HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.e. Authorize Posting & Advertising - Maintenance Level I Position � t CITY OF ROSBNIUUNT EXECUTIVE SLTMMARY FOR ACTION CITY CQUNCIL MEETING DATE: August 3, 1993 AGENDA ZTEM: Authorization for Posting and AGENDA 5ECTIONs Advertising for a Maintenance Level I Position Old Business PREPARED BY: Ron Wasmund AGENDA NO. Director of Public Works/ Building Official ��� ATTACffi�NTS; Job I7escription APP D . This item is brought back to you per your direction. This item is a request to start the process of hiring a Mai tenance Leve1 I person. This is a new position budgeted for in the 1993 Public Works operating budget . This position is budgeted to start in October of 1993 . T am proposing to adhere to this scheduled starting date of October but to start the process now. By starting now I can be assured to have the process completed by October. This position would primarily be assigned to the street maintenance division. This is the first position requested in the street ma.intenance division since 1990 . We have added 6. 61 miles of roadway to aur system as of 12/31�92 . In addition we have delayed street reconstruction projects for the development of an assessment policy and other variaus reasons. This results in further degradation of the streets identified in the CIP for reconstruction. We must continue to maintain these streets to the satisfaction of the public that lives along those streets. We currently have three full time employees assigned ta the street maintenance area. In the summer we hire three part-time seasonal employees for a maximum of 100 days. They assist with mowing, street pa�ching and general ma.inten.ance activities however they reguire constant supervision. With three full time when one is grading our eighteen miles of gravel weekly, one is sweeping streets, painting curbs and crosswalks, and driving truck for the patching crew, it leaves the one other person ta run the patching crew. The myriad of other general mainten.ance items such as sign installation, rural ditch mowing, gravel shouldering, pond pumping, etc always require that a full time person to be pul.led from the task they would normally be performing. Tn the past we have be�n able to assist the Park Maintenance crew with projects however in the last two to three years we have not been able to do that . I feel this position is necessary and ask for your support for the f illing of it . RECOMIMENDED ACTION: MoCion to Authorize the Posting and Advertisement of a Level I Maintenance Worker for the Street Maintenance Division and to proceed with the hiring pracess with the start date to be no sooner than October 1, 1993 . COUNCIL ACTION: ` ' 4 t � January 20 , ],989 j CIT!' aF ROSEMOUNT POSI'rION RrSPONStt3ILITY WRIT�-UP Position Title MAINTI;NANCE LEVEL I Denartment PUBLIC WORRS J�ccountable To ` Publ.ic Works Airector Primar� Objective of Position To provide manual labor and operate li�ht departmerlt ec�ui.pment 3� ired to provide timely and ef£icient generr�l maintenance services to t:he entire City operation in an entrp level posittoz�. riajor Areas of Aceountability I . Streets - Constructs and performs �aintenance services on City street and ,� allep right-of-wap rhrough manual labor and t'he operation of ligilt " equipment. Assists with constructing and performing maintenance services on City sidewa�.ks and tra�ls. � Builds and repairs sidewalks and trails . Builds and repairs wheelchair ramps . Removes snow by �nanual labor or by �nacliine . Periorms various tppes of maintenance associated with parkir�� lots . _ Builds new lots. Repairs and maintains all ctty lots. Measure, lay out, and paink �arking stalls . �:� Performs various maintienance a3sociated with sGreet cleaning . �� 1 � . January 20 � 19s�a ) MAINTENANCE LFVEL I PUSITION RESPONSIBILITI�:S WRT'1'E—UP PAGE 2 Performs various ma3ntenance associated wi�h street cleanin�. Cleat�s all ciCy street�s a�td guCter� bp tnnnua;t lat��r . C1.eans catch basins bp manual labor. Per£orms various maintenance associated with tra�fic signs and markings , Paint partcing space�, street markings, curt�s, hanclicap parking, etc. Paint, re�air, reglace and install signs, Operate various tppes of paint sprayers. Tiaintains radio communications with Public Works and o�}i�r departments when other communication services are not available . Performs maintenance activities to keep aIl citp buildings and .� facilities clean and neat to present the best possible image tfl the genexal public. ..�r 2. Parks Performs various maintenance tasks associated with par7cs :such as: Install, drain, blow out anct repa�.r broken waterfirrigaCion �ines . Maw a11 city parl:s and all city oNned property, Pic}c uy garbage and clean restrooms . Build and construct new parks, fac 'ilities and ec�uipment. Repair picnic tables, grills, plapground equipment, etc. Operate portable generator. Performs maintenance services associated wi,th trees . Operate, repair and maa.ntain chain saws. Cut down and remave trees, plant trees, fill in holes anci p3ant seed. � � 2 � � j Ja�iulry Z0, 1989 r•IAINTENANC� LEVEL I POSITION RESPONSIBTLSTIES WRITE-UP PAG� 3 Performs maintenance tasks associated witli skating rinks. Iluild rinks , flood rinks and remove snow. Repaix and maintain warming houses. Perfarms maintenance tasks assoc3.ated with� athletic fields. Water and drag softball/baseball infields. Build and repair fences , b�ckstops, soccer goals, bleachers, etc. 3 . �quipment Pertorms various preventative m�intenance' services on Gity equipment and vehicles tio insure safe and proper operatian. Does minor mechanical work to repair and maintain equipment. �,� Operates various mechanic shop power equipment and handtools �,, such as grinders , dri.11s, drill press, saw and tools. 4. Wastewater Collection Svsteru . Assist in the maintenance, repair, replacement and cleaning o£ sanitary and storm sewer far_ilities and equip�uent. 5. Water StoraQe and Distribution Svstem Assist in the maintenance, repair, replace�nent and cleaning �f water distribution system. Repair and maintain well houses , watermains, hydrants, � gatevalves, curb stops, etc . 6 . Government Buildings Perform custodial services to present a neat, clean, and arg�nlzed image to the general public. Make general repairs and perforra preventive maintenance tasks. ..� ,� 3 _ e i j January 20 , 1989 MAIAtTENANCE LEV�L I POSITION RESFONSIBILITIES WRITE-UP PAGE 4 7 . S_peciaJ: Pro �ects/DuL-ies May help with ather maintennnce tasks :�n oth�r city depar�ments, . as assigned particularlp in emergencp situations or to balance seasonal xorkloada and scliedules. Performs other duties and responsihilities as ass�.gned, Takes turn as department standbp person on 24 hour call. ExamFle of Performance Criteria Demonstrates abilitp to operate an�i malntain the various pieces af light equipment and provide the necessary preventative main�.enanee services in a timelp and efficient manner. Demonstr�ates ability to perform tasks required to keep w�stewater - collsction and water distribution spstem in good operating condition. � Demonstrates abilitp to operate and maintain assigned equipm�:tt. "" Iiolds necessary certifa.cation for required licenses . Follows established safety procedures to ati�old personal injury anc property loss . Responds willinglp to emergencp duty and varted �,rork assign�,�ents . 3. �esDonsibility for t��ork of Others None regularly ;assigned . Tfap provide on-the-�ob direction to seasonal or tempQrarS employees as required in certain job-related situations. 9. Desirable Qualifications High scilool graduate ar GED equivalent. l 4 . , . •? AIAINTENANCE LEVEL I January Z0, 1989 POSITZDN RESPONSIBILITIES WRITE-UP PAG� S 10. Aiinimum Requirements Abilitp to understand and fol7.ow written and oral. i�istructions. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships wa.th employees, sta£f inembers, and the general public. Abilitp to perform strenuous manual labor. . Class B Minnesota drivers license. `� �..- � 5