HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. Payment of InvoicesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JULY 6, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: PAYMENT OF INVOICES AGENDA SECTION: CONSENT PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA NO. T ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 0z ATTACHMENTS: INVOICE COPIES 01 V APP VED The Port Authority has received the following invoices for payment: Chase Brackett Inc. (Review of Motel Pro Forma) Lindquist and Vennum (Legal Services re: Armory) Bultema Appraisal (Preparation for Monk Hearing) SEH, Inc. (Final Pymt. on Business Park Feasibility) A & G Autobody (Payment for Immoveable Personal Property) Dakota Small Engine (John Anderson) (Final Payment for Actual Moving Expenses) Dakota County Treasurer (1992 Taxes/Armory Property) ACTION: Approval. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: $1,000.00 $2,256.30 $2,220.00 $3,711.72 $8,300.00 $ 181.74 $4,080.55 A� I RSMT 9300987 Chase -Brackett Company Pentagon Park Tower 4940 Viking Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 Phone: (612) 835-5600 Fax: (612) 835-2076 June 22, 1993 City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount MN 55068 Attention: John Miller INVOICE Property Appraised: N/A Rosemount Hotel Rosemount MN Appraisal Fee 1000.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,000.00 Terms: Payable Upon Receipt Please Make Checks Payable To: Chase -Brackett Company Fed ID# 41-0872524 We appreciate your business! Sincerely, Chase -Brackett Company s 4200 IDS CENTER IN DENVER 80 Som En m STREET UNDQUIST. VENMN & CHRISTENSEN MwNFwvous, MaaNEsoTA 65402-2205 80017TH STREET, SirrE 2125 FAt LINDQUIST DELEMONoq,oRAoo802028401 &'VENNUM 612-NE:6,237,32„ FAX 6123713207 TELEPT1oNE: 303879.5900 ATroRNEYs AT LAw RICHARD T. 06TLAM D 612-371-3256 June 25, 1993 Rosemount Port Authority c/o Mr. Stephan Jilk, City Administrator 2875 - 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-0510 Dear Steve: Enclosed please find our invoice for services rendered on your behalf. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our billing, please don't hesitate to contact me. Best regards. Very truly yotMs, ST -A RicblrA,-V. Ostlund RTO/mjw Enclosure N In Account With LINDQUIST Et VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371.3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE JUNE 24, 1993 P.O. SOX 510 FILE NO. 434124.0001 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 INVOICE NO. 95401 16£ GENERAL COUNSEL-CONDEM.PRO 05/14/93 T L FABEL Letter to client regarding settlesent rejecton by Streses; review letter and bill from Streso attorney. FEES FORSERVICESRENDERED $ 42.00 TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS !I 422.00 LINDQUIST& VENNUM IS AN LiNDQUIST & VENNUM cGn-na Fnavi nVFa In Account With LINDQUIST 8 VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST DATE JUNE 24, 1993 P.O. BOK 510 FILE NO. 434124.0002 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 INVOICE NO. 95401 168 GENERAL CORPORATE 05/03/93 A K GROSSMAN Revisions to Tourdot and Battaglia settlement agreements; arrange for issuance of correct checks; conference with David Allgeyer regarding Helen Cunningham's involvement in settlement agreement. 05/04/93 A K GROSSMAN Discuss with attorney M. Simpson; A&C's amended relocation claim; research federal regulations; discuss Monk and A&G relocation claims with Al Monk; tend to making Battaglia and Tourdot settlement checks. 05/05/93 A K GROSSMAN Prepare written analysis of ASG amended relocation claim; develop alternative procedural approaches to processing claim; arrange for Bultema testimony at Monk property valuation hearing; request revised appraisal. 05/11/93 0 A ALLGEYER Attend commissioners' scheduling meeting; review of appraisal. 05/19/93 A K GROSSMAN Develop alternative approaches to the Halbert's request for arbitration; consider issues related to payment for foot pads and paint booth; conference with Jackie Wentworth regarding same and concerning Al Monk's relocation claim. 05/20/93 D A ALLGEYER Meet with C. Bultema. 05/24/93- A K GROSSMAN Identify specific issues in dispute with respect to A&G relocation claim; request paint booth estimate from M. Simpson; research regarding standard of review applicable to relocation appeals; draft letter to M. Simpson regarding dispute resolution; prepare memorandum for David Allgeyer regarding case status. 05/21/93 D A ALLGEYER Study research regarding ASG; conference with J. Miller; direct research with Ann Grossman. 05/25/93 D A ALLGEYER Prepare for condemnation hearing; speak with K. Agnew. LINDQUIST& VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST £t VENNUM EEO/AA EMPLOYER. crn in # einFFRi7(1 n 154 T In Account With LINDQUIST £t VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612.371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 8875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN 550680510 GENERAL CORPORATE AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE JUNE 24, 1993 FILE NO. 434124.0002 INVOICE NO. 95401 168 05/25/93 A K GROSSMAN Telephone conference with M. Simpson, the Halbert's lawyer regarding appeal and paint booth/floor pad payment. 05/26/93 -O A ALLGEYER Prepare for condemnation hearing. 05/26/93 A K GROSSMAN Conference with David A. Allgeyer regarding A. Monk's appraisal of paint booth; discuss with John Miller, Halbert relocation claim, claim for payment for value of paint booth and floor pods and hazardous waste issue. 05/28/93 A K GROSSMAN Telephone conference with M. Simpson regarding paint booth; prepare and transmit $5,800 offer in payment of depreciated value of paint booth. FEES FOR SERVICES RENDEREO f 1,917.30 DATE DISBURSEMENTS 04/28/93 Non -MN UCC Searches por VLF 33.20 05/12/93 Recording Fees Dakota Cty per VLF 50.00 05/12/93 Spec Assessmt search per VLF 75.00 Delivery Charges 97,00 Photocopy Charges 6.80 Messenger Delivery Charges 24.50 Facsimile Charges 10.50 ------------- TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 11 297.00 LINDQUIST & VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EFO'AA EMPLOYER crn n _.. n�nacoovo t In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612.371-3211 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C!0 MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST HATE JUNE 24, 1993 P.O. BOX 510 FILE NO. 434124.0002 ROSEMOUNT, MN SS0680510 "INVOICE: NO. 95401 16E J GENERAL CORPORATE TOTAL CURRENT FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS 6 2,214.30 LINDQUIST SVENNUM ISAN LINDQUIST & VENNUM FGO'AA FMPI OVFR. oon i �nceoo-rte In Account With LINDQUIST & VENNUM 4200 IDS CENTER MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 612-371-3211 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY C/O MR. STEPHAN JILK, CITY ADMINISTRATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST P.O. BOX 510 ROSEMOUNT, MN 5S0680SIO TOTAL -FOR COMBINED CLIENT MATTERS AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ DATE JUNE 24, 1993 CLIENT 8 434124 INVOICE NO. 954011 165 AMOUNT UNPAID FROM PRIOR STATEMENTS f 6,834.65 FEES FOR SERVICE 1,959.30 DISBURSEMENTS 297.00 TOTAL THIS STATEMENT 8 9,090.96 LINDQUIST 6 VENNUM IS AN LINDQUIST & VENNUM EFO'AA EMPLOYER. ccn n tt ��neaoo�o 1 BULTEMA APPRAISAL RECEIVED 1565 Cliff Road, Suite 3272 JUN 171993 Eagan, Minnesota 55122 (612) 454-6286 CITY Ut iiUStMUUN£ Fax 452-4738 REAL ESTATE VALUATION & CONSULTATION INVOICE-- TAX ID ## 41-1699196 June 15,1993 PORT AUTHORITY OF ROSEMOUNT City of Rosemount 2375 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 ATTN: Stephan Jilk RE: File Reference #92-057 (A) 13955%13965 South Robert Trail Rosemount, Minnesota Dakota County PIN # 34-02010-022-60 Consultations/Preparation (as of above date) 37 Hours @ $60/Hour = $2,220.00 CURRENT BALANCE DUE.. .$2,220.00 TERMS: Due on Receipt o INVOICE 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE 200 SEH CENTER, ST PAUL, MN 55110 612490-2000 800325-2055 ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION May 26, 1993 Invoice No. 18042 Project No. 0000093164.01 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ATTN: JOHN MILLER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 For: PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR PHASE I OF BUSINESS PARK IN SECTION 32 Professional Services for the ------------------------------------------------------- period ending May 8, 1993 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PROJECT MANAGER SIMONS, DAVID 31.0 65.26 2,022.91 PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCH BYERS, ROBERT 3.0 66.82 200.45 ELLE, MICHAEL 8.0 47.43 379.44 TECHNICIAN ANIBAS, JESSE 3.0 43.56 130.67 DURBEN, JOHN 4.0 57.97 231.88 WASS, MARGIE 12.5 36.58 457.25 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE ZIENTY, DANIEL 0.5 52.08 26.04 ADMINISTRATIVE CHENEY, LORRAINE 0.5 36.76 18.38 Totals 62.5 3,467.02 Total Labor 3,467.02 Reimbursable Expenses EMPLOYEE MILEAGE 19.00 COMPUTER RENTAL 223.20 WORD PROCESSING 2.50 Total Reimbursables 244.70 244.70 ------------ Total this Invoice $ 3,711.72 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS, MN ST CLOUD, MN CHIPPEWA FALLS, W1 MADISON, WI Cumulative Billings Labor Expenses Totals Current Prior Pds 3,467.02 5,017.61 244.70 68.29 3,711.72 5,085.90 Invoice No. 18042 Project No. 0000093164.01 To -date 8,484.63 312.99 8,797.62 FROM LINDQUIST&UENNUM 06.18.1993 14:27 N0.17 P. 2 1 420010S t ews Iw 0¢Nvea AO Sour+ Exum: ST/KET Limy"ST. Vcmuu & C HMSTEHSEH MINNEAPOUt M#MMTA 55402-2205 600 17TH SnWET. Stm 2125 LINDQUIST & VENNU. VI TaxrNONe:6123713211 NW-M Cmon ooeo2 'W1 FAX 812 3713207 TEuPHcw- 30.1573-5900 Ants AT taw MIN K GROSSWIM 612%113247 i. June 18, 1993 J. BY TELECOPIER Marc D. Simpson, Esq. Leonard, Street & Deinard 150 South Fifth Street, Suite 2300. Minneapolis, MN 55402 1 Re: Halbert (A&G Autobody, Inc.) Relocation Claim Dear Mr. Simpson: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter demanding immediate delivery of the $8,300 settlement che&. Because I am not in possession of the check and John Miller is out of the office today, I am unable to meet your demand. I have faxed a copy 6f your letter to John Miller of the Port Authority and plan to discuss your demand with .him on Monday morning. Timing of issuance of the $8,300 check is related to disbursement rules and procedures applicable to the Port Authority and not to foot-dragging or any undisclosed approval requirements. Sincerely, Ann K. Grossman AKG:pae cc: David A. Allgeyer, Esq. FROM LINDQUIST&VENNUM 06.18.1993 14:28 NO.17 P. 4 .IUI• au ,,.)v J.J9 rKUI'1'UdYG BGVGIV UIVC LC.Ru i h'Hbk.UUe [ I ' LAW OPIICL* LE,ONARO, STR4F:t AND.OMINARD 0P9VE9&I6wAL A55=1ATION - NIDYC. ptuw . : 1" on"J G►I►ANACM Low" A. NNftRAlMLR WLROLO 0, i7ELD, JR. MtIIAlt A. NCNICII t ' 3105M 0. WMN[N Np"OT N yen"RBol1 NN_NAND J. $YNN 11ARTNA C. BRAND NICNA[L w CDNLN J"-VAJ .A+.ASA.7tCA • KKM 1. EAtNS QAND N. NATNt6$R ' I.' .OLCV J OUNN NANCT A. NTLV4CN JAYr N. tICftLCN $IMM NVrN a. Vae' J. . ON•6 KITf "-0"44D rtNI 0 9mo7..N CANO►VN GMR3 ALrC 150 &OwTH NrTH $TRrCT MNOIMO.COME ANON WP M reNN.t 0.OCANdt JAYC$V. NCITN M.CrLLLt A. MILLCN I. OAW191. 0"TOY wt1utV NN!NAND Y. WITTIN t' .. -MIN N GAfOLIS. ;141mmCSOTA ss i02 TM+OTrT N: rt.sNspr 1.ICOLC A. tr41414 CNARLCtR pAV7�N. NO$CRTL INNAT OµNt $MtOARO. JR. OAhO O. [tt�►ILM NAWG N C4. Dta•riN N. MLAVr .rfcu r. feMrarw SONCat P. TwAVIS 1 TELEPHONE (ErtV 3304500 •tL►IAY t• COtCNt U"419 S. PTAGEN " CrARlts A. NAV! JAMt$ C" WJLLARO .. ! :.. STCVEr L. �cLTOw r to r. NACwr.r J"l: ►. V LNIC N. 4ALA.t LOWSJ. NOTtDOON JOKFNM ,7MLiT F^r.01MILC tole) 00 Z.14S7 JpYN A. >!NlMNAY D'NI(.NT A..LANtbw 6CONQC r. MCiWINIOI.t. JR. LAVOCWFA J. rmo GANNIC L'MtM►CL ROMIINE 4 -cu • RKwaws O. 09M.. Jr. p.VIO N wtll[T "Aft p. iIMN�OM tRtONK T. NMENWTT NAR. $. WOU .' srAur C. NC[►NA77ON rrr aw"" E. CTANNR DAVfb L. LILLCNAOC "Upc +}y�� �1 �t r1 June 19 1993. J.Yii J. IItRMANO eC04G[ f L[OMI4NOIN7J. N![7 jnn% M. aw NpstNT J. - 1 , NARt W. OELLNANTY ARtMuR L M. STREET lift7..K.1 JpMr r. rtBYAN DAVID WAN?"- i Ptft.R 1. Se-Ir(N. KNCOKt &EWA*$ 14119. bell) DTFrt. s. O.OVVTGf AWGUA N. CYNrifT - - L WXGWCC P. 86...*—A Amos f OvwwRO.r...�s.zl JAMjf w. DOR:eT MAOI( A. WNOGNLN 1.. I CAMLTN T. W"W YAT-ucz I IL ORAMAN - MLNOT J. 6rsA M1 .:.. - FTEVLr N. UUMMAMN 0*zv"9• J• P•»oAOw ag+ftt V. STONTc rnLt4Y N NOCM sWNtt. LORs[O _ itcwrcr R uTY.Y NOVCLA$ L ORCCrswAO ROIIA1,p J. SgrVLTL Ylil/c &a&" CONAws N. NOlNSrcLOER 11OKIIt tLw.f &APRON,. ELLEN O. OAr►$ON 60"NMC YAtYANION NTLVAr J. Nr.CWG O1r.Ct a .OT. ,111:WNII J. MtatYCt MN:MACLG TariON .. - JAMA M. am OaNK► N $AT'DlN,! n+WCL J. r...cwwt.. JN. purr �. 6tT5.rGFN NOTOf C.lW[RTEM DrtOV.Bp .V4. M..IATNAND TMOWts N, SAMDCNS .e. TIMCKAICK R. r60" NOst" 7LCLbI'TGr _ - JO.—C NUtrN T1.0y—:.rFL 1 WRITEA'tS DIPECT DIAL NUMD.ER i (612) 335-1504 t Ms. Ann K. GrossmaW Attorney at Law Lindquist & Vennum` 4200 IDS Center 80 South Eighth Sti'at Minneapolis, MN 55402 Ra: Halbert (A &:G Autobody, Inc.) Relocation Claim AgainstlRosemount Port Authority Our F'10ko.:08681-15953 Dear Ann s On June 3, 1893, you, on LbQlalf of the Rosemount Port Authority, offered the sum of $8,300 for the halberts' paint booth and floor pods.This offer was not subject to any further conditions or requirements such as board approval or the like. On June 8, 1993, I co unicated.the Halberts' acceptance of the port Authority's offer to you, and requested that a settlement check for $8,300 be procegsedas expeditiously as possible. To date, I still have not received this check. I mould hate to believe that the Part Authority is engaging in any deliberate foot -dragging. Please be advised- that if I am compelled to commence a lawsuit tor.breach of our agreement, I will be seeking the sura of $8, 300, the Halberts' consequential damages and an award of attorneysfees! and costs pursuant to -Minn. stat. S 549.21., subd. 2. FROM LINDQUIST&UENNUM 06.18.1993 14:29 NO.17 P. 5 amu" `�V JJJ 1'KVI'1 VIYL. JL VLJY uYi., tLv rHUC.YJ 1.'J v7 r Ms. Ann K. Grossman!_;. June 18, 1993 Page 2 • f < Please deliver the check to either myself or the Hallmarts by the close of business today.. Please do = mail the check as this matter has already dragged on too long. Very truly yours, LEONARD, STREET AND DNINARD PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION BY Marc D. Simpson MDS:clp xc: Jeff and Debbie.Halbert * TOTAL PAGE.003 ** BUSINESS RELOCATION CLAIM JUNE, 1993 DAKOTA SMALL ENGINE SERVICE 13965 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL ROSEMOUNT, MN PARCEL #34-02010-031-60 ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY ARMORY SITE PROJECT CONWORTH, INC. CONWORTH, INC. 4725 Excelsior Blvd. Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (612) 929.0044 June 9, 1993 John R. Miller Economic Development Coordinator Rosemount Port Authority 2875 145th Street West P.O. Box 570 Rosemount, MN 55068-5010 Subject: Actual Moving and Related Expenses for Dakota Small Engine Service 13965 South Robert Trail #34-02010-031-60 Rosemount Port Authority Armory Site Project Dear Mr. Miller: Enclosed please find two executed copies of the final Business Relocation Claim for the above -referenced concern. We have reviewed the claim documentation submitted by the business and have assembled the enclosed claim booklets. We believe all is in accordance with applicable relocation regulations, and request your review of the enclosed information. Upon your approval of this relocation claim, please make payment to Dakota Small Engine Service in the desired amount as shown on the Summary Page at Exhibit 1 of the enclosed booklets. Thank you for your consideration of this request. No subsequent claims are anticipated. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ac uel'ine Wentworth Owner/Consultant sl Enclosures Redevelopment Acquisition/Relocation r EXHIBITS 1. ) SUMMARY 2) RELOCATION CLAIM FORM - ACTUAL MOVING COSTS AND RELATED EXPENSES FOR BUSINESSES 3) NARRATIVE ON DIRECT MOVING AND RECONNECTION COSTS, INDIVIDUALIZED COMMENTS, AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION 4) CERTIFICATION OF CLAIM 5) QUALIFICATIONS OF CONSULTANT CONWORTH,INC.