HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of January 4, 1994 Regular Meeting . ,,, RC�SEM4UNT PORT AU`�HORIT�' PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING J�U�y 4, 1994 tice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemou45 h�5treet West,�as duly pursuant to due call and no 28'75 1 held on January 4, 1994, in the Council Chambers at City Hall, Carroll, Edwards, f resent included Acting City Administrator Wasmund, Chair Dunn called the meeting to order Stth�Commissioners Anderson, McMenomy, and Wippermann present. P Ec onomic Development Coordinator Miller, and Port authority attorney Miles. e a enda includetl 4.F, Kerry Johnson letter, and 6.A. Ergotron field trip. Additions to th g A es. 5. b Andersan to accept the agenda as amended. SECOND bY w�ppe��' y MOTION y Nays: 0. Anderson. ON b Edwards to approve the consent agenda as presented. 5ECOND bY MOTI Y Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Commissoner Carroll took his chair. the old post ' Develo rnent Coordinator Miller reviewed staff correspondence regarding Economic P to the city's engineering aePartment, the land ravide a ro�ately 10 parl�ing sPaces. '�e office land remnant. Miller advised that, accordmg � ri wishes to construct the remnant could be paved at a cost of �g however,P hat if the port autho tY Cit engineering department recommended, ot that it be added to a larger 1994 project to help��o o�icialssat thetpost office parking 1 , y ro ert Administrator Wasmund informed the board that he ofdhe� snow on port authorit p P y• regarding snow removal and the subsequent placing e their practices. Wasmund was also advised by VJasmund was assured by them that thePy w� �O�t e land remnant. the post office officials that they favor ��g rovement ineer to complete specifications for the imp MpTION by Eda'�'ds tlod�tl�ge 119g�glty Pro��t Motion failed for lack of a second. and include the paxkmg OTION b Anderson to put the property up for bids. SECOND by Wipperman�• M y uest for proposal to e next meeting for board review. Commissioners continued discussion and concurred to direct staff to d a req put the property up for bids and bring back to th Motion and second withdrawn. � os� declaration of Eco nomic Development Cvordinator Mil1er reviewed�deB ll°e S p�k �d �dvised that he was protective covenants �mments fom the om�►'i s oners. After discussing several issues, the looking for specif'ic co on �mendments to the draft• Commissioners direeted staff to continue working �� for busines; Eco nomic Development Coordinator Miller introduced�B s�ess Park��mo�onse ub-committee• park development. Chair Dunn referred the item to t ROSEM�UNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGUI.,AR MEETING Jp�TUARY 4, 1994 Economic Development Coordinator Miller provided the board �'on re aPd g the best ocation for Rhoad's proposal to purchase land in the business park. Discuss g ness to sell his Mr. RY�oad's structure ensued. Also diseusseW w�asb�e srpa��'k landteand`is onsidered by some to property, which is adjacent to the currently o be the best location for the Rhoad's project. The efened location of t e p oject��ation was necessary be fore m a k i n g a n y d e c i s i o n s a s t o t h e p r MOTION by Carroll to direct Mr. M i ller to invi t e M r. R h o a d s t o t h e n e x t meetin g to provide the board with more detail on his proposed project and continue contacts with Mr. VJachter to determine the sale price of his property. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Pass: Edwards. Chair Dunn moved item 4.E., Viewing of Cottages, Inc. Video, to the end of the agenda. Actin Cit Administrator Wasmund informed the board that Dr. Kerry 7ohnson had delivered a g Y letter to city staff that�nore clearly defined what the Jo ho�� attorn y Miles both adv sed that, in revised project. Commissioner McMenomy and port aut y their o inion, Mayor McMenomy's role in the discussion and hen thetboard chose J hnson'sn�ting P did not constitute a conflict of mterest. Miles explamed that w P roposal over Dakota Central's, it released Mayor McMeno ex lained thatgat the rtequ st of their project. Dr. Johnson was allowed to address the board an P as- ou- o bank, they are now seeking TIF money up front instead of the earlier proposed pay- y g financing. I3e also disagreed with the opinions provided by M�fMe�n°m�f�a ciial pro oarma of the conflict of interest issue. Dr. 7ohnson handed out two page project. Chair Dunn called for an executive closed session to discus aP losed ses gonliability regarding the Johnson project. At 7:05 the regular meeting ad�ourned to The regular meeting reconvened at 7:22 p•m• Commissioner McMenomy left his chair at this time. MOTION by Edwards to table item 4.F, Kerry Johnson Letter. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards, Carroll. Nays: 0. TION b Edwards to approve the Development Agreement with the D oll�A es:tyWipp�ann MO y develop a 40 unit senior housing project in Rosemount. SECOND by Carr Y Dunn, Eciwards, Carroll, Anderson. Nays: 0. MOTION by Edwards to recommend to the city council app roval of the Cooperative Agreement with the Dakota County HRA and to direct the po f�auahoTov� e SECOND bytCarrollres�enye : project plan and project budget to the city counc�l pp Dunn, Edwards, Carroll, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: 0. Chair Dunn accepted a petition from 7ohn Oxborough, a Cameo Avenue resident, declaring the area residents' opposition to the proposed site of the HRA's senior housing project. 2 �