HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Consideration of Rental Agreements for Business Park Land . i CITY OF ROSEM�UNT EXECUTIVE SUNIlVIARY FOR ACTION PORT AU'ITiORITY COMIVIISSION MEETING DATE: JANUARY 4, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of Rental Agreements for AGENDA SECTIONr Business Park Land New Business PREPARED BY: John Miller, AGENDA NO. Item 7.C. Economic Development Coordinator ATTAC�i1VIVIENT5: Rental Agreements App �r� y; Attached for your review and considera.tion are rental agreements with Daryl Buecksler and David Wachter, the two farmers who had previously rented land from Roy Abbott that is presently the site of the Rosemount Business Park. Mr. Wachter has pastured cattle on the east part of the property and wishes to continue that practice. The rent for the pasture has been and is $400 annually. I believe there will be little Port Authority activity in the eastern part of the Business Park in 1994, Mr. Buecksler has rented the crop land in the past with an annual rent of $SO per acre. He has agreed to plant a low profile crop so that the land can be shown to prospects more effectively. He has also agreed to stay out of all proposed right-of-ways. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve the land lease agreements with Daryl Buecksler and David Wachter (as amended) for 1994. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: ►=LUE�EL CY10Y��IHRN TtL No . 161243b97?7 Uec 29 ,03 9 � i 1 No .GC3 F .Ob - , LEASE AGFi�EMENT �C3l� AGR(CUL7URAL PRUP�RTY TIiIS ACyRLr;.MI,�!'1', c�ni.�red into otl t}iis __. .. _ ���y �,r 19 9 4 b ._—_ �. �—. ._ , r y ailc3 l�e�.we�c:�, 't'III; Rc�SI�MOUN'i' YpR7' AT)'PIIC)�ZI7'Y, d hUdy c�rpc�rc�l,c. and politic orr�ar�ircrci undcr the 1�ws of i;}�ie 5t�ate c�f M� nnc;.�ot:a, here,in caalec3 " I.,�-.�r�r.�.] r�rp " �nd np,HXL }3IJEC:Y.SLF..Ii, h�rej_n c��1J,E;d ,��'�n�xnt . " � . �,ubie,c� l�s�e�Lrr�. Irt cUnSide:.,r�t:ion af �.hF rPr�tal �nd covenants s�ec.�if i r:c] t>:,l.c_,�,•, the L�r�<il�rc� h�r�by 1 c��e5 t.c, t.ti� '1'Err1�nL real propexi:y lt�c����.c�c� in n�}:ota CounLy, St�tc Uf M.ir�ncsc,Lc�, de�crib�d bs : 't�?���t r.,�-,r�c:�.l vf p.ta�eri:y r..oli:;i�ting C>f ����r_axin���tP:i. the West one--h��.Lf �:�f t1��� R�7s�rn�ur��, Fort .�t�t:hc�ra L-y Lu,ines.s I'�zk which is legal� y dc:��;c.r_�� he�d as : The Pd4rth �j�,j 1 <�j thc Nr�rt}i��st {�t�art:�r c7f. S�t�t� ��1z 32, Tc�wnship ] l.� � ��-�ric�e I g Dakot� C�unt� �� �, excepting t.}iE� Sc�ut.1� 1? f�c�t of t.h� L•'a�,t �� Y, t�inri�.sota , 5 fec�t �.hP.r-ec�f: . The pa7`t:ic�� c�y% �:F' t}1dt thr� C�nii�ur,-�t.ic�r� Uf t}��' �:�ro(',er�; �ub�ect to the � c:�::,�_: , y �.:i] .i rsc c��3t��rm�.rie�3 Z�y T,alZdio.�~c� t���s<�d �>r� its deterniylla�CSbn pj _,�,�.��-,r.•�rt � Y r�e'edec3 for a r.i ghi.-or-w�y A or � �,ui:,? .;.�� rQad and u4�lit� c:�. . 0 2 . IJse c,f ].�rc>�>c�r tY �'h�= s�zY�jr:�t.;t prc�F:�ei:�.y is tc�, t�� usf�ti i�r. th� pur,�Us� of c�r�,�� i ��:�.i t�7r_� ��t�� or wheat orily. � rF=n�r�t �3c�rnr�� t.h�t t.}j� ��xop�r�}� .i5 i�ot �.�_, ;;�:� { . . u:��.:_. j:ur growang t:t�.tir� . 3 . T�rm c�i� 1,c�c�sr�. --- This l�ase� .i s foi- a Ler�n� C>f Gn� ytr�I- n�c�znn.ing an Jar�u�i1-1' � , 19�4 �,ryd enc:iing i�r� uer..�rn�:��r �1. r , ) 9�4 , sub j�ct to thc ��1-c��� i _: i c>2-��; � r� ��i���3r�F�1� fi t>e.l csw. l. FLUEGEL P90Y'NIHRN TEL No . ib124�s9�77 - Dec 29 �03 5 � 11 No .003 P .G7 , 4 . R�nt. xhe Tenant sh�11 pay to tfie Landlord as rentt�l fox� the �ropez:ty, L?►� sum of $50 . 00 p�r acre due and pay�sble on OctobPr 1 , 1994 . 5 . Default. If tenants fails to make the rerita�, payment when duc, Ur. fails to fulfi:l,! any c�£ the cav�nants contained in �.ha.s leas�, then Landl.ord m�y re--enter and take poss�ssion of �he p�`operty ar�d ho3.d and enjoy the propexty without th� re-entering working a fqrfeitur� �f th� xent� ta be paid by �Lhe Tenant for the ful.k tei-m of Lhe Iease . 6 . Cr.UD La�r� . Tenant acknow].edges that the sub�ect px�operty n�ay be x-�quixPd for. publi.c use at some perir�d during �hQ terrn o� this ].case. In such an �vent, Landlord agrees to pravide Ten�pt with thirty days notice of the terminat�on of this ].ease, and the par�ies ag-ree tt�at r�:rrt will be �ro--rated aecordingZy. zn the e:fent t;-,�zt; Tenant � s grc�wing cx-ops ar� destr.oyec: k�y Landlord in Landlcr.d ' s pursu,�t of a put�lic purpos�, Landlaxd agrees to re:�rnburse ':�nan,: for arty destrs�yed Crops at thc� ratP Ot $�50 . UU �Gr ac�-e , 7 . �1�erminatian. If 4rr� Tenant �ert�ain� in possesszt�n of the proper.ty ai��.�� th� expi.ratior; of ttl� te.r.m fox� which it is }i�reby l�ased, �ucli �a�5session shd�l no� he constr_ued ta ne a r�newal c� this leasc, bui: to kse a tPnancy at the wil]. of the Landlord, w}7ich rnay be t�rminater� u�c,n t�n day� not� ce giv�rl by the I,�ndlc,rd in wr�,ting ei.L}ier deliv�red to the Tenant or �nnt to t}�� T�nant �t 1356 -- i70th Street t�est, i��arm.ington, tsinnesc��a 55024 , which is ?lereby decXar�d by Ten�nt t� be Tenant' s usuaJ: past office acidress . 2 FLUcGEL P10Y�IHAN TEL Nc . 1612438977? Dzc 29 ,03 9 � 11 Nu .003 P .�S S • lt�to Assi n,menL. Tenant �agrees not to assign tha.s leasQ or sub1G�. i;he prop�r�ty or any part Lh�reof without the wr.�.Lt�n cc�tts�nt of Landlord . 9 . Suxrender c�f Premises . �1'enant agrees at the �xpiration of �h� lease to vacate �:he �r.operty, leav.i.ng it in as good cQndition atzd repair as whcn taken, sut>7ect anly to reasonabl� wear and �ear and da�nz�c�e by th� elem�nts . 10 . No Waste By TPnant, Tenant aqrees to Gultiv�t� the �ropez-�y in �. caxef.ul and husband-like manner 3nd �o Gornmi'� no wast� or darnage on the �r�perty and t:o su���r� non� to be done. 11 . Removal of. Dirt. Tep�nt agr.ecs not to remove ariy dir�. irom the proper. Ly. 12 . Quiet En o ent. Lanc�lord cover�ants thdt th� �i�enant upon �ay�ng the r.P.nts t�nd per.�orn�ing the coven�nt�� afor�said , sha11. peac�ab�� and quie��,y rlave, h�ld anci e�ij�y thG propex'l:y for t}te texn-; afaresaid . 1:� . H�irvc�t�t. All Crops O:: th2 l�ased �rem,i sc?s must be �'itl�"V�St�C; c3T1/? Y'�."?1C�'J2�2 rI'i�;il 1;.}'1� }�I'F.:it15�5 U;1 07' CJ£3fOI"C= t�1F' terminata,on date of th�.s Agxeement. ' "' 14 • Ti11aU�. Pxi_p� ta 4t�i� expir�ti.pn of thi5 lease, Tenant agr�es ta comple*p aIl �i�1.�c�e neressary tc3 r�:.urr� the subj�ct F•rop�it�� ta the cond�tian it was a n at th� commencemPn� of this l�ase . 15 . Liab;i_litV. Lancilord sha�l �zot �>� �iable in any evenL for darnag�s cz other.�:is� Clue t�r ac�.icl�ittnl Cidrnag� to �quipmez�i. 3 FLU�.StL frlOYfd�hAN TEL N� . 16i2�;,�97t7 �ec 2� ,C� 9 � 11 IJr� .OG3 P .pa bclor�ging t,c� the t��icic-ic_� • 1 r_�r h� s a g e»L.s <s r f.c�r i n j u x'y t.�� .i r�d i.v i c�u�)_s e�gag�d in the farm.i r�c� c,r�t`7'��t�on . LANDLpRD: '�'LN71Ni: TIiE �iOSEMOUNT PUR'1' 11U1"r�C)k) '],'y B . 1 t.:, Ch��irF.>er.san Ti�ryl� • --- —._ l;ue�k�ler B — " — , T'L ., � - STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) �;r.; . CGura�l�;y OF U.AKOTA j Th� fore9o;,ng ir�5t.r�,�u�nt was ��knt�w]edgE�d bc�fvr� m� this da af � -----�-�,.�_' 1 ��9�'} � 1��' � --�--�—w.—,—,, th e C}l i•: 1 1��.)F�r s on a»d� _— "— _.� ,. �n d "— R�S�7ii�urit POrt �lutriUri t.V , - .—. — _—. _ - — _— — .— _ __ _ �f 7'he 1��ut�ry���ui�l tf. .—.— — _,--- —._ .`�'TA''I'E OF 2�INN�SOTP. ) Ct"�liN�y ,-, � �._ :;F DAKp�A ; The fozeyr�in � r:�. ,- �a4r `j,� �3 ��._ u,n��:-,�. k�s acknawl�c:iurci r�ctc.�_e rn� t.t�:; _; `_, � �-y`�� , ��y' j,)v,�-y]_ Bt�C'.c}C:.i] t�I. . ._ _._ N i�t a r:y t�tl l�:l i r'. .— _. _ � _._._.._.._ THzS INSTRUA'ENT FrAS DF;r"_T"i'�;:: Hy � FLUEGEL MOXNIJ�1 & M1I,1�';, P .A. i303 S�uth Fxontag� Rc���ca Hast�zgs , Minnes�ta S�U:' ; F'}1CIlC : � bl� � '4Jf'J-9T� / (JMF':kms ) 4 F�UEGEL riOYPJIH�N TEL No . 1612a,389777 Dec 29 �0� 9 � 1 i tvo .003 F .u3 LEAS� AGREEMENT �0� AGRlCULTUkAL PROPERTY '1'H.�S AGREEMFN'I', enter�d intU UYt 1.�115 ,_�_� day of _� , ]994 , by �nd b2tween TH� HOSF,MOUNT PORT A�THqRITY, a boc3y car�orate and poJ.itic orqani�zed under tl'ie l.aws of th� 5tat�e of Minr��sr�ta, herein call.Pc3 "Landlord" and DAVID WACH`.['k'�R, herein Ca1a.Qd "Tenarit. " 1 . SuA,��ct Pronertv. 1 n consid�r�tion of tfie rerit��xl and covenants specified bElow, the L$ndlord h�reby leases to the Tenant reraZ property ].ocated in UakG�a County, 5tate o� Minn�Sc�Lu, described as : That parcel of. p�aperty consisting of ag�roxim�te�.y t}i� East ane-half o£ Lhe Rosemount Port Authority F3usiness Park which is legally descr,S.bed as : The Narth Ha1f o� th� Nc�rtheasC �uazter of S�C'L'1G1'1 32 , '1'Okriship 115 , Rc�tlC3[� �.9 , Dakota CUui�t�y, MirZr��sota , excepting t:he Sauth 13 f�et ot trie Fast �2`� fEet �.ner.eaf . 2 . Us� of Prop�rtv. The sub�ect pr�perty a :� to be us�ci only as �as�ure land . 3 • `r�rm ot Lease. This lea�e is fox a t�rzn Uf �,ie �ear k�eg�.nning on Januar.y �. , �994 ancl endinc� an Dec�mber 3]. , 1994 , suY_�jeCt to the provisiors in _qt�ragraph 4 t�el�w. � . lt�nt. '1'he Tenant bhall pay t�o Lhe Landlord a� r�rrt,al ;Car the property, the sum �f $400 . 00 due and payab.l� on Octob�r l , 1 y94 . Hc�wever, Z�enant ac�cnowledges that the suk�ject prc?perty in�y be r.equired ��r X�ublic t�s� dt son-�e p�:�-ioci dur.i.ng the t�rm c�f i.t�a.� .Lease . Irt 5uch ari event , Landlord at�r'�es to provic�c: Tene.�iit wiLh 1 rLUE�tL MOYNiHAN TEL No . 1b1z43ay777 Dec 29 ,03 9 � 11 No ,003 P.04 th�.rty days n�tice Uf i:?:e t;�rm�.n�xti.pn pf th.i� ]+�ase, and the Z��,rt:zes agree that rent wi1.1 be pro-rated acrord�.ngly. 5 . Texminati�n. I:f �h� T�nant renlains in possession of the ��roperty ��t�r ttie expir,ation of L-t�e �.C:rn1 for w}iich it is her�by �����=�E°ci , �uch pc,ss�:ssion shall nat be construed to be a renewal of {.his ,l.cas�, but� to b�: a tenancy at the w.z].l a� the L�ndlord, which :ri�y k�e i_erminated upon tet� days noticP given I�y the Landlox�d in wr.i.tinc� ei�.her d�livereci to the T�:nan�: or s�nt tU q�vid Wachi:�r t�t i �G7_`� �3iscayne .Avenue, Ras�maun�, Minnesota 55Q68 , wha.r.h is her�by dec:l�xr�ci Ly Tenatlt ta be T�nant' s usu�al post office address . � • N�o As$iQnment. Tenant ayrees not: to ass,ign thi� lease ar ;;tx�,.tet the �rop�rty or any part �.hereof�wa.thouti the wxi_tten c�nsent __ c�f Lanc�lorci . � • Surrendt�r of Premises . Tenant agrees at �;rie �xpiratiot-i ,_ 1 :.�-te leas� �u vC�cate thP pxaperty, zcav�.rig �.t in as goo� ;,c:•-�cjitio:, and r�pair as when taY,en, subject only to reason��le wear �:?-��a tca: ar�d damage �y ;.he clements , ts . I2��pva J. U� U�Z t . , 'l��r.ar-�t aUr_�.es n�at tc r�rr{ov� any ciirL ! �-c�i�� t:he pr�,�erty. y • uiet_En7��ment. Landlord covenan-ts that the Tenant upon i='==y�-n� t.he rents znd ���fo�rniny the cov�nants ��or�saic�, sh���. �:�e�c_cal�]y an� qu�.etly r�a��, hola and enjay the prap�rty for. the� t.i,rrn af_�resaid . 1 U . �iectric renc�s , zf 'l��nant ��nces t,h� subjc�ct propPrL}�, '� ��:�-�uI,4 is resptins�lile for pra+.�iding �Il f�ncing materi�ls , a11 � � , 2 FLUEGEL h�10�'idINniv TEL hJo . �61���397?7 Dec �� �03 9 � 11 P�o .0�,3 i� .G5 . . . . neceasary fence �t��i,r�tenanc:e and elec�.ricity required :��r any electric �enccs . LANDLQ�ZD: TENANT: 'i't�F. ROSEMOUNT �'ORT AUTHORITY �Y_ _.. —_ . . , Its Cha�.rperspn t�avid Wac}�ter. �� —�� .._�,.......—� I'L S . ST111'}�' OF MTNNESd�i'A } ) SS . CUI.INTS�' Q� DAf:01'A � Tht� foregoing �.nstrum�rit was acknowledged b�fore m� tiiis day of , 1994 , by —. . a n d , the Chairp�rson and � � of The rt[�semount Port A.ti�thori�:y. _-- _ ... Not:ary Pu:�lic "� � �._ STP.TL C�F MZNN�;SC)TI'� ) � , 4 S . i:�Ut�l`�.'Y OF UAKCyTA ) � _ m}�n faregoiny in�tr�xmr-,nt wc�s acktiUwle��c�c�d 1��fUZs nIG this [zay of , 1994 , by David `vlachter. .. Notax'y Pub�,.j.c � _._ Tfl 7 S INS�'KUMENx' WAS DFtAI�'TED BY: FT�Ut�'GEL MOYNSH.P.N & MXLES, P.A. ?3�3 South k'rontac�e Rc�xa FIast�.t'igs , Mirin�s�La 55033 �'hot-�c: { 612 ) �3R�977 i (J?,�TF':kms ) 3 . * * * MORNING AFTER * * * CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING AGENDA JANiJARY 4, 1994 5:15 P.M. l. Call to Order 2. Additions/Corrections to the Agenda - 4.F. Kerry Johnson Letter, 6.A. Ergotron Field Trip 3. Consent Agenda - Approved A. Minutes of Meeting of December 7, 1993 B. Minutes of Meeting of December 21, 1993 C. Bills and Invoices D. 4. Old Business A. Presentation of Cost Estimates for Resurfacing "Old Post Office" Land Remnant - Directed staff to prepare proposal to solicit bids for the sale of the property B. Discussion of Protective Covenants for Business Park - Directed staff to continue working on amendments C. Discussion of the "Steubner Strategy" for Development of the Business Park - Referred to Business Park Promotions ad-hoc committee. D. Update On Arlo Rhoads Proposal to Purchase Business Park Land - Directed staff to invite Mr. Rhoads to ne�rt meeting and continue contacts with Mr. Wachter regarding sale price of property. E. Viewing of the Cottages Inc. Video - Placed at end of agenda, time permitting. add-on F. Kerry Johnson Letter - tabled add-on Closed Executive Session Chair Dunn accepted a petition from John Oxborough, a Cameo Avenue resident, stating the area residents' opposition to the proposed site of the senior housing project on Cameo Avenue. 5. Committee of the Whole Reports A. Consideration of Revised HRA Agreement for Senior Housing Development - approved B. 6. Consultant/Staff Reports add-on A. Ergotron Field Trip - Saturday, January 8, 1994. Meet at city hall at 9:00 a.m. B. (over) r s 7. New Business A. Consideration of Stipend for Student Intern - Approved B. Review of Agreement with Peer Inc. for Future Services - not discussed C. Consideration of Rental Agreements for Business Park Land - not discussed 8. Chair's Report 9. Executive Director's Report 10. Member's Issues 1 L Community/Audience Recognition 12. Adjournment