HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Presentation of 1995 General Budget and CIP Budget Citizens Leag ue & 1111innesota°Taxpayers Associatiort � .;� � 18 � � � � � APPENDiX 2 TqX ON HOME SELL tNG FOR $90,000 � 1N 95 METROPOUTAN COMMUNITlES, 1994 Adjusted Change Percent Tax as � Community Estimated 1994 199�g4 1993-J4 $90.000 P�ice R k Sct�oot Dtstrict) M a r k e t V a l u e T� � Courity' � -6.9% 1.11°Io 91 Andover(11) $81,360 $1.000 ($74) _5.7% 1.23% 70 A $83.610 $1.103 �$67) -6.1% 1.19% 77 � q Attoka(1 1) $83�970 $��068 �$7 0) 6.2% 1.38% 35 q Blaine(16) $84,150 $��241 $73 7.2% 1.42°l0 20 q Circle Pines(12) $85.230 $1,281 $86 q Columbia Heights(13) , 1.13% $$ � $53 5.5/o • $79,020 $1,017 -6.8°Io 1.15% 85 q Co1umbus Twp. (831) $82.620 $1,031 �$16) 1.16% 82 q Coon Rapids(11) 1.5�0 . � $81,180 $1,043 _3 8% 1.30% 56 q East Bethel(15) $82.980 $1,167 {$�6) _6.5% 1.08% 94 q Fridiey(14? $82,350 $968 ($68) q Ham Lake{11) � 35% 43 $81.900 $1,212 $24. 2.0% 87 � A Lino Lakes(12) g78.750 $1,022 �$9� -0.80% 1 37% 38 p Linwood Twp. (831) $80,190 $1,233 $14 1.1/o q Oak Grove(15j -3.4% 1.0900 �S q Ramsey(11) $82,530 $$�$� ($95) -8.2% 1.19/o � q gpring Lake Park(16) 1.39�0 33 270 $1,248 3.2% 31 C Chanhassen(112) $$�� $49 4,p% 1.39% � $85�230 $1,254 6.5% 1.61% � � Chaska(112) $79.290 $�.451 $88 3.8�0 1.19% 75 � Waconia(110) $81,450 $�.073 $39 1.29% � O APpte Valiey(196) $81.090 $'i,159 $63 5.8% � p Bumsvilie(191) 2.2% 1.15% � $80,730 $1,038 $22 1.34% 45 p Eagan(196) 370 $1,206 $57 4.9% , � $80� $3 -0.3% 1.24% 65 p Farmington(193) $81.990 $1,116 ( � 2.0% ° 46 $23 ° 1.34/o p Hastings (200) $80,190 $1,203 3.0% 1.26% 62 p Inver Grove Heights(199) $80.820 $1,131 $33 p Lakeville(194) 11.59�0 1.�7% 8Q � $80.730 $1,056 $109 1,1% 1.26% 63 p MendotaHeights(197) �g1�040 $1,131 �12 0 1.23% 69 p ROS�triOU�tt(196) $82.800 51,105 ($97) -8.1/0 71 r $81,810 $t,096 $90 8.9% 1.22% � p South St.Paul(6) g.0% 1.30% 54 p West St.Paut(197) '$g2,080 $'►,172 . $96 H Bloomington(271) 1.40°!0 29 -2.4% Center(286) $84.780 $1,256 � �$39 3.O�o 1.46% �� H BfOokly(1 $84�240 $1.31? -4.7% 1.26% � H Brookfyn Pa�k(279) $81,810 $1.130 �$56) _6.4% 1.10% 92 H Champlin(11) �77,310 $990 t$67) 1.8% 1.41% 25 H Corcoran(877) $82.890 $1.265 $� �-1 Cryst31(281) 0 1.30°!0 55 $s�,asa $�,�70 ($3a} -Z.8�o }{ Dayton(11) 276 -0.1% 1.2$°l0 58 $78.570 $1,155 �$�� -5.7% 1.33% 47 H Deephaven( ) $81,000 $1,196 E$72) g.7% 1.35% 42 H Eden Prairie(272) $81.�60 $1,215 $108 1.40% 2$ H Edina(273) $79,110 $1,256 $128 11.4% H Excelsior(276) � 21 � Minnesota Homestead Property Tax Review 1994 � � � APPENDIX 3 TAX CAPACiTY RATES - IN 95 METROPOUTAN COMMUNlT1ES, 1994 AddlUonai Rates (Percentage Points � ot Markst Value) Expressed as Percentage Points oi Tax Capact��hange Total � ' . From Rato Community County' (School DtsVict) CltylTown School County Misc. Total 1993 Rank Schoot Other � A Andover(11} 18.325 5T.161 32.680 2.022 110.188 -3.996 92 � a A qnoka(11) 24:178 57.161 29.899 4.568 115.806 -4.596 81 � � p Blalne(16} . 18.598 53.355 32.680 6.698 111.331 -5.196 89 0 � q Clyde Pines(12) 27.733 62.53T 32.680 5.928 128.878 2.1°� 4$ 0 � A Columbia Heights(13) 25.686 69.161 29.899 5.371 130.117 3.4� 46 a A Columbus Twp.(831) 20.619 56.227 32.680 2.767 112.293 5.5�0 88 0.06441 O � q Coon Rapids(11) 15.64T 57.161 32.680 5.060 110.5d8 -6.1qo 91 0 � A East Sethel(15) 15.584 61.461 32.680 1.099 110.824 -0.4% 84 0.070425 � A Fridtey(14) 16.005 60.840 32.680 5.431 114.956 -0.2°k Q A Ham Lake(11) 12.512 57.161 32.680 2.053 104.406 -5.6�0 95 � � � � . A Uno Lakes(12) 29.681 62.537 32.680 7.177 132.055 12°l0 42 q Llnwood Twp.(831) 23.615 56.227 32.680 1.099 113.621 2.4�0 87 0.06441 0 p Oak Grove(15) 39.564 61.461 32.880 1.068 134.773 0.9% 31 0.05161� 0 � q Ramsay(11) 18.684 57.161 32.680 1.068 109.593 -3.6% 93 O 0 � A ` Sp�ing Lake Paric(16) 22.595 53.355 32.680 6.440 115.070 -3.5�0 83 0 � C Chanhassen(112) 25.536 62.883 44.470 4.994 137.883 5.5qo 21 O � C Chaska(112) 15.721 62.883 44.470 4.287 12T.361 6.3% 5� o � C Waconia(110) 38.310 83.447 44.445 1.356 167.558 1.0% 1 O 0 p Appl6 Valley(196j 24.649 59.657 27.474 6.240 118.020 2.5% 77 0 � D Burnsvitle(191) 20.377 74.468 27.474 6.200 128.519 6.9% 51 � � � D Eagan(196} 22.150 59.657 27.474 6.750 116.031 4•7qv $� � � D Farmington(192) 34.484 69.069 27.401 3.049 134.003 2.99'0 33 0.02037 D Hastings(200) 31.384 59.128 27.474 3.360 121.346 -5.9% 69 a Q , D Inver Grove Heights(199) 24.046 56.963 27•��4 3 057 120.553 31�0 70 0.06291 � ` D Lakevilie(194} 20.044 69.978 27. D Mendota Heights(197) 20.978 63.350 27.474 6240 118.042 7.5% 76 � � � D Rosemount(196) 32.297 59.657 2T.474 6.240 125.668 4.5�0 60 Q p South SL Paul(6) 28.545 56.392 25.835 T.237 118.009 -11.1%0 78 � Q p West St.Paul(197� 22.022 63.350 27.474 6.750 119.596 7.2% 73 � O H Bloomington(271) 23.90d 57.696 37.817 7.716 127.133 B.S�o 56 0 � H Brooktyn Center(286) 27.030 56.61d 37.817 7.240 � 128.701 -4.3°� 49 � o H Brooklyn Park(279) 24.895 66.t86 37.817 7.008 136.506 4-8% 25 0 � H Champlin(11) 22222 57.t61 37.817 6.091 123.291 -3.896 62 � O � H Corcoran(877} 20.813 58.694 37.817 2.521 119.845 1.6°r6 72 � H Crystal(281) . 25219 64.401 3T.81 T 7.458 134.895 5.3% 30 0 0 H Dayton(11) 31.160 �57.161 37.817 2.521 128.659 9.3� 50 0 � � 14.799 76.514 37.817 6.491 135.621 3.3% 2T � � H Oeephaven(276) H Eden Prairie(272) 24.875 61.826 37.817 7.340 131.858 -5296 43 0 0.01200 H Edina(273) 16.032 61.417 37.817 7.139 122.405 0.1 qo 68 0.12856 0 M Excelsior(276) 24.840 T6.514 37.817 6.491 145.662 0.7% 9 0 � 26.001 67.341 37.81? 6.66T 137.826 2.8% � � � H Goiden Valiey(270) H Hopkins(270} 27.502 67.341 37.81 T 7.139 139.799 3.5°� 'f8 � 0 H Independence(278) 32.564 65.031 37.817 3.330 138.742 3•9� 19 � a � H Mapte Grove(279) 25.35 t 66.786 37.817 5.902 135.856 3.1�0 26 0 � � H Medina(278) 15272 65.031 37.817 3.630 121.750 -0.8% 67 0 � 1 22 Citi=ens League & Minnesota Taxpayers Association � � � AddlUonat Ratea (Pecceniage Potnts � Expressed as Percentage Points of Tax Capadty of Market Value) � 96 Chan�e Totai Community From Rafe County' (School District)' Citylfown Schooi County Misc. , Tofal 1993 Rank Schoot Othe� H Minneapoiis(1) 34.575 68.443 33.822 4.728 141.568 2.796 12 0 0 � � H Minnetonka(276) 20.280 76.5t4 37.817 7.374 141.985 2.896 11 0 0 H Minne�ista(277) 20.698 66.976 37.817 3.664 129.155 8296 4T 0 0 ' H Mound(Z7� 21.030 66.976 37.817 7.245 133.068 8.696 37 0 0 � '� H New Hope(281) 23.342 64.401 37.817 6.687 132.227 3.996 41 0 0 H Oror�o(278) 16252 65.031 37.817 T.001 126.101 -0.396 59 0 0 H Osseo(279) 32.35T 66.786 37.817 5.902 142.862 3.496 10 0 0 � H Plymouth(284) 16.049 59.667 37.817 6.52T 120.060 -4.196 71 0 0 H Richfleld(280) 25.620 66.199 3T.817 7.545 13T.181 7.696 23 0 0 H Robbinsdale(281) 22.146 64.401 37.817 6.fi67 131.031 3.896 44 0 0.04741 H Shorewood(276} 19.904 76.514 37.817 6.491 140.736 1.9�0 36 0 0 � H S�Anthony(282) 26.160 66.481 37.817 6.140 136.598 7.896 14 0 0 H . St.Louis Park(283) 20.194 68.281 37.817 7.001 133.293 1.596 24 0 0 N Wayzata(284) 20.256 59.667 37.817 7.745 125.485 -1.89'0 61 0 0 � R Arden Hiiis(621) 17.082 64A14 44.461 � 6.673 132.230 1.Oqo 40 0 0 R Falcon Heights(623) 15.406 72.227 44.461 6.254 138.348 6.3X 20 0 0 R litUe Canada(623) 20.658 72.227 45.339 7.992 146:216 5.7°� 8 � 0 0 � R Maplewood(622) 21.755 58.884 45.339 7.892 133.970 �-0.596 34 �" 0 0 R Mounds View{621) 25.828 64.014 44.46t 7.499 141.402 2.5�0 13 0 0 R New Brighton(621) 17.542 64.014 44.461 6.673 132.690 0.0496 39 0 0 R North Oaks(621) 8.256 64.014 44.46t 5.744 122.475 -0.S% 65 0 0 � R North SL Paul(622) 14.184 58.884 45.339 7.992 126.399 -1.696 57 0 0 R Rosevtlle{623j 1T.399 72.227 44.461 6.254 140.341 7.0% 17 0 0 R Shoreview(621) 18.814 64.014 44.46i 6.673 t33.962 -0.996 35 0 0 � R St Paul(625) 38.807 62.093 40.623 5.963 147.486 8.6% 6 0 0 R Vadnais Heights(624) 14.864 70.483 44.461 5.T44 135.552 9.696 28 0 0 R White Bear Lake (624) 16.698 70.483 45.339 7.992 140.512 8.9% 16 0 0 � R White Bear L.Twp.(624) 13.674 70.483 44.461 5.908 134.526 10.536 32 0 0 S Belle Plaine(716) 30.802 67.720 48.475 2.409 149.406 11.996 5 0 0 S Jordan(T1� 41.316 69.619 47.91 T 2.394 161240 24.796 2 0 0 S Prior Lake(719) 36.507 57.888 48.430 6.939 149.764 13.696 4 0.06526 0.02595 � S Savage(191) 30206 74.468 48.475 6.816 159.965 7.4% 3 0 0 S Shakopee(720) 2T.104 65.540• 48.475 5.32T 146.446 4.696 T 0 0 S Spring Lake Twp.(719) 8.529 57.925 48.475 3.809 118.738 10.896 74 0.06526 0 � W Afton(834) 20.115 62.686 30.654 3.252 116.70T 0.4% 79 0 0 'W Bayport(834) 42.774 62.686 28.198 6.955 140.613 3.396 15 0 0 W Cottage Grove(833) 27.411 70.654 30.654 6.445 135.164 5.096 29 0 0 � W Forest Lake (831) 26.313 56.227 28.198 3.073 113.811 8.496 86 0.06441 0 W Forest Lake Twp.(831) 15.267 56227 30.654 3.073 105.221 8.096 94 0.06441 0 W Grant Twp.(832) 12.813 68231 30.654 3252 114.950 -2.096 85 0 0 W Hugo(624) 22.132 70.483 30.654 4.920 128.189 9.290 52 0 0 � W Lalce Elmo(834j 19.944 62.686 30.654 9.397 122.681 -0.796 63 Q 0 W Mat�tomedi(832) 20.605 68231 30.654 6.864 126.354 -2.9% 58 0 0 W New Scandia Twp.(831) 29.684 56227 30.654 1.824 118.389 8.496 75 0.06441 0 � W Newpott(833) 22.504 70.654 30�54 6.445 130257 -0.996 45 ' 0 0 W Oak Park Heights(834) 21.420 62.686 30.654 8.955 121.715 -2.196 68 0 0 W Oakdale(622) 23.587 58.884 3t.51T 8.693 122.681 -0.3% 64 0 0 � W Stlllwater(834} 29.626 62.68� `28.198 6.955 127.465 -1.596 54 0 0 W St.Paul Park(833) 20272 70.654 30.654 6.445 128.025 7.696 53 0 0 W Woodbury(833) 22.474 70.654 31.517 8.183 132.826 4.8% 38 0 0 'County Key A:Anoka;C-Carnr,D-Dakota;H-Hennepin;R�Ramsey;S-Scot�W-Washington � � A , � C:�AZ�4I�I . . . . . . . , . Volume XX Summer 1994 Number 2 Setting 'The Price of Government" Inlroduction the Governor submits his 1996-1997 bi- Finance and Revenue are now required I Minnesota's state and local govern- ennial budget to the legislature, it must to project personal income, state and ment budgeting process has been criri- �clude recommended revenue targets local taxes,and other state and Iocal rev- cized for ignoring the overall size of the �at specify the following: enues for the current and future bienni- bite it ulrimately takes out of taxpayers' ums,and to project,by local government pocketbooks. By its very nature, the 'The maximum percentage of per- type,expected growth in revenues ta be sonal income to be collected in state and received from the property tax,state and process ignores the effect on the over- local ta�ces and other revenues federal aids,local sales taxes,and other all burden of taxation that each indi- vidual s endin decision creates,treat- revenues(taken as a group).Projections P b •The division of the share between �11 be made for school districts, coun- ing governments'total bite of the state state and local government revenues �es, cities and towns with popularions and local economy as an unimportant residual of the whole budgeting process. • The appropriate mix and rates of over 2,500, each projected as a group. That's all about to change thanks to income, sales,and other state and local � is usually the case, projections as- a new state law which would reverse the taxes and other revenues (excluding sume current laws remain in place and order in which the two sides of the bud- property taxes)and the amount of prop- make adjustments for inflation and other get are set. The 1994 Omnibus Tax Bill erty taxes statutory escalators. (Chapter 587, Article 8) now requires Turnin U the Heat on that when a new state budget is being • �e effect of the recommenda- 9 P built,we have a clear debate on the over- tions on the incidence of the tax burden Local Governmen! Too all size of state and local government in by income class Besides including fee revenues, a relarion to the whole economy. Before fast growing source of local revenues, any new spending bills are passed, the 'I7ze targets must cover the next two ��e calculation of the personal income Governor must first propose, and the biennia, that is FY96-97 and FY98-99, percentage, the new law intends to put ' legislature enact, a"target"percentage and be based on the official November �e heat on local governments by requir- that state and local revenues may com- economic forecast prepared by the De- ing that projected increases in personal prise of total state personal income. For P�ent of Finance. . income be clearly stated on all truth-in- the first time in history,there is a statu- 'I'he legislature will then have until taxarion norices that will be mailed out tory requirement to have a focused pub- March 15 th to adopt, by concurrent �S November. The increases aze to be lic debate on the relarive size of the pub- resolurion, its own revenue targets for noted "in a way to facilitate compari- lic sector. the same periods. Its resolution must son of the proposed budget and levy in- This is good news for all taxpayers include the same information as pro- creases with the increase in personal in- because once the target percentage is �ded by the Governor and be based on come." (Chap. 587}. Eventually, every set,taxpayers will have more protecrion �e February forecast update provided February the Commissioner of Revenue from the budget fallout of competing by the Department of Finance. must report to the Governor and Legis- spending interest groups. In non-budget sessions(even-num- lature on which groups of governments bered years), the Governor or Legisla- (schools,cities and town,counties)have The Mechanics of Setting �re can propose modifications to the exceeded their revenue targets in the the Price of Government targets, but the process is the same— most recent biennium. . the Governor proposes and the legisla- Here's how the "Price of Govern- ture��sses a joint resolurion. ment," as it is Imown by budget insid- To facilitate the debate on the size ers,wiil work. Next January 23rd,when of the public sector,theDepartments of � Page 2 Fiscai Focus Summer 1994 .. Executive Di�ector"s Camments Next January, when the Legislature meets to build the next state budget, there s going to be a focused public debate about ' the size of Minnesota state and local gouernment. The 1994 tax bill included a new requirement that the Governor propose a target percentage that state and local revenues comprise of personal income in the next two biennia. The bill also requires the legislature adopt a concurrent resolution setting a target percentage. If taken seriously, this new requirement could have profound effects on the state budget process Setting the revenue limit frrst, before spending bills are debated, can have the effect of forcing the legislators to say "no"more often,just like we do with our personal budgeLs This newslener reviews some of the mechanics of the new law and presents some benchmark data that will be used in the coming debate on the size of government. , � Our new edition of"How Does Minnesota Compare,"the F'Y1992 edition,hgs been seriously delayed by the lack of data on local tax collections. For those who have been aslring, we provide�some numbers on our state tax rankings in this issue. The big news is that our state sales tax now ranks II th per capita, up from 15th in FY1991. By our calculations, we're less than$10 million away from a rank of l Oth. For those who think there's lots of room for new taxes, this is bad news Finally, take note of the new deadline for appealing your property tax valuations. For taxes payable in 1995, the deadline for petitioning the court for relief is March 31, 1995, 45 days sooner than in the past. Past and Future Price of TABLE 1 Government Minnesota Personai Income and State and Locai Revenues FYs 1971-1996 ' Table I shows the historical trend in the share of personal income going to ($`s Billions) Revenue* Revenue As state and local government since fiscal � Personal Income State Local** Totai % of Pers.lncome year 1971. Estimates for the current fis- 1 g�1 $15.70 $1.36 $1.35 $2.71 17.27% cal year (FY1994) show state and local 1972 16.72 1.54 1.58 3.12 18.66% revenues to be 20.38% of personal in- 19�3 19.05 1.81 1.65 3.46 18.16% come. This is projected to rise to 20.52% in FY1995 and to 20.81%, an historical 1974 21.93 2.15 1.63 3.78 17.24°/a high,by FY 1996 under current law. Dur- �975 22.88 2.28 1.90 4.18 18.27% ing the decade of the 1970s the percent- 1976 25.09 2.53 2.05 4.58 18.26% age averaged around 18%, in the 1980s �977 27•86 2.94 2.13 5.07 18.20% it averaged 19.3%, and through the first 1978 31.12 3.24 2.42 5.66 18.19% seven years of the current decade it will 1979 35.11 3.68 2.62 6.30 17.94°/a average about 2D.34%. 1980 39.08 3.74 3.16 6.90 17.66% Local governments' share of state 1 gg1 43.42 4.02 3.37 7.39 � 17.02% and local revenues has risen over the 26 1 gg2 46.58 4.38 4.09 8.47 18.18% yeaz history shown in the table. During 1983 48.82 4.88 4.62 9.50 19.46% the 1970s it averaged about 45% of the 198� 52.87 5.92 5.05 10.97 20.75% total. In the 1980s and 1990s it averaged 1985 58.18 6.17 5.55 11.72 20.14°/a 48.3%and 51.8%respecrively. 1986 61.74 5.78 6.07 11.85 19.19°l0 In FY1994 Minnesota personal in- come is estimated to be $98.33 billion. 1987 65.29 6.61 6.64 13.25 20.29% State and local revenues are calculated 19$$ 69.63 7.26 6.61 13.87 19.92% at$20.04 billion,maldng the percentage 1985 73.91 7.13 7.79 14.92 20.19% 20.38%. These numbers suggest the gen- 1990 79.92 7.86 7.94 15.80 19.77°/a eral rule of thumb that$1 billion of state 1991 83.22 8.26 8.55 16.81 20.20% and local tax revenues are equivilent to 1992 87.27 8.67 9.15 t7.82 20.42%0 one percentage point of personal income. 1993 93.29 9.11 9.79 18.90 20.26% 1994 est. 98.33 9.56 10.48 20.04 20.38% Conelusion 1995 est. 103.56 10.04 11.21 21.25 20.52% To those predisposed to favor gov- 1996 est. 108.25 10.54 11.99 22.53 20.81% ernment solutions to most problems,the - � "price of government"legisladon will be 'Revenues include all taxes,fees and charges. Federal aid is exluded. '"Local governments include cities,counties,school districts and townships. viewed as an unneCessary Complication, Sources: Minnesota Department of Finance,Office of State Auditor. a � Summer 1994 Fiscai Focus Page 3 a rime and resource ldller. To others, it will be seen as the introduction of disci- �gt IS PeYsonll Income? pline to a runaway budget process. Some Personal income is a very broad measure of income. It measures the dollar argue that meeting needs should come vQlue of all personal rec�iptr from the sale of goods and senrices It includes before setting limits. Others argue that wage and salary disbursementr, rental income, interest, dividends, and transfer in the legislative setting the distinction pQyments(eg.unemployment compensation,social securiry benefrts,AFDCpay- between "wants" and "needs" become ments etc J. State Personal income is estimated by the ZI.S.Departmentof Com- blurred and that a healthy private sector, merce and is projected by the State Deparnnent of Finance using national and less burdened by government regulations stase economic models and taxes, is a more direct and success- According to the Department of Finance�'s July 1994 Economic Update, be- ful way to meet many needs. tween 1985 and 1993, Minnesota personal income grew at a 6%average an- Clearly there is no objectively cor- nual compound rate. It is projected to gmw 6%in 1994, 4.5% in 1995, and rect percentage for state and local rev- 5.0%in 1996. enues as a percent of personal income. Fees and the Price of Government Arguments will be made for increases �e revenue targets of the new legislation include "other revenues,"which in- or decreases based on the traditional clude fees. For purposes of calculating the targets, the new!aw defines local philosophical views of government and fees in the same manner as it defines state fees(M.S. 16A.1285J. Fees mean: taxes. Regardless of the outcome of the "Any charge forgoods and services and any regulatory,licensure,or othersimi- debate or the size of next year's legisla- lar charges levied by any government agency and paid by individuals, busi- tive resolurion on the target percentage, nesses, or other(nongovernment entities). This defrnition must not be construed it will be a big step forward to have sev- to include general taxes collected by a government agency or charges for ser- eral weeks of public debate about the vices provided by one governmerrt agency to another." role of state and local government and its size relative to the private sector be- fore we go about the business of setting TaX Rank Update: budget priorities. MIf7AeSOti Sales Tax Ranks Glose to 10#h ' ' � Our annual publicarion"How Does the following state tax rankings for - � � � , � Minnesota Compare?" has been de- FY1992 prepared and reported by our layed because of delays at the U.S. De- sister organization, Florida Tax Watch. � parnnent of Commerce,the agency that (See table below) � provides us the raw tax collecrions data Minnesota's per capita tax ranldng Malcolm McDonald from which ranldngs are calculated. As dropped in corporate income taxes and President of this writing,local tax collections data excise taxes, from 11th to 12th in both has not yet been released. We hope to cases,and remained constant at 6th for Dan Salornone publish our full report on FY1992 the individual income ta�c. Not surpris- Executive Director ranldngs sometime in September. ingly, however; Minnesota's per capita Lynn Reed In the meantime, we report here sales tax rank rose dramatically from 15th Research Associate Minnesota's Per Capita Rankings For Selected Charles Steitz State Taxes Onl or Fiscal Years 1991 and 1992 Director of Development y f Linda Kilau FY 1992 FY1991 Executive Secretary The Minnesota Taxpayers Association is a non-partisan, SLatE TaX Amount Rank Amount Rank non-profit corporetlon founded in 1926 to advance economy . . . � and eHiciency in govemment . . � Unless othenvise noted,original matenal in MTA � � GeIIeTal�SateS $4v8.99 � 1 1 $443�.01 1 rJ �- � � publications is not copynghted and may tie reproduced � . � . . � � without obliga0on. Please credit the Minnesota Taxpayers � � . � "�°��a`�°� Excise 260.75 12 242.33 11 FSCaI Focus is published bi-monthly(February.April,June. � � � � � � August,Ocrober,December)for$50 per year by the T � � � MinnesotaTaxpayersAssociation,85East7thPlace.Suite COI�POI�3te LIICOITle 94.38 IG L�J.YD 11 250.St Paul,MN SSi01. ISSN x10a2-Sa7X. UPS � #519130. Second Ciass Permd paid at St.Paul,MN 55t01. IndividualIncome 699.44 6 671.15 6 Pastmaster,send address changes ro: . � � � � Fiscal Focus � � . � � � .. . rJoMinnesotaTaxpayersAssociation � S011iC2: `�How Florida Compares", Florida Taxwatch, Inc., 1/94 � �� as eas��tn aiace Number of States in rankin s General Sales-45;Excise-50; Suite 250 $ � � � SL Paul,�+nN ssioi. � �Corporate Income-46; Individual Income-43. � . � � � � � > ' � Page 4 Fiscal Focus Summer 1994� to l lth in response to the enactment,in Special Thanks for Special and think you may contest it, don't wait 1991, of the 1/2% "local option" sales Campaign until you receive your 1995 property tax tax increase. This tax increase became bill. The 1994 Omnibus Tax Bill (Chap- The Board of Directors and Staff of effecrive July 1, 1991 as a state tax in- �e MTA express a special thanks to those ter 587) has changed the deadline by crease for six months. By January 1992, who helped us with our special fundraiser which property tax petitions must be counties were forced to enact the tax or last year and this year. To date, over filed. District court peririons contesting face aid cuts. Though originally pack- $56,000 has been contributed toward our 1994 property values must be filed by '' aged as a local option tax, the tax in- goal of�70,000. We still need the help of March 31, 1995, instead of May 1 Sth, crease did not meet the U S.Department �ose who have not contributed. Contri- �e deadline for appealing to the Min- of Commerce's definirian of "oprional." burions may be sent to either the MTA nesota Tax Court has also been changed That's all academic now since our Om- or the Minnesota Tax Foundation, a 509 from May 16th to April lst. Note that nibus Tax Bill of 1994 redefined the 1/ �a)(3) (fully tax deductible) supporting the March 31st deadline for petitioning 2%tax to be a state tax. organization. is the same as the counties' deadline for Our relatively young sales tax started mailing the 1995 property tax statements. life at 3%. In its first full fiscal year, 1969, p�operty Tax Appeals If you're unhappywith your assessor's we ranked 35th out of 44 states at$14.28 Timeline Shortened valuarion,work throu h our local board per person. In fiscal year 1992,at 6.5%, of a eals,and if oug 1 n to etition the our Minnesota's sales tax burden was If you don't like your 1994 property PP Y P P $488.99 per person. tax assessment for taxes payable in 1995 courts, do it before March 31st. With Indiana's state sales tax ranked lOth at$490.84,all eise constant,a sales Former Executive Director Dies. Chazles P.Stone tax increase of $8 million would propel Former Minnesota Taxpayers Association Executive Director Charles P. Stone our sales tax into the top ten, an odd passed away on Tuesday, June 7, 1994. He was appointed General Counsel of place, historically at least, for the Min- the MTA in 1956 and became Executive Director when the MTA was incorpo- nesota sales tax. rated in 1958.He served in that capacity until his retirement in 1975. Mr. Stone was a University of Minnesota Law School graduate and practiced '1993 Audit Results law from 1931 to 1939 when he was appointed to the staff of the Attorney Gen- eral.He was transferred from his Special Counse!assignment to the State High- A special thanks is due to Price way Department to the State TaxDepartment in 1942.At the time of his appoint- Waterhouse for completing our 1993 fi- ment to MTA, he was serving the Tax Department as Deputy Commissioner. nancial audit. While the budget remains Mr. Stone was instrumental in the effort to incorporate the Minnesota Tax- tight this year,our special fundraiser and payers Association, and during his 19 years wifh the MTA performed a vital role other cost-cutting measures have had the in educating taxpayers and providing expert assistance and testimony to the desired effect. Legislature on imporfant tax matters. Our 1993 results: Current Revenues $ 416,784 ' - s ••� au .- u . . .. • . .. y . - , a • Current Expenses 378,065 • , , . - ,, . - , � . . �. - ,,,• , . �� • - ., Current Net 38,719 , � �� �� Second Ciass A����` � Postage O,�T PAI D j� St. Paui, Mn ' 85 East 7th Place Suit 250 Saint Paul, MN 55101 3efiTeq 1'qay C�ty of Rosemount P O Box 5 t 0 2875 145th 5t• 55068 Rosemount,M1� . `� « DATE: August 29, 1994 TO: Thomas D.Burt,Ci �� ty Administrator ��� FROM: Jeff May,Finance Director SUBJECT:Operating Items to Propose as possibie Cuts; 1� �����1��-0���7•3 Fireworks for Leprechaun Days 2) 1 01-41 1 1 0-01�07.4 pecycling Contract-Knutson SB,000 � $30,000 � Total Council Cuts """—'-- �P 1) 101-d7320-02-101 �6,000 � 25%of Administrator Salary to P/q 519,940 Totai qdministration Cuts ---""' 1) 1 01-41 52 0-04-1 01 $19,940 Bringing Deputy Registrar Clerk to F/T $tS,211 Total Finance Cuts '- "'�—�— 1) 1 01-41 81 0-01-31 9.4 $15,211 2� ��i"��81�-���52 ADA Consukant Minutes of Meetings 512,000 3) 1 01-41 81 0-01 530 SPecial Census $6,200 $35,000 Total Generai Government Cuts ��"- $53,200 �� ��i��91���-�03 Code Enforcement Officer 2) 1 01-41 9 1 0-01 351 Legai Notices $26,370 $1,600 Totai Community DevelopmeM Cuts _—~ 1) 1 01-421 1 0-1 5-1 01 $27,970 2) 1 01-421 1 0-21-1 01 Pa�ol Officer 3) 1 01-421 1 0-01-20B Bringing P/T Secretary to F/T ��`�4 New Microfilming Program $16,421 4) 1 01-421 1 0-01�60 New Chairs for Offices $5,000 $7,000 Total Police Cuts ""'—'"---- $63,075 1) 1 01-4221 0-99-1 03 Fire Ca1►s,Trainin9,eta(4 New Officers Onlyri� $5,400 2� ��1-42210-01�06 Testing&Recruitment for 4 Officers Only 3� �01-422��"�i"3�8 Reduce Training Closer to Actual Figures $3.400 4) 1 01-4221 0-01 331 National Conference 51,600 $1,200 Totai Flre Cuts "'----- 511,600 1) 1 01-451 00-1 0-t01 Building Attendant(1/2 Gen'I and 1/2 Arena) $12,390 2) 7 01-451 00-1 1-1 03 p/'�Receptionist 3) 1 01-451 00-01 34g Brochures for qdvertisin9(Back to 1994 Fi ure $���536 g ) $7,800 Total Park&Rec Cuts '—`""'— 531,72B �) 1�1-45202-01302 LandscapeArchitectWock 2) 101-45202-01-303 Various Park EngineerWork $1,000 3) 1 01-45202-01-41 5,p Brush Hog for Carrolls Woods $y�000 4) 1 01-45202-01-41 5.3 Wood Chipper for Carrolls Woods a1,500 $1,000 Total Park Maintenance Cuts ----` $4,500 Total General Fund Proposed Cuts $263,222 t r Page Two � �� August 15, 1994 �R�� � T RqF�- F[I1VDING REQUIREMEi� Departments 1994 Adopted 1995 Pro Budget posed Council Budget Budget -�-/_ Difference Percen�ge Administration Budget $134,807 $103,Opp ($31,807) $231,202 -23.54% Election Budget $212,560 ($18,642) $10,570 �'�% Finance Budget $5,800 ($4,770) -45.13% General Government Budget $143,110 $122,189 ($20,921) -14.62% Communit $187,050 $188�200 y Development $1,150 (Old Planning-P�us Building) �.61% Government Buildings Budget $165,005 $322�93� $157,925 $73,278 95J1% Police Budget $94,800 $21,522 $899,226 29.37% Fire Department Budget $953,825 $54,599 $166,4p9 6.07% Public Wor�Operating Buc}get $181,30p (Minus Buildin $14,891 g-Plus Parks Maintenance) $1,039,517 8-95% Paved Streets Budget $1,�5,100 ($34,417) -3.31% Unpaved Streecs Budget $98,�8 $99,900 $1,802 1.84% Ice&Snow Budget $57,951 $57,2pp ($751) -1.30% Street Li $�'2� $22,300 ghts Budget �$1��� $66,??.4 -7.94% Signal Ligh�Budget $72,500 $6,276 9.48% Parks Maintenance Budget $7�201 $8�6� (Pormerly in Park&Rec $1,399 19.43% Park&Rec Bud et- � $67,572 $�,8� S GeneralOperating ($2,772) (Minus Parks Maint-Plus Com $254,341 -4.10% Park&Rec Bud et-S m Center) $541,474 g pecial Programs $287,133 $63,100 112.89% Insurance Budget $67,675 $4,575 7.25% Other Financin $188'� $190,000 g Uses-Transfers $2�ppp $123,188 1.06% TOTAL OPERA'TI�JG B�GE� $84,000 --------------------------- $39,188) -31.81% ---------------'----'----- $4,000,072 ------------- ----- $4 398153 -"_"------------------------- $398,081 9.95% DATE: August 30, 1994 TO: Thomas D. Burt, City qdministrator FROM: Jeff MaY, Finance Director SUBJECT: Effects of the Community Cent er and the Arena COMMUNITy CENTER: - �) Full-Time Salaries -Rentai Coordinator $51,920 -Buiiding Maintenance Supery�Sar 2) Operating Expenses -Electric Utilities $73,560 -Gas Utilities -Refuse Disposal -Equipment and Building Repairs - -Master Lease Principa�&�nterest 3) Debt Service _qrmory Anticipatory Le -Communi � $132,035 ty Center G.O. Bor�ds $102,039 Total Debt SeryiCe '-~"'"'--- $234,074 TOTAL COMMUNITy CENTER "-'---------- $359,554 ARENA: 1) Transfer for Subsidy of Operations&Debt TOTAL ARENA _$84�000 $84,000 TOTq�EFFECTS pp AND qRENA ON T THE COIy�MUNITY CENTER HE LEVy , $443,554 ' � • Salary ComParisons From 1994 to 1995 101 201 Council -----�` 601 802 603 1995 --'""'--------____---- 850 Totals 1994 26,955 �`-"'"-------�� 27,607 increase(Decrease) �'�""" 2B��55 ----------___ (652) ---�_"""'----- 27,607 ---------.___---------�_ Administration '---------._, 1995 _ (652) 1994 197,345 37,663 213,167 73,222 Increase(Decrease� -'�"'----- 235;Op8 '-------�--_____�_�_�_ (15,822) (35,559) ''''-----__ 286,38g Finance ...."""-----------_ 1995 (g1,381) 1994 98,508 124,160 55,349 23,721 increase(Decrease) -""------ 44,215 18,949 9.543 187,121 '-�---------- (25,652) �`"------_ � 187,324 11,134 --�."'""--------- Community Develo 4,772 "-------._ 1995 Pment 9,543 (203) 1994 295,583 52,769 130,805 � Increase(Decrease) �'------�� 348,352 �""''-----_ 130,805 1�.778 52,769 "'----------__ Police --�� 1995 217,547 1994 776,089 745,072 Increase(Decrease) �""----� 776,089 31,017 -'�"'---------_ 745,072 -'-------._ Fire(P/7�F�re Marshal) '-��""'-- 1995 31,Oi7 1994 20,605 20,005 Increase(Decrease) �`-----__ 2�,805 600 -----�`_'------- 20,OQ5 ------�---_____�._.._� Pubiic Works(And Park Maint) ~-' 1995 B00 1994 756,t 87 828,610 102,163 43,784 49,158 Increase(Decrease) -"""�-- 104,288 44,695 42,967 951,292 (�o,a2s� -"-------_---_._.__ �,o�a,seo Park$Rec (2.125) (911) 6,191 `'`""- 1995 (87,268) 1994 280,p09 194,677 Increase(Decrease) `""-- 48,629 326,63g ��""'-------__. 203,37g �,392 "_---------_,_ 397,996 '---------____________._._._ Grand Totals (156,750) (77,358) 1995 1994 2�451,281 90,432 t57,512 2,282,Oq3 73,222 87,505 49,158 Increase(Decrease) -`"'--- 148,503 63,�4 56,172 2,872,060 '-----._1�_ 42,967 203,379 189,238 17,210 ��""''---------._ 2,813,758 9,009 3,861 """--�'_"-------- B,�s� ��a�,2o�� 5a,so2 C)RAFT �� SPREAD LEVY CO ��Q MPUTATIONAL WO�� � •�� �'S'" ET' 1992 1993 1995 Total Funding Requirements ---------------- 1� (Prapose�� I.ess:Internat Revenues 4,061,06q ��� �""""' ------.._....__ Less:Use of CIP Reserves 4,429,363 4��,� 1,025,092 1,219,450 5�13,490 (4) � 1,057,062 1,123,905 Equals Revenues Needed � 175,000 ---_.._.._ �----.._...__ � 3,035,972 "'"""_"" -----..._.___._ (City Ad,jnstments_Subtractions) 3,209,913 3,602,545 4,087,585 Local Government Aid(LGA) Homestead&Agricuitural Credit Aid 2�'7�859 296,512 {HACA) N�A 380,"794 �� �2� ��y Certified b Ci _.�._ N/A 555,804 Y ty to County Auditor """"' ------.�.. �2�4� (2) 2���113 N2,913,401 .._.._. ._._ ._.._..._ (County Auditor Ad'ustments- 2,665,947 3,140,203 J Subtractions) Fiscal Disparities Distribution Levy(Metro Area) Certified Homestead& Are 310,034 Agricultural Credit Aid(I�ACA) �2�808 314,358 Equalization Aid 448,063 312,157 (3) Disparity Reduction Aid 525,257 N/A 82,692 82,973 N�A N/A N�A S read N/A N/A P Levy(Used to Compute Lc�cai Tax Rate) �""''N/A--- N/A Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy 1��7,324 ~.2 002 363 ~� � �'"'""""-- ' � �1) 2,351,589 (1) 2,828,046 4.98% 17.44% (1) Actual Spread Le�,y B��on Numbers from County 20.26% (2) 1995 Numbers Provided by Minnesota Dep$r�ent of Revenue (3) 1995 Number Provided by Dakota Coun (4) Figure Derived with Proposed O e� • �Auditor's Office-8/19/94 p �ng Cats,Removing.�11 Cjp�d Removing Reriremeat/Severance Levy Last Update-8/29/94 � ��� C�TY OF ROSEMOUNT WORKSHEET FOR ESTIMqTING PROPERTY 7qxES(ISD#ig6 FIGURES) Market Value B8,000 � ----•-•--------- ---------------- -------------• .. 72,000 . � . Year •----•-•---•---- ----•-•-------- ---------------- 110,000 . 1993 1994 � 1995 Est � � � � � � 1993 •-----^-•-•-•-- --------------- � ----•-•---680 7994 1995 Est ------•----••-•---•- Tax Capacity ----------- ,5o,aoo r � _.' _'_-_.----680 1883 ------------------• ----•--------^- -•--•-•---^•---- � '•---•---'720- 1994 � � . . � 6B0 ____._.--720 �---------720 .. .1995Est . ---............. . 1993 1994 -`�-'"' -1995 Est Tax Capacity Rates: "' ----•-------•-•-- . � . 1�480 � -^-------^-------- -••----•-•-- � . 1�480� 1�480 C� 29.810% � ,. � . 2,455 2,280 - -•-•-~----•• . County . 32.297% 34.362% � . 2;280 � � . 26.558% 27.474% 29.810% 32.297% 34.362% School Dtstrict 80.188% 28•390% 26,558% 29•810% Miscellaneous 80.933% 61.678% 2�'4�4% 28•390% 3229�% 34.382% 3.703% 60.188% gp,93346 26•558% 27.474% 29•B10% 32.297% 34.362% Adjustment 4•�4'6 8225% 81.678% 28.390% . 3.703% 4.884% � �'188�'� 60.933% 26.558% 27,q7q96 28.390% 8225% 3.703% ' -------------- -------------- -- . Total -___..___ 4.984% 8.22 3 703% � 120.258% ----"'-------- - . 4 9B4% 2 8% 125.868% -----•`-------- - . 130.655% ---------------- 188% 6p 933y 61 678% 5% 120.259% ------"•------- - __---- 125.668% -------------- -----...__---------- % ---- ------ ProPeKYTaxes. ------ _=___= 130.655°� 120.259% 125.668% --'.'--1202599G Y� ------ _ � --- 197 ---------- ----•____---- CRy =_____ ______ _---= 130.855% �3 220 � � � --- _ ---- � 125.668% 130.855% Counb 234 215 ______ _______� __---_ School District 181 187 193 233 247 --- __ __�__� ______ � 198 �� 478 �5� . . . Miscellaneous 414 419 204 393 732 25 34 � 438 q�y 407 �0 73@ 783 Adjustment � 27 891 � 852 828 45 � 913 1,478 847 ----------818- ----�-`855 _ 73 82 1�389 1,408 ------�-888 '..___------ 91 - ---------- 113 - "'-- -- `- 941 -----= 888 --------------- ------------- ------ 142 . ----- ___�__ _ 805 ------------ . ___�_= 1,780 � --_-�_�-------- - -----_ _ 1�880 ----- _-____ ---------------- ----------- ______ __= _- _�_'-- ��934 2�852 -. --- ___=____ _-�_ 2�865 2,878 MarkM Value - -____ _____� ______ 200,Opp .____�------ � � 250,00p . � . . � Year ------ --------- --- -------------- --------------- -------- Hfstory of Actual Tax Ca ac 1893 1884 1995 Est 1883 " ------------- ----- p KY Rafles(Using ISD�188 q��) ----.-.------ 1894 1985 Est -------- Tax Cepacity ----- ----__.. ---•---- --- 1980 -�._.__,___� 3�705 '-------------- - 1881 .._._�__._.__ __w_._.�_ 3�280 -----_.-__ 1992 3280 - ------_.�.---- 1983 4�855 '----------- ----- 1894 1995 Est 4,280 •""---- 4,280 '--------- ax Capacity Rates: '_--•---------- •--�_____ City 29.81096 _ __ ,� County 3228796 34.382% 28.558% 27.47496 29,810% 32.297% 34.382% School Dishict 28.390g6 26.558% �.001% 27.7Q5% Miscellaneous �.188% Bp.g�% 81.878% 27.47a% 28.3904y 28.22a% 3.703% e0.188% B0.833% 21.0H1% �.g42% 29.810% 3228796 34.3gZ%(i) Adjustment 4.�4°6 B.225% B1.878% q�.t�,� 25.53g% 28.558% 3.703% 4.9B4% 8.22596 `�.55945 55.881% 27.474% 28.3gp9(,(� -.""------- --.-_ 3.008% 3.477% 80.188% 8p.g33% 81.878%(� Total -------- ----------_ 5.OB0% 3.703% 120.258% 125.888% 730.855% 4% 25 ___.__�-------- ----------------- --------------- 4.9g 12025996 125.888% 130.855% ."`__------ -------------- -- - __�___ --------------- .2 () ------ PropertYTanes: ------ �_____ -•------ ----_- 88.221% 102.283% �._.__ �__---•-•--- ---------- Clty ---- - _____� ______ __-_� 115.501% 120.259% --- 1�104 1�059 __ _ _---- 125.888% 130.855% County 884 ��127 1�477 _____ ________ _��___�_ _'- 3choolDfsMct �� 831 1,382 1,471 NetTauC --___ ______ 2,230 1,988 1,316 1,178 1,215 �dtyPercentagey Mlscellarmous 137 2'�3 2,882 2 g� For Reslder�tlal Homesteads: Adl�stmern 183 204 2�8� First$72,Opp 183 212 � . $72,000-$115,OOp 1A 1.0 1.0 � '_�-_.----- ---- ���������'" Over 5115,OOp 2.0 4�45B ""----•----- ---------�. _.__ 2A 4,122 4�285 ---------_ 2.5 2A -�____ _�____ �_____ ===�859 ===5379 ===5�592 2.0 2A (1) This Figure pedv�Us1ng: (� 1895 PreNminary I�yy I�pi�DisparfNes @) Net Tax Capacity Figure as o►8N 9J84 2,�28,U48 (c) Captured 7ax IncremeM 7ax Ca � 8230,D99 = Pacity as of 10/7l93 10,173,808 0.343g?Z (d) Cornribut(on to Ffseal DlspartUes as�g�18/94 J e (455,087) Estlmated Taxeble M,488,718) Net Tau Capa�Ky 8�230,088 -------- (2)Tt�ese Flgures Der 8230,pgg . wed Using%Increasa from 18A3 to 198q$qpP�Yin9 tt to 1985 'Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEEIS GENERAL REVENUES August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detai! proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actua( Actual Actua! Budget Amount Budget Comments 101-31010-00 000 Current Ad Valorem Ta�ces 5721,596 5968,464 51,090,326 51,517,004 52,191,420 From Counry 101-31010-00 000 Currcnt Ad Valorem Taxes' gp Sp � � �9� �ory��F�m��ty) 101-31020-00 000 Delinquent Ad Vaiorem Taxes(� 529,526 529,916 $Zp,lg4 �2p,ppp �p�p F�m���, 101-31030-00 000 Mobile Home Taxes(n 56,404 58,709 58,38g Sg,000 $9,000 From Couatq 101-31040-00 000 Pisca!Dispazities S246,442 5310,034 t302,8pg 5314,358 5314,358 From County 101-31710.00 000 Gravel Taxes(n 54,284 53,650 53,520 54,000 54,000 From Couaty 101-31810-00 000 Franchise Taxes(n 518,540 521,642 S2'L,944 S2$,ppp S25�ppp grom Cabic ComPany 101-32110-00 000 Aicoholic Beverage Licenses(L) 59,900 510,640 511,919 513,000 513,000 101-32160-00 000 Licenses to do Business(L) 57,585 S7,360 516,600 515,000 519,000 101-32161-00 000 Licenses to do Businesss-Kennel(L) S75 S?S SO S50 5100 101-32162-00 000 Licenses to do Business- (L) 5100 5100 5100 5100 5100 Spiatball Permits 101-32180-00 000 Cigarette Licenses(L) 5216 S2A4 5200 5200 5200 101-32210-00 000 Building permit Revenue(L) 5140,�46 5733,815 5194,318 5190,000 S190,000 101-37L11-00 000 Coates Bldg Official Remib(L) 5953 SO 5355 SS00 §�pp 101-37112-00 000 Mineral Extraction Permit(L) 5150 SO S25p jp �p 101-32220-00 000 Electrical Permit Revenue(L) 55,332 512,991 513,854 510,000 510,000 101-32230-00 000 PlumbingPermit Revenue(L) 58,945 S26,492 532,514 510,000 510,000 101-32240-00 000 Anima►Licenses(L) 51,790 S1,908 $1,930 S1,500 �1,900 101-32250-00 000 Sewer Permit Revenue(L) S6,725 513,267 511,430 58,000 �ppp 101-32255-00 000 County Recording Fee-City Slue(L) 5220 5170 5290 5100 5200 101-32260-00 000 Heating(Air Cond Permit Revnue(L) 510,243 S35,368 517,90/ 517,000 517,000 101-32290-00 000 Other Non-Business Lic&Pmts(L) T750 5402 5450 f400 $qpp 101-33401-00 000 Loca(Government Aid(LGA) 5300,�61 S312,363 5296,502 5380,794 S384,888 From State 101-33402-00 000 Hstd&Ag Credit Aid(HACA) $372,365 5448,063 5525,257 SSSS,SO4 $555,804 From State 101-33403-00 000 Mobile Home HACA(n 519,899 520,676 521,977 521,000 S21,000 From State 101-33416-00 000 Police Training Reimbucsement(� 550,983 555,711 559,618 $60,000 560,000 101-33416-00 000.1 Post Boazd Training Reimb �5� 101-33416-00 000.2 State Aid(Tied to PERA) �� 101-33418-00 000 MSA for Streets-Maiatenance(n SI5,825 521,555 521,555 522,000 S22,SD0 From State 101-33424-00 000 Equalization Aid 582,973 589,719 S82,973 SO S0 Included with LGA Beginning 94 101-33630-00 000 Police Services Levy-ISD#196(� SO 57,968 516,089 518,000 518,000 101-34103-00 000 Zoning&Subdivision Fees(C) 53,606 510,589 $11,591 53,000 $$,ppp 101-34104 00 000 Plan Checking Fees(C) 585,886 a�a�,o� a�zo,607 5125,000 5125,000 65%of Buiiding Permit Fees 101-34105-00 000 Sates of Maps&Publications(C) 51,053 5757 $349 $$pp �� 101-34106-00 000 Depury Registraz Fees(C) 524,334 524,164 S7A,010 525,000 $yS,ppp 101-34107-00 000 Assessment Searches(C) ;573 5425 $1,473 5500 al,ppp 101-34108-00 000 Administrative Fee-Other Funds(C) SO 578,365 5138,566 $93,500 5128,875 101-3410&00 0001 All Funds Except Constrcm 561,895 101-34108-00 000.2 Consttucdon Funds 567,000 101-34109-00 000 Other Gen'1 Charges for Servce(C) 5424 S2,083 S2,940 51,500 53,500 101-34110-00 000 Service Chg on Returned Checks(C) 5203 S190 5224 S200 5200 101-34111-00 OOQ Service Lookup Check(Bldy�(C) SO 51,414 51,543 51,500 51,500 101-34112-00 000 Utility Permit Applica6on Fee(C) SO 51,200 5100 5200 5200 101-34150-00 000 User Fees-USPCI(C) SO SO 535,588 580,000 538,000 101-34151-00 000 User Fees-Koch Bauxite(C) SO SO 550,400 512,000 512,000 101-34160.00 000 National Guard Maintenance Fees(C) SO SO SO SO 512,000 Paymeats From the Nat'1 Guard 101-34202-00 000 Fire Services-Burning Permits(C) S� �qp �y� �� � 101-34203-00 000 Accident Reports(C) 5863 5701 5754 S500 �pp 101-34204 00 000 Day Carclnspeclion Fees(C) SO 5195 5400 S2pp SZpp 101-34206-00 000 Other Police Services(C) 5263 S55 a0 sp �p 101-34207-00 000 Other Fire Protection Services(C) 55,941 56,110 519,248 511,000 511,000 101-34207-00 000.1 U of M&Coates Contracts S9,000 101-34207-00 000.2 Other F'ue Calls SZ� 101-34303-00 000 Mow Weeds(C) 5596 5405 5532 SS00 SSpp 101-34305-00 000 Culverts&Accessories(C) S235 51,346 5700 SO $p 101-34306-00 000 Other Highway&Street Revenue(C) S736 54,361 5526 53,000 S1,000 101-34407-00 000 City Share of Metro Sac Chgs(C) S1,149 52,859 52,510 51,500 51,800 101-34721-00 000 Softball Revenues(R) 524,471 534,592 537,308 S54,000 g3'7,Spp 101-34722-00 000 Volleyball Revenues(R) E10,890 511,222 511,711 $0 gg��pp 101-34723-00 000 Playground Revenues(R) S156 S12 SO SO $p 101-34724-00 000 Tennis Revenues(R) 51,646 5792 51,405 52,000 S1,SOQ 101-34725-00 000 Tiny Tot Revenues(R) S1Z307 59,110 510,431 SO 510,000 101-34726-00 000 Pom Pom Revenues(R) 53,835 53,115 53,053 $0 ;3,ppp lal-34727-00 000 Field Trip Revenues(R) 55,321 54,056 52,688 SO 52,500 10t-34728-00 000 Broomball Revenues(R) S2,109 S2,046 S3,165 52,100 g3,2pp 101-34729-00 000 Sltating Lesson Revenues(R) 5451 S750 5723 SO SO 101-34730-00 000 Track&Field Revenues(R) 5862 51,139 52,055 53,000 S1,050 101•34731-00 000 Soccer Revenues(R) 5400 SO S5,630 52,000 $0 101-34732-00 000 Adult Basketball Revenues(R) SO $568 S'73$ Sp 5750 101-34733-00 000 OtherPrograms Revenue(R) 51,431 5957 �8$ ap �� 101-34790-00 000 Other RecreaGon Revenues(R) SO S30 SO SO SO 101-35101-00 000 Court Fines(� 547,377 544,927 560,960 565,000 S8QOQ0 101-36101-00 000 Principal-Special Assessments(n 516,175 532,720 54,606 E2,Opp SZ,ppp 101-36102-00 000 Penalpes&Interest-S/A(n EO 51,960 5482 SO 50 PAGE TOTAIS S2,316,091 S3,066,864 53,312,673 53,700,810 5199,895 54,501,445 ' , Page Two � 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS GENERAL REVF.NLJF.s August 15,1994 1991 1� 1995 Object 1995 Fund Account Ob'# 1� 1993 A�p� �� P�� _ � J Descripdoa Actval Actual Actual B et �S Amount Budget Comments 101-36210-00 OOp ����������nffi�� 101-36215-00 000 �ie�c��(� sz0.os� s2i,ss2 s2a�osi s72,000 101-36220-00 000 Rents&Royalties(I� �35 54,868 53,053 53,000 52,000 Checking Account 101-36230.00 000 Contnbutions/Dona4ons(1� S 0 53 52,780 �,60p y�� ,s a2z,a�s �,964 � 52,600 US West Antenaa Rent 101-36260-00 000 Other Revenue(14� sp 101-36260-00 000.1 City Insurance Refyods ��� �5,919 Sgp,836 �S� �5,� ioi-�2ba o0 000.z ��u�eo� s2s,000 101-38080.00 OOp ga�quet Fees(R) 510,000 I01-38081-00 Opp Auditorium Fees(R) � � � � S4Z330 101-38082-00 000 � � � � 511,700 Gymnasium Fees(R) � � � � 101-38086.00 000 Classroom Fees(R) � � � � Y3,700 101-38087-00 000 Fitness Room Fees(R) S4,6pp 101-38092-00 000 Food Service(R) � � � SO �� 101-38150-00 000 Open Gym Fees(R) � � � � �5,ppp 101-38151-00 000 Fitness program Fees(R) � � � � $�,qpp 101-38152-00 Opp Jazzercise Fees(R) � s� � � S1,000 101-38153-00 000 G � � � � 51,800 ioi-ssisa-o0 00o x�[ Fees(R)(R) � � � So SO gp � � �+2011 101-39101-00 000 Sales of General Fixed AsseLc(1� a� f� ag,7pp 101-39203-00 000 Traasfer from � � EO 101-39207-00 000 Transfer from Port Authority(T)� s���� �1,697 521,734 S191,612 101-39209.0p 000 Transf fmm Bonds Paid U Fund �0,� �0,� SO �,� ��-Bldg&Grounds i�faint P ('� 5265,051 570,592 5100,00p � 101-39310-00 000 Loan proceeds(IV� �5,� fp so ss�,soo so so ao PAGE TOTAiS S54g,9p8 5312,991 5309,537 5299,212 E159,930 GRAND TOTALS 52,864,999 S3>379,855 53,672,210 54,000,022 54,661,375 uvz'�xrrEu.�vErruFs si,iao,sbz ai,zsi,ziz ai,�2a,�aa si,z3 obz Z 53,125,905 Graad Total Less Ad Valorem, ______ ______ __ ______ ______ ______ ___�_= LGA,HACA&FiscaiDispazifies 101-34108-00 000 Genera!Fund Admin Fees 101-34108-00 000.1 Fund Administra6ve Fees 101-34108-00 OOO.a Fund 102 � '� �8+5� �8�5� 561,8�5 101-3410&00 OOO.b Fund 201 51,125 Paid-Up Debt Serv Bond Fund 101-34108-00 OOp.c Fund 202 �+6� Port Authority Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.d Fund 203 52,250 5-Year CIP Program Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.e Fund 204 51,125 Capita!Projects MSA Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.f Fund 205 51,125 Severaace 8c Retiremeat Fuad 101-34108-00 OOO.g Fund 730 SZ250 Park Improvements Fund Y01-3410&DO OOO.h Fund 301 51,125 Diamond Pattt proje�� 101-34108-00 OOO.i Fund 303 51,125 G.O.Commyniry�nter 1992C 101-34108-00 OOO.j Fund 304 51,125 G.O.Municipai Bldgs 1986 101-34108-00 OOO.k Fund 321 51,125 G.O.Equip Certificates 1991C 101-34108-00 000,1 Fund 322 51,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1992A 101-34108-00 OOO.m Fund 324 53,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1993A 101-3410&00 OOQn Fund 325 S1,125 G.p.Impr gonds 1994A 101-34108-00 OOO.o Fund 327 S3,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1987A 101-3410&00 OOO.p Fund 328 51,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1989B 101-34108-00 ppp.q Fund 329 51,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1991A 101-34108-00 OOO.r Fund 330 51,125 G.O.Impr Bonds 1991B 101-34108-00 OOO.s Fund 331 51,125 G.O.Impr Bands 1992D 101-34108-00 OOO.t Fund 381 Si,i25 G.O.MSA Street Bonds,1994C 101-3410&00 OOO.0 Fund 382 S1,125 G.O.Municipal Bldg 1992E(p/q) 101-3410&00 OOO.v Fund 383 S1,125 G.O.Tax Inc Bonds 1988A 101-34108-00 OOO.w Fund 601 51,125 G O.Bonds,1993E&1994A(PJA) 101-3410&00 OOO.x Fund 602 �,6� Water Utiliry Fund 101-3410&00 OOO.y Fund 603 �.6u Sewer Utility Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.z Fund 604 �,6� Storm Water Utility Fund 101-3410&00 OpO.aa Fund 605 51,125 Water&Sewer CIP Pro ]Ol-3410&00 OOO.ab Fuad 606 51,125 �m Fund Water Hook-Up Core Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.ac Fund 607 51,125 Sewer Hook-Up Core Fund 101-34108-00 OOO.ad Fund 611 51,125 Storm Rtater Connectn Fees Fund 101-34108-00 OpO,ae Fund 612 51,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 1994B 101-34108-00 OOp,af Fund 613 51,125 G.O.Water Bonds 1989A 101-34t08-00 OOO.ag Fund 650 S1,125 G.O.Storm Water Bonds 19928 SS625 Arena Fund Admin Fee Breakdown Totals SO SO SS 500 � ��,5� 561,875 561,895 a===�= _�---- _____- � Page One 1995 BUD('iET WORKSI�ETS COLJNCII.-41110- August i5,1994 1991 1� 1995 ObJ�t 1995 Fund Account Ob'# 1� 1993 Adopted Det�( Propo�d ) Description Actuai _ � Actual Actual Budget Amount �g°� Commenb --------_ 101-41110- 103 Part_15me Salazies g��nefib ioi-aiiia oi-zo9 ��� sz3,sso sz;,ras sz�,6m Other Office Supplies z �ppp 101-41110.Ol-3p2 � 5190 sp � Architects'Fees SO 54.453 S8>4?b � 101-41110.Ol-304 ��g�,y fp � ioi-aiiia oi-3m s6,zao � � � Management Fees 538,213 540,414 SgZ,qg3 � 101-41110-01-307.1 Newsletter 564,000 �� 101-41110.Ol-307.2 Spring Cleanup S'7,OOp 101-41110-01-307.3 Fireworks S10,00p 101-41110-01-307.4 �y�g�n�t-��n �� 101-41110.Ol-307.5 Senior Citizen's Center S40,U00 101-4ll10-Ol-319 Other Professionai Services 56,000 101-41110.Ol-331 Trave!Expense � S�� 52,753 54,000 S4,OOp ��aoo���ment loi-4311a O3-351 I.egal Noaces Publ;shing sl'� �17 � 5300 sp � � 5300 101-41110.Ol-369 piher Insurance SO � 101-41110.01-369.1 C,ouncil,�Comm�tt� � � 5319 �pp 5400 101-41110.Ol-433 Dues&Subscripaons � Accidental Insurance 101-41110.01-433.1 I,1�iC 7�ues �5 ��� 57,490 Sg,spp 101-41110- 01-433.2 �C_�c� � �'� 55,250 101-41110-Ol-433.3 AI�Il�1 Dues Sp 101-41110-Ol-433.4 NDCC Dues 52,650 101-41110.Ol-435 Books�&Pamphlets SSpp 101-41110.Ol-437 Co�'�n�g�Seminars a� �97 �1 ai� SI00 101-41110-Ol-437.1 Registration&Hotel-LMC S�'6� a�'$� �435 52,300 S2,300 101-41110. Ol-437.2 Miscellaa¢ou��C Events 51,800 101-41110.Ol-439 Other Ayscellaneous Cy�.g� S69 �� 101-41110-Ol-59$ ��������� � 54,000 SO a0 101-41110. Ol-601 SZl'464 $i8+926 58,879 510,000 Prineipal on Loans a� S10,000 Contingencies 101-41ll0.01-601.1 plan Assistance�mp p� � 517,500 517,500 517,500 101-41110-Ol-601.2 p��y���_�ort 511,775 Payment#3 of 3 ' ���u Payment#3 of 3 PAGETOTAIS 594,098 5101,626 S16 353 w� 4 5134,807 5139,000 DEPARTA•IENTZ�p'I'?� S94,098 5101,626 Si 353 ______ ______ ___�__ _ 5134,807 5139,000 , � Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEET'S ADMIlVISTRATION DEPARTMENT_41320- August I5,1994 1991 1� 1995 Objec� 1995 Fund Account Ob'# 1� 1993 A�p�� �� �� � 1 Description A� _ Actual Actual Budget Amount B et . ----�� � . � �COIDa1CIIt5 101-41320- 101 Salariey&Benefits 101-41320. 102 Full-Time pvertime 517�759 5163,861 5201,608 5201,167 ���'�ffi�1�'e of 53,175 53,828 53,354 5217,300 Salary,Ta�PERA dt Bene6ts 101-41320-Ol-203 Printed por�g�paper �+� �3 Spp 101-41320. 01-207 'r 5171 gp � � raining&InstrucW Supplies SO sp SO 101-41320-Ol-7A71 Safety Committee 5550 ji�gpp 51�600 101-41320-O1-207.2 Right to Know j3pp 101-41320.Ol-209 Other Office Supplies 51,300 101-41320-O1-304 ��p� � � S195 ' S300 101-41320.Ol-305 Medicai&DenW Fees S117 fp � � � Miscellanepuy py�y�� 101-41320.Ol-307 � �9 S84 � Management Fees S798 � � 101-41320. Ol-3071 Labor Consu(tapt 51,780 S10,140 �pp �� 101-41320.01-307.2 Dept Head/Staff Training 53,500 101-41320-01-319 Other ProfessionalServices S$pp 101-41320- Ol-331 Travet Expensa � �'�Z � 512,000 101-41320-Ol-331.1 State Conference-I,MC �$ �91 �ps � 5300 � 101-41320- Ol-3312 State Conference-MC.'KA S50 101-41320.Ol-331.3 Personnel Workshops S50 101-41320-Ol-331.4 ICMA Conference 5100 101-41320- Ol-339 Other TransportaGon Expenses S400 101-41320.Ol-341 Em lo �19 E157 S211 a3pp p yment Advertising SO 5203 $p � 101-41320-Ol-351 Legal Nobces Publishing � fp 101-41320. Oi-352 General Notices&Public Info S� � a0 �p 101-41320-01-353 p� ' �'S� a0 SO � dmance Publication a� s0 ap 101-41320. Ol-433 Dues&Subscriplions � al'�2 a1,0� 51,5�0 Codification of Code 101-41320-Ol-433.1 MCMA Dues 5374 5193 S75 5185 a9oo 101-41320-Ol-433.2 141A111p D�es $�� 101-41320- Ol-433.3 MCFOA Dues S50 101-41320-Ol-433.4 �C D� 5100 101-41320- Ol-433.5 IPMA Dues $50 101-41320-Ol-433.6 ICMA Dues j$p 101-41320- Ol-435 Boo�&p�p�ets 5600 101-41320-Ol-435.1 FLSA Handyoog SO ap �� � 101-41320.01-435.2 �����p��� � azzo 101-41320- Ol-437 Conferences 8c Seminais S80 101-41320- Ol-437.1 Registration&Hotel-I,MC S1,749 51,586 52,425 E1,950 a2,soo 101-41320-01-4322 Registrdtioa&Hotel-MCMA 5300 101-41320- O1-437.3 Personnei Conferences 5300 101-41320-Ol-437.4 Staff(2)Fach $qpp 101-41320- Ol-437.5 Miscellaneous Seminais 5400 101-41320- Ol-437.6 Municipal's Baaquet 5100 101-41320- Ol-437.7 ICMA-Registradon&Hotel 5300 101-41320. Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous C�� SO a�� � � SO SO PAGE TOTALS 5183,3?b S174,688 -�� 5221,273 5231,?A2 S232,500 DEPARTMENTTOTALS S183,326 5174,688 ______ ______ _ 5221,713 - 5231-202 =_____ = 5732,500 , � Page One � 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS EI.EC,TlONS-41410- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Obl� 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted �� pm Fund Account Obj# Dcscription Actuai Actual � -- A�� Bndget Amount Budget Gommenrs 101-41410.Ol-103 Part T'�me Salariey 51,594 57,795 51,949 ioi-aiaia oi-i22 �cncour,�uaon$ s� ssio se,000 �,000 ��nJuages 101-41410.O1-125 Medicaze Contnbutions s1Z1 5372 5100 101-41410.01-203 � � � � S100 Printed Forms&Paper 52,331 SO 52,122 $p 101-41410.01-208 Miscellaaeou�Supp�y � �,300 g�o����g 101-41410.Oi-219 Other Operating Supplies �� �5 S170 �pp � ��n��a l0I-41430-01-242 Minor Equipment �6 �2 �0 5100 Meais for Election Judges 101-41410.Oi-319 Other Professionat Services � � � � 5100 Ballot Machine 101-41410.Ol-321 Telephone Costs � SI,100 §p � �PIDant � 5378 SO 5500 5300 Ptogramaung 101-41410-Ol-351 Lega(Natices publis6ing � S3D0 Coata for Precinet pho� 101-41410.01-409 Other Contracted Repair&IKain �Z � � � 5100 Electloa Publicationa 301-41410.Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Chuges � 51,966 sp �� � 101-41410.Ol-580 Other Equipment Purchases 5360 sgp 5320 S�p JaniWria(�M�p 5210 51,000 51,050 sp cp SO PAGETOTALS 54,737 513,845 55,5'72 510,570 55,800 DEPAR'TMENTTOTAI.S S4,'l37 513,845 55,5'l2 S1Q570 55,800 , • Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS FINANCE DEPARTMENT'-4157A- August 15,1994 1991 1� 1995 06ject 1995 . Fund Account Ob'# 1992 1993 Adopted Detaii p� ) Descrip6on A�� - _ Actua! Actuat BwiBet Amount �d Budget Comments 101-41520. 101 Salaries gc Benefits A113a1azy Coab Ipelusive of 101-41520- 1� F�-���,e�e s102,933 599,717 5308,733 5124,160 M� S982 S2,191 al�� �Y Taxe�,PERA&�nefits 101-41520-Ol-305 Medical&Dental Fees sl+� a��4, 101-41520.Ol-319 Other Professional Services �I � � � so s�zsi al,� � so 101-415?A-Ol-331 Travel Expense � 101-41520.Ol-331.1 Finance Director �5 5168 5106 �pp S1,00p 101-41520-Ol-331.2 Staff � Nationa!Com�ention&M'ise 101-41520.Ol-341 Employment Advertising 5200 101-41520.Ol-391 p,G����� � � 5378 sp �,u6 S10,821 59,534 � 101-41520.Ol-391.1 Micro System Maintenance Sll,?SO SiT,500 101-41520-Ol-391.2 Micro Software License S4,Zpp 101-41520-Ol-3913 Geaeral Network Support �,� 101-41520-Ol-391.4 Motor Velricle S/W Maia� 54,000 101-41520.Ol-391.5 Miscellane��p.C,�p� sgpp 101-41520.Ol-392 P.C,pccessaries 8c Supplies 55�0 101-41520-Ol-393 P.C.gazdware Purchases �u 53,4% 5208 51,000 101-41520.Ol-394 P.C.Softwaze Purchases � �,956 Sp � �+� Ciry System Supplies �0 � sa,� ao 101-41520-Oi-409 pther Contracted Repair&i�fain as� 51,000 101-41520-01-433 � Z� 5262 g30p Dues�Subscriptions �13 a� 5300 Cash Register Maint Contract 101-41520-Ol-433.1 M1Dgq Annuai pe� �� 51,200 sy� 101-41520-Ol-433.2 MGFOA-Financc Dimctor 5150 101-41520.Ol-433.3 MGFOA-Staff S50 101-41520-01-433.4 GFOA-Finance Director 5100 101-41520-Ol-433.5 GFOA-Staff SI50 101-41520-01-433.6 Magayine Subscrip6ons 5200 101-41520.Ol-435 Books&pamP�(ets 5250 101-41520-Oi-435.1 Accounting Related Books � 5150 5150 S200 a2� 101-41520-Ol-435.2 Finance Related Books S100 101-41520-Ol-437 Conferences&Seminacs 5100 101-41520.Ol-437.1 i�IDRp Co�erence(For Three) �76 51,888 52,453 $�Spp ��� 101-41520.Ol-437.2 Computer Symposiums S30p 101-41520-01-437.3 MGFOA Annua(Cont'_g/� $500 101-41520.01-437.4 MGFOA Annual Conf_g�('f S300 101-41520-Ol-437.5 GFOA Nafionat Conf_g/� S$pp 101-41520-Ol-437.6 111iscellaneous�m�� 51,000 101-41520.Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charg¢� � aqpp 101-41520.Ol-570 Office Equipment Purchases �� 5170 5500 5500 ConUngencies � S2,2ZL 5656 SO SO PAGETOTAI,S 5113,229 5127,663 5131,842 5143,110 5137,400 DEPARTMENTTOTALS 5113,T19 5127,663 5131,842 5143,110 5137,qOp ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -�---- , ' Page One � 1995 BUDGET WORKSI3EETS GENERAI,GpVERNM��-41810- August 15,1994 1991 1994 1995 Object 1995 Fund Account Ob'# 1� 1993 q�p�� �� � _ 1 Description A�� _ Actnal .�� �d ____` BudBet Amount Budgec Commeab 101-41810.Ol-202 Duplicating 8c CoPying 57,655 101-41810- 01-2021 114icrofilming 512,274 510,247 511,500 Zi�� 101-41810. Ol-2(12,2 �Py�g�S� �� 101-41810.Ol-203 printed Forms gc Paper yt� 59,400 101-41810-O1-203.1 Copypaper �� 58,185 59,150 sy� 101-41810.Ol-203.2 General Receipt Boo1�s S3,100 101-41810-Ol-203.3 p��y�p�� �SQ 101-41810. Ol-203.4 Payroll Checks 5850 101-41810-Ol-203.$ q/p C�� 51,100 101-41810. Ol-203.6 Greenbar Computer(30 Boxes) t2,200 101-41810- O1-204 Envelopes&Letteryea� S1,200 101-41810- Ol-204.1 I,etterhead 51,957 $4,254 52,085 S3,lpp 101-41810- 01-204.2 pLvn Envelopes �'1� S1,000 101-41810-O1-204.3 A/P&payroll Envelopes 5600 101-41810. Ol-?A4.4 10 x 13 Tyvek Envelopes S40p 101-41810- Ol-204.5 10 x 15 Tyvek Envelopes 5730 101-41810-Ol-208 Miscellaneous Supplies 5350 101-41810. Ol-209 �>�� 510,947 59,512 jg,ppp Other Office Supplies 521,921 518,302 59,500 7anitorial$itiiisc City Hall 101-41810- 01-212 Motor Fuels �1+�0 SI6,OOp �9 5186 gp 516,000 General Office Supplies 101-41810-Ol-221 Equipment Parts SO � 101-41810- Ol-229 Other Maintenance Supplies � sl�$ �36 51,100 101-41810- Oi-242 �9 a�5 ap �� Ci�Y�11 Equipment Repa'us Minor Equipment 3399 � 5300 Flags 101-41810- Ol-301 Auditing�A���g Semces �61 SO �1 SO 101-41810. Ol-302 Arclutects'Fees ��3 517,806 517,933 519,500 � 52,281 52,100 � S19,000 •94 Audit&c General Consulting 101-41810-Ol-304 �p�ge� a0 101-41810- Ol-319 Other Professionai Services 513,596 552,3�'7 560,810 531,000 101-41810. Ol-319.1 Fue Relief Ass'n �Z� �5,161 526,327 �i•� Genera!City Legai gees a2s,2oo sao,zoo 101-41810- 01-319.2 City Map$ 526,000 101-41810. Ol-319.3 D'uectory $l,Zpp 101-41810-01-319.4 ADA Consuitant 51,000 101-41810- Ol-321 Telephone Costs SiZ,ppp 101-41810- Ol-322 Postage Costs S?3,571 513,919 528,573 S21,q00 101-41810- Ol-339 Other Transportalion Expenses sl a�2 a11,667 $12,�g2 �+� Monthiq Billings 512,000 513,000 101-41810-Ol-341 Em lo �24 5185 51,000 5300 Genecal CosyS • 101-41810. Ol-351 ��N b�s p��g � 5211 ap SO � � 101-41810- Oi-352 Generai Notices&pubfic Info � 5�1� 510,000 53�200 Nah��S�.�D 101-41810. Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges ��� a� � a7.�1 �P�menu agg � 56,20� Miautes of Meetings 101-41810- Ol-530 Improvements Ot6er Than Bldgs ap � ap 101-41810- Ol-580 Other Equipment Purchases � � � 535,000 Speciat Census 101-41810- Ol-580.1 L,ease an Copy��y�� a� � s� �,� 512,500 101-41810-Ol-580.2 L,ease on Fax i�fachine S12,000 SS00 Cit7'Ha1I,Police&Comm Center -------_ City Hall PAGE TOTqLS 5138,398 5199,436 5201,882 -- 5187,050 5241,400 DEPARTMENTTpTALS S138,398 _____- _ 5197,436 S2pl,gg2 SI87,050 S7A1,400 - -_____ _�____ ------ • ' Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSFI�� August 15,1994 �����E�LOPMENT Dgp.��N,i,.41910- Fund Accoun� Ob'# 1991 1y92 1� 1995 Objeet 1995 ` J D�iption 1993 - Actual Acmai A�� Adopted Detail p��ed --__.___ Budget Amount Budget 101-41910. i`-i 101 Salaries&Benefits -�`"-"--------._- �mments 101-41910- S19�138 1� F�il-'ISme Overtime 5121,887 5128,541 101-41910.9�103 p�_,r• S1,679 �� 5126,055 �13,� ��tY�sts Inciuenre of 101-41910. Ol-2p1 ���`�Bene6ts S7,378 �'� �� Office A ��gpp s�� �T�4 YF,Itp g gene�ts 101-41910-01-2(12 �O°� ,fp ��� 59,250 101-41910. Ol-203 Dup��uII&�COPY�S S� SO a14,000 Printed Forms,4c Paper � S34 � 101-41910-Ol-205 �9p � 5300 � M�e�iwus SuppLp 101-41910.01-209 D��g Supplies SO gp 5300 ��ing/Subd��ron��n� O�Office Su � S995 � 51,000 Pe 101-41910-Ol-212 Motor Fue1s pP�� �� 5160 �t Farms 101-41910. 01-219 Other Operd�g Supplies 51,006 a��s � SO � M��eous SuPP�s 101-41910.Ol-241 g�T�� SO SO �Pe°s,Calculator,Tags 101-41910- 01-?,qZ � � sp � Minor Equipment � � 5125 5200 Film and Develo 101-41910.Ol-304 I,eg�Fees SU �.j � pment 101-41910.Ol-3p5 5198 sl� �lZ t75 � ���us Tools Medical&Dental Fees SO s�pp 101-41910.01-312 Contract Iosp��don Fees � 101-41910.Ol-313 514,8qp � SO � S� 101-41910.Ol-319 Temporary SeM�g� SO sp � 5100 Code Enforcemen�Officer Other Professional Services 5955 SO SO SO 101-41910-Ol-319.1 Dalcota Coun �1>5� 521,686 � 301-41910.01-319.2 ry�0��'Data 58,763 516,500 � Plan Review&3rd Parly Testing a�,000 101-41910-Oi-323 gadio Units 51,500 101-41910. Ol-329 Other Co���ban�� 5137 �pp 101-41910-01-331 Travel Expense � a� SO 5393 SO SO SO 101-41910- Ol-341 EmploymentAdvertlsing 5199 SO 101-41910- 01-351 a187 s2� S450 51,000 Cellyla�.phome&pag� I.ega1 Notices Publishing � S0 a� ggpp 101-41910.Ol-391 SIS �� 101-41910-Ol-392 P�M�1e�� � � 51,600 ��� �e Enforcement Officer P.C.Aceessories&Su S� 5255 a� 51,600 101-41910- Ol-393 ppli� $0 ap 101-41910.01-394 P.��dwaze P�c�� 5502 SO S2p5 a� P-C.Softwaze Purchases � 5827 � SI00 101-41910- Oi-433 Dues&Subscrip6ons �� SO 101-41910.Ol-435 �14 a�s 5205 a0 Books&Pamphlets S1,073 S1,104 SI,500 GIS Su 101-41910- Oi-439 Cotd'erences&�Semi�� 5596 �14 51,240 PPort&S/W 101-41910-Ol-439 s� 5127 5300 S�'� P='DE�ionai Membeiships Other Misce]]a���C�g� 51,363 51,050 51,393 sl,� New C�e Yea�. 101-41910- Ol-570 Office � a�a� ai,&00 Fvwpment&E,,,n;sb;ngs a16o a2bz az,600 � �9 � � Contingeacies PAGE TOTAIS ------.-- SO s� --�'_""------.... SO 5254,103 5161,633 �-'-"-"--- DEPARI'ME�Z.D.I.� 5150,852 5165,005 �� _ 5254-103 _ 5161,633 5150,852 5165,005 ______ ______ ______ ______ S35Q9pp , • Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEEI'S GOVERNMENT BUII.DINGS-41940- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail proposed Fund Account Obj# Dascription Actual Actual Actual g � _ ndgot Amount Budget Comm�nffi 101-41940-Ol-219 Other Operatiag Supplies S6Z/ � � � 101-41940- Ol-223 Buildiug Repair SuPPli� 54,055 � Ice Control CLemieala 101-41940-Ol-223.1 Misccllaneous B �13 58,359 58,178 sq gpp �S�P� 54,000 101-41940-01-223.2 Electricai Repaics � 101-41940-01-275 Iandscapiug Materials 5412 SO 5631 51,000 101-41940-Ol-275.1 T'�mbets,etc. 53,000 101-41940-Ol-2?5.2 Trees&Shrubs �� � 101-41940-Ol-241 Small Tools � s3� so ao aioo sioo 101-41940-Ol-2A2 Minor Equipment SO f0 SO S100 101-41940-O1-302 Arc}ritects'Fees S100 SO 51,534 SO 5500 SS00 101-41940-01-319 Other Profe.ssionai Services 55,210 54,676 S4,p7p $q,�ap 101-41940-Ol-319.1 Etevator Maintenance ��i� 101-41940-01-319.2 Heatiag(Cooling Maintenance al'� 101-41940-Ol-3193 Garage Door Inspection-Fire Hai1 �'� 101-41940-Ol-319.4 Annuai Rp2 Inspection �� 101-41940-01-319.5 Pest Control tt'S� 101-41940-01-381 Eiectric Utilities S1,500 �,� 519,140 525,856 518,500 526,000 101-41940-Ol-383 Gas Utilities 512,002 512,734 513,576 512,000 514,000 101-41940-01-384 Refuse Disposai 59,243 Si1,724 S11,384 511,600 S12,000 Genera!Buildiugs&Pazks 101-41940-Ol-389 Other Lltility Services S62 SO S1,295 gi,zpp 101-41940-Ol-401 Contracted Buitdin Re aus al.� �1oor Mats-Moathly Charges B P � SU 52,382 51,136 52,500 512,500 Replace 2 Doois-htN Dot Bldg 101-41940-Ol-412 Building Reatal 55,646 58,� a�z000 aiz,000 101-41940-Ol-415 Other Equipment Rental � 512,300 U of M Storage 101-41940-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges �Sq � al'� � � �i'pet Cleaner SO S?A 5500 S500 Contingencies PAGE TOTAI,S 558,213 566,499 579,331 593,278 594,800 DEPARTIvfENTT'pTALS 558,213 566,499 579,331 573,278 594,800 � .Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS POLICE DEPAR'IT�IV'I'-42110- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 , 1991 1992 1993 p�p� �� ��� Fund Account Obj# Descripaon A�� A�� A�� - � Budget Amount Budget Comments 101-42110. 101 Saiaries&Benefits 5557,867 5599,569 S67 3g$ `�S�'������e of 101-42110- 102 Overtime �. 5745,072 5834,000 Sa1ary,Tases,PERA&BeneCta 101-42110- 01-202 Du licatin 8c Co � � ��� 527,139 y;y�� P S PY�S SO $p �84 �� 101-42110- Ol-203 printed porms g�Paper sp � 5500 Film Developing Costy 101-42110-O1-204 Envelopes&I.etterheads � � 5200 101-421i0- 01-206 Microfilm Supplies � � � � 5200' Police Stationery 101-42110.01-207 Training&c Instrucrol Supplies �S,Zq� � � � 5�,000 New Program 101-42130-Ol-208 Miscellaneous Supplies � �1% � 51,500 Pracrice.Ammuniaoa 101-42110-Ol-209 Other Office Supplies �'4� 52,170 53,351 gp � 101-42110-Ol-211 Cleaning Supplies 51,535 S1,4d1 51,600 51,600 Misce SO SO S52 �pp llaneoua SuppL'es 101-42110- Ol-211.1 Blanket Cleauing S2pp 101-42110- Ol-211.2 Squad Interior Cleaning 5100 101-42110-Ol-212 Motor Fuels 511,977 S100 101-42110- Ol-217 Clothing Allowance-Police S1Q553 $p � � 101-42110.01-219 Other Operating Supplies glg � al'� � 5500 1 Officer 101-42110-Ol-221 Equipment Pazts �5 5276 5300 a4Q0 Seivice AmmuniRon 101-42110- Ol-222 Tues �,9?3 S4>513 51,078 S2,500 52.500 Miscellaneous 51,483 51,498 §p a0 SO EquiPment 101-42110- Ol-241 SmallTools � al� 101-42110- 01-304 I.egalgees 5118 5150 al� 101-42110-Ol-305 Medica!&Dental Fees �8�871 ��'�� �1'� �z� S53,500 Prosecution 101-42110-Ol-306 Pe:sonnel Testing 8c Recruitmnt �3 a�� �� 51,000 51�000 My���eO1L4�Sts 101-42110- Ol-312 Contract Inspec5on Fees 51,861 53,700 SO 52,�0 1 Officer 101-42ll0- Ol-319 Other Pmfessioaal Seivices � a6'�� 57,500 a8,2pp E8,500 .4nitnal Rtard�n Fees S2Q170 527,250 526,954 $�,3u 101-42110- Ol-321 Telephone Costs S39>000 Dispatch Scrvicc&Spec Phones 101-42110- Ol-323 ��o U�� a0 53,050 53,466 52,700 54,200 Cellular Phone Bills 54,997 52,499 53,002 53,000 53,000 Radio&Radar Repairs 101-42110- Ol-331 Travel Expense S?b4 5625 $�'7 � 101-421.10. Ol-333 Freight&Express Expenses a0 � � 5800 MiscalLweous�pe� 101-42110- Ol-396 Computer Maintenance � 5300 101-42110. Ol-396.1 ENFORS Maintenance S9'� ��453 514,511 E13,740 $14,200 101-42110- Ol-396.2 Pack Cleaning, 511,000 101-42110. Ol-396.3 CJDN Hook-up Charges �� 101-42110- Ol-39'7 Computer Accessories&Supply gq�g�g 52+500 101-42110- Ol-4p9 Other Contracted Re air&c Main �'4Z6 S� a0 SO P S1,075 51,081 51,471 51,500 51,500 Outdoor Siren R&M 101-42110- Ol-415 Other Equipment Rental S12,172 �,$,ygg 101-42110- Ol-433 Dues&Subscriptions �65 a�'�9 �'� ��8� Animal Care,Bhamrock,eta 101-42110-Ol-435 Books&Pamp}ilets 5155 $Sg$ ��p �� 101-42110-Oi-436 Towing CLarges �30 S�� 5161 $3(�p �� 101-42110- Ol-437 Conferences 8c Seminazs � 5184 �3 � 5200 101-42110-Oi-437.1 Misce]laneous Training �14 �,719 �,183 �>� 55,800 101-42110- Oi-437.2 OfficerTraining Costs �� 101-42110- Ol-560 Furniture&gixture p��}�� � 55,300 SO SO SO 51,500 New Chaus for Offices PAGE TOTAIS 5698,771 S734�,U92 S809,001 5899,226 51,016,900 DEPAR'1'MENTTOT'AL.S 5678,771 5734,092 E809,001 5899,226 ______ 51,016,900 ------ ------ ------ ___�__ � . Page One � 1995 BUDGE'I'WORKSHEEIS FIItE DEPART'MENT-42210- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fuad Account Obj# Descripaon Actval Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments All Salary Cosb Inclusive of 101-42210. 103 Salaries&Benefit� 5100,384 5113,494 5116,590 I118,901 S129,600 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101-42210- 103 Fire Calls,Trainia&e� S109,000 8 New Officeis to be Added 101-42210- 103 P/T Fire Mazshal 520,600 1/L T'�me Position 101-47210-01-ZA2 Duplicating 8c CoPY�B 5192 Stl Si93 5260 SSbO 101-47110-Ol-2021 Xerox Dry Image SI00 101-42210- 01-2022 Xerox Copy C,aztridge 5100 101-42210-Ol-2023 I,aser Printer 5100 101-42210- Ol-2024 Fiyets 5200 For Recruitment 101-42210-O1-204 Envelopes dc Letterheads S199 S91 S98 S100 S100 101-42210-Ol-?A4.1 Envelopes gqp 101-42210-Ol-204.2 I,etterhead �5 ' 101-42210-Ol-?A4.3 Forms Su 101-42210-O1-211 Cleaning Supplies S317 S91 5238 5210 SZ00 101-42210-Ol-211.1 Soap S35 101-42210-Ol-211.2 Chamois 5100 101-42210- 01-211.3 Sponges Su 101-42210- Ol-211.4 SCBA Cleaner sqp 101-42210.Ol-212 Motor Fuels 51,163 51,006 SO SO sp 101-42210-Ol-218 Fire DeQartment Clothing 52,964 54,069 S93 Sl,?b0 51,300 Generai Uniform CosLa 101-42210.Ol-219 Other Operating Supplies 5540 5872 5701 5640 5700 101-42210-Ol-219.1 Gloves(Medical) 5200 101-42210- Ol-219.2 Bandages 5130 101-42210- Oi-219.3 Equipment(Medical) 5100 101-42210. Ol-219.4 Tyvek Suits S70 101-42210- Ol-219.5 Consummable Medical $qpp 101-42210- Ol-221 Equipment Parts 52,962 $4,301 SO SO $0 101-42210-Ol-229 Other Maintenance Supplies 54,000 59,746 55,193 515,300 515,500 101-42210-Ol-229.1 Aerial Truck(Outside) 512,900 101-42210-Ol-229.2 PumperTrucics(Outside) 51,800 101-42210-Ol-229.3 Other 5300 IQl-42210- Ol-229.4 Vehicle Modificarions �pp 101-42210- Oi-230 Equipment Repair Materials S1,128 5775 5614 5325 $3pp 101-42210-Oi-230.1 Light Bars 5100 101-42210- �i-?30.2 Smoke Machine S50 101-42210- Ol-230.3 Lanterns �p 101-42210-Ol-?30.4 Miscellaneous $ipp 101-42210.Ol-241 Small Tools 5448 5681 5438 5395 a400 101-42210-Ol-241.1 Axes,Bars&Other 5125 101-42210- Ol-241.2 Grass Fire a� 101-42210- 01-2413 Miscellaneous �p 101-42210- 01-305 Medical&Dental Fees 52,280 $2,664 53,450 53,750 SS,OOQ Anavai Stress Tesfs 101-42210. Ol-306 Personnel Testing&Recruitmnt 54,388 53,030 54,918 52,400 56,900 101-42210- 01-306.1 New Physicals(8) $q�gpp 101-42210-Ol-306.2 Hepa6tis Shots(8) 51,850 101-42210-01-306.3 Background Checks(8) S250 101-42210. Ol-308 Instructors'Fees 52,356 S1,985 53,265 59,745 SiQ600 101-42210-O1-308.1 Fire Fighter 1&2 S2,Z9p 101-42210-Ol-308.2 First Responder s2,45p 101-42210-Ol-308.3 All Other Training Costs 51,595 101-42210- Ol-308.4 State Fire School(10) 53,000 101-42210-Ol-308.5 Sectionai Schools 51,6?S 101-42210.Ol-308.6 Haz-Mat Training(8) 53,640 PAGETOTAI.S 5123,320 5142,808 S135,791 S153,486 5164,800 S171,100 � . Page Two � 1995 BUDGE'T WORKSHEEIS FIItE DEPART'MENT-42210- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Descripdon Actual Actual Actual Budget Amouat Budget ��nb 101-42210-Ol-310 Tesling Services 51,041 S1,029 SO 51,790 S1,100 Aerial.$Laddeis 101-42210-Ol-313 Temporary Secvice Fees S2 S1S0 51,034 ai,��s a,,ppp 101-47210. Ol-313.1 SCBA Coptract&Maintenance s�� 101-42210-Ol-313.2 Xerox Maintenance Contract � 101-42210. Ol-319 Other Professional Services 54,1?S SO 52,003 S1,850 Zi,gpp 101-42210-O1-319.1 Fire Prevention Materials s� 101-42210-Ol-319.2 Training Budget s� 101-42210- Ol-321 Telephone Costs S117 Z328 556� SSg2 �pp 101-42210-Ol-321.1 ChiePs Phone 5130 101-47210. 01-321.2 Assistaat ChiePs Phone 5130 101-42210-01-321.3 Rescue Phone 5150 101-47L10. Ol-321.4 Numeric Pagers 5190 101-42210-Ol-322 Postage Costs S18 S22 S3 S31 5100 UPS C.oyt4 101-42210- Ol-323 Radio Units 53,080 51,600 sp sp $p 101-47210- Ol-329 Other Communicadon Coscs 5822 51,282 51,300 51,000 $l,ppp 101-42210- Ol-329.1 Pager Repairs �� 101-42210-Oi-329.2 Hand Held Radio Repans a� 101-42210-Ol-329.3 Mobile Radio Repairs � 101-42210. Ol-329.4 Base Repaics 5100 101-42210-Ol-331 Travel Fxpense 51,911 52,0'72 52,053 54,060 gq�gpp 101-42210- Ol-331.1 Mina Cluef's Conference 5750 101-42210- O1-331.2 State Fire Conference 51,200 101-42210- Ol-331.3 Sectional Schools 51,650 101-42210- Ol-331.4 Nauonal Conf/Accademy 51,200 101-42210- O1-433 Dues&Subscriptions S451 5535 5446 a4�5 �p� 101-42210- Ol-433.1 Magazines 5150 101-42210-01-433.2 VFBA Insurance 5170 101-42210- O1-433.3 State Fire S90 101-42210-Ol-433.4 State Chiefs �5 101-42210- Ol-433.5 DCFC �� 101-42210- Ol-433.6 WAKpT'A Mutual Aid S15 101-42210-Ol-433.7 Purchasing Consortium S35 101-42210- Ol-433.8 Capital City �5 101-42210- O1-433.9 FIAM S10 101-42210- O1-437 Conferences&Seminacs 5170 5610 a700 a6$p g�pp 101-42210- Ol-439.1 State Fire Conference 5450 101-42210-O1-437.2 State Chief's Conference � 5250 101-42210- Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges ! 53,355 52,115 S1,516 51,110 51,100 101-42210-Ol-4391 Food&Coffee � S95 101-42210. Ol-439.2 Oxygen 5145 101-42210- Ol-4393 Ex[inguisher 5250 101-42210. Ol-439.4 Plaqa¢s a� 101-42210-O1-439.5 Paint SSO 101-42210- O1-439.6 Other �� 101-42210-Ol-580 Other Equipment Purchases S17,359 5675 51,000 S0 a9,ppp 101-42210- Ol-580.1 Bunker Geaz 56,000 101-42210- Ol-580.2 New Pagers ��� PAGETOTAI.S 532,451 Si1,117 510,623 512,923 521,800 DEPARTMENT'I'OTAIS 5155,T71 5153,9?S 5146,413 5166,409 5192,900 =_____ _�____ _=__�_ ______ ______ ______ � . Page One � 1995 BUDGET WO1ZI{SHEETS PUBLIC WORKS/ENGINEERING-43100- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amouat Budget ���n� 101-43100- 101 Salaries&Benefits �S�Y����losive of 5293,504 5452,144 5559,009 5826,610 5756,200 Sa1ary,Taxes,PERA 8c Ben�ts 101-43100- 102 Full-Tlme Overtime S9,009 56,828 57,398 523,597 $u,ppp 101-43100-99 103 Part-T'ime Salaries&Benefib 520,849 S?3,068 S1T,925 535,915 a71,ppp 101-43100-Ol 201 Office Accessories SO (S71) 5973 51,384 npp 101-43100.Ol 201.1 Assorted Dept Supp6es � 101-43100.Oi 201.2 100'Tape � 101-43100.Ol 203 Printed Forms 8c Paper SO 51,361 53,403 S1,807 §�pp 101-43100-Ol 2031 R/W Permit&Inspcm Forms �� 101-43100-Ol 203.2 Work Ordets s� 101-43100.Ol 205 Drafting Supplies 52,632 51,085 51,124 51,227 51,300 101-43100-01 205.1 Paper for Plan Reproducrion � 101-43100-Ol 205.2 Off-Site Reproductions �SQ 101-43100-Ol 205.3 Miscellaneous Tools S350 101-43100-Ol ?A9 Other Office Supplies 5601 S52$ xi8 5533 5200 Door Knockeis 101-43300.Ol 211 Cleaning Supplies 5241 5325 5335 5426 5400 Shop&Vehicles 101-43100-Ol 212 Motor Fuels S18,361 S7L,738 533,695 536,425 S3�,Spp 101-43100.Ol 213 Lubricants 8c Additives 52,442 S3,?AO 54,691 56,392 �5,ppp 101-43100-01 215 Shop Materials SO 59,039 57,613 59,588 510,000 101-43100-Ol 219 Ottter Operating Supplies 57,944 SO S8 5150 5100 Film 8t i�fiscellaneous 101-43100-Ol 221 Equipment Parts S29,27'7 535,259 545,739 538,021 545,000 101-43100-Ol 222 Tires SZ,445 51,376 56,625 55,913 56,500 101-43100-01 241 SmallTools 51,838 52,551 54,700 y1,675 $3,Spp 101-43100-Ol 242 Minor Equipment 54,�10 52,193 5342 5300 S2,000 Barricades,Cones,Vesis 101-43100-01 303 Engineering Fees $9,895 511,255 511,922 514,000 510,000 101-43100-Ol 303.1 Gedl Non-Project Related �Q� 101-43100-Oi 303.2 Transportation Plan Update 52,000 101-43100-Ol 304 Legai Fees �2-/ Sl� �� a0 � 101-43100-Ol 305 Medica!&Deatal Fees 5183 $47 5158 5300 5300 Employment Physicals 101-43100-Ol 312 Contract Inspection Fees S0 528,580 $1,088 $0 §p 101-43100-Ol 319 Other Professional Services SO SO 52,000 52,000 53,000 101-43100-Ol 319.1 Plan Review �� 101-43100-Ol 319.2 3rd Parry Testing 5500 101-43100-Ol 323 Radio Units 54,730 5429 52,399 51,250 51,300 Repair Units 101-43100-Ol 324 Messenger Services SO SO SO 5100 gp 101-43100-01 329 Other Communicaaon Costs 5180 5725 5860 51,565 51,200 Cellular Phones&Pager Rentals 101-43100-Ol 331 Ttavel Expense S48 5101 E35 51,227 5800 APWA(SS50)&Misc($Z$0) 101-43100-01 339 Other Transportadon Expenses S2 SO S9 5100 5100 Petsonal Vehicle Mileage 101-43100-01 341 Employment Advertising 5309 5260 5938 SO 51,500 101-43100-Ol 349 Other Advertising S65 5362 SO SO SO 101-43100-Ol 384 Refuse Disposal $0 5946 51,470 Sz000 . 52,000 Hazarc(ous Waste 101-43100-01 391 P.C.]vlaintenance gp �72 s�� �� s�� 101-43300-Ol 391.1 Gopher One-Calt 51,000 101-43100-Ol 391.2 State Aid 51,000 101-43100-Ol 392 P.C.Accessories&Supplies SO SSO 51,066 51,066 5100 Printer Paper 101-43100-Oi 393 P.G Hardwaze Purchases SO SO $0 51,500 ap 101-43100-Ol 394 P.C.Softwaze Purchases SO 5301 5200 5514 5300 General Software Support 101-43100-Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Eqtip Repair 52,331 51,545 54,066 S1Q440 S11,U00 101-43100-Ol 409 Other Con[racted Repair 8c Main 51,669 51,405 5230 s0 Sp 101-43100.Oi 415 Other Equipment Renial S35 S(1 5730 S3?A SO 101-43100-Ol 416 Machinery Rental SO 5314 $0 sp y�ppp 101-43100-O1 417 Uniforms Rental 5422 5403 5852 s0 gp 101-43100-O1 433 Dues&Subscripdons 5287 5810 51,112 5982 �6pp 101-43100.Ol 433.1 APWA s� 101-43100-Ol 433.2 RMAA S10 101-43100-Ol 433.3 City Eagineer's Associaflon 5150 101-43100-01 433A Professionai Secretaries f� 101-43100-O1 433.5 Trade Magazines 5125 101-43100.Ol 435 Books&Pamphiets S24 51,301 51,502 52,200 sgpp 101-43100-Ol 435.1 MiTI'CD SZ00 101-43100•Ol 435.2 MN Dot Updates � 101-43100-Ol 437 Conferences&Sem;,,a.a t797 5872 52,177 54,190 y},ppp 101-43100-Ol 437.1 Management Academy 53,050 101-43100-Ol 437.2 Computer Training �� 101-43t00-Oi 437.3 Clerical 5150 101-43100-Ol 437.4 Gravei Road Maintenance 5150 101-43100-Ol 4375 APWA �� 101-43100-Ol 437.6 CEAM �� 101-43100-Ol 437.7 MN pavement Mgmt,Signage,Traffic Control �qp� 101-43100.Ol 437.8 MN Dot �� 101-43100-Ol 437.9 Miscellaneous Training 5450 101-43100-O1 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S84 S111 SO SO $p 101-d3100-Ol 570 Office EquipmentPurchases 5197 S89p ap gp � PAGE TOTAI.S 5415,436 5612,364 5727,171 51,039,517 51,005,100 DEPARTMENTTOTALS 5415,436 S612,364 5727,171 51,039,517 51,005,100 ______ __=-__ �----- ------ ------ ------ . Page One 1995 BUDGEl'WORKSHEETS PAVED SI'REEIS-43121- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detait Ptoposed Fund Account Obj# Desuipaon Actual Actual Actaa( Budget Amount B et �8 commeats 101-43121-Ol-724 Street Maintenance Materials 521,804 522,503 S44wgp3 538,872 gq�ppp 101-43121-O1-224.1 Bituminous Patching �� 101-43121- 01-27A.2 Striping �� 101-43121-01-224.3 Gravei Shouldering �� 101-43121-Ol-714.4 Crack Sealant �� 101-43121- Ol-225 I,andscaping Materials 51,082 51,404 S6g7 s3,72g 101-43121-Ul-225.1 Sod. �>� 101-43121-Ol-225.2 Seed � 101-43121- Ol-225.3 Black Dirt � 101-43121- O1-225.4 Trees � 101-43121-Ol-242 Minor Equipment SO S 500 �� 101-43121-Ol-303 Engineering Fees SO S1,000 5267 S267 5300 Template Materiat 101-43121- Ol-310 Testin Services � � � g SO 51,000 SO SO 5100 101-43121-Ol-319 Other Professional Seivices 532,273 515,000 532,8p4 §qg,731 101-43121-Ol-319.1 Seat Coacing ��•� 101-43121- Ol-319.2 Traffic Markings �'� 101-43121-Ol-319.3 Street Sweeping S11,200 101-43121-Ol-384 Refuse Dis �'� P°� 51,439 52,817 53,250 54,000 52,000 101-43121- 01-384.1 Hazardaus Wastc Disposai 51,000 101-43121-Ol-384.2 Roadside Gazbage 51,000 101-43121-Ol-415 Other Equipment Rental S45 EO S46 52,000 S2,U00 M�scellaneoy$�qwp�� 101-43121- Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Chazges gp gp � �� SS00 Contingencies PAGE TOTALS 556,643 546,713 581,956 598,098 599,900 DEPARTMEIVT'TOTAI.S 556,643 546,223 581,956 S98,U98 S99 qpp . • Page One � 1995 BUDGET WORKSFIEE�s August 15,1994 �PA�D�_43122- FundAccount Ob'# 1�1 1992 1� 19950bject 1995 ` _ J Description Actual q� A� �OPud Detail p��� .--___--__ Budget Amount Bucl�et 101-43122-Ol-224 Street Maiatenance Ivlaterials �—' �mments --�__,__,.__� 301-43122.Ol-22q,1 Gravel Repairs �9� 512,5'IO jZg 101-43122-p1_Zyq.2 � S50'68$ �Z� • 101-43122-Ol-27S ��n� �dscaping Materials �,500 101-43122-Ol-22$,1 5395 � 535,700 ioi-4sizz-oi-zzs.z seea s�i s2,c� az,�oo 101-43122-Ol-2y53 Black Dirt S1,200 101-43171-Ol-310 SSpp 101-43122-Ol-384 T���rn� S1,OOp Refuse Disposal � SO 101-43122-01-3gq.1 � 53,395 � 51,00p 101-43122-01-384.2 �d�us Wastc Disposa( S1,248 y�� 5500 Road Failtue,y,D���h, Roadside Garbage 5600 101-43122-Ol-415 Other Equipment Rentai � 101-43122-Ol-415.1 Grader � SO � 101-43122-02-415.2 S1� 51,000 S1�OOp 101-43122. O1-439 �������'p�at �� Oiher Miscellaaeous Charges SO �p � SSOp PAGE TOTAL3 �"'""---------�._��� 5200 Contiagencies 526,740 515,964 530,476 557,951 —�------�--_-- DEPARTMENTT01'AI,S 526,740 557,200 515,964 S3p,476 557,951 __�___ ______ ______ ______ ______ __�7�� • Page One . � 1995 BUIX'EI'WORRSHEETS ICE dc SNOW REMOVAL-431TS- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Propoeed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actnal Budget Amount Budget Comments 101-43125-Ol-216 Chemical&Chemicai Prodactt 511,720 59,419 511,025 511,57A 512,0�0 Salt(Appro�dmately 400 Tom) 301-43125-Ol-TL4 Street Maintenaacc Materials S1,494 53,047 51,526 55,940 SS,800 101-43125-Ol-224.1 Sanct SS,6pp 301-43125-Ol-224.2 Maii Boxes SZpp 101-43125-Ol-230 Equipment Repair Materials SO 5253 53,053 52,131 SO 101-431?5-Ol-415 Other Equipment Rental 51,889 5354 52,030 Z4,132 y1�,000 101-43175-01-415.1 Truck Renial $3,ppp 101-43125-Ol-415.2 Grader With Wing Reatal 51,000 101-43325-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneoua Chazges S34 SO SO 5500 5500 Contiageacies PAGETOT'AIS S15,136 511,072 517,634 S2A�,713 522,300 DEPAR'TMENTTO'TALS 515,136 511,072 517,634 S24,723 522,300 • Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS STREET LdGK!'II�TG/SIRENS-43160- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopied Detail Propoaed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuat rlctual Budget Amount Budget Com�nis 101-43160-Ol-226 Sign Repair Materials SO SO f3,500 SO SO 101-43160-01-72'7 Utility SysMm Maint Supplies SO SO SO S1,065 S3,000 Buq�Replacements 101-43160- Ol-381 Flectric Utilities 542,540 550,320 SSZ167 551,546 560,000 Incrraeed 8c Decprative Lighting 101-43160.Ol-403 Contracted R&M-0t6er Imprvm 5602 SO 51,088 f0 SO 101-43160-Ol-409 Other Contracted Repaiz 8c Main 52,460 56,681 53,403 Si3,i13 511,000 101-43160-Ol-409.1 Repairs-Scattered I.ocations 56,600 101-43160-01-409.2 Misccllaneous Repaiis 54,400 101-43160-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO 5384 5500 5500 Gontingencies PAGE TOTAIS 545,602 t57,002 560,543 566,224 572,500 DEPARTMENTT'O'fAIS 545,602 557,002 560,543 566,224 572,500 ______ _�____ ______ ______ ______ ___�zs • Page One � � 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS SIGNAI.LIGHT'S&SIGNS-43170- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pc+oposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenta 101-43170-Ol-226 Sign Repair Materials 52,228 54,091 53,595 53,405 53,500 301-43170-Ol-7L6.1 Sign Iaveatory&Replacemnt 52,400 101-43170-O1-226.2 StreetID Signs 51,100 101-43170-Ol-227 Utility System Maint Supplies SO SO SD 5533 5500 Buiba,I.ensea,Sigas,eta 101-43170-Ol-TZ9 Otltet Maintenance Supplies S1,140 SO SO SO jp 1oi-43170-01-381 Electric Utilities 52,147 52,651 53,707 52,663 54,000 Monthty Charges 101-43170-Ol-409 Other Contracted Repait�Main SO SO SO 5500 5500 Repaus Due to Auto Accidents 101-43170-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO SO SO 5100 S100 Coatingencies PAGE TOTAIS 55,516 56,742 57,302 S7,2D1 58,600 DEPARTMENT TOTAIS 55,516 56,742 57,302 57,201 t8,600 � co=oo¢ x===== ===oo= ==o--- =a==�c ====o= . .. � � . ' , Page One ' 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS 8c RECRFATTON DEPARTMENT-45300- August 15,1994 1994 1995 06ject 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detaii Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuai Actual Budget Amonnt Budget Commenis All Salaty Costs Incivaive of 101-45100- 101 Salaries&Benefits 5304,396 S31b,147 S354,133 S184y374 5304,000 Salary,Taxes,PERA&Benefits 101-45100- 102 Full-T'�me Overtime 56,932 59,945 110,391 51,042 53,600 101-45100- 103 Part-Time Salaries&Beaefits 534,223 541,759 544,485 540,802 553,000 101-45100-Ol-207 Training&Instructnl Supplies 5240 5407 5471 SO 5100 301-45100-Ol-208 Miscellaneous Supplies 51,561 5675 51,354 5500 51,900 101-45100.01-7A8.1 Film&Developing 5800 101-45100-O1-208.2 Iaminating&Posters 5300 101-45100-Ol-208.3 Miscellaaeous 5800 101-45100.Ol-209 Other Office Supplies SO 5177 SO SO SI,000 101-45100-Ol-211 Cleaning Supplies f0 SO SO SO SZ,500 301-45100-Ol-216 Chemicals&Chemical Products SO SO SO SO SS00 101-45100-Ol-219 Other Opezating Supplies 53,065 52,605 52,483 52,000 53,000 101-45100-01-219.1 Arts&Crafis Supplies 51,000 101-45100-Oi-219.2 Recreauon Equipment 51,000 101-45100-Ol-219.3 Rec Repair SuppGes 5500 101-45100-Ol-219.4 Other Supplies 5500 101-45100-Ol-221 Equipment Parts SO SO SO SO 51,500 101-45100-�l-273 Building Repair Supplies SO SO SO SO 51,800 101-451U0-Ol-229 Other Maintenance Supplies S7 S1,819 51,799 51,750 51,500 Recreadon 101-45100-Ol-241 Small Tools SO SO ao ao S300 101-45100-Ol-242 Minor Fquipment SO SO SO S0 5200 i01-45100-Ol-265 Other Items for Resale SO $0 SO SO S1,400 101-45100-Ol-305 Medical&Dental Fees S87 S1?A S77 5150 5500 Employment Physicals lUl-45100-01-315 Special Programs 53,578 55,672 531,155 57,650 S8,200 101-45100-Ol-315.1 Sunday Specials 51,700 101-45100-01-315.2 Leprechaun Days 5100 101-45100.Ol-3153 Halloween 5500 101-45100-Ol-315.4 Ground Poundecs(Running) S400 101-45100-Ol-315.5 Nature Programs/Arbor,etc. S500 101-45100-01-315.6 Puppet Programs 5500 101-45100-Ol-315.9 Special Events(X-Mas,etc) 5700 101-45100-Oi-315.8 Adopt-A-Pazk Programs 52,000 101-45100.Ol-315.9 Miscellaneous Programs 51,500 101-45100-Oi-315.10 ADA Programs 5300 101-45100-Ol-319 Other Pmfessional Services SO SO SO SO SS00 ADA Services 101-45100-01-331 Travel Facpense S66 S46 S13 5175 5200 101-45100-Ol-341 Employment Advertising SO 5782 5522 5500 5500 General Employment Ads 101-45100-Ol-349 Other Advertising 55,903 S4Z5 51,247 58,200 516,000 101-45100-Ol-349.1 Brochures 512,650 101-45100-O1-349_2 Flyers 5900 101-45100-Ol-349.3 Display Boazd 5100 101-45100-Oi-349.4 Bannecs&Other 5300 101-45100-Ol-349.5 Yellow Pages 51,550 101-45100-O1-349.6 Special Mazketing 5500 101-45100-Ol-381 Electric Utilities SO SO SO SO 575,000 101-45100-Ol-383 Gas Utilities SO SO SO SO 514,000 101-45100-Ol-384 Refuse Disposal SO SO SO SO 54,900 101-45100.Ol-393 P.C.Hardwaze Purchases 51,058 SO SO SO SO 101-45100-Ol-401 Contracted Building Repaiis SO SO S� SO 51,800 101-45100-Ol-404 Contract Mach&Equip R 8c M SO SO SO SO 51,800 101-45100-Ol-415 Other Equipment Reata( 55,462 56,617 57,000 S7>000 58,500 101-45100-Ol-415.1 Portable Toilets 58,000 101-45100-Ol-415.2 Other Equipment Rental 5500 10t-45100-Ol-433 Dues&Subscriptions 5181 5369 5451 5525 S1,ZQ0 101-45100-01-435 Books&Pamphlets 5263 S97 SS 5425 S10Q 101-45100.Ol-437 Conferences&Seminacs 5450 S1,153 5803 SS&SU SZ,000 101-45100-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5186 S'141 5335 5648 51,000 Contingencies 10t-45100-Ol-530 Improvemenu Other Than Bldgs SO SO E8,$60 SO SO 101-45100-Ol-601 Bond Principal SO SO SO SO 537,300 101-45100-Ol-601.1 MSABC Payment(Z!1) 519,400 101-45100-01-601.2 Master I,ease Pymts(1l1&8/1) 517,900 101-45100-Ol-611 Bond Interest SO S(1 SO SO 572,600 101-45100-Ol-611.1 MSABC Payments(?Jl&8/1) 568,240 101-45100-Ol-611.2 Master Lease Pymts(2J1�&8/1) 54,360 101-45100- Ol-621 Bond Paying Agent Fees SO SO SO SO 5800 MSABC PaymenLg(?Jl&8/1) PAGE TOTAIS 5367,657 5399,561 5445,684 5256,591 S573,2(!0 Gen'tOperating DEPARTMENTTOTAIS 5367,657 5399,561 5445,684 5256,591 5573,200 ______ _�____ �_____ ______ ______ ______ ' Page Two 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS 8c RECREATION DEPARTMENT-45100- August15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenis � 567,675 101-asioa si- Softba►1 S1A,442 531,030 538,7Zi SS4,000 536,475 101-45100-82- Volleyball 58,015 59,038 59,120 Stl 59,350 101-45100-84 Tennis S1,592 S87b S1,451 52,000 51,600 101-45100.85- Tmy Tots 512,857 58,887 59,688 SO 510,000 101-45100-86- Pom Poms 52,836 52,701 52,191 SO S?,800 101-45100-87- FieldTrips 55,713 52,722 51,934 SO 52,100 101-45100.88- Broomball 51,902 51,968 S2,820 52,100 53,175 101-45100-89- Skating Lessons 53?A 5474 5652 SO SO 101-45100-90. Track&Field S116 51,354 51,346 53,000 53,250 ' 101-45100-91- Soccer 5163 SO 53,926 52,000 SO 101-45100-92- Adult Basketball SO 5177 SO SO 5400 101-45100-93- Other Programs 51,349 5488 5498 S0 SS?5 SPECIALPROGRAMTOT'ALS 555,305 559,663 S72,349 563,100 567,675 567,695 101-45100-81-103 Part-Tlme Salaries S2,4b1 53,503 58,218 S10,000 59,000 101-45100-81-121 PERA Withholding Si14 5102 5214 5300 5300 101-45100-81-122 FICA Withholdiag 5177 S140 5295 5350 5350 101-45100-81-125 Medicare Withholding S17 S47 5117 SS0 S50 101-45100-81-219 Operating Supplies 56,568 S11,789 58,985 512,000 511,000 101-45100-81-311 Officiating Fees 58,832 aiz,�o� aiz,z�� 517,000 S13,000 101-45100-$1-319 Other Professionat Services 52,274 52,548 52,015 56,000 52,500 101-45100-81-32'L Postage Costs SO SO SO SO S25 101-45100-81-359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO SO SO 5150 101-45100-81-409 Other Contracted Repair&Main S0 SO S6,602 58,000 SO 101-45100-81-415 Other Equipment Rental SO SO SO 5200 5100 101-45100.81-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges SO Sfl EQ S100 SO 101-45100-82-103 Part-Time Salacies 51,055 51,501 S2,011 SO 51,400 . 101-45100-82-121 PERA Withhotding S49 S43 S92 SO S125 101-45100-82-122 FICA Wit6holding S76 S60 5126 SO SIZS 101-45100-82-125 Medicare Withholding S7 S20 S30 SO S50 101-45100-82-219 Operating Supplies 51,619 51,693 51,783 SO 52,000 101-45100-82-311 Officiating Fees 53,916 54,609 54,564 SO 55,000 101-45100-82-319 Other Professional Secvices 51,294 51,110 5514 SO 5500 101-45100-82-322 Postage Costs SO SO SO SO S75 101-45100-82-359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO S� SO S50 101-45100-82-415 Other Equipment Rental SO SO SO SO S75 101-45100-84 103 Part-Time Salaries 5903 5763 51,159 51,500 S1,400 101-45100-84 125 Medicare Withholding S51 S10 S13 5200 ` S50 101-45100-84-219 OperatingSuppiies Sb38 S53 5279 S3U0 S1S0 101-45100-85-103 Part-Time Salaries 59,510 S6,496 55,348 SO 57,500 101-45100-85-125 Medicare Withholding 5698 S91 S75 SO S1W 101-45100-85-219 Operating Supplies 51,930 5564 5396 SO 5700 101-45100-85-339 Other Transportation Chazges 5180 5220 5578 SO SO 101-45100-85-412 Building Rental 5540 51,516 53,241 SO S1,700 101-45100-86-103 Part-Time Salaries 51,567 51,600 S1,346 SO 51,500 101-45100-86-125 Medicare Withholding S81 S20 S18 SO S50 101-45100-86-219 Operating Supplies 51,187 51,080 5827 SO 51,000 ' 101-45100-86-339 Other Transporlation Chazges SO SO SO 3� SZ00 101-45100-86-359 Other Printing&Biading CosLs S0 SO SO SO S50 101-45100.87-219 Other Operating Supplies 51,949 SO SI59 SO SO 101-45100-87-339 Other Transportation Chazges 53,763 52,772 S1,775 SO 52,000 101-45100-87-359 Other Printing&Binding Costs SO SO SO SO S100 101-45100-88-219 Operating Supplies 5296 5721 S56 5100 5300 101-45100-8&311 Officiating Fees 5630 5735 S1,122 51,000 51,300 101-45100-88-319 Other Professional Services S976 51,012 51,642 S1,000 51,500 101-45100-88-322 Postage Costs SO SO SO SO S15 101-d5100-88-359 Other Printiag&Binding Cosis SO SO SO SD S50 101-45100-89-103 Part-Time Salaries 5315 5468 S624 SO SO 101-45100-89-125 Medicare Withholding SS S6 S9 S(1 SO 101-45100-89-219 Operating Supplies S0 SO S20 SO SU 101-45100-90-219 Opetating SuppGes 5116 S1,354 51,346 52,500 51,250 101-45100-90-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges EO SO SO 5500 S0 101-45100-91-219 Operating Supplies 5163 SO 5386 5150 SO lOt-45100-91-311 Officiating Fees SO SO 53,540 51,850 S0 101-45100-92-219 Operating Supplies 30 5177 SO SO 5350 101-45100-92-359 Other Printing&Binding Cosis SU S� S� 30 �� 101-45100-93-219 Operating Supplies-0ther Prog 51,230 5488 5498 SO 5500 ]Ol-45100-93-322 Postage Costs 5119 SO SO SO SO 101-45100-93-359 Other PrinUng 8c Binding Costs SU SD S� � su SPECIALPROGRAMTOTALS 555,305 559,663 572,349 563,100 567,675 GR�1ND TOTAL-ALL PARK&REC DEPART'MENT'S 5422,962 5459,T14 5518,033 S319,691 5640,875 ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ �__=__ " , Page One ' 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PARKS MAIIV'I'ENANCE-451A2- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Pzoposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actnal Actua! Actua! Budget Amount Budget Comments 101-45202- Ol-?AS Drafting Supplies 51,561 5674 51,354 SS00 5200 101-45202- Ol-2A5.1 General Drafting 5100 101-45202-Ol-205.2 Film,Developing&Lamiatng S1W 101-45202- 01-208 Misceilaneous Supplies SO 536,550 SO SO S100 101-45202- 01-216 Chemical&Chemical Products SO 52,836 S12,580 510,500 513,800 101-45202- Ol-216.1 Herbicides(Gen'I Pazk Use) 52,800 101-45202-O1-216.2 Fertilizer 510,000 101-45202-01-216.3 Herbicides(Cacroll's Woods) 51,000 101-45202- Ol-219 Other Operating Supplies S17,200 54,687 53,582 58,000 58,000 101-45202- O1-219.1 Seed,Sod,eta 52,500 101-45202-Ol-219.2 Red Rock,Sand,Gravel,etc SS,000 101-45202- 01-219.3 Misc Equipment�&SuppHes SS00 101-45202- 01-221 Fquipment Pazts 513,686 57,465 53,600 54,500 54�600 101-45202- Ol-7Z1.1 Fence Repair(Non-Iandscape) 5600 101-45202-Ol-221.2 Lighting Repairs 5500 101-45202-Ol-221.3 Irrig Repair(Non-Contract) 52,000 101-45202- Oi-221A Misc/Split Rail,eta 51,500 �, 101-45202- Ol-223 Building Repair Supplies 57,844 56,403 54,817 53,250 53,400 101-45202- Ol-223.1 Paint,Brushes,Rollers,etc 51,400 101-45202- Ol-223.2 Shingles,Boazds,eta 51,000 101-45202-O1-273.3 Miscellaneous 51,000 101-55202- 01-225 Landscaping MateriaLs 514,889 S5,623 57,029 53,500 S3,600 101-45202- Ol-225.1 Trees,Shrubs,Sod,eta 51,600 101-45202- Ol-225.2 Timbers,Fence,eta S2,000 101-a5202- Ol-226 Sign Repair Materials S3,922 SO 5281 SO 5200 101-45202- 01-226.1 Miscellaneous 5200 101-45202- Ol-229 Other Maintenance Supplies S9 51,819 51,798 51,750 53,600 101-45202- Ol-229.1 Paint,Cballc,Bases,Fieid Dry 52,600 ' 101-45202-O1-229.2 Miscellaneous 51,000 101-45202-Ol-241 Small Tools 55,486 56,516 SS,ziO 51,500 51,600 101-45202- Ol-241.1 Hamme:s,Wrenches,etc. 5600 101-45202- Ol-241.2 Saws,Drag�,etc.(I.arger) 51,000 101-45202- Ol-302 Architecis'Fees SO SO 52,500 S2,000 51,000 Iandscape Arclsstect Work 101-45202- Ol-303 Engiueering Fees 52,462 S2b4 SO 51,000 S1,OU0 Various Pazk Work 101-45202-Ol-305 Medical&Dental Fees S87 Sl?3 S76 S150 SO 101-45202- Ol-319 Other Professional Services 53,3?3 S75 SO SO SO 101-45202- Ol-323 Radio Units 51,348 S748 5212 5500 5500 Cellular Phone Bills 101-45202-01-331 TravelF�cpense S66 S45 S13 5175 5100 101-45202-Ol-331.1 Seminarc g�Workshops S70 101-45202- Ol-331.2 General Miscellaneous S30 101-45202- Ol-341 Employment Advertising SO 5782 S521 5500 5500 Geaeral Employment Ads 101-45202- Ol-381 Electric Utiliues S9,457 57,954 510,543 E16,000 516,000 101-45202- Ol-381.1 Skating Rinks 56,000 101-45202- O1-381.2 Softball Fields 56,000 101-45202-Oi-381.3 Irrigation 53,700 101-45202-01-381.4 Miscellaneous 5300 101-45202-Ol-383 Gas Utilities S62 S85 5295 SO 5500 101-45202- O1-384 Refuse Disposal SO 5170 5360 SO SO 101-45202-Ol-409 Other Contracted Repair&Maia 54,158 55,696 53,438 54,000 54,200 101-45202- Ol-409.1 Irrigation Repair 51,700 101-45202- Ol-409.2 Electrical Repair 52,000 101-45202- Ol-409.3 Miscellaneous 5500 101-45202- Ol-415 Other Equipment Reatal SO SO 53,145 55,000 55,000 101-45202- Ol-415.1 Equipmeny Machines,etc. 52,500 101-45202-O1-415.2 Brush Hog(Carrolls Woods) 51,500 101-45202- Ol-415.3 Wood Chipper(Cacrolls Wood) Sj,fl00 101-45202- Oi-433 Dues&Subscriptions SI80 5368 5450 5575 5400 101-15202- Ol-433.1 Memberslvps-M12PA 5300 101-45202- Ol-433.2 Dues 5100 101-45202- O1-435 Books&Pamphlets 5262 S97 SS 5425 5300 101-d5202- 01-437 Conferences&Seminars 5449 51,152 5802 5850 5500 101-45202- Ol-437.1 Seminars&Workshops 5300 101-45202- O1-437.2 School&Tuition 52�0 101-45202-Ol-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges 5186 5740 5334 5647 5200 Contingencies PAGE TOTrV.S 586,634 570,&'75 562,967 565,322 569,300 DEPAR'I iV1ENT TOTAIS 586,634 570,875 562,967 S65,322 569,300 ' ; Page One ' 1995 BUDGEI'WORKSHEEIS INSURANCE-49240- August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actua! Budget Amount Budget Comments 101-49?AO-Ol-365 Worker's Compensation tnsurance 570,315 582,624 562,856 590,000 590,000 Anauat Premium 101-49240-Ol-369 Other Insuiance 575,422 578,324 579,986 598,000 5100,000 Geaeral Liab�7iry�Auro PAGE TOTALS 5145,737 S160,947 5142,841 5188,000 5190,000 DEPART'MEIVT'TOTAIS 5145,737 S760,sa� aiaz,saz sisa,000 ai�o,000 . . � . ==v c o==o=e s�oovo =e==== e----- ==a==c Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS OTHER USES('TRANSFERS)-49300 August 15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actuai Actual Budget Amount Budget Commeats 101-49300-Ol-710 Traasfers SO S0 S6,048 5123,188 584,000 For Subsidy of Ice Arena 101-49300-Ol-730.1 To Arena Fund 584,000 Operafions and Debt PAGETOT'ALS SO SO 56,048 Slzi,188 E84,000 DEPARTMENTTOTAIS SO S0 S6>Q48 5173,188 584,000 ______ ______ ______ ______ ____�� ______ • � Page One , 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEET'S PORT ALJTHORP!'Y OPERATII�iG BUDGET August 15,1994 -REVEI�LJES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detaii Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commenis 201-31050- DO-000 Tax Increments 5135,513 5277,190 5336,451 5278,000 5285,000 201-33100-00-000 Federal Grants Bc Aids 588,950 SO SO 5264,?b9 SO Comm Development Blcek Grant 201-36105- 00-000 Principal on Notes SO SO 54,044 516,777 518,069 201-36105-00-000.1 Biake IJP Note S9,359 201-36105-00-000.2 I.och IJI'Nate 58,710 201-36210- 00-000 Interest Earnings-Investments 52,640 55,753 56,447 53,000 53,000 Interest Farned oa CD's 201-36211- 00-000 Interest Earnings-Loch 553,603 554,342 552,442 551,926 551,290 I.och L!T Martgage Interest 201-36212- 00-000 Interest Earnings-Blake 551,011 550,771 551,117 553,69'7 553,041 Blake L/T Mortgage Interest 201-36215- 00-000 Interest Earnings 53,44U 51,953 5887 51,000 SZSO Checlring Interest&Misc 201-36265-00.000 Use of Reserve Funds SO SO SO 543,993 565,550 201-39203- 00-000 Traosfer From 53,023 SO SO SO Sfl 201-39310- 00-000 Bond Proceeds SO SO 5528,400 SO SO PAGETOTAIS 5438,180 5390,009 5979,789 5712,662 518,069 S47G,200 FUND TOTAIS 5438,180 5390,009 S9'79,789 5712,662 518,069 54�6,200 --____ ___�__ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEETS PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGEI' , August 15,1994 -EXPENDII'[JRES- 1994 1995 Object 1995 1991 1992 1993 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Actua( Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Commeats All Salaiy Costs Inclusive of ZOl-46300- 101 Salaries 8c Benefiis 538,289 530,616 571,206 573,271 552,000 Salary,Taxes,PERA 8c Benefits 7A1-46300- 102 Full-Time Overtime 51,857 S35 5829 SO SS00 201-46300- 99-103 Part-Time Salaries&Benefits 52,039 55,695 S6,094 56,500 525,200 201-46300- 99-103.1 Port Authority Members 56,500 201-46300. 99-103.2 Economic DevelopmentIntcrns 518,700 201-46300- Ol-302 Architects'Fees SO 5887 30 SO SO 201-46300-Ol-303 Engineering Fees S350 5497 536,137 SO 515,000 201-46300-Ol-304 Legal Fees 512,086 S7,?bl 52,025 521,600 530,000 201-46300-Ol-309 Management Fees SO 51,697 SO SO SO 201-46300. Ol-317 Gen'1 Fund Administrative Fees SO 55,625 55,625 55,615 55,700 Yearly Fee Per Policy F-3 201-46300- Oi-319 Other ProfessionaL Services 57,961 S18,225 S22,669 520,000 S35,000 Consulting Services 201-46300- Ol-331 Travel Expease 5546 5320 5913 51,000 S1,OW Mileage Reimbutsement 201-46300- Ol-341 Employment Advertising SO 51,563 S0 SO SO 201-46300. Ol-349 Other Advertising SO SO SO SO 512,000 201-46300--01-351 I,egal Notices Publishing SO SO S34 5400 5400 201-46300- Ol-365 Workmen's Comp Insurance S1,205 51,321 S1,669 52,000 52,000 201-46300- 01-369 Other Insurance SO SO 58,398 SO 515,000 Properry Insuiance 201-46300- 01-389 Other Utility Services SO S39 S27 SO 5500 201-46300- Ql-433 Dues&Subscriptions 5174 5514 5471 52,000 52,000 Prof Organi7ations/Joumals 201-46300- Ol-435 Books&Pamphlets S76 5273 S?A6 5400 5400 201-46300-01-437 Conferences&Seminacs 53,201 5917 S3,97A 53,000 53,000 Star City,Chamber,&Misc 201-46300-Oi-439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S50 S94 S22 f250 5509 Contingencies 201-46300- Ol-510 Land Purc6ases 54,670 514,203 5541,986 5264,269 SO 1993-Business Park-5517,109 201-46300- 01-522 Building&Structure Purchases 5131,000 SO SO 30 SO 201-46300- Ol-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs SO SO SO 520,000 55,000 Business Pazk Development 201-46300-01-710 Transfeis 5183,000 5171,000 5486,593 5292,396 5271,000 201-46300- Ol-710.1 8/1/95 Pymt-1988A G.O.'i� 527,000 Interest Only 201-46300- Ol-710.2 ?Jl/96 Pymt-1988A G.O.'TIF 5127,000 Principal8c Interest 20t-�i6300- Ol-710.3 8(i/95 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bldgs 511,000 Interest Onty 201-46300- Ol-710.4 y1/96 Pymt-1992E G.O.Bidgs 5106,000 Principal8c Interest 201-46300-Ol-720 Traasfers SO SSQ000 550,000 SO SO PAGE TOTAIS 5384,502 5310,785 51,136,863 S'712,662 5476,200 DEPARTMENTTOTAI.S 5384,502 5310,785 Sl,zi6,863 5712,662 5476,200 � . Page One 1995 BUDGET WORKSHEEIS ARENA OPERATIIJG BUDGET ARENA REVENLJES Augus[15,1994 1994 1995 Object 1995 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Budget Amount Budget Commeafs 650-36210-00 000 Interest Earnings-Investments SO 5300 650-36215-00 000 Interest Earnings 5450 5300 650-38060.00 000 Prime Time Ice Fees 5184,345 5169,200 650-38061-00 000 Non-Prime Time Ice Fees S14ti288 58,500 650-380b2-00 000 School District Ice Fees 54,320 54,300 650-38063-00 000 Opea Skating Ice Fees S9,7A0 S7,1A0 650-38065-00 000 Other Events-Ice Arena f7,500 57,500 650-38066-00 000 Advertising Revenue-Ice Arena 513,050 513,100 650-38067-00 000 Skate Shazpening Revenue-Arena 54,200 51,000 650-38068-00 000 Ringette Ice Fees 54,950 E1,300 650-38069-00 000 Inline Skating Fees 521,736 510,000 650-38090.00 000 Concessions-Community Center 519,800 530,000 650-38091-00 000 Vending-Community Center S1Q400 510,400 650-38095-00 000 Pro Shop Revenues 54,500 SO 650-39201-00 000 Transfer From General Fund SO 584,000 To Subsidize Operations 8c Debt PAGETOTAIS 5296,739 SO S347,100 FUND TOTAIS 5296,739 SO 5347,100 ARENA EXPENSES-45130- 1994 1995 Object 1995 Adopted Detail Proposed Fund Account Obj# Description Budget Amount Budget Comments 650-45130- 101 Salaries&Benefits 562,599 556,200 650-45130- 102 Full-Time Overtime S1,767 5400 650-4513�- 103 Part-Time Salazies&Benefits 539,003 532,20(1 650-45130-Ol 202 Duplicating&Copying Costs SO 5500 650-45130-Oi 207 Training&Instructional Supplies SO 5100 650-45130-O1 208 Miscellaneous Suppfies 5500 5200 650-45130-Ol 209 Other Office Supp6es 5300 S300 650-45130-Ol 211 Cleaaing Supplies 56,000 52,500 650-45130-Ol 212 Motor Fuels 51,170 S1,300 650-45130-Oi 216 Chemicals&Chemical Products 5600 5500 650-45130-Ol 219 Other Operating SuppGes S240 5500 ' 650-45130-Oi 221 Equipment Parts S1,800 51,500 650-45130-Ol 223 Building Repair Supplies 54,800 51,800 650-45130-Ol 241 Small Tools 5300 S300 650-45130-Ol 242 Minor Equipmen[ 5375 5200 65�-45130-A1 260 Food for Resale S6,500 S6,500 650-45130-01 265 Other Items for Resale S1,350 SO 650-45130-Ol 305 Medical&Denta!Fees SO 5500 650-45130-Ol 317 General Fund Admin Fees 53,432 55,700 Yeazly Fce Per Policy F-3 650-45130-Ol 321 Telephone Costs 51,125 51,000 650.45130-Ol 322 Postage Costs 5125 5500 b50-45130-O1 331 TravelFxpense 5165 5200 650-45130-Ol 341 Employment Advertising ' SO 5500 650-45130-Ol 349 Other Advertising 5300 SO 650-45130-Ol 359 Other Printing&Binding Cosb SS00 SO 650.45130-Ol 365 Workmea's Comp Insurance S1,746 55,300 650-45130-O1 369 Otherinsurance 54,000 S10,000 650-45130-Ol 381 Electric Utilities 522,500 535,000 650.45130-Ol 382 Water Utilities 51,800 SO 650-45130-Ol 383 Gas Utilities 515,600 514,000 650-45130-Ol 384 Refuse Disposal 53,974 52,100 650.45130-Ol 401 Contracted Building Repaiis S1,200 51,200 650-45130-Ol 404 Contracted Mach&Equip R&M 51,200 S1,1A0 650-45130-Ol 415 Other Equipmeat Rental '', 5150 5300 650-d5130-Ol 433 Dues&Subscriprions S255 5600 650-45130-Ol 437 Conferences&Seminars 5178 S200 650-45130-O1 439 Other Miscellaneous Charges S100 5300 650-45130-Ol 450 Sales Tax on Purchases 51,556 SO 650-45130-Ol 601 Bond Principal SO 510,000 1992E Bond Lssue 650-45130-0] 611 Bond Interest 572,954 5149,000 1992E Bond Lssue 650-45130-Ol 621 Bond Payiag Agent&Admin Fees SO 5800 1992E Bond Issue 650-45130-Ol 710 Transfers T3,199 53,500 To Gen'1 Fund-Maint Costs PAGETOTAIS 5263>363 5346,900 FUND TOTALS 5263,363 S34G,900 _�____ ______ ______ CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: PC Replacement Program (and Printers) Project No.: PIN 95-201 Department Requesting: Finance (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction The y�rly replacement of PCs with new machines covered by a 5—year warranty. E ui ment 27 000 This year will be replacing 9 PCs, cycling out all XT's and 286's(obsolete with our SIV1n. Other Also, will be upgrading alf Finance Department PCs to be Windows operational(this will allow Other us to be functional with our updated Accounting S/VV)and purchasing E—Mail for City HaIL Total Pro'ect Costs 27 000 Revenue Sources � Yea� of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: PC&Computer Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 27,000 5. MSA Funds r Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 9 Re lacement Units 13. Water Core Usefultife of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et $20,000 — 9 PCs - 19. Utili CIP Funds 5,000 — Upgrade Finance Dep� PCs to Window ready 20. Other Enter r�e 2,000 — E—Mail for City Hall 21. Other Enter rise - 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 27 000 4 i : J CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Grading - Erickson Community Square Project No.: PIN 95-610 Department Requesting: Parks 8�Recreation (Normaf CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 20,000 Grading for amphitheater,shaping and concrete work. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Yesr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 20,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. OtherEnter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 20 000 � CITY OF AOSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Park Shelter — Ciry Hali Project No.: PIN 95-612 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 30,000 Addition to original shelter concept — Erickson Community Square. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 30 004 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments _ 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 30,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Usefui�ife of Pro ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary f5. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 30 000 . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Volleybali Equipment Project No.: PIN 95-617 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction A volleyball equipment cart to transport poles,stands,pads, balls and nets and could E ui ment 2 500 serve as storage for 2 of the 3 set of volleyball standards. A purchase of 3 sets of volleyball Other judge's stands are needed for competition play to include league play or tournaments. Other Total Pro"ect Costs 2 500 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Ptoject: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 2,500 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5-7 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core � Priority High Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1994 (For 1995) _____ 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et - 19. Utili CIP Funds The cart will provide a safer and easier way to move equipment for staff and facility users. 20. Other Enter rise The judge's stand is needed to conduct competition play. Organizations sucF►as RAAA, 21. Other Enter rise Star of the North and others anticipate using the Center for playing officiated voileybalL 22. Communi Center Totat Revenue Sources 2 500 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM - PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Illuminated Outdoor Sign Project No.: PW 95-618 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Electronic illuminated outdoor sign with changeable lettering,visible from both directions E ui ment 50 000 and placed perpendicular to Highway 3 at the main entrance. Other Construction of aluminum with brick base. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 50 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 19ss 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Facilities 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 25,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donatians Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai — Nat'i Guard 25,000 Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful�ife of Pro'ect 25+ Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core � Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, e�cpenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds This sign will enable us to promote events. A charge will accompany customer requests for 20. Other Enter rise the sign. The sign wili also be used to promote our own events thus improving our revenue 21. Other Enter rise capability. Estimate revenue of$1,000 per year. Sign cost is$50,000 and will be split 22. Communi Center with the National Guard. Total Revenue Sources 50 000 . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � '' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET � - Project Name: Reconditioning of Case Tractor Project No.; PIN 95-731 Department Requesting: Public Works (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Overhaul,paint and recondition all bearings in Case tractor. E ui ment Other 5 500 Other Total Pro'ect Cos� 5 500 Revenue Sources YeAr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Maintenance 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds� 5,500 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Presenration of equipment rather than replacement. 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11, Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Originai Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Totaf Revenue Sources 5 500 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET PFoject Name: Park Benches 8�Tables Project No.: PIN 95-736 Department Requesting: Public Works (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin iDesi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add items to inventory for use in parks and in trail areas E ui ment 5 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Souroes Ye3r of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds - - __ _ __ __ ___ _ 8. {3ther Genera�__ 13Qt�a#ions _ ___ -- __ _ _. ._. _ _ _, Prior Pro'ect Re uestsl No - 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion ofiExistin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12.Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Originai Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 5 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Playground Equipment — Twin Puddles Park Project No.: PIN 95-737 Department Requesting: Public Works (Normai CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Bring equipment up to ADA&safety guidelines (with some additions). E ui ment 25 000 Other Replace equipment taken out in 1994. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 25 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 ss5 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 25,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement— Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other lnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Tota)Revenue Sources 25 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Ptoject Name: Phase I Vegatation— Carroll Woods Pt'oject No.: PIN 95-739 Department Requesting: Public Works (Normai CIP) Pt'oject Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Reforestation of mixed forest. E ui ment Other 7 000 Continue for ten yeers. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 7 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: �sss 1. Assessments 2. General Le Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 3,500 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 3,500 8. Other Generai — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests7 No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect Permanent 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1992 (for 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 7 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL 1MPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJEGT WORKSHEET Pt'oject Name: Building Repairs Project No.: PIN 95-803 Department Requesting: Gen'i Government/Buildings (Normal CIP) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Repair exterior of Fire Hail — $100,000. E ui ment Repairs to City Hall - $30,000. Other 130 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 130 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: t 9s5 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Maintenance 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 130,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Nothing has been done to buildings for maintenance for many years. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of�xistin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General R lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 10 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Origina)Year of Request - 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. UUIi CIP Funds � 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Totat Revenue Sources 130 000 � Page 2 Fiscai Focus Summer 1994 Executive Director's Comments Next,Ianuary, when the Legislature meets to build the next state budget, there's going to be a focused public debate about the size of Minnesota state and local government The 1994 tax bill included a new requirement that the Governor propose a target percentage that state and local revenues comprise of personal income in the next two biennia. The bill also requires the legislature adopt a concurrent resolution setting a target percentage. If taken seriously, this new requirement could have profound effects on the state budget process Setting the revenue limit first, before spending bills are debated, can have the effect of forcing the legislators to say "no"more often,just like we do with ourpersonal budgets This newsletter reviews some of the mechanics of the new law and presents some benchmark data that will be used in the coming debate on the size of government. , � Our new edirion of"How Does Minnesota Compare,"the FY1992 edition,h�rs been seriously delayed by the lack of data on local rax collections For those who have been asking, we provide'some numbers on our state tax rankrngs in this issue. The big news is that our state sales tax now ranks 11 th per capita, up from 15th in FY1991. By our calculations, we're less than$10 million away from a rank of l Oth. For those who think there s lots of room for new taxes, this is bad news Finally, take note of the new deadline for appealing your propeny tax valuations. For taxes payable in 1995, the deadline for petitioning the court for relief is March 31, �995, 45 days sooner than in the past. Past and Future Price of TABLE 1 Government Minnesota Personal income and State and Local Revenues FYs 1971-1996 Table I shows the historical trend in the share of personal income going to ($`s Billions) Revenue' Revenue As state and local government since fiscal � Personal Income State Local'* Total °/a of Pers.lncome year 1971. Esrimates for the current fis- �971 $15.70 $1.36 $1.35 $2.71 17.27% cal year (FY1994) show state and local 1972 16.72 1.54 1.58 3.12 18.66% revenues to be 20.38%of personal in- 1973 19.05 1.81 1.65 3.46 18.16% come. This is projected to rise to 20.52% in FY1995 and to 20.81%, an historical �974 21.93 2.15 1.63 3.78 17.24% high,by FY1996 under current law. Dur- �97�' 22•$$ 2•2$ 1.90 4.18 18.27% ing the decade of the 1970s the percent- 197f� 25.09 2.53 2.05 4.58 18.26% age averaged around 18%, in the 1980s 197�'' 27•86 2.94 2.13 5.07 18.20% it averaged 19.3%, and through the first 197$ 31.12 3.24 2.42 5.66 18.19% seven years of the current decade it will 1979; 35.11 3.68 2.62 6.30 17.94°/a average about 20.34%. 19801 39.08 3J4 3.16 6.90 17.66% Local governments' share of state 1 gg1 43.42 4.02 3.37 7.39 � 17.02% and local revenues has risen over the 26 1 gg�' 46.58 4.38 4.09 8.47 18.18% year history shown in the table. During 1gg3 48.82 4.$8 4.62 9.50 19.46% the 1970s it averaged about 45% of the �gg� 52.87 5.92 5.05 10.97 20.75% total. In the 1980s and 1990s it averaged 198� 58.18 6.17 5.55 11.72 20.14% 48.3%and 51.8%respectively. 1 gg6 61.74 5.78 6.07 11.85 19.19% In FY1994 Minnesota personal in- come is estimated to be $98.33 billion. 1987 65.29 6.61 6.64 13.25 20.29% State and local revenues are calculated 1988 69.63 7.26 6.61 13.87 19.92% at$20.04 billion,maldng the percentage �98S 73•91 7.13 7.79 14.92 20.19% 20.38%. These numbers suggest the gen- 1990 79.92 7.86 7.94 15.80 19.77% eral rule of thumb that$1 billion of state 1991 83.22 8.26 8.55 16.81 20.20%0 and local tax revenues are equivilent to 1992 87.27 8.67 9.15 17.82 20.42% one percentage point of personal income. 1993 93.29 9.t 1 9.79 18.90 20.26% 1994 est. 98.33 9.56 10.48 20.04 20.38% Conciusion 1995 est. 103.56 10.04 11.21 21.25 20.52% To those predisposed to favor gov- 1 gg6 est. 108.25 10.54 11.99 22.53 20.81% ernment solutions to most problems,the � "price of government"legislation will be Revenues include all taxes,fees and charges. Federal aid is exluded. '"Local governments include cities,counties,school districts and townships. viewed as an unnecessary Complication, Sources: Minnesota Department of Finance,Office of State Auditor. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '• CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Police Vehicle Replacements Project No.: PIN 95-401 Departinent Requesting: Police (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace two squads E ui ment 31 000 Squad #30 Other Squad #40 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 31 000 Revenue Sources Yesr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Vehicle 3. General Operating Budget - 4. Generai CIP Funds 31,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other Generai — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. fJther General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. OtherGeneral Re lacement — Unit Na 30/40 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 2 Plus Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds One squad to be ordered through Hennepin Counry or the State of Minnesota fleet bids. 20. Other Enter rise #50 may aiso be purchased in this manner. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Tota)Revenue Sources 31 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSPROCRAM . PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Computer Update Project No.: PIN 95-402 Department Requesting: Police (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Computer update and purchase of 5 mobii data terminals(MDT's)for squads. E ui ment 45 000 Original equipment in use since 1982 -CJISTerminaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 45 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: PC&Computer Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 45,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. PortAuthority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit 5 MDT's 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. CJIS Com uter 13, Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Origina)Year ofAequest — 1990 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds MASYS — CJIS Computer Equipment — Police Use Only 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Ente rise 22. Communi Center _ _ Totai Revenue Sources 45 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PRQGRAM PflOJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Aerial Fire Truck Project No.: PIN 95-501 Department Requesting: Fire (�ease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Elevated platform of approximately 100'for structural fire fighting and high level rescue. E ui ment 600 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 600 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s95 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type,of Project: Vehicle 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 600,Q00 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No *Lar er Vehicle, Reliable, U dated 11. Other General New Pr ramiUnit No 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na 35180 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 20+ Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Current vehicie has many problems (ISO and mechanical). 20. Other Enter rise Does not provide necessary protection. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 600 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '• CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Opticom (Pre-Emption/Traffic) Project No.: PIN 95-503 Department Requesting: Fire (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Priority control system for traffic light controlled intersections. E ui ment 60 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 60 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 60,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1990 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 25+ Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewe�Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1990(For 1992) t8. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds - 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Tota)Revenue Sources 60 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Vehicle Hoist Project No.: PIN 95-703 Department Requesting: Public Works (�ease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Vehicle hoist to lift light duty equipment. E ui ment 5 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 5 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5 000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Totai Revenue Sources 5 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �. CAPITAL IMPR�VEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Paint Gun Project No.: PIN 95-704 Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace air sprayer with airless paint gun. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 6,000 5. MSA Funds � Project Justification: s. Port Authority State will be banning oil—based paints in 1995. Our sprayer only set up for oiL 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit No 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Replacement units for outdated equipment. 20. Other Enter rise Examples of equipment include hoses, fans,portable generators and ladders. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 6 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROCRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Bobcat Trailer Project No.: PIN 95-705 Department Requesting: Public Worlc.s (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Trailer to haul Bobcat. E ui ment 6 000 Other Other ' Total Pro'ect Cos� 6 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 ss5 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 6,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry Additional trailer needed. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. -0ther General -bonations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water 0 eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utiti CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Souroes 6 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN s5-727 Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Piannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pickup Truck replacing 75 Dodge 4x4 E ui men# 18 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 18 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General tev Type of Project: Vehicie 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 18 000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other Generai Years 1993 10. Other Genera) Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na 90 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 18 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM - PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 95-�28 Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pickup Truck Replacing 1986 Chevy#101. E ui ment 20 000 (And equipment for plowing). Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 20 000 Revenue Sources Yesr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of PI'oject: Vehicle 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 20,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donatioris Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na 101 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 5 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin 8ud et Other Information {i.e. estimated impact on revenues, e�cpenses� staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Originai Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. OtherEnter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 20 000 },::,. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PAOJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Truck Project No.: PIN 9s-729 Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information); Construction Additional tandem axle truck plus plow and wing for added street Rnileage and rural routes. E ui ment— Truck 110 000 Other — Plow&Win 10 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 120 000 Revenue Sources Yesr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Vehiole 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 120 000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 14 Hours for total plowing of City compared to 8 to 10 hours for most cities. 7. Park lm rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other Ge�eral Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New P� ram/Unit Yes 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 5 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on re�enues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993(For 1994) 18. Storrn Water O era#in Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter r�e 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 120 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Loader Project No.: PIN 95-730 Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Front end loader with plow and wing replacing '74 John Deere E ui ment 150 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 150 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: �ss5 t. Assessments 2. General iev Type of Project: Vehicle 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 150 000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority Existing loader is 20 years old. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests7 No 9. Other General Year� NA � 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 204 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 5 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise � 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 150 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sprayer Project No.: PIN 95-735 Depattment Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Add to present equipment — currently have one. E ui ment 3 000 Other For applying herbicide. Other Total Pro'ect Costs 3 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 3,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds Needed for increase in acr� of park maintained 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 3 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ProjeCt Name: 18' Mower Replacement ProjeCt No.: PIN 95-738 - Department Requesting: Public Works (Lease/Certificates) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Replace 15' Howard mower on rotation for good trade—in. E ui ment - 35 000 Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 35 000 Aevenue Sources Year of Request: 19s5 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 35,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Priar Pro ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Y�� Nq 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. 15' Howard Mower 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21.Dther Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 35 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Curb&Gutter Replacement P�oject No.: PIN 95-709 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin �and Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 12,360 1,000 feet of bituminous curbing. E ui ment 1,000 feet of concrete curbing and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 12 360 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Curb&Gutter 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 12,360 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai — Donations PriorPro'ect Re uests? No 9, Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11.Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 10 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core .� 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 1z. Sewer Operating eudget : Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 12 360 . '� •�---. x CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Sidewalk Replacement Project No.: PW 95-710 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 2s,174 1,500 feet of concrete sidewalk replacement and removaL E ui ment 500 feet of bituminous sidewalk or bike paths and removaL Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 29174 Revenue Sources Yesr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Le Type of Project: Sidewalk 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 29,174 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry New League of Minnesota Cities requirement. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, e�cpenses� staffing� etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 29174 . a' � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ProjeCt Name: StreetAeconstruction — 143rd Street West ProjeCt No.: PIN 95-718 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 8 800 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Canstruction 34,300 Street reconstruction on 143rd Street from Highway 3 to west end of 143rd Street. E ui ment 528 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. . Other — Finance 9qo 4 400 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 1 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 49 000 Revenue Sources YeSr of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 20,000 2. General Le Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 29,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful tife of Pro'ect 30 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing. etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 49 000 , , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: StreeLRecoristruction - Cameo Avenue Project No.: PIN 95-719 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 14 900 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 58,100 Street reconstruction on Cameo Avenue from 145th Street to�ower 147th Street. E ui ment 898 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9°� 7 500 Other - Le al/Admin 3°� 2 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 83 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 40,000 2. General Lev Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 43,000 . 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years. NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14.'Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1994) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 83 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - Cameo Avenue PfOjeCt No.: PIN 95-720 Department Requesiing: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 14 900 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 58,100 Street reconstruction on Cameo Avenue from 143rd St. to 145th St, E ui ment 898 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9� 7 500 Other — Le aIlAdmin 3�0 2 500 Total Pro'ect Cos� 83 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 63,000 2. General Lev Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. Generai Operating Budget 4. Generaf CIP Funds 20,000 5. M5A Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 30 Ye�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995j 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 83 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction — Lower 147th Street West Project No.: PIN 95-721 Department Requesting: Public Works {Streets) Project Costs Piannin lDesi n/En ineerin 21 200 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 1 s2,7oo Street reconstruction on Lower 147th Street from Highway 3 to Canada Avenue. E ui ment 1,267 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9°� 10 600 Outlet storm sewer to Erickson Pond. Other — Le al/Admin 3°� 3 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 218 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 88,000 2. Generai Lev Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 30,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. ParkJm rovement Funds • S. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 100,000 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other lnformation (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 218 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTSPROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET P1'oject Name: Street Reconstruction - Diamond Path ProjeCt No.: PIN 95-723 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /D.esi n/En ineerin 85 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 473,000 Street construction on Diamond Path from County Road 42 to 155th Street. E ui ment L.F. curb &gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9°� 42 000 Other — Le al/Admin 3°k 14 000 Total Pro'ect Costs 614 Q00 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 76,000 2. General Lev Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. Generai CIP Funds 538,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justific�tion: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests7 No 9. Other General Y�� Nq 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1998) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 614 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 160th Street Project No.: PIN 95-724 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 170 000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 945,000 Street reconstruction on 160th Street from Apple Valley to Highway 3. E ui ment 5,280 L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9�0 85,000 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 28 400 Total Pro'ect Costs 1 228 400 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 t. Assessments 152,000 2. General Lev Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 1 076,400 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriry 7. Park Im rovement Funds S. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Y�rs 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 1 228 400 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Street Reconstruction — Biscayne Avenue Project No.: 'PIN 95-725 Department Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Piannin /Desi "n/En ineerin 171 000 Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction s5o,000 Street reconstruction on Biscayne Avenue from County Road 42 to 400' north of railroad tracks. E ui ment L.F. curb&gutter and street surfacing. Other — Finance 9% 85 500 Other — Le al/Admin 3°k 28 500 Total Pro'ect Costs 1 235-000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 420,000 2. General Lev Type of Project: Street Aeconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 415,000 5. MSA Funds 400 000 Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life ofPro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Urgent 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1996) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 1 235 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Gravel Road Resurfacing PI'oject No.: PIN 95-726 Depa�tment Requesting: Public Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Desc�iption (use back for additional information): Construction 33,749 1 1/2 miles of resurFacing: E ui ment — Upper 135th — Danville - 136th Other 3 409 — 124th — Blanca — 125th Other — 128th — Bolivia Tota)Pro'ect Costs 37158 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Road Resurfacing 3. Generai Operating Budget 4, General CIP Funds 37,158 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro ect 10 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core � 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, e�cpenses� staffing, etc.): �7. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 37158 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET PtojeCt Name: Decorative Street Lights on 145th Street Pt'oject No.: PtN 95-733 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction NSP decorative street lights between Chile/Chippendale and Cameo Avenues. E ui ment Other 55 000 (Balance coming from 1994 funds). Other Total Pro'ect Costs 55 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request; 1ss5 �. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Facilities 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 55,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Beautification/safety enhancement. 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Butlget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 55 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Downtown Street Lights Project No.: PIN 95-734 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works (Streets) Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction Repair/repiacement of decorative lights in downtown area. E ui ment Other 150 000 Other Total Pro'ect Costs 150 OOQ Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Facilities 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 150,000 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authoriry Existing lights in bad conditiorr. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re IacemeM — Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues� expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating eudget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds $20,000 to repair. 20. Other Enter rise $150,000 to replace with NSP owned and maintained lights. 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 150 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT '� CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM � PROJECT WORKSHEET � Project Name: Park Shelter— Shannon Park Project No.: PIN 95-608 Department Requesting: Parks&Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 10,000 Construet small sheiter(ga2ebo)at area near fields 2-3-4. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 10 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. 'Assessments 2. General Le Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 10,000 8. Other General — Donation.s Prior Pro'ect Re uests? Yes 9. Other General 'Years 1993 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 1 t. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pr 'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 1�. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1992 (For 1993) 18. Storm Sewer O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center---- .._ __ _ - ; Totai Revenue Sources 10 000 C1TY OF ROSEMOUNT � �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: Park Shelter— Kidder Park Project No.: PIN 95-611 Department Requesting: Parks &Recreation Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 30,000 Construct shelter to improve park uses. E ui ment Other Coordinate with neighborhood efforts. Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 30 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Park Development 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 15,000 8. Other Generai — Donations 15,000 Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other Generai Y�� Nq 10. Other General � J Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13. Water Core Usefui Life of Pr 'ect 14. Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses� staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 30 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � �' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET � Project Name: Lawn Mower Project No.: PIN 95-�06 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 72"front—mounted deck mower to cut grass areas on ail well, tower&lift station sites. E ui ment 15 000 Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 15 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s95 1. Assessments 2. General Lev Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Po�t Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai — Donations Prior Pro"ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram No 11. Other Generai New Pr ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13. Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 3 Years 14.Sanitar Sewer Core Priority Necessary 15. Storm Sewer Core 16. Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, e�cpenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1993 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 15 000 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Totai Revenue Sources 15 000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PflOJECT WORKSHEET ' . Project Name: Air Compressor Project No.: PIN 95-707 • Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction To be used for jack hammering and blowing out irrigation lines. E ui ment 17,�00 Other Other � Total Pro'ect Costs 17,000 Revenue Sources Year of Aequest: 1995 1. Assessments 2. General Le Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority Replacement 7. Par1c Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General E ansion of Existin Pro ram No 11. Other Generai New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core _ 16.Water Operating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operadng Budget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 17,000 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Ente rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 17,000 i, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT , CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM , PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: Emergency Generator Project No.: PIN 95-708 Department Requesting: Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): ConstrucUon Emergency generator to power a well and/or lift station in the event that power is lost E ui ment 70�� Other Other Totai Pro'ect Costs 70 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 i. Assessments 2. General Le Type of Project: Equipment 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority To provide citizens fire protection, 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General • Ex ansion of Existin Pro ram No 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 70,000 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22.Cammuni Center Total Revenue Sources 70,000 � � . � � � . � � � � . . . � I, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT i CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: Limerick 16u Trunk Water Main Project No.: PIN 95-711 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 5 000 �and Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 35,000 16"tnank water main. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 'w� Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 10,000 2. General Le Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Required by development. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. O#her General Years NA 10. Other Generai • Expansion of Existing Program Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 50 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O erating Bud�c et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1994(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 30,000 20. Other Enter 'rise 21. Other Enter rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 40,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT �' I CAPITAL IMPflOVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: Dodd Boulevard/Dallara 8"Trunk Water Main Project No.: PIN 95-712 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 7,000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 55,000 8"trunk water main. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 62 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1 s95 1. Assessments 12,000 2. General Le Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Required by development. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No __ 9._Other General Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existin Pro ram Yes 11. Other Generai New Pro�ramNn�t � 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 50 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year ofAequest — 1994(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 50,0� 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Ente rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 62 000 �, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET � Project Name: 12"Trunk Water Main for Baptist Church Project No.: PIN 95-713 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 7,000 Land Project Description (use back fo� additional information): Construction 63,000 12"trunk water main on Dekalb from 145th Street to Davenport. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 7�� Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 30,000 2. General Le Type of Project: CoreJTrunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds � Project Justification: s. Port Authority Required by development. 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No _ 9. Other Generai Years NA 10. Other General Expansion of Existin Pro ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit Na NA 13.Water Core � Usefui Life of Pro'ect 50 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core � Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1994(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 40 000 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 70,000 . . . . � . � . � . . . . I, . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: 8"Trunk Water Main for Shannon Parkway Project No.: PIN 95-714 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 8 000 Land Project Description (use back for additionai information): Construction 72,000 8"trunk water main on Shannon Pa►lcway#rom 157th Street to 160th Street. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 80,000 Revenus Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments �,� 2. General L.e Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds - Project Justification: 6. Port Authoriiy Required by development. 7. Park im rovement Funds 8. Other Generai - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pro ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other Generai Re tacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 50 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O eratin Bud�et ___ Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water 0 eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 60 000 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Enter rise 22.�ommuni Center Total Revenue Sources 80,000 i CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: CSAH 42 Wensmann 12"Trunk Water Main Project No.: PIN 95-715 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin_g/Desi n n ig neering__ _ 18,0� Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 62,000 12"trunk water main. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs 80 000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments 20�� 2. General Le Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Required by development 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General — Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion af Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ramNnit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Usefui Life of Pro'ect 50 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O erating Budget Other Information (i.e. estirriated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1994(For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 60,000 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Ente rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 80,000 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM , PROJECT WORKSHEET Project Name: 12"Trunk Water Main on Diamond Path Project No.: PIN 95-716 Department Requesting; Pubiic Works Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin 20,000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 110,000 12"trunk water main on Diamond Path from 151st Street to north of CSAH 42. E ui ment Other Other Tota)Pro'ect Costs 130,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: i 995 ' 1. Assessments 30,000 2. General Le Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority Required by development. 7. Parklm rovem�t Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other Generai Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Ofher General Re lacement - Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O eratin Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request — 1994 (For 1995) 18. Storm Water O era6n Bud et � 19. Utili CIP Funds 1��� 20. Other Ente rise 21. Other Ente rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 130 000 I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT � CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT WORKSHEET � Project Name: 160th Street 12"Trunk Water Main Project No.: PIN 95-717 Department Requesting: Public Works Project Costs Plannin 1Desi n/En ineerin 30,000 Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 300,000 12"trunk water main. E ui ment Other Other Total Pro'ect Costs �,� Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1995 1. Assessments ���0 2. General Le Type of Project: Core/Trunk Items 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: s. Port Authority Required by development. 7. Park Improvement Funds 8. Other General —Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General Ex ansion of Existin Pr ram Yes 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement — Unit No. NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Necessitated by Development 15. Storm Sewer Core 16.Water O raGn Bud et Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request —1994{For 1995) 18. Storm Water O eratin Bud et 19. Utili CIP Funds 2�,�� 20. Other Ente rise ' 21. Other Enter rise 22.Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 330 000 ,, CITY OF flOSEMOUNT 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PRUJECT WORKSHEET ' Project Name: Street Reconstruction - 160th Street Project No.: PIN 95-722 Department Requesting: Public Wo�cs , Project Costs Plannin /Desi n/En ineerin Land Project Description (use back for additional information): Construction 235,000 Street construction on 160th Street from Highway 3 to Biscayne Avenue. E ui ment 5,280 L.F. grading and street surfaang. Other — Fnance 9% 10,000 Other — Le al/Admin 3% 5,000 Total Pro'ect Costs 250,000 Revenue Sources Year of Request: 1s95 1. Assessments 250,000 2. General Le Type of Project: Street Reconstruction 3. General Operating Budget 4. General CIP Funds 5. MSA Funds Project Justification: 6. Port Authority 7. Park Im rovement Funds 8. Other General - Donations Prior Pro'ect Re uests? No 9. Other General Years NA 10. Other General � Expansion of Existin Pro ram Yes __ 11. Other General New Pro ram/Unit NA 12. Other General Re lacement - Unit Na NA 13.Water Core Useful Life of Pro'ect 30 Years 14. Sanita Sewer Core Priority Desirable 15. Storm Sewer Core _ 16.Water O eratin Budget Other Information (i.e. estimated impact on revenues, expenses, staffing, etc.): 17. Sewer Operating Budget Original Year of Request - 1993 (For 1995) 1 S. Storm Water O eraUn Bud et 19. Ubli CIP Funds 20. Other Enter rise 21. Other Enter rise 22. Communi Center Total Revenue Sources 250 000