major difference between BP1 and BP2 concerns building exterior finishes, the BP1 district having slightly lesser requirements. I should also add that outside storage is permitted in the BP1 zone. Chairperson Carroll was concerned that considerable time could be spent on these larger issues and wished to resolve the Muller parcel rezoning question. RECONIl�NDED ACTION: Motion to petition the city of Rosemount to rezone the "Muller parcel" of the Rasemount Business Park to BP2, Business Park, with the remaining land to stay in the agricultural district until uses are determined. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: r City of Rosemoun:t Ordinance No. B-35 AI�' ORDINANCE �.MENDING ORDINANCE B C?TI' OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDII�A.�'�'CE THE CITI' COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ROSEhsOUNT, M]INN£SOTA ORDAINS AS FOLLOVPS: SECITON I. Sec�ion 3.2 DE�TrrlpNs of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to include: Manufacturin; General - all manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment, or assembly of products and materials that may emit objectionable and affensive influences beyond the lot on which th� use is located. Such uses include, but are not limited to, sawmills; refineries; commercial feedlots; acid; cement; explosives; flour, feed, and grain milling or storage; meat pacicing and slaughter houses; coal or tar asphalt distillation; rendering of fat, grease, lard or tallow, alcoholic beverages; poisons; exterminating agents; glue or size; lime; gypsum; plaster of paris, tanneries, automobile parts, paper and paper products; glass; chemicals, crude oil and petroleum products including storage; electric power generation facilities; vinegar works; junl.yard; auto reduction yard; foundry forge, easting of metal products; rock, stone, cement products; and all uses permitted in the IG General Indsstrial District. Manufacturing, Limited - all uses which include the compounding, processing, packaging, treatment, or assembly of products and materials provided such use will not generate offensive odors, glare, smoke, dust, noise, vibrations, or other objectionable influences that extend _. beyond the lot on which the use is located. Generally, these are industries dependent upon - ' raw materials refined elsewhere. Such uses include, but are not lirnited to, lumber yards, machine shops, products assembly, sheet metal shops, plastics, electronics, generai nonalcoholic beverages, signs and displays, printing, publishing, fabricated metal parts, appliances, clothing, textiles, and used auto parts. SFeTTON II. Section 6.13 IP INnUSr�L PARK DIST�t�C2 of Ordinance B - City of Rosemount 2oning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: S�Orr 6.13 BP Bus�xEss PaFtK DzSrrsCT A. Purpose and Intent This district is �mtended to accommodate new, modern, high performances, Iimited industrial uses, and accessory retail and service uses which are planned as a unit and include an internal circulation system. This district is located within _ the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and is intended to be served by the public - utility systems. Overlay zones with locational criteria will also allow entertainment and _ _ service-ariented commercial uses, office/showroom and other uses with high performance ' ��' • ° standards that wiIl provide a transition to residential uses. Uses shall be conducted � � ` � _ completely within structures excepted as provided for herein. . � � . _ _ . _ . _;:-.- . . _ . . _ _ .. �- :: � ^ ; BP-1-�This zone permits planned industrial, accessory commercial, and office uses. This �;��� . zone is adjacent_to_General Industrial uses, railroad rights-of-way, or significantly ; _ . =�'"`�`=�`'r�` � separated from major or minor arterial streets. Outdoor storage is allowed if . H�� ;�s -_ �. ���s�� - completely screened from rights-of-way, public, or residential uses. _ . ,y�. ,� . � ., - - - ...� . ._ � ..� = - - , _ - - . . _ �. .z.--- -- . ._ . : �.._., ;.,...,. r ._ ._ - .' - - _._ ._.. -._ . :� : . _ _... . -- "`at -- - . _ Ord#B-35 . - _ '-� Page 1 of 5 BP-2 This zone permits destination, entertainment, or service related eommercial, office, or planned industrial uses, including all uses allowed in the BP-1 Overlay Zone. The zone is adjacent to General Commercial uses or has proximity to major or minor arterial streets. No outdoor storage is allowed. BP-3 This zone permits office and planned industrial uses. This zone is a transition area adj<�cent to residential uses, or separated from residential uses by a collector or local street. No outdoor stora�e is allowed. BP-4 This zo :P permits all BP-3 Overlay Zone uses as well as medium density residential uses. The zone is adjacent to residential uses, or contains natural amenities or features that may provide opportunities for multiple family or attached housing with high standards of architectural and site design. B. Uses �'ermitted by Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BP-1 . . BF-2 . . BP-3 . . BP-4 1. Business and Professional D�ces. . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . X X , X 2. Manufacturing, �stom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . . . . . . . 3. Limited Manufacturing, VJarehousing, VJholr,saling,� • Distribution,Processing, Packaging, Assembly, Compounding and Accessory Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . X X 4. Machine and Repair Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . X 5. Television and Repair Studios '. . . . . . . . . . . . . X X . . . . . X . X 6. Testing and ResAarch labontories . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . X X . . . . . . X 7. Agriculturai Implement Sales/Services . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . X • • • 8. Automobile Equipment Sales/Repair Shaps . . . . . . . X . . . . . X 9. Automobile and RV Sales, Service&Rental . . . . . . X . . . . . X 10. Business Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . :� . . . . . X X 11. Basiness Services and Repairs, including office supplics&equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . X . . . . . X X 12• Comm�rcial Indoor Recreation, including � � bowiing alleys, pool halls, racquetball and tenrus courts, roller rinks and fitness clubs . . . . . . . X . . . . . X 13. Coastruction Materials Sales, including lumber yazds and building supply stores . . . . . . . . . X . . X 14. Entertainment Facilities,including theaters and movie theaters . . X 15. Financial Institutions and Banks . . . . . . . X X 16. Funeral Homes and Mortuaries . . . . . . . . • . . . . X . . . . . X X X 17. Health Care Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X 18. Health Spas and Reducing Salons . . . . . . . . . . . X X 19. Hotels and Motels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X X 20. Printing and Duplicating Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . . . . X 21. �Restaurants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X �{ 22. VJholesale Businesses and Supp}y�n��, if accessory . . . . . to wazehousing or distribution uses . . . . . . X X -. 23. Day Car Centers, Nursery and Moutessori Schools . . X . • • X X X � . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 24. Gasoline Stations,including accessory car wasfies and retail uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • - . . . . . . X . . . . . X C. Uses Permitted bv Planned Unit DeveIopment tPUDI �Commercial and industrial developments involving multiple parcels, siructures, or uses shall be required to use the _ _ PUD procedure. Multiple family and attached single family_developments shall be required to use the PUD pracedure. . _; ,�_. _.. � Ord�B-35 _ = Page 2 of 5 SECTION III. Section 7.1 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS of Ordinance B - Cily of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follcws: SECiTON 7.1 DIlVIENSIONAL STANDARDS A. Minimum Lot Size (ft) Minimum Yards (Ft) Other Standards Nfa�imum' Max Bidg Ma�c Lot' � GUOSJ Dintrida Zone= «dt6(ft) Ares� Depth Front Side" Resr Demity Ht(ft) Cover Unit(an AG N/A 300 2.5 AC 50 30 30 1/10 AC 50 N/A N/A AG-P N/A 300 40 AC 50 30 30 I/40 AC 50 N/A N!A RR I�rA 200' 2•5/�C` 40 30 30 ]f5 AC 35 N/A N!A RL N/A 110 20,000 180 30 IS 30 N/A 35 30% N/A R-I N/A 80 10,000" 125 30' 10 30 N/A 35 30% N/A R-lA N/A RO 10,000" ]25 3p' $° 25 TI/A 35 30% N/A R'�ts� N�A %00 12,000 120 3U' 10 30 b/AC 35 30% N/A �3'F� N�A 7z� 18.U00 150 30' 30 30 6/AC 35 75% I�/A R-3 NJA 150 22,500 150 30f 30 30 ]8/AC 35 75% S00 R�4 N!A 150 22,500 150 3U' 30 30 40/AC 35 75Re 500 C-1 1 AC' I50 15,000 125 30' 10` 10` N/A 3S 755'e N/A G2(CBD) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35 N!A N!A C3 :5 AC 120 0.5 AC 30' 10` 10` N/A 35 75% IdlA C�.BP-2, Bp� 1 AC 120 20,000 30' 10` 10` N/A 35 75% N/A BP-1,BP-3 5 AC N/A 0.5 AC 30 30' 30' NJA 40 75% N!A WM 10 AC AI/A 5.0 AC 75 50' S0' N/A 75 50% N/A IG 10 AC N/A 5.0 AC 75 50' SO' N/A 75 50% N/A P N/A N1A N/A 30 30' 30� N/A 40 75% N/A FP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A ' For additioml requiremwu nCer to Section 7.2,Supplementary Regulations;Section 8,Off-atreet Pnrtiag;and Section 9,Specisl Ovczlay Regutatious. 3 Unlesa contiguous to an ezisting sueh distriM. � lhree(3)acres mazimum zone siu. ` 300 feet aidth end 5-acre lot siu minimum w6ea lnnd is not pinued_ ' Refcr tn Section 7.2 C.4.n.for eamblishod front yarda. ` 30-foot minimum sida or rear ynrd w6ere abuttmg an'R' DisVict ° Refer w Scction 7.2 C.2.c.for buildings ezceeding 35 feetia heighL ' UniWGrou Acre. ' Ineludw aUucturcs.paved perlcing erea,nnd other impervious surfacea. 10 See S�ction 7.2 C.2.a.md 7.2 C.2.6. " Corner I.ots m R-I ahnll hnve a minimum of 12,000 squnre feet in areu. ° S feet for single story ruideacu:10 feU for two-story residcncu. SECTION IV. Section 7.2 SLTppLEMENTARy RF.GUI,ATIONS of Ordirzance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance is amended to read as follows: - SECTION 7.2 SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS A. Building �pe and Construction: 3. Business Park District BP�, In the Business Park District all buildings with an exterior fuush of curtain wall panels of finished steel, aluminum or fiberglass shall - be required to be faced with brick, decorative block, wood, stone, arciutectural concrete cast in place, or pre-cast concrete panels on at Ieast fifty percent (50%) of -- � � � OrdAB35 � Page 3 of 5 all wall surfaces. Overlay Zones with larger percentages are indicated below. Any metal finish used in the building shall be a minimum of twenty-six (26) gauge steel. o ,� zoh� ':'•::> BP- - 1 - BP 2 B P3 B -4 P PERCF1vTAGE OF DECORATIVE 50% 100% SO% l00% 1VIATERIAL�I7tEA17�tVT * 100So for all surfaces facing a public riglu-of-way, Public, or Residentia! uses or districts. 6. Accessorv BuildinQs (REVISIDNSTO TABI_E ONLY) Dime�ional Standards for Accessory Buiidings and Snrface Parking ACCESSORY :.i1ILDINGS S�JRFACE PARff�TG Minimum �'ards (ft.) Maximum iYIin.imum Yards (ft) Blc�. DISTRICTS FY20NT S�E REAR Ht.(ft) �tONT S�DE REAR AG 50 30 30 75 SOZ 53 5z AG-P 50 30 30 75 502 53 5z RR 40 305 30 35 40z 5' Sz RL 30 15 15/30` 18 302 5' Sz R-1 30' lOs 5/30` 18 302 1Q' 10'- R-lA 30' SS 5/ZS` 18 30z 103 10z R-2 (2F) 3Q' -- -----_1p5 5/30` 18 3Q'- 5' SZ ._.._._.___..._. _-•--••-••-- ---._. ..---_..�.-•--- -_.._.._.._.._.. __.._._..__._.. _.._.._----•-.. _...._•-10----•-- (3+F) 30' 105 10 18 30 10 R-3 30' lOs 10 18 30 10 10 R-4 50' 105 10 18 30 10 10 Gl 18 20 10 10 C-2 18 N/A N/A N/A C-3 25 20 10 10 C-4 S'g`NE 25 20 10 10 AS BP FOR 40. 20 15 j5 IG PRINClP�tl. 75 qp 2� 50 wM BUILDINGS 75 40 25 50 P 40 20 20 20 - Fp N/A N/A N/A N/A � Or the Required Front Yard as may be prescn�bed by Section 7.2C.Established Front Yards. 2 Exctpt parking may occur within a normal driveway that crosses a required yard. ' 3 Drivewaya shall comply with yacd setbacY requiremenu for sucfaee parking. - ` 120 square feet or less in R-1 and R-2 Dist�icts: 10-foot setback; R-lA District:5-foot setback; in RL Distric� 15- foot setback; except double frontage or corner lots:30-foot setback. Over 120 squaro feet:30-foot setback. ° Sce Sectioa 7.2C.2.e.and?.2C.2.b. - Ordf/5-35 - - Page 4 of 5 R�SEIVIOUNT PORT AUTHO T � �� � � RI Y PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL MEETING JANUARY 24, 1994 quadrant of the Business Park. Anderson also suggested that the ring road would need to be placed further south and the board should then consider moving Muller Family Theaters to the east side of Business Parkway and County Road 42. Acting City Administrator Wasmund explained ta the board that the plat was a conceptual drawing and could be modified anyway the board felt would be advantageous. Wasmund also suggested that, if the board concuned, SEH could Iook at Anderson's suggestion and make recommendations. Discussion ensued. Acting City Administrator Was�und explained that the next step would be to configure the final plat, and then forward it to the planning commission and city council for their consideration. MOTION by Carroll to d'uect SEH to prepare, as quickly as possible, a final plat that includes only the 9.78 acres known as Lot 1, Block 1 and leave the remainder of the Business Park as an outlot. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards, Carroll. Nays: Anderson, McMenomy. In response to Commissioner Canoll's questioning, Wasmund explained that it would take SEH approximately two to four weeks to prepare the final plat. Commissioner Carroll requested that the fmal plat be reviewed by the port authority before being presented to the planning comrnission. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised the board that two local farmers are interested in continuing to lease Business Park land for farming purposes. Mr. David Wachter is requesting to lease land on the east side of the Business Park for pasturing purposes, while Mr. Darrel Boechsler is requesting to lease land on the west side for crop fanning purposes. After discussion, Commissioners agreed that it would be best that the land on the west side not be used for crop farming because of liability to the farmer if the crops would have to be destroyed for development, and that an agreement with the fanner for pasturing cattle on the east side could be made. MOTION by Dunn to approve a lease agreement with David Wachter to lease east side Business Park property for pasture use, subject to fencing requirements. SECOND by Edwards. Cammissioner McMenomy suggested that the port authority consider a month-to-month lease and also discussed was a 30 day vacate notice requirement to the farmer. Chair Dunn called for a poll of the motion. Ayes: Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards, Canoll, Artderson. Nays: McMenomy. MOTION by Dunn to reject the proposed lease agreement for the west portion of the Business Park subject to crap farming. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: Dunn, Edwards, Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: McMenomy. Commissioner Anderson requested that the farmers be notified right away of the board's actions. 2 R�SEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS � ��� SPECIAL MEETING JANLJARY 24, 1994 Port authority attorney Miles reviewed his conespondence regarding amendments to the draft purchase agreement with Muller Family Theaters. Discussion ensued regarding the purcY�ase price and assessment of utility improvements. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised the board that a meeting with Springsted and SEH is scheduled for Thursday, January 27, 1994, when an overall policy for assessments on the Business Park infrastructure will be discussed. Commissianer Carroll requested that staff prepare a synopsis of the projected order of when things will be done. Chair Dunn tabled the item until after the meeting with Springsted and SEH. Chair Dunn rnoved the agenda and advised that the board would now proceed to the first item on the agenda. Commissioners agreed that since Arlo and Renee Rhoads were not present to discuss their purchase of Business Park property, the item should be deferred to a later meeting. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised the board that a purchase price for the Harold Wachter property should be available by the first part of February. Commissioner McMenomy left his chair at 7:25 p.m. Port authority attorney Miles reviewed the Request for Proposal for the "Old Post Office Land Remnant." Commissioners discussed amendments and agreed that the RFP should include a deadline to develop the property as proposed, put conditions in the purchase agreement on the allowable uses of the property, and a clause that if the purchaser does not develop and maintain the property as proposed within a year, the property would revert back to the port authority. MOTION by Edwards to direct the port authority staff to disseminate the Request for Proposal as amended. SECOND by Carroll. Ayes: Edwards, Canoll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn. Nays: 0. The agenda was once again amended to consider the petition against Cameo Avenue senior housing site and to receive comments from the audience. Acting City Administrator Wasmund and commissioners explained to the audience that the port authority had approved a conceptual plan and that the process was still in the beginning stages of plannning. Wasmund further explained that the plans would be presented to the planning commission and city council with a recommendation for action to approve the project in concept. Commissioners agreed to receive the petition and pass it on without comment to the city council, planning commission and Dakota County HRA making them aware of the neighborhood's concem regarding the port authority's action. MOTION by Edwards to move the agenda to the last item before adjoumment. Chair Dunn deferred items 4.C., 4.D., 4.G., and 4.I., to the next port authority meeting date. 3 � R�JSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDIl�IGS ����� SPECIAL MEETING JANIJARY 24, 1994 Chair Dunn advised that he would be presenting the port authority's annual report to the city couneil in February and requested comments and/or input from the commissioners. Commissioner Carroll suggested that Chair Dunn make some philosophical comments to the city council regarding the future directions of the port authority. Commissioners were directed to advise Miller of any desired additions to the report. Economic Development Coordinator Miller presented an appreciation plaque to Chair Ed Dunn whose term as port authority commissioner and chair had ended. Commissioners concurred that the special meeting scheduled for February 2, 1994 should be combined with the February 1, 1994 regular meeting. Commissioners direeted staff to place the special meeting item near the beginning of the agenda and to prepare a specific recommendation that the port authority would be able to respond ta Chair Dunn adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 4 SECTror� V. Ordinance B - City of Rosemount ZonUzg Ordinance is amended by substituting the designation "BP" for the designation "IP" wherever the designation IP currently appears in Ordi�iance B - City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance. SECTTON��I. This �rdinance shatl be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Ano�D this ZSth day of January, 1994. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT E.B. McMenomy, Mayor ATfiEST: Susan M. Waish, City Clerk --- Published in the Farmvzgton Independent this day of 1994. , - Qrd7fB-35 Page 5 of 5 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTIlYIBER 7, 1993 ; �,.�. �-�.,�._,...�..�-:-,�:�-..�_..._..,�..�_-..,_..,.,�....>,_�....-,.. �,�....r..,_.,,�.,. MOTION by Suinwell to initiate with the city of Rosemount rezoning of the Abbott property from agriculture to business pazk. SECOND by Canoll. Ayes: Anderson, Edwards, Sinnwell, Carroll. Nays: 0. Abstain: Wippermann, McMenomy. Commissioner Carroll advised the board that he was interested in applying for a vacancy on the Dakota County Private Industry Council, representing the Rosemount Port Authority. Carroll advised that he needs a letter of recommendation from his parent organization and that Chair Dunn indicated a willingness to prepare and sign a letter of recommendation. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize the port authority's chair to prepare and submit, on behalf of the Rosemount Port Authority, a letter of recommendation in support of Kevin Carroll's application for the cunent vacancy on the Dakota County Private Industry Council. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes. 6. Nays: 0. Executive Director JiIk advised the board of the upcoming September 20 special council meeting to be held jointly with the port authoriry. Tbe purpose of the meeting will be to discuss direction on recent port authority activities. Attorney Jack Hoeschler, representing Carlson Properties of Rosemount, reviewed their letter submitted to the port authority and city council regarding their views on the business park and the two theater projects. The letter stated their opposit:�.. �u a theater in the business park and their perception that the port authority is in competition with private land owners. Vice-Chair Edwards called for a ten minute recess at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. In anticipation of Kerry Johnson's arrival, Economic Development Coordinator Miller began reviewing the progress on the redevelapment project of the Repairs, Inc. site. Miller advised that Attorney Ailgeyer had reviewed the non-repurchase agreement between Arlyn Cope and the port authority and found that Cope had agreed to vacate the property by October 13. Upon 3ohnson's arrival, Johnson continued the update and advised that their present goal is to find tenants for the building so that financing can be fmalized. Johnson also informed the board that a leasing sign has now been placed on the property and that they hope to break ground by Christmas. Staff was directed to work with Johnson to come to an agreement on inteipreting the contract regarding the timeline for beginning the project. MOTION by 5innwell to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Meeting adjoumed at 7:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, . � i / �� I� I � ,�� � ����''u'�t L ��il�►�L�"���) Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary No: Date: City of Rosemount REZONING PET(TION App(icant: Rosemount Port Authoritv Phone: _�Fi1�l 3?�-��(14 Address: Zf�75 14�th Street i•iest Rosemount *{innesota 5506� STATUS OF APPLICANT: X Owner Buyer Lessee OTHER: LOCATION: Lot_ Biock_ . Adciition Street Address: _ rTnna ���;�,o� Metes 8� Bounds Description Attached: Survey or Piot Pfan Attached: Afrected Section(s): Present Zoning: Afl-ricultural Proposed Zoning: ?3usiness Park RrJ�SON FOr� R�QUcST: 1. The comnrehensive nlan amendmen �ows h anc� hAino „Go� fnr hncinc�� park purvoses RezoninQ would have zo 1n� con i n t,ri rh rt,A ;ry�.,1,1�rr 2. Rezonin� WOuld De2mi t � vPl�nmPnt of h RoG mrnmt RTtcinc�c p�r�t� a rnihl i rlv � oc�ed �ro_iect meant ro provide increased iob onportuni*i�s for citv nd � rP:� resi c�Pn s . 3. . Signature of Appticant: r • Application received by: ' Date: Fee: S How Paid: Date: Planning Commission Acfion: � � ., . _ ..__._ - ' �� � � � ._ . . — --- I '� --_ _ . J/����( ��`�. � PII01'OS[D'(NIIIANCC ���'�\. � �� \ � 'NINtl v �� v � \ � . .._. /, � ROM 10 C4C DCVtI. ul11 �.4 �a� � ��u 10 N CI�1 OU] =��11'`_..• -f 1 i� ��/ 1 �a�sNU r Y � /'^�s�_ ca+smucr���maiT nH t,v¢ ca�rmuc�ruw � \ �=J - ' ,,,' � , ' M�4�►h�[D�SIIOUIDCR YCpAN j'IY11111� I , 1 NO aEC ItlCIY 1 p C� .1 • � /�I` �'j�l'! r d,� V 1 s�vr� � / �,�� . 3TAiE.NR,��,�,,,..�2 - ---�....� _ _��.! - - :t_ r,a:E1Rf�1[n_ � a n���� _ _-''�JJ .�' �� _ - � .''=�� " +-, - -- - - - - . ,.-----_-- - � �_- -►—� ---- -- — -- -- ---- '� --- l �^ � ��t ' ' _ ' �teo - i 4�� _' -_� �. _�� �„/_.i�.._���• � 0_ _ ' " . z.:r _ - � (. _ / \i 1 . 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