HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Election of Officers . 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECt?TIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 1, 1994 AGEZ�TDA ITEM: ELECTION OF OFFICERS AGENDA SECTION: ELECTION OF OFFICERS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. 4 . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTACHMENTS: MINUTES FROM FEBRUARY 8, 1993 APP ��' �.���� MEETING The port authority must elect at the February meeting the following officers: 1 . Chair 2 . Vice-chair 3 . Treasurer 4. Assistant Treasurer 5 . Executive Secretary In earizer actions creating the port authority, requirements that the city' s finance director, Jeff May, and city clerk, Sue Walsh, serve as the assistant treasurer and executive secretary were established. The current Vice-Chair Edwards will conduct the election of officers . RECOI�IENDED ACTION: Elect officers . PORT AUTFiORITY P,CTION: ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETTNG FEBRUARY 8, 1993 � Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on February 8 , 1993 at 5 : 30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th SCreet West . Chairperson Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Wippermann, Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, and Sinnwell present. Commissioner Anderson was absent . Economic Development Coordinator Miller and City Attorney Mike Miles were a1.so present. Newly appointed member, Kevin Carroll, was unable to attend the meeting so will be sworn '�.z at the next Port Authority meeting. Chairperson Dunn added Appeals Officer Resignation to the agenda under Executive Director' s Report. The annual election of officers ensued. MOTION by Wippermann to nominate Ed Dunn as Chairperson. SECOND by McMenomy. MOTION by Wippermann to close nominations. SECOND by Edwards . � MOTION by Edwards for unanimous ballot to elect Ed Dunn as Chairperson. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 5 . Nays : 0. .� MOTION by Wippermann to nominate John Edwards as Vice-Chairperson. _ SECOND by McMenomy. MOTION by Wipperr::ann to close nominations and elect John Edwards as Vice-Chairperson. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . MOTION by Edwards to nominate Joan Anderson as Treasurer. SECOND by Wippermann. MOTION by McMenomy to close nominations . SECOND by Wippermann. Chairperson Dui�n called for those in favor of the nomination. Ayes : 5 . Nays. 0 . City Attorney Miles advised that the preceding motzon was to close nominations for Treasurer and that another motion was needed to elect Commissioner .Anderson as Treasurer. Miles also stated that under state statue, motions were needed to elect the Assistant Treasurer and Executive Secretary. Commissioner Edwards stated that a motion to elect him as Vice- Chairperson was also not made. MOTION by Sinnwell to elect by unanimous ballot John Edwards as Vice- Chairperson and Joan Anderson as Treasurer. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes. 5 . Nays: 0 . , -J MOTION by Edwards to elect Jeff Ma as Assistarit Treasur r McMenomy. Y e . SECOND by � i s ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING FEBRIIAR.Y 8, 19 9 3 , MOTION by Edwards to close nominations . SECOND by McMenonly. Ayes : 5 . Nays . 0 . MOTION by Edwards to elect Jeff May as Assistant Treasurer. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . MOTION by Wippermann to elect Susan Walsh as Executive Secretary. SECOND by Edwards . Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . MOTION by Edwards to approve the November 24, 1992 closed executive session minutes, January 5 , 1993 regular meeting minutes, January 19 , 1993 work session mir�utes, and the January 19 , 1993 closed executive session minutes as printed. SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . Commissioner Sinnwell requested that he be provided with the hydraulics work from the Business Park Concept Plan done by SEH, Inc. MOTION by Sinnwell to approve the payment of invoices as submitted. SECOND by Edwards . Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . Commissioners expressed their concerns regarding the expense of the goal-setting retreat and the need for a facilitator. Commissioner Edwards stated that if the argument was not regarding the facilitator' s gualifications, then in his opinion, the costs were not unrealistic. Economic Development Coordinator Miller cor.curred that costs for hotels � were comparable and that the cost for the facilitator was also in line with other facilitators . MOTION by Edwards to approve the proposal submitted by Don Salverda and Associates for the February 20 Port Authority goal-setting sessior: at the Courtyard Marriott using the above mentioned facilitator. S�COND by Wippermann. Ayes : Wippermann, Dunn, �:dwards . Nays : McMenomy, Sinnwell . MOTION by McMenomy to adjourn t� a closed executive session to discuss pending litigatic�n. SECOND by Sinnwell . Ayes : 5 . Nays : 0 . Meeting adjourned to the closed session at 5 :55 p.m. The regular meeting reconvened at 7 : 10 p.m. MOTION by Edwards to rescind Resolution 1992-3 which authorized eminent domain groceedings for land known locally as the Strese Oil site by approving Resolution 1993-3 , A RESOLIITION RESCINDING RESOLIITION 1992-3, WHTCH AIITHORIZED THE IISE OF EMINENT DOMAIN. SECOND by McMenomy. Ayes: Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Sinnwell, Wippermann. Nays : 0 . Chairperson Dunn stated that he was open to suggestions regarding the meeting date of Port Authority meetings. Discussion was held regarding changing the day of the meetings to Monday night so that the meetings would not have to conc].ude early because of City Council meetings or held at the fire station, which was also not preferred because City � Council members on the Board would have to leave for Cit Council Y - meetings. It was explained that changing the meeting day to Monday night would also conflict with other City commissions and committees. It was then suggested that this item be deferred to the goal-setting retreat and Commissioners were asked to research options for dates .