HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Review of Request for Proposal for "Old Post Office Land Remnant" 4 � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl+�ARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: J�1NtJARY 18, 1994 AGENDA ITENi; REVIEW OF RFP FOR THE "OLD AGENDA S�CTION: PC?ST OFFICE LAND REMNANT° WORK SESSION PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . B. ATTACHMENTS: RFP AP VED BY: Attached for your consideration is a draft request for proposal that the commissioners might use in seeking a buyer for the old post office land remnant. At the January 4 meeting the commissioners asked that an RFP be campleted and that they have a chance to review it before its dissemination. Mr. Miles will be able to review the details of the document with you. If the board appr�ves the RFP on January 18 the document - - as drafted - - would require interested persons to respond by February 9, 1994 . This would permit me to place the item on the port authority' s February 15 agenda. Mr. Miles has advised me that the board has the ability to suspend its rules and approve the RFP either as submitted or as amended. RECOI�Il�SENDED ACTION: Motion to suspend rules to permit official action and to direet the port authority staff to disseminate the Request for Proposal (as amended) . PORT AIITHORITY ACT=ON: FLUEGEL MOYNIHRN TEL No . 16124389777 Jan 12 ,04 13 :58 No .002 P .01 M E M O k A �7 � U M TO: John Mill�r FRpM: Mike M�.les DATE: January 12, 1994 1tk:: Draft R�quest for Proposal Ati'Lached is a first dra�'L �i� the RrP t}iat w� da.scussed on Monday, �anuary 10, 1994 . Please �'eview and givc� me yat�r. conunents �o that we may fur,ther modify thi� fox' �nclusion iri t.he. ���,c:k�Ls being sent to the memb�rs c�f. the RP�. JMM:gmo Past-It'M brand fax transmittal memo 7671 �M ol payea . To - - Frant � ! �l ( l F �` 111 ( �� 0�• �yt c F•r GO� �p _ , Dept. Phane a . FAkN�t ��..1 _ � FaxM � . �. ,' � ��-� � REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL REGARDING SALE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED BY TIiE ROSEMOUNT PORT AirTHOR2TY I. INTRODUCTION The City of Rosemount Port Authority ( ��RPA") is interested in selling a small piece of Propert� it owns in the downtown section of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. The Property is described in Section II below and its location is indicated in the map attached as Exhibit A. This is not a competitive bidding situation and the RPA, after receiving proposals, may elect not to proceed with the sale of the Property if, in its sole discretion, it concludes that the proposals received are not satisfactory. II• PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The Property which the RPA may sell pursuant to this Request for Proposal is described as : Lot 36, subjeet to a permanent non-exclusive easement over and across the west 24 feet of Lot 36 of Auditor' s Subdivision No. 1, Rosemount, according to the duly recorded plat thereof for ingress and egress purposes, provided that grantees, their successors and assigns, improve and maintain said easement area according to the reasonable specifications of grantor, its successors and assigns and a :�tility easement to be determined. The Property' s location in the downtown Rosemount area is indicated on the map attached as Exhibit A. To the knowledge of the RPA, the Property is unbuildable. Further, a municipal water easement crosses a portion of the Property. The approximate location of this easement is set forth � in Exhibit B. III- PROPOSAL SELECTION F�+,CTORS The principal two factors, in no particular order, which the � RPA shall consider in deciding whether to select a proposal for acquisition of the Property are: FLUEGEL MOYNIHRN TEL No . 16124389777 Jan 12 ,04 14 :02 No .003 P .05 � 1 • Th� price the �roppser is prepared to pay f�z t�� Praperty; and � • Wh��her the pro�os$r' s intended use tor the Pr�perty is beneficial to the City o� Ros�moun� . If the proposer �.ndica�,es that he or she will use th� Property fc�r pub],�,c ox' private parkirig� this will be perceived as a pqgitiv� cantributian tc� the parking si�uation in the dp�tp�„�n RbsempUrit a��a , Add�,tionaYly, as may be observed from the proposal sheeL• aLi:ached as �xhibit C, all pxoposers must be w�11�ncJ to mainta�.n in Pra��x conditiorl, the use �Ca which they intend t� put th� Property, and will be requix�d to submit 5U percent of their proposed purchase price wxth the�.x response to the Reguest fox` proPosal . Z� tlie �?PA selr�cts one of the prdposa�s submitted, it shall quit claim its i.nterests in th� �roperty to the selected proposer. N• p�OPOSAL SUHMIS�YON REQUIREM�NTS In order to be considered, a proposal must meet the follaw�,ng r�quiremen�ks ; 1 . The propasa� must kae submitted on the farm attached �s Exhibit C ar a reasonablc facsimzl� thereof . 2 � `I'he Propasal mus� k�� rece�,ved by �Tohn Nlill�r, �f: t,}i� RP7�� at Rosemount City Hall, by z�at 2atex tharl 4s00 �,m, on wednesday, rebruary y , 1994 . 2 FLUEGEL MOYNIHAN TEL No . 1612�38a777 Jan 12 ,�4 14 :02 No .003 P .06 v• QUESTZON� R�GARDZNG 7'FixS RFP � All qu�s�ions regard�ng any asgect nf this Request for Proposa� must be submitted, either by te�ephone ar zn writing, �Q John Mill�r {T���e) , of the RPA. Mr. M�ll�r�s �elepha�ze number is dnd his adcix�ss is t. 3 FLUEGEL h10YNIHAN TEL No . 1b1243�9777 Jan 12 ,0� 1� �02 No .�03 P .02 � t � ��I3IBIT C � pROPpSAL FORM � � �'�� ��URCH.A.SE OF C$RTAIN PROpERTY P'ROM THE ROSI�IOUNT PORT �l.UTHORITX 1 . This Fx�oposal is subm,it�ed by: (s ) Addr�ss : Signr,tuie: 2 ' I (W�) a9r�� �� purchase t)�e Propexty desex�.bed in Exh�,b�� A of the Ft��uest fox �xc�ppsal re].eased by the RPA on February 16 , 1994 , �or the tdtal purchase p�;ice of $___,__, • 3 . 50 percent of my (aur) pu�cchase price is attached ta this pr.oposa� in the fox�m of a certifi.ed or cashier's check. I (w�) aqree that if I (we) fail to prac�ed to c�osing on L}ie above--xeterenced Property within one ca7.endar month �� seJ.ection of my (our} proposal , I (we) will foxfeit the amount of the c�rtified ox cashier� s check z {we ) have enclosed with my {our) proposal . � • At the time ot closing, T (We) agree ta pay the xemaining 50 percent af the proposed purchase price ta �he Rp,�„ r (We) �.1so agre� i.o pay 50 percent of a],2 closing costs and �o enter int,o a Purchase Agr�ement p�ior to the cl.asing day ,�n a form sat�sfactary to the RP�, S . x (We) intend to apply the Property L-o the folldwing use(s ) : ----,...� � 6 . I (we) at�ree to properly mainta�.n the propex;t�r consister�t w.ii:}► the use I (we� have praposed arcd described �,n ,. :, FLUEGEL MOYNIHRfd TEL No . 1612438977? Jan 12 ,04 14 :02 No .003 P .03 paragraph 4 , abc�ve. If I (we) shou,�d fail at any time �a so main��in the Property, Y (�,►g� ,��r�� �,p return o�vn�rship of th� Prc�perty ta the RPA. 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