HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Minutes of April 5, 1994 Regular Meeting ,, ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS ����� REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 1994 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on Tuesday, April 5, 1994, at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chair Carroll called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Busho, Edwards, McMenomy, Staats, and Wippermann present. Staff present included City Administra.tor Burt, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, Park and Recreation Director Bechtold, and port authority attorney Miles. Dave Simons, consulting engineer from SEH, was also present. Commissioners requested two corrections to the agenda. Item 9. A., Change of May meeting date, was placed under the consent agenda, and 7. C. was pulled from the agenda as it was considered an informational item only. Commissioners concurred that the May 3 meeting should be changed to May 4, 1994, at 5:30 p.m. Commissioner Wippermann questioned the correctness of the $.30 per square foot figure used to describe the difference between Cottage Inc.'s budgeted amount and the Brobacks' selling price as sta.ted on page 2, paragraph 5 of the minutes. Wippermann felt that the figure should be $.20 per square foot. Recording Secretary Widstrom was directed to check with Public Works Director Wasmund and determine the conect figure. MOTION by Edwards to approve the corrected April 5, 1994, regular meeting minutes. SECOND by Busho. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Discussion regarding the Lindquist and Vennum invoice ensued. Commissioners agreed that clearer documentation from Lindquist and Vennum is needed and that a full and complete accounting of the past and current invoices should be requested. MOTION by Carroll to approve the first four bills as listed and defer payment of the Lindquist and Vennum bill until a full accounting is received. SECOND by Edwards. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Chair Carroll provided a brief update on the Muller Family Theater project. Carroll advised that the Mullers' are expressing some degree of frustration over the lack of progress and have expressed wishes to proceed with some type of negotiations. Carroll suggested that an ad-hoc committee be formed to discuss and arrive at specific infrastructure costs so that decisions can be made soon. Commissioner McMenomy questioned the appropriateness of the suggestion, feeling that city staff should be working out the details. McMenomy requested that he be allowed to attend any committee meetings, if one is formed. MOTION by Wippermann to authorize Chairperson Carroll to assemble a group of interested persons to explore business park land sale options with Muller Family Theater representatives with a goal of campleting a proposal for the full port authority to consider at a meeting to be called by the chairperson. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: McMenomy, Anderson, Wippermann, Carroll, 5taats, Edwards, Busho. Nays: 0. ' ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS � F� REGULAR MEETING APRII, 5, 1994 Commissioner Edwards offered a friendly amendment to the motion, requesting that a time limit for completion of the work be set. Commissioners agreed that a report should be provided at the next port authority meeting. Commissioners Wippermann and Staats agreed to the amendment to their motion. For the benefit of late arriving audience members, Chair Carroll explained that item 7. C. had been pulled from the agenda. Economic Development Coordinator Miller provided an overview of the Real Esta.te Exposition plans and expenditures. The exposition will be held on Wednesday, April 13, 1994, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Miller explained that the main reason for participating in the exposition is to begin promotion of the business park. Unfortunately, the promotional brochure being designed to describe location, size, fmancing and access to the business park will, more than likely, not be completed by the Expo. Miller requested that commissioners interested in volunteering to work the booth that day advise him as soon as possible. Commissioner Anderson suggested that a sign promoting the business park be placed on the property. Anderson advised that she had obtained a high quote of $250.00 (without posts) for the sign. Commissioners agreed that placing a sign on the property should be pursued. MOTION by Wippermann to approve planned expenditures for the Real Estate Exposition. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Dave Simons, consulting engineer from SEH, reviewed staff correspondence regarding plans and specif'ications for the business park. Simons advised that the final plat will be reviewed at the city council meeting tonight and if approved will be on the Dakota County Plat Commission's agenda April 11. Simons explained the reasons for delaying approval of the plans and specifications to April 19 instead of April 5. First, he wants the commissioners to have full understanding and input into the final design, as details are still being worked on; and second, the city is accepting bids on five other projects on May 13 and there could be administrative cost savings by doing all the projects at once. The commissioners raised no objections to the proposed new tune schedule as outlined on the executive summary. Park and Recreation Director Bechtold reported briefly on the Park Board action and his memo of March 29 regarding the park dedication for the business park, and specif'ically the linear park concept around the ponding area. Bechtold advised that the Park Board had voted on March 21, 1994, to change the park dedication for the business park from a cash dedication to a land dedication and at that time expressed their wishes for port authority assistance in the project. The Park Board is very pleased with the prospect of working with the port authority in developing the park and felt that it was a win-win situation for everyone involved, including the citizens of Rosemount. Economic Development Coordinator Miller reported on the April 4, 1994, meeting with Mr. Harold Wachter regarding the purchase of his property adjacent to the business park. Miller advised that Mr. Wachter did agree to sell an easement to the port authority for trail and utility purposes for a 2 � . �� ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 1994 sum of $2,000.00. Miller requested that the port authority authorize port authority attorney Miles to complete the easement documents. Miller further advised that Mr. Wachter is still not interested in selling only the northern portion of his property; he is requesting that the port authority make an offer for the entire 42.5 acres. Mr. Wachter, however, may consider selling the northern 14 acres with an option on the rest. Discussion regarding the easement ensued. Bechtold explained that because the port authority is considered the developer of the business park, they would be required to purchase the easement as any other developer of a project would. Commissioners agreed to wait until the business park bids are received and defer discussion until the next port authority meeting. Economic Development Coordinator Miller directed the commissioners' attention to the memo prepared by Eric LeBow regarding the research he completed on metro area business and/or industrial parks. Miller also advised that David Drown from Springsted was present to discuss cashflow projections for the business park. Chair Carroll requested that Miller commend Mr. LeBow on the fine work he performed in the preparation of the report. Mr. Drown passed out and reviewed cashflow projections for the steady sale of land in the business park. Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of land not being sold immediately and when the board would have to start looking at other alternatives for payment of the land. Drown advised that the board would have to seriously consider a levy process in the fall of 1994 if no land has been sold by that time. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised, that at the request of Commissioner Wippermann, a synopsis of contacts with White Funeral Home by city and port authority staff was completed. Commissioner Wippermann explained that he had originally made the request while the port authority was working on the Repairs Inc./Johnson project. During that process, White Funeral Home was mentioned several times as an alternative project for the Repairs, Inc. site. Wippermann clarif'ied that his intentions were not to insinuate a conflict of interest or of any wrong doing on anyone's part, but that the matter should be addressed and clarified before any votes were taken on the proposed projects recently submitted for port authority review. Commissioner McMenomy requested that he be allowed to provide a written response, at the next port authority meeting, from family members involved in the White Funeral Home discussions as summarized in Miller's memo. MOTION by Carroll to request that Cottages Inc. support their proposal with a market study and financials showing project viability. SECOND by Wippermann. Commissioner McMenomy advised, for the record, that the real estate signs from his company remaining on the Broback property cannot be removed as of yet because of the frost remaining in the ground. McMenomy explained that any agreements between his company and the Brobacks have expired. 3 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS ����� REGULAR MEETING APRIL 5, 1994 Commissioners also requested verification that Cottages Inc. would be securing the studies at their own expense. Miller advised that indeed that was the case. Chair Carroll polled the commissioners. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that Ergotron is still interested in Rosemount as a location to relocate their operations. Miller explained that he will be meeting with David Drown of Springsted on Friday, April 8 to discuss and draft proposals for Ergotron. Chair Carroll received from Miller and opened a proposal for the post office land remnant owned by the port authority. A proposal was received from Ken Rosemount Partners to purchase the land fragment for $1,050.00 and the proposal stated that Ken Rosemount Partners intended to use the land fra.gment as additional parking for the shopping mall. Miller advised the board that another party, Thomas Ehlen of Ehlen Limited Partnership representing the post office, was also interested in the land fragment but needed more time to submit a proposal. Commissioners agreed to defer action to the next port authority meeting, giving Ehlen a chance to submit a proposal. Port authority attorney Miles advised that Ken Rose Partners should be given a chance to re-submit a proposal if they choose. MOTION by Edwards to notify Ken Rosemount Partners that the port authority is going to allow another proposer a chance to submit a proposal and will give the Ken Rosemount Partners an opportunity to respond in any fashion they choose. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Economic Development Coordinator Miller advised that two proposals were received for the redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. A third prospective proposer, Dr. Karl Biewald, inquired about the site but chose not to submit a proposal because of time constraints. Chair Carroll opened up the meeting to the proposers and asked if they would like to add any details to the submitted proposals. There was no representative from White Funeral Home present. Dr. Kurt Walter- Hansen spoke briefly regarding his proposal. Commissioners directed Miller to contact Dr. Biewald and solicit information regarding his intentions. Commissioner McMenomy advised, for the record, that Dr. Walter-Hansen had contacted him regarding the Repairs, Inc. site and he had refened him to Economic Development Coordinator Miller. Commissioner Wippermann also stated, for the record, that Dr. Biewald had contacted him regarding the Repairs, Inc. site and he had directed him to City Administrator Burt. MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Staats. Ayes: 7. Nays: 0. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom Recording Secretary 4