HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Minutes of June 1, 1993 Regular MeetingROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on June 1, 1993 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West. Chair Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Carroll, Anderson, Edwards and Sinnwell present. Commissioner Wippermann arrived at 5:33 p.m. Commissioner McMenomy was absent. Staff present included Executive Director Jilk, Economic Development Coordinator Miller, and Attorney Mike Miles. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Edwards to approve the agenda as printed. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. MOTION by Edwards to approve the May 17, 1993 Work Session minutes as printed. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. MOTION by Edwards to approve the bills as presented. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Dave Simons from SEH Engineering presented Phase I of the proposed Business Park. Simons' conclusions said that the project is feasible from an engineering standpoint, providing that Dakota County approves the access onto CSAH 42, and the Metropolitan Council approves the proposed MUSA expansion which is currently under review. Phase I would include the entrance to the business park and part of a planned circular roadway that may in the future connect with Highway 3 and 160th Street. The project was divided into five ,phases. The report covered extensively all costs, permits, utilities and maps. Pete Sorenson from Dakota County Physical Development Department explained that Metropolitan Council has now, after six years of being on the request list, agreed to upgrade CSAR 42 to a principal roadway, probably an express way. This would require grade changes, bridges, additional lanes and more easement which from a planning point of view would need regulations established for all types of development now. Actual road changes may not occur for years but the physical development would be in place for a smooth transition. John Johnson, a Civil Engineer for CMC, (a firm that has development plans across from the Business Park) would also be greatly affected by this change in CSAH 42. It would require a complete redesign of CMC's proposed project. MOTION by Edwards to direct staff to communicate to Dakota County staff by resolution the importance of the negative consequence of changing CSAH 42 to an express way for the City of Rosemount. Second by Carroll. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. City Administrator Jilk noted that the city will be well represented at the June 22 County Board meeting were it will be vital to development to present Rosemount's viewpoint. John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator, reviewed the progress for the demolition of old buildings and acquisition of land on the Armory site. Some oil contaminated soil was found and will have to be ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS DRAFT REGULAR MEETING JUNE 1, 1993 disposed of as hazardous waste. This should not slow down the project. Mr. Monk's hearing to determine the award for his condemnation will be June 8 - 9, 1993. Attorney David Allgeyer will represent the City. Miller reviewed his report on the Tax Increment Finance (TIF) revenue. The Rosemount Plaza Condominium's were incorrectly not placed in the TIF District. So we have not received any revenues from this since 1990 which will be corrected. The report also showed that the Port Authority will have adequate revenue to operate through the year 2008 with no new sources of revenue. MOTION by Edwards to direct Mr. Jilk to prepare a letter indicating that the Port Authority is requesting a refund of TIF revenues plus accrued interest from Dakota County. Second by Carroll. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Commissioner Sinnwell introduced John Miller, new owner of Tom's Super Valu. He has worked with city staff to adhere to all local regulations and expects to continue with a good business. The grocery store has been renamed "Miller's Super Valu". Welcome to Rosemount. Mr. Miller is from Elk River and is not the same person as city staffer John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator. John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator, reviewed progress on several possible developments including a motel, a theatre, grocery store and the business park. Several different decisions in the next month may provide the frame work for a "go ahead" for these projects. The next Port Authority meeting on the 15th and the Planning Commission meeting on June 22 will help to decide on the feasibility of these projects. Sinnwell asked Planning Director Lisa Freese why Kerry Johnson's office building required a survey 300 feet around his property. Freese replied this is standard when grading is required off actual boundary area so that the grade can be determined. This is required on the northern park side for parking. Copies of the Zoning Ordinance stating this can be supplied. Edwards noted that many citizens do not know what the Port Authority does in connection with other parts of city planning. Administrator Jilk suggested regular news articles in the city paper. Chair Dunn noted that the Port Authority minutes are circulated to all committees. MOTION by Edwards to adjourn. SECOND by Sinnwell. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda Jentink Recording Secretary