HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Discussion of Financing Package Options for Ergotron Inc. CITY OF ROSEbiOtTNT EXLCIITIVE S�RY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY MEETING DATE: APRIL 19, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: PROPOSAL TO ERGOTRON INC. ' AGENDA SECTION: OLD BUSINESS PREPARFsD BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 6 . A. ATTACffiKENTS: NONE APPROVED BY: Under a separate cover the port authority members received a memorandum analyzing some aspects of the Ergotron request for assistance in moving its operations to Rosemount. As that memo noted, Rosemount is in competition with three other Dakota County municipalities for the Ergotron relocation. To assure some confidentiality in our competition, the members of the board may want to direct Mr. Burt and me to prepare a proposal based on the background material that has been developed for the board over the last several weeks. The proposal would be reviewed by the port authority' s marketing subcommittee before submittal to Ergotron. As you are aware, the subcommittee members include Chairperson Carroll and Commissioner Anderson. RECOb�NDED ACTION: Motion to direct the port authority staff to develop a proposal for financial assistance to permit Ergotron Tnc. to move its ope�ation to the city. The proposal shall be reviewed by the marketing subcommittee. PORT AIITHORITY ACTION: � FiEQUtS 1 t-UN HtStHVAI 1UN Ut- NAMt Business Services Division �� Offlcs of the Secr�tary of Stat� 180 State Offlcs Butidin� ' � Satnt Paui, MN 6fi166 i hereby request the Secrotary of State to reserve the neme Usted below.I unde�stand that the name reserveilo�is valid foi twelve mo�ths f�om the date on which it is filed and may be renewed fo�additional twelve mo�th periods,pursuant to MM�esots Stetutes,section 302A.117. ' i. Desirod Name: Rosemount Business Park Z. Reserved For: City of Rosemount, Mi,nnesota Port Authority . (Nob: if this name is reaerved for an orflanization not yet fortned,Ibt the indivldusl who wiil be signinq the docume�ts which will be submittsd at the time of the organization of the buainess.) Located at: 28�5 - 145th Street West Rosemount . (sw�t nun+bw! �d�1►! Minnesota 55068 (stst�l l�l � The appiica�t hereby states that the proposed nameholder is: � � s. A person doing business in this state under that name of a deceptively similar name; b. A person inte�ding to incorporete under Chapte�302A; c. A domestic corporotion intending to chanye its name; d. A foreign corporation intendin�to make application fo�a Certificate of Authority to transact business in this state; e, A foreign corporation authorized to trsnsact business in this atate a�d i�tendinp to change its name; f. A person intending to incorporate a foreign corporation snd intendin�to have the fa�eign corporation make applicetion for a Certificate of Authority to transact businass in this state;or �. A foreign corpo�ation doing busi�ess under that name or a name deceptively similar to that nsme a�a state othe�than Mi�nesota and not described in clauses d,s or f. h. An agency of a Minnesota municipal corporation. t c��tify that the foregoing is true and accurate and that i have the suthority to sign thia document�behalf of the pro- posed nemehoidet,and i funher certify that 1 tu►derstand that by signing this rsservation,l sm subject to the penalties of pery'ury as set forth i�section 609.48 as if I had sig�ed this reservatio�under oath. Signed: Position• �airperson, Rosemount Port Authority sc-ov��2-02 INSTRUCTIONS: FOR USE BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE 1. Type or print with da�k black i�k. 2. Fili�g fee: 535.00. 3. Make check payable to Secretary of State. 4. Mail or bring completed fortns to: Secretary of State Business Services Division 180 State Office Building Saint Paul,MN 55155 t612)296-2803 � M E M 0 R A N D U M TO: Tom Burt City Administrator, Rosemount FROM: Mike Miles i�'f- City Attorne DATE: April 14 , 1994 RE: Muller Theatre Negotiations Since I was given the responsibility of setting up the negot�iation sessions with Bob and Mike Muller and their attorney, I wanted to update you on events regarding that negotiation. Shortly after our meeting on Monday, April 11 , 1994 , I was able to reach Bob Muller, and advised him that the Port Authority had taken virtually all steps necessary to commence a final negotiation on a price for purchase of the ten-acre property, construction of improvements and related terms . I also suggested times on April 12, 13 , 14 and 15 that Tom Burt and I would make ourselves available in order to facilitate an early negotiation session. Bob Muller indicated that he would have to get back to me as to how they wanted to proceed at this point. After repeatedly calling Dan Tyson, the Mullers ' attorney, I was finally able to reach him in mid-afternoon on April 11 , 1994 . I also provided the same dates to Mr. Tyson and indicated the Port Authority' s eagerness to proceed with the negotiation. I had not received a response from Mr. Tyson by mid-afternoon on April 13, 1994, so I put in another call for him. He returned my call at the end of the day and indicated that he would not be meeting with the Mullers until the morning of April 15 , 1994 . He indicated that he would call me after that meeting, but that a negotiation session at any time this week could not take place. I will keep each of you apprised as to developments . Please call me if you have any questions . JMM:gmo � cc: Kevin Carroll, Chair Rosemount Port Authority E. B. McMenomy, Jr. , Mayor Joan Anderson Port Authority Member JAMES "RED" STAATS 2685 128TH STREET ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 55068 Dear Port Authority Commissioners: Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a member of the Port Authority Commission. I have found that the time required to be both a Port Authority Commissioner and a City Councilmember is very extensive and therefore wish to resign from the Port Authority at this time. I'm sure I will continue to see each of you and expect to be informed as a City Councilmember of Port Authority issues. Please accept my resignation from the Port Authority Commission effective April 20, 1994 . Sincerely, �+� James Staats City Councilmember