HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.b. Minutes of June 21, 1994 Regular Meeting ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS � REGULAR MEETING ����'� f%� � � JUNE 21, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authoriry was duly held on Tuesda.y, June 21, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West, Rosemount. Chair Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Busho, McMenomy, and Wippermann present. Commissioners Anderson, Edwards, and Miller were absent. Staff present included Facecutive Director Burt, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Assistant Planner Peazson, and port authority attorney Miles. An upda.te on the Kurt Walter-Hansen proposal was added to the agenda under 4. C. and Fluegel, Moynihan, Miles invoice was added to Bills and Invoices for port authority consideration. Because there was not a quorum of commissioners present from the June 7 regular meeting, action for approval of the minutes of that meeting was deferred to the July 5, 1994 meeting. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the bills and invoices as listed, including the Fluegel, Moynihan, and Miles bill. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that the Lemna Corporation board had rejected the relocation/new building option and would not be building in the business park. The board decided that it was best fmancially to either stay in their present building or purchase an e�sting building. Executive Director Burt emphasized that it was not a rejection of the business park but strictly a financial decision and building new. Assistant Planner Pearson requested that he be allowed to present an option that may streamline the approval process for new businesses building in the business park. Pearson suggested that the entire parcel located east of Business Parkway as shown on the business park preliminary plat be rezoned to BP-1. He felt that this would speed up the process for businesses interested in building in the business park. Also discussed was a suggestion that the entire SO acre parcel be rezoned to BP-1 right away. Commissioners concurred that the parcel Pearson had indicated in his presentation should be rezoned and staff should proceed with the work necessary to rezone it. Kari Gill and Diane Nordquist of the HRA were present to provide an update on the Dakota County I3RA senior housing project, and in particular cost estimates to construct a two-story building instead of three- story as agreed upon in the development agreement. Ms. Gill expla.ined that additional land purchases and construction costs to construct the two-story building would total approxirnately $448,000 more than the three-story building. She also explained that a concept plan would help clarify costs and the design if a decision was made to move ahead with the two-story design. Executive Director Burt expressed staff concerns that there is no surplus tax increment in the district to provide for the extra money needed to construct the two-story design. Commissioners discussed the combination two-story/three-story option in hopes that this option would save some money and requested that a rough concept plan be done with costs figured in. Executive Director Burt questioned Ms. Gill whether the HRA would consider another site. and Ms. Gill stated that she would need to talk to the HRA marketing director for an answer. In response to commissioner questioning, attorney Miles advised that there should not be a breach of contract problem because the development agreement was written in concept only and neither the port authority or the HRA would be locked into specif'ics of that agreement. Executive Director Burt requested that the port authority ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JLJNE 21, 1994 direct staff to talk with the HRA regarding all the issues, including the possibility of a different site for the project. A majority of the commissioners did not like that option. Burt then requested permission to informally discuss, with the Dakota County HRA, a site on 145th Street near Shannon Parkway as an alternative site for their senior housing project. Commissioners concurred. At 6:15 p.m. Chair Carroll opened the public hearing on the sale of the old post office land remnant. Economic Development Coordinator Miller briefly reviewed staff correspondence and assured the commissioners that the work being proposed by Ehlen Partnership would require planning approval. Chair Carroll called for public comment. There was none. MOTION by McMenomy to close the public hearing. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. The Recording Secretary noted that the Affidavits of Published and Posted Notice were on file. MOTION by Wippermann to approve the purchase agreement with Ehlen Partnership. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: McMenomy, Wippermann, Carroll, Busho. Nays: 0. Assistant Planner Pearson presented two site plans to the port authority showing the building and parking locations for Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen proposal. The first plan was Dr. Walter-Hansen's proposed site plan and the second was an alternative plan designed by Pearson. Pearson advised that Dr. Walter-Hansen objected to the alternative plan because Walter-Hansen felt that by putting the entrance and parking on the north side of the building it would create snow and ice problems in the winter months. Discussion ensued whether the port authority had the right to control where the building is placed on the site. MOTION by Carroll to direct Assistant Planner Pearson and the appropriate staff to convey to Dr. Walter- Hansen the comments expressed by the port authority, their site preference, and their strong desire that he consider and accept Mr. Pearson's alternative concept plan. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Carroll, Busho. Nays: McMenomy. Chair Carroll requested that the commissioners consider setting a dollar limit that the marketing sub- committee could expend without bringing it to the board for approval. Carroll explained that the committee has many business park promotional packets remaining from the business expo and the committee is considering ma.iling them to real estate people. Carroll advised that he had contacted some companies that could provide mailing lists and labels for a fee and requested permission to purchase one or more lists. The commissioners agreed that Carroll should purchase two mailing lists at a cost of $130.00. Discussion ensued regarding setting a dollar limit that the marketing sub-committee could spend without prior approval and it was generally agreed that $100 would be acceptable. At Commissioner McMenomy's request, staff was directed to investigate port authority options regarding delinquent ta.x bills and put it on the next meeting's agenda. 2 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING JITNE 21, 1994 Renee Stevenson commented on the HRA senior housing project and questioned why the I3RA was not required to present a project plan like any other business presenting a proposal to the port authoriry Donna McDonough commented that she had contacted Floyd Otte at Peoples Natural Gas and was informed by him that the HRA had not been in contact with Peoples regarding the gas line on the proposed senior housing project site. Economic Development Coordinator Miller was directed to contact Ms. Nordquist and Ms. Gill regarding the progress on the gas line issue and report back at the next meeting. MOTION by Carroll to adjourn. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3