HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.1. Presentation of Staff Recommendations for Infrastructure Extension and Assessment Policy � ! CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTI�iE SiTNIl�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BUSINESS AGENDA SECTION; PARK INFRASTRUCTURE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA N0. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . A. (1) ATTACHMENTS: MEMO FROM JOHN MILLER AND AP O BY: DAVE SIMONS Please see attached memoranda. RECOIrII�2ENDED ACTION: Motion to accept the recommendations (as amended) in John Miller' s memorandum of February 10 for working purposes in the development of the Rosemount Business Park. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: U2%U8i9� 1�:18 F31 SEH ST. P�UL -�i� ROSE1fOC'NT C�OU1-00� , � � �� MEMQRANQUM � ❑ ST Pi+UL,MIJ G MlNNcAPDU�,MN G s"T.C±CUD.NtJ u CHlPPEV✓:,-:�LLS,W! p 1vfADls'ON,VJ! To: All Meeting Attendees �_ _ — ' _ _— -- _,_-- ` y of pa9es► �-^� From: Da�~id F. Simons, P.E. Post-ItTM brand fax transmittai�T'F�m7�� �'�o NS Date: February 8, 199� �' �-oi•!-� 1'+'�)��'�`" co. 5�-h� co' �oS�.tn�oui.tT Paone� 9.e�� ..�.ob4 �: �QS2I110U.Itt, M3I1I1e5QY� DePt• p --:,�� �� Meeting Minutes Faz# •�9 Business �'a�k Fax+���.3� S��3 S�T T No: A-ROS�M3164.02 The meeting was held in the Conference Room of City Hall on February 3,1994 at 9:OQ a.m. with the follawing people in attendance: John IVliller, Ron WaSmund, Bud Osrnn.nd�on, Rick Pearson, David Drown, Mike Miles and Dave Simons A summary of the items cliscussed is given below: 1_ The estirnated cost far all improvements within the 80 acre parcel is �3.8 millipn. Theoretically, an asking priee of$1.57 per squaze foot of developable land would covex the estimated cost of improvernents. An additional price of $0.23 per square foot of develupable land would cover the land cost_ The total price would then be $1..80 pex square foot of developable land. This price is the highest and mo�t conservative of the various alternatives that were looked at. The attached table shows the range of costs per square foot of land for the various alternatives. The attached sketch shows the bour►daries of the project ar�a that these costs are based On. 2. It was mentioned that the pz7ice of$X.57 per square foot in�ludes several pieces of land outside the $0 acre parcel. 7n particular, this price in+cludes the Wachter property to the wvest and the Gerten praperty to the soutkt (see at�ached sketch). However, if those parcels are not obtained, same of the infrastructure cc�sts are also not required. The calculations indicate that the estizx�ated cost per square foat shoul�d not exceed the $1.57 figure even if the parcels are not obtained. 3. It was suggested that the Port Authority cansider obtainir►g some type of control on development south of the current 84 acxe pax�el. 'The Port Au#harity could obtain tkus �ontrol through an optian on the property. On the oth�r hand, there , 02�'08;9� 11i:19 F:il SEH ST. P�GL yyy ROSE�IOG�T C�OU��00-1 Mernora�duann February 8, 1994 Page 2 is some inherent con�ol in the City's plat review and approval process. A guesstimate an the cost of a land aption is 2% - 2_�°/a of the value of the land. 4. In tern,s of a schedul.e, John iz�►dicated that he �vou�d try to meet tivith the Busi.ness Park Marketing Group prior to February 15, and then provide the I'ort Authority with an update on February 1�. After the Pdrt Authority meeting,John will contact the N�ullers to determine if they are still interested in purchasing land given the e51in1ated $1.80 per square foot figure. 5. David suggested that itf tk�e Pozt .A.uthoz�tty borrowS mQney and th�n default5, a general tax levy would have to be implemented to pay off the d�bt. 6. Mike suggested that the Port Authority may be able to give terzzis on the sale o� property withir► the Busuness Park. 7. Ttan felt the Port Authority should either act as a partner with adjacent properiy owr�ers or acquire �he adjacent prope�ties as the Business 1'ark continues to develop_ This z�nay be necessary in order to �nforce the aesthet?c standazds and/or covenants which the Port Authority may wish tq develop for the Business Park. 8. There was a considerable amaunt of discussion on land uses�n tlne Business Park. John stated that there is a fair amount of interest in the Business Park from potential buyers. However, some of the potential bu�ers fall into di£ferent ].and use categories than what was envisioned under the original concept plan. David suggested that the current design rnay nat fit these new la�nd uses. He suggested that this be br�ught up to the �'ort Authority for their consideration. 9. SEH will be available at the February 1� Port Autk�o�ity z�nee�ing to review the costs of the infrastructwre_ Please call me at 49Q-2066 if there are errars or omissions in these meeting rx�unutes or if you have any c�uestions. tih Attachment c: Don Chxistoffersen, SEH Rosemaunt Business Park y � �� Estimated Cost Per Square �oat �, � � February S, 1994 � � � - . � � � � � j _ :; � � ' i ; Ar�a �t : ' Ar�a 2 : ; ' Tc�tal of Ar�as��1 �nd�� .. ,� � _ # ' _;=. _ :; '' '� cfl .... .. - ' ' :_ ' - . ._ .,:; ... .. _. s; _ -' . . . � `� � � � ; .s_ Size Cost Per Size Cost Per Size Cost Per - � S In Acres Square Foat In Acres Square Foot In Acres Square Foat � � �.;. � - . - 18.9 $1.26 G3.y �1.23 - � �;, � � �as�d o� �` `` 45.fl $1,21 y*°, ,.L� �=s -, - �v �� � . ��I.;��� D��velop�ble � ��� Ar�a �; Opti��. t �.�; a , �'�� �� �� °- 5b.7 $0.9b 24.9 $�.14 77.b $1.01 ;.g�}�`���'�� ` $+�54� 4t1,� ; �� z �. 5 �� � � �� s . ���� �Q�1.� ¢s g ° 1.42 - -� � ���� _ - 61.G $ �_� ' � ��sed flit •� 43.7 $1.37 17.9 $�57 . ,s� E�. �."t'xi� � . ' r .{s� t4 ; s j �� � ` 1�euelopabl�, F ° :4 � `} } ey ( s �S.II�Li�1��!.t.ri F ia�H } � � ` ; 1 x� . r � 75.3 $1.I6 � ��p��n �i����� ;Ba e �on f��1`� 55.4 $1.48 19.9 $1.42 x �:� ���:-t �� �# �_���y,,,�,,� � �s. �.c . q � F�Qt�� CLL�A z� ? H ,#' ', � �` { 2.� ]3.7 . .Pand Ax���ACres) 11.7 s b ' 3 t-� £ ` 1.fl 2.3 � FA�elpp�bl� Area TAst Dtt�' �.3 r" :t�.I�N'����ll f:.ot�pt�oi�,# �- z ���� 3 , 3 � � (,1�Ct�S� �- ' y. ��vva�er;�i�c��e�os�s .r , �z6,aoa ��,�oa �5b,floo y �:� � �;�ses�al�l.e CQSf � . � $2,375,OOd $1,U37,0�0 �3,412,U00 M ;(1�.�rge����?phon). a ��� � a2,b07,fl0U $1,227,aoa ��g�,��� y �se���1���Ct�st ,'��ma�::T�t�i�t�o�}. � a c c,a 0 0 ,t:. � ` � r `� �. �1/ � > -� � �r 1 � - � ---F- ��/.t' I 1��� �' � � V � ra�afe,wa � l.,Y � �O�' 1 aDv na 1 % �y� , �C_ ,) 1 l �f I 1 '. �`._i.'" 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M� ��Y�fAL LIGIITfN6 k SDEN'bLKS 6N+UL ROM1Q'K��''. � p7S t-5-93 N1oF11ED aR1JNACE k Uf71.1TY£ASC11E1tTS FROM � f0 10'. Ot5 I-12-93CHANE�D 57ALLtNAY:ES. � . � N0. 8Y OAiE RE''�SqiVg C FILE N0. � c• � RQSEM5164.02 '�' �� QSEhl�OUtVT M�NNES�TA �OSEMOUNT BUSINESS PARK �; ���, R + PRELlMINARY P�AT ,o_A�o� 3 '" ,�ii MEIVIORANDUM - �ST.PAUL.h1N C M/NNEAPOLIS,MN ❑ SI CLOUD,MP, C CHlPPEWA FALLS. W� ❑ MADISON.WI TO: All Meeting Attendees FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: January 31, 1994 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Meeting Minutes Business Park SEH No. A-ROSEM3164.02 The meeting was held in the Conference Room of City Hall on January 27, 1994 at 9:00 a.m.with the following people in attendance: John Miller,Ron Wasmund,Bud Osrnundson,Rick Pearson, Jeff May, David Drown and Dave Simons. Ed Dunn was present until 9:15 a.m. The following items were discussed: 1. The Business Park zoning was reaffirmed at the special Council meeting on January 25, 1994. 2. Ed indicated that he felt the first phase of construction should consist of streets and utilities in the north entrance drive and a segment of the ring road west to the southerly boundary of the 80 acre parcel. In addition,he felt that the ring road east of the entrance drive should be rough graded to the southerly boundary. 3. It was suggested that the streets be constructed with a B6-12 or a B6-18 curb rather than a surmountable curb. 4. Landscaping in the median and boulevard areas are proposed to be included in the project. Bud stated that maintenance of City landscaping is costly because it is labor intensive. Bud asked how this maintenance cost would be paid for. 5. Bud indicated that he did not see the need for individual ponding areas on each lot of the Business Park. The 5% ponding requirement that is required by ordinanee could be waived due to the proposed storm sewer stubs to each lot and the large ponding area on site. 6. Rick stated that there is a 25% green space requirement for each lot. This green space would include setback areas, but probably c��ould not include ponding areas. Rick felt that some of the lots with large ponding areas may qualify for a variance from the required 25% green space. All Meeting Attendees january 31, 1994 Page 2 7. A suggestion was made that the large ponding area should be dedicated as a ponding easement under the first phase of development. This would allow the City to have control over the ponding area as soon as it takes water from multiple property owners. 8. The topic of storing CMC's water was discussed. It was agreed that storing CMCs water is independent from the other Business Park issues, and it is not a major concern at this point. The revenue generated by storing CMC's water is estimated to be relatively small. As soon as CMC has a firm layout plan, the drainage issue can be analyzed in more detaiL 9. Bud will write a letter to Dakota County Engineering Department informing them of a potential mid-May construction start. In addition, he will inquire about: a. The schedule for relocation of the transmission pole. b. The possibility of Dakota County sharing in the cost of the intersection at CSAH 42. c. Obtaining a temporary driveway permit from CSAH 42 to allow grading to take plaee on the lots prior to construction of the entrance drive. 10. SEH will prepare an estimate of cost for all improvements in the 80 acre parcel and divide that cost by the total developable square footage. This estimated cost per developable square foot will be used to develop an asking price for the lots. 11. A rough schedule for the Business Park would be as follows: Date Item February 1, 1994 Port Authority meeting. Provide an update on the January 27, 1994 meeting. February 3, 1994 Staff ineeting to review estimated cost per developable square foot for constructing all improvernents within the 80 acre parcel. Review cash flow scenarios. February 15, 1994 Port Authority and Council meetings. Discuss sale of property in Business Park based on estimated cost per developable square foot. Discuss limits of construction for Phase I. Discuss final plat configuration. Authorize preparation of final plat. All Meeting Attendees January 31, 1994 Page 3 Date Item March 1, 1994 Port Authority and Council meetings. Review final plat. Authorize plans and specifications for Phase I of construction April 5, 1994 Port Authority and Council meetings. Approval final plat. Send plat to Dakota County for approval. Approve plans and specifications. Authorize add for bids. Apri129, 1994 Open bids. May 3, 1994 Port Authority and Council meetings. Receive bids/award contract. May 23, 1994 Begin construction. Please call me at 490-2066 if there are errors and/or omissions in these meeting minutes or if you have any questions. The next staff ineeting on the Business Park is scheduled for February 3, 1994 at 9:00 a.m. tlo c: Don Christoffersen, SEH .� r MEMORANDUM s �ST PAUL,MN = MINNEAPOLIS,MN C ST.CLOUD.MN - CHIPPEWAFALLS, WI �� MADISON. WI TO: John Miller Economic Development Coordinator FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: January 19, 1994 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Bus:nEss Park Preliminary Plai SEH No. A-ROSEM3164.02 On January 7, 1994, you asked if we could provide additional eost estimates for the Business Park. This memorandum is in response to your request Cul-De-Sac Street in NortMwest Corner You indicated that there is a party interested in several acres of land located in the northwest corner of the Business Park. If there is not an interest to purchase one of the two large lots which were ariginally proposed for this corner, then the cul-de-sa� street could be constructed, and the two large lots could be split into a total of six smaller lots. The smaller lots would range in size from about 2.3 to 3.3 acres each. The small lot option would involve extending the Ring Road westerly from the west end of the Phase IA and installing the cul-de-sac street to the north. The attached sketch shows the location of these improvements. The estimated cost for these improvements (over and above the estimated cost for Phase IA) is as follows: Item Estimated Cost Sanitary Sewer $53,000 Water Main $86,000 Storm Drainage $86,000 Street Facilities $120,000 Street Lighting $38,000 Landscaping $27,000 Estimated Total $410,000 These costs are based on anticipated 1994 unit prices and include allowances for construction contingencies (10 percent) and anticipated City overhead costs (30 percent). Please note that these estimates assume that Phase IA improvements are already in place. , . John Miller January 19, 1994 Page 2 Utility Extension to Northeast Corner You also indicated that there is some interest in the Iot located in the northeast corner of the Business Park. For the purposes of cost estimating, we are assuming that utilities are already extended to the boundary of Phase IA. From this boundary,it is relatively inexpensive to extend sewer and water to the lot in the northeast corner. The estim�±ec? �osts ?re as :oll�ws: Item Estimated Cost Sanitary Sewer �31,000 Water Main $83,000* Landscaping and Berming 3$ 6,000 Estimated Total $150,000 * Approximately $16,000 of this amount is considered to be a City core cost for water main oversizing along C.S.A.H. 42. Again, these costs are based on anticipated 1994 unit prices and include allowances for construction contingencies (10 percent) and anticipated City overhead costs (30 percent). These costs assume that all storm runoff will be stored in a retention basin on the lot until such time as Biscayne Avenue is reconstructed in the future. At that time,Biscayne Avenue will be paved, and storm sewer service may be provided to the lot via Biscayne Avenue. In terms of driveway access, we have spoken to the City Engineer and City Planner about the location of an access off of Biscayne Avenue. The desirable distance south of C.S.A.H. 42 is ab�ut 5C10 feet. Howe��Pr, thP ��mpre?�:ensive P�A:� suggests t�'�a. �u0 f�et may �e adequate in some situations. For traffic safety reasons, we should consider moving the southerly lot line to the south so that a minimum of 400 feet to 500 feet can be provided between C.S.A.H. 42 and the driveway access. The attached sketch shows the location of a possible driveway and the location of the proposed utility extensions. Please call me if you have any questions or comrnents on this information. tlo Attachments c: Ron Wasmund, Interim City Administrator Bud Osmundson, City Engineer/Assistant Public Works Director Rick Pearson, City Planner � , , � . , � , , � u � �— � �,�a�� _ � I �/ \ � '_--�� \/ ^ `� _;.,�.��- �. � �/ P(70PO�D'L�ANCC \ �fJt \�b PfL Vf OS�V • \; . o� �i � , ROnO TO CUC OEKlO C� O � /�� 1 .�-�p � � a°n�' (`--��\� � i[ 5 iVl �H��1 Yf"� � l'�=� - ��- � _, �CONSIRVC!12'RICNf"R1PN LANE CONSiRVCT NEW � CC S�`.,Go / . W/1'P�VLD SNOUIDER MCDIAN.p � � C fIEC ICI r.c�.�� yi ' � ; 1 . � � Y' � . ^�'�����M.7 y �' � �' r/ . i 7p 1 - � 1 � _ -- � - •w: w�q Tcla �.,1 i ti � � , — - -- — -- -- — - - ----- --- — s _ SEwER �' 4�S — i _ �.� � o _ � ���`�a: , eoi - , - . ��. E /�`� e' � � --- ' --- ------- 'vnu �. ` E� MEN �`�.+e �'• � �- �� -�ao'un n � / , /'� EASEUE i v6o � . � � /` F /� / � n � smy , ���� A61 I � 7&�T"/ � . � I G/ ? 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