HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Change Date of March 1, 1994 Regular Port Authority Meeting CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUbII�lARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 1994 AGEND3�1 ITEM: CHAI�TGE DATE OF MARCH l, 1994 AGENDA SECTION: REGULAR PORT AUTHORITY MEETING NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGEND.A NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 8 .B. ATTACHMENTS: NONE �'p D $ � State law prohibits public 1�irisdictions to hold meetings after 6 : 00 p.m. on the evening designated for precinct caucuses . Minnesota DFL and IR parties will be holding caucuses in cities �.nd towns throughout Minnesota on March l, 1994, beginning at 7 : 00 p.m. It is, therefore necessary for commissioners to consider another date to hold the March l, 1994 regular meeting. Discussion needs to be held to determine the date for this port authori�y meeting - - perhaps March 2 or March 3 . RECO�lENDED ACTION: Motion to change the date of the March 1, 1994, regular port authority meeting to March , 1994 . PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: . . . 11/a1i9-1 1a�00 FAl' SEH ST. P:�L'L �-�-� ROSEnfOt�NT [�]002/004 �"' nn��o�a�vavM �ST.FAJL.tirN Cl N1INNEAPOLIS.!v?N ❑ ST CLOUO.MN !J CHlPFEWA FALLS,Wl ❑ MADI5UN.W! I � �Tp: All M��ting Attendees IFROM: I7avid �. Simvzxs, �'-E- I I7AT�: January 3X, 1994 jZ�; Rosezx�ount, Minnesota Meeting Minutes Business Park � SEH No. A�I��S�M3164_02 i i I The meeting was held in the Conference Room of City Hall on ranuary 27, 1994 at 9:00 a.m.with �the follawing people�n attendance: Jahn Miller,Ro�Wasmund,Bud Osmundsoz�,Rick Pearson, i j�ff M3y, r7avi.d �rown and Iaave Simons. Ed l7unn was present until 9:15 a.m. IThe following iten� were discU.ssed: 17,. 'The Business Park zoni.ng 'w'as reaffirmed at the spe�ial Coundl meeting on � Januazy 25, 1994. `2. �d indicated �hat he felt the first phase af constiructiar► should consi.st af stxeets and � utilities in the�Zorth entrance dzive and a segment of th� rin�zoad west to the sautherly � boundazy o�the SO acre parcel. In addition,Xte felt that the ring road east of the entrance i drive should be zough at'aded to the southerly boundar�_ ;3. It�,vas suggested that the streets be constructed �rith a B6-12 or a B6-18 curb ratk�er than a surmountab�e cur.b. ��4. Lan�scaping in the median and boulevard areas are prnposed to be included xzt the i project. Bud stated that maintenance of Ci�y J.andscaping is costly Uecause it is labor. � intensi�re. Bud asked haw thi.s max�tenance cast would be paid fQr. �5_ Bud inciicated that he did not see the r►eed far individual ponding areas ozt each lot of ' the Business Park. The 5%ponding rec�uirement that is required Uy ordinance cou�d be : waived due to the proposed storm sewer stubs ta each 1ot and the l�rge ponding arel � on sitc. 6. P�ick stated thar there is a 25°10 greext space requirement for each lot. This gree;n space would i.xtclude setba�k ar�as,but probably would not include ponding areas. l�ick felt dlat some of the lots with lazge pQnding azeas may qualifY far a variance #xam the r�qui�ed 25°!o gxeez� space_ , , . �11/31:9� 1�:00 FA� SEH ST. P�1UL �-�-� ROSE�iOt�\T f�1003/004 All Meeting Attenciees Januar� 31, 199�# Page 2 7• A suggestian was made that the aarge ponding area should b�e dedicated as a ponding e�sement under the first phase o� development. This wauld allaw the Ciry to have Control over the po�xding area as soon as it takes water from multiple property owners. $. The topic o�storing CMC's water was dis�ussed. It was agreed that stnring CMC's water is independent from fhe other Busine5s Par�C i�ssues, and it is not a major contern at this jaoi.t'�t_ The revenue generated by storing CMCs water xs estimated to be relatively small. As soon as CMC has a firm layaut p�azt, the drainage issue caxt be analyzed in more �tetai�. 9. Bud will �nrrite� a letter to Dakota County Engineering ]�epartment infvrmin� them of a poten�ial m�id-May construction start_ In addition, he will inc�uire about: a_ The schedule for relocat�on of the tTansmissioz� pale_ b. The possibility of Dakota Coux�ty sharing izt the cost of the 9nterseetion at CSAH �_ c_ Obtaining a temporary dXivewa�perniit from CSAH 42 ta allow grading to �ake place ozt the Iots prior to consfruc�iox� of the entrar�ce drive. 10. SBI� wx�l prepare an est�imate oE cost �or all improvements in the SQ acre parc�l and dii�ide that cost by the total dev�lopable square footage_ This esti.mated cost pez developable square foot wili be used ta de�v�lop an asking pzxce for the lats. 11. A r¢ugh schedu�e �ox the Busin�ss Park wQuld be as follows: Date Item February 1, 1994 Part A.uthority meeti�g_ Provide an update 4n the januazy 27, 1994 meeting. February 3, 1994 Staff ineeting to review �stimated cost pex devel�pable square foot for constructing all x�nprovements witl,u, the 80 acre parcel. Review cash flow scenarios. �ebruar.y 7.5, 1994 � Poxt Authority� and Council meeti�gs_ Discuss sale 4f propezty i.zt Business Park based ox� estimated cost per developable square faot. Discuss lirnits of coxtstruction for 1'hase I. DiscuSs fiz�al plat configuration. Authorize preparati�n of final plat. , , A 01/31�"94 13:01 F�1 SEH ST. PAUL -�-�� ROSEb10U�T [�j00�/00� All Nzeeting Att�ndees January 31, 1994 Page 3 Date Item March X, X�94 Part Autk�ority and Couricil mee�ngs. Review final plat. Authozize plans and specifications for Phase Y of construction_ April 5, 1994 �'ort Authority and Council meetings. Approval �al plat. Send plat to Dakota Coumiy for appro�val- A.pprove glans and specifications_ Aufhorize add for bids. April 29, 1.99� Open bids_ Ivlay 3, 1994 �'ort Authority and Council meetings. Receiv�bids/award contract. May 23, 1994 Begin constructiozt_ Pl�ase call me at 49�-2Q66 i�th�re are errors and/or ox�itssions in these meetix�g minutes ar if you �ave a�,y questions. The n�xt sta� nneeting on the Business I'ark is scheduled for Februazy 3, 1994 at 9:00 a.�. tla c: Don Ck�zistofEersen, SEH