HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.b. Community Relations Program . , CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIl+SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETTNG DATE: AUGUST 3, '1993 AGENDA ITEM: COMMUNITY RELATIONS PROGRAM AGENDA SECTION; Administrator's Re rt PREPARED BY: STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGENDA �Q!�� � � � ' i# � ATTACHMENTS: MEMO APP Several months ago the Chamber of Commerce came to th City C cil and recommended that the City consider some way to improve how developers, business owners/operators and residents were dealt with when they inter- faced with city staff at city hall . Concerns were raised Chat those people who "did business" with city hall often felt frustrated and angered by what seemed to be a lack of efficiency in processing requests for permits, project approval and general assistance. Concerns seemed to be focused on procedures rather than people or personalities. That is, there seemed to be a lack of coordination and consistency when it came to deal.ing with the public. There were concerns that the °customer° was too often left in the dark as to what was needed to be done and not necessar�.ly that people were in disagreement with the fact that something needed to be done. Suggestions were made that there needed to be someone or someplace at city hall that a person could come to so that concerns could be addressed. It seemed as though there is a perception that "red tape" was choking everyo- ne. In following up and attempting to provide an answer to these concerns I would be prepared to propose several things which, if initiated should help provide an improvement in customer service to the community. These are:>Develop and publish a °Community Handbook" . Z�Develop and maintain a customer service training program far all city employees. � Develop a in-house customer service/customer complaint information system. �� Provide a "project" tracking system for staff coordination �� Provide a monthly column in the ThisWeek paper on new codes and procedures b Provide "infarmational seminars" for businesses and developers � to inform them of codes, regulations and processes With these programs in place I am confident that city staff and elected officials will be able to respond rnare effectively to our customers and create a stronger link to them. After discussing these ideas with you I would appreciate your support in implementing them. I could brin� back a full package of detail on each program to you at the next council meeting. RECOI�SENDED ACTION: Motion to approve in concept the proposed Customer Relations program recammended by the City Administrator. COUNCIL ACTION: TO:Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers:K ssen, a s, Willcox and Wippermann From:Stephan Jilk RE:Customer Relations Prog Following is additional detail on the different components of the proposed "Customer relations program" as outlined in the executive summary of August 3, 1993 . Community Handbook - This would be handbook sent to every mailing address in Rosemount once a year. This handbook would give all vital information on the city such as parks, utility rates, community center information, city hall telephone numbers, "how to' s" on building permits, zoning changes, park permits, and other information that would help people be prepared to know who to contact and what to expect that they will have to do when they do. This handbook would be an expansion of the Chamber of commerce booklet already published and would incl.ude more information on City functions and procedures. If this is updated, and mailed out on an annual basis it would be current and would be meaningful . For new residents it could be given out with Certificate of Occupancy permits when homes are completed. I would expect that the business community may wish to cooperate in funding this as the other booklet would not be needed. Customer Service Training program - I would initiate an in house customer service training program for all city employees . There would be an emphasis on understanding the customers needs in the governmental environment and specifically Rosemount . This prograrn would be established so that it would be an ongoing program not just a one time event. It would provide for input, and feedback and an annual refresher course for all employees . There is a need to help the city staff gain and maintain a "customer/client° concept to better serve our citizens . In house customer service/customer complaint information system - I would propose that a system be established that would provide forms for all staff in city hall that they would use to provide ' feedback to their supervisors and me when they see a problem in providing customer service. Such as, duplication in forms, difficult process to follow, complaints on certain codes for enforcement. This will provide a opportunity for those on the "front line" to help shape the service we provide. Project tracking system - at the present time staff has in place a process where major projects have to be processed through each ( s L department to force review and approval by that department. I would like to enhance that so that each project is assigned a "project manager° and so the contact person and that person responsible for its review ,and processing is noted, and, the status of the project is always known. Monthly newspaper column - this would be specific column giving information on new city ordinances regarding building codes, fire codes, utility rates, pa�k fees etc. that would effect people or, if such items are not being changed possibly an article talking about such things such as snow removal on sidewalks. �nformational Seminars - this is something that the Chamber has asked for and I would agree is a excellent idea. What I would propose is that on a bi-monthly basis we would conduct a one to twa hour informational session for the general public utilizing city staff to give updates and information on how a department operates and specifics on ordinance requirements and how the city processes work. This would provide opportunities for people to be educated on these matters but also provide for an opportunity for feedback from the those in attendance. -