HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.g. Resolution Calling for a Public Hearing of Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemountt Redevelopment Project and Establishment of Tax Increment Financing District No. 1 - 2 and TIF Plan . CITY OF ROSE�tOUNT LXF�CIITIVE SUb�+lARY FOR' ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: NOVEMBER 15, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC AGENDA SECTION: HEARING OF REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND ESTABLISH. OF 3'AX INCREM. FINAN. DIST. N0. 1-2 AND TIF PLAN PREPARL�D BY: THOMAS D. BURT, AGENDA NO. CITY ADMINISTRATOR ADD-ON ATTAC�IENTS: RESOLUTION APPROVSD B • Attached are copies of the resolution calling for the public hearing for the proposed creation of a TIF district for the Carlson Tractor site. RECON�tENDLD ACTION: Motion to approve resolution call for a 'public hearing on December 20, 1994 for the modification of the Redevelopment Plan for the Rosemount Redevelopment Project and establishment of the TIF District 1-2 and a TIF Plan. COUNCIL ACTION: I � . HULIV�S & Gc�tA�EN �� ,�oFx�.�USYt1[. oao r�ur�cso���M�� Attpmey at IsW , Tck9q�{612)33T-9360 �itect Dixt(bx2)337-9228 �t�)33��0 Noveml7ex la, 1994 �ton Wasmund Tam Burt City o�' Rosemount F.O. Bo� �1Q R�s�mottz�.t, 1VIIV 5506$-Q5].0 Desr Ron and Tom• Enelased �re the fallowxug: �._ Gity of �.osemount resolution callin� for a public heax•i.ng ou the modificati�on of the Redeve3opme�.t PI$.a1 for the Rosemauat Rede�elapment Pxoject and es*a.bli.shment of the T�F' District Y-2 and s TIF P1an; and 2. Natice of Public F�eari.ng r+�gard,iu�the cx�atiom of TIF laistriet No. 1-2 a�,d the TTF' P1an. If yvu have anp q,uestions, please feei fre� t� cbntact me. Very tr��.ty yours, ,����`���-�-� Step�xen J. P ,�b�� �nc, ec: Mark �Tynkelh2�ke, SPringsted I 9/� 3��a'd @LE6LEE�L9°QI N3[1tt2t� '8 S3W'IOH`-W02I3 tS 'SL ir6-SL-�l1ON CITY OF ftt�SEMUUNT Resalutian No. � �lESCaLUTION CALLIl�G FQ�i.A PUBY.IC HEARING qN 'I'HE MODI�'IC�I,TIOI�T OF THE REDE'STELfJPN�ENT P�AN FC?R T�iE ROSEIVlQUNT xEDEVELOPMENT �'ROJECT AND ES�'ABLIS�TT OF TAX INCRIIVIENT FIk�TANCING DISTRICT I+�'C3, 1�2 AND A TIF PLAN THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council af th� Ci��'y a£ Rosemouz�t, Mirmesots as follows; Se�tion 1. I�er• X.01. The Citg of �t,v�emount {*�CYty") and its Hausing and Redevelopment Authaxi.ty C"HRA") have previously crc�at�cl the R.os�xnount Redavelapme�at Project (the "Redeve�.apmeut Froj$c#") in the Cxty �69.(3tl 1 to�4 9�047 and� predeGesso p�a.rsuant to Minnesata Statutes, Sectxons statutes (the ttHIZA Act"). 1.02. 'I'h� City and its Eeo�avmi.c Develo�ament Authorit� {FDA} have previdusly created De�relopment Dis�tx�ict No. 1 in the City$nd a Develapmen�DYstrict ther�far, pursuan.t to Minnesata St�.t�tes, Sectaons 469.�.24 to �69.1�4. x.03. The City created#h�l�osemount Pox�t Autharztp ("RP,A"3 1a3r resolution approvr�d Septemher S, 199X {the n�abling Resoluti.on"). �,04. By resolut.ioz�. approved Septem�ber X5, 1982, the �i�ty expandad the bavndax�es Qf the R�d��elopmes�.t p�J�catian,�to h �.edeve�p�,en�t Plan. a dmthe �zstrict and made certa.in other �oc�i r3evelapment �rogram• 1.05. Fursuan.fi to the En�abl.irs� �i.esvlutiom, th� R�ct�anct arlmiaaist xs �the housir�g �.nc1 �devslopment authorit9 under �tb.e A�tA R.ede�el+apmexk.t Projeet, and has been d�Sa�,*n�ated as acl�str�tQr of the De�ve}.apmeaat �3is�tri,ct, 1.Q6. The C3.ty has det�rmined that, in order to more �fficiently' g;overn its it is desirable to consalidate the redevelopment a�d de�elopment p�grams a et as a single Redeveiopm@�t Development Dis�tr%et and the Redevelopment Proje Pr�aject under �the HRA l�c�t, with a single Redevelvpmen.t �1an�• 1.07. 'rhe Ci�ly a.nd the RPA ha�e also co�.tempSated providin�tsg increment fi�a.an�g t"TYF'�) assistance to facilitate the redevelopment of proPertY �within the � R.�deve2ogme�t Project at the southwest carner of tkze int�rseetioaz �s�ta.tute�s�, �2 and State Highway 3, all pursuant to the ARA Act and M�n. Sections 469.174 to �69.179 {the "TIF Aet"). SJa79489 , II AS230-5 S/E 3��afd 0LE6LEEZL9'QI I�I3t1V12i� '8 S3W'IOH°1�i0213 ZS °SL b6-SI-AOP[ Secti.fln 2, Publie H��n�' Called_ 2.01. RPA and City staff aud c�nssx,�ltants are authorized to Pre�pax� anY c necessar�y revisions ta the �,ted�veiopmen�t P1an, to effectuaxe the consvlidativn descr�.'bed a�ave, a�nd a TIF P]aaa for propos�TIF Distra�ct Na, X-2 (a redevelapnaent clistrict) and ta f 1e a copy of sach dac�uments in C�ty I�all. 2.02_ The C�.ty Cl�rk i� aut]a�ori.zed and dit�cted ta prepar� a notice for publicatian in tlxe City's officaal.riewspaper settin�g a publie heari,ng befcre the City Council on Decemb�r 20, 1934 at T:30 p.m. in th� cQuncil chambers on the modiffed �.edevelopm�nt Fian aud the T�F P1an.. The notice sha.�t be published in the nevaspaper at least 1d but aot mor� tlasn 34 days prior to the puYilic hearing, a�.d vs sb,s11.incl.ude a�p af the�edevelopnaent Project and thQ proposed ap.d T�F Distriet. 2,U3. The City Clerk or d�sigz�,ated consultants ax�e author�.zed aaa.Baard.�and to t�ansmi-L a,copy of the Red�ve3opment Plan and TI� P1a�c�to th� County Schaol Boaz d, and to take a�.othe�actions necessary to bring such d�ents befoa�e the Gity Caun�il at t,he time of the publ�.c hear�ing• 2.04. Tk�e City' C�unciX ratif'�s the actians of City a�a.d R�'A staff' and consultants tak�n. #o date �ia eozltemplatiou of creating 't�.� P�°�ed 7'IF Uistxrict, iRnclu ;n� deliv�ry of notitae to the Caunty Co�issioner representi�,g the CitY � required under Section 469.X75, Subd_ 2a of the TIF Aet. Approved by the City Couneil of the City of Rosemount tl�is 15th day of Novemb��r, 1994. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk S.7B79A�89 RS230-5 S/fii 39'�t'd 0L£6GEE�L9°QI N3!)`d?�� '8 83NI'IOH=4102I3 Z5 °SL i�6-Si-l10N xa�c� a��'szic �na�� NQTICE is hereby giv�en tk�at the City Cov.�.�il of the Ga.ty of R.osemoun.t �viU. meet in the Ci#y �all �in Rosemount, Minnesota at 7:3Q p.m. ox� Tuesday, December 2U, �.994 to canduat a public hearaztig on the creatfan of T�x Increraent F�.aaci.x�g {ttTIF"} Distri,ct No. X-2 ta red�velopment distriet} and a TYF p3.an far that distri�t, and modificatian of the Reti�velopment P�an Por the Ros�moutit Redevelopmex,�.t Project. The bounr�aries af the e�s-t�g �,edeve2opment Project and proposed TY�` District No. X-2 ar� shown in the map below. The Aur'Aase of this pxaposed action is tQ fae:ilitate rede�velopment of property l.ocated ge�erally at the south�nrest corner of the intersectiom of Cazxnty Raad 42 and State A:ighway 3. Progosed aew development includes a.hotel, restaxa.ran.t and vth�� cou�mercial serviees. D�+tails on t�.e praposal are cantained in th+� ltede�elopment Flan and TYF Flan, a draf't copy�of which will �e available for public inspection at the �semount Ci�tg Hall duriaa.g x�egular �usi.ness 3a.ours_ .A,n.y pe�son wishing to express an opinioa on the matters to be cox�s�.dex ed at _ � the pul�lic hearing wi11 be heard oxally or in wr�iting• D ER aF THL �i'�'Y C�'C.XNCI�.. ' ��' OR II 'an � Dated: [Date af Publica�x � , City Cierl� City of R.�se�aunt, Mim�esot�, $JH79496 gs23a-5 5!S 3�`dd 0tE6L�EZt9'QI N3[1tf?l� 'S S3L�I'IOH=WOZ13 es =st bs-si-nox