HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a.1. Consideration of Construction Related Services Agreement with SEH Inc. - CITY OF ROSEM��T EXECUTI� S�RY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: JUNE �, 1994 . TI�N pg CONSTRUCTION P+G$ND2'�' SECTI� ' AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER-A y11TH SEH, INC- OLD BUSINESS RELA'I'ED SERVICES AGREEMEN`r AGENDA NO. JOHN MILLER, COORDINATOR 4 • A' �1� pREPARED BY' ECONOMIC DEVELOPMEN'� g; SCOPE OF SERVICES INCEEMENT p,pPROVED BY: ATTAC�T SUBMITTED BY SE , Knutson Inc. has approved a bid from Richa�k �ontingent rovements in the business p ' nfrastructure imP ledginJ the full faith and The Rosem�eni port Authority an ordinance p �June 1) that action has to comple �ouncil approval of At this writing upon city to the bonds • ncil although its consideration is on t e credit of the city the cou not yet been considered bY there is a need for June 7 agenda. be completed, such as surveYing and ark improvements are tO items iCes agreement If the business p Se�ices including e of serv work. The ineering The attached sCop lete the required additional eng ections . comp hourly staking, and insp would have that fi� be invoiced on an submitted bY SEH InC• 75 , 000 with the work to estimated total cost is $ basis . ices agreement rove the scope of serv Council Motion to app �ontingent upon city RECONIl�iEN�ED p'CTIONs ineering servlces for business park eng finance mechanisms . approval of the necessary pORT AIITHORITY ACTION: , 06/O1/94 07:44 F�1X SEH ST. P:�tTL l�001/002 � � ,3s35 VpDrv.arS cenrreR�RivE,zo0 SEH GcnrrER,sr.Pau�,MN 5S f rD 6r2 csa2aoa eaa 325-a,p5s � AACf1tTEGTURF • ENGIN,�ERiNG • ENVlRONMENTAL - rAANSP0I�TATlPN- June 1, 1R94 RE_ Rosemount, Mix�x�esota Rasemount Business Park - Phase IA Construction ServiCes S�H No. A-R45E1V13164.05 Post-it'�brand fax transmitiaf inemo 76Tt +�a+ae9�► � � Q /�I1Lz�f� From G/rra/� �J l+NDN,S Mx. John M�iXler co- �a �s� Economzc I�evelc�prnent CQardinator Dept�O���� Phone� Cxty of �osemou�nt �p-���' 2$75 145tIt Street West �"# ��.3 - 5 0�03 Fax� d .r�f r�.-O Rasemount, MN 55068 Dear M;r. M�ller: Short E11ioi� �endricksan Inc. {SEH) appreciates the opport�utity to provide cc�ntinued sezvices for the Port Authority. The ne�ct phase of engineering work an the Busiziess Park is the constructiozt related services. These services axe necessary to suceessfully carry out the constzuetian of the px�o;ect. The project is expected to take about 12 �uu'eeks ta camplet�,weather permitting. The tasks and estimated costs for this work are itezx�ized below: CONS7RUCTION RELAT�l7 SEItVICES Task �stimated �ost Construction Staking and Surveying �33,�k00 Resident Projeet Represent�tive {RPR} Services $24,40Q Contract Admu�isfratiort $5,800 Recoxd Drawing Preparati.an �3.'�� Estimated Ta#al �75,000�' * Appr�3dmately $5,5QU of this cost wauad be C�IC's share. 'Z'he re*na;n*�g �69,50Q wauld be th.e 1'ort Authoxxty's share. This es�mated engi�neering cost of $75,QOd is part of the pre�ously budgeted o�rerhead figure of $297.,00�. The $75,Q00 estimate carrelates we�l� with actual construction �ngineering cost incurred on other projects of about the same size and cozxiptexity. Like our previous wark on th� Busi�ness Park project, we propose that all wark for this phase be izt�'oi�ed on an hourly basis at our standard�tourly rates. Changes in the s�ope of work will affect the total cost of the work. SNORT ELL107T MENPRICKSpN 1NC. MINNEAPGLf$,MN ST.CLOUD,MN CHlPPE�1/A FALLS,WI MAQ150N.Wt OB/01/94 07:4� F.A.Y SEH ST. PALTL �Oa2/002 Ar�x. John N�ill.er � rune I, 199� Page 2 ' If the sc�pe of work far this phase is acceptable to you,please sign and ret�urn one cap�r af this letter for our files. Again, we agpreciate the o�portunity ta co�n�znue our work with the nort Authority an tlie Business Park. Sincerely, Short Ellioi� Hendricksan Inc- . . t Y7avid F_ Six�nons. P.E. aniel R. Baxzud, P_�. Project Manager Project Advisox tlo c: Don Christoffersen � Authorized by Title � Date