HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of May 4, 1994 Regular Meeting �IORITY pgpCE��GS � _ ��T pORT AU t was duly Authori y R�S� �E'i'Il�G ount Port �5 _ 145th �G�� � h��nbers of City all� 28 Y 4, 1994 r e g�lar Yneeting of the H �` �the counc call and notic1994reo f5 30 p•m' t to due gusho� �waxds� pursuan 4� W ednesday� May �derson, Bconomic held on ector Burt'° est. oaith Commissioners ecutive D� �tem I.eB°w• str�t� to order cluded� ort authority ed the meeting f resent� M�es, and p oll call resent• S� p orney Crair C� and W iPPe M e, P°rt' authoritY a�' �te• M�Nienomy� oord�ator �y �eater uP S.EC�� by Developme�t C 1vIu11er F� utes. enda in�luded 4• D•� ul� rneeting m� to the ag the Ap� 19, 1994� reg Additions e�a�to apPro�e SECO� by p,nderson. MOTION�y y w�pNays: �- as listed• es: the bi]ls a�d �voices Busho. �to aPPrOVe S Inc• �N by WiPPe� for redeveldpment of Rep� � O'� tion AyeS: 6' Nays� � of item 4• A•� Presenta d remn�t. hair Ca�°ll deferred dlscussion ost office 1� The letter C were present. old p In�• resentors d propos�s for the ent Advisors, d Prop�s� Site, until all P o en the bids � wl�er of FFp InVestm orig��bld an ed to _p�by Mr. Keith the city to its hen the port Carroll proceed to hold tial disadiopo�had been reviewed. ChaiY letter submlrt p�ners intended Subs�n p�,ners1uP. Carro ll re a d t h e Rosemou n t had been p l a c e d at osals a�e r t h e r e p I,im i t e d � that the Ken- of E�len for the post office stated on that they submlt PrO,�omas�en area S��e lt was thei� �P� �dividuals Submitted bY to a P��g the lot would be owed additiona� Second bid the subject lot in t�that of �3,'750.40 aut�Car�oll �Pened up the to develop �e proposal als° S�` the amount Cr S�ted their intention �ffice. A cashier's check� 00. o the rb and 1� sed Purchase p of $6�250• ost ,�e proposal jJnited S�tes p dscaping• rice and lease lt t with cu o �S bid to develop a letely surrounded ercent of the total PrOP ited Fa�nersluP comp as s��`I p ber tw°, E�en I'�m was submitt� to accept oPtlon num MpTION bf�h Post office. P�.�g lot mended action of second. the staff'S recom he le�gth of time died for lack of a the board follow �ding lviotion ested that Discussion reg a�n Sugg comment• wlppe� for review �d ad�ised that t Commiss�he matter to staff and the project ensued. oa1ed to Sp� ubli�P�ku�g• referring �onsider�ng � lt into p S ent ners, wasand develop already P o� Central P�' made at e n ownership of the property d He�en� 2epresenting a d�ision had been R i c h a s l o t, ana that it e to see t h e c i t y r been sp e n t o n it, �,ble w�c would� e had w�t to ow r o p So a on the felt tha t e n o u gh t�bo�d d i d n�t tial P Some commissioners roPerty b o s�ff whe�thei� a'as a substan sell the p , h a d b e en looking for. mee t i n g s t o e to sen d l t b a c k t of t� what the p�n authority waste exactly proposed . ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 4, 1994 Port authority attorney Miles upda.ted the board on the staxus of negotiations with the Mullers. Miles directed the board's attention to several letters of correspondence showing unsuccessful attempts to schedule a meeting. Miles did explain, however, that the Mullers have taken a position that they wish to proceed with their initial proposal submitted on July 28, 1993, where the port - authority issues bonds for their theater project and where they purchase the land and improvements for a total sum of approximately $250,000. Staff was directed to continue trying to determine whether the Mullers will meet and continue negotiations. Commissioner McMenomy left his chair at 7:37 p.m. and returned at 7:39 p.m. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed the infrastructure schedule for the Rosemount Business Park. Miller explained that before road and utility construction can begin in early June, the fmal plat must be recorded with Dakota County and must be done within 30 days after city coui�cii a�p��vai. ��,ause t�E p��t auihority i3a� 110 j3li1Ci1aS� �g�'�T128I1i, VJ1tI'1 t�l� Mti�IOPS fOP iI18 t�Tl acre parcel shown on the plat as Lot 1, Block 1, Miller advised that the board has two options. They can either keep the lot and attempt to market it to another user, or replat the lot into other conf'igurations or sizes. Discussion ensued regarding filing the fmal plat Avith the county but delaying the road and utility construction until land has been sold. Staff was directed to submit the fmal plat, as approved by city council, to Dakota County. Economic Development Coordinator provided an update on the port au�hority/HRA senior housing project. Miller advised that the HRA is in the process of implementing an agreement, but the issue of whether to build a three story or two story building must be resolved. The HRA will initiate voluntary acquisition of properties this summer (1994) and has been working with Peoples Natural Gas to resolve the gas line issue. An answer as to whether the gas line is abandoned or in use should be available by July 1, 1994. Miller was directed to investigate the cost difference between the two and three story structures and determine what part of the costs will have to be picked up by the city. Chair Carroll commented that he liked the luxury of extra time to discuss agenda items without the pressure of a time limit. He again suggested that the port authority may want to consider having at least one meeting on another night other than city council night. Renee Stevenson questioned the board regarding the senior housing project and whether additional properties would need to be acquired if it were decided to build a two story versus a three story building. MOTION by Carroll to adjourn. SECOND by Edwards. Meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3