HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.3. Consideration of Quotes for Well Abandonment Services " CITY OF ROSF�NI��CTION v EXECUTI� S�R'Y FOR RITY MEETING DATE: JUNE � � 1994 PORT AUTHO AGE�p� $ECTI�N: TIDN pF QUOTES FOR �I'I' pLD BZJgINESS A IT�,; CONSIDER-� AGEND ��pNMENT SERVICES AGE�A NO. JOHN MILLER, COOgDINATOR 4. A. (3) p�pAg,ED BY= DEVELOPNiEN� ECONOMIC I,IST OF APPROV�D BY: 1vIEM0 FROM RON w���' CONTR-ACTRS ATTACI�NTS' LICENSED WELL A�ATEMENT DAKOTA CTY- aware of the staff persons became of the Rosemount and city northeast corner erly abandoning ort authority Well at the responsible for pr�p to consider Recently P of an abandoned three quotes for you existence The port authaVet atlleast �oncrete. Business Park. � I will With no-shrink a hase the well . By June _ it� s done had P the casing - enqineer' s office not located for filling through the city the well was �d� yeS, the portas essment completed. And� no, one environmental through that work. , low-bid. r � rove the v ED ACTIONs Motion t° app ��: RECOMNiEN� � PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � MEM� M�C DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR TO: JOHN MILLER' ECONO S DIRECTOR� FROM: RON �NASMUND, PUBLIC WORK � MpY 26, '1994 DATE: RE: W ELL ON BUSINESS PARK PROPER'C ractors, ai� of which are�iako a CountY licensed wei� cont gteve Scott, the p�ttached is a list of CountY o�e� a �ocation from ection and provided the 1 ha�e 9 erformed the ►�5� We�� weil abandonments• `nspector who P Stai-f indicating the location of tne Thefe is En��ronmental HeaCountY erty• information to the e„ is �o�ated on the east side of the pfOP he W ue. Directly west of th�th sctr er sa a t �e Aven As it's described to m s'ite off of Biscay i� the past. In or aroun l� �tnin9 rks the location of a three or four inch an access road to tbe�n SP��t bY gia�orm ma is a tree fo aan old windmili. This p . p�atform ro er abandonment of welt. � to work � , is helpfu� for you to solicit b��sPaut and 1 wi1� be happY ou have q rocedure, i hope th►s mformation the well. If y uestions about the p with You• ; 05'�•17 '94 15�36 ID=DAK�TA CO-WSC FAX:6128917031 PAG� 1 Post-It"'bra�nd fax transmittal memo 767t �of ww�• a ��;,. � �Q .o�. " y--�6 t 0 �» ���' . Licensed Well Contractors Followinq is a partial list of contractcrs that aze licensed to perfarm work in the State cf Minriesota. This list has been qenerated from our records. This is pravided for your convenfence ar�d e�tcludes cantractars workinq in other areas of the state that may be licensed. You may �ish to check the Yallow Pages for additionel listinqs. Dakota County neither recammends, endorses, nor guarantees the wcrk of the contractors liatad. Al Zuecher Well Drilling 484-2366 Alt Well Repair 592-3907 Assaciatad Well brilling 9-0�1-2530 Bergersvn-Caswell, I�c. 479-3121 Bahn We�l Drillinq 445-4809 Carlson Well Drillinq 437-5040 Don Stadola Well Drillinq Co. 938-2111 E.H. Renner & Sons 42?-6100 Gangle We1T Drill.inq, Inc. 426-2336 Gary's Wsll Drilling 447-5095 Iiartmann Well Company 758-2202 Johnscn and Sons Dril2.ing 722-?ia2 . ICeys Well Drillinq 646-7872 . Kimmes-Sauer Well Drilling 43�-1373 Leuthner Well, Inc. 443-2546 Maher Well Drilling 437-5127 Malenke Watar Services 493-3650 Mantyla Well Orillinq, Znc. 436-760p McCarthy Well Campany $54-5333 Mork Well Campany, Inc. ?53-2530 North Star Drilling, Inc. 632-6552 RES 938-8252 Ruppert (Harold) & Scns 420-2446 Sampson Srathers Well Comany 780-344Q � Schroepfar Wall 426-d346 - Stevens Wel� Drilling, Inc. '''�� �`?q�2Z?'Z ThQin Wa12 Campany '796-2131 . Torgarson We21 Company, Inc. 477-6811 Valnes Well Drilling, Inc. 589-2039 sis�s WELL ABANDONMENT QUOTES Com�anX uote Firm Bid Keys Well Drilling $ 876.00 No Kimmes-Bauer Well $ 897.70 Yes McCarthy Well $1141.00 No Don Stodola Well $ 700.00 Yes ��� � �� � _ MAIN 01•hIGES,Sf�OPS,YAROS t�WAf;EliO SES•2700�AST 80TI�STREET BL�pMINGTON,MN 55425-i323 „Tx�RF 1� 11ro Sc�esr�rurF Fo� Exp����NC�„ ;i � W�LL DR/LLlNG WATtl�WDRKS�OtJ1PMENT&SUPl�LlES 2q HR.[MCf�G�NCY W�LL&PUMP SERVICE WELL AL3ANDC�NMf�N) T�S7 dRILL1NG �OUNDA7'!UN CAISSt�N DRlLLING TUI3BIN��BiJpM�R318LE WELL PUINPS W�'LL b[V�L()1•'MGNT pat�: 6/3/94 Campany Representativs: ikc�. M_.c_��r#�]Y. Attn: John Mill�r Quatation ��; 94U3� Ta Ros�rnount part Autharity 2875 145th St. W. Rosema�ant, MN. 550�i€3 Re: Permanant se�lin of tlie wel! at the IZosemt�unt Business P;�rk. �� QU�lTt�Tt DN �� McCartt�y W�;II Campany is pleased #o submit this Quc}tation in response to your- ir�quir�,- McCarthy Welf Co, will permanantly seal tF�e above referenced well a� follows: 1) Purchase a well scaling perrt�it-$1 1 1.p0 �) Remave and dispose �,f tf7e purr��-$4SO.p0 3) Permanantly ��al the wel! td the surface with 1� bags af neat cement grout-$580.00 4) Pr�p�re arrd filc a "WELL AND 130KING SEALlNU R�(;pRU" with the pakQta County �nvironmcrital Health Depart.mer�t_ The above cosi estir7raLc:s are. �as�ci Un the assumption lhat t�7c� �aump is avaifable at th� surface �t�ci is r7Ut stuck in the well; the well is clear of any fill to its original dep�h; the well casing is q" jn di�rt�ett:r or less, and the wel! dc:pth is 150' deep or less. lf the welt is larger ar d�eper than expected, add�tiant�l pr¢cedures and cosis will be reyuired F��fare it can k�� sEa#ed {i.e, casing perforation, bailir�g fill, a�lditional cem�r�t). We will prvvide you with a written quc,te �f these c�sts beFore proceedin� witf7 the work. The i�akata Count,y Cnvirurirri�rttal Health Dc:partm�nt is ttre authc�rity on well sealiny and wilf �rovi�c� us witli the: finaf ir�structic�r�s for seaiir�g �F�e weli based on !f►e inforrr�ation an the permit ap��iic�t.iort. The inforrnation rcy«ired t�r the permii ap�licatian car� not be gathered until the pump is remUved from the well so the rrrcasurerr,�nts cart be takcn, If this propcssal is acce�lable, ' hi rm to Me��trt;hy y1►ell Car��r�v:. If yau have arjy questions please cali me at 854-5333. Thank You l�or T�he apporrunity �p Pr�sent This Proposa!! 71�115 QUUTA�I IUN, INCLUDING THC i"ERMS AND CQN(]I1 iqPIS PRIIVTED UN 1�HE FACL" AN[� REVLRSC SIDf H�ltLUF, CC?NSTII"UT�S A �IRM UFFLIZ OPEN �pR YpUR ACCEI�TANCI- F41t 3 0 Dt�YS. PAYMENT ��ERMS: I Certify That. I Am t�gally Author�i�c:d To Purchase Materials AndlOr Labc�r To Be Furrai�hed, By McCar�F�y W�I om a �,��` Q� � ��1� .W�D,�P•�•_, Title ,_ Vi4e Pr�sident — ,._ Page 1.... of�.... �1��� CbMPLETE MACHIN�SH�P FACII.ITIl�S {$12�954-5333 PAFiTS ANp$ERVICE,FpN YQUR f�UMPING[UUIPMCNI ��$Q ' -_ ._..._._.._---........._ � _.._ .. .... ....._... . ...._.—_:,�_... - '���i'o�r a 4Pde.�t - ?Zo7t�ru.e.it� .�da ea� 2(Jd�'c�r ,'�tod4rf�'t,� ' McCatthy Wefl Comp�n� ��$� �TP�Iy.QABLl OUdTATt� T � , CONu�TIONfi 1) Contt,H��i - This clv�urnent, when slgned lyy thc Qwner ot• its c9uthc>ri�ed representativt�, constit'u14� a bir�ding agri;erric►�l betw�en ttrc Owr�Ur �n�l Mc:Carttiy Weil Cprripany ("(;qntractor") far qwner to purChase frpr►1 Cpr1traclor the itemg c��- work 5pecified pn the front of 1:hiy dpCumenl, in Lh� quantity, at the price, �nd �c;cordirlg to tfre terms and cor7cfitic,n; �rc�vfd��i in 1,his document, the R�tc Sch�clul�(,), and ��y other dc�cuments ir►cor�c�rated by reference. 2� � . � - er sha11: a. 5chedulc(s), any oth�r docurneirts incorporated by refer�nce��the e tt��rris and conditionsuupo ib e ehpt�uf i i���� $f� Rat}1 wlll be rendered fa pro�ress pay►Ytier�ts perioc�icaUy, bverdue payrnents Si�a�� accrue interest at the ratc of iwU per��;r t (�%} per monih frorn th� pl�te af t174 invaice or �t t��e m�ximum leg�l r�t� if less than two percent (�q�) ��er �noi7tl�. b, Permi�, Obt�in �I! nec4SS��ry �uthprity and ►�ermits for the wprl�. c, � reasvnable valUe pF any equpprncn�, ar rr�aterials lost or d�maged in the performance of th�e wo kbthrougl��no (ur�tra( t��� CAntr�GtUr. �) ����lr3.bJ..1,11,Y.�• �ni1�Cm j��l��wner sf��i! indemnlfy and hold h�rn�iess Contr�ctor a air�st: Intentiona! or rcckl4ss acts) for injury �o }�ersons or damage tp property In the course o�or attr�butablel to'the w'ork;���a� f'or o�ny fiabilily or expense in�urred ir� Yakir�g �r�y $teps necess�ry t� Cornply witf� locai, state, or f�der�) reguiatic�r��- b. �..� GontraCtbr S}yall r�c�l �ie iiai�le fa�� any failure� pr delay due to �dverse we�rtiier, soii Gonditions, undergroui�d for�7��tiur7;, p�y oth�r C�use bcyor�d Contr�cto►�', cpnlrpl. c. ,,C�n�rar..tor sh�l1 npt be liable to C7wner (ot i�st profiLs pr any other-consc:qu�r�ti�! darnage;, d. +ts op�rations, irtcluding bodify injury anci pr�c�Aerty darnage iiab�Y iliU�o���quesQr sgch�po!�ies Iwilfl bc��n7Jade fav�ii�l�l� �or inspection by pwne�, Owtyer agrees �I�at Contr�ctar sl�all not be li�ble to Owr�er for �ny d�mages noi cavcr�ed by sucl7 insu a�c,�e; pol�cies and lhal any Claims by pwner fc�r dartiages will be (imited to the type and arrtvunt af risk covered by suLh po�;�ies. e. Sy�rra,tlL�„5.�,.�aNICiAC�"OR MAKES NO GUARANTY AND GIV�S Nt7 WARRANTY COVEl21NC; EQUIPMCNT, PAaTS, OR MATf�RIA�.S FURNISHEp, yV1TH0UT LtMITATIQN, , OF MCRCHANI IBILII�Y OR FITNCSS FOR ANY PARTICU�.AR PURPOSE WI�TI���RESP C�"� 1"OM�A Y� QU PMCNTY PAR7S, C31� MATEFi�qI�S, OWNER AGREES 1-p RE�Y ONLY ON AND MAKE CLA1MS aNLY WITI� RESP�C I� TO THE GUAaAN1�ECS ANp WARRANTlLS, IF AIVY, GlV�N BY TW� MANU�ACTURERS p� EQUIpAqEN�1, PARTS, qR MATEkIAL5. CONTRACTQR DISCLAlMS ANY tMP1.lED WARRAN71E5 DR ORAL RCPRE5�NTnTlOrvS THAT THE WOkK WILL R�SUL'I" IN WATER PRODUC7`ION OF A pARTI�ULA12 QUALITY, QUqNT1TY, OR DURI�TIC?N. �, a` � 71�1�.� Contractor, wit��out any li�bility to the Owne�-, rrtay terminate wc�rk urider this contracl +f it is impr�ctical la proceed, or if �wner h�s breached this cor�tract. In �dditiot�, if Owner fails to rnake 1ir77eiy payrnent of invoices, Contractor rr,ay SuSp�nd wori< untii receipt af payment, b, Q��r'.� $��ht to T�111��1l:.. �v+���tcr may terminal� wqrk under this coniract �t any time by deiiverf�g written notfee to Contractar. �. �1���X���-����R.O!1._T�l:�n�t1.4+y pon termin�tiqn, Owner sh�N �ay Cbntraetar: (i) �11 unp�id charges fc�r IabUr (ir�cludiny subcontractors), equipmettt, p2�rts, and m�lerials provided prior ta reccipt, af notice of terminaCic�n; aryd (ii) r�xpenses pf t�rr111t7at��rr. �) . ' a. Al�.arl�.�tg.tl�tsd�#,�h�s Quolatfon wili be bi��din� an McCarLhy WeR Company o�ily if signed by an authorfzed officcr 1li�repf at its rtiain office. p, P ��p�ces quat�d herein are �i�sed ori the pump being eompl�;te, int�Ct, and not binding �n kI7@ IiOI�' �/1(� I'�IT}iillllfl�f $U Ut1t1I remaved; and the bwncr scheduling the wqrk during regular, d�ytime I�usir��ess haurs (Monday throuyii F►-iday 7:$q a.m_ t� 4:00 p.m.). P�-ices will be adjusted to reflect any additipnal Costs du� tp work performed outside lhe above stated busin�ss ltours. c. Entire Aat.eenien� T►i Quotation, the RaCe Scliedule(,), 2�ny c�ther dacuments incc�ipor�ttd by reference, �nd these t�rms and conciitions contain the entire agre�ment betwccn Owner and Cantractor. No re�r4se►���atic�n� or other promis�s, statements t�r inducements h�ve been m�de by either p�rty or by any a�erit or emploYee of either paeLy whicly are nr�t contairted in tttis �greement. Any previpus bffers �nd contracts con<:c;rr,ing Lliis w��k are super•seded. d. A�tanc� �,[�Ip���, py�n@C sf�a11 notify Contr�ctor pf any tlaime� defecis in the work within �en days aFic.r ConCr�cto+- I7�s fGI1fUV�(� ils equipment ft�orr� Lhe job site. Failu+�e la d� sb sh�ll constitute � w�iver by ihc Owner Uf �If SUCh claims and sh�ll t�e deemed �n unqualified accepl�rrce of the wark. e. ���.ts. Na a�mendrnents herebf may bc m�de c,�xcept upon the writic:r7 a���rpva) of �n offiCer Uf the Cqntr��c:tor. f. �l/aiver,_No waiver by e+thcr party of any �ne pr rr�ore of its rights or remecfi�; under tliis agr�e►77en1 q�- at law sh�H be deemed to b� a waiver Qf any pripr or subsequent ri�ht or r��n�iedy. g. ���.pr�_�n�.A��ic��7�. Th.IS._�g�meni shall ii�ure ta the benefit of and be binding on Lhe resp�ctive heir�s, $uc�essars �nd assigns of t;f7e p�rLi�s. h, Arl�itrati,An�,�x�gpt for ��libns which Contractor rnay bring to foreclpse on any lie+�s which �rise from its work, any cor7trover;y pr ciaim �rising out af o�� related to this contr�Ct, ar breach thereof, sh�1) be s�tiled ir� accordance wilh tlye Comrt�ercial Arbitration Rules pf the American Arbitration Assoeiation, �nd judgement upon tl�e awa►�d r$ndered by the arbitr�lar(s) may be entered in �ny cpur't having jurisdiction thereof. . . JUN �7 '94 1�:�8 KEYS WELL DRILLING P.�2 , Tefepnones� csha)sa�-787,; i ; i, � PaUI,�+lltt�tesora »�u�► Fax: (6y2)641-02"!i i I � i i � � � �� ' WA'�ER PROD�JCE�S � � l � , , ; i ; YYCLL ABAND(`�N.�1�"��,�TL�� � { I i: � D�te:. �une' � : 1994 Phv�e: (H) �ax ��3-520� j of Rosemount 322-20(�4 , � � ��� : , , : C7Wn�C:�Ci'� ; i: C�ity' �1all ; �. ' AmdrBS.�: � �' I City: Rosiem��tz�t _ 'Atte�ntion: Jahn a;�.�e� ! ' ' l��n s�o-�a ? State &;Zi p;�.� . --- - � ' SW I rn�� of Count Ro�,d 42 & Bisea n� Av�enue 11Ve11 �.o�ation: r 4�, ' 25Q' . ` � . Pump: {Jetl:Sub) __Well Si�e:T _.—'D�epth: W. .- - �111iscefl�neo�s Dat�: Coulc� not see the w�ll this iaril�r an �stirna' e. ' S!�t C�pNV�lf IA�c�ess Lump Sum , {� �_2�0. 00 � � /F1rS �a $ 120,00 /�r ' , Remov:�.l of Pucnp ; � ; �'"�5.0 0 ' � Crout & C�R VNell Lump Sum . `� -.— : : � , � �t�andonme�nt'Repor� Lump Sum ' � '�a•-�Q_ ' � �'ermit':Fee; : Lump Sum ; . � �.;1?.a0 ; � s�;.00: - �;�a.oa �Grocat sa�k;�harge �� Ib�g a� $- /b�g $�_...... � ; �. ' 8�.ekhc�e & Qperator lhrs �3a $ � /hr �' $ � ..,,.,,� � ; i 8uckshatiRock�Used iyds � $__�.__^,� lyd •� --- . �ishirig: Out!Pump /hrs � $-- -- ' /hr ; • - Air Comp�-�ssor:/Jaci� H�mmer /hrs � $ ' /hr � $ ; _` '�, , , , , , ; RerfOr�te G�5in 754.�Q j � ( i£ �eq, by cou�� /hrs � $ --- ,. /h:r $_. _.._ � � � ' ' ��lisceUanec�us , $ � � � rotal �stimat�a'�Ga�t ��� , $� � � ; � ; ; This is�on�ly: �ri �stimat�. Actual cost wili be det�rmin�d ojt �C#�'�;'f t�nit,� used; �t ��;a�1d/�r;� local w�ell a�bandonment r�ports will b� reIe�sed and sent upon�rec�eipt of p�ym � in fiu1t. < This a�timate is good for 30 d�ys. � 'I Ikcc� t�d B � � � � �� , P Y: stimator;_...� , , C1ate: ; , Date: � ' � ��; , . . , , � ' ' � ` � f ' � � �� � .� i , , � i �I � ' � � � . f � �'� ' � � ' �'��� � �� ' i , . JUN �7 '94 10:�8 KEYS �ELL DRILLING , P. @1 � � ' ; � �C: �� KEYS VVELL 1]RIL�.IN� Ct�. - ST. PP►tJ�,., h�I�N�SC)TA � , : �ATE� F�OD�'CE�tS � ' �� `� � � 'Te4apbo�: 64Er7871 , �,E�i.�#1` ' � ' 413 Tax�ngton��rkw�y: � ' ; �t�7s�_ (6X2) 6�4�.-��X6 ! sg�c� [.����; ss�oa � , ? � F41C '�uLEC�PY RECORD �: � DA'i.'�,': � � [ �/ � � � � ---i ,. CO�A1�tY 1��: � � � � , i , ; { � , ' , � i . � � ' A.'�'�i'N�T�'.�I: '�+�,. � ' il � , � �'��£ i�'E����: ��—� ��---•� � , , � � � P�.G�S. �� I� � � ', ' ; i�cZudi+�g cove.: sheet ( ; _ i i F�O�'�: \ u ; ; � , ; ' ! �. � C�N���. ' 1 : � : � � ' - ����� 1 �f � ' \`y.-��.! .� I , i � ° �, ` I ` � �� � �� ' ' ' � r . i , r I � i ' 4 � � ;� I . ', # '' ; ; i i ' � . .�I . . 1 i . , � � i � � i�� ) i ' , , : ' � ,� ' . �� �'� � . i .I ' I i f �, � I I I.� . . , . � . I 'i ..;� � �l� I �. Kimmes-Bauer Well Drilling, Inc. 22100 LILLEHEI AVENUE HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone: (612) 437-1973 or (612) 423-3800 (507) 263-3522 Fax: (612) 437-6394 Irrigation Systems Well Drilling & Pump Repair CITY OF ROSEMOUNT June 6th , 1994 2875 - 145th . Street West TELEPHONE : 322-2004 Rosemount , Minnesota 55068 FAX : 423-5302 ATTEN : JOHN MILLER QUOTATION : WELL ABANDONMENT at : Biscayne Avenue & 42 Labor to pull pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 310 . 00 Est . 1 yds . neat cement grout at $ 180 . 00 per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 180 . 00 Labor to pump cement grout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250 . 00 1 - Dakota County'; Well Abandonment Permit . . . . $ 111 . 00 Paper work and filing fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35 . 00 SALES TAX $ 11 . 70 TOTAL FOR THE ABOVE WELL ABANDONMENT : $ 897 . 70 NOTE : More or less neat cement grout will be invoiced at $ 180 . 00 per yard , plus sales tax . ACCEPTED BY : SUBMITTED BY : �; � "�_ � ��� , DATE : Mr . Gerald R . Helgeso KIMMES-BAUER WELL DRILLING , INC . MINNESOTA LICENSE #19521 WISCONSIN LICENSE #59 Kimmes-Bauer Well Drilling, Inc. 22100 LILLEHEI AVENUE HASTINGS, MINNESOTA 55033 Phone: (612) 437-1973 or {612) 423-3800 (507) 263-3522 Fax: (612) 437-6394 Irrigation Systems Well Drilling & Pump Repair CITY OF ROSEMOUNT June 6th , 1994 2875 - 145th . Street West TELEPHONE : 322-2004 Rosemount , `Minnesota 55068 FAX : 423-5302 ATTEN : JOHN MILLER QUOTATION : WELL ABANDONMENT at : Biscayne Avenue & 42 Labor to pull pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 310 .00 Est . 1 yds . neat cement grout at $ 180 . 00 per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 180 .00 Labor to pump cement grout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 250 . 00 1 - Dakota County 'Well `Abandonment Permit . . . . $ 111 . 00 Paper work and filing fee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 35 . 00 SALES TAX $ 11 . 70 TOTAL FOR THE ABOVE WELL ABANDONMENT : $ 897 . 70 NOTE : More or less neat cement grout will be invoiced at $ 180 . 00 per yard , plus sales tax . ACCEPTED BY : SUBMITTED BY : � �� ��� DATE : Mr . Gerald R .Helg son KIMMES-BAUER WELL DRILLING , INC . MINNESOTA LICENSE #19521 WISCONSIN LICENSE #59