HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Minutes of March 2, 1994 Regular Meeting ( �1 R4SEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was held on Wednesday, Mareh 2, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street VVest, Rosemount. Chair Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Busho, McMenomy, Staats, and Wippermann present. Commissianer Anderson was absent and Commissioner Edwards took his chair at 5:30 p.m. Staff present included Interun City Administrator Wasmund, Econotnic Development Coordinator Miller, and port authority attorney Miles. Additions to the agenda included 4. D. 1. Authorization for the preparation of bids and specs, and 4. E. Discussion of possible purchase of the Wachter property. Chair Carrall advised that Commissioner Anderson had requested that page three of the February 15, 1994, regular meeting minutes be amended to include her statement declaring a conflict of interest with the Associated Developers' proposal and her decision to abstain from any discussions and votes on the subject. MOTION by Staats to approve the Febniary 15, 1994, regular meeting minutes as amended. SECQND by Busho. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. MOTION by McMenomy to approve the bills and invoices, including the revised total of $1,682.53 for the Fluegel Moynihan and Miles invoice. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that Daryl Bueeksler was requesting that the board consider a second agreement where he would pay no rent for the business park land but be permitted to plant a low-profile crop and harvest any acres not developed. As part of the agreement, Cammissioners requested that Mr. Buecksler be asked to seed the land with a hay crop after harvesting his crops in the fall. MOTION by Carroll to direct the port authority legal counsel to draft a "no-rent-no-loss" agreement with Daryl Buecksler to farm the tillable portion of the Rosemount Business Park. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Wippermann, Carroll, Staats, Busho. Nays: 0. Interim City Administrator Wasmund reviewed the draft development agreement for the Rosemount Business Park advising that the document, as presented, provided for form and function for each development of the business park. Wasmund explained that the development agreement would be presented to the planning eommission at their March 8th meeting along with the business park final plat. Commissianer Edwards took his chair at 5:30 p.m. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MARCH 2, 1994 MOTION by Edwards to authorize the execution of the SEH letter dated March 2, 1994 and authorize the port authority executive director ta sign the agreement. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Wippermann, Carroll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that he had had discussions with City Engineer Osmundson regarding the business park final plat and drainage easement requirements. Osmundson is suggesting that the port authority request that the utilities commission purchase excess drainage area from the port authority and show these modifications on the final plat. MOTION by Edwards to direct SEH to proceed with the preparation of the revised plat documents that show su�cient drainage. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: Cairoll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy, Wippermann. Nays: 0. At Chair Carroll's request, the possibility of acquiring the Harold Wachter property adjacent to the business park was discussed. The commissioners directed Mi1es and Miller to work together to solicit figures from Mr. Wachter to acquire his property. : Economic Development Coordinator Miller briefly reviewed staff correspondence regarding motel development and correspondence from Joseph Commers of The Commers Company and their possible interest in developing a 40 to 50 unit hotel in Rosemount. Miller requested that commissioners provide direction for discussions with the hotel peaple. Commissioners concuned that a project developed by The Commers Company had the potential to be a quality project and directed Miller to pursue all aspects of it. Economic Development Coordinator Miller introduced Mr. Bill Bryant of New American Neighborhoods, Inc. Mr. Bryant informed the commissioners that his company is interested in building a 48 unit low income senior housing faciliry on six acres of land owned by the Carlson family. Mr. Bryant advised that a key ingredient to making the project affordable for low income residents is the need for pay-as-you-go tax increment financing. Mr. Bryant also advised that they are currently negotiating a purchase agreement with the Carlsons for the property. Cammissioners discussed the need for a development agreement to include a clause assuring that the facility remain senior housing. Miller was directed to continue working with New American Neighborhoods, Inc. on their project. Interim City Administrator Wasmund presented to the board the concept of the port authority purchasing the Broback Industrial Park. The purpose of this purchase would be to acquire the land with the intent to re-sell the entire parcel to Cottages, Inc. for the development of their low-income senior housing faciliry. 3