HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.d.1. Consideration of Agreement with Springsted Inc. to Complete a Study of Tax Increment Finance Revenues .....��.+....,.\ �� \ ��/_i' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SIJMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY CONIlVIISSION MEETING DATE: JULY 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: AGREEMENT WITH SPRINGSTED INC. AGENDA SECTION: TO COMPLETE STUDY OF TIF REVENUE OLD BUSINESS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER AGENDA NO. 4.D. (1) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ATTAC��V�NTS: CORRESPONDENCE FROM DAVID APPROVED BY: DROWN DATED JULY 11, 1994 Attached for the commissioners' review is a proposal from Springsted Inc. to complete a financial analysis of the Downtown Tax Increment Finance District. This work would include a review of the Rosemount Plaza Condominium project. The cost of the work is not to exceed $2,000. RECOT�IlVIENDED ACTION: MOTION TO APPROVE THE PROPO5AL FROM SPRINGSTED INC. TO COMPLETE A STUDY OF DOWNTOWN TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REVF.NUE FOR AN AMOLTNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 07i11i94 12:21 'b`612 223 3000 SPRINGSTED �1002i002 SPRINGSTED i20 South Sixth Street Swte 2507 PUBLIC FiNANCE ADVISORS Minneapolis, MN 55402•1800 {612) 333•9177 Fax: (6121 349-5230 Name Offrce 85 East Seventh Pface 16b55 West Bluemound Road Suite 100 Suite 290 Saint Paui. MN 55101•2143 8rookfield, Wl 53005•5935 t612) 223-3000 (414) 782-8222 Fax: (612) 223-3002 Fax: {414) 782-2904 6800 College Boulevard Surte 600 Overland Park, KS 66211-1533 {913) 345-8062 Fax: t913) 345•1770 1850 K Street NW Suite 215 JUIy 11, 1994 washington, DC 20006-2200 (2021 4663344 Fax: (2Q2I 223-1362 M�.Thomas Birt, Executive Director City af Rosernount Port Authority P.O. Box 510 Rasemount, MN 55068 Re: Study of Downtown TIF District Revenue Dear Mr. Birt: We have had severa! conversations in the past concerning the Downtown TiF Disirict, which terminates ln the year 2000. To be in a position to respond to the redevelopment needs of downtown into the future, it may be necessary to amend or alter the boundaries af the TiF � Distriet to provide a longer life. ! provided you under separate cover a discussion of several managem�nt actions which may be appropriate. Staff has advised that the in#ormation is not available �+vhich shows on a parcel by parcel basis #he tax increments generated by the existing district. If modifications of district boundaries are proposed, this type of information is essential as a good starting point. This {etter serves as c�ur proposal to you to prepare an analysis of the exlsting TIF District which will show cu�rent tax increment revenue information on a parcel by parcel basis. Further, we will conduct a more in-depth analysis of the revenue history of the townhouse proJects to ve�iiy that the inc�ements received from this project by the City are indeed accurate. We would propose to complete the foregoing work at our standard hourly rates, with total costs estimated not to exceed $2,000. !f work cannot be completed within that dollar amount, we witl advise you before exceeding that sum. Very truly you�s, � K!�%�� David P. Drown Vic� President /dma cc: John Miller, Economic Develapment Coordinator Dan O'Neili, Springsted Incorporated i MEMORANDUM DATE: July 19, 1994 TO: Mayor and Councilmembers FROM: Thomas D. Burt, City Manager SUBJECT: F.Y.I. Attached is the letter of intent for Municipal Legal Services for Rosemount Port Authority. The City will be contracting with Holmes and Graven, Chartered, 470 Pillsbury Center, Minneapolis, MN for General Legal Services and Special Project Services. This will be brought to City Council for approval tonight at the City Council meeting. Charles LeFevere will be the City's legal consultant and attend all port authority meetings. His retainer will be for meeting cost and an hourly rate for special projects. 4 �IOL.MES 8t C�t.A'V'EN, CHARTERED 470 P]LLSBITRX CENT��t 1vII�l�'EAl'(3LT5, MN 554Q2 (6X2) 337-93Q0 FA� # (�x2) 337-9314 Date: Ju�y i9, 1994 Our File No.. FIRM-1 i 'TO; "�o�z�as Burt Cxty of Rosemount FA.X#: 423-5203 FROM: Charlie LeFever� ]]a.rect �?ia1 #: (612) 337-9215 CUk��N',['S: (�rriginais are being sent by maiL Number of pages including cover sheet: 10 If� proM�iem arises, �a.tl Christel �.tice at (b12} 337-9279 1�0�'Y�E QF CQNFIDENTIAL INF�RMATYUl�: - '�.is fax contains confidential information which is legally�rivileged. ?he infarmatioz�is fox t�.e sole use of the intended recipYent(s) listed abo�ve. Distribution or diselosure to any andividuz�s not so listed is strictly �rohibited. @L/L 3�Kd 0LE6LE£�L9'QI N3Ab'zI� Pu1e S3Y�1'IOH=HI0213 S0° i�L i�6-6L-'IClI` �IoLm�s s� Gx.�v�rr G73ARTExED Attwneys at Y.aw i79 PSDs�ry Cmter.MloaeapoiiS,h�oeeota 554Q� RoBFaa7[.t ALsor f612)337-�xi@0 Ro6EsnC�CAS�tG R�Nnl.D H.SAT7'Y I.Ai3RA IC.�d�-fE1' STEP�3.�ITSiR, Facsimitc i612)337-9310 BAsta,fAn L�'ORTwOOD 3omv B.DP,.�ta ,�na�s M.SrxvM(Mu6x MeaY�.DosBuvs Jn,t�s J.TaoMsolv,.iR SPEFAITIE Pb CsAX.�ti i.AAXCY NL OVEATH6II�1 COBIIYNE A.HSIlY� BOA'1�ifiS L.�S Ja.1�s S H011�s V�RITER'S DIRECx'X1TAE. G,�BY P.�'�� 1Dnrnn J'.�x (s���.9x1s DevYID Y►GswvElv<Lw1p-�AU �OEiN R I.AY90ly OF COUNSSL �I.LtNGTON 8.I.A�' ROSExT G Cw�eJGSON GtiF7A�l,�S L�LRFE�'ERE ROi�1'L DwvID54N JUffi�M.L�'.�'S'1lE.�R. T..�AY 5AL11ffiN ROBP�I'.!-�.�AT.7. July 19, �99� Mr. `1'hozz�as I�. Burt City .A,dz�vnistrawr City of Rosemount P. a. Bax 510 Rosemaunt, iV�N �5�b$-0S 1� RE: Murueipal Legai Sex'vices; Rvsemount Poxt Autharixy Dear Mr. Burt: This letter is i.ntended to serve as a mernordndum of undezstanding concerna�g the scope of 1egaJ� serv�ces w be pro�'ided by Holmes&Graven,Chartered (the "Fixm") to the Pa3rE Authority of the City of Rvserna�nt(the "Authoriry") and the�ees which will be��ged for such sezvices. Yf'tl�� Authority co�.curs w�i.th the �rovisions contained iu this lett�r, p�ease arrange w have it signed at the approgriate spot and resum a signed copy to me. l.. The Authvrity appoints t,kce Firm as attomey fox the Autharity wi.th Charles L. LeF�vere acting as prir�a�y l�egal caunsel with zespect to the services descr�bed in this letter. 2. The Firm agz`ees to perfarrn all usual and customary legal services for ihe Aathozity iu� accard.anee with the tezzza.s of this l�tter. 3. The Autk�o�.ty agr�es to compensate the Firm for services as follaws: a) An annual retainer fee far A.uthority civil legal servi.ces of$5,004 payable iz� zz�az�thly installrnents of$41b.66 pe�r month, at th� end of eaeh month, eommencin� for sesvices rendered beginning August l, 1994. Services to i�e covered by the retai.ner fee are preparation for aud attendance at all Authority meetin2s, reguiar azxd speciaL CLi73?82 9IRM-1; 0L/� 3�ttd 0LE6G£E�t9'QI N3l1K2I� Pu'e S3Yd'IOH'W02I3 S0' i�L i�6-6t—'It1I' lvir. 'Z'homas D. Buzt July 19, 1944 �age 2 b) �or all othez Authority services, e�r,ept for those services deseribed iva pazagx aphs 5 and 6, campensatioz� at an k�ourl� rate of $1�0 �oz- Firm attomeys lieensed to pracace law zn Minnesata and $64 per hour for Iaw clerks and $70 �er k�our for lega� assistants. 4. The F-uxn shall a]so be se�arately reimbursed for any costs and disbwsements whi�h it i.ncurs in conn.ectian with providinrg any of the services described in paragraph 3 of t�.is letter; includxng camputez assisted legal. r�search at the rate charged by t1�e pzovider. Reirr�bursable costs and disburseznents shall not include charges far secretaxial or word pxocess�ng sex'vic�. Billings by the Authority attorney to the Authority £or services, casts and disbuxs�ments shall 1� rnade rnonthly. '�e bitling sta,t�ement shall be of su�ficient detai? to adequately ixiform the Autharity cancex�ing rhe tasks pe�.formed, the attarney perfor.ming them, the �me s�3ent an each such task and the nature and the extent o� casrs and disbursements. 'T`he statement shall also show the total tixne spent and the fees, ck�axged under categozy 3b ar�d the total rir�e spens under category 3a. Within the limits of its billina system, the attorney's billing statemezit shall also, as ze�uested by the city adarrai.n,istrator, show #he types of work dox�e in �rarious cate�ories and � the time spent and fees amibutable to eack� of such categozies. 5. In instar�ces �uvhere the Fi�n is a�tharized to act as approving bo�d coun.sel, fees �ox services rendered by the Firm in s�c� capacity s1�a]1 be tk�ase usually and customarily ck�axged by the �'irm �o�r such services. No fees which the Finn receive� as campensarion for serv�ces as approving bond counsel sliall be attributabXe ta servi.ces which the Fizxn previously rende�red in its separate capaeit� as attarney foz tk�e Authori.ty. 6. '�'he haurly rate for all attoxzzeys of rhe �'um fox ser'vices for whi�h costs are passed through to a develvpear or applicants w;ll be $130.00. For all civil �i�ti�auon or formal administrative pr�ceedings, cox�axiencin� with tk�e s�rvice on the Authority o� a summons and co�,plaint or fon�.l eharge or not�ce of adminisizatzve praceedings, the k�aurly rate for aitozneys of the F�urm vvill be $114.(�. 7. The Firrn will provide, wi.thout cost to the Authori.ty, any relevant summaries of le�islatian af rece�t court decisions,so 1o�:g as the Firm continues to provide such service genera�y to iLs clients. S. it is the iz�tention af the para.es and it i.s hereby agreed by t�e Authority attomey, that the "pri�nary legal counsel" as used herein means ax�d refers to Charles L. LeFevere wk�o will, except in the case o� extraordinary cixcwnstances involving disability, unavoidable conflzct or other good and substantial reasans, perform, CLL733&2 FIRM-11 0L/E 3�Hd 0LE6LEEZL'�9°QI N3AK219 Pu'� S3W'IOH°L�IOZi3 90° i�L 66-6L-'If1I` Mz�. Thomas D. Burt 3u1� 19, 1994 Pa.�e 3 supervise and be responsib�e ta the Autho�rity for the legal services �erein agreed u�on. T'he Fum sha11, upon zequest, provi�de the Autt�o�it� with tY�e names and qual.ifications of ot�zez�ttorneys emp�oyed by the�'imn vvho may f�Qm tune-to-iarxxe be dir�ted to perfozrrz services described in this lette� undes the supervision of C�arles LeFevere. The �'irm shall not assign any Firrn attarney not approved by the Authoriry w �er�vzm serv'ices for the Authoriry. 9. The �ixrt� a�ees Lhat it wi.�l. not undertake ihe representatian of any person or other entity duz�ng irs a�pointmiez�t as Authority attorney in insta�ces where suck� represez�tation may create a potential conflict of interest, u��less: a) TI�e �iunm reasonably believes the re�resentaiia�n r�vill not ad.vea!sely affect its relataa�shzp �'ith t1i� Authoxzt}, and b) "l�e Authority an�d such other �aersox� ar entity have �onsented after consultation. I0. 'Z'k�e �arm agrees that it w-i�� ztat, durir�g its appoi�ntment as Autl�oriiy' attomey, uz�de�take the representaiaon af aa�r elected offiici,a� of the Autt�oxi.ry or the city adminis�ator in connectaoz� with any personal legal. matter of such person; and will z�ot du�ing such appointmez�t, absent the cons,eez�t of the eiry adzniuv.strator, undertake the repxesenration of an� athc�r emplayee of the A.urk�oriry. I1. '�'k�e appointment af the Fum as A,uthority attomey may be terrninated by the �luthority at aziy tzzne and bq the Firm upon b0 da�s written norice to the Authority. �Tarhing in this lett�r or the Autk�orit�'s acceptance sk�all be deemed ta prec'�ude the oppol-tunity of the Autk�ozi,ty to retai�i and appoxz�t 1ega1 counsel o#he� thazz the Firm to represent the A,uthoz�ty in any legat mattez�s. I2. Sub�ect to the ri�hts of tenninat�on des�cribed in pazagz�ph 11, rhe prvvisions of J b thxs letter shall be deemed to be au.tomatically extended �rarn year-to-year or extended wi.th such modificatio�s oz adjustrnents as th.e .l�uthority artd the Fi�m z�.y from tirne-to-time rnutually agxee to. H�LIVI�S & GRAVEN, CHA�'t'�'ERED �� �--��' 4�- -�-� • Charles L. T..�Fe�vere CLL73382 PiRM-1]. 0L/i� 3�ttd 0L�6LEE�L9°QI N311tf21� Pu'� S3Yd'IOH°WO?13 90° bL i�6-6i-"If1P ! ' lvxx. Thoz�nas D. �3urt July X9, 1994 Page 4 'T�e prov�si,ons of tk�xs letter �re undexstood an�d acc�pted- 17�t�d: PC3RT .AUT'�34R1'I'Y' OF T� C�'Y' OF ItO5�MOU�"T' By CLL?3382 FIRM-tt 0L/S 3�ttd 0LE6GEEZL9°QI N3l1H21� Pu'e S3W'IOH'W02i3 G0' i�L 66-6t-'![]t` ;