HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. Employee Customer Service Training ! Y CITY OF R05EMC�UNT EREeIITIVE SIIMMARY FQR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 3+ 1993 AGBNDA ITEM: EMPLOYEE CUSTOMER RELATIONS AGENDA SECTION: TRAINING NEW BUSINESS PREPARED BYs SUSAN WALSH AGENDA N �� � � � ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT � ATTACHMENTS: PROPOSAL APP ,t D : This is a request for Council to authorize funds for in-house customer service training. I received proposals fram three training consultants. It is my recommendation to hire Frank Quisenberry from Employer's Resources Int'1 to conduct the training. Attached is a copy of Mr. Quisenberry's proposai, a tentative autline of his program and background informatian on Mr. Quisenberry. In addition to the sessians he proposes to do in his letter of July 27, Mr. Quisenberry has aiso agreed to meet with department heads and supervisors and a selection of employees who work with the public on a daily basis before canducting the training sessions. These meetings will enable him to design a program specifically for our employees. In summary his proposal for training is as follows: Meet with department heads & supervisors l.5 hrs. Meet with front line employees 1.0 hrs. First session (Two 3 .5 hour sessions) 7. O hrs. Second session (Two 3.5 hour sessions) 7.0 hrs. Manager training 4. 0 hrs. Poliee training 4. 0 hrs. Costs are as follows: All employee training sessions $1600 Managers training session 4D0 Poliee training 400 I have contacted cities and Dakata County where he has conducted training sessions, and he comes highly recommended. It was reported he has high participant involvement and employees are very receptive to him, and most impartantly, his training sessions provide results for good customer service. RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO HIRE FRANK QUISENBERRY TO CONDUCT EMPIAYEE CUSTOMER RELATIONS TRAINING FUR A FEE dF $2400 WITH $1500 TO BE SPENT FROM ACCOUNT 101-41320-01-307 AND $900 TO BE SPENT FROM ACCOUNT 101-41110-01-598. COIINCIL ACTION: I..INIVERSITY aF MINNESOTA CrnolEstun Canrpax �,Q"rct r>,f Cnntinueng TsducatiR� 2t�Sclrig Hnt! Grvnkslur�,MN 5671 L-30D1 21$-2S7-bS10 etir.34b Fcu:•21R-2R!•S?2� 't'�!!f%rrc:l-8tK1.2.41•646d July 27, 1993 Susan Wa1sh Administrativ�e Assistant City of Rosemount c�ty Hali 2$75 145th St. W. Rosemount MN FAX 423 5203 D�ar Susarl: Attached ar� the Qutlines af the programs that we discussed , ta today on the telephone. �aring the last ssvezal yo�ars, the following �re some o� the clienta for whom, s have conducted this type c�f traininq. City of Faribault Polk Caunty--Crookston Nl�Leod Caunty City of Mittnetonka City o� Red Wing Riee Caunty Dakota County City of West S�. P�ul City o� Plymouth Goodhue Caunty Social �ervices Renvill.e Coutlty ° I would propose the fc�llowing: For empinyeesc Two 3.5 hr�ur se�ssions conduct�d about 2 weeks apart. Session 1 Quality Customer Serv3.ce Session 2 Dea�.ing with Difficult People For managers and �sup�rvisors; One 4 hour session Hanag�.ng Custonter S+arvi�� The co�s� �or oonducting these programs �aoul.d be: Employees $8ot3 per 6 haur session = $�6oa Managers 40a �ar 4 haur session = $400 I wvuld a�.sc� provide a sumiaaty of f�edback from the attached survey that wauld be completed by a11 pa�icipants during the ses�i�n. Pl�ase call me if you have a»y questioris. My home te�ephane number . S 1 fl936. 'nce � F etxbe�ry orttract Training Co dinator MxiNAGING QUALiTY CUSTOMfR sERvTCES Th� i��s pr�ogram is designed for managers and supervisors. The pragra� will provide the inforatiation necessary to manage the "Mo�ents of Truth" in the department or untt, and develc,p an o�ga9ng program af quality servjce de3�very. Pss.�".�m �st��� Part 1 Identifying Your G+ustc�ers Wh�t is your servic� niche? What ty¢es of services do you provj�e? What i s yaur cust�er prof i ie? What are the perceptians of your custa�rs at present? Part 2 5etting Star�dards far 5ervrice Quality Mlhy standards are i�ar�ant? ilhat are the components of s�rvic� qaality? Now to write serviGe st�ndards? Haw ta co�munlcate service priorities? Part 3 Building Cd�it�ent to 5ervice Quality • Designing service �abs. i�riting service criteria in �ob descrfRtions. Se�lecting service personnel. Tralr�ing service personnel . Qeve?oping team leadership. Qeve7opir�g a �upport�ve culture for quality service. Part 4 Monitaring the Serwice Quzlity Auditing the serviCe quality. 4 Gather�ng custc►�er feedback. Gathering ea�p��yee feedback. Part 5 Soivi�g Custo�er Satwice Arobless Using team prablem sQlving methods. Tarning prabl�ss �nta oppartunities. �teview and actfon plan. a��.t�i� �.��nr s��vrc�s Tfiis program is designed for the lin� staff of the argantzatian to focus an the speeif�c �lements of providfng Quality Serv�ce. Elerr�ents of Outstandfng S�rvice Mlhat's in 4t for you? Service. . .what is it? 5taff concerns/ Custamer's concerns Gettfng more of what you want and less of what you don't war�t. Tne role af apinions. providing Exceilent Service js Often a Challenge 7he challsnge. Dealing with the barri$rs to pravlding �uality servi�e. Empathy Tlte role of �mpathy in providtng service. Non-verhal behavlor that de�aonstrates empathy. The ro7e of listening in ep�athy. SeleGting empath�tic resp�ns�s. Creat9ng empathetic respnnses. Deaiing witt� an+ger. Develaping �ffective Interactians Identifying tbe needs of cus�omers Meeting the needs of custamers Say��g the right thing Telephone techniques NtIM TO DEllt, ifITH �IIF�ICUtT PEOPLf Pur ose. .. Nas another persa�'s b�ltdv70r ever l�ft y0U Sp�Ch1QSS� or r�ady ta shout? All of us en�ounter situatsons i� the hus�ness world where the oth�r people we must deal with seem imp�assible, at�d the finteraction aeaves you feeiing t�taily frustrated and demoralized. And many t9mes the em�qtinnal reaction we haye fror► work encount�rs are taken home to ir�crease tensions in our nan-work reiationships. This daesn't have to happen. The dlfficult people we eneaunter usually exhibft spec�fic patterns of behavior that can b� dealt with. In this workshop, you will learn haw to identify and d+�al with those t�eha�riars early in an interactiori. In a�any cases it will be possible to change the behaviars and Oevelop a better rela�t�onship with the indiuidual. Thr�ugh the k»awledge yau wii7 gain 1n thls warkshop, you will Qevelop confidente in your ability to deal wit#� difficu�t si�uatians. You`11 leav+� this training with more � �han technique, you will also leave with for�nu7as for resalvlr►g cor�f'lict and defusing potentially exp]oslve situ�tians �rou �ncouhter with customers, clients, ca-workers, and superv#sars. Many of the ski'tls can be applied to yaur personal 1�f� as weli, �BJ�CTIY��• • 1. WHAT CAUS�S DI�FICUL7 �ENAVI�t - The 10 types of difficult behavi�r wh#ch we must deai w�th, - T�te non-verbal predictars vf diff�cult b�ha�+ior. - The 10 methods that difficult people use to cantrol the situation. - The Key 5ecret: aealing with your c�wn reactfons to difficult behavior. 2. ��ALING WITH TW� fIRST l�OME#dTS OF TH� OIFFICULT SITUATION - Danger s9gns in �he op�n part of an enco�nter. - Canfr�ntir�g tfie dif�'icul� behav�or, w,tt,out rnaki�g it worse. - Br�n�ging up �ssues to the dffficult pers�� in a speciflc, direct and non-punishing way. - Ski11 practice an bringing up i.ssues. - App3y the sk111s to situations that yau face on a daily basis: anqry custo�ers, difficult co-r,rorkers. 3. DEALINC WITH UN�fILLINGNE�S Tfl S�� 7N I NG S Y4tlR WAY - Identifying unwillingness and low camiait�ent. - 4 s�sec9f ic steps tltat you can use with unwi 11 ingness. - 6aining speci�ic ca��#t�ents for chartges. - Follaw#ng up on �o�tnitments for change. - 5ki11 practtce on dealir�g wSth unwi77ir�gness. - APply�ng the skills to yaur specifiG sitc�ations. 4. DEY�lOPING wIN-WIN OUTCOMES 't0 CIIF�TCUI.T SITUAT�nF15 - Id�ntlfying difficuit behavlor caused by a lack of skill, knowledge, �r abi]ity. - Identifying causes of frustration within th� syste�. - ilsing powe�fui assertive tools: Negative Assertion and Negative Inquiry. - - -Gaingng a huy into a �utually deve3oped action plan. - 5k�i1 practice in dev�lop�ng win-Win situations. - Appiying tMe skills to yaur speciffc situat#ans. 5. S7'RATEGIES TO USE �tFiEN YOU LOSf CUNTROL OF THE SITUATION � - Identify9ng out of cantroi situations. - Defusing the situat#on. - Mihen ta ask far h�t�. - Wiaen to retreat and regraup. - When to get angry and how it can so�t��es h��p. - Now to reestablish relations�ips when you blow it. 6, MANAGIMG biFFICU�.7 STTUA7I[1N5 WH�N YOU AR� AN 4BSERYER AND NQ'F A PARTTCIPANT - Guidelines for when to get involved. - Now to stay out of situations �en you shouldn`t get involved. • Confllct rnanaqement �ki11s that can help r�solve situat�ons when you must get involved. 7, HOW TO CEARN FRDM EACH DIfFICULT SITllATION SU TNEY B€COME FEWER Al�tD EASIER TQ HANQLE. - fuidelines for when to get involvad. - Nvw to stay aut of situatians when you shouldn't get involved. - Conflict �aana�gement sk�ils that can heip resolve situations. Ct�NSULTANT BAt;lC6ROUI� �RANiC P. QUiSENBER�Y -- Ca�rdlnatar of Cantract Training, University of Minnesota, Croakstc►n Gampus, 1s experienced in bath practical appiication and instruction of managernent cancepts. Mr. Qulsenberry received a B. A. degree in Psycho�ogy/ Ecortc�mtics, an M. B. A. in Manage�ent Systems, as well as cos�pieting extensive graduate wor�c �n Industrial Psycholagy, Adult Educatinn, arid Vocati�nal and Technical Training at the University of Mittnesota. For the past 20 years Mr. Qu�senberry has heltt a variety of exe�utive positions. For aver 12 years, Mr Qu�senberry has been the principal consu7tant for Emp7ayer's Resourc�s, �nt`1. Rriar to form�ng ERI, he was Director of Adult Education at 91b AYTi, and Yice President of Educational Re�ources at Nealth Central, Inc. In additi�n he has served as the chief adroinfstratar of a tnetlical center, a»d in a �arge insurance ccHnpany was a Medicare Administratvr. Holding faculty appaint�nts at the Uniu�rsity of Minnesata, and Metropolitan State University, Mr. Qai�enberry has also taught at Inver Ni1ls Cc�m�nity Calleg�, Anaka Ramsey Ca7lege, Lakewo�d Coliege, UCLA, Universtty af Califarnia- Santa Bat^bara, Pepper�i r�e Un i vers i ty, Un i vers i ty of North Uakota, North Dakota State University. As a nation�l consultant for a wide variety vf vrganizatians in the past decade, Mr. Quisenberry ha$ became an expert in a71 areas of Numan Resource Management. H�s sea�inars are particularly nated far presenting comp7ex concepts 1n a clear and practical ma.nner, aPPrecfate+d by line managers and sUpervisors, , , . �R�� . �iv�.. C �� -7�, Goc�.✓c+r L � � SUI:tVEY FF.�DBAC� ACTItJN 1993 THE SURVE� This aaoaymous qu.estivnnairc is to be camp letad by cvcry emp layee in thc organi�zation. This survey parallel,s the first step of,the �AL7E (.an acronym far focus, analyze, develo�r and cae�ute} process of quauty unprovement --gathering data to focus on �khe prob�ems aad opportunities of a work group. The quest�vns are desiglned to gather �nformation about what helps and hi�ders emptoyees in their worlc environment. The su�c►e�+,results far each wor7c uni.# will be summariz�d and retu�ned ta work group leader to use 3n devetoping better team work, a more posiave work culture, and improveci arganizativnal effectiveness. FEEI�BA�K Ta understand the meaning of the survey resul.ts, each work must qu�stioa itself. The oa1 of the feedbzt�k meetui$ will be tc� Identify specific concems or problems �FUGLJS , examine ttae i#'ic causes fQr tla�se probl�ems (ANALY'ZE), and create plans to a correct ese problems (�YLLOP). AC`�"I�N The r��lts of the feedback meeting wili be th� developriaent vf a Quality Act�an Pian. This will be a list of clear, cc�ncise actians to be taken to address concerns aad lead to improved r.esults. Sinee failing to act on the cvncerns of the wa�k grou.p can lead ta frustration a�d disillusio»m�nt, takin decisive actian wi11 enhanee the effectiveness of the team� and the leaders�ip. II+�I�STRUCTIt�NS For each item on the survey camplete th� item based on your personal ezpe�ences with in the last 6 mont�is in this organizaticm. Use the foilawing scale to respond to the it�m. I = Strang�y Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Neutral 4 = Agree 5 = Strongly Agree If yau have no opinion an an item or na expeneace, leave the item b�ank. arne a or roup r Wor roup ar m (Supe�rvisor) The leader of �y tMnt�c gr[�p (Supervisar) 1. let's me tell him/her what I thfnk . . . . . .. .. . . . l 2 3 4 5 2. tells me what is expected. .. . . . . . . . . ....... ., .. I 2 3 A 5 3. helps us do our �nbs better. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 4. 7isxens to our concerns.. . . . ... . . , . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 5. asks for my ideas about wark. ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 6. �e17s �ne when I do a gaad job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 7. treats ane with respect.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 1 2 3 a 5 8. keeps me informed. , . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 1 2 3 4 5 9. dv�s not interfere with get�ing the�job done. .. 1 2 3 4 5 1 = 5trc�ng�y Disa�ree Z = Disagree 3 — NeuLr.a1 4 = Agr� 5 -= SLrongly Agree I n �q► Mork group ID. favorltfsm is nat a pr�blem . . . . . . .. ....... .. 1 2 3 4 5 11. peaple cooperate with ea�h other . . .. . . . . . ..,.. 1 2 3 4 5 12. ther� is caaperatzon between work groups. .. .. , . 1 2 3 � 5 33. we are active in impraving service to cu�to�rs 1 2 3 4 5 Manageirettt {Le�ders above the �rork c�roup leader) Ia. tells us the orga�izatianaT goa7s, .. . . . , ... .. . . 1 2 3 4 5 15. gives aur ieader the support Me/she needs. .. ... 1 2 3 4 5 26. listens to ideas frc�a� our level.. . . . . .. . ....... 1 2 3 4 5 17. is fair in dealing with emprtoy��s. . . . . . . . . ..... 1 2 3 4 5 My ,�a� provides 18. a feeling af security if I do goad work. . . .,, . . t 2 3 4 5 19. pay that 1s fair far the kind of work I do. ... . 1 Z 3 4 5 20. benefit prog►^ams that m�t most af my neetls. . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 2I. a safe work envirvn�ent and work practices. . . .. 1 2 3 �4 5 22. enough freedom of actian to da my job well.. .. . 1 2 3 4 5 This arganfz��son 23. does a goac! job far its custaner�s. . . . . . . . .. . . . . I 2 3 4 5 24. makes me praud to work here... . . . .. .. . ... . .. 1 2 3 4 5 25. provides the resnurces I need to do �y job. .. .. I 2 3 �l 5 26. adequately orientates and tra�ins emplayees.. ... 1 2 3 4 5 27. has a pasitive reputation a�d image... .. . . . .... 1 2 3 � 5 Z8. ru3es and procedures rian't interfere.. .. . . .. . . . 1 2 3 4 5 29. cares about 9t's employees.. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5 COI�tEN7'S -- Please �ake any caam�nts about any ite� in the space below. Avoid writing cannents in a way ttta►t wtiuid 9dentify yeu specif iea7ly. Item Co�ent PLEAS� �LACE TNE COMFLETED I�U€�1'iQNNAIRE IN 7HE ENVELdPE P'RDYIDED