HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.f. Storm Water Utility Complaint - Lockler � ,� CITY OF ROSEM�UNT ,� EXECTJTIVE SUI+Il�SARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 3, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Storm Water Utility Complaint - AGENDA SECTTON: Lockler Old Business PREPARED BY: Stephan Jilk AGENDA ��� � �}"' �.� ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Complaint APP .._ Y- Staff Memo This item was tabled at the July 20, 1993 meeting and is brought back for tonights discussion. This is a discussion item on the request received from Mr. & Mrs. Dan Lockler, 2187 128th Street, regarding a high water problem ` at their residence. Mr. Ron Wasmund, our Public Works Director and Bud Osmundson, our City Engineer, have been involved in this matter for sometime. Information that they are able to provide in working with the DNR and our own Building Department is contrary to what the Locklers' are suggesting. Mr. Wasmund and Mr. Osmundson will be prepared to discuss this with you. RECObIl+2ENDED ACTION: None COUNCIL �iCTION: 5 , t z�� o asemouvi� PHONE (612)423-4417 2875•145th Street West.Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4Z35203 Mailing Addrsss: Edward B.McMerwmy P:O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068�0510 COUNGILMEMBERS Sheila Klasaen James(Red!Siaau MEMQRANDUM "�`"w11C87 Dsnnis Wippertnann ADMINISTAATOR TO: Steve Jilk, City Administrator st���r��k Ron Wasmund, Director of Public Works/Building Official FROM: Bud Osmundson, Assist Director of Public Works DATE: July 1 fi, 1993 {Revised 7-30-93) RE: White Lake Water Elevation Attachments 1 . 1984 Council Meeting Minutes for Aug 21, Sept 4, Sept 17 2. Letter to and #rom DNR requesting survey & result of survey 3. Three DNR letters to Locker {2), Erdrich Introduction The Public Works Department has had numerous calls regarding the water elevation of White Lake for the past year. Speci#icalty, Mr. Dan Locker, 2187 128th Street West, has been concerned about the water level of White Lake and its affect on his home and welL Backaround information The White Lake water elevation (or Bacardi area pond as it is referred to in past cauncil minutes) has been an item of discussion at least since 1984. The attached council meeting minutes document that it was discussed at three council meetings, and action was recommended to be taken, but due to funding considerations nothing was done. White Lake is a Department of Natural Resources protected water body with a DNR number of�19-8. Because it is a DFVR protected water body, the City cannot work or .� excavate lower than the ordinary high water level (OHWL) which is set by the DNR. Prior to May of this year, the ordinary high water was assumed to be at particular elevations by visual observation. In May of this year we requested that the DNR survey and complete a study which woufd determine that OHWL. The DNR completed this study an July 12, 1993. This attached DNR hydrographic survey reports that the OHWL is 966.9. Further information which we have in house includes the November 1974 Aerial Photography which has the water elevation to be 964.5. The 1991 aerial phot4graph shows the exact same elevation. As part of the DNR survey, the water e(evation on June 28, 1993 was 967.4 or approximately 6 inches higher than the ordinary higfi �ver�t�tngs �oming �VL�i C7�.osemourii�� � � t . . . � . . � . � 4 . . . . . . � . . � . water elevation.At the present time, water flows northerly through Dick Erdrich's driveway through the Bacardi Avenue east ditch. It then proceeds northeasterly across the Erdrich property to Robert Manseau's driveway, then northerly through a 6" tile pipe to a point on Manseau's property where it outlets, then easterly thraugh a ditch to the pond on the Wolfson and McMenomy property. Recommended Corrective Action We are investigating the same corrective action which was discussed in the 1984 couneil minutes, which is to excavate a ditch on the west side af Bacardi Avenue north of White Lake. The excavation cannot not be Iawer than the OHWL of 966.9. Ramifications of the proposed work, are that the water will drain to the north, then cross Bacardi Avenue easterly through an existing cu(vert, and then easterly across Robert Manseau's property across a natural drainage way, to an end point at a pond further east in Section 16. At this tirne, we do not have easements for White Lake on the Locker property, or across the natural drainage way on the Manseau property, or final tlestination pond in Secfion 16 on land owned by Woifson Properties and Mary McMenomy. Our recommendation is to acquire the necessary easements prior to any excavation which will take some time to camp(ete. If directed to do so, we would try to acquire Rights-of-Entry to allow us to direct water through the mentioned properties, while we are assembling the necessary easements. These easements shauld have been acquired when Bacardi Avenue was constructed and the flow changed, which was sometime in the late 1960's or early 1970's. � Sunday , July lltl� , 1993 Mayox E. 3. McMenomy ; Enclosed , please fi.nd our current invoice for City of Rose- ; mounti "Storm Water Fee" . We have been paying for this service for a pear , and feel that i.t is time to receive something in return for our money . Five years ago , after obtaining permits and permission from the City o� Rosemount and the DNR, �re raised the level of our prap- ertp . We r+ere assured by�=the D2iR and the excavator that the �+ater on White Lake uas at it 's highest Ievel then . The water which Was approximatelp 1$" lower than the present level , xas allowed to flow through a series of ponds and culverts , bp opening the blocked culvert under Mr . Richard Erdrich ' s t�rs.ve- way , which was near the end of this partieulaz drainage system. After Mr. Erdrirh was forced to open his culvert , the ��ater on Wliite Lake receded to the normal level . Over the past several pears , the Erdrich ' s have again been • depositing dsbris and ;fill in the ditch along Bicardi Avenue. This has been witnessed by a City of Rosemount='•.Maintenance Offictal and Mr . Earl Marotzke , whose land is also being flooded by this . The efficiency of the culvert has been re- duced to a trickle, backing the water up onto our yard , kil- Iing trees and shrubs , and threatening our well . At the time that I purchased my property on White Lake , 17 years a�o , the City of Rasemount approved the elevation to be suitable for building . Since that time , I have spent over $20 , 000 .00 to increase the elevatian of my pxoperty next to the lake , and to install approved erosion material, to protect this investment . Over the past two years , we have requested assistance from the City of Rosemount . The City Engine� and Mr . �dasmund have been out several times , and nothing has been done . �- � �Je feel that payin� a storm xater fee , when we in iact are the � neighborhood stoxm water reservoir, is rather counter-productive . We solicit your assistanee in immediate attention to aur water probxe8:�. Our past attempts have been ignoxed - as our future storm water service bi1Zs will be . ----� . '••` . � Sincer�lY�' �' �� ,�.��'�,�.� Dan & Barb Lockler Residence � 423-3053 � 2187 128th Street West Business rr 550-0555 {Barb) Rosemaunt , MN ,55Ob8 „ , r- , /I n. ' r r 1 • ' '�:��."'.� �_ -' �� .'� .. � ��. �� •• • . . ` . .� . . . . . . � � . . . . . � . NA-02684-03 � ReY.a�so REQUISITI4N FQR � INNESOTA � SURFACE WATER/HYDROGRAPHfC Department of Natural Resources SER\/ICES Division of ��`aters ProjeCt Unnamed (White Lake) OHW survey - Lake No. 19-8W .i City �osemount County Dakota Req. No. Sec. 16 Twp. 115N Rng. 19w Quad No. 517d Inver Grove Hei h s Statement of ProblemlSituation tProvide dexai�ed`►nformation) Wetland ;19-8 (White Lake) is regulated under the Shoreland Zoni.ng program. High water corr:plaints have been xeceived by the City of Rosemount. Area Hydrologist has recently inspected. One house has its wellhead nearly inundated with water. City is interested in doing outlet work along Bzcardi Avenue on the east end of the wetland. OHW needed to determine appr�priate outlet elevation and building setbacks. ServiCes RequeStQd (Attach mapas necessary) " Ordinary high water (OHw) detezmination and curzent runout elevation at northeast end of wetland under Eacardi Avenue_ Note: Bacardi Avenue has been changed to Ba1d �Eagle Avenue effective May 11 , 1993 . New stre�t signs may or may not be up. Area Hydrologist avaiiable to assist. Landowner(s): unknown Permission obtained for access: ❑ Yes C� No ( apnroximately 7 - 10 homeowners ) Requested By � � Date Phone Na Pat Lynch 5/i2/93 ?72-7910 ��prov�d/by iRegionat or Unit Supervisor) Date X�t-'��tt Llovd Knudson _ , , ,�� - nNR MtTRO REGIGN 6 TEL �612-772-7977 Ju1 12 93 1? � 15 Na .02� P .02 . , • , The Q.H.W, level is ba�ed on the avcrage reduced cicvation of the 24 best trees of the 20 vyhich were documented (oak, e}m, cottonwood and ash). Vde also recorded a washlineltoe in the lakc at 966.8. A semi-distisict stainline on an ash tree was recorded at 968.4, but it was not visible dn numerous other smaii trees in water at this timc. Sornc saplin�cottonwood and willows were reeorded in 1.8' of water indicatin�a lower stage of water levels. White Lake is presently separated into three portions (atI of wlu,ch are at the same level� by 126th Street which runs E-W and Bacardi Avenue which runs N-S. The connectutg culvert through 126th Street is a 24" C.M.P. and the connecting elevation is 963.54{at the end of the south apron). 2he connecEing culvert through$acardi Avenuc is a 30" C.M.p, lac.ated ZgS�north af 12th Strcet and the conneeting elevation is 964.03 (at the enti of the east apron}. . �ollowing a.rc the pettinent elevatians wc found at the outlet: Water levcl, White Lake 967.36 - • , 0-t-00 Centerline at bcginning of ditch 966.4 0+45 Centerline of ditch 966.7 Q+-66 Centerline of diteh at sand buildup (present runout} 966.9 0+�] Upstream flowl'ute of driveway cutvert (18° C.M.P.) 966.8 �Ieadwater at driveway 967.11 0+82 CenterIine of driveway 969.4 0+92 North invert o£culvert 9Gb.47 Tailwater at driveway 967.I 1 (noticeable flaw through culvert) 1+17 ��nterline of ditch 9b6.G 1+67 Centerline of ditch g�� � 2+17 Centerline of ditch 966.1 • Water level at same locatian g�6.$2 3+�7 Centerlineofditch g�� 2 �+�2 Genterline of ditch at bend to NE 964.5 Water Ievel at same location 966.22 � Past-It'M brand fax iransmittal memo 767�f r oi Pae.. ► To . FronS � � . 3c� 1^ ,.t,� . ca cc. ` y • �o�.�-o,,,...� rU . Depk. . , Pbono x l-k-= ,�-�e.a...t� '7 a. b Fax if �d� Fax�` �-�-----..._. . . 2�� o osemoun� PHONE (6t2)423-4411 2875•145th Street West.Rosamount.Minnesou µqYpq FAX{612)423-5203 Maitiny Addross: � Etlwsrd 8.MeMsnomy P.O.Boz 510,Rossmouni,Mirnesota 5506&0510 CWNCQ.MEMBERS . S1ui►rKiassrn � Jamas(R�Suats May 11, 19 9 3 �+�,ry w;►� oenn�:w�ppem,y+n AOMINISTF1hTOR Stephan Jiik Mr. Pat Lynch, Regional Hydrologist . DNR Division of Waters � 1200 Wamer Road St. Paul, MN 55106 Rs: Water Evaluation GNR Pond No. 19-8P White Lake � Dear Mr. Lynch: 7hank you for meeting with Rich Lonnquist and myself on Friday, May 7, 1993, and investigating the water level in White Lake. The City respectfully requests that the Department of Natural Resources perform a survey and establish the ordinary high water elevation for this (ake. As we have discussed, we have had nurnerous problems with residents in the area and prior to the City taking any actian the ordinary high water level should be established. Thank you for your cooperation on these matters. Please call me at 322-2025 iz you have any questions. Sincerely, �� � : I 1.�2��r.,����-��-.-_.--_ Bud Osmundson, P.E. � Gity EngineerlAssistant Pubiic Works Director cc: Stsve Jilk, City Administrator Ron Wasmund, Public Works Director Dan Lockler, 2187 128th Street West Rich Lonnquist, Engineering Technician Mike Widstrom, Pubtic Works Supervisor S' .1 • , � . (� 1/, nG ,► � { . . . . . .. /�/ Q . . ♦ STATE OF h t� U�](�J� �O`�La D� PARTMENT OF NATURAL RESUl1RCE5� PHONEN�i96-7523 METRO REGION DIVISION OF WATERS 1200 WARNER ROAD, ST. PAUL, MN S 5106 FI�E NO. December 16, 1988 � Mr. Dan Lockler 2157 128th St. k'. Rosemount, MN 5�068 R.E: WHITE LAI:E, 19-8P . - Dear Mr. Lockler: - This letter will summarize my observations of your filZing 2c�ivi:.ies as noted on December 14, 1988. You have increased the s�.de 5ard zrea (west of house) by the placement of fill and riprap. That activity was pretty mucli in accordance with my July 22, 1986 letter, althaugh the encroachment c�as slightly . in excess of the 20-feet indicated in the letter. ?iore importantly, there has oeen fill placed waterward of the eage oz the lake in the rear yard (north of house) . G3early, this is not something discussed or agreed to in 1°86. Thpre is a very abrupt edge zt �he I�E corner wnere the fill extends in�o tne lzkebe�. There=ore, I nust reauest tnat you renave this �ill �ro� along the . nortn side. i iadic��ed tne area on a s�:e4ch le�t with Tfrs. Lockler. Tnere n�y need. to �e zs 7SiLCIl 25 I�-=eet of iill re�oved, in order to vrovide lor a cantinuous ec�ge Zlong the shoreline o� the lake, in zdditioa, the material you remove should be takea� : somewhere of=-site, zs there is no room on the siue yard to continue �illing ou�kard; you're aZready �� the edge of the 12ke. I don't have a concern �.*itn tne placenent of this naterial on top o� the previously pl2ced =i3.1, however, Z caution you to stay o�.•ay from 5*our we12 aad/or septa.c systen. In fact, the plzcement of �ill nas already; covered your well head, wnicn is in �iolation ol the well code. A contact person =ro� tne County Iie�lth Department was iden�iZ�ed ior your wife ov City Inspector Ron S+asmund. I� you have .any questions regarding tnis matter, please call me. I understand that you nay wisn to wait until next spring to begin this work, however, I`d agprecia�e i� if you would finish by 3uly 1, 1°89. Pleasa let me know if this is aceaptable. Sincere'!S*, • � � . �� �� ' �� �Q � �� 2�.ike k,uelie� Area Aydrologist . cc: Ron t�'as�und, Gi�y of Rosem�+unt t,�hite Lake (15-$) =i3.e . . f . , , . r"�U•' " � �� � . - . . . . . , . , . .... . . . . . . . .. � . . � - ..� � • . _ - � . 612/29b-7523 1200 Warner Rd., St. Paul, Z�I. 55106 � July 22, 1�86 Hr. Dan Lockler � 2187 - 128th Straet West - P.osemount, Ziinnesotu 550b8 . - � P�E: 19-8P - W�IITE L,AF:£ • .. Dear �`�r. Lockler: Since our meeting of June 24, i9S6, I have h�d discussians k�ith City _ - staff regarding the water lecel situatio^. on F!'s�ite Lake� t"I9-8. Zn � . . . order to avoid any iuture ai.sunderst�.ndings about the nature of your • fill�ng� activities, ue decided to �.-rite you this letter for the ' ' � record, . � • � . � . Our meeting revealed that the level of k'hite Lake is suffieiently high ' : so that we Were u�able to dete�mine the outlet ele�;atioa at Bacardi . Avenue. However, it is reasonable to assus►e the level is at least tc:o . . to three fee� higher than the outlet. In addition, you nzve ,proposed � � , � �iCC�Z� ,r.'i.11 uwLZ�iGiS 2i. LSIc' j�QG Oi' YC'1� t2GL'S:�c tG ;in�Z 8 ✓SL� ��2c. 'i'he fill �;ilZ encroaca iato t�e ��ters of �;nite La�e for a distance oz ap�rosi�a:.ely 20 ieet to a depth of-�tc:o feet a� �ost. IZozmzlly, your proposed filling would require � Dh'?Z pera�it. Hocaever, � because � the . level of the lake is above the ordinary hi�h water, . technicaliy your fill isn't in the lake. Therefore, no:Di�iR perrsit is required, although adequate exosio� controls �ust be n.�incained during � . • . the actual placement of fill. I had earlier sent you some n2terials • � on :.he installa;.ion of a silt fe�ce. If you have any questions please feel free_to c2ll me. � � S�zcerely, _ . _ . - • � .. .' . _ . . ' . . ' ,, .: �� • . . . .. . . � . . . _ . . � N�ike Mueller . .. . . : • • • . . Area Hpdrologist ` � METRO REGIOh' DIVISION OF `Tw'ATERS � cc: Ron t,'asrnund, Building I�spector - City caf Bosenount /lkr • . MM.21 : � S7ATE OF U V U V�J�`-�J�G=,� DEPARTMENT OF N`ATURAL RESOURCE�S PHONENO. 612/2�6-7523 1200 Warner Rd. , St. Paul, MN. 55106 Fit,ENo. August 13, 1986 Mr. Richard Erdrich 21420 Bacardi . Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 ' RE: LONG LAKE (a.k.a. WHITE LAR.E) �19-8 Dear Mr. Erdrich: I have exs.mined our maps znd photos of the Long Lake area and believe that it has most likely been traditionally a "laadlocked" basin. As is true with all landlocked areas, if the water got high enough, it would eventually flow out. However, according to the revised 19bb topographic map, the water would have surpassed the 97O contour before outletting to the Northeast. In addition, it appears the lake periodically receives water from a small isolated wetland to the northwest. While we may never know where the lake outletted historicallv, we da know that the current outlet is alongside the road ditch by Bacardi, ' You have indicated a need to roti�e outflaw through your property and under a neighborts driveway. As long as the outflow is continued, there appears to be a stabi.lity to the situation. The Department would be quite concernad in the event that the outflow is obstructed, as this would affect the lake's sur�ace elevation. I appreciated the opportunity to discuss this k�ith you on July 30th. The work you proposed in routing the lake's outflow should not affect lske levels, the�efoYe the nep2rtment will not reauire a permit for your work. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, � ' 1����,�� i�� ��'.' ; � Mike Mueller Area Hydrologist " Metro Region Division of Waters enclosures cc: Don Brown, Rosemount Lake file 19-8 MM31 , •y�o _� ;�p�_� � •.�l_�:�. -�.— .f1 .J.: _. , : � _ y�s , .-- .,� =,•- ; -,.,:'�' , ;v '�,I Vf J���\�.�� Q 1� •�.�„' \ ', ..r� _ .t� � � . . . ,�`..� i'^;t� ^'�l.bea • -0� • '�� , . . �1`C �:� ..'.-. "'�;�� �!' . �7 a �•�_`�.J�.:.�� 1.� • � ��`I �a�. � -�r"�.,,•e � . 4/�3Q•• ~ ,-�J. �°a ./�L!!T,",�i h I ���•''-_ ' �K" —'_ � ', • -I . L.�• .. '�T• �.�� =.,�; :� �� , . ,. : ,. .t�Fs- ... ` � `f-.�"� '� •�'- • ,r rH� ' - ' :�srs�.c' .� � '� .ROAO • li.._�� ., �. _ � . �^. 6 BN, '966 � � : :�9,� ;,,, � ,: " :�—}-� , ;;. G .�_- �v, �i� . ' •• �-`z.;l. P�^y� J'.�_fj� • �/,.-S� � �� .. • 1�.1 � � CY � .(� " -- —_- ,�,.s,�y �y,�� �, _� �� • # , ;. �'"`-�� ia� .2. ' +I �• ^ �: � k l� •-' � - l,„: '�59� ,0-.���' +� �+— - _�=���1^ �•="��. ` ��1-' -� �— ' � _ . •' � �. •�,[�la �\�� � r . �`,�� �l. 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I �,; _l- _ . . _ 44°45' — 93'07'30..�y:<<•..,,,.,- :� ., �2 za0000 FE� �1 >.......>-.•. _ .,, '43 �oo� � Mapped, edited, and published bytheGeological Survey �;6% Concroi by USGS, USC�GS,a�d USCE * 0��� T000 raoh b �K G(�.� g y y photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs ;H. � ��� t� taken 1947. F;eid cherked 1952. Reviscd Erom aerial ,EA� pnotographs taxqn 1966. F�e�e cneck�a :967 s• HyarograDhy cqmoiled from informaiion furn�shed 'ay °��3�. a9 M��S i��� Minntsota Department pf Conservation Palyeonic pro�ection. 1927 North American Gatum 10.000-Foot grid based on Minnesota coo�cinate system,south zone � 1000-metrr Universal 7ransverse Mercator nd ticks, JT~"���A~� 'yT� "•�NE��t voar� a �ECI�N�r�pN ar�ErtiEa Of SMEEt zo�e 15.Shown in blue _ I . � P>.� . .. ,.,+;..� �. - ,__ � . � • ROSEMOUKT CITY PROCEEDIMGS �`c.�� � � . . RE6ULAR t�ETING . . S�P'f'EMSER I7, 1984 Mayor Knutson� advised the Council that he is in receipt of a letter from Qrrin Thompson Homes updat�ng him on the �rogress being made in correcting the site problems created in the aborted attempt to develope their �roperty at this time. He noted that he has scheduled a meeting with the neighbors of this development to u�date tfiem See Glerk's Fiie 1984-21. Steve Campbell presented dravrings indicating his �roposed corrections to the storm water problems .at 147th St. and Chippendale in the Broback ' 1Qth Addition. In discussion with �the Council and the affected property orrner it was determined that the first correction to �e attempted would be a dry well strategicaily placed to accept some of this run off and reshaping of the ditch to direct v�ater to an area to e develaped to fiold some of this water in an attempt to keep the w ater evel below a ]evel that �hreatens th2 home on this lot, #40TIOK by Knutson to authorize the Engineer and Don 8rown ta proceed with clearirg a channel and installation of a dry well as discussed with regard to storm water on -Lot 7, �Block 3, Broback 1Qth Addition. �Second by Wi 1]ard. Ayes: �!i l i ard, Walsh, Stauffer, �Cnutson, Tu�ker. Nays: Steve Campbell presented drawings and informat�on on his proposal to correct the storm water problems on Bacardi Avenue north of 130th Street. Discussion followed with the Cauncil and affected property \ owners in the area. The estimate p:-=:_�-;tied for the proposed � corrections was $20,000.00. �No im mediate Council action could be taken due fundirg consideration. Immediate action to be taicen will be provided by property owners who will attemat t� provide added s*orage space for water_ and some run off areas. This wi11 be StUa;�� furtr�er� after the property owners fiave made their tarrections and report hack to the Council at the second Regular Cauncil fiieeting in October. Fire Chief Gist presented a request to proceed with specification preparation for the Fire Department Pumper that is in the 1986 Ca ital Im rovement Pr � A P ogram budget. See Clerk s File 1984-21. �SOTIQN by Knutson to authorize the Fire Department Committee to proceed with preparation of specifications for the Fire Derartment Purrper as requested. Second by Tucker. Ay�s: Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Wi 71 ard. �1ays: 0. Don Brown presented a draft Resolution outlining proposed stop sign 7ocations in newly developed areas. Council proposed an additional . � sign at the McDonalds/Pizza Hut private entry as it approaches Canada Ave. �tOTIQH by Stauffer ta adopt Reso7ution Z984-37 A RESOLUTION CAUSIKG � PlACEKEKT 0� '[RAFFIC COKTROL SIGNS AT CERTkIH LOCATIOKS KITNIFi THE CFTY OF RQSEMOUMT. Second by Walsh. Ayes: Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, l�illard, Walsh. Nays: 0. - � Don Bror,�n requested the Council approve a "traffie study for the 145th Street, Chippendale and Chiii Avenue intersection. tie nated that his � request is more specifically a re uest to use the Traf ' 4 f�c Eng�neer �n reviewing the cross �waik marker locations and traffit flow stripping configuration. See Glerk's File 1984-2L � itOSE�10(1KT CI7Y PROCEEDINGS RE6ULAR MEETING SEPI�?dBER 4, 1984 The agenda was amended to include: Item 3b, Introduction af the Rosemount Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director: Item 5g, was deleted: Item 5h, Postal Gurbside Delivery Service Discussion: Item 6f, Temporary Maintenance Position: Item 6g, South Rose Park Replat Simple Lot Division. MOTIOH by ►dalsh to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: 1�'alsh, Stauffer, Knutson,Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. See Clerk's Fi le 1984-20. Steve Campbell, City Engineer presented bid information on the Schwari Park Trail indicating that only one bid was received. The bidder on this project has been a contractor on other SEH projects and the : Engineer recommends that the bid be awarded to. the single bidder noting that it is a good bid as indicated by its being considerably lower that the estimates. M OTION by Knutson to accept and award the Schwarz Park Trai1 Improvement bid to Barber Construction Company of Hapk�ns in the amount of $29,079.20. Second by Willard. Ayes: Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, k'iliard, 4�'alsh. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1984-20. �.,._ .d.:,,..,..�..g...z...�r..,.....r._._._ Discussion was held on the Bacardi�Avenue�=�drainage �problem:' The City Engineer reviewed that area topo maps with the Cauncil indi�ating how .he would propose to correct the problem that exists in the area. Mr. : Erdrich; Mr:• Marotzke and Mr. Manseau were in atte�dance to discuss this mutual�problem with the Council. Discussion of this item was interrupted at -8:0� p.m., to allow the Council to conduct a public hearing scheduled far this time. . Mayor Knutson opened the public hearing on the proposed vacation of easements along the com mon lot line between Lots 1 & 2, Block 1, Sroback 2nd Add i ti on. The Clerk had in his presence the A€fidavit of Published Notice and the Affidavit of Mailed Hearing Notice. See Clerk's Fi-le 1984-20. Mayor Knutson ezplained the purpose of this public hearing is to consider vacation of easements that were recorded as part of a plat and have since had garages constructed on portions of the easements. The Clerk explained that these easements have been review�ed and inspected by City Staff who are recom mending that the entire easement be vacated as no future need for these easements can be justified at this time. Mr. Harry Jacksan informed the Council that he rras owner of one of the lots affected and he would concur with Staff recommendatian that these easements wi11 never by required. \ The Clerk further explained that during Staff review it was revealed � that some years back eff orts were expended to vacate several easements �in the 8roback Additions but had not been tompleted. Time permitting Staff could resume this research and complete the vacation of all the � � . � ��T1!'1DrAC�?r�r o?fOT.bn}� in ��+.�+ �.^�? � . . . ' RQSEMOUHT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGU:LAR FtEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1984 Members of the Council indicated that they `had reviewed the easements in question and wouTd agree that complete vacation would be in order. I There were no others in attendance wishing to comment on this issue. MOTIQt{ by Wal sh to c 1 ose the pub1 i c hear i ng. Second by Tucker. Ayes: . 5• Nays: 0. hOTIOR by Tucker to adopt Resolution 1g84-34 A RESOLUTIOM CAUSING FASEKEHT YACATIOFl. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: Knutson, Tucker, �r.., 4�i llard, , k'alsh, Stauffer. N;ys: 0. .�,,,.r..,.�.�.:...r...�.,�... Discussion was resumed on the -Bacardi.�AVe'�stor.m_wate�r b em`s `�.� .;, : . �, Steve Campbell, City Engineer, informed the Council that an extensive survey of the area will be required to determine the best method of correcting the problems in the area. Area residents questioned whether this problem could be compounded in the nEar future should the City Council approve the proposed plat to be known as white Lake Acres as that area contributes to the problem being discussed. MOTION by Knutson<-to- authoriie-the Gjty°E.ng�neer�to: pe,r#orm .the: necessary�"survey�of ,the_Bacardi:�Ave:xarea;to�proy�yde_�cost�estim'ates��and� plans�rLfar'�the correction of the ponding prablems. � �Second �by'$ta`uffer: Ayes. �-.:Tucker,- �illard; Walsh,� Stauffer, Knutson. �-hays: 0. � =- - � � � Discussion was held reg�rding the status of the On-Sale Liquor establishment. Frank Goggin presented information� an insurance for the establishment. It was questioned as to why the insurance providers have not offerred more concrete quotes on the covera9e as requested. It was explained that they do not wish to go through the work of preparing a formal quote until such time as the City Council indicates their desire to reopen the On-Sale. Discussion was held on the possibility of a closed session to allow m eaningful discussion of 'this issue with the insurance agent and Staff. MOTIOH by Knutson to set an Executive Session of the City Council at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 18, 1984 for the. purpose of discussing the insurance problems at the Liquor Store. Second by Stauffer. Ayes: Nillard, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. ' Dean Johnson advised the Council that the Netropolitan Council estimates of population for the City of Rosemount have been amended. to reflect what the City has deemed correct population estimates for 1984. Dave Bechtold, Park & Rec Director presented pencil quotes for the laying of the blacktop on the Chippendale Trail Project. He presented four pencil quotes ranging from a low of $3,406.00 to a high of 57,530.00, recommending award to the iower bidder. See Clerk's File 1984-20. ; M OTIQ!! by Stauffer to accept the quotes and award the Chippendale Trail 6lacktop Project to the 1�w b;+��o�- i �, �, �� .,�� ,_ �.,_ _.._ _� : _ _ .. : , . ROSE��10Uh(T CITY PROCEEDIM6S � RE6ULAtt KEETIN6 AtJ6�UST 21, 2984 Mr. Nervig spokesperson for U.S. Nomes, explained a clean-up plan which wi ] 1 be done im mediately f or the NighPointe Addition, where earth moving has been done. BasicaTly, but not entirely, this clean up wi11 \ cover that area north of the Connemara Trail praposed street, and will involve grading, iaying of straw, grass seed, filling af the pond behind the Flikeids property & grading and building of a biem to present further run aff or erosion onto adjacent properties. MOTIOK by Knutson that at this time the Councfil has agreed ta the clean-up as outlined by the U.S. Homes, namely, Jime Nervig and that they will procee� expeditious to carry it out, with the understanding that this is not to be considered the solution to�the problem that we have discussed with residents of LeForet tonight, and tfiat those problems will hopefully be discussed further and resolved to some kind of mutual satisf action. Second by Stauff er. Ayes: 7ucker, Willard, lsh; Stauffer, Knutson. Nays: 0. See Clerk's File 1984-18. Dave Bechtold presented informatian on the requested purchases for the park maintenance of a fork lift an�d trimmer. . M OTIOH by Willard to authorize the Park & Recreation birector to purchase a f ork lift for the Ford Tractor Loader at a cost of S 595.00. and also a trimmer fbr � 368.00 to replace the used one presently in bad candition. Second by Waish. Ayes: Willard, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker. Nays: 0. Dick Erdrich, Dan Lockier & Eart Narotzke, residents on Bacardi Avenve • were present requesting the Counril to correct- the _ surface water problem affecting their properties. - FtOTION by Knutson ta author�ze the Engineer to investigate the surface ',, water problem on 8acardi Avenue and report back to the Council with his recommendations. Second by Stauffer. Ayes. 1�'alsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Tucker, Willard. Nays: 0. Gene Stiles, resident of 147th Street & Chippendale was present to request Council to assist in correcting surface water problem on his lot. M OTI{�N by Knutson to authorize the Engineer to check the surface water problem on 147th & Chippendale and come back to the Council with his recom mendations. Second by 4falsh, Ayes: Stauff er, Knutson, Tucker, Willard, Walsh. Nays: 0. The Fire Department request for louver drapes far the �ire Ftall windows was returned for further information & additional quotes for the entire . Fire Nall as needed. Mayor Knutson reported on a meeting with Liz Fedourik, Cierk Darling and himself on locations of a possible future County Library in the Rosemount/Apple Valley area. The County proposes in the iong range planning to construct a 20,000 sq. ft buildina on a 5 acre plat somewhere in this area. ' 1�` �1( �, � `'/ /.i�� � -�`i ` �" � �. ;�_. . � '�. 1/ � �o\`..._ � _ ,,,. � l . � � ' ��n���J � � o, � � ( - � �_�.�� ,,c�� �„ � i \ - ...D32-5.1 � � -� � s � l t � �/ ;! i ,�� / / � � �� �J � �� ^C'�.'� �� i *- �-C NY_,,. y I J �r " / 1 / / �� i i /�� � ��� r i/ ���� _—_ _ �1 � ., r C � t � '! ( // / � ,/�J/ � �� � � �,� "`—`' — —=�--i� 1. r I , ♦ i — --�._., �,. �"� � � ��� // � ��� � �i�t 1 O GC{( � �� �X,� l�� '� - _ —� ? , .� '"� ' �� c ��� \�\ � =1�` �"�../,-�r � ( :( l � � ' t r t � � ! 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DATE: Ju(y 16, 1993 SUBJ: Dan Lockler tetter i have reviewed the file for documentation regarding grading permits issued to Mr. Lockier for filling in around his yard and into White Lake. I have attached this documentation for your review. Contrary to what Mr. Lockler may feel regarding his treatment or lack thereof, i think that the attached material demonstrates that a fair amount of hand hoiding and conferencing has taken piace over 'the years that Mr. Lockler has been aitering his shore front and lawn. Bud Osmundson has also provided you a memo regarding the more recent discussions that have taken place. In that memo he aiso provided you the orciinary higt�-uvater levei as estabiished by the DNR. — This a natura! water body that has no outiet, nor does it have any storm water piped to it. The drainage that is contributed to White Lake is influenced only by the deveiopment of houses such as Mr. Locklers, which have been built around it. With the help of the DNR, which controls this water as a protected water body, we are looking at possible ways to control the level ofi this lake. We have reviewed the drainage pattern through the Erdrich property and found no obstru�tions. In fact, there is reason to believe that this is not the way White Lake �ver maintained a constant level. The culvert under Bacardi has been cleaned by us, and the culvert under Erdrich's driveway has been cleaned by us. The only way to get rnore water to flow through them is to adjust their elevation. Since this is a DNR controlled water, we have no jurisdiction to adjust the elevation without their input. We have sought this solution by having the DNR establish the Qrdinary High Water Level. It is aur position that the unusuafly heavy rains are contributing to the.problems that Mr. Lockler is experiencing. We have not ignored his requests for action at any time. Though the answers we've provided to date are not what he wanted to hear, I think that Mr. Lackler is very much responsible for his storm water fee. . . i �� .-_� . . . . � . . . i . s .,�.., �� ���� �UILd1NG PERMIT . . ry N° 1 38 City of Rosemoun�t ' .. � . .._-- - ' Rosemount, Minnesofia,- -��N� � 197� � . � Permit is ronted to_ ��� ��G�C L ec.� ' � , , to ild o i Yt(� J�.J ! �/7 7`;. lter � � t.2 �'d 1lC�y � . �ion . ' . , at: --� -- /2� � _sT— � �s upon she property described as Lot � ��--• �..-- / ' I Block � � .�� O,� � • Addition Work to be do�e in confo with the Ordinonces and City Chorter of the City of Rosemount ond the Laws - of the$tote of Minnesoto pertoining the�eto. � ' F�S Po�d��_S'o 3 �S,"o o � • � Surcharge$ �v , 0� � •. . . � �V1lWK�IM�I[CTp4� � � � . ..�� �. . .�.�.��..�� . ��� '"�. .��.'� .� . ��r'�� �"��'�'���' '�"���... �. . ..�»��.�. r��� . . . In addition size of original strueture . Number of stories j (With - Withou+ Basment) - � � � I Occupancy Classification �- ' Type of Construction: �p p� - (fr , masonry steel, etc.) Ezterior surface �..(,G.�. •�f' (Siding, bri�k, sheet metal, E�,c. Type of roof _ ��-C.-T Tp�e material � ,Q--L�_ . Estimated cost of pro j ect -- �..�j, �f'�-7) Off-Street Par�.ng wi3.1 be furnished for a11 occupants of the build'�? covered .by ttiis application. - ------ --- ----.-. . . . .__ _.� . ..___ .—..------ ---- --- ----• --.__..._. ..._._ . ..._. . .... ---�_ . :. ._._.__. In eonsideration for the permit issued on approval of thia application, (I or�) �ereby agree that the work to be perfor�ed ahall be in aceordance with the above statements and as required by law. Construction � l be starte wi�;hin 9p days from date of this pezmi.t. The work shzll be sub`e t to �.nsp � the Bui1cl- � ing In.Sl�eetor. � . ( . Date � f}-rlJ, �j � _ � Signed '� Prope er - Contractor Permit No. Fee _��C�,SC� 3�j�',QQ ' _ - � �lan Check Fee Surchar8e !�.�p • Tota1 J�� . Zj`� � � � � . � , `_ . . ��; .,..'ti�. .S-, . . i.i .a.r . .. . . . • •+ .:. . .i�� ; ... , ' . � � � � ��tr:� •f.:, .y� �,t N�`J y�„!'W 5. ����`f� ' . .. , r•, . t� � . + . . . a o� t�i' t'.� .��t•., { w )•. .�•. . . � •." � - � r .l y,� ��'��*,� �fe , .�i rl. �• • ' � • . . . ' � ' . . �lc� ,� "' .7,�,! ' s,,,'�y�� ��; ` 1t ' '�. .. ::. �• C��.C ' �'. • • , . � • • . � .:',y, 1 C11'�L°T1S ?f 'rr .t '�'�K � ' , �;! . �-c .•:, w .. ' ` , f •' ' ' . ... %,,, . , � . co d �.�cy. ;�f � ,� �:> � p ��� .;�, �� JAY.�CI�!^ii TS FIftST AL1D7TTt�J� � ' ti '�',�:''� t' ;:;?' ti�� r�:; !_ . . . . . ,_ . .. . . :;: . 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' � .. • . • . . � rr'"AP �' �LICATION F0R BUILDING PERM�IT . CITY OF ROSFr'IOUNT, I+'�IESOTA � BUILDING INSPECTOR . City of Rosemount, Minnesota . ... ..---�._ ._....__ _......._ .. . , the undersigned hereby make appZication to erect, move, slter (I �r We) , or repair struc�ure (s) on Lots � , Block No. � addition ' Street address � -- 2 %` ��-7ri The Structure is' • to be used as a � - __ • ___ (Res. , Office, Stare, Waxehouse, ete. • P�INEt�T.� IN��UF�iATION : Work to be perfozsned: �fJ V,. d A �� � . � (Erection, alteration, moving, repairing, etc. W� / • Size of structure or ad 'tion: CS�' -0 � � In addition size of original. structure Number of stories ' � (With - Without ga��ent) , _ �. - � - ! Qccup2ncy Classification Type of Construction: �.,cJ b O� • (fr , masonry ateel, etc.) � Exterior surface �t.L.. '�� (Sidi.ng, brick, aheet metal, Etc. Type of roof _ ��j-�C-f� T'y�e material � �Q-'�T_ � Estim.ated cost of prn3ect ��:.(�, (�"�--z� T- Off-Street Par�ng will be fl�rnished for all occupants of the bui.ldi.ng eovered :by this �applicatian. V� Zn considexta.tion �or the permit issued on approval of this application, � (I or�z) �iereby agree th,at the work to be perfor.ned sha11 be i.n accardance wi.th the above statements and as requi.red by law. Construction be� starte wi#,hin 90 days - from date of this pezmit. The work sha11 be sub s t to insp � the Build- � ing Ir,�pector. � �. Ddte �1 �fV,� f Signed ,,�. ' Pezmit No. Prope er - Contractor Fee �90,5� 3 (',60 • Plan Cheek Fee Surchar8� ��.c`�b � ' Tota1 _ ��6 . b`2� Minutes of Planning Commission , � Tdeetin� - Janua r�� 27, 1977 t •� � Pursuant to due call and notice thereo£, a Public Hearing of the Rosemount City Plannin� Commission requested by Daniel J. Lockler was called to. order at 7:�5 Pv1. Hearing was for the purpose of�;requesting a variance . for on-site seotic systerr. and drain£ieYd, on less. than requirec� 2-1/2 acres. .. After hearing his request and there being no �further discussion, Chairman Corrigan deelared khe hearing closed. . - Chairman Don Corrigan then called the regular meeting of the Rosemount Planning Ca�::^ission to order at 8:00 PM. Members .present were Mrs: : . - Alice Anderso.^.. \tzssrs: C.� Cunningham, _R. Bazton, D.� Corrigan •-and_. . � C. 1'ovak, a: •.. r_l as -Planner John Sanger. '-° . . .. . Motio:� by Bzrtoa second by Novak �ta approve�-tlze :minutes of the last .regular meeeino on Deczmber 16, I976 as corrected. Chairman �Corrigan rioted;that Mr. Ozment ma�e -a motion regarding approval of Rosemount Do�ge site �lan . as presenteri and requested that his name be shown as having mad� the ' _ znotion in the minutes. Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. Plznning Comrnission unaninnously agreed to add to the aoenda under New _ Business, the rr� tter of interior construction at Broc�way Glass Co. znd a reauest by �David ��Tachter �or hearing to locate a mobile home in tlie � City of Rosemount. � , Comrnission then discussed with Ivir. �Vachter, his request for a hearing and he was informed that a rnobile home cannot be located on the farm of Donald Z'�'achter, David Wachter withdrew his request for hearing. Building Inspector has reported that' a sign has been erected by Saint Paui • Ammania Product�, Inc. and the sign=is approximately 12°fo over th� size ' ' permitted. � :. .. � � MOT.ION by Barton to set a variance hearina for February 2�,. .1977. at 7:�5 PM� to hear� the request for variance for size••�f sibn located 'at S�. ';;�. paul Arnmonia Products, Ir.c, Second by.�Vo�ak._ �-Ayes 4 Nays 0. hlotion c4r�ied. . . � � � � Commission discussed with Bart Dunn and Del.Schwanz a plat as presented . ' � for Rosemount Hills First Additiori'.- ` . - • MC7TION by Barton to set a variance hearing on Fe bruaiy 24, ..197;7, �at. . 7:40 PM, to request a�-variance for cul-de-sac lenath for the pXop.ased,.... ;: : . P,osemount Hill.s First Addition. Second by Cunzingham.• Ayes 4 Nays �0 . . �� Motion �arried. " . � Commission discussed the variance hearing heid earlier at the. request- pf• Daniel Lockler. Planner John Sanoer said� h� had researched .the prQp�rty abstracts as oresented bv M=. Lockler and had determir_ed that the total. . � . . Minutes of Planning Commissian Meeting - Janua ry 27, 1977 �) Page Two MOTION by Cunningham to approve the request of Brockway Glass Co. for building permit for internal building revisions, and reconzmend • ' same be issued. Plans shall be turned over to the b�nlding inspector for follow-up, noting that at l.east one sest room did not have the required stall for handieapped individuals. Inspector to be made aware of this fact. Second by Novak, Ayes 4 Nays 0. Motion carried. MOTION by �or�_L- to table the variance request of Rossmount Dodge for . sign permit ur.t:l t:ze Febrnary 24th meeting in order to further review the �atter. �e�a�a by Barton.� Ayes 4 Navs 0. Motion carried. MOTIO� by Barton to approve 'the December invoice of Brauer and Associates zs presented. Second by Anderson. Ayes 4 i�'ays 0. Motion carrierl. There being no further business to come before this Commission at this time znd upon �40TI0� by Navak second by Barton, it was unanimousJ:y agreec� to adjourn this meeting. .� . Respectfully submitted Margaret Alsip Recording Secretary 1 � ' ; � � � � � � ��sl�� . . _ � . . . _ . � t8� � �� � . ;. . �.. ._. _.._ �� g - � - - ; : __ ,� . . ., � � s -��- �-� - � _. . f. . . .._ � � _ ._ . ... . ` •'� 1.'•- - ��- "` .�� ... � ..N'" ��-,-� � t...l��-- �..J�iL�C�/�2%���sp,, :c.��,� ` t� � _._�_.__. � - : -.. �s .-�-� �-�. " . � . . �:.�.�, - . _ _ .. r . _---... __ --�-- - - - - - - .. - - . ._. •--• r/' `� l:�J'.�//J �"¢�/ � (/ . �b1� � �"�.1/�"•-- V ��/. N,//t---- / ` ).� "'` �,/.�"�'"��"'" C.��.C'���"'_ �.1� l/`� c.'C" / t� �_,� c.�-�C. ��-G'�-.�'�,c� --c. J "�`h ..��,�d.-c.-o ' � � � - -�-- .. . _ _ . . - - *� . . � t�} r \✓•i� 0 ' ' ST. E OSC'YI2OL(YL� , • . . . � SSOEE -•• 3-d41: ; � , �7 i Zq(� June 6, 1986 ; � —� Dan Lockl er � ,�.-- • 2187 128th Street West I ` - � (�;��'�° Rosemount, MN 55�68 �ro+�-' . � Dear Mr. Lockler: I �,�� ; This letter is to inform you that the City of Rosemount wil7 �not� � issue a permit or alTow any fi11 to be placed in your yard until such time as .the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has been contacted and had opportunity to stake the ordinary high water level mark along White Lake. The DNR wi11 stake the ordinary high water level , establishing tfie limits of the fill that you can place on your property adjacent to this registered water body, They will provide this service at no cost ta you. After this water 1eve1 has been identified by the DNR and you have submitted a general plan to the City of Rosemount Building Department, a permit will then be issued and you may proceed with the fill . Any and all fill activity which has taken place up to this point must cease and no further filling be done until such time as the • permit is-issued. Furthermore, all junk and -debris that has been • placed along the water line on the south property line must be � removed back to the point that was identified to you during our meeting on June 5, 1986, between yourself, Barb McCarthy and I. A11 debris must be removed by no later than 4:00 p.m. , t�onday, June 9, 1986. If you will contact me at �23-4411, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. , I will provide you with the names and telephone numbers of contact people_ at the Department of Natural Resources, . for your convenience; . Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Ron Wasmund . Building Official � RW:dq . 4 . . . x� ��.�.���, . . . , . �. . . ���"`��,.�.,�. « :.. .;�* ,.�:�,� �,��.����,.�:`'a'' ; , � �. BEACH � : o:..Q � :r.�. �.<�^ ,�,..��:�,�,�, ��'�,� .,.�,�. � �"��'- �,�-'�zy`�:i".�E r � ���'�Y�� ;;�� S.AI�ID ��.: �. �a� �,. ,�.��r,�.��,�xx � �.����:.� BLAN�.ETS - � _ ` ,i`' ;:�. _ � . . . . . .. . . .�.- . .,.._ ,• ��q , :._, �. .:�. .,�,..,: .. ...,�, ,.,;;,,.,,.. • � - -. � :"� . .. �, . . .. .:.�: PERMIT REQUIREMENTS . and CONSTRUCTICJN GUIDELIN�ES Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter ]O5, public waters are any A Depariment oi Natural Resources permit is not required it e. �waters ot the state which serve one or more materisl beneficiat beach sand blanket is instailed within all of the restrictions listsd public purposes including navigation, recreatlon, fuh and wildiife ..: below: � habitat, nutrient and sediment entrapment, water supply, ground . ' . ' •. water recharge, ffoodwater retention, and sc+entific and natural � 1• The blanket shail consist of oniy elean, inorganic sand � areas.� . � _ . -� _ and/or gravel tree ot poilutants and nutrients. , •'= ' � ' � • 2, The bianket shaU not exceed the foliowing dirnensions:' Any project constructed below the ordinary high water mark �� ' a. No more than SO teei along the shore. - • (OHW)which atters the course,current, or cross-section oi pubfic ' b. No more than 10 feet waterward ot the �HW. waters is subject to the reg�latory jurisdiction of the Department of c. tJo more than b inches thick. Naturai Aesources. For ►akes, the OHW is the highest elevation 3. The site shail noi be a posted fish spawning area. which the lake h2s mainiained to leave evidence upon the ' landscape.For watercourses,the OHW is the elevation of the top of 'This is equivalent to 9.3 cubic yards or approximately 1 truck the bank of tt�e channel. For reservoirs and 8owages,the OHW is 1oaC (tandem dump truck� of sand and/or graveL the oper2ting elevation of the normal summer poof. A permit is not required irom the Department o( Natural �1 the proposed sand blanket cannot meet al{ot the precediny Resources tor a beach sand blanket irtstalfed within the folbwing ' �estrictions,a petmit from the Department oP Natural Resources is restrictions.Local units ot govemment and other agencies may still required.Contact the appropriate regionat oRice or the Division ot require a permit tor this projecL Your{ocal watershed district and Waters in Sl Paul for the rtecessary application forms. All beach county zonin otficials r sand blankets shall be fnstalled according to the tallowing 9 equire 7 days notice prior to the installation 9uidelines. of the beach. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has regulatory authoriry over the placement of any till into public waters including � wetlands.The Corps should be contacted to determine If a permit is � required from that agency. BEFORE INITIATING ANY PROJECT, contact your Local Conservation Otticer or the Regiortal Hydrologist (see map}. - - - , , .r�t�}��� . • ' " �.��.., . �-r, + . ---• � . � • � x t:i'•:.. . . .. . . �.F.�:_j_y.t.:' _ . , :;;::��,:. ,,.;,;,Y: � ,.. .. . FIGUREI ,[Not toScate) - . . . . , ���. . . � ��ONW�(Ordinary High Water Mark) State Jurisdiction e:icnds Walerward ol OHW � Range of Water LevN Fiuctuation � _—_---_—__Yaries—from Lak=to lake� Ordinary High Watrr Level Recotd High � . Water levN ' � � � Average Waier levei :�:r�:.._ ' . �--"� : Cattail.Buirush.5e�dges.� � j�Record Low and other Aqwtic Yegeut on /W��er Lerei . • � , ' � . ����"��'�"1��01�� • Fsheries office to determine it the proposed location is a posted • ��+�The rt�artan'owner should first consider tf a beach sand bianket fish spawning area.'fhe sartd blanket shait nof be located where it .-..;..p ..: ,ls needed..Perhaps the removal�ot vegetation and debris wovid � �"��d d�OY significant fish or wildiite habftat,wild rice,and other. _ �provide'an ade uate beach, ii the ezistin shoreline does not � permitted tor the�pu� `'�'� � q 9 protected v etation.Sand blankets are�ot =provide art adequate.beach,a beach sand bianket may be insta►fed Pose ot controlling aquatic vegetation or tor shoreline protectlon ';,� ^ if.an�attempt to Jnsffiil a`•.beach�sand bianket is, unsuccessful since there are much beiter methods and alternatives;avaitabie -'Y�:- �" •' :because ot•unstable`ls�te.conditio�s,_the.project,shouid be aban- . ._COnditions ai some sites are obviously not suited fa a�beach`sand: '�"`�-�,= � U 1�J�anQ�:would'�be�fu3i(e�and�-"blanket (steep:sbpes_6 oc more tncties'of�'muck�TR�;� o'w�n"`" p -Y".ti .F.--,. . .�..,.. f..:�.-.-�.a----�-.:s-�..�.•"ra.�� . 8„�. mptec�r rY�� '�A"r'�c�����c:. �water,:spnrigs;,and/or•substanttal wave•actlon. Ides! a ood � �� +i.x-'�`.Ri-^`•� `��-"r r'� _ .. ." . 'n: -" ' •�. :.+..:.r.-�n r:��..s.• ?t'` ' r.__.�besch site shoif{d have a gerttfe sto with minimal wave�icri� and� �' :'tiT�C�.:.;.;,a�.fTJf[ �.icN •�nT:Y W!})�. � "a ��0. . ; , „��„ _�lo�stec!i�.�sre�a��e�e o�eacheshavebeen s,uccesst� ..1�R- `• . � { "� ���1��btankets shaJi,not be instalfed iv'��e�t�h.e�•sl�o�e-'�. ,•'s � -. {�.'r...,� _ :.r �X �-..,�'=+r ' ! parlan owner needs and'desiies a beach ssnii bianket he �:;;greaterthan 10�:�'(10 teet tiortzontal dis�ance per_eseh toot.of.ve : ' �+=•r• > ---�-:-:�_�-- . , fect;fhe= eglonel'DNR oKce(see map)�or tha local area _.�..:ti�al�drop} �''Y ' 1 , ti:r �._,„ � e�3. y?,x.F�.:.. '•' • • .��,�''<`-:. . '�, �*i!�:,�.t:t - � � � 7op V�ew ��IGURE 2 (Not to Scale j� � S i d e V i e w �_«. , � . , � . . �+�AVF.ceIt !t' . '� N+ �V � � '• LW T , +y,� ��y� Yi . .. _ . . �wi. � � �/ ��'zrl� �'k�'Wa "[. � .'+ _r� r � M'na.>•.a'� �..;. ..... • � �'Yy.: y�, ..�` 1� � r4'��...b.'�.rvr.,„.�.."�''„ ' .��i's��*C{�� �Y~ i;• .. s l��.axk%.�:.,.�''a�s,-;x.4w�'wi xx s y n.; ,t�l.:.F ,�t's < '��T�� . ���.: ��,c�,y.�x,sx'�"r +' • _ . . �� ftTSg'i3��� � �£k yr��� • • ! r a�.Y �: ."Ec<. ' '. rrri�"�� 4: ���� '� _ .:�� ~��. ' � `, ��� . �y y*`'.b'�� .k '� �- Y �"4!.i? R�� ..�� X� � S� �A '� . _ . : . . )����� �:� ���. �� ,� ��5 =�. =�"�`�. � : � a�� �" 5� � � �, O�T{�lF18T tli �t ' �� ' y - • . .�^7�y , ,_� Q � .� ���tater'�nar3c;.:�� ¢`� • ° L„�� p� . . � :����� . �}�.�•�:� �����z���-;*�r�3�'�,;d-� 3�'� F _� s r�,r�,ys�^'.�S'�".�,�?.�,��" � �`�rp� � � q? ..c .�,:: :=+ ..� "�' .c' a. M�'�� v"�, y V�� ...� '_ ��., �'�' ��� . . . . £'yi���. .. � � J�� ..� ' � ' �. . ..uci . . � ,. . � .�"`r � . ..t ,��,+:;.,.�,-:��. �'� ..., '.q-,�<.� .�afl�lll8l „ � j4 - � + �• y�#ttg�t��.� _ � `�- . .'•' ..i�`�.v.4�� � � ` y� •6 •�a . . ��.`_ �t�'�:lT�:✓� • �•i•• • '�i.. •�l.. � ��1 $f- f C(�/'^+Y ; � ���-= : .j. ��U��l�, �K. _'.?L J i�!,�,..'2+a�1 • ��1i�71:" .� `� �s� � ��.. .�a .�.+L•.�i�Y� _ '�� j t{i+„�y¢ �•:i;,�,i�' . J�Y . . - i r- �tr !Y= .a . '9" iC'�"•s� •+1-��„�i3�; .. •. v ...... . . � .s� . , ' . „ - . ,... . � . . -� ,..� ... . ',r .%: ....�.._. ix- '. .c�:'3'% ,y-. . . �i..�t' ...... / . X � �"� ..�s.�.:z.�' .'r�...?%S , � . :,- �-..�.r :..: .: . .,...... ,... .._. ' ...: ' .. .. ' �"_ . . . _. :..:� . ,. . ..._.. . .. �„ .. .�,--, ., y . ..._... ... .. :. . . ... ' � . . _ .. . .. .,. ... ... . �e_ i . ,.. ........ . .MA?. �2 '.�.�...... � •� , �� � � Speed Letter� � �1!/�!/'� Fr�m f>"7� ���f�iY� • - , . . . �� , Q .3 . • ' � . .. ? . . � „ . . • _ >ject � 1JfLs�G C,..����p,1"' ' . . . �,�.fl,.o : ' • • ' • . �SSAGE•. - � • . . , • . , . - . . . .GZ . � / �L �GG�� ` i.u'r rt f� i ,-w_ ,� s, . i _ . �zS� �/fit U•'%f�C /. _ :..: . } • -2l� � �Y a H�d/'/�c �i ..,��or�.-7'm��..�' r��1,/d�ccrrs���SK.crceS y��� l.Js-er�'i�� �1P �/S�iE i,���/ s'��e ����ii.t�s%i� .�ii.,b r �,�c.�� .:P S Yz�.b��i.ro 7�Lt• �s�i 7'"s � t�l� �i �r"� /�a.�,f�'�.�- ��'��Gzc�E f`-P� �K�' �/�/� Date� .:��_ ' Signed ��� ���,�c�� cPLY' , , _ - . , :rC.D . . . . . . . . . . - ��- .,_�� . � . . . . . � _.._._ . ..� . � ; . . . _ .. . . - . . . . ' .. _ � . . Date Signed � ilsonJones -�UNE fQRM aL-0p2 b?Ati7 ' � � . � � � � . ' � i3•R7IN7EOIhU.SA ' � � . � . � . � SEN�cR—DETACH ANQ RETAIN Y�ILOVJ COPY.SENO WHITE AND PINK COPIES VVITN CkR80N fNTACT. , • DAKlJTA COUNTY SOiI AND WAT�R CONSERVATIdt�l DISTRiCT forming�oo Prol�ssionofBuildin9 82l Third SueN Formington,MN 550]4 Phon�:(612)�63•8646 t`lf I I�I I�IESOTA � . SC�I� allo WATEFt COI'�ISERVATION DISTRICTS June 12 , 1986 T0: Ron Wasmund City of Rosemount FROM: Barbara McCarthy �,,t� ���`��� Dakota County SWCD � RE: Recommendations regarding placement of fill on Dan Lockler property. This letter is to follow�up our visit to the Dan Lockler Property on June 5, 1986. Mr . Lockler proposes to place fill on his property due to wet conoitions and to place riprap along White Lake . _ We recommend that the DNR be contacted since they have . regulatory jurisdiction over White Lake, a "Protected Water" of the State . According to Kent Lokkesmoe, hydzologist with the DNR, no fill can be placed below the elevation of the Ordinary High Water Mark of "Proteeted Waters" for the purpase of creating upland (drier) areas. The exact elevation of the Ordinary High Water Mark has not been determined at this time €or White Lake . But to expedite the proposed project, the DNR can inspect the Lockler property an�3 actu��Yy place stakes along the property to identify the Ordinary High� Water Mark of White Lake (where fiLl can and cannot be placed by Mr . Lockler) . As far as erosion and sediment control is concerned, we recommend that a silt fence be installed along the edge of the Lockler property to prevent sediment from moving into White Lake . The silt fence must be properly installed (see Attachment) before any fill is placed . The silt fence should be taken down after the property is adequately stabilized with a grass cover . Also enclosed is information from the DNR regarding Permit reguirements for riprap shore protection. I will check with local distributors to compile source and cost information for purchasing small quantities of silt fence . e�.� cn��e� noonoT�r+.�!�rv c��o� nvco , � . �'.����?�.����°'���'��:��'�'' �� �>� � t t.lk � � RIPRAP . .�.� � SH�RE � _�� .�: PRafiECTION �� � `Y � ... �r "'� �'� � . - � ;:'��'�`� _ ,,� •, ,.� ,. , �; � ����� � � � __ '�'-��'��"�, ���� - _ �w;� ���;�������� _ i ,».,a�;:; � .� — .� .�,.F.v�;,��..� � � �� ,� ��� -� � PERMIT RE UI � �;� ����.��� � Q REMEI�ITS and : � ., � . CONSTRUCTIQN GUIDELINES ������������-�'�� Under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 105, pubiic waters are any A Department of Natura!Resources permit is not required if the waters�ot the state which serve one or more mffieria! beneficial riprap shore protection is instal4ed within ali ot the restrictions listed pubiic purposes including navigation, recreation, fish and witdiife below: habltat, nutrient and sediment entrapment, wate�suppty, pround water recharge, floodwater retention, and scien�c and naturai 1• The riprap shore protecUon shaQ consist of natural roek areas. . only. • 2. The riprap shore protection shali contorm to th� natural Any project consVucted below the ordlnary hlgh water mark alignment of the shore. (OHV'� which siters the course,current,or cross-seciion of public 3. The minimum finished slope shatl be no steeper than 3 feet waters is subject to the regulatory Jurisdiction of the Department of horizontat to 1 foot vertical (3:tj. Natural Resources. For takes, the OHW is the hiflhest etevation 4. No materiais shait be ptaced more than 5 teet waterward of which• the lake has maintained to leave evidence upon the the OHW. landscape.For watefcaurses,the OHW is the elevsdon ot She top of 5. A permit shatt be-requir�b for the pi2cement of riprap the bank of the channei. For reservolrs anQ f}owayes,the OKW u shore protection along Lake 5�perior and any o#iciaily the operatlr�g elevaUon oi the normal summer pool, designated trout stream. . A permit !s not required from the Department of Haturst If fhe proposed riprap shore protection cannot meet ail of the Aeso�rces!or riprap shore protection irtstal{ed within the toflowlnp preceding restrictions, a permit from ihe Department of Naturai resu'icflQna. Locai uNts of government and other agencies, Resources is required. Contact the appropriate regional oHice or however, may sliil requlre a permit tor this proJect. SEFORE IN- the Division of Waters in St Paui for the necessary spp{ication tTLATING ANY PROJECT, contact yau�lxal c:onservation oificer forms. or tha Regional Hydrologist(see mapj, ' • Riprap shore protection not requiring DNR permits shali be piaced according to the foliowirig guidelines. ' . l . � . FIGURE 1_ Not to Scale) [ F OHW(Ordinary Nigh Water Mark) Slatr Jurisdiction ezlends Waterward ol ONW • Range ot Water t,evet Fiuctwlion \ _--_— ———_Varie� from lakt to Lake �_ 1�• Ordinary High Water Levei � Aecord High Water LevN t �� .�, Avcrage Water tevei . _�" CatUi(.Bulrush.Sedgcs fI jRecord low andotherAquatic Veqelation / Wattr LevN + a * f,t` �� . . DEFINITION PLACEMENT Rlprap shore protection Is defined as coarse stones, boulders, Of ttle three types ot riprap placement-hand-placed,dumped, cobbies, or artifictal broken rock tragments or concrete brick and gabions - dumped stone is preterred. Dumped stone is tha materiafs,loosely laid against a�existing bank of a pubiic water for mosi ilexible and will adjust itself to uneven bank settlemenLDump- the purpose ot preventing or controliing erosion.Only naturai rock ed riprap is usually applied from trucks and spread by a Dulidozer riprap shore protection may be lnstailed without a permit.Rlprap or crane. In most cases,dumped slone is also the least costiy, sho�e protection is generapy placed to preven!erosion by wave ac- tion and currents.It is also usefui in preventing burrowing animals Hand-placed riprap shouiQ be roughly square or�edangular lo (muskrai,beaver, etc.) from undermining bank stability, tacilitate piacement by hand or derrick. Nand-ptaced riprap Is easily disrupted by minor settling. - LQC�'r10N � Gabions (wire-enciosed riprap) consist of stone placed In wire- baskets or wire-covered mats. Gabions are usua:iy utiliied when The placement of riprap should be fimited to the area subject to T�k of suitable size is noi available.There are two disadvanWges in - - erosion. 7his information pamphlet outlines guidelines for the using gabions-their unnaturai appearance and the potential tailure placement of naturai rock riprap without a permit which inGudes ot the wire eoGosure.The use ot gabions is discouraged because oi fiand-piaced riprap, dumped riprap, and gabions (wire-enclosed maintenance probiems. When they are necessary, however, ga- riprap).The instaitation of other types of riprap will require a permi� bions shoutd be confined primarily to stream banks. Riprap shore protection shail be attempted oNy where site soiis are capable of supporting riprap.Such soils may inciude various combinations of sand,silt,and ciay.Sails such as peat and muck are not capable oi supporting riprap. CONSTRUCTiON Riprap shore protection shaii be i�stalled with a minimum A iransitional layer ot gravei, smaii stone, or tabric shaU be tinished siope ot 3:1. No riprap or tilter materiais shali be placed piaced behveen the tine materiai ot an embankment and the riprap more than 5 feet waterward od the OHW(see Fgure 2).A severely --shore protection materiais:The purposesofShe filter are to(tjprc= `-- __ . — eroding bank may require filiing in with a greater depth of.naturai vent fi�e embankment materiai from being pulled ihrough the rock before a stabte stope may be achieved.Gentiy sloping hanks riprap materials,(2j disVibute the weight oi the ove�lying riprap to are more stable tor riprap and result iniewer lailures.The extent of prevent setilement, and (3j to provide relief to hydtostatic ' riprap Into the water should be minimized since flow and wave ac- pressures inside the embankment. tion can cause stabiliry probtems. ��-existing slope FIGURE 2. (Kot toscate) ��, :�: o TYPICAL RiPRAP DIMENSIONS e � •: o oHw .�; ,o � ; e� � � °< �: � ordtnary high watec level 5s,_ oe e ��r�as i���.��.�r����� �������� ���w.��' � �` � �°° average water levei � �3'"� :o"° �...,,d .�e oe . 3.,�::t^�-e� e aco . dsk x� e a e�o .. . � �� "'"°• riprap material � �;.Y ':e°�: .• �3: oeo . ��_� o e e e o � � . . . � . vepe`e e�o°e a . y:' °oeo°���° °eoo fltrec,:.� �3 ••�;:;��oeo :"'�t���"�� �-. "��^•°•��� iake or s#ream bed � ,��.-r.�-�;�: o o... .�e o.o�;•.� �°' 9 • ��`�, ,� �, �/ ���"Y,����r � '�'----� u-���" � . ` �A���'��,��.�����"���'��ts�, ��.����" �.�- ��- . �z� �°...�.:...a�.. � a,xtx.::t h;".`.. z :^�/�:#siTs.?'�A��� s � -"ka'.w:.. . . .�s.2 4 . . . . . . � , . Wel1-graded gravei, crushed sione, and filter cloth shouid be Rock sizes shooid be welY-mlxed.Approxlmately one-haft oi the used as filter materials. The sizes of the filter materials must be rock shouid be 12 inches in diameter. The remainder shoutd be larger than the origlnal bank materiais and smalier than the riprap. used to fill In the spaces beri+een the previously placed rock and It weii-graded grave!extsts naturaily,no filter blanket fs needed. H shouid cons[st of both large and smaU rocks.The minimum recom- not, a 6"tilter blanket is recommended. mended thickness of riprap is approximstely 12 inches. Where gravel or crust�ed stone is unavailable or excessively Riprap placement may Include toe and end prateciion, par- costfy, fifter cioth 1s an aiternative. Fliter cloth, an artifictat tabrtc ticu{arly in controiling stream bank erosion.Tce and end protection which albws wate� to pass through while retaininy the bank is accomplished by placing the lar4sst rocks and the thickesi po�- matertals,hss been used successtutly with Nprap. B�ands' used Gon of the riprap in position as shown in Figures 3and<.tn some In• success(uly include:Bidim-G22(Monsantoj;Typgr 3d01(duPont); sta�ces,excavation may be requlred to provide suHicient depth ol Pol�iter-X(Gsrtha�e Miilsj; a�d Mirafi 140 (Celanese). toe and end protection.if inecha�ized excavation ls necessary,a permit is required. (7HlS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE ENOORSEMENT Of THESE BRANOS) ,. ... . . ...;�_ _.. • * ' .. . `V. .:: . : � �������,. FIGURE 3. (Nottos�a�e� . FIGURE 4. ��� �:. �: (Not to Scale) �. average water level �. � � average x ��� .•;,: � water level e, .�: e•'. �r • • �,, � . . � ,;H ov0. . . • .••d .. e �e•.N• a,• � e'e� � '�"w ..o :�o' `'�N e a e�e�.�'°�'o � . e,.f^ .;ti#te'� . .e.00 e��'•.•." �vo;va•oe' � . . . ; eeeee .x.+bfin7tQt o e���e°� b r.:` � . . . � °� '. i"�. . oo°o'e'e� �v � � { �. : oe°Op.O• � . . . '. . �: N E �v O• y0 ' `' . .� . . '�"'` .�• �.�O : ' . � . . '` �# f(lter bisnket '�'� belvw �owar 11mit ai '� ' . .G. N' f. � � ' � . y r �.��/4� �. ^ �'. t K .� i f -.. �• . . � - . . : � -. . � . � ... iN . . . . � � p� . �. � . , + .' . �y:;`a•� ... �=eY.��+`a."''.��D.s.��.,ot3�..�'^"'�: , ... �. ..... �� �� � ' ���.�.����'�;��'����,.,.�x�.'^%'.�a'�'{_x�n . ... ��i IViAINTENANCE . REQUIREMENTS - Ali riprap shore protection requires maintenance. Proper fiiter REMINDER: Any riprap shote protectlon proJect which dots blanket thickness,rock size,placement,and sfope wiil prevent fre- not conform to the aforementioned criteria must be authorized quent maintenance.Ali riprap, however,wilt experience some dis- prlor to instaliatlon by a permti tram the Department ot Natura! placemenC The desireG slope,thackness,and the fiiling oi holes in Reaources pursuant to Mlnnesota Statutes, Sectton 105.42 and the rock surface should be restored when needed. 6 ►rfCAR�1.5021 C. The InstaitaUon ot rfprap shore protection not meeting these ADD�'I''I�NA.L jTj�!"l'{�'11/f A TTO1�T criteria+rithou!a previously obtained DNR permlt Is conaidered li� lJllll'lt).i 1 1`� a vfotstinn of taw and is subjed fo crlminal prosecutlon (SS00 If you desire additionat information on shore prolection, a andior 90 days fn jail)and restoration as deemed approprlate by pamphlet, "HEIP YOURSELF", is availabte trom the U.S. Army the Commissioner ot Natursi Resources. Contact your DNR Corps o1 Engineers. The pamphlet discusses criticai erosion �egional office or the Divtslon of VYaters in St. Paut tor permit probiems on the Great Lakes and cites additiona!methods of sho�e applicattons. protection.Address your request to: U.S.Army Corps oi Engineers ]210 U.S. Post Office and Custom House St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 1-652-725-7506 ' . • aiay a�deis . � ---._.___ • . . - i • � _ - i � . • d W br1S. xori�a3xz Ho1.�3.r.o�d �oxs� avxaz� _ : �� . � . . _.. _ — —a�ay 6uo�� Pic!'-- -- — . �,�� DEPARTMEN7 OF NATURAL RESOURCES � .-� ' REGIONA� OFFlCES -_�.___ r.J AEGION t -T-�-� i Rural Route S . � '--- � Bemidji, MN 56&D1 � "-7------i I I218)755-3955 � � i I , � �_"��r ; _ � I � REGfOPf 2 -- � ' --`�---�i � � East Higliway 2,Box 388 _ ti 4 � � � Grand Rapids, MM 5574d j' � ` ± 2 � (218j326-0311 I -__�._i_�i_.� I REGtON 3 �' S � --�; _ -� - 303 Charies Sireet 1 .. � . 8rainerd,MN 56401 __rL"'--- �'__ i----� (218)828-2613 � � � � Department of Natural Resourr���orr a i _1T_7 Division o; Vd�ters, 3rd Floo� �X�ss, Highway 15 8> �-- ; �.--.� 444 LafQ�F.ttc. Read tso�3se-z�se _, -�--- � , i-- � . _ � 3� ' i .St. P$UJ, MN 5r'JZO1 REGFON 5 � �-' ' '�, � �_1 2300 SGver Creek Road N,E y �-t.� � Rxhester, MN 55901 > � ^�� . (507}285-7430 . •��----1 � ` � � '. t i �i� � I�L �i,�2.��z,Y-- REGlON 6 __ ���'�-_l `- • � � �t 1� 1 ��J 1200 Warner Road , � �e�;��l ht�r�lOAtST t'Paul, Mt�! 55t06 -�--, �., �= , zg t, -- ? 523� s�2�2s6-7s2s . i ��. `(:�---� � r CEHTRAL OFFlCE 1 1'�'�J �t', '--+- -T- �-- SPa�e Center Buiidlny � � � --� " � � 444 Lafayette Fioad 1 � � � ' � � � � St.Paut, MN 55101 -'�---t---1--1---1 � .. -L ; ' ; ; ,_.'- �. T_ . (61�296-4800 ' '�� 1. � • � • 1- • � •• - � • . • + • . � • t • • - � t •• s �• � -� � • �• • � � o .� •• � •-�- � � �� • � •• -r • ��• i . � '� • � � .r • .� �• � -t � •� t � ' � • � •' • • � • � ��- • • �� • • � • • • � �- • • � � • � •�• • t • ` '� � :' • � �^ � • � • � • • • • • � -..- �`. - ' :t�!-y.�.,,�•�'��'� 1 �` ~ _ �f►• � s�i nD! " ' . ����a`� +�Ja — �y �.�[�'C` �i .i•w� , � �t:• .� ��l'1Y �/�'" � i F'e,f%iif�=�yl='/w'�I i� '���7' �� � � ���.r �� ,;c:r�'..R? :s:. ��,�z �=:- ,. -�� _ - ,;. .d""'. i,�:����i���._�s.`�����lo=�Y� f �' � s:�l ..u: � . -^�•9 O,�_�� ..I�:��I• j� i. ..j�'+• T � -�� ,�j'7�:�7Q�M=f�� • �.Q. . I•-w�s►�•`• ��,�• �..�G�,.. ��' .� F�f� �'.''%r,i�tt.�i:j�7!��.� �" • ';r. 'yC�'4�.•�. �rC �•�jj, ''!�V:l�� �=. �Y� �4. s ���"�� .y��°•' w �'i r� ���. _.: . y"�,�'v��+! �.�. �3 _ �f�, .� ��ati�. L J ����f' � r.�. .��� �� a I' .�� ��f'�-�"�Jti-.►� I.�_+•�%���lF�-a � ./roa' :7�:a'.�:7 �Iy �f, - t,.r�. �.�`•�fj��.f� •F��� �t ��� .�'�S�*;���f � � � i����i�_i'�'��� �I�a'� �...{.�.a'•"i+ . .r "7�► 'tiY_� �{ � .�.t �-�.' �� ' ��'���'` �Y�i�'. ' . �%. •'�,-t'�~� +�, �'..� ♦rA�.�+�: .�./'• =:s�,�.,if ' ` _ ��� � ♦' ��r-. ����.' � ~i v� � � . �:t' :- c,.� t•� �SY'�i' `• Y iA� .Q..�-����7�:' /r,.��.:�='�r w�'G_` ' . - . ���_ • .�y�� �!-- �f '�ii'��� Z- . . s: fs• �, {.M�'.: ��r.f..��''.�r� '�"jF'�j'�p�t�}�� .. - ' � . � . .�;���-. }�,�i�� w..� . �' 'r . . -. � .. .f��.'!`~- liF��STi�f�r . . � . �'-�y�r�wM. ��'�'���IJN� t� , . . . . �/r-�7�?�T'���'C. _ .. �'-•��.s� �"•=��'t.�j` ' . � ,��j��'�� � ,�!� .. . " . .� ny��.��r► ������ .- - •'{�.6 < •�sa� rr . . . , . f'� �Si=:i'.♦ �,�. i+►r'�.��. ��'� �•+y �'c'��' �' 'h's'4..�i..�'�,sbw'�t . . � �ilda.i���� 1���� � �� � � ti���� i� �� . . :. . . .t 't�l '.r t . � j�I�f.�,��1.r�j+�'. ��i�+.�� - 'f'' �=a1 ._�._F-� ^:� i-'�'a`+- y •A-r •� 4'�..��:::.'•- �'y..�•'^-'�;yb'_�e!'�:==c�-T-`.". !+S"r-� �t •'ri�r-`t ��7 ��:r}��l4'�'��, ���,E•�'-,-+:=:ss`� 'Z?'K�%1^:�M.''�}`Y�s-'�..=. ♦ I � .�-M ♦ I i •�' �Ny� ��'f'��I � j� � .f��� • .-. �}?t i✓ �� Fr `hS�i j�:'r.:�%G tef'�`r �`.`��ra�''y�:c J=`'�= !N'-" ���% �- -�,�.'>'�+it "► ,i+C:X+'�'�- ... ,��—�':s�=. .�t �jl •. r L� ����= �'''�tt'�c; � •�-� _�Ks s . 1980 1.06 2. Where the size of the drainage area is no more than l/4 acre per 100 feet of silt fence length; the maximum slope length behind the barrier is 2OO feet; and the maximum gradient befiind the barrier is 50 percent (Z:1) . 3. In minor swales or ditch iines where the maximum contributing drain- - age area is no greater than 2 acres. • 4. Under no circumstances shauld silt fences be constructed in live streams or in swales or diteh lines where flows are likely to exceed 1 cubic foot per second (cfs). See Design Criteria for further clari- fication. - ' PZann%,-r� :onsideretions _ - Laboratory work at the Virginia High€�ay and Transportation Research Caunci2 (VH&TRC) has shown that si2t fences can trap a mach higher per�entage of suspended sediments than can straw bales. , .SiZt fences may be prefer- able to straw barriers in many cases. i,�hile the failuie .zate of si2t fences is lower than that of straw barriers, there have been instances in which siZt fences were improperly installed. The instaZlation methods outli�ed herp can improve performance. Filter barriers are inexpensive structures composed of burlap or standard weight synthetic filter fabric stapled to wooden stakes. PZow rates thro�gh burlap filter barriers are sZight2y slawer and filtering effici- ency is significantly higher than for straw bale barziers (see Tab1e _ 1.�6a). - ' Ta.b1e 1.06a PIDW R�2'ES AND PILTERIIJ� EFPICIENCIES OF . VARIOUS SEDIMENT PILTL'R MATER�ALS ' Naterial P1ow Rate (ga1./sq.ft./min.) Filter Efficiency (�J � Straw 5.6 67 Burlap j10 oz. fabricJ 2.4 84 a- . Synthetic Pabric 0.3 lAvg.) 97 (Avg.) • Source: Va. Niqhway and Transportation Research Gouncil Si1t fences campose3 of a wire support fex7ce and an attached synthet.zc • fi.2ter fabric sZo�.� the f1c�s,► rate siQn;ficantl� but have a h.zghez filter- ing efficiency than burlap. Both waven an3 norrwaven synthetic fabrics are com,aercially available. Tbe woven fabrics generally display higher etr�ngth than the norrwoven fabrics. When tested under acid and alkaZine water conditions, most of the woven .Eabrics increase in stzenqth. There is a variety of reactions among the non-waven fabrics. The sarae is true of testzng under extensive ultraviolet radiation. Perruea.bility rates vary reqardless of fabric type. Whi1e aZZ of the fahrics demonstrate _.. III-18 � . • s�Cr���'.. '3�+� �"''J..� ��.� '� �n'y � ,✓��+':TD�C�'��,�va.� :% �'{'i'=;1 . . _ `' 1980 �� i.Ob very hiqh filtering efficiencies for sandy sediments, there is conszderable variation amonq both waven an3 non-woven Fabrics when filtering the finer silt and clay particles. Ozs i�:i ;ri teri a . , 1. No formal design is required. • ' 2, Filter barriers shall have an expected usable life of 3 months. They are applicable in ditch� lines, around drop inlets, and at tempo- rary locations where continuous construction changes the Qdrth COif- - tour and runoff characteristics and where low or moderate flows (not exceeding 1 cfs) are expected. 3. Siit fences, because they have a�much lower permeability than burlap filter barriers, hav2 their applicabil.ity limited to situations in wfiict� on]_y shee� or overland flows are expected. They normally can- not filter the volumes of water generated by channel flows, and many of ti�e fabrics do nat have sufficient structural strength to support the weight of water ponded behind the fence line. Their expected . usable life is 5 months. Construction Specifications Materials � _ .- 1. Synti�e�-ic rilter fabric shali be a pervious sf�eet of pr.opylene, nylon, . Q01y2S�zr or ethylene yarn and shall be certified by the manufacturer or suppli�r as confarming to the following requir�snents: PHYSICAL �ROPERTY TEST REQUIREMEHTS Filtering Efficiency VTM-5 5 mi'n.�— r �' � Tensile Strzngth at VTM-52 Extra Strength- 20% (max. ) Elongation* 50 lbs./lin. in. (min.} . Standard Strength- _ . 30 lbs./lin. in. (min.) • . F1ow Rate VTM-51 0.3 gal./sq.ft./min. (min. ) * Requirements reduced by 50 percent after 6 manths of installation. Synthetic filter fabric shall contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of b months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0° F to 120° F. 2. 6urlap shall be 10 ounce per square yard €abric. � " 3. Posts for Silt Fences shall be either 4-inch diameter wood or 1.33 pounds per l�near foot steel wi tf�,.a minimum iength of 5 feet. Steel �osts shall fiave projections for fastening wire to them. „ . 1980 ' 1 .06 1. Set the stakes . ' 2. Excavate a 4"x4” trench upslope along the line of stakes . _. � / —�%�-''=��-��-,- ' � _ � i�- ��,I - �/� ��L,,,�,�� �~/. � "`�-.e_�. �"��i�� �/ . . � /`��� �•�,,' � / � "' �l i � . /,�..."� ' � //� �� /� �'y,/S: ' /c'. .y,. ' . j„/ '�/�, . �-�. �_--„+E-"..c�.. ���� �' . i /�'�� �,'�/�� �l� � �� • /i-^-_ ._.-. - ._ / . � � , 1 � �' F1 o�j� �i��G l . "';--''�� r 111."�-''i� -If�� 1�=�'.'' IU�� _ _ � 4�� 3. Staple filter material to 4. Backfill and compact the stakes and extend it into excavated soi1 . the trench. , . � , a � �', f f �- . ^,J�--�,`� � � 4:'� �r - �=� �i 1 ��-z--�_ ; �'� •�/����'� j �. �.�----- � f� �,i ��'� �, 1 /�� � // � ��r�'�������'' /�� �',.' '�(%''�`''" �� �:��(i�•�" � ..,,�-�y II� - CONSTRUCTION OF A FILTER BARRIER Source: Installation of Straw and Fabric Filter 8arriers P1ate 1.J6a for Sediment Control , Sherwood and Wyant � � Fl ow � Plan � . - _ I � � : ` I `A r B a _`�� k.. � � :,, , --- • Elevation � f � ' � /�I��. � i `7///�� I= i� if����� ' PointS A shouid be higher than point a ' PROFER FC�CE;ti:iT OF � FILTER SARRIER IN A ORAINAGE WAY Source: Adapted fram Installation of Straw and Fabric P1ate 1.06b ' Fiiter Barriers for Sediment Control, Sherwnod and Wyant R . + i I Vo • . . 1.06 2, . The filter fabric sha1T be purchased in a continuaus ro11 cut to . ' the length of the barrier to avaid the use of joints. When joints � are necessary, filter cloth shall be spliced together only at a sup- port post, with a minimum 6-inch overlap, and securely sealed. 3. Posts shall be spaced a maximum of 10 feet apart at the barrier loca- ' tion and driven securely into; the ground (minimum of 12 inches) . When extra strength fabric is'used -without the wire support fence, post spacing shall not exceed 6 feet. � . 4. A trench shall be excavated approximately 4 inches wide and 4 inches � deep along the line of posts and upslope from the barrier.- 5. When standard strength filter fabric is used, a wire mesh support = - . fence shall be fastened securely to the upslope side of the posts using heavy duty wire' staples at least 1 inch iong, tie wires or. hog rings. The wire shall extend into the trench a minimum af 2 inches and shall not extend more than 36 inches above the original ground surface. 6. The Standard Strength `filter fabric shall be stapled or wired to the fer�ce, and 8 inches of the fabric shall be extended into the trench. The fabric shall not extend more than 36 inches above tt�e original ground surface. Filter fabric shall not be stapled to exist- ing trees. 7. When ext:a strength filter fabric and closer post spacing are used, the wire mesh support fence may be eliminated. In such a case, the filter f abric is stapled or wired directly to the pasts with all other provisions of ite.rn No.6 applying. � 8. The trench shall be backfilled and the soil compacted over the fiiter � fabric. ' . ' 9. Silt fences shall be removed when they havp served their useful pur- � pos�, but not before the upslope area has been permanently stabilized. Maintenance 1. Silt fences and filter barriers shall be inspected immediately after eacn rainfall and at least daily during prolonged rainfail. Any required repairs shall be made immediately. 2. Should the fabric on a silt fence or filter barrier decompose or • . becane ineffective prior to the end of the expected usable life and the parrizr stili be necessary, the fabric shall be replaced promptly. 3. Sediment deposits should be r��oved after each storm event. They must 5e remaved when deposits reach approximately one-half the height of the barrier, 4. Any sediment deposits r�naining in p1'ace after the silt tence or filter barrier is no longer required shall be dressed to conform - with the existing grade, prepared and seeded. . , 1980 . 1 .06 i. Set posts and excavate a 4"x4° 2. Staple wire fencing to �rench upslope along the line the posts. of posts. _ --=` = . � _ _ �'' }'' � . , �_ ��� ��s-`,�'� __ -- ;��� �': '=L=.¢, �! '� "�- �' � �'%-_""_'.;" �' """ r�-_ ' % _.,.� ��� s s- ,• � `� -./ ��� ��` •'�-%- I1 .,.• _�,/"��// � / .�i�.....-../' /.i , % %,� . ��. � " . �. ' .� '%� . 4 3, t�ttacr� the filter #abric to 4. Backfill and compact the the wire fence and extend it excavated soil . into the trench. - ::.:..... ... -, ::�::::;:>:;:>::a's':% ....-...;�.... � .i«::�`�::::::�::»:='� - ��'�i>- ::.::::r:: ;':�:�;:. •r.� ..•:. ` .� �•- .:.r€-. �.:::�:';�• .... ,; :;�C:: };:j�:;iii;:%�: �'� ` +,•::. . .;:;�c ..f' �..%r�••��'�:�:%::::::• >f:;:: . ;:�;:::�;�i;:�r:;;:`•:i:•`::?::;•.. ;.�{�}: .��' �.;• fk • r�•• :�::•: :��:< i ••s ,::x:z��:�;�:;;::;r.:::;::.>:;; • .•�;��:�r''' i���=. ti�: ..M1 : ,,. ::.;. :.. . .r:; . ••:�.'S:.. ..... , ..... .. .:.. :;;:x:•_:.:.::t..,.. t�- •:s:�: ••:�:� . :�:� �: �� . '.•r•r... ':�q�}:i�TY�i:v}i::iii ,:; ••r•;r.,r;•::•:,?�:::•::r. %,:; '� �.. S<:r.::::.:... ��:I�•+�'•�' . f •f. • . ,::,�• ti::� :�':�;�;�'�,•,�t'i':.''::v . }::•?:�iX�i:i+.:�:t�rir::�.=Y'� ?}:��:-:yt��. ...�.:: :'t:}:ti�iji•'.�i�:�:•:rR.i'::�::i.' ''fcd::::`:':`:•''-�:�. •.< r.• ::r::•:y-.'.. . _��-::::::::>:::::::.:;:::�v=� ...,-_`�-�.' �=:�:::: ;<s:>;:::::;.::_�. : �. -. . '`�;;::;:.;:.:::::�:�: ::�:.::::: :� �--._ ::r..:�:� ��::�: .::� :.�.� :::�:€::::�:::::v::::::::�::::�: ��� --���. =�:.. -'' -�' � .>:•:��' .,-- �i ��.�' _..----. �:::;;::.::. . - �:f:-:'��'`.'.'.`.:..`::::v - �.--� .y. �j=-�� s:�.;i��•. �5�� , �='--�� . . ���� :"_' ...— � ��! ''�,.---� �. �� . • ..,r�" �:.� / �1�" '`j �^�.. i/ ��'r � _ �`� =i �1:7� ,r-- �' % „� �,'/ -'�,,, � � ' � ,�. �� ..-��� �,..,- ' Extension of fabric and wire in�o tne trench. Fi l ter Fabri c ��� . _.... "i�= i ,,; '��: —Wi re ;, = j = ��...�=����� =11!llc.�.`�.��i_((i�'" : COi�STRUCTI0�1 OF A SILT FENCE � Source: Adapted from Installatian of Straw and Fabric Plate 1.06c Filter Barriers for Sediment Control , Sherwood and t�yant III-23 J ,'� . . � . . . . . � • . ____ ._. _.. : ..`._. __- ,�a-�-��Lv,�Q3�-o�06 ----- ;..f� - 1���?�---- - _�!8�S� . 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R�semount ��ZA,���r , Buitc�it��anti In��ectiorus Division 2875 145'1'H Street West �C.�� �' Rosemount, h�IN �$Oti8 t6�zjqz3-�.al� APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Site Adctress 7�1 SuitelUnit�30. ����.��L1�tL _._... i----- � -_ _ _ Applicant (circle one on�y) O�fner Lontractor Arcizitecl���n�it�eer N ame � c�fl�fl i.'R c�l , �,�A 1 ]1t��1�----- ._ .� Otsner,'Duvcr Adclress �?i� ��-,- � Inlonnaliori � �g�' ���_�.�� _ ._ --_.._ Ci�' �5�.1-1 C� )� �� Statc�_M � t Z r�s �..r�„� „� Q� '=�-L�! � Pliane_ � �� -- ���� - . N ame ��-�-O�-f I�f�d�I � xc,��Z�.N.�_ _ CUi►t�ac��r Address Informativn ---_....__._. - ._-�---�- — � C%itY State Zi�� Photte Name rlrchitccE.'Engnicec Adciress 1ntuRnatiut� _—_-- --�-----=- C�fY - Stafe 7_i}� Phorte C;LASS UF �VOKh (circle one only) 31 Ne�v (�' Atteratio�t�Remodel � , Addition Q MainEenance/ReJ�airlRe}�lace TYPE OF STRUCTURE (circLe one only) O1 ingte FamilyDet.�ctied AS Recre�tionat,r�mtisem nt 02 Sie�Rle FamityAttached � 03 Rc9idential Garagc `� ��r Nnn-HauRkeeping Sl�eher 30 Tx�o FarriiFy Reeideci#ial 6$ Ir►du.s#ria.l duilding 31 7t�rce-Four Famity Resiriential �0 Ptiblic Wor�and Utilities IIiiildinJ;s 32 Mti}tirie Family Residerit�iai � �}�'lic Schools � 40 C�f[iees, Bank.s, Protessi,�onal , 81 Pt'�%Ate Sc1��ols �1 �+iores, ReetacLt�ttt, Warehouse �$ ChutcheR and Retigious Bi�ilciirip,:s �i� Hutels, Motels �8 Hor�ifal�and Jnsfitutional 43 Farking Garage �3 C�her Non-[tesic3entiai B�ailcln�gs 4�t Sc�vice Staiions and Repaic Garages °� Fencex, Si,p,ns, Antet�tia� 9G Otlier Non-Building�tnich�T�s (Pleaee cc�mplete nther Aicle' F E�tlmat.ecl Cotnpletion Date: NCj1IF, T'� Number oi c;t�t�ic Yarci� - M�P���8 �:�"X..�..�Qt2�.�S. Dtscripliun uf tVo►k lu bc Donc���� � �F L�.n F 1 ,Q�_r��J�j�1 j����j�j� ��`�'l J so zv�r��.�P �o ���.�1�T 1��._��� l hearby aPply for a GradRig Permit and I acknowlec�ge fiiat the infocmatiatt above is complete and acirrate; that the Et�or�c�ill be in conformance with the orciinances and codes of tE�e City of Rosemoimt and wifh the Nlinnesota kluildin� Coder; that I understand that tfius is not a petmit buf only an application for a�►ennit atid ct�oci; ir not to st�rt�i�itliout a pernut;,that the work�,zll be in accordance withtlie approvea plan m ti�e case of all R�oii��vhich requn•es revieR�at�d approval of plans. ---�-�- -�-� - ---=----�/__/_��8�... � -�- - � Ap� ' aitt'e$ignafuj-e Da(e _, . - �""�e��a����� U4 N�W�F' t�.$ELC>tk_THIS.LINE wi r�w■�a■��rws�wr ww Hais a prad'n�g�lan�+een submitted7 Yes No Approved? �'cs No Has a pertu�t►�ance bocid nr oll�ec aurety been received? Yes No !'�irin�itit$ <;onclitions of Ir,xvance/Rentarks: c:ftherFee: _ _ _ Amount of Fee 5 �g.�...._ PCCtl11I I.�svancclA�pr�veci Av: L3;�1�: �� � � �������� ������ ;��� � .SD -�, l..� � - Z�L' . �"" --��--,�ti, .�i...�:-�. �, _ ^ � ' . '�7� " %r-�-�' ,.�o, ��r�� - �fi� •�`� �eac�'�.:��icn �'or•.. �;�;'� �� •�,.- 'r: . = ii.;�' ,�r:� : • /} , �1..V ��. ' � ti'. � `�y�.�,�• {��1 ' .�lV ' /��.r �• ' ° �.•1. .C`_�.E10� . �r��'� • •:1,4,�.:J�, S�4 �r, '�; ''y,� ' r ... . � ' .. '� r,R i•,r *+" , ti.'�� ,';''`�'',�r�.: r ,'`� ��• � 'Filc . ' _. � llic�9 Tr3r�,��!.Taxt�a *- �. . .�,1 { -� �.. �r�y.'.SI�"ON�� FTF'i�T+1�DDr'f?^t� � R t . ` )• •��� •s I,�u�sville;;•Ky:r: .. ` :� ,:�� „ , r t 'r�a� , • ' , ....:�: ... _ . .. ' �v�i^�r ,, �.�. Y.i*i . • t:` . . _ , . - �:i L .. . . ' ' '+`if���' :ri� `'+. .K/' � +i��:;` M, j-�: . . . . • . . . . .. . •• •• � ;:�c� ' r� i.;'�i. :,a •:; ':•,�r::: . •�' . �:'. . • • . � .. • . . � � . 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MM21 , AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER r ► ' M�rch 22 , 1989 City. of RosemounC P .O . 13ox S10 Rasemount , �11� 55068 Attn : r1r . Ron Wasmund � Iiuilcting Offici�l bear Mr . Wasmunci ; {de liave received the letter dated Decemi�er 16 , I98$, Fram PIr . Piike rfueller:, Area Jiydrolosist oF Minnesota Ilepartment of Nal•ural Re- sources . We would like to proceed witl� tliis project , so �+e can he firrislieci �+ith it befoxe the zeque.sted date of July lst , 1489 . We )rave the sketcli �vliich Mike Mueller drew , and will comply �aith liis instruc- tic�ns . We liave also spoken with Mr, R�n Spon� of the llakota Cot�nty nepart— ment o� ;nvironmental Health regardin� tl�e well cocie , ancl are in compliance . Please proceed with our permit application which is on file , and advise as soon as possible . Thank you for your assistance . Sincerely , , ` =.�`L�cZ � \LL�-��I�,-X; ��9C�-���� ��f �� � Rarbara R� an Lockler 2187 128th Street W. Rosemount , P1N 55068 L✓-�-�- a--- �L':,.�--�-C_ �� � `��' � ��� �.- -�/q/���- ,� • � �?� �� �:� �� ��,s=�j 4t�c�.�'�_Z��ce� d..,�-t. 3�r/ G�S..�� Gl�t Z,.t�-,rs-c-G .�*-c.,�. �� � ` � -�e,�c�'� �G%�� 3/Z����