HomeMy WebLinkAbout10. Public Works Labor AgreementF,,.,-..-,-.. .... . .. ... . . .... . .,.. . ..... .... . .... . ..... .... . ... .. . . ... CITY OF R03EMOUNT EXECUTIVE BUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PUBLIG WORKS LABOR AGREEMENT AGENDA SECTION: CLOSED SESSIC?N PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK AGENDA�R/� � � CITY ADMINISTRATOR �YI � ATTACHMENTS: NONE APP VED : This is a request for Council to consider going into close session to discuss the 1993-94 Labor �igreement between the City and Teamsters, Local 320. ,� RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED SESSION TO DISCUSS THE 1993-i994 PUBLIC WORKS LABOR AGREEMENT COUNCIL ACTION: � _ , . � � ** CONFIDE NTIAL MEMO ** TO: Mayor McMenomy Counciimembers Wilicox, Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Steve Ji{k, Adminis#rator DATE: July 30, 1993 SUBJ: Public t�bor Agreement for 1993-94 Attached for your review is a draft ot the iabor agreement which has been agreed to , by the pubiic works union. i would like to review these changes with you in closed session; and hopefuily take action for approvai of the contract as part of the regular agenda. i have addressed below all the changas as a resutt of aur negotiation sessions over the past months. Please note that the �rst four items are changes made fram a subsequent negotiation session since I last discussed this contract with you. Unti1 this contract is approved by Council, we consider it confidential information; and therefore, this is only being provided to the Gouncil for review and discussion a#the closed meeting. 1. Out-of-Class PaX: Employees shall be compensated on an accumulative basis for all out-of-class work of the same Ievef that is performed in an eight hour shift. 2. Retirement Pav: Percentages of sick leave buyouts remained the same except for employees who have worked for the city 16 pfus years. This percentage was changed from 60%o to 75°fo 3. Wages: Levef I would receive an increase of 3°k plus $.35. Therefore, salaries in contract for 1993'reflects the follow'rng increases: �evel Itt 2.0% increase Level II 2.5% increase Level I 3.0% plus $.35/hour increase for 1993 For 1994, the following increases were agreed upon: Level I I I 2.5°to L�vel 11 2.5% Level I 2.5% plus $.20/hour The draft contract also addresses the Public Service Worker classification or possibfy other cfassi�cations and that the contract wiN be reopened to discuss placernent and movement criteria af employees within the ranges. YF . . . . . . � . . : Under the overt+me articfe of the ��of he city 4 v rtim and Seasonal W r�k�rs ora or seasanal included a new section wh►ch addres��se�Q�e�pwilirbe the inte have lo ees r to offer overtime to futi-time emp Y P empioyees. , m � e ' E tat : Current contract a�l�on o��mPtoyee's 5 � k � V� p o t to E p°Y aid to emploYee s estate m ev accumulated s�ck feave to be p death. Propose d contract inereased the amount to 100%of accumulated sic leave. : Current contract exciudes mothe adds emp oyee'srmother- 6. Fun rai Leave ��erat leave pay. Proposeci contract from three day in-law and father-9n-taw. osed contract 9nciudes lo ment of the city in good 7. Pr bationa Peri d f r o eeeeaves the emp rYp ee wouid not have to fanguage that i# an emp Y , ear, the rehired emploY standing and is rehired withm one y serve a six month probationary period. ow rovides $7 per Week for renting uniforms for g. Clothin4 ANowance: �"1e ���" n p e allaws �300 a Year clothing the empioYee. Proposed contract langua9, d em loyees buy and mainta�n theire nand on1 f ertai�nfi�emsaas allowance, an P �Me emp►oy �o ee�s purchased from a vendor selected by be �rchased fro oof oP Purchase for addressed in the proposed cantract may P allowance. EmpioYees can be reimbursed upon p ciothing or shoes and handwear. ProPosed o oe tra�af�o�O jeans, work pants, work boots to �o years' worth (�600) from Y allows emp�oY�es to carryover Up to wear uniforms at work and requires the ne�; requires ernpioyees only employee to maintain uniforms in good candition. osed contract allows an emploYee in the union to lo ee each year for the g. Donated Sick Leave: Prop m a� emp�oyee can receive is donate up to 16 hours of sick teave tm�m���m�mp y employee to use in an emergency. 20 hours. Se sonai Ern I : Proposed contract will allow �o �es wiil 10. Tem ora / a p�� to 120 daYs• These emp Y , emploYees to work up the city and seasonai/temporary not re ceive contractual benef�ts and wa9es Wi�� ae �etermined by outside of the contract. �o ees do not have an ublic works emp Y osed 11. Ed cation Reimbursem�� Currently p �o ee� have. Pr�P o�`� � to e duc a t i o n r e�m b u r sement program t ee�°ba s e d p o t h e existing�city p Y contract ailows pubiic works empioy ear for tuit�on an d 50 a ear plus an additionat 50°�� over the $750 y rece�ve �7 Y books. , � r 1 LABOR AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND RZINNESOTA TEAMSTERS PUBLIC AND LAW ENFORCEMENT EMPLOYEES' UNION, L4CAL NO. 320 (PITBLIC WORKS DEPARI'MENT) JANUARY 1, 1993 - DECEMBER 31, 1994 r, j . . � � � � � � . INDEX ARTTCLE ALPHABETICALLY LISTED PAC�E 15 Call Back 14 35 Clothing Allowance 25 17 Coffee Breaks 15 16 Compensatory Time Accumulation and Use 15 12 Constitutional Protection 13 3 Defuutions 2 11 Discipline 12 22 Donated Sick Leave 18 40 Duration 27 31 Education Reimbursement 23 5 Employer Authority 4 8 Employee Rights, Grievance Procedure 6 4 Employer Security 3 23 Funeral Leave 19 30 Group Insurance Benefits 22 20 Holidays 16 29 Job Posting . 21 26 Lega1 Defense 20 36 Longevity 26 18 Lunch - Dinner Break 15 14 Overtirne 14 i INDEX (CONT'D) PAGE 19 24 Parentai Leave 37 Performance Evaluations 26 27 Probationary Periods 21 1 Purpose of Agreement 1 1 2 Recagnition 24 34. Retirement Pay 4 6 Right to subcontract 21 28 Safety 28 Appendix A Salary Schedule 10 9 Saving Clause 11 ip Seniority 31 ApPendix B Seniority List 24 33 Severance Pay 16 21 Sick Leave 27 _ Signature Page 39 Temporary/S�asonal Employees 27 4 � Union Security _._ 15 19 Use of City Equipment or Facilities 32 Utility Department Licenses and Pay 23 20 25 Vacation 26 38 Waiver 13 13 Work Schedule ll ( . . . . � � . . . � ... . � . . . � Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract to have engaged in strike on such date or dates. An employee who strikes and whose employment has been terminated for such action may, subsequent to such vioiation, be appointed or reappointed or emplayed or re-employed, but the employee shall be on probation for two (2) years with respect to such Civil Service status, tenure of employment, or contract of employment, as the employee may have theretofore been entitled. No employee shall be entitled to any daily pay, wages or per diem for the days on which the employee engaged in a strike. ARTICLE 5 - EMPLOYER AUTHORITY The EMPLOYER retains the full and unrestricted right to operate and manage alI manpower, facilities, and equipment; to establish functions and programs; to set and amend budgets; to determine the utilization of technology; ta establish and modify the organizational structure; to select, direct and determine the number of personnel; and to perform any inherent managerial functions not specifically limited by this , AGRF]EMENT. Any terrn and eondition of employment not specifically established or modif'ied by this AGREEMENT shall remain solely within the discretion of the EMPLC?YER to modify, estabiish or aliminate. ARTICLE 6 - RIGHT OF SUBCONTRACT Nathing in this AGREEMENT shall prohibit or restrict the right of the EMPLOYER from subcontracting work performed by empioyees covered by this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE 7 - LTNION SECURITY 7.1 The EMPLOYER shall deduct from the wages of employees who authorize such a deductian in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly LTrtION dues, or a "fair 4 r: , Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract share" deduction, as provided in Minnesota Statues 179A.06, subdivision 3, if the ernployee elects not to becor�e a member of the LTNION. Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the ITNION. 7.2 The I7NION may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act as a Steward and an alternate and shall inform the EMPLOYER in writing of such choice and changes in the position af Stewaxd and/or alternate. 7.3 The IIviPLOYER shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for the posting of official iTNIOI�T notice and announcements. 7.4 The UTTION agrees to indemnify and hold the EMPLOYER harmless against any and all elauns, suits, order of judgments brought or issued against the EMPLOYER as a � result af any action taken or nat taken by the EMPLOYER under the provisions af this Article. 7.5 The EMPLOYER agrees that on the EMPLOYER'S premises and without loss of pay xhe UI�IIQN Steward shall be allowed to post official ITNION notices; transmit communications authorized by the UNION of its officers under the terms of this AGREEMENT; to consult with the EMPLOYER, or the EMPLOYER'S representatives, UNlON officers of the IJIVION representative concerning the enforcement of any provision af this AGREEMENT, so long as such action does not interfere with regular emplayee duties. The LTNI�N shall not take employees from the performance of their assigned responsibilities without prior approval of the EMPLOYER'S designated representative. 5 ♦ . f . . � . . . . . . . . Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract 7.6 The Steward is authorized to perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities which are assigned under the terms of this AGREEMENT and any supplementary agreements. The EMPLOYER agrees that there shall be no restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination against the Steward because of the performance of such duties. ARTICLE 8 - EMFLOYEE RIGHTS - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 8.1 DEFTNITION OF A GRTEVANCE. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation or application of the specific terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. 8.2 LTI�TION REPRFSENTATIVFS. The ENIPLOYER will recognize representatives designated by the LTNION as the grievance representatives of the bargaining unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The tJrTION shall notify the EMPLOYER in writing of the names of such iTNION representatives and of their successors when so designated, as provided by Section 7.2 of this AGREEMENT. 8.3 PROCESSING OF A GRIEVANCE. It is recognized and aceepted by the LTNION and the EMPLOYER that the process of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited � by the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be accomplished during normai working hours only when consistent with such employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and a UNiON representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss in pay to investigate and present a grievance to the EMPLOYER during normal working hours provided that 6 . �. . I . � . . . � Teamsters Laca1 No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contra�ct the employee and the LTNIOl'�T representative have notifieti and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has determined that such absence is rea:sonable and would not be detrimental to the work of the EMPLOYER. 8.4 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE. Grieuances, as defined in Sectian 8.1, shall be resolved in conformance with the following procedure; Step 1: An employee claiming a violation concerning the interpretation or application of this AG��NT shall, within twenty-one{21) calendar days after such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's supervisor as designated by the EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYER-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to sueh_Step 1 grievanee within ten (1Q) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing setting forth the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision or provisions of the-AGRF�EMENT allegedly violated, the remedy requested and shall be appealed to Step 2 within xen (10) calendar days after the EMPLOYER-designated Representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 2 by the LTNION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. Step 2: If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the UI�tION and discussed with the EMPLOYER-designated Step 2 representa.tive. The EMPLOYER- designated Representative shall give the UI�tION the EMPLOYER'S Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 2 grievance; A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3 within ten (10) calendar 7 . , Tearnsters Loeal No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract days following the EMPLOYER-designated Representative's fmal Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 3 by the UNION within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived. Step 3: If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the TJIVION and discussed with the EMPLOYER-designated Step 3 representa:tive. The EMPI.OYEk- designated representative shall give the LTIVION the EMPLOYER'S answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3 grievance. A Grievance not resoived in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within ten (10) calenclar days shall be considered waived. Step 4: A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed within ten (10) calendar days of the EMPLOYFR'S Step 3 answer to Step 4 shall be submitted to the Minnesota Bureau of Mediation Services. A grievance not resolved in Step 4 may be appealed to Step 5 within (10) calendar days following the EMPLOYER'S final answer in Step 4. Any grievanee noC appealed in writing to Step 5 by the UNION within ten (1Q) calendar days shall be considered waived. Ste� 5: A grievance unresolved in Step 4 and appea.led ta Step 5 by the I.TNION shall be submitted to arbitration subje�t to the provisions of the Public Employmeant La.bor Relations Act of 1971, as amended. The selection of an arbitra.tor shall be made in accordance with the "Rules Governing the Arbitration of Grievanees° as esta.blished by the Public Employment Relations Board. 8 � � y � ' . . . . � . . . � . . � . Teamsters Lacal No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract 8.5 ARBITRAT4R'S AUTHORITY. (A) The arbitratar shall have no right to amend, modify, nullify, ignore, add to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT. The arbitrator shall cansider and decide only the specifie issue(s) submitted in writing by the EI��LOYER and the tTNION, and shall have no authoriry to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. (B} The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to, or inconsistent with, or modifying or varying in any way the apglication of laws,' rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The arbitrator's decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty (30) days following close of the hearing or the submission of briefs by the parties, whicheuer be la.ter, unless the parties agree to an extension. The decision shall be binding on both the EMPI.OYER and the LTrTION and shall be based salely on the arbitrator's - interpretation or application of the express terms of this AGR:F:ENIENT and to the facts of the grievance presented. (C) The fees and expenses for the arbitra.tor's services and proceedings shall be borne equally by the EMPLOYER and the UNiON, provided that each party shall be responsible for compensating its own representaxives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim record of the proceedings it may cause such a record to be made, providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim recard of the proeeedings, the cost shall be shared equally. 9 , , Teamsters Loca1 No, 320 1993 - 1994 Contract 8.6 WAIVER. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above it shall be considered waived. If a grievance is not appealed to the next step within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the EMPL4YER'S last answer. If the EMPLOYER does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the specified time limits, the LJI�tIOl�T may elect to treat the grievanee as denied at that step and immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time lirnit in each step may be extended by mutual written agreement of the EMPLOYER and tTNION in each step. 8.7 CHOICE OF ��DY. If, as a result of the written EMPLOYER response in Step 3, the grievance remains unresolved, and if the grievance involves the suspension, demotion or dis�harge of any employee who has completed the suspension, demotion or discharge or any employee who has completed the required probationary period, the grievance may be appealed either to Step 5 of ARTICLE 8 or a procedure such as Veteran's Preference or Fair Employment. If appealed to any procedure other than Step 5 of ARTICLE 8 or another appeal procedure, and shall sign a statement to the effect that the choice of any other hearing precludes the aggrieved employee from making a,subsequent appeal through Step 5 of ARTICLE 8. ARTICLE 9 - SAVINGS This AGREEMENT is subject to law. In the event any provisions of this AGREEMENT shall be held to be contraiy to law by a court of cornpetent jurisdiction of whole final judgment or decree no appeal has been taken within the 10 Teamsters Lacal No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract time provided, such provisions shall be voided. All other provisians of tius AGR}�..�.:MENT shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision may be renegotia.ted at the written request of either party. AR.TICLE 10 - SEIVIORITY 10.1 Seniority shall be determined by the employee's Iength of empioyrnent with the City and their length af service in a job classification. Seniority rosters shall be maintained by the EMPLOYER on this basis and posted in an appropriate location. The seniority list accepted as being accurate as of the date of the contract will be that as shown on Appendix "B" attached. 10.2 A reduction of vvork force and recall will be accomplished on the following basis provided that the senior employee is fully qualified to perform all assigned duties of the job classificatian. The EMPLOYER will layoff or cease to employ part-time employees with the same job description prior to laying off permanent full-time employees within the unit with those same jah descriptions. The EMPLOYER may choose which position (i.e. Level I, II, III to layoffl. The employee with the least seniority holding a position chosen for layoff by the EMPLOYER will have the opportunity to "bump" into the next lower level pasition in the unit with the same job description based on their time af employment with the City. As ernployees in the unit continue to utilize this "bumping" option the "layoff" will cause the person with the least seniority in the lowest level (Level I) to be laid off first. An employee on layoff shall have an opportunity to return to wark within two (2) years of the time of 11 r Teamsters Loca1 No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract the employee's layoff before any new employee is hired. Employees recalleci shall be placed in the position they were la.id off from with their original date of employment as their seniority date. The names of employees whose recall rights have expired shall be remaved from the lay-off list. 10.3 Recalled employees shall have ten (1D) working days after notification of recall by registered mail at the employee's last known address to report to work or forfeit all recall rights. _ 10.4 Vacation period shall be selected on the basis of continuous employment within the bargaining unit until Masch 1 of each calendar year. ARTICLE 11 - DISCIPLINE 11.1 The EMPLOYER will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be in the form of: a. oral reprimand - must be recorded in writing, b. written regrimand; c. suspension; d. demotian; or e. discharge 11.2 Suspensions, demotions and discharges will be in written fortn. 11.3 Written reprimands, notices of suspension and notices of discharge which are to become part of an employee's personnel file shall be read and acknowledged by a signature of the employee. Employees and the iJNION will receive a copy of such reprirnands and/or notices. i2 �.. � . . . . . � � . Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract 11.4 Employees may examine their own individual personnel file at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the EMPLOYER. 1L5 Discharge will be preceded by a five (5) day suspensiQn without pay. 11.6 Employees will not be questioned concerning an investigation of disciplinary action unless the employee has been given an opportunity to have a I7NION representaxive present at such questioning. 11.7 Grievances relating to this Article shall be initiated by the LT1vION in step 3 of the Grievance Procedure under ARTICLE 8. ARTICLE 12 - CONSTITUT�ONAL PROTECTION Employees shall have the rights granted to all citizens by the United States and Minnesota State Constitutian. AR'TICLE 13 - W4RK SCHEDLTLES 13.1 The sole authority in work schedules is the EMPLOYER. The normal work day for an empioyee shall be eight (8) hours. The normal work week shall be forty (40) hours. 13.2 Service to the public may require the establishment of regular shifts for some employees on a daily, weekly, seasonal, or annual basis other than the normal 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. day. The EMPLOYER will give two (2) weeks' advance notice to the emplayees affected by the establishment of work days different from the employee's normal eight (8) hour work day. 13.3 In the event that work is required because of unusual circumstances such as (but not limited to) fire, flood, snow, sleet, or breakdown of municipal equipment or facilities, 13 � � Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract no advance notice need be given, It is not required that an employee working other than the normal work day be scheduled to work mare than eight (8) hours; however, each employee has an obligation to work overtime or call backs if requested unless unusual circumstances prevent the emplayee from so working. 13.4 Service to the public may require the establishment of regular work weeks that schedule work on Saturdays and/or Sundays. ARTICLE 14 - OVERTIlVIE 14.1 Hours worked in excess of er`�:�>�����::`;��i:r�>`` r:>�:'::<a� fort 40 hours er week shall <>;�;�;:<:;:>;�_:;�:»>::::>::»>::>:<::<�:>::::::»>:<:�'>_>::>::>: Y ( ) P be compensated for at one and one-half (1-1/2)times the employee's ���1ar �se pay rate. 14.2 Overtime will be distributed as equally as practicable. 14.3 Overtime refused by employees will, for record purposes under ARTICLE 14.2, be considered as unpaid overtime worked. 14.4 For the purpose of computing overtune compensation, overtime hours worked shall not be pyramided, compounded, or paid twice for the sarne haurs worked. ::<>:>::;;>:::<;:>::<:>:::::,;::�::»::>:>:::;::>:;::>::>:>;::::>:::;>�::>:::::>:::>:::::.,:;.:::::::.:.:....::::::::.:.:>::>;::>::»:;:::>:..,:::::::::>::>::;:<:;::;::>.<>::.:>::;:>::><::>::>::>,:>: �::>:;::::::>::;::;::>::>::>::>::>:>:>::<::>:>�:>;::>;,>:.::;:.;>::.;::;:.;:,::<;.; ;��.5>::::::<�>i�:::�::�::�t�nt:.����. �:��..:��.��i��r::;:c���r�:rr��:::�c�:::��t�:�::� ta �s. ��::�o ......__. ::::::�::<:..:::.::::::::::..._:....::..:::::..::.::::....:.::.:::.::::::.::::::.::::::.:.::::::.::::.::.::::.:::�. -::::::::::::::. .. .......................:.::;;;:.;:.:::.:::.;:.;:.:::.;:.:.;;::.:;::.;:.;:.::.;:.::.::.;:.;;;_.:>:.....::::_. ...:.....,..............:..:...................................,...............:..............�::::�..:::.�::�:,:::::.::::::: . :.:................................................................................... _ :... �np�z�l���a€�rn�l�ee�;: ARTICLE i 5 - CALL BACK An employee called in for work at a time other than the employee's normal scheduled shift will be compensated for a minimum of two (2) hours' pay at one and one-half (1-1/2) tirnes the emplayee's �ce,g�;la� �se pay raxe. . 14 t � � . . � . . . . � � � . . Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract ARTICLE 16 - COMPENSATORY TIlVIE ACCUMULATION AND USE 16.1 Compensatory time may be accumulated for overtime worked at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times at the discretion of the EMPLOYER. 16.2 Compensatory time off, if granted by the EMPLOYER, may be allowed to accumulate to a maximum of eighty (80j hours. Combined accumulation of campensatory time off and vacation will not exceed vacation maxirnum plus (+) forty (40) hours. 16.3 Compensatory time off shall be a feature of this AGRF..EMENT only as long as Compensatory time off does not jeapardize the City's position with regard to the Fair Labor Standards Act and according to Federal and State Law. ARTTCLE 17 - COFFEE BREAKS Coffee breaks shall be provided once in the morning and once in the afternoon for up to fifteen (IS) minutes each and are to be taken at the job site. ARTICLE 18 - LUNCH-DINNER BREAK The lunch or dinner break shall be unpaid thirty (30) minutes and should be taken at the job site when circumstances permit. ARTICLE 19 - USE OF CITY EQUIPMENT OR FACILITIES No employee shall use City equipment or facility for the employee's private use unless express written approvai is received from the EMPLOYER.. 15 I I Tea.msters Local No. 32Q 1993 - 1994 Contract ARTICLE 20 - HOLIDAYS 20.1 Holidays shall be a5 follows: 1. New Years Day 7. Columbus Day 2. Martin Luther King Day 8. Veterans' Day 3. President's Days ' 9. Thanksgiving Day 4. Memorial Day 10. Friday after 5. Independence Day Tha:nksgiving Day 6, Labor Day 11. Christmas Day 20.2 When New Year's Day, Independence Day, Veterans' Day and Christmas Day fall on Sunday, the following day shall be observed; and if the haliday falls an Saturday, it� shall be observed on Friday. AR'TICLE 21 - SICK LEAVE 21.1 Full-tirne employees shall earn eight (S) hours of sick leave for each full month of employment, pro-rated to the nearest hour for partial rnonth's service. 21.2 There will be no maximum accumulation of siek leave. 21.3 Accumulated sick leave may be used for absence from work necessitated by illness, injury, pregnancy as required by law, or medieal or dental care which cannot be scheduled other than during working hours subject to the appraval of the ���€��� . ...... �+� or the ��x-t��t�►��� �����e�. When the use of accumulated sick leave is approved, for compensation purposes, employees will be considered to have worked their norrnal work day. Use of sick leave in excess of three (3) �a��€��u'� days shall require written meclical documentation. 16 t � . . . . � . . .. . Teamsters Loca1 No. 320 1993 - 19�4 Contract 21.31 Accumulated sick lea�e may also be used to make such arrangements as are reasonably necessary because of serious illness or injury in the immediate family of the employee, said use, however not to exceed forty hours (40). Use of more than twenty-four (24) hours of sick leave up to forty (40) for this purpose must be requested in increments of eight (8) hours. 21.32 Immediate family is defined as the employee's spouse, minor children and parents. The forty (40) hours leave permitted under this Section is a maximum limitation and supervisors should be alert to the faet that arrangements for providing nursing care should ordinarily take much less tirne ' than forty (40) hours. 21.4 The repeated or systematie use of sick leave shall require written medical verification upon written not�cation to the employee from the EMPLOYER. 21.5 Use of sick lea.ve benefits for reasons other than thase stated in 21.3 of this Article shall be just ca.use for disciplinary actian. 21.6 Notificaxion. Empioyees unable to report for their work day because of illness or injury shall notify their supervisor or designee prior to their scheduled starting time, except in the event of an emergency which prevents an employee form notifying their supervisor. Employees failing to give such notice may be subject to discipline_ 21.7 Upon request of a full-time emplayee who is absent from work as a result of a compensable injury covered under the provisions of the Worker's Compensation Act, the EMPLOYER will pay the difference between the benefit received by the employee 17 I ' Teamsters Local Nt�. 32q 1993 - 1994 Contract pursuant to the Worker's Compensation Act and the employee's normal da.iiy wages to the extend of the employee's earned sick leave. 21.71 Such payment shall be made by the EMPLOYER to the employee only for the period af disability or until the employee's earned s�ck leave is exhausted. 21.72 The deduction from an employee's earned sick leave shall be a pro-rated amount based on the Worker's Compensation benefit and the emplayee's normal daily wages. 21.8 In the event of the death of employee, the estate shall be entitled to a�e k��t�� ....................:.......... ............................. ���� ������ ' of the employee's accumulated sick leave at the rate last paid to the employee. :. ....:....:..........>..,. ;:.;:;;;.....:...:..:.....;.....:......,:;:._.:......,.:..,.::...>...;...:.._ ��.�.�,���.�..�.��'�.�'�2����_�x.�.. �� ...............::.;:;>:...;>;;:::::>::.;;::::;:.::;_:.;:>:;:::.::.:::;:>::::«::;.;>:;;>;:;.::<:.:>:..;;::.:: :.:::::::.::.:.....;::;.:::_._;::<;.:;:::.:;:::::::::.,<.::::_.>:<:::.>:<.;,:>;:.;:.::;::: .;::..;::..;::::.::< �:>.:::::::::>:::::>::. :-:..:.. .. ::. .. ;:::... . ::>:.. ..... . . ... :.: <:::. .._.:; 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..�'. .: ::.;� �:.;::.;:.;:.;: ARTTCLE 23 - FI:1��TERAL LEAVE 23.1 A maximum of three (3) da.ys leave with pay may be granted upon request in the event of a death in the employee's immediate family consisting of spouse, rnother, father, brother, sister, and children. Up to two additional days of leave may be granted, with approval by the EMPLOYER, in the death of the employee's spouse, children, parent, grandparent, �-�.��I��eg� ����e�� ���v �-� �t��.t�.���. 23.2 A one day leave with pay will be granted upan request in the event of the death of other relatives as set forth in the City Personnel Policy. ARTTCLE 24 - PAR�NTAL LEA�E Parental leave shall be granted as required by law. 19 , Teamsters Local Na. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract ARTICLE 25- VACATIUN 25.1 All full-tune employees will earn vacation based on the following schedule, beginning January 1, 1992: First year of employment .8 day t��r:;:�:;;��;:�;lmonth (i0 days/year) ..:.. 2nd thru 3rd year of employment 1 day o���::Imonth (12 days/year) ...............: 4th thru lOth year of employment 1-112 days �r>:��;�s Imonth (18 dayslyear) 11 years of service and above 1-3/4 days ��;::�?�.:��;lmonth (21 days/year) 25.2 All full-time employees may accumulate vacation accrual based on years af service to the ma�cimum prescribed in the following sehedule: Zero thru four years of service 20 days ������� Five thru ten years of service 25 days ���::��tz�€��� Eleven years of service and above 30 days ����::��� Combined accumulation of compensation time and vacation will not be allowed to be greater than vacation maximum plus (+) 40 hours. 25.3 Payment in lieu of vacation accrual beyond the amounts listed will not be considered. 25.4 Vacation requests are to be submitted on or before January 1Sth of the year the vacation is_to be taken. 25.5 Vacation schedule approval will be granted in order of seniority. After January 1Sth, additional vacation requests will be granted on a first come, first serve basis. ARTZCLE 26 - LEGAL DEFENSE The EMPLOYER agrees to indemnify an employee in accordance with Chapter 466 of the Minnesota Sta.tues (Tort Liability). 20 Teamsters Local No. 32(3 1993 - 1994 Contract ARTICLE 27 - PROBATIONARY PERIODS 27.1 All newly hire�ci or rehired employees will serve a six (6) month probationary period. 27.2 All employees will serve a six (6) month probationary period in any job classification in which the employee has not served a probatianary period. 27.3 At any time during the proibationary period a newly hired e��employee may be terminated at the sole discretion af the EMPLOYER. >;:�:::��"«>;>:» - �:::��:::::'::::::;,..:.»:::>::.::;�:::::::::::: . <.;.»<<�::>::>: ``::;:<'�:'::;.'. 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ARTTCLE 28 - SAFET'Y The EMPLOYER and the IJI�IION agree to jointly promote safe and healthful working conditions, to cooperate in safety matters and to encourage employe.es to work in a safe manner. ARTICLE 29 - JOB P{)STING 29.1 The EMPLOYER and the IJI�IION agree that permanent job vacancies within the designated bargaining unit shall be filled based on the concept of promotion from ' within provided that applicants: 29.11 Have the necessary qualifications to meet the standards of the job vacancy; and 29.12 Have the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the joh vacancy. 29.2 Employees filling higher job class based on the provisians of this Article shall be subject to the conditions of ARTICLE 2b (Probationary Periods). 21 . � � f � . � . � � . � Teamsters Local No. 32� 1993 - 1994 Contract 29.3 The EMPLOYER has the right of final decision in the selection af employees to fill pasted jobs based on qualif'ications, abilities and experience. 29.4 Job vacancies within the designated bargaining unit will be posted for five {5) working days so that mernbers of the bargaining unit can be considered for such vacancies. ARTICLE 30 - GROUP INSURANCE BENEFITS 30.1 �or<`:�:�� the EMPLQYER shall pay one hundred percent (100%} af the cost of Blue Cross/Blue Shield Basic or First Dollar Plan for employee coverage. 'r'��ea���, �� � e ���� �"��::;��3�:::����nd� �r�t.::::��;�� ����� �s���� �� ���.:.�.... :: .........: ....................... ....................:.:::::::::::::.:::::.::.;:::.::�:::.::::::::::::::::::::::.:�:.::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::�._::�:::::::::::::::::::�.:: ... �f.�:��a�.�1�.�d.�y ��.�.�..��. 30.2 The EMPLOYFR shall pay sixty-five percent (65%) of the difference between the single employee coverage and the total family covera.ge, 30.3 The cost difference between the Basic or First Dollar Plan and any optional plans available to empioyees, will be paid by the ernpioyee. 30.4 Employees not choosing dependent coverage cannot be covered at EMPLOYER expense far any additional insurance than the individual group health insurance caverage. 30.5 The EMFLOYER shall pay one hundred percent (100'%) of the cost of the employee's life insurance coverage insured with Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company in the amount of $14,000. 30.6 The EMPLOYER shall pay the first nine dollars ($9.OQ) for an employee's participation in the PERA Graup Term Life and AD&D Insurance Program. 22 t � Tearnsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contra:ct 30.7 The EMPLOYER shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of dental insurance coverage for the employee. ............................:.;:.;:.;;:::;:;:.;��.; 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Class Ll Sewer Class C Water Tree Inspection Weed Inspection Herbicide Application 23 .. � , . . . . .. � Teamsters I.ocal No. 32Q 1993 - 1994 Contract Truck Inspection - 1 ton units and larger 32.3 Employees of the unit holding Class D Water Licenses and are on the EMPLOYER'S , call out list will be cornpensated $.05 per hour. 32.4 License Costs and Training. Upon the F.1v�LOYER'S choice to have an employee obtain a license, the EMPLOYER will grant time off with pay and pay associated costs to obtain the license. 32.5 The EMPLOYER will provide time off with pay and a velucle to allow the employee to obtain a Ciass A drivers license if the employe� holds a Class B drivers license. The EMPLOYER will not pay any other costs for this. ARTICLE 33 - SEVERANCE PAY Regular full-time employees Ieaving the service of the EMPLOYER in good standing for any reason other.than retirement and with two (2) weeks advance notice will receive payment at the employee's rate at time of leaving the employ, as prescribed below: Vacation: Up to accrual Plus; 5 thru 9 years of service = 2 weeks pay or 10 years of service and above = 4 weeks pay ARTICLE 34 - RETTREMENT PAY Regular full-time employees who leave the City's employ to accept a retirement annuity will receive payment at the employee's rate at tune of retirement as prescribed below: 24 Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract Vacation: Up ta accrual limit Siek Leave: 1 year - 5 years 10% of unused sick leave b years - 10 years 30% af unused sick leave 11 years - 15 years 50� of unused sick leave 16 years and more '��;:°� of unused sick leave ARTICLE 35 - CLOTHING ALLOWANCE ��:.::<::::�:»;>::>::.::...:;::;:::>:::<�::<::<:<::>:<::�;;:«:::::::>��::::,:»::>::»;:>:.....:::::::;:::>;::»;:.;:.;:.;;:;.;��;:>:.;:.;;;:,;:.>:.>.-<;.;;:.:,,.;;;;;;>;;;:;;:.;::.;::.;.;:.;::;;;...:.;:-.;:::;;,:�.>:::.;;,;;.;:.;�.;:.>::.::�:.,:;.;, >:;:�::>:::::;::::�::: :. .: :::>:;. ;�; 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FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR MIrfNESpTA TEAMSTERS LOCAL NO. 32Q E. B. McMenomy, Mayor Joseph Morris, Business Agent Stephan Jilk, Administrator Mark 7oosten, Union 5teward I 27 i . i ,.1 � . � . � � . Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract APPENDIX "A" SALARYSCHEDULE A. The following hourly wage rates shall be effective January 1, 1493 through December 31, 1993. STEP AND CLASSiFICATION A B C D 0 - I2 mths 13 - 24 mths 36 - 24 mths After 36 mths I.evel III $13.57 $14.22 $14.87 $15.52 L,evel II $12.98 $13.64 $14.30 $14.97 Lev 1 ...:.: ,;::;�:� ..;;:.;:.>;:.::;:;::.:::.:..:.::.: ;•::.;:;>:.;::;:.;::;;:.::;:: eI :<._>: �.>::::>::::::»:;::<:::::: �::::::<..:::::<::>:<:::>::::>::>:::<::::::.::: ..:.::�:�:':>:>:<:>>>:<:::>::::>:<;::>::>:::: ..::> �,<��.�..�.>�x.:;»>::»::;::>;::>::<$�:�,.�1.::.;:.;:<.;::;:.:;.:.;>;;;;;<>��:;�::,:�::::::>::>:<;::»>::>::»::;::>��;�::.`��: B. The preceding wage schedules shall not constrain the EMPLOYER from hiring an employee at any step in the schedule. C. Pramotion to any class�cation shall be made only upon determination by the employer that such a position is needed. 'Tl�is determination is the exclusive right of the EMPLOYER. D. WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFICATTON PAY D-1 Employees required by the EMPLOYER and who are adjudged by the EMPLOYER to be qu�ed to operate the following items of equipment will be paid the MAINTENANCE III rate of pay for those hours assigned to the unit beginning the third (3rd) hour of operation in a work shift. Jet Machine (sewer cleaning only) ...:.::.......:.:::.::.::.:::>::.:.:..:;....:......;:.;::.::..»;;>::.,:.;::,�;;:.> ,::<�:.;;:.>:;:.;;; Loader, �r��:��<:`:�<;:'�>:<::>�:<:::::+�>;:.�:::�<:�:::;':��: ................;:;:.;:.;:.;:�:.:<.:.;;:;:::.;;:.:;.;:.x.;:.;::>::>�:>:<:;>:<:>:::;:>::>::»::>::>:<;>�::�::»::> Grader Backhoe Blacktop Paving Machine 28 , . , , . Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract APPENDIX ��A'� (CONT'D) D-2 Employees required by the EMPLOI'ER and who are adjudged by the EMPLOYER to be qualified to opera:te the following items of equipment will be gaid the MAINTFNANCE II rate of pay for those hours assigned ta the unit beg'uu�ing the third (3rd) hour of operation in a work shift: Sweeper Tandem Truck Tractor Loader Rollers (steel and rubber) 6 ton and aver Trucks, single axle and over 24,000 GVW Tree Spade Any vehiele requiring a State of Minnesota "Class B" Operators License D-3 Employees classified as Mechanic who are required by the EMPLaYFR to be qualified ta repair the following items will be paid the Mechanic III rate of pay for those hours assigned beginning the third hour of work in a work shift. Fire Truck - major repair Pump repair - major repair WeIding - fabrication and design D-4 Employees classified as Mechanic who are required by the FMPLOYER to be qualified to repair the following items will be paid the Mechanic II rate of pay for those hours assigned beginning the third hour of work in a work shift. All brake work Fire Truck - brake and diesel repair D-5 An employee eligible to receive WORKING OUT OF CLASSIFIGATION PAY under _ Section D-1, D-2, D-3, and D-4 will receive the rate of pay for that Step (A, B, C, or D) which corresponds to the empioyee's current Step in the job class�cation to which the employee is assigned. D-6 Employees assigned by the EMPLOYER to utility maintenance duties (other than equipment opera.tian under D-1 and D-2) will be paid the wage rate of the employee's regular job classificatian. ..:..................,.;:�::::;;:.:.>;::::.;:.:: ...::.:::::..::...:.:..:...:....:�. _ :.:<;:::.>::.;»> - _ , _ .:<: ��::�:<>:;::<::::;::.:;.` .�::�:�s� .:�::::b::;:<:t��;::.: <:'���::::�.::::. r.� �.�._ ;::::;.:�:::::::.:::�.::::�:..:�::::.:::.::::.:.�!::.:::::::.�:.::::.::::.��.�.�i.�.._::::::::::::::�.: ::.:::::�::::.�.��:..��.:�l��s:::�z�r�:::�s.:��e� _..:::�.:::::::::::::::::;.:.:::::.:::::::::.:::::.:::.:.::::..::::::.�:::::::.:::::::::::::::: -::»>;::>::><:><:;;;;::::::>>:,>::>:<:::::::::>::::::::<::::<:::�:::::_.:>::::::.>:>�>>::>�:<::::::<;:>:::::><:<:>>:::>;<::�:>::<::.:>:::::<:::>:>:::_::>,>::::>:::;>;::«:>::»::»::>:::;::»::;::::::::>:.::>:;:::>:;::::>::>:<::<.::>::;::>:::r»:<::;:,::::.:.;::.;::.:. ��.d�x:::� : = <::: .::::: . ..::;. ..:;,.....:>:.:..:.........:.. x.....;.:..........;,: .....:; .: ::::::::::::::.:..:�t��<::�1.>::<:�:-��::��°�::>:ax�:>:�::�:::s �:.:be::.�d.: ..: :>:. : . .::... :.� .. �.:::......:.:....:..::o�€:::a�:>:a���z�����.:����>.:��c.;� <.::.;:;.::::::::.;>:.;>;:;.;>;;;;;>::<.;::.>::.;:.;;:.:.:<,<�.:::::::>:;:.�::.;;:.;::::;�.;3.;:::;:.::.;:.:;.:::::;::::::;:::::::::.:... ...... .............................................................. . ................. .......:::::::...:....::::::::::......:........:..�::::::::::::.:.:::::.::::::::::.........:...::::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:::�.:::::::.:::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.:..:................_..::.:.:::::::::::::::::::::::,::. �_.:.�:.::i'.'',�+:�':::�'ry.::y.._..:..:i!�:.}:.:}::<:.i.i.:i::y:,�.:;.i`#��'id'�':iiii:(:�.iy:.;�::ri'':i::.pii:�::i�::.yi:::�'(.i:i>:i;�uy::i:i..}:i�::.�:ia;};;�::,y:::,?,�:i�`7"<;.'{>�:::ir;::Y�.i}:::�i'i:::i::Q:i::::i::>vi:.:.}:::i:i::i:::rii::i::::;:i:'�::::li::::i::::::::::i::ij:;::i::i'.:i:i:ii"i:::i::i::::::i..... � .�.^�d"4�•�'C;��.:::•XY.:���::::t:f'�:::4;�1;1.4�_::�CI�'1!;*i�::::��%:l'>F%1.; Sv�Xl.ft.ltJ;l.E�✓.��;,1�:.�:::::EiiSa':::V� ��:::�'.. �.�:�'.. 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Teamsters I.ocal No. 320 � 1993 - 1994 Contract � Fvr�a���� 1�9�r ���1 � �rn����ees�u.�� ���v� ��:� p���n���� ��0 ���ur ��tbe�r ........ . .. .... ..... �:���:;ba��pa�:r��:;��P�ic�b�.�:az�':��;�nber.3��..1�93 �� .Le�e� ��►xa.c� ���1.�'I�e�a .l� �s ; .;;,... .... . . .. � �.t�1 ret��ue a � 5:�rce�tt��c���s� z� �e.�r 1��� �a�i�;:p�y.�ate appl���b���n��rr�b� �l, .._ ,��.3�J3.` Ef��cti���a�a 1 1��4:::�te:::+�a:t ;:::: : . , ry , ��.b�€�����rgan�€an�1 stru�.ur� f��ba��u�it ez�p�v��s ��€a�� �.� ar��ean��z�pl�3��S ��c� €h�����l.��s��a�€�xrt� �b�G��r��ce �V'ark�r ����, �1��� x��t� Qt��,�a�_cl��'�c��on�t�be-��e�t�f'� h�t�� ��€� du.n�g �.�9� ; l�T�u���b���s�€f'�tc�t��ns �� ha�e �� ��r�ug�.�r�.����np�c��ee� utill �.��e based �n �et���a�ce ��d o�1�er��b r�le���;.��te�� �� �g�e�f z�i�1 I�e re��e��i ��r 19�� ,...: �g�:<; .�1a��ment�u�€�ii>��.�:�ne�u ra�z��s w�l nat r�;qu�r�an� e��.g emplay�e z4 haa�� a r�d����n�r��::�hei� �9���l�x� a����3�s��d �.��� �li emp���ees �i� �� €��4 �l��e ....... .. : :... . .: p�ae�`i�.;�t� n�� �g��r 30 � u ♦ Teamsters Local No. 320 1993 - 1994 Contract APPENDIX �rB" SF,1vIORITY LIST PUBLIC WORKS iTNTON JANUARY 1, 1993 MATNTENANCE Level Hire Date Position Date Name III S-Ol-SQ 6-19-90 Steve Strese 5-08-89 11-24-91 Bob Barfknecht II 5-22-78 5-22-78 George Romo 'I 11-15-86 11-08-89 A. J. Korpela 7-19-89 ?-19-89 Mark Joosten 6-18-90 6-18-90 7im Koslowski 9-OS-90 12-22-91 Eric Day I 11-04-86 11-04-86 Garl Dahnke 3-29=88 8-29-88 Don Jerde 10-03-90 10-03-90 Doug Stauffer 10-09-90 10-09-90 John Fremming MECHANIC III 4-04-8$ 4-04-88 Dean Sandstrom II I 5-18-92 5-18-92 Doug Aldrich 31 MEETING SCHEDULE AUGUST, 1993 Monday, Aug. 2 6:30 p.m. Utilities Commission Tuesday, Aug. 3 5 :30 p.m. Port Authority 7:30 p.m. Regular City Council Thursday, Aug. 5 7:00 p.m. Parks & Rec. Workshop Tuesday, Aug. 10 5 :�00 p.m. Planning Commission Thursday, Aug. 12 7: 00 p:m. Community Center Commission ; Monday, Aug. 16 6 :00 p.m. Special City Cou}�cil Mtg. - Budget 7:30 p.m. Parks & Recreation Committee Tuesday, Aug. 17 5:30 p.m. Port Authority 7:30 p.m. Regular City Cauncil Wednesday, Aug. 18 7: 00 p.m. Downtown Scoping Committee Tuesday, Aug. 24 5 : 00 p.m. Planning Commission Monday, Aug. 30 6 : 00 p.m. Special City Council Mtg. - Budget City Council Meetings lst & 3rd Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m. Community Center Comm. 2nd Thursday, at 7: 00 p.m. Port Authority 1st & 3rd Tuesday, at 5 :30 p.m. MVTA (MN Vly Tran. Auth) 4th Wed. , Burnsville, 7 : 00 p.m. Parks & Recreation Comm. 3rd Monday, at 7:30 p.m. Planning Commission 2nd & 4th Tuesday, at 5 : 00 p.m. Port Authority lst & 3rd Tuesday, at 5 :30 p.m. USPCI Trust Fund 2nd Thursday, 4 pm @ 14555 S. Robert Tr. Utilities Commission lst Monday after lst Tues. , 6:30