HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b. Consideration of Purchase of Easement from Harold Wachter ` CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbIl�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: JULY 5, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: PURCHASE OF EASEMENT FROM AGENDA SECTION: HAROLD WACHTER OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . B. ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT EASEMENT DOCUMENT APPROVED BY: At the April 4, 1994 Port Authority meeting the commissioners discussed the need to purchase an easement from Harold and Anna Wachter. The easement is located in the south side of CR 42 and immediately east of TH 3 . It is needed for the installation of utilities extending to the business park. Mister Wachter is willing to accept $2000 . 00 for granting the easement, an amount that the port authority' s consulting engineer states is a fair price for an easement. The easement document also requires payment for any crop damage that Mr. Wachter' s soybeans suffer. There is also a temporary easement where equipment and/or dirt will be stored for a short period of time. The temporary easement will be in effect for two years at a cost of one dollar. RECO1�lENDED ACTION: Motion to direct the port authority executive director to purchase an easement from Harold and Anna Wachter for $2000 . 00 transferring the easement to the City of Rosemount. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: 06/24/94 13:22 FA.Y SEH ST. P�UL �00��009 " EASEIv�NT TRANSNIITTAL FOItM TC3: Jdhn Mille.r 1�ATE: April 20, 1994 City of I�osernount 2875 145th Street West GITX Z1V��'. NQ. 256 Y2osemaunt, MN 550G8 JOIi NO. .P�-RQSEM31b4.Q3 �'rtOM: S�(�RT' �LLI�TT HEND�tZCKSCJN INC. EASEIVIEN'Z' �NCLC7S�17 (Draft) 3535 VA.�NAIS CEN?�R DRNE IN�O�iATION (�NLY 20Q S�H CEI�ITER ST. PA.UL, MIV 55110 EASEMENT NO. 256-1 FO� Water main, pathway, berm, landscap�ng p'�VNER: �ax.old and Anna L. Wachtez, 7.5400 Chippendale AvenuE, RC15�TitOli�1�, �IN 55458 EAS�MENT TYPE- PLRI'�,TUAL X CONSTRUCTION � TEMP�RARY X QPERATION X DURATTON IF TEMP�RA.RX 2 years MALNTENr1NCE X nr��n�rTY wit,L �a�: �Ro�� X RESTQrtED TO ORIGINAL CON�?ZT'�aN DAMAGEIa PRt717�12TY WILL BE ASSESS�D: YES NU EASLMEI�TT �R WAN�R 4� TRESI'ASS tiIUST BE OBTAiNED BY Jun� 6, 1994 CO,NDLMN'ATION RECOMMEND�l7 � Ti�IITIAL NEGOTIAT�UNS FA�I� CQNTRACTOTt WILL R�ST(7RE EAS�MENT AREta. TO� aR�GT[�TAL GRAD� ABOVE pRTGrNAL GP.ADE X ��LO'W ORIGINAL G�2AD� 1'AY OWNER �0�: NO1V1r1VAL EASEMEN'�' X SOD BITUlvII�VOUS W4�K AI30VE GRA.D� LANriSCAl'1NG QT�ZZ CITY A1�1�/OR ITS A.GEN�'S WILL �� Y2ESPONSIBLE FOR FENCE �EMOVAL AND REPLACEMEN�'S Yes EXISTING EASENILNT IN' V'ICIlVITY OF P�iO�'�S£la EASEMENT �asement to County for C.S.,A..I-�_ 42 SPECIAL DETA�5_ City's contractor tivill install �ater zxtain,biturxunuus pathway, earthen berm landscaped wxth trees, shrubs and 5�d. Fermanent �Casement - 4,545 square feet Temporary Easemeztt - 3,2�0 sqluare feet ' BY: r7avid �'. Simons, P.E. 6/xa�s2 06/24/94 1�:2a F�Y �EH ST. P�UL �004i009 a condition as nearlX equal as possible to that which existed prior to the damage, plus any other damages, including but not limited to crop damage and erosion damage. PERMANfsNT EASE�ENT Further the Grantax a.z� consideration af the add.itiona� sum Q� �'u.� Ttt�eusew� a�sudrs C�a.,,Dtav,ovJ T �..., nd other goad and valuable cans�d��ation ta i� ir. hand �aid by the City, the receipt and su�fici�ncy of which is hereby aGknaw�edged, does hereb�r grant anc� convey to the City, its successors and assigns, forevex, permanent eas�men.ts for pul�lic utilit�,r �nd trailway purposes over, across, an, und.er and through I.and situat2d wi�hin the Gaunty of Dakot� and �tate of Minnesdta as described in attached Exhibit "A" ; zncluding the rights pf �ka,e Ci�y', i'GS �ontr�ctors, agents, servan.ts and assigns , �o enter upon the easement premises at all re�sonable times ta construct, reconstruct, insp�?�t, repair and main�ain public utility and trailway systems ov�x, a.c�oss, or. under an,d through the permanent easement premises, that together wit�z the right to exeavate and backfill the easement prernises, ct�nstruct and ma�.ntaixz a bi.tt,a.mixa,ous patred trail, install and maintain trees, shrubs �nd �ther landscaping and the fux��.k7.er rig'ht tb remave u�adesizabJ.e tx�ees, bushes, undergrawt�i and other obstructa.ons interfering wit1� the location a�nd construc�ion arld mainten�nce of said publa,G u��.�.ity az�d trailway system. The abotre named Grantor, for itself, its sucGessors, heirs and assigns, do covenant witri the City, its successox's, heiYs and -2- 06/24/94 1�:2� F�Y SEH ST. P�1UL �006/p09 . STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY oF � 'I'h� foregoing instrumezlt w�s acknowledge�7. befare me this day o f , 19 9 4, 1�y - Notary Publi.c STA.'Y'E OF MINNE$pTA ) } ss . C�UNTY OF ) The faxegoir�g irlstrument was ackr�ow'ledged before me this day of , 1994 , by the CITY OF ROSEMaU1V'T, a municipal eorporation, by E. 8. McMenomy, Mayor, ancl Susa.n. M. Walsri, Administrative Assistant, an behal� of said municipal corporatipx�.. NQtar�r Public TE3I S INSTRUMENT DRA,FTED 8Y: SHOR'� ELLIC?TT HENDRICICSON INC . 3535 Vadnais Center Drive 200 SEH Center S t. Pau1. , NIIv 5 5110 (6�2) 49a-2000 r4- s ( . O EAS�h�ENT � � � � EASEME�lT �IO. 256 -- � � �- PERMANEIVT �r `° � EASEMENT ! `� � TEMPORARY �t � � �EASEM Eh!T r " 'rp` ROSEMOU�IT DATE '�-�8-9¢ ¢ � - �� � ' � 8 Y DFS C H K B Y - � � - ----- - - - � ' G. 5.�4. N • �� r _�___ � - __ --- __� __ - � _ , � � � -- - -- 1 � � � � �� 81'iU n'1�N��5 Bt ic6 P►H"I� =n P / � _ � � y � _ �� �_� � ��' -1 �` � � � 1 �� GMP r �' � Q � �� f ti�= �� - - !: � CON TR QL � � �j �� _ f� B�UG. 1 � � m(T�y-+N • , � 1 - �-:°`: -ss.«, '-�✓ j �. �.�w .. . � f , �c � • r� �y. '_ j / ` _,� - , �� FVTU��. . _ _ - - � [.,,q-N�5 5 ci4P+N� � G 30' PERt�ANENT EASEMENT 20' TEMPC�RARY EASEMENT � 0 0 � NRRa�.p ,�N a Au N,� �. �..�c.N-r-�.K o m p7: o� 34-b3�10- �� ! - �-5 06/24/94 13:2� FAX SEH ST. PAUL �007/009 E�HTBZ�' "A" EAS�M�NT NQ. 256—J. APRIL 20, �994 � PER17E'Y`'[7AT� E.ASEMENT FOR PLJBLIC UTILITY AND 'Y'1�AILWAY PURFOSES (]VER, UNDER AND ACRQSS ALL 'Z'�iP.T PAI�T C7F TITE NORTHEAST QLJ,A,RT�R fJF '1'T�� �TO�'�'HWEST QUARTER OF S�C'Y'Y(�N 32, TOWNSHIF 115 NC.IRTH, RANGE 19 TnIEST, DAKOTA CQTJNTY, ��NNESOTA, DESCRIBED AS F�LLpWS: 'Z'HE SOI7THER�'Y' 3� . 0 0 �'EET pF THE �TORTHERLY 16 5 . 0 0 FEET �F ��1ID NQRTHEAST QTJ,A�,'Z'ER OF THE N'ORTHWEST Qi,TARTER Lk'z�TG EAST�RLY C7F THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF 'z'HE CHICP.GO, FtOCr{ TSLAND AND PACIFIC RAILROAD. TQGETHER WITH A, 'I'EMPORARY EASEM�NT FOR �ONSTRL7CTIQJN PLTRPQSES OVER, Y71u']�E1� AN'I7 A.CRC75S ALL THAT FART OF 'I'HE NORTHEAST QL7ARTER �F THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTIQ�T 32, TOWNS�TrI� 115 NORTH, RANGE 19 WEST, DA�O'I'A C�UNTY, MTNNESOTA, T��SCRISED AS FOLz,QWS: T�T� SdTJTHERLY 2 0 . �Q F�E'z' OF THE NORTIIERLY 1$5 . 0 0 FEET OF SA�D NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NQRTHWES�' QUARTER LYTNG EAS'Y'�1�LY QF THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE t�F THE CHIC,A.�p, R�CI� ZSLAND AN'1� FACIFIC RAILROAD. i . Q EAS�M�N T � � . � � , EASEME�T �I�. ��6" � �' � � PERMANENT � `° EASE�IEN� � TEfiviPORAI�Y � u � � � �EASEfi�EI�T " '�� ROSE1��Uf�T DATE 4-���9� � - ` --�- 8Y T�FS CHK BY G�� G � � � C. 5�.�. 1-� . `�� 0 � � � � � x P /" +17 _ P' 8��w��nra�S 61 K�P+'�'I� � rn '`� H 7� , , �-�—� � � ro � ; ��- � r �, r 1] �, , 1 cr�i� r � � �� `° _ - I �. 1 ,�= ��' ap C�N TR Q L f � j� �� �^• BLQG. � � R +x/��+l�rrt r� � t� +) - �:dilki..r-�iti-_ _ � -� __'.ii-��i-__ . _ - Mn! f / ,�r' � _ _ 1 f y- _ � �� � f �V�Y�' . •``� �' - . _ _ '. " _ � l.,�N b$C.A�Pa wG � �� 30' PERt�ANENT EASE�IENT 2�' TEhAPC1ftARY EASEMENT � � � � tfP�F-a t!T A�g A�r�N�I t. sv�c.y'�.t� � YF: aF 34—b3�y�— �t ! — �-S 06/24/94 1�:22 FAX SEH ST. PAUL ��02/Op9 ' EASEIvZ�NT TRANSMITTAL FORM TO: John Mi11e.r 17ATE: April 20, 1.994 Cit� af Rasemount 2875 145th Street�1l�st CITX ZIv��. 1�0. 256 T�asemount, N�N 5506$ ro� �o. A-�(�SEM31b4.Q3 �'rtOM: S��RT �LLIOTT HENDRzCICSON INC. EASENfENz' El�'JCLOS�U (L7raft) 3535 VA1�N��S CEN'��R DRIVE IN��T.ZNLATIUIV ONLY 20D S�H CENTER ST. PA.IJL, MN 55110 �ASEMENT NO. 256-1 FOR Water main, pathway, berm, landscapxng p'WNER: Harold and Ann� L. Wachtex, 7.5�k00 Chippendale Avenue, Raser�tou�t�, �vTl�T 550b8 LAS�MENT T�.'�'�= P�RI'�'T�TAL X CONSTRUCTIQN X TEMPORA.RY X (J�'E�t,,4T�O1V X DLTRATTON LF TEMPOR.A,�i�l 2 years M�IINTENAN�E X PRQP:ET�TY WILL PE= IMPItOVED X I�ESTO�D TO ORIGINAL CONI7T'Z'�+�N DAMAGED �RCJ1'�1�TY WILL BE A�SESS�17: YES NU EAS�MEl\1"� OR WAN�� O� TRESI'A.SS MUST BE OBT,A�TNED BY Jeui� �i, 1994 COND�MN�A7'IQN RECUIvIIviEND�T7 T� Il�IITIAL NEGOTIA.�'�O�VS FA�L CONTPACTOR WILL R�S�'O�E LAS�IVIENT AREA,. TO� OR�G�JAL GI�tAD� ABC�V� CJI�TGTN'AL GRADE X BLLC7'W C7RIGINAL G�A�� T'AY OWNER �(��: Np1V1YlrIAL EASEMEN�' X SOD BITUIvfft�TOUS WU�TC ABOVE GRA�L LAI��7S�AP]NG aT�J,ER CITY AN]7/OR ITS A,GFN'�'S WILL �� RESP�NSIf3LE FC7R FENC� �t�MQVAL AND REPLACEMENTS Yes EXISTING EASEMENT I1�1' V'ICYNITY C7F I�RO�'O�E� EASEMENT �asement to ��unty for C_S..A._H_ 42 Sl'E�IAL DETA,�LS: City's cantractor will install �nrater rnain,bi'turxunous pathway, earthen berm landscaped wxth �rees, shrubs and sod. I'ermanent �asement -4,545 square feet Temparar�r Easennez�t - 3,2�k0 saua�re feet - � BY: L7avid �'. Simons, P.E. 6/],0/S2 06/24/94 13:23 FAX SEH ST. PAUL �1003/009 �----�' V EASED��'�' 'TH I S INDENTURE 17tade tkl�� d,aY a f - - , 19 9 4, b�r anci be tu�een H�RaLD AND A1VlVA T�. fnTAC�I'�'ER, hereiria�teY' refer��d tc� as "GrantoYs° , arld the CITY pF RpSEMOUNT, a municipal eorparatian organizeC� undex' the laws of the State o� Min.nesot�, h�Y�iT��ftex' �'eferred to as t�ie "City" . WITN�SSETH: T�4PORAEtY EASEMENT The Grantor in consideration of �h� su�► o� Qxx� Dollar ($1. 00) and other gaad and �ral�xabl� eansideration to it in �iand paid by the City, the re�eipt �rld su�ficiency of whi��`i "is hereby �cknowledged, da�s hereby grant and convey ta the C�ty, its suc�essors ancl ass�.gns, �', �emporary easement for pub�.iC cox�.struction pur�oses aver, aeross, an, under and thxaugh la.nd situated witlain. tka,e County of Dakota and $tate of Miri.rlesota as d�sGribed in. �.tt�ched Exhibit "A'• ; TO HAVE A.�ID TO HOLD the Sal�te, uzzto the City, its SUCCessox's and assigns, f�r a period of two {2) years fram the date here�f, togerher witl� the right �f irigress to a�d �gress from the prope�ty, fo� the pur�ose o� constructing, inspe�ting, repairing and maintai�.�.z�g the e�sement. 1�s a further canszderatian far �his t�rn�poraxy C4nstructiori easem�nt, th� City agrees ���C if it or any of its employ'ee� ox' agents causGs any physical damage t� �he abav� described tem�c�rary �asement premise�, the City shall restore the cl�mag�d premises to _�_ 06/24/94 13:23 FAX SEH ST. PAUL C�004/009 a conditi�n as n.earlX equal as possibl� �o that which existec� prior ta the damage, plus any ather d,�.mages, includYng but not limited to crop daznage a�d erosion damage. P'ERMP,�IIENT BA�E�ENT Further �he Grantax �.x� consideration o� the �.c�c�.itional sum o� 1'�.� �'1�t�ttsa� o�Zudrs C�..,,Dav,ovJ nd other g�ad and �aluabl� canszderation to i� in �iand paid by the City, the rec�ipt arxcl su�£ici��i�y of whieh is her�by a�}czlow�ed,ged, does hez'eb�' g'Y�.nt �.nr� cc�nvey to th� City, its successors and assigns, forevex', permanent eas�?merlts for public utilit�,r �nd t��ilw�y purposes aver, across, on, ux7.d.er at'ld th�ough land situated within the Couxl�y of D�kbt� �nd State of Minnesota as described in attached Exhibit "A" ; 2ncluding the righ�s pf �k�,e City', i'�s Cbntr�ctors, agents, servants and assigns, �o enter up�n the ��.sement premises at all re�sanable times to construct, �'eCox�stru.ct, ii'is�r�?�'t, rep�.ir and main��in publi� utility anc�. trailway syst�m� ov�x, �,cxoss, on uncl�r and throu�h the permaner�t easement premises, that tog�ther wit�a the right to excavate an.d backfill tk�,e �asemerlt p�'�?mises, CoilSt�uet and m�.zzzta�,x� a bi.turna.27.ous paved tr:�il, install and mainta.in ����s, shrubs �nd. bther landscaping and �he fuxtk�.er righ,t to r�move u�ades�x�ab].e tre�s, bushes, undergrawtri an�. other abst�ructa.ans interfering with the location a�,d const�'tic�iot'�. arld m�int�n�nce of said publ�,c ut��i�y and trailway s�rst�m. T�e a�atr� namec�4 Grantor, far itself, its success�rs, hei�s and assigns, do covenant with the �ity, its �uc��ssoxs, heirs �nd -2- 06/24/94 13:24 FAX SEH ST. FAUL �005/009 c�551C�T1S, �ki,a� i� is well ���z�d. in fee �a.tle of the al�av� d�scribed tempQra�y and �ermaxxez�,�. e�sement preml.s�s and has �.Y1t� sr�le rigk�,t �o gr�nt and. convey th� temporaz'y �rid permane�l� easements kze��in the �o City'. IN TESTIMONY WHE�tE OF, t1�� Gr�ntor her�to has s�,g'riEd this Eas�znent t1�.e day and yeax� �irst above written. HARQLD Al�1D Ai`St�TA L. W�CH'Z'ER SY: BY: CTT'Y' OF RpSEMOUNT B'Y: E.B. McMenpmy HY: Susan. M. W�ls�i Admini,stx'atitre Assis�C�.l�� -3- 06/24/94 13:24 FAX SEH ST. PAUL �406/009 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY pF ) Tl�� for�going ins�ruznezat was acknowl�dged befor� me this day of , 199�, by Notary Publi.� STA.'r'� OF MINNESpTA ) } ss . CDUNTY OF ) The fox�going instrument was ack�a�rled�ed before me this day of , 1994, by the CITY Q�' ROSEMQ�7NT, a murlici��l corporation, k�y E. B. McMenomy, Mayo�, �r�.d. Susan M_ Walsh, Administrative �.ssistant, on behal� �f said. municipal carparatio�.. Natar�r Public TIII S IN$TRUMENT DRA�"Z'�p $�: SHpR'x �LLI�TT HEN'DRICICSON INC . 3535 tTadr]�is Center Driv� 200 SEIi Center St. �aul., N�T 55�10 (6�21 490-2b00 ..�_