HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Dual Tract Airport Planning/SOAR Update f. . f . � . .. . City of Rosemount Executive Summary for Action City Council Meeting Date: Aucrust 3, 1993 Agenda Item: S .O_A.R /Dual Traek Airport AgeAda Section: Planning Update Department Head Report Prepared By: Lisa J. Freese �geAa��lVl � � � Director of Planning Attachmeats: Memo; Governer' s Task Force Appro ed B : Minutes, Site Selection ` .Analysis, Misc. This will be the monthl�r report from S.O.A.R. representa �.ves and City staff on the Airport Dual Track Planning Process. The attached rnemo summarizes the related activities during the past manth. The most significant event occuring this month was the selection of candidate site #3 as the preferred site in the Dakota County SearCh Area. _ Recommended Action: None required. City Council Action: os�o3r9s.oai , . � i� o osevv�,oun� � 2875•145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR PHONE (612)423-4411 Edward 8.MCMerwmy FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: P.0.Box 510,Fiosemount,Minnesota 55068-Q510 COUNCiIMEMBERS Sheila Klassen TO: Mayor E.B. MeMenomy �ame$cRaa>sc�c� City Council Members Rlassen, Staats, Willcox, and "a'ry"''`�`"" Dennis'Wippermann W 1PPe�I1T1 ADMINiSTRATOR FROMz Lisa Freese, Director of Planning y�,r,sA scepna����k DATE: Jv.ly 2 9, 19 9 3 SIIBJ: Summary of Rec�nt Airport Meetings As part of the City' s Qngoing efforts to monitor airport related activities, the Planning Department has attended or monitored several meetings during July. Attached you will find related materials and the follawing is a summary of the highlights of those meetings. MAG Technical Advisory Committee Wednesday, July 14 and 28 The Technical Advisory Committee and the Site Seleetion Committees meet jointly to complete the review of the three candidate sites based on the site selection criteria. On the 28th the Site Selection Committee voted to recommend to MAC candidate site 3 as the preferred site in the Dakota search area. The selection was overwhelmingly in favor of site 3 with 13 of the 16 committe members voting for it . There were two votes for site 2 and one vote for site 6 (in Rosemou.nt) . The recommendation will now be reviewed by the Planning and Enviranment subcommittee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission on August 11 and by the MAC on August 16 . If the MAC accepts this recommendation, a final report document will be prepared based on this recommendation and a public review/hearing process will be held before the end of the year. The final decision is to be complete in December. Then, of course, the next step is to develop a detailed site plan for this favored site to compare to the existing airport at MSP. Governor' s Task Force Dual Track Airport Plannina Process Th� Governor' s task force met two times in July and the progress made by the task force is summarized in the meeting minutes attached to this memo. It appears that the task force is heading toward a - recammendation of eontinuing the dual track process along the present timeline and methodology. 1 . Governar' s task force agendas & minutes 2 . Site selection criteria & graphics (�ver���ing s �oming �[JL�i �l�osem:oun��� � � �„�recvc�ed nana. . � . . ' � � � T'he: .F . ��� ,�., . '� . . . ����' �� � � . �� .t .. � . � ,; t�;t�°. x�` `�s?.??rtis :5�.i.. ..,s..sr.bx:�:3.:er,.., .��r,.. > ;�z. t x;,,i asa+E� � . . �.�>�o....+'�.C? .$: . . � ' fn'r.� . -. . � �di s2.4f b k�ix3.S+�K`"a3Y�'xYE3i - � . `z' . .. '�+'E f . d . Sc�o:.. .. . . . . . . ' � FRIDAY ,J'ul' 30 1993 44¢ z: VOLUME THREC-THIBT�EN ' . � DAKOTA COUNTY ROSGMOUNT MINNGSOTA`� �<�N��,��£.�.� �;��>�;: �z� _� �" a ,. ;r>xs..«� ��r�e, a..�r;,.�>,. _ "ac"� �;fa�':i::a?iEe�,sx+3C�`:�- ' ...�... ��� t;�rwtc;'�. .:... . . ._. ... '�3..� ;e�.:. '�:;..�?i�;ak�s.s,z�»3::.: sz�eM. . . . ' , . . . . .. . ::�:...�' 3ee,it:�: 'RA^a'iL`.'��[X�ht. . . , . . .. .. . '. . � ' . � .. � •. . . . � • • � � , . . . ' • . . _ . 1 s. . : es � � alr or �� sl .e ' �,}� • ���� � i , . � . ' , � � . ' , . , By Cerry Drewry . problema.with it-both trom ; i .��. � St.Croix • r � , � ; � aR�: :WASNINGTON The task forct that has becn ,expansionan�satctyaspccu. ta �'�� � DAKOTA c�ouo Cottage COUN-(Y River . � stud ln Wrec ro osed Dakota The stte setcctio�analysis states: �e� Inver Grove is.iwP Grove , �• , Y. $ P P pllin � • COUNTY DENMAHK , County sitcs for a poss161e new, "Aircratt wouid pass roiinery yq- Burnsvllle i Ea an Heights Lanes to� NININGER , : .�P � sirport setticd on onc slte on stacks at 7ow attiwdc. Dritting � „ Koch Reflnery be edded 7WP. lumes wouid re uire more IFR �• �' ..�;o� Lanes to WI$CONSIN Wedn�sday. ' P q .. . : 6 mlies trom airport � � 1 be added : The task forct chase a 10,000- ' (inswmcnt)opernUons,reducing : Auder' � � � . �' ,' ' Acrc area near Hastings as its finnl airport cnpucity. AddIUonn(st�cks ; , � � •'. � cccomm�nd�tion �to the could lncreRse 1mPacts•" � � Rosemount . � . � MetropoUtan Aitpocts Commission � . qPple : � ; :. � ;,�. •z, r„t �� ��'ssp� . , {MAC). Concernv ralsed ut meeUng . Valley i , `� , : � � � Has Ings . �'� 9,y s Coatas � � � ��, • `O� I[an airport would tie Ouiit 1n' A public mceqng wos heid by the ' � , , thlx arca, a1CA0 farms wo61d be eask•force 7uly 22 at Hastings. ••�� • • • �" ' � � � � - . wi{�ed out and about 700 peopie' Most of We spcakers were!rom the ,Lnkeviile '--, � ...� . ) ���' � : ,� �.' ' - . wouid be oot of tbeir 6ome,. Hustings area. Two Prescott, � � � � � # ' uladon• Wlsc., Cit Council mcmbcrs , � • un►+.otM+m.; : VERMILLION� ~' Possible according to ytat 2004 poP. Y Rosepwunt ,_ TWP. :; • �• ' ,� Ilight paths estimates. . � votced major concerns about the � Siza:10,000 ecres not InCluding stale }, aesoaroh Center � . ,_ r .`,' ��. T6e sito, wl�icfi was proposal and snid that the impac4 � �Iety zones. % EMPIRE '... .'. � ,',�, •�^ , �91 RAVENNA . � recommendcd by 13 oC Ihe 16 task on Wisconsin hns not been � Resldents ta ba dlapleced:700(based .R TWP. ' �VermlUlon ' •� -- T�P• N� forec mcmbcrs,is one of two s[tes c.on,cidued. , o�year 2000 populatlai sslimates). . �.c • � (� 'Tetminai ' ,, '•�r a � the task foroe has bcem m�sidering Tha"dcbilit�uag etTocts"on t6o � pArm�wlthin Its boundariesc 40. Farmington � • . �� � MARSHAN ncer Hasdngs.� Tt�e tl�iid sile is in recreadon e[eA at the Contlucnce of InGuding 6.200 acres ol prlme tartnland. �� r ' � -----:TWR EmpucTownshipnenrRoaemounL lhe St. Croix and Mississippi �Non(sm�employee�dlsplaced;87. , `'" ,�---:-,,-�__ " '�� � ' � 'fho tack forcc's recommendpdon Rivecs has aot Uccn consldcced.a ., _ � • � � • Dlstance:3t.5mileslromdowntown - � «� �eW ,i' + �t MINNESOTA will now go to thc MAC,which�s. Prescott council membu sNd. "A � ^ -_-,-t____� Trier - i � expected to raufy the sitc on Aug. federaliy protectcA waterway is Mlnneapotts,24.5 Irom S1.Pau1's. : - _ { � � 16. Finn!a rovnl is ex cted in fbur miles awa . W6 isn't this • P►oJected ruah-hour drive Ums(yoar Hem ton ^�-.--�� � . 61— �P � y Y 2020):57minUestranMinnea�s,ao Newairport � � �pOUGWS t Ianuary. . � being taicyn seriousty? irom st.Pa�.. , search area �%�' � TWP. •��� Leave the sirport ln the ctty � � Mlesvilie� ' Rosemoant stta gcts ax , � ,whece It bciongs. LU tht counUy �.Road improvemants(miles por lane): (+� . �,. :. 3 miles 118 ot(reeway.2 01 aAodal slreets end' , , .. �*-� The site ncar Rosemount in slay in the country. You�ciAes` 2 0�b��g. . � CAST�E HAMPTON , y, . Empirg Township,atthough it's 10 'natura('resour'ces can nover be • • � ROCK TWP. TWP.: ' ': '� minutes ciosa to t6e metrvpolltan , teplaad."„ • Schools,churchea end cematedes: : . • ' ' ' � "�• ' Souree:Melropolilan Alrports Commissioq � . . •Sur Tda,ne CrapnuDa�w S�n� nrea,wasn't recommendcd malnly, . . • . ., , bccnuscIfceh RoGning Co.c�� Atrport see page 4 _ ._ cn��qe���ioa Nim�rn�yioo br u+�sar�ttuanc no�,��J�y 29,1997 edlUon. r . . � . . .� . . . � � . � . . . .. . . . . � 7own Pages +�-- � . ��AIRPORT _ ?�i contianed tmm page 1 �`4 Commenu by DaYota Coanty;w: sesidwts indaded. s„ �•• Hasttngs would bc sigmPic�ntly' � :�`3mPacted by a°y ea�p�nsion. fthis • ���.�na meaaamod in the swcly) .:_ . •�iig�iway bL shaild be impcoved- t ha 1 �Its two-lant bridgc aouid not bo ,; a �st+le handte sicpon ccaffic,but�eo • x zcplacemeat bridgc is inciudcd in• �IuB.hcva}'8�• •F�paaqion of Highway 61 wouid : . �#severely aftect the hiatncic old--- oamtY�wfiich is bcing' � '�pcmyertai into tbe c9ty half. : . !:•.: �• �iastin&s dtawS its watet from " 't6e aqnif�r,which conid easily be �poltutad bY t6e sitpo►t .., '"' : •'tbe�of S2 W S3 bi�ion s �'sse too low. s:•High-specd rail'Is the way of �. the future'snd conld decrease ;_aitplane tligb�s. • . = ..'• �.+Ezpanding thc.ezisung site is... clseaper and mat feasible ,_ . ., �.•y�ypvping cranes.bald eagte.. �Deroas and pileatal woodp�cY�s : �live on SpriaB I.ake aad vronld be ' �haz�d by tbe avport. �•Dats usea in ehe sway may not , '-be valid- . � • A new sirpor[maY b�P��� �', tazies levied without ''•npcescntatiOn. a• T6e safety xoaes that eztend •,beyond the seacch ana src not sho�wn on the ma�s. ' =.•Travei Cmes are measured from � the Empire sitc. not from.the - �sitPort- noo-faum employees wichin � � tht sites are counted. Aro farm employxs non�aatics?" `. What hsppens now . . Those living in t6e rocommended � site src allowed w ezpand�their r'homes ot farm buildings,but any ��attempts to ehange the zoniag o� �:thc nse of t6e IaDd wiii be looktd� . ' � at c�refully by tho Met Conncil. :;�p:oQacty c�be booSht snd so1d. �.: Comnpiaiaa of the stvca-Year . . bual triu]c pcvicess is sU foc Macrb ���1995,wh�a co°aPtebw.avc pla° ?:• wi11 be �presented�•to•' tho _' Legislature.= The plan will :'�. eompare the pros and coas of - building a new airport with i� expanding the ezisting auport. _ C,�rm,uy,,tbc claal uacx process u - - ��:aboot 60•.percent completed, : socording ro d�StaztTribune . Betwxn uow snd thca;smdies.• �`.iviIl be caoducted on how buildia$: :.:a new.aupat oc�acps�dm8 tbe old� _.��_affed�Lg�.af Lfe » �incinding wildlife, roads and � ic—neacboths�tes:=.;; > `. ...,. . ;�A.new sirport would cost an . tinnaud 53.7 to S4.i.billion, =.�while�czpanding the'eusun8 ', srhuport:with�orie ranway�wonld.. ',:'606C•ahout 54.3 mitliOM��S�; . .Lomc.^-rcmovai�and:%�sonnd iasulatioo. ": -" '. . . , �:iThe nczt pnbl�c mutiag will y'1cr,tybeLeld'mSeptGmber ._ . tc.: :� • � -Zara�Csinsbin8 c+ontribrrted to this% asticte... �i + } � i�� o osemoun� PHONE (612)423-4411 2875-145th Street West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612j 423-5203 Mailing Address: Edward B.McMenomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen TO: Mayor E.B. MeMenomy �am�ca�s,�ts City Council Members Rlassen, Staats, Willcox, and "a�ryw"'�X ' W1PPe�IIIaIlI1 Dennis Wippermann ADMINISTRATOR FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of Planning y�,r,aw stepnan���k DATE: July 29, 1993 SUBJ: Sum�nary of Recent Airport Meetings As part of the City' s ongoing efforts to monitor airport related activities, the Planning Department has attended or monitored several meetings during July. Attached you will find related materials and the following is a summary of the highlights of those meetings. MAC Technical Advisory Committee Wednesday, July 14 and 28 The Technical Advisory Committee and the Site Selection Coznmittees meet jointly to complete the review of the three candidate sites based on the site selection criteria. On the 28th the Site Selection Committee voted to recommend to MAC candidate site 3 as the preferred site in the Dakota search area. The selection was overwhelmingly in favor of site 3 with 13 of the 16 committe members voting for it. There were two votes for site 2 and one vote for site 6 (in Rosemount) . The recommendation will now be reviewed by the Planning and Environment subcommittee of the Metropolitan Airports Commission on August 11 and by the MAC on August 16 . If the MAC accepts this recommendation, a final report document will be prepared based on this recommendation and a public reviewJhearing process will be held before the end of the year. The final decision is to be complete in December. Then, of course, th.e next step is to develop a detailed site plan for this favored site to compare to the existing airport at MSP. Governor_' s Task Force Dual Track Airport Plannincr Process The Governor' s task force met two times in July and the progress made by the task force is summa.rized in. the meeting minutes attached to this memo. It appears that the task force is heading toward a recommendation of continuing the dual track process alang the present timeline and methodology. 1. Governor' s task force agendas & minutes 2 . Site selection criteria & graphics �ver��htngs �oming l(Jl,�i C7�osemounl// � t_.,P��.,a����a, . i GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PL.��]N�NING PROCESS Meeting #7 . 10:00 a.m. Thursday, 7uly 15, 1993 **: R�m 5 *:* State Of�ce Building 1. Call to Order 2, Approval of June 30, 1993 Minutes 3. Aviation Activity Forecast Update 4. Impact of 1995 Completion Date 5. National Airline Commission Update (, Discussion of Final Report *** Please note change in meeting location *** ; '; **:Task Fonce�I-tembers #* � _ � ' Sorensen::ezt 72G-8186�'Yvu a�unable�o.ntte►ui dur meedn$ >: . > �lerrse contact Z.ynn \ � . Gp�IERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCF—SS Meeting #6 7:3U a.m- w�,�y, June 30, lvs3 Room 10 - State Office BtuldinS Chairman Braun called the meeting to order at 7:40 a.m. The followin8 were present: Task Force Mem.bers= Hugh SchillinS, Dottie Rietow, Representative Jean Wagenius, Representative Teresa Lynch, and Chairman Richard Braun Absenr Senator Martha Robertson, Peter Gillette, Representative Connie Momson Support Staff: Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Councilo� Co�ssion Lynn Sorensen, Metropolitan AirP Anp_f AQenda . on of PreliminazY �m�t be added to the Chairman Braun requested that an item - Discussi and�e PreliminarY Assessment agenda. He noted that th�e c�ue��°e��e p e= �ous afternoon for review. had been faxed to Task F HUGH SCHILLING MOVED AND DOTTIE�TOW SECONDED APPROVAL TO P�O T N A R Y A S S E S S M F.N T, ON THE AGENDA- TTEM� DISC(TSSION OF PRELIMIN C�,RRIED BY UNANIMtJUS VOTE. G MOVED AN�D�T�E�ETOW SECONDED o�V�'�F� HUGH SCHILLIN gy�pstIMOUS AGENDA AS REVISED. MOTION C;ARRIED �vroval of Minutes - . . S�G MOVED AND DOT�E RIETOW SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE HUGH 15� 1993 N'�NG �M�T�G #4)• MOTION CARRIED BY ���UTES OF THE JUNE UNANIMOUS VOTE. OW MOVED AN� HUGH SCHILLING SECOND�O,�ON CARRIED B DOTTIE RIEr G #�. MINUTF.S OF THE NNE 22, 1993 N�EE�G �N�N ��ovs vo�rE. ti Governor's Task Force June 30, 1993 Page 2 Discussion - Contins�encv Plannins�Process Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council, reviewed the Annual Contingency Assessment which was distributed to Task Force members: He noted the following points: • An annual report, prepared by the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission, is presented to the Legislature by February 15 of each year. • The primary purpose of the report is to assess air transportation trends and factors that may affect major airFort devPlopment in the metropolitan area for a prospective 30-year period. • The annual contingency assessment is also used to idenri€y and recommend changes in the scope and timing of the dual track airport planning process. • He briefly identified the components used in the development of the 'Annual ContinBencY Assessment Major Airport Strategy'which was presented to the Legislature in 1992: . • Traffic Trends • Actions at Other Airports • Overview of the Airline Industty • National Aviation Policy and Its Implications • Regional Economic Trends • Issues for 1993 Annual Contingency Assessment - Decision Document ' - Dual Track Forecast Re-Evaluation - FAA Capacity Study In response to issues raised within the Legislarive Audito�s Report, the Metropolitan Council has retained a new consortium of consultants and reassigned Council Staff to work on the dual track airport planning process. Representative Wagenius refer:-ed to the lexter submitted by The Pillsbury Company which raises the issue of Minnesota's role within the global economy and she questioned whether this aspect is being adquately addressed. Mr. Diaz responded it is very di�cult to assess global impacts and to develop forecasts in terms of the future �economy; however, they will attempt to address this aspect. He noted that a group of business leaders is being formed, at the request of the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission Chairs, to focus on the airport's future role in the business community. Representative Wagenius strongly supported this conce�t stating it is an essential component which must be considered. She referred to the "State Economic Blueprint" developed by the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development which establishes a goal for Minnesota to achieve internationally competitive levels of productivity and growth. Representative Wagenius stated it was the policy of the previous Administration not to recruit new business because of limited environmental capacity. ' � I� 1 � . � . . . � Governar's Task Force June 30, 1993 Page 3 The Airport Planning Act mandates comprehensive review of airport capacity needs and does not direct the study to encompass projection of the airport as an economic development tool. Chairman Braun suggested that the Task Force recommend that this aspect be more thoroughly evaluated in response to the Governot's Charge No. 1. Review of FuYure Work Chairman Braun asked Task Force members if they were satisfied with the information presented to date and to comment on additional testimony they would like presented for consideration. Representative Wagenius requested an update on the National Airline Conunission promulgated by President Clinton which focusses on the financial condition of the nation's airline industry and � competition. Jeffrey Hamiel,Executive Director of the Metropolitan Airports Commission,responded he will be prepared to present the information at the next,Task Force meeting. Dottie Rietow requested an assessment of potential problems resulting from shortening the process. Mr. Diaz indicated Nigel Finney had agreed to provide this information. Discussion continued and members agreed it is important to determine whether an accelerated process would be legally ' defensible. � Hugh Schilling suggested that members of the business community be invited to discuss their views of the air transportarion industry and its impact on the local economy. Discussion of Draft Revort Transmittal Letter Dottie Rietow suggested the transmittal letter emphasize that the dual track process is an ongoing process that reviews projections, changes and assumptions. Chairman Braun advised that the Task Force c�nsider a transmittal letter which provides an Executive Summary due to _ the vast amount of informadon which may be included in the Final Report. Charge to Task Force, Membership Task Force members agreed that it is important to list each of the groups involved in the planning process including those oversight groups within the Metropolitan Airports Commission and Metropolitan Council, expert panels and broad community participation. Representative Lynch suggested the list be in flow chart form to illustrate the appropriate reporting relationships in addition to a listing of inembers. . Background It was the consensus of the Task Force to include an overview of the Dual Track Airport Planning Process. , � Governo�'s Task Force June 30, 1993 Page 4 Summary of Public Comment and Input Discussion followed relative to public testimony as to how to incorporate comments received at the June 22 Task Force meeting. Members felt the testimony in condensed form as included in the minutes would be appropriate but required prior review by those individuals to insure accuracy. Support Staff was directed to follow-up in this regard. Charge No. 1 - Whether cuirent projections of future auport traffic properly incarporate the effect of changes in the aidine indusiry, including changes at Northwest Airlines. � Chairman Braun suggested the following issues be listed in response to this charge: • Ramifications of high speed rail • Financial and economic implications in moving military operatians • Is process legally defensible? • "Lost opportuniries" • Are safery issues adequately addressed? • Econamic viability to Minnesota Chairman Braun noted that with our approach we may be embellishing Charge No. 1 but stressed the importance of insuring that these additional issues are part of the process. Representative Wagenius stated this is an.opportunity to determine whether the current process is complete before the final report is made to the Legislature. She also suggested the following be included: • Will the results of the Dual Track Airport Planning Process be consistent with the goals in the "Economic Blueprint" prepared by the Minnesota Deparnnent of Trade and Economic Development? • Capacity should be defined as both physical and environmental. • Are infrastructure issues being adequately considered? Further, what are the envirorur,ental consequences as a result of infrastructure development? • Diseussions with KLM should be included. Dottie Rietow questioned whether it is the role of the Task Force to determine if the above issues are being adequately addressed. Chairman Braun responded the list of issues will be addressed by those involved in the process. Charge No. 2 - Evaluation of the feasi'b�7ity of condensing the Dual Track Airport Planning Process with a submission of the final report and recommendation to the Minnesota Legislature by January 1,1994 or January 1,1995,instead of the c��nt deadline of Ju�y, 1996. Charge No. 3 - Will an accelerated deadline insure the preparation of a technically sound report e � Governo�'s Task Force June 30, 1993 I Page 5 � Discussion of Charges 2 and 3 was deferred pending further information regarding the environmental process. Discussiott of Preliminazy Assessment Task Force members reviewed and discussed items contained in the Preliminary Assessment. Additions and modi�cations were made to the document. A capy of the revised document is attached. HUGH SC.HILLING MOVED AND REPRESENTATIVE LYNCH SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE pR Ri.TMiN�y�S$$$jyjEEN'I',AS MODIH'IED. THE MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. Future Meetinsts Chairman Braun noted there is a meeting location change For the July 15 meeting to Room 5 in the State Office Building. • Room 5 Thursday, July 15 - 10:00 a.m. • Room 10 Friday, July 23 7:30 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 10:12 a.m. � , GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIR.PORT PLANNING PROCESS The Dual Track Airport Planning Process, mandated by the Legislature in 1989, is expected to identify the long-term major airport development needs in the metropolitan area. If additional major airport facilities are determined to be needed, the process is also expected to recommend whether those improvements should be made at the existing airport or at a new site. This Task Force assignment is limited to determining whether current projections of future airport traffic properly incorporate the effects of changes in the airline industry and the feasibility of shortening the Dual Track Airport Planning Process. PRELINIINARY ASSESSMENT . 1. The Task Force has held six meetings as of July 1, 1993. Two other meetings are scheduled for the month of July. Additional meetings will be scheduled if needed. 2. The main topics of discussion at the six meetings weres • Background/Organizational Matters (Meeting #1) • Aviation Forecast (Meeting #2) • Airport Capacity (Meeting #3) • Northwest Airlines and Environmental Quality Boazd Presentations (Meeting #4) • Public Tesrimony (Meeting #5) • Discussion of Draft Report and Preliminary Assessment (Meeting #6) FUTURE AIRPORT TRAFFIC PROJEGTIONS 3. The Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) is developing a new set of airport forecasts, utilizing the best currendy available infoxmation, to be completed in early July, 1993. 4. Four expert panels convened by the Metropolitan Council and MAC in late 1992 and early 1993 provided opportunities for early input from interested parties into the forecasting process, including Northwest Airlines. 5. The uncertainty inherent in long term forecasts is compounded by the changing conditions of the airline industry and NWA in particular. , . � 6. The MAC has developed a complex and competent forecasting process which takes into account a wide variety of aviation and socioeconomic assumptions, as well as changes in the global economy. 7. The new projections take into consideration changes in the airline industry and include different alternative scenarios for various crirical factors such as profitability and level of connecting activity (hubbing ratio). �8. Northwest Airlines is rethinking some of the assumptions used by the MAC, which were based on previous NWA information;and intends to generate additional comments. DUAL TR.ACK PLANI�ING PROCES.S TIIVIEfABLE 9. A customized environmental process for the Dual Track Airport Planning was designed by the Environmental Quality Board, MAC and the Metropolitan Council, to streamline the � environmental review throughout the process. The environmental review process defined for dual track planning activities virtually controls the length of the overall process. A broad based environmental review includes addressing issues such as safety requirements,economic impacts, etc. Any shortening of the process would require major changes in the � environmental review activities. 10. As of July 1, 1993, the Task Farce has not yet reached any final conclusions regarding the consequences of shortening the dual track airport process timeframe from its current deadline of January, 1996 to January 1, 1995,but is certain the process cannot be com.pleted by January 1, 1994. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS _ The Dual Track Task Force is developing a list of issues that must be considered in a future anaiysis. This list w�71 include concerns expressed through public testimony, letters submitted to the Task Force and eapression by the members themselves. K � (�-. �:l GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE � DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PL,��][�NING PROCESS Meeting #8 7:30 a.m. Friday, July 23, 1993 Room 10 State Office Building 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of July 15, 1993 Minutes 3. Discussion of Final Report ;* Tissk Forr,�Memb� '* _ Ptease contact Lynn Sonnren at 726-8186 if ynu an rtnabk to auend this rncctin�: , GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNWG PR(X;ESS Meeting#7 10:00 a.m. Thursday, July 15, 1993 Room 5 - State Office Bwlding Chairman Braun called the meeting to nrder at 10:10 a.m. The following were present: Task Fone Members: Hugh Schilling, Dottie Rietow, Representative Jean Wagenius, Representative Teresa Lynch, Peter Gillette, Senator Martha Robertson, Representarive Connie Momson and Chairman Richard Braun Support Staff: Nigel Finney, Metropolitan Airparts Commission � Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council Lynn Sorensen, Metropolitan Airports Commissian Apnroval of Asrenda Chairman Braun requested that an item - Additional Meetings be added to the agenda. �. SENATORROBERTSON MOVED AND HUGH SQ�II:I.IIdG SECONDED APPROVAL OF THE' - ;;. ` ` AGENDA WTPH THE ADDTfION OF TTEM NO. 7, ADDTITONAL MEETTNGS. MOTIUN CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. Anuroval of Minutes HUGH SCHII.I.ING MOVED AND REPRESENTATIVE WAGENNS SECONDED APPROVAL C?F THE MINUTES OF Tf�NNE 30, 1993 MEEI�IG (ME��TING #6). MOTION CARRIED BY UNAI�tIMOUS VOTE. Aaiation Activitv Forecast U�date Nigel Finney discussed the Aviation Activity Forecast noting the original forecast was prepared in 1989 based on data through 1988. Susbtantial changes in the airline industry since that time have occurred and the Forecast was updated to re�lect cturent changes. Mr.Finne}�s review included the following: • Summary of revenue passenger enplanements and aircraft operations • Domestic air carrier and regional carrier forecasting methodology • International, charter, cargo, general aviarion and military forecasting methodology � r Govetno�'s Task Force Juty 15, 1993 Page 2 • MSP Dual Track passenger and operations forecasts (original vs. revised) • Comparison between forecast update and original LTCP forecast • Sensirivity Analysis - Alternative Scenarios Lengthy discussion ensued with regard to the scenarios and how various factors such as economic growth, increased fuel prices, etc. are factored into the formulas. Representative Momson questianed if the saturation point at MSP as it cuirendy exists has been identified. Mr. Finney responded that the next step of the process is to incorporate these nutnbers to determine the ability of MSP to accommodate the projections. This data will be available late this year or early nem year. Dottie Rietow suggested that various scenarios be developed incorporating both the high and low numbers. Representative Momson questioned whether Northwest has agreed with these assumptions. A number of ineerings have been held with Northwest in this regard. Mr. Finney stated Northwest has indicated they would like to de-emphasize MSP hubbing activity. Discussion continued relative to Northwest Airlines' future operating activity at MSP, particularly its non-stop service. Mr. Finney noted the future of Northwest is being considered in the develapment of several scenarios. Representiatve Wagenius stressed the importance of considering Northwest's ability to continue operating at MSP; further, the Task Force should require an analysis of MSP's saturation point as it currently eltists. Mr. Finney indicated the Federal Aviation Administration is currendy in the .process of preparing this study. _Representative N(orrison expressed concern as to:the ability of the - FAA to complete the study on schedule and asked that if a final report is not available on a timely basis, someone other than the FAA should provide the answer. - Hugh Schilling asked Staff to comment on whether any of the scenarios include one in which Northwest is replaced by another carrier. Mr. Finney responded the assumption is that if there is demand, another carrier wilt attempt to serve the market. Discussion continLed with reg�rd to high speed rail and its impact on air carrier activity. The issue of capacity was discussed at length. Mr. Finney stated the Voluntary Noise Agreements currently in place at MSP restrict carrier activity during certain nighttime hours. However, he noted the issue of capacity goes beyond operational activity and explained it must incorporate terminal and ground �ansportation demand. Peter Gillette questioned whether the issue of the necessity of a new airport has been addressed based on the revised projections whether an analysis had been completed of what would ha�e to be done to modify the physical or operarional configuration to accommodate projected demand. Mr. Finney indicated this information had been developed for the original forecast and will be available early in 1994 for the revised forecast. Mr. Gillette questioned whether this analysis becomes an indicato� on which to judge the propriery of considering one specific track as opposed to another. ; t . .. .. , . . Governo�'s Task Force Juty 15, 1993 Page 3 Mr. Finney stated it becomes a point of comparison against which a new airport should be measured. Mr. Gillette advised that the Task Force think about this benchmark as it provides an opportunity to make comparisons. The economic factor and its potential significant impact on the auport was discussed. The issue was raised as to what kind of economic activity becomes a "lost opportunit�' if there are indadequate airport faciliries. Mr. Finney commented this issue is currently being studied and will be incorporated as part of the economic analysis of the two alternatives. Represenarive Wagenius referred to the "Economic BG�cprinP stating this report needs to be considered by the Task Force. Senator Robertson noted the importance of determining whether we are able to create the demand by building a new airport or by educating the community. Repr�serrtatrve'Wagenius stated education is an essenrial component in increasing international market activity; further, that the airport must be able to accommodate the demand 20 and 30 years into the future. Representative Lynch felt the loss of economic activity due to a delay in the selecrion of a track needs to be considered. Representative Morrison believed the cost implications on the area also need to be considered. Mr. Finney stated this will be an integral part of the analysis before its completion and noted it is a key element in working toward resolution of the process. Im�act of 1995 Completion Date Mr. Finney presented a report on the implications of a January, 1995 completion date for the Dual � .- . Track Airport Planning Process�,,,,��following issues must be evaluated in considering,the potential � _. .; , , _. ,. accelerarion of;the planning process and th� decision on future expansion of MSP`versus`the development of a replacement airport for the Twin Cities: : • Airport planning issue • Environmental documentation • Economic-community impact issues • Infrastructure issues • Decision Document Gregg Downing; Minnesota Environmental Quality Board, concurred with Mr. Finney's comments. He noted the Task Force needs to be aware of the following: - • The Environmental Policy Act has defined environmental review procedures. • Decisions on both tracks are sequential. • Adequate time is necessary to prepare a xechnically sound report. Mr. Gillette questioned the need to complete a lengthy environmental process and asked why the environmental review process couldn't conrinue based on a tentative decision. Mr.Finney responded that a reasonable decision cannot be reached without factoring in the environmental information. Mr. Downing noted the environmental process also provides an opportunity for public comment which is a significant element of the process. ' 1 i Govetno�'s Task Force July 15, 1993 Page 4 Discussion continued with regard to two alternarive approaches for environmental review if a 1995 completion date is selected: Ontion 1 The EIS covering the best MSP alternative, the best new airport alternarive, the no-build opdon, and other alternatives could be completed after a decision is made. The initial environmental work could be completed in time for a potenrial decision, but the decision would have to be conditioned on successful compl�tion of the en�irqnmental r�view process. O tion 2 Replace the existing Alternative Review Process with a shortened process. An EIS would be initiated after selection of the new airport site, currendy expected in January 1994. The EIS would include all alternatives for MSP identified in an accelerated Long Term Comprehensive , Plan (LTCP) update process and a series of new airport alternatives thatwould be identified immediately following site selecrion. The level of detail for the alternatives would be quite different due to the amount of work that could be completed in each area and the fact that the LTCP for the new airport would not have been completed at this point in the process. The no-build and other alternatives would also be included in this document. Scoping and environmental analysis of the options would be addressed during 1994 in an accelerated manner with more lirnited public and agency input than is currently planned.This schedule would require the commitment of significant resources on the part of the'MAC,the EQB,and others to complete the document on this schedule. Representative Wagenius stated it is important to note that an Environmental Impact Statement must incorporate social, economic and other factors and felt tttese environmental factors should be clarified. National Airline Comaiission Uvdate --- Jeffrey Hamiel, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Airports Commission, provided an update on the Commission appointed by President Clinton in May, 1993, the National Commission to Ensure a Strong and Competitive Airline Industry. This Commission was formed to identify issues on which it may wish to make recommendations and to hear advice from experts in the aviation industry. A final Commission report is anticipated to be available iri August, 1993. The Commission has been focussed on airline financial issues. Mr. Hamiel noted that other issues being considered include: • Passenger Facility Charges • Aircraft Noise Abarement • Devaluation of Internarional Routes 1 , , Governo�'s Task Force July 15, 1993 Page 5 Mr. Hamiel responded to a number of quesrions by Task Force members. It was his conclusion that based on tesrimony received and the public comments of Commission members during the past phase of the Commission's term, it is highly unlikely that any recommendation will be urged by the Commission on the above topics that, if implemented, would adversely impact MAC and its timeframe for resolurion of the ongoing Dual Track process. IJiscussion of Final Revort This item was defened to the July 23 meering. Additional MeetinAs Chairman Braun asked that the Task Force consider scheduling additional meetings to be held if necessary. Task Force members agreed to the following: � • Room 10 Friday, August 6 - 10:00 a.m. • Room 10 Friday, August 13 • 10:00 a.m. The meeting �vas adjourned at 12:10 p.m. . GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TR.ACK AIR.PORT PLANNING PROCESS Meeting #9 9:00 a.m. � Friday, August 13, 1993 �! Room 10 State Office Building 1. Call to Order - 2. Approval of July 23, 1993 Minutes 3. Discussion of Final Report s: Task For�ce Members *' � Please contact L�mn:Sorensen at 726-8186 if you rr�unabfe.to attend.lhi4 meeting. _ _ < ; �, __ i , ` ` � i GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANMNG PROCESS Meeting #8 7:30 a.nn. Friday, July 23, 1993 Room 10 - State Office Bwlding Chairman Braun called the meeting to order at 7:45 a.m. The following were present: Task Foree Membe�: Hugh Schilling, Dottie Rietow, Representative Jean Wagenius, Representative Teresa Lynch, Senator Martha Robertson, Representative Connie Morrison and Chairman Richard Braun Absen� Peter Gillette Support Staff: Nigel Finney, Metropolitan Airports Commission Nacho Diaz, Metropolitan Council Lynn Sorensen, Metropolitan Airpor[s Commission Anvroval of Minutes — HUGH SCHI�.I.ING MOVED�AND REPRESENTATfV�MORR7SON SECONDED APPRQVAL OF _ . . .: --- _ THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 15, 1993 MEETING (MEETING #7). MOTION CARRIED BY UNANIMOUS VOTE. Discussion of Final Renort Chairman Braun asked Task Force members for their comments and/or corrections to the draft Final Report. The following additions/corrections were noted and will be incorporated into the Report: Section 2- Charge to Task Fone, Membership and Dual Track Airpoi�Planni�ng Process • "The repart is to address the effect of a new airport on MSP and on the local,regional and state economies.' Hugh Schilling questioned the accuracy of this reference to MSP stating if the new airport option is selected it will be viewed as a renlacement airport. Mr. Finney believed this language was an excerpt of the Statute and indicated he will verify this. • Chauman Braun asked Staff to comment on how the various committees,expert paneLs,etc. w71 be incoiporated within the report i � Governo�s Task Force July 23, 1993 Page 2 Mr. Finney responded it is his intent to identify each of the committees of the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metropolitan Council and include their role and responsibility within the process. A list of inembership will be included in an Appendix. • Representative Morrison stressed the need to understand the capacity of a fully developed Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport Mr. Finney noted the Federal Aviation Administrarion is currendy in the process of completing a study assessing airfield and runway capacity which is expected to be available by 1993 year-end. • Senator Robertson reiterated her concern that the rurrent process fa7s to afford extensive and periodic review by the Legislahire which is critical in issuing a final decision regarding the dual track process. Further, that the language implies that the Legislature is endorsing - the process. She s�ongly felt that the Legislature should be involved to a greater degre�to provide input into the critical decisions being made throu�out the process. She suggested that the decisions currendy reviewed by certain legislators be evaluated by the entire legislative body. She recommended that the role of the Legislattire within the Dual Track Airport Planning Process be clearly defined. Extensive discussion continued in which Representative Wagenius disagreed stating it is not the Legislature's function to "micro-manage" what she believes aze agency responsibilities. -_ � " � � Representative Lynch concurred with Representative Robertson's comments about the lack of legislative review. Representative Morrison noted she had attempted to introduce legislation regarding the dual track airport planning process in an attempt to stimulate debate among legislators; however, the biil had not been heard. • Representative Wagenius expressed concern that questions raised concerning the air�ort and economic development have not been adequately addressed. She suggested the Task Force consider a method in which the Metropolitan Airports Commission and the Metrapolitan Co�z� c:,utd inforn� �� lazger community of the significance of this issue. Concern was also expressed regarding involvement of the business community in the process. • It was suggested that die various reports presented to the Legislature be identified and that , the decisions reviewed by the State Advisory Counc�l be indicated. Sectiion 3 - Summary of Meetings • Chairman Braun stated this portion of the report w�l be updated to include additional meetings as they are held. ' ' Govemo�'s Task Force July 23, I993 Page 3 Section 4 - Summary of Public Comment • Chairman Braun indicated a letter had heen sent to each of those individuaLs spealdng at the public meeting requesting verification of their statements as contained in the June 22, 1993 meeting minutes. To date two minor corrections had been made to the statements. • Representative Wagenius corrected her comment as follows: 'Representative Wagenius believed this proc�ss calL for the.d�elogment of an eccnomit strategy imvlementing Minnesota's goals as set forth bv the Minnesota Denartment of Trade and Economics.' Section 5 - Discussion of Charges to Task Force — • Dottie Rietow suggested the first paragraph of this section be modified to note that�the search area process involved a 14-county azea, • Nacho I}iaz advised that the following statement be corrected as indicated: 'The industry has gone through the worst period of financial performance in its history,with losses over the past few years exceeding 10 billion.' • Chairman Braun asked whether statistics were avalable to substantiate some of die � statements within this section. • Under the portion 'Air Carrier�elds' the following correction was made: "A maior fuel tax (BTU) would have a major impact on yields.' Findings and Conclusions . Chairmart Braun asked Task Force members to be prepared to submit their proposed comments for inclusion in this secrion at the nem meeting. The following are some of the items which were suggested for inclusion: • Environmental capacity issues need to be addressed at the present airport as well as new airport location. • Special emphasis should be,placed on large potenrial increases in freight activity as well as potential airport requirements to accommadate international activity. . ' Governo�'s Task Force July 23, 1993 Page 4 • Landbanking was generally opposed during the public tesrimony meeting and the concerns expressed at that meeting should be addressed; both pro's and con's should be determined. • Safety issues both at the present and new airport location should be considered. • Financial implicadons resulting from construction of a new airport and the financial ` impact on Northwest Airlines should be evaluated. • Technological impacts on capacity must be considered. • Analysis of a scenario without Northwest Airlines operating should be completed. • Off-site environmental impacts must be evaluated for both MSP and a new site. - Chairman Braun suggested that the Findings and Conclusions section contain major findings and that a list of other concerns be included to address those issues raised by Task Force members. Future Meetings Representative Morrison expressed concern that she would not be available to attend the next - meeting scheduled for August 6 as she believed this woutd be an important meeting in which the Task Force would attempt to finalize their repart. Task Force members agreed to the following: CANCELLATION Friday, August 6 - 10:00 a.m. RESCHEDULED Friday, August 13 - 9:00 a.m.* *T:�e �ugust i3 m2eting time was changed from 10:00 a.m. to �:00 a.m. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m. . , METROPtJLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION �a�„�„�r Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport �3 �'� 6040-28th Avenue South + Minneapolis,MN 55450-2799 "' -� Phone(612) 726-8100 • Fax(612) 726-5296 ,p .o;.�.�g�a . JOINT MEETING NOTICE DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANI�TING PROCESS SITE SELECTION STUDY TECffivICAL ADVISORY COlVIl�IITTEE AND TASK FORCE WEDNF,SDAY, TULY 28, 1993, 10:00 A.M. MAC GENERAL OFFICES - MASAC ROOM 6040 28th AVIENUE SOUTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55450 AGENDA 1. Continued Discussion - Site Selection Analysis 2. Site Recommendation The Metropolitan Airpotts Commission is an affirmative action employer. : Rc+liever Airports: AIRLAKE•ANOKr1 COtTNTY/BLAINE•CRYSTAL•FLYING CLOUD• LAKE ELMO•SAINT PAUL DOWNTOWN � , . DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLAI�TNING PROCESS SITE SELECTION STUDY JOINT MEETING TECH1vICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE Wednesday, June 16, 1993, 10:00 a.m. MAC General Offices MEETING SUMMARY Commissioner Tommy Merickel, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The following were in attendance: T. Merickel, H. Schilling, J. Del Calzo, N. Finney, J. Unruh, MAC; E.C. Moms, K. Mulloy, C. Kozlak, B. Sennes, M. Filipi, C. Case, Met Council; D. Osberg, City of Hastings; R. Theisen, R. Rought, M. Louis, MnDot;J. Williams, Mn Building Trades;B. Aslesen, City of Vermillion;L.Burda, MN Air National Guazd; 7. Bergford, Minneapolis Chamber; J. Connell, Empire Township; B. Acker, AOPA; C. Hewitt, University of Minnesota; K. Gaylord, Northwest Airlines; C. Galler, City of Farmington; G. Downing, EQB; J. Tocho, Dakota County; L. McCabe, Mesaba; J. Finley, Transportation Advisory Board; K. Kramer, Mn Pollution Control Agency; M. McMonigal, City of Apple Valley; R. Huber, F. Benson, FAA - ADO; C. Greene, T. Petersen, FAA -ATCT; K. Marnin, City of Fagan; N. Rys-Nico1, City of Inver Grove Heights; W. Wustenberg; G. Pinke; E. Gumnann; R. Beens; C. Alexander, University of Minnesota; P. Goodwin, Goodwin Communications; E. Futterman, A. Wald, G. Albjerg,HNTB; C. Roise, Hess-Roise&Co.; D. Braslau,Braslau Associates; Chairman Merickel introduced the agenda for the meeting, indicating the azeas of discussion and the proposed schedule for the next few months. Nigel Finney summarized a proposed program to be undertaken by the DNR this summer regarding habitat of the Loggerhead Shrike. As a followon to the Biological Survey completed during 1992, it was suggested that a more detailed analysis be undertaken regazding the location of nests within the search area and the habitat required to support each nest. DNR would like w develop additional data regazding the population and habitat use by shrikes in Dakota County to access management alternatives in the event of airport development in Dakota County. The study will be completed during June-July, 1993 and will be funded by the MAC. An update on the actiyities of the Governor's Task Force on the Dual Track Airport Planning Process was given by Nigel Finney. The Task Force has met on four occasions covering forecasting, capacity, work program and schedule, the remaining elements of the planning process, and presentations by both the EQB and Northwest. The presentation by EQB relaterl to the Minnesota environmental process and its role in the overall schedule,as well as a description of the Alternative Environmental process approve�l by the EQB for use in the Dual Track Planning Process. The role of the EQB in review and approval of the documents was also discussed. To date the Task Force has not reached any conclusions regazding any of the charges specified by the Govemor, however, are leaning towazd an initial determination that completion by January 1994 would not be possible. The Task Force plans additional meetings during the remainder of July with an opportunity for public comment and input, and expects to complete its work during late July or early August. a . Evan Futterman, HNTB, describe�the Site Selection Analysis work that has been completed to date. A handout covering the results of the analysis was distributed for the discussion. Ms. Pinlce requested information regarding the location of the three sites by legal description to serve as the basis for work being completed by Dakota County. She indicated a concern that it will be difficult to provide accurate information without having a clear definition of the three sites. Mr. Beens raisetl questions regarding the issue of impact on the en-route airway structure, particulazly related to Site 6. The relationship of the anival gates for the terminal airspace was reviewed by Mr. Futterman. Mr. Tocho also raise� questions about actions at Chicago that could have airspace impacts on Sites 2 and 3. Further discussion took place regarding the assumption of closing MSP and the impact on existing military facilities; the need for relocation of these facilities and costs associated with this action was reviewe�. Additional airspace impacts on St. Paul Downtown Airport were discussed in the context of the importance of this airport to the regional airport system. The issue of Site Expandability was reviewed, with the general consensus that the site definition should be as lazge as would be required to meet future demands. Ground Access factors were discussed at tength with coacerns being expressed regarding what were viewed as inconsistencies between some of the information presented. Freeway mileage for Sites 2 and 3 should be reconciled, both relate�to connections to the northwest and to the east toward Hastings. Mr. Osberg raised concerns regazding potential improvements require�for Highways 61 and 316 in�Iastings. Mr. Monis indicatai concerns regazding access from the east today, particularly during peak periods, and that this will be exaggerated in the future without improvements. Ms. Wustenburg raise� concerns regarding bridge access across the St. Croix River and indicated that efforts should be made to work with MnDOT and the State of Wisconsin regazding this matter. The issue of costs assignefl to airport development and those that would be necessazy to accommodate basic growth was discussed; Mr. Rought stated that MnDOT has establishe�a task force to review the planning process and keep abreast of ground transportation needs. Questions were raised regarding the locadon of the potential sites in reladon to the Prairie Island Nuclear Power facility. The need for an evacuation plan for the airport was discussed as a result of the proximity of the two facilities. Chairman Merickel discussed the schedule of ineetings for the remainder of the year. Following the site recommendation, scheduled for the July 28 meeting, the next two meetings of the Task Force would be at the time of the draft and final AED related to the site selection process. The Technical Committee members expressed an interest in eontinuing to meet during preparation of these doeuments in order to review and provide input into their preparation. MEETING SCHEDULE 7/28/93 10:OOAM Ioint Meetin¢ -Task Force and Technical Advisory Committee (We�nesday) 9/14/93 1:30PM Ioint Meetine -Task Force and Technical Advisory Committee (Tuesday) (Review-Draft AED} 10/93* Technical Advisory Committee (*Date to he determined) 11/9/93 1:30PM Technical Advisory Committee (TuesdaY) 12/15/93 10:00AM ,Toint Meetin,g -Task Force and Technical Advisory Committee (Wednesday) (Review AED Comments) The meeting adjoumed at 11:40 a.m. , ' DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS . SITE SELECTION STUDY JOINT MEETING TECHIVICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND TASK FORCE Wednesday, July 14, 1993, 10:00 a.m. � MAC General Offices MEETING SUMMARY Vice Chairman Joe Gasper called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. The fotlowing were in attendance: J. Gasper, J. De1 Calzo, V. Lanegran, M. Ryan, L.J. Fortman, R. Stassen, N. Finney, J. Unruh, MAC; K. Mulloy, C. Kozlak, B. Sennes, M. Filipi, Met Council; R. Theisen, M. Louis, MnDat; J. Williams, Mn Building Trades; B. Aslesen, City of Vermillion; L. Burda, MN Air National Guard; J. Bergford, Minneapolis Chamber; J. Connell, Empire Township; B. Acker, AOPA; C. Hewitt, University of Minnesota; K. Gaylord, Northwest Airlines; C. Galler, City of Fazmington; G. Downing, C. Kenow, EQB; J. Harris, T. Novak, J. Tocho, Dakota County; J. Fitzpatrick, Marshan Township; M. Wozniak, City of Hastings; L. Peterson, Goodhue Cvunty; J. Harrison, Minnesota-Wisconsin Boundary Area Commission; L. McCabe, Mesaba; J. Finley,Transportation Advisory Boazd; K. Kramer, Mn Pollution Control Agency; M. McMonigal, City of Apple Valley; R. Huber, G. Orcutt, FAA -ADO; C. Greene, T. Petersen, FAA - ATC"f; K. Marnin, City of Eagan; K. Carroll; G. Pinke; E. Gutzmann; R. Beens; P. Reichert, City of Minneapolis; L. Blake, Star Tribune; J. Richter; P. Goodwin, GooTwm Communications; E. Futterman, A. Wald, G. Albjerg, L. Dallam, R. Hazris, HNTB; C. Roise, Hess- Roise & Co.; D. Braslau, Braslau Associates; R. Peterson, Peterson Environmental Consultants; M. Wollschlager, �IDR Nigel Finney, MAC, provided an update on activities of the Govemor's Task Force. Recent meetings of the Task Farce included presentations from Northwest Airlines and the Environmental Quality Board; � a meeting was also held to provide the public with an opportunity to comment on the process. A preliminary assessment to the Governor indicates that the Task Force has not reached any final conclusions regarding the consequences of shortening the dual track process, but is certain the process cannot be completed by January 1, 1994. The Task Force anticipates completion of their final repart by mid-August. Evan Futterman,HNTB,provided a summary of the updated forecasts. The handout included flow charts indicating the methodologies used, original vs. revised passenger and operation forecasts, an explanation of the differences between the forecast update and the original long term comprehensive plan forecasts, and a list of the various scenarios that were developed for the update. Originations are expected to increase from approximately 4.6 million in 1992 to 7.7 million in 2020. Total enplanements aze approzimately 10.6 million for 1992 and aze anticipated to increase to 16.6 million in 2020. Aircraft operations, currendy estimated at 418,000, are forecast to increase to 520,000 by the year 2020. The revised forecasts indicate Northwest's intent to reduce the number of connecting passengers over time, while local socio-economic conditions indicate an increase in origination and destination passengers. The net effect of the reduction in connections and increase in O&D passengers is a reduction in total passengers. The alternative scenarios range from changes in socio-economic conditions to continuing changes in the airline industry to potential implementation of newtechnological options which may have an impact on air travel. Ms. Pinke asked about the unpact of decrease� air carrier operations/increased ( ' regional operations in relation to runway capacity. Mr. Futterman indicated that runway dimensions are based upon critical aircraft (ie: 747) which dictate the runway width and length; once a runway is in place, regional operations have the same nanway requirements as a 747. Commissioner Det Calzo asked if there was any data regarding Northwest's intent to de-emphasize hubbing at MSP; Mr. Futterman indicated that it would be several years before you would see a decrease in connecting passengers. It was requested that non-revenue passenger traffic be provided to the Committee as it relates to the revised forecasts. Greg Albjerg, HNTB, responded to issues that had been raised at previaus committee meetings, specifically the airspace impacts on the sites due to future restructuring in Chicago and legal descriptions of the three sites. Mr. Albjerg indicated that there are no major airspace problems if a third airgort is built in Chicago, however, the.e are some concerns with enroute traffic and runway orientation of Site 6. Mr. Albjerg also indicated that as requested, groperty ownership maps have been provided to Dakota County. Mr. Beens inquired as to the ability to rotate runways at the sites by 10 or 20 degrees; Mr. Futterman stated that each orientation is based on certain pazameters (ie: Pine Bend, impacts on Hastings and Vermillion) and that the runways could be shifted only a degree or two. Mr. Futterman indicated that proposed TCA airspace charts for each site aze available for review. Mr. Futterman provided the Committee with an updated handaut regarding the Site Selection Analysis and reviewed the major issues of each category. Ms. Pinke asked if there aze any airspace impacts on Lake Elmo airport and small airports in Wisconsin. Mr. Albjerg indicate� that there are no impacts on Lake Elmo but there could be some pracedural changes for Red Wing. Questions were raised regazding the number of private use air strips that would have w close, faetoring the cost of such closures into the criteria, and modifying the TCA to allow operations to continue. Mr. Harris asked if there had been a response from the Attamey General's Office regarding the search area boundary issue; Mr. Finney indicated that MAC has not yet received a response. Discussion followed regarding the legality of selecting a site while the search azea boundary issue is still unresolved. Some committee members felt that taking action without�op;nion fro.0 the Attomey General would be inappropriate. Mr. Beens stated that �re should move ahead with a recommendation to the MAC since if the Attorney General stated that safety zones must be within the search area, most of the work already completed would be invalidated. He further state� that the Task Force is making a recommendatian to the MAC, and that final MAC action would not be taken until early 1994. IT WAS MOVED BY MS. PINKE,SECONDED BY MR. HARRIS, THAT AN OPINION FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE REGARDING THE ISSUE OF THE STATE SAFETY ZONES EXTENDING BEYOND THE SEARCH AREA BE PROVIDED TO THE TASK FORCE BEFORE A RECt)MIvi�NDATION ON A SITE IS FORWARDED �'O THE ME1 ROPOLITAN AIRPORTS COMMISSION. The motion failed (tie vote) on the following roll ca1L• Ayes: Gaylord, Harris, McCabe, Novak, Pinke, Williams, Carroll Nays: Beens, Bergford, Burda, Finley, Gasper, Gutzmann, Theisen Abstain: Mulloy . Discussion followed regazding ground aceess factars. Mr. Tocho stated that the use of Highway 61 appears understated as it relates to the eastem suburbs. Mark Filipi, Met Council, stated that while Highway 61 would require improvements for each altemative, the analysis indicates that there are not differential impacts between the three sites. i ' Discussion regarding Community-Social Impacts in luded potential effects on municipal boundary changes for Hastings, and the ability of the City to contin e to develop with a new airport site located to the southwest. Cindy Greene, Air Traffic Control Tower, expres ed concem regarding impacts on the ability to run visual approaches to Sites 2 and 3 due to aireraft titudes and the height of reFinery smoke plumes. Mr. Tocho requested that access points be consider in regazds to air quality. Ms. Pinke aske� at what point approximate total cost figures for a new airp� vs. MSP development will be available; Mr. Finney indicated that these figures shauld be available in d-1994- late 1994, after a site is selected (1/94) and a detailed development plan for each has been pre azed. j Discussion followed regarding the July 28th meetin with Task Force members establishing the following ' guidelines for voting for a recommended site: 1. Onty those members who have attended fifty percent of the Site Selection Task Force meetings will be allowed to vote. 2. If a member is unable ta attend, a representative will not be permitted w vote for them, however,a written vote will be counted if received by the MAC by July 27th. 3. Only one vote on a preferred site will be taken. The meeting adjourned at 11:56 a.m. Presentation to Site Selection Task Force and Site Selection Technical Committee New Airport Site Selection Study Results af Site Selection Analysis F`inal Results July 28, 1993 Metropolitan Airports Commission Reviaed: 26—Ju1-93 Page A-1 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PRQCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS Pl►C�QHS/CRITEHI � SIT� 2 sITE a si7� 8 AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY *Main n�nways usage with max albwable crosswind of 92.5% 93.3% 92.7% 13 kf101S(96�: (P�imary nanwey ooverage adequaoa;no (Primary runway ooverage adequate;no (Primary runway coverage adequate;no signiflcant diiference among sf0es). signficant diflerence among sites). , signfficant diflerence among sites). *Mnuai taxiing c:ost: $75 million $75 million $72 million (No aigniflcant differenca among si0as). (No significark difference among sites). (No significant difference among sites). *Mnual airspace travel cost: $359 million $358 million $369 million (No sig.ditference betwBen Sites 2 &3). (No sig.diHerence between SKes 2&3). (Site 6 farther from mo st destinat'ans which resufts in higher airspace cost). *Potentlal aciv�erse visib(liry impacts from Kroch Refinery on Alrcraft have sufflcbnt aftftude over atacks. Sufflciant disRanoe between runways and Aircraft would pass refinery stacks at low B�IpOR Op6f8110113: Nearest approach path b reflnery whfch refinery stacks. aititude.Drifting plumes would require oould have minor impacts would be used more IFR operatio�s,reducing airport by only 1%of artivala. capaciry.Additionai stacks could increase im acts. Revised: 26—Juh93 Page A-2 - DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEIAf AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYS{S F/1CTORS/CRIT� Ri SIT� 2 SiT� 3 SITE e AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS AIRSPACE INTERACTION *Alrspaae interaction with other afrports and enroute swcture: St Paui Downtown Airport: IVone None New airport departures from Runway 34R would be dependent on instrument ap— proaches to St.Paul Downtown Airpart. Aj��g; NOf18 Interaction occurs during crosswind oper— Interaction occurs during both crosswind ations at new airport. and parailel operations at new airport. SOU1h SL PdUI: Eliminates instrume�t approaches ineo Ellminates instrument approaches inBo Proximity of airport to site will likely South Safnt PauL South Saint Paul. require airport ciosure. 1 EfifOUi9 SMJCiU(8: � NOf19 � NO(lA Reduced sequencing flexibiliry of eastem arrivals due to proximity of Chicago airspaoe. (See Figure 4) (Sae Figure 4) (See Figure 4) SITE EXPANDABILITY . *Runway expandabiAty potentlaL• � ; Addi$pn�l�gngjh: All sbc tunways can be lengthened. a Five of six runways can be lengthened. Three of sa►unways can be lengthened. Addf1I0�'18I fUf1W8)l3: Ske conditioos conducive to addi�g run— i Site oonditions conducive to adding run— Constrained to west by wetlands,to east ways. � ways. by Yermillion River. (See Figure 1) (See Figure 1) . (See Figure 1) '�T9ffT111181 8f888XP811d8bllitj/pOt8t11�81: Site can accommodate significant terminal Ske can acoommodate significarN terminal Site can accommodate significant terminal expansion. expansian. expansion.Most flexibility and available area of three sites. *ri8C90&OU16f 13qGiy 6Xp8f1dHb��ity POi8ilU81: SRe can accommodate support tacilky ex—1 Site can accommodate support facility ex— Ske can accommodate support Iacility ex— pansion;however,area for expaosion to pansion. pu�sion. east would be limited and may aHect • , Hastings growth. Revised: 26-Ju1-93 Page A-3 � DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F/1CToRS/GRITEHI SIT� 2 SIT� 3 SIT� 6 � AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS SITE ACCESSIBIUTY *Differentlai travel tlme (n minutes)to afrport from-- Minneapolis City HaiL 9.5 9.5 0 Saint Paul Gty HaIL• 9.5 9.5 0 Moka: 9.5 9.5 0 Ch3sk8: 9.5 9.5 0 H��ngs: 0 0 5 Shakopee: 12.5 12.5 0 SUilwater. 9 9 0 (Site 6 is closest of three sites to most Nob: peak-hour condkbna, metropolitan locations.This is the baseline tor comparing Sites 2 and 3). See Fi ure 2 See Fi ure 2 (See Figure 2) *�ifferentiai travel Ume to airport(in m(nutes)for residents 11 11 0 of the rsgion(weighted average): (Site 6 has lowest weighted average access time of three sites.This is the base- NoM: eak-hour condRiona. line for com arin Sites2 and 3 . *DifferenUal lncrease in intra—oounry travei�mes (for non— atrport users) (in minutes): Hastlngs to Bumsvitle: 0 0 0 Hampron to HasUngs: 3 3 0 Miesville to Has�ngs: U � U 1 Farmington to Hastlngs: 0 0 0 Hampton to Rosemount: 0 0 1 NoOs: peak-hour conditions. i Revised: 26—Ju1-93 Page A-4 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SEL.FCTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANA�YSIS FIICTARSlCRIT� R1 SIT� 2 sITE a SI'r� � /URPORT CHARACTERISTICS *Differentlal increase In inter—caunty travel tlmes(for non— � airport users) (n minutes): Extemal northbound traffic on U.S.52 to-- MNnneapolis City HaIL• 0 0 1 Sa(nt Paul Gry Hail: 0.5 0.5 0 Moka: 1.5 1.5 0 Chaska: 0 0 0.5 Has�ngs: 3 3 0 Shakopee: � � � Stiilwater. 1.5 1.5 0 (Additional distanoe resulting from realign— ment of U.S.52 offset by improved speeds due to hi hwa 's u rade . Extemal nohhbound traffic on U.S. 61 to-- Minneapolis Giry HaIL 2.5 2.5 0 Saint Paul Ciy HaIL 2 2 0 Moka: 2.5 2.5 0 Chaska: 4.5 4S � 0 H�tlngs: 0.5 0.5 0 Shakopee: 0.5 0.5 0 Stlilwater. 2.5 2.5 0 Extemal northbound trafftc on T.H. 3 to-- ; MlnneapoAs Ciry Hall: 0 0 0.5 Saint Paul Gty HaiL• 0.5 0.5 0 Moka: t 1 0 Chaska: 0.5 0.5 0 H�Ungs: 2 2 0 Shakopee: 0 � 0 Stlilwater. 1 1 0 Nooe: peak—hour conditbns. ReViaed: 26—Ju1-93 Page A-5 DUAL TfiACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPOHT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS Fl1CTQRSICRIT�N1 SIT� 2 SIT� 3 SITE s AIRPORT CHARACTERISTICS *Totai lane—miles of roads requiring relocatlon due ro ��rt,bY tYPB� Dlscontlnued segments: Arterial lane—miles: 86 82 96 Freeway lane—mfles 0 0 0 Realigned Segmenis: Arterial lane—trules: 15 12 13 Freeway lane—mfles � � � *Total lane—mfies of roads requiring imprcyvement due to airPort,bY tYPe� Bridge lane—miles 2 2 2 Arteriai lane—miles 2 2 . 43 Freeway lane-mfles 118 118 68 (Changas in lane—milea requidng improvs. (Changes in lane—miles requiring improvs. (Changes in lane—miles requiring improvs. dependent on final highway alig�ments). depende�t on final highway alignments). dependent on finat highway alignments). *Residentla)populaUon,and employees dsplaced due to 85 residents 92 residenis 130 residents off—airport site impacts, airport access road and ditierenUal 21 empioyees 21 empioyees 107 employees roadway improvements: Nob: WRhf�Search Area only. Revised:26-Jui-93 Page 8-1 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PIANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS FIIGTQRSlCRITERI SIT� 2 SITE 3 SITE 6 COMIu�1NiTY/SOCIAL IMPACTS DISPLACED COMMUNITIES/PEOPLE *ExisUng municipalities displaced due to airport None None Coates C16NBIOPf1'18t1i: (City of Vermillion border is less than 500' (Ciry of Vermillion border is approx.2000' (City of Vermillion approx.one mite hom from Ske 2 boundary. Raaidential erea is (►om Site 3 boundary. Residential area is airport boundary. Neady all of Coates city approx.1 mile hom nearast runway). approx.t mile from nearest runway), limits contained within eirport boundary). *No. of peopfe withln sfte boundary relocated due to airport 750 700 740 development(Year 2000 populaUon): *No.of people displaced due to roads and utllity 85 100 140 constructl�n/rebcatlon withfn search area ear 2000 latlon : IAND USE PLANS *Aares of planned residen�al 8�commercial�ndustrial 9 9 53 d6y��Opfi1@ilt jn S�Ug bOl,If1C18(�/�ffqTt�OCB�COfT1p. p�81'IS�: (Sf1as 2 and 3 considered to have similar (SiOas 2 and 3 considered to hava similar (Sife 6 has more acres than eastem s'ttes impacts). fmpacts). due to displacement of Coates). (See Figure 3) (See Figure 3) (Sae Figure 3) *A�cres of planned residentlai land within Ldn 60 and Zones 95 308 15 /�B�f�pryi{pp��p, ���; (Mostly Rural ResidentiaQ. (Mostly Rural Residentia�. (Mostly flural Residential). *Dlstance from site boundary b major industrial facilitles t��)� Koch Reflnery: Approx.7 miles SE of Refinery Approx.6 miles SE of Refinery Approx. 1 mile SE of Refinery. (PfB��ti'1�f18t1/� (Not oonsidered significanQ. (Not considered signiflcanQ. ' , (Considered significaM. Expansion of re- finery and airport dependent on each other). Proposed Dakota Co. Resource Recovery Facility: 6.2 miles SE of Proposed Facility 5.7 miles SE of Proposed Facility Approx.700 ft.South of (Not oonsidered significanQ. (Not considered significanq. PfOPOS@d FSCllit}/ (Considered significaM. Expansion of fac- ilit and air ort de endent on each other). Retised:26—Ju1-93 Page B-2 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEIIV AIRPORT SlTE SELECTION STUDY . SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS fAC�QN3/CRITEflI SIT� 2 SI7E 3 SIT� 6 COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS *Neight and other devebpment constrafnis at large IndusUial facilitles due to airport: Knch Refinery: No restrictlons. No restrictions. 340—foot Height Restriction at SE (Preliminary) Boundary of Reflnery, (Could be major impact if Refinery pians to expand to the southeast). ' Proposed Dakota Co. Resource Recavery FaciUry: No restricUons. No restrictions. Restricted. (90—foot height restrictbn at proposed facility. Current proposed heightof stacl� is 315 feet). COMMUNITY SEFMCES/INFRASTRUCTURE *Number of schools within site boundary: • 0 0 . 0 *Number of piaces of worship within site boundary: 0 0 1 (St.Agatha's,located in Coates). *Number of cemeteries within site boundary: 0 � � (St.Augusline,located in Vermillion Twp). *P8fC6flta98 Of�990 a5S8SS8d SCfi00�C�S1(ICt t8X b3SA�bY Uata not provided by Data not provided by ; Data not provided by d�S�Ct�: Dakota County Dakota Counry Dakota County *P8fC611t898 Of 1990 8SS6SS8d t04Vf1ShIp 11X b3S6 Data not provided by Deta not provided by Data not provided by sllminated(by Jurisd(c�on): oBka�H co�r,ry Dakota County Dakota County Hevised:26—Ju1-93 Page B-3 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY , SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS FAGTOHS/CRIT� RI SlT� 2 SITE 3 SIT� 6 COMMUNITY/SOCIAL IMPACTS NOISE IMPACTS *Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 Ldn 65 270 160 40 in Search Area: (see Flgure 3) (see Figure 3) (see Figure 3) *Year 2000 population residing within Year 2020 Ldn 65 50 60 10 outside Search Area: *Year 2000 population residing vuithin Year 2020 Ldn 60 620 710 415 (excluding Ldn 65): _ *Year 2000 popu{a�on within Year 2020 L1065 contaurs for all runway ends: 1,800 1,800 1,400 (see Figure 5) {see Figure 5) (see Figure 5) 'Number of ndse—sensitive land uses withln Ldn 65 1 0 0 by rype(exciuding dweiling units): (Beliwood Cemetery). *Number of nase—sensitNe land uses wlthin Ldn 60 2 0 0 by type(exciudfng Ldn 65 and dwelling units): �sc.�o�Pn's�wiliiam l.yon Cemeteries). *Averaga monthly number of jet arrival and depanure over— fU�ts on principa!fUght Vacks below 5,000 feet (see Figure 4) (see Figure 4) (see Figure 4) for departures and bebw 2,000 feet for arrivals: � Revised:26—Ju1-93 . Page B-4 DUAL TRACK AIRPOftT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS FI�GT9RSJC8iT� fi1 SIT� 2 SiT� 3 $IT� 6 COMMUNIlY/SOCIAL IMPACTS STATE SAFETY ZONES A&B *Year 2d00 residential populadon within state safety zones 320 ' 2�p in Search Area ��� *Year 2000 residen�al populatlon within state safery zones 90 150 p ouLside Search Area *1990 empbyment within state safety zones A&B in 21 15 89 Search Area(Estlmatec�: *1990 empbyment within state sai�ty zones A&B 23 0 134 outside Search Area(Eslimated): , TOTAL POPULATION IMPACTS SUMMARY "Tota!on-a(rport population within site boundary: 750 700 740 *Total off—airport population within state safery zones A&B 750 720 440 and Ldn 60 in Search Area(Includes Ldn 65): "Tatai off—airport populabon withln state safety zones A&B 270 330 50 and Ldn 60 outside Search Area(includes Ldn 65j: �sir�s nes rewa5c PaoPia�. � Revised;26-Ju1-S3 Page B-5 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW A{RPORT SIT�SEIFCTiON STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS F/1CTQRS/CRIT� RI SIT� 2 S{TE 3 s17� e CQMMUNt7Y/SOCIAL IMPACTS HISTORfC/ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES *No. of potential NRHP archaeobgieai sftes�kely to be 8 8 17 affected by airport faciN�es: (see Figure 8) (see Fgure 8) {see Figure 8) Nois: Based on preHm�ary survey of acoessible propertiss. Addqional surveya snd analysis wiU be requked to determMs NRHPeH ibiM . *Numbsr of potentlai NRMP inc�vidual stanc�ng stnictures, cNsMcts and nual historic landscape5 Nkey to be ai(ected 3 6 7 by airp�rt f�ilfties�d/or Ldn 65 noise levels: NoM: Baasd o�preNminary surv•y of acoessibb propsrties. Addkionai surveya and analysis wfN be required to dstsrmine FARM AND NON-FARM BUSINESSES *I�mber of 1990 non—farm empiayees within site 62 67 496 boundary rebcated due to alrport devebpment: *Number of farmsteads within site boundary to be 40 40 40 rebcated dua to airport c�vebpmsnt: FARMIAND *Number of acres of pdme farmland wtihin site boundary 6,000 6,200 7,100 (inc�c�ng undrainedland): Paga B-s Revise d:26-Ju1-93 i � DUAi.TRACK AI�ORT PLANNING PR(7GESS �� NEW AIRPORT SITE SELFGTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS Fl1CTQfl8/CR1T� R1 . SIT� 2 SITE 3 StT� s COMMU NIlY/SOCIALIMPAGTS PUBUC PARKS/RECREATION LAND *Number af aeres of park/recreaUai land within site 1 0 6 �n�Jary: (Mini-9oflldtiving range) {Coates City Park). *Number of acres of pa�k/recreatlan land outside the site 0 U � boundary and within the Year 2020 Ldn 65 ndse contours: •Numbe�of acres of park/iecrea�on land outsfde the si�e 11 4.5 59 bOUndSt}I A(id Vll�lhlfi ih8 Y88f 10'20 Ldf160 t1dS8 (MM1-poM/drivinp tangs) (8eliwood Oaks c3oN Coursa) (Spting Lake Park,Wayside Park and ���: Rich Valiey(3oM Course) Reviaed: 26-Ju1-93 Page C-1 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELFCT{ON STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS EAICTOI�SlCNITERf STTE E SITE 3 St7E 6 OTHER ENVlRONMENTAL IMPACTS WILD AND SCEMG RNERS *Number of monthy ar�ivaUdepard.�re o�erfNghts occurring 0 0 U over designated rivers at altliudes�less lhan 2,000 fee� WETtANDS *Numbet of acres of wetlands whhin site boundary: 4 2 128 (see Figure s.) (see F(gure s.) (see Figure 6.) (Primarily bcaled along southem edge of site). *Number of acres�wetlands�kety to be removed by 2 0 31 conswcdon of operatla'r of afrport facilities: WVASTE DfSPOSAL SITES � *I+k.�mbe�and rype�known lancilflis within airport U � 1 t�oundary: (see Figure 7.) (see figure 7.) (see Figure 7.) *txk�mber af known contaminated waste sites wNhin airport 0 Q 1 boundary: {Coates dump site). (Hsssarch ongoing}, WATE R QUAU?Y ` *Number a�acres of Prai�ie Du Chien/Jordan Aqulfer within 9,900 9,800 10,000 B�fpOfl bOUndBf)I G18SS��8d ffi h�9hly S6fiS�UV6 O(9f88t8C (Considered similar tor ail three sites). (Considared similar tor all threa sites). (Considered similar(or all three sites). Ravisadi 26—Jui-93 Page G-2 DUAL TRAGK AtRPORT PLANNlNG PROCESS NE1N AIAPORT SITE SEtFCTiON STUDY SITE SEL.ECTION ANALYSIS fACTORS/CR17ER1 81TE 2 SITE 3 SITE 6 OTHER ENVIRUNMENTAL IMPAGTS AIR QUALIIY *Differen�al year 2020 annual CO emissions from vehicis 10,000 10,OU0 0 U1(�t0/ffOfi'1 B�fpOR ttO�1S�: (EquNalent Oo 1.9%of roglonal emissfons). (Equivalent b 1.9%of regional emissions). (Site 6 is ciosest to passengers). *Number of addi�onal intersecUons with CO concentrations 0 0 0 greater than state&iederai air quaNry standards due to afrpart devebpment(difierentla�: BIRD STRIKE ISSUES *Acres of undrained wetlands (Types 3,4,&5)within 3 32 172 10,000 teet of nanway ends: *No. �d type of con�tlons potentlally conducive to�rd 5 5 , � 5 sUikes within 5 m(les of runway ends: t. Spring Laks 3 Sp[ing Lake Perk Reserve. t. Spring Lake 6 Spri�g Lake Park Reserve. t. Spring Lake&Spring Lake Park fleserve. 2. Frietz Heron Rookery. 2. friatz Heran Rookery. 2. State Protected Wetland 341 W. 3. Laks Fkbecca Perk 3. Lake Rebecca Park 3. Northwest Corner Emp1re Twp. 4. Ooro's Pooi WUdlife Mpmt.Area. 4. Oote's Pool Wi1dMe Mgmt,Area. 4. Grey Cioud Islends(Shiely Grave�Mines). 5. Stats Protected Wetland 341 W. 5. State Protected Wetland 341 W. 5. Pine Bend La�dfllL ENpANGEREDJTHF�ATENED&SPEGIAL CONCERN SPEGIES *Known communitles of rare species(fbra&fauna) 2 3 3 scxording to state designadons within site boundary: ��o99efi.aa sn�ke> ��o99efieaa sn�ke� ��o�gart�a�a snr�kea EMERGY SUPPLY AND NATURAI RESOURCES *Differen�ai year 2020 vehicle fuel consumptlon for 15 million 15 miflion 0 8U10R10bi{8 U1pS tOjffOfli SItB (�8110fiS�: (equlvalent b iJ96 ot regionai {equhtalent b 1.7%of regbnal vehlcle tuel consumption) veHicle(uei consumption) Revised: 26—Ju1-93 Page C-3 DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNING PROCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SELECTlON STUDY SfTE SELEGTION ANALYStS FAC70RS/GRYTERI SITE 2 SITE S SITE 6—} OTHER ENNIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FLOODPLAiNS *No.a�acres of fbodway wi thin site boundary: 0 � - Q (see Figure 6) (see Figure 6) (see Figure 6) *Na. of acres of floodway fringe Nkely eliminated by airport facilitleS: 150 190 130 *AbiNty to mitlgate flood frfnge impacis on sife: Adequate area on site. Adequate area on slte. Umited suitable area on site. �e,.,,,,., �,. , Revised: 26-Jui-93 Page d-i DUAL TRACK AIRPORT PLANNtNG PRUCESS NEW AIRPORT SITE SEL�CTION STUDY SITE SELECTION ANALYSIS EACTQRSICHIT� ii1 SIT� x SITE 3 31TE 8 DIFFERENTIAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS *Differentlal market value of properly wiihin site: $0 $0 $3 mililon *Differential cosis to prepare site for airport conswctlon SO 34.8 million $36.1 million arising from-- Road improvements(relocated roadways, airport access road): UtlHry rebca�ort: ��l.� �'1 TopograPhYlsoi�/f►oodway structures: � �°I/� �6�h *Differentlal community rebcation costs: $Q.4 million $0 $1.1 miilion No1a: Inciudes communkies within Search Area oniy. Notsa:l. App�oximale slze ot airpart boundary is t0,000 screa. 2. The criteria for oompsrison of akemetke tayauts on ihs preterred si1e,and fo�comparison of MSPlNew Airport/No Buiid wNl bs dilFerent hom the abovs. Thia listinfl fs designed solely tor selection of the preterred afta. . � �� M � � • • ' • • • � • • • � � ,., f . , . . ��, i : . .. . . / y . . �CJ��Itr�C�U 1�i T `� � "'' � .,,.. �`-!��'�` `�� i : .:•. • . j,' � .�'���:.�'a C t�`t`�' /� . t \ . 'S�,PAUI DQ1dNTOWN � `a :"-.,t' . • - . _T'EPr� � � •�i � ' . :�� \` . AIRSPACE ( � l/. ; , . . .�ES '; E . ;� ,�• . \ . ' . .r t � ,,;Pt�� t��„� � :;.:. i .�, � �,�� , . r'�� �; . �. , ,, � � :n- � ' � � . l4�Y+4�A15fkPRa�az�aee.xr.n�,,r '\.�` . .,��� � . 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To; Nigel Finney 7uly 27, 1993 From: , Greg Albjerg G� Subject: Private Airports Affected by New Airport Sites At the last technical committe,e/task fc�rce meeting several members asked for information regarding private airports that could be impacted by the possible new aiiport. Attached is a listing of those airports. The airports within the $ nautical mile ring of the centroid of the possible new airport wauld likely be closed with the exception of the Regina Hospital fIeliport. Those airports within the 10 nautical mile ring would prohably nat be impacted unless directly on centerline of the proposed airports new runway and just outside the � 8 nm ring. The Iikelihaod of closure for these airports within the 10 nm ring cannot be determined until a Master Plan is prepared for the new airport. 'Ttte FAA has indicated that closure of airports by a "taking" of their air rights is an eligible FAA Airport Improvement Fund cost. The records for these airports are from the FAA and not necessarily c�mpletely current as same of these airports come and go without notice. GIiAldhs _. : . _ iszsz�;�,.an s �. PRIVATE AtRPORTS WITHIN PR4POSED TCA F�R NEW AtRPORT S1TE SELECTION SITES SITE 2 8 NM - , TURKEY TRACK 14 NM - STEWART FARMS REGINA H4SPITAL HELIPORT LUCHT F1ELD SKY MEAD(JW SOWIEJA WILLUW RIDGE WEBBS PRIVATE 1 STAGMAIER MElER'S PRlVATE 2 (U OF M) SfTE 3 8 NM - TURKEY TRACK l0 NM - STEWART FARMS REGINA HOSPITAL HELIPORT LUGHT FIELD . SKY MEADOW STAGMAiER W4LLOW RIDGE PRlVATE 2 (U OF M) SOWIEJA WEBBS PRIVATE 1 I SITE 6 I 8 NM - TURKEY TRACK 10 NM - LE NORE REGINA HOSPI7AL HELIPORT JENNRICH FIE�D SKY MEADOW WILLOW RiDCE WIP�INE _ _PRIVATE 1` _ WIPLINE (SEA PLANE) SOWIEJA WEBBS LUCHT FIELD STAGMAIER NEILSONS PRIVATE 2 (U OF M) N4TE: THE�IST AND LOCATION OF THESE PRIVATE AtRPORTS WERE OBTAtNED FR�M THE FAA ALRPORTS DISTRICT OFFiCE IN MINNEAPOUS. THE NAMES OF PRIVATE 1 AND PRIVATE 2 ARE NOT KNOWN BECAUSE THESE AIRPORTS WERE NOT QN FitE AT THE FAA.THEY WERE LOCATED FROM DRIVE-BY SURVEYS ANDIOR AERlAL PHOTOS. a�PRvrcA,wKa 2�,��,t-s�