HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.b.2. Development Agreement , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE STJblMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: AUGUST 16, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR AGENDA SECTION: DR. KURT WALTER-HANSEN OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 4 . B. 2) ATTACHMENTS: REVISED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT APPROVED BY: / Attached for your review is a revised Development Agreement for the redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. The revision is the direct result of a meeting that Mr. Ron Wasmund and I had with Dr. Walter-Hansen on Thursday, August 11. I am pleased to report to the Commissioners that your staff and the developer are in agreement on all issues except one. I believe that Dr. Walter-Hansen will request that the Port Authority' s retaining of ten per cent of the tax increment revenue be amended. RECOi�iENDED ACTION: MOTION to approve for submittal to Dr. Walter- Hansen and Patricia Walter the Development Agreement for the Repairs Inc. property and adjacent properties as drafted. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: CONIlVIITMENT / DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEIVIENT, dated day of , 1994, is between the City of Rosemount Port Authority, a Minnesota public corporation, the ("RPA") and Dr. Kurt Walter- . Hansen and Patricia Ann Walter, 12101 Dodd Boulevard, Rosemount, Minnesota, (the Developer). RECITALS • The "RPA" owns certain property (the Property) within the corporate City limits of the City of Rosemount, a description of which is attached as Exhibit A. • The "RPA" is desirous of causing the Property to be developed in a manner consistent with the City of Rosemount's downtown business community. • The Developer has submitted a proposal and specifications for construction of a office building, (the Building), a description of which is attached as Exhibit B. • At its regular meeting of May 18, 1994, the "RPA" determined that it would provide the Property to the Developer for purposes of constructing the Building under the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the "RPA" and the Developer agree as follows: 1. THE "RPA'S" RESPONSIBILITTES. In consideration of Developer's construction and operation of the Building, the "RPA" shall fulf'ill the following responsibilities: A. Conveyance of Port Authority Pro�ertX. Convey by quit claim deed for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the property described in Exhibit A. The conveyance shall be made at such time as the Developer provides the "RPA" with evidence that he has firm and adequate financing for the Building and the Developer has entered into this Development Agreement satisfactory to the City of Rosemount Port Authority. B. Conveyance of City of Rosemount PronertX. Convey by quit claim deed for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), the property described in Exhibit C for purposes of Developer's construction of parking spaces and a driveway. Conveyance shall be as described in paragraph A. • C. Tax Increment Financin�. Provide to the Developer, any tax increment revenues actually resulting from the Developer's construction and operation of the Building on the Property. Such tax increment revenues shall only be due to the Developer after their receipt by the "RPA" and shall be subject to (1. C. continued) a ten percent (10%) administrative fee to be subtracted from such revenues for the benefit of the "RPA", as permitted by Minnesota 5tatutes. 2. DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITTES. In consideration of the "RPA's" provision of the Property, and the ta}� increment revenues as described in paragraph 1, the Developer shall fulfill the following responsibilities: A. Building Construction. Construct and operate a office building on the property described in E�chibit A. The Building shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications set forth in Exhibit B, and, at a minimum, shall have a face-brick exterior and a gross floor area of not less than 8000 square feet. B. Site Gradin�. The Developer shall assure that the Property is graded in such a way as to be compatible with the topography and elevations of the City of Rosemount's Erickson Community Square Park. C. Construction of Trail ar Sidewalk. The Developer shall donate a pedestrian trail or sidewalk to be constructed between the northern most parking lot on the Property and the Erickson Community Square Park. D. Parking Easement. Developer sha11 provide the "RPA° and the City of Rosemount with a permanent non-exclusive parking easement which will authorize visitors to the Erickson Community Square Park to use parking on the Property during any hours other than 8:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday of each week. The nine spaces on the west side of the building may be reserved for clinic use only. This easement shall be provided to the "RPA" and the City at the time of conveyance of the title to the Property. E. Buria1 of Utility Lines. The Developer shall cause all electrical utility lines on the south side of the Property to be buried from the pole to the east property line. F. Commencement of Construction. Subject to the issuance of necessary building and other City of Rosemount permits, the Developer shall commence site preparation and construction of the Building by not later than November 1, 1994. 2 C. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall be effective on the date first above written and shall remain in effect until all responsibilities of both parties have been fulfilled. D. Governin�w. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. WHEREUPON, the "RPA" and the Developer have executed this Agreement, intending to be bound thereby. ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY: THE DEVELOPER: By: gy: Kevin Carroll Dr. Kurt Walter-Hansen Its: Chair�erson Its: By: By: Thomas D. Burt Dr. Patricia Ann Walter Its: Executive Director Its: 4 EXfIIBIT A This e�ibit will have the legal description to the Repairs, Inc. Site 5 EXHIBIT B This e�ibit will include the Port Authority approved Site Plan and any further description of the building made by the members. 6 EXFIIBIT C This e�ibit will show the legal descriptions of the three small parcels: 1) the former church property located adjacent to T.H. 3; and 2) the rectangular parcel at the back (east) of the Repairs, Inc. lot to be used for parking; and 3) the triangular parcel east of the former church property which is the site of the driveway to the lower parking. 7