HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of April 19, 1994 Regular Meeting ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, April 19, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers at city hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chair Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, Staats, and Wippermann present. Staff present included Executive Director Burt, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, City Engineer Osmundson, and port authority attorney Miles. Additions and corrections to the agenda included 7. A. Commissioner Staats' resignation, revising the agenda to discuss 4. C. first under old business, and 6. legal matter regarding the business park. Commissioner McMenomy requested that he be allowed to hand out a letter to the commissioners regarding his response to conflict of interest concerns. MOTION by Edwards to approve the consent agenda. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Gary Verkinnes, representing White Funeral Home, provided a brief overview of their proposal to _.. build a 5,280 square foot funeral home on the Repairs, Inc. site. Verkinnes explained�l���there will be twenty parking spaces and the exterior will be constructed with either a brick veneer or stucco/dryvit finish. Chair Carroll apprised Mr. Verkinnes on the status of the proposal process that the port authority is following and informed him a decision had been made to wait for a possible third proposal. Some commissioners voiced their dissatisfaction with the proposal process and wished that it could be refined to be more consistent. Commissioner McMenomy advised that Dr. Kurt Walter-I3ansen is voicing concerns regarding the delay to wait for the third proposal. Hansen needs to decide soon whether to build in Rosemount or Apple Valley. Some commissioners agreed that staff should pursue assisting all the proposers in fmding alternate sites. Discussion ensued regarding a deadline for accepting the proposals. Commissioners concurred that it would be appropriate to extend an invitation to all three proposers to attend the May 4, 1994, meeting and allow them to present their proposals, either again or for the first time, and then choose one of them on May 17. Economic Development Coordinator Miller was directed to provide Dr. Hansen and Mr. Verkinnes a chance to review the third proposal if one is submitted. Commissioner Busho reiterated her position that a Request for Proposal process, with a deadline, needs to be established for the sake of consistency. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed the timetable for approving the plans and specifications for the business park infrastructure and setting the bid date. The plans and specifications will be advertised the weeks of April 18 and April 25 with a tentative bid opening, Friday, May 13, at 11:30 a.m. City Engineer Osmundson advised the board that Dakota County has rejected the plans to construct the bike trail across the railroad crossing adjacent to County Road 42, citing safety considerations. Osmundson explained that the county, per their policy, is requesting that the crossing be constructed 100 feet south of the original railroad crossing and could cost any where from $20,000 to $100,000 to construct it as required by the county. Osmundson further explained that a variance from this policy could be pursued. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 1994 MOTION by Edwards to approve the plans and specifications for the Rosemount Business Park I'I utilities and roads as prepared by SEH Inc. and to set the bid date for Friday, May 13, 1994, 11:30 a.m. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: McMenomy, Anderson, Wippermann, Canoll, Staats, Edwards, Busho. Nays: 0. Port authority attorney Miles reported that he had been contacted by the Mullers' attorney, Dan Tyson, and was informed that the Mullers are prepared to sit down and continue discussions regarding their theater project. The Mullers are still concerned with the costs of land and infrastructure, however. Miles advised that a meeting with Executive Director Burt and himself will be set with the Muller group to continue negotiations. Chairperson Carroll and Economic Development Coordinator Miller reported on the April 13 Twin Cities Business Exposition at which the port authority had a booth to promote the business park. Miller reported that attendance at the exposition was lower than in the past and expected, but went relatively well with two prospects being followed up on with telephone calls. Commissioner Anderson felt that attendance at the exposition was worthwhile, despite the low attendance, because of the exposure the port authority received. Chairperson Carroll, Commissioner Anderson, and Economic Development Coordinator Miller commended Eric I..eBow for his efforts in preparing for the exposition, stating that he had done a marvelous job. A suggestion was made to mail the leftover packets to brokers. Commissioner Anderson advised that the sign promoting the business park would be installed by the Public Works Department soon. The cost of the sign will be double the estimated cost because it was determined that it had to be double sided because of its placement on the business park land. Commissioner Busho was greatly impressed with the packet prepared for the business expo and Commissioner McMenomy, on behalf of the city council, thanked all of those involved in making the expo a success. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reviewed staff correspondence regarding Arlyn Cope's request for payment of the relocation escrow as specified in the non-repurchase agreement of February, 1993. Discussion ensued regarding the non-conforming zoning status of the Repairs Inc. business. MOTION by Edwards to authorize payment of the escrow once the zoning issues have been resolved with the planning commission and city council. SECOND by Staats. Mr. Cope stated that Gene Pederson, a representative of Fischer Sand and Gravel and former owners of the property, advised him that the zoning issues had been resolved. Staff was directed to contact Mr. Pederson and initiate a resolution to the zoning issues. After several attempts at revised or amended motions by commissioners, Chair Carroll called for a poll of the original motion. Ayes: Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy. Nays: 0. 2 r ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 19, 1994 Port authority attorney Miles reviewed with the board his recommendation that the port authority take action to reserve, with the sta.te of Minnesota, the name "Rosemount Business Park." Commissioners discussed whether the name, "Rosemount Business Park," would be the fmal choice for the business park. MOTION by Edwards to proceed with securing the name "Rosemount Business Park," for the business park. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Discussion regarding fmancing package options for Ergotron, Inc. ensued. Commissioners discussed the option of creating a "qualified manufacturing economic development district," as described in Miller's memorandum of April 13, 1994. Costs associated with developing the district were described as relatively small and could be passed on to the developer through a development agreement. A sixty to ninety day timeframe was given as the time necessary to complete the process. Chair Carroll questioned whether the board felt comfortable having the promotions sub- committee review staff's recommended proposal and then presented directly to Ergotron before being reviewed by the full board. Executive Director Burt explained that to keep a competitive edge I in the negotiations and to avoid the competition hearing what Rosemount is offering, it was decided ', to proceed this way. Every effort will be made to present it to the board just prior to being ' presented to Ergotron and that a stipulation will be included in the proposal stating that it is subject ' to fmal approval by the full port authority board and city council. '� MOTION by McMenomy to direct the port authority staff to develop a proposal for fmancial assistance to permit Ergotron Inc. to move its operation to the city. SECOND by Carroll. Ayes: Wippermann, Carroll, Staats, Edwards, Busho, McMenomy, Anderson. Nays: 0. Commissioner Staats announced his resignation from the port authority effective April 20, 1994. Chair Carroll thanked Staats for his service to the board. The board was advised that staff will initiate the committee selection policy. Chair Carroll called for public/audience comment and there was none. MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 3