HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.h. Commentary of Annual Report CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECIITIVE SUbIlKARy FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: JANLTARy lg, 1994 AGENDA ITEM; COMMENTARy pN ANNUp,I, REPORT AGENDA SECTION: WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . H. ATTACHMENTS; CHRONOLOGY OF 1994 PORT APPR D B ; AUTHORITY ACTIONS The enabling resolution approved by the Rosemount city council that created the port authority requires the chairperson to provide the council with an annual report of the commissioners activities. In 1993, Chairperson Dunn presented the city council with a chronology of 1992 activities similar to the one attached to this memo. Mr. Dunn used it as the base for his oral report. It is my understanding that the council members were pleased with both the content and format of Mr. Dunn' s report. In this regard a similar chronology for 1993 is attached. Mr. Dunn would appreciate any comment or recommendations that the commissioners might have for his annual report. - �, � RECOI+SMENDED ACTION: Discussion item. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � RE�'AIRS�INC. ADMI1�tISTRATION COMIVIUNITY BUSINESS PARK CENTER 1-5 1-5 1-19 Accepted two proposals Created Relocation Board 1-5 SEH presented concept for office bldg. of Appeals Authorized eminent plan 1-8 domain 2-g 1-19 Cope exercised Approved goal-setting 2-8 Authorized start of repurchase option session Authorized payment to negotiations Anderson 3-2 2-8 3-2 Authorized Lindquist law Joined Dakota County 2-8 Reviewed first financial to negotiate for Economic Development Payment to Battaglia projections repurchase Partnership 3-2 3-2 3 2 2-16 Authorized payment to Authorized Feasibility Established terms Began TIF audit A&G Autobody Study 4-6 3-2 3-2 5-17 Repairs Inc. accepted West Suburban Heard mediation report Agreed to negotiate offer Mediation appointed on A&G Autobody. Purchase Agreement mediators Agreed to "pay only the 4-6 m�imum" 6-1 Approved Johnson office 3-2 Received Feasibility proposal Dakota County promises 3-16 Study TIF info Approved demolition bid 9 � documents 7-6 Johnsons advised board 3-16 Heard offer and they aze seeking tenants County adaises city no 4-20 approved counter offer TIF windfall Approved demolition bid on land purchase Approved extension of 6" watermain to site 3-16 4_2p 7_2� Revised bylaws Approved payment Land purchase offer 10-5 considered Reno's accepted Requested agreement with Johnson for project 5-3 4_2� 9 � initiation by Revised standing rules Condemnation of Approved Scope of 2-21-94 approved properties approved by Services with SEH to 10-19 court complete subdivision 6-1 documents Rejected request by Determined that TIF 4-20 Repairs Inc. to rent bldg, projeet not recorded and Approved payment to 9-7 money not received Tourdot, Battaglia, Monk Moved to rezone 10-19 Authorized $20,000 business park land 6-1 10-19 payme�t'to Repairs Inc. Requested TIF refund Paid Monk final 9-21 on vacatiqn of site installment on Authorized bond sale for �-6 condemnation purchase 10-19 Approved Jack Clinton Approved demolition bid as appeals hearing officer 9-21 specifications Approved Promotions 11-16 sub-committee 11-16 Approved 1994 Work Approved demolition bid Program and Budget 10-5 12-21 Accepted bond sale 12-7 Johnson requested up- Approved transfer of front finance. EDA property to P.A. � MOTEL � CARLSON THEATER STRE5E � 1-19 2-8 ��-8 Authorized market study Carlsons asked if city Offered $114,000 to still interested in strip Strese 3-2 center Approved Scope of 2-16 Services Agreement 2-8 Extended Strese offer 90 Port Authority "declares days 4-20 public support" heard review of market analysis 5-17 6-1 Discussed form of Muller Family Tl�eater 5-3 assistance to Carlsons wished to build 10 Approved RFP for motel screens on Lund-Thorsen development 7-20 site Carlson requested pay- 6-22 as-you-go financial 6-22 Two proposals heard and assistance Mullers requestetl both rejected Business Park site as �-20 quickest and least 7-20 Approved Carlson expensive Approved second motel request contingent on RFP council approval Required criteria for selection of theater 9-21 proposal from Muller Received no proposals and GTI from second RFP 8-3 Requested negotiated Muller, GTI presented agreement with Ray Theater Proposals Anderson 8-3 Approved Muller proposal 9-7 Discussed possible litigation from both proposers 10-19 Further discussed . possible litigation from . - Muller a � � 11-3 Muller agreed to follow regular city process in land purchase �SEI�IOI� HOUSING ROSEMOUNT MALL OTI�R PRO.TECTS 2-16 3-16 2-g 01d Baptist Church offer Discussed purchasing Discussed auto-mall to P.A. parking lot to provide project with Rick Berens financing to mall owners 6-15 3-16 Dakota County submitted 7-20 White Funeral Home analysis of two housing Received offers from requested assistance in sites Petter and Terry to acquiring site purchase mall 9-21 10-5 Heard develapment 11-16 CMC requested proposal from Cottages Approved Work Program assistance for residential Inc. with mall action item development 10-5 11-3 Heard analysis of CMC agreed to seek housing sites from purchase of rail spur Dakota County. Scheduled special 12_� neighborhood meeting CMC presented project for 11-17 pl� 10-19 Cottages Inc. announces it will seek location in city 11-17 Site chosen for Dakota County project 12-7 Approved CDBG grant for senior housing • �y ��