HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Staff Overview of MUSA & Sewer Capacity Option < , . i� o osemoun� � PHONE (612)4234417 2875•145th Sireet West,Rosemount,Minnesota MAYOR FAX (612)4235203 Mailing Address: Edward 8.McManomy P.O.Box 510,Rosemount,Minnesota 5506&0510 COUNCILMEMBERS Sheila Klassen T�: Mayor $'.B. MCM@AOIIIy James(Red)Staats City Council Members Rlassen, Staats, Willcox, and "a`ryw'"�°x Wippermann Dennis Wippertnann � ADMINISTRATOR FROM: Lisa Freese, Director of P13IlAlAJ � �p�p StephanJilk �''��«v'"�.. DATE: September 24, 1993 SUBJ: Comprehensive Plan MUSA Allocation The City Council wi11 be discussing NNSA allocation issues regarding t7pdate 2000 at a special meeting on Monday night. As you are aware, the Metropolitan Council is .asking the City to revise its land use plan to withdraw from the NNSA the proposed year 2000 NNSA. They will allow the City to retain the proposed interim MUSA in the Urban Service area. Based on the discussion at last Tuesday night' s meeting, it is my understanding that the City Council. would like to re-evaluate the phasing in light of the Metropolitan Council' s decision. To assist you in this task the Planning staff has prepared an inventory of iand within the existing and interim MUSA. We tried to put a sewer capacity consumption value to all land uses and it is presented in residential equivalents: As .you can see, if the � . City were to achieve 100 percent development within the interim MUSA the Rosemount WWTP capacity would be exceeded. Currently the MWCC is still working towards an expansion of eapacity by 1988 . Until the treatment plant improvements are made a part of the Metropolitan Council Implementation Plan we cannot be guaranteed the capacity. The Metropolitan Council staff has indicated that it may be possible to make some minor adjustments in the year 2000 MUSA but the total acreage of developable land must remain the same. The Council will find this acceptable if the MUSA adjustments are contiguous to exiting MUSA and do not result in "leap frog" MUSA. The other op�ion available to the City is to proceed with the Map as presented and then as needs shift, the City could propose land trades in and out of the NNSA through a minor guide plan amendment. As you know, I have not been happy with the land demand figures that the Metropolitan Council has developed for the City. I believe that they are too low. While I hope to be able to persuade them that they need to increase the city' s land needs, it will not resolve the immediate issue of the treatment plant capacity. Therefore, until that is resolved we need to work within the constraints of .9 mgd. The City' s growth should not be hampered greatly by this situation. Please remember that we have substantial room for residential growth in the Empire WWTP service area. I am looking forward to our discussion on Monday. (�veri�l�ings �oming ��i �osemounl�� , , ROSEMOUNT WWIP SERVICE AREA Current Capacity: .9 MGD (Million Gallons Daily) Cu�rent Flow: .59 MGD (Based on 1 Month of Post Diversion Flow) Available Residential Equivalents: 1,130 units Uncommitted Residential Equivalent: 735 units POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN ROSEMOUNT WWTP SERVICE AREA (PHASE 1) Approved But Not Connected _EstimatedlResa.dential Euuivalent Community Center/National Guard Armory 108 Platted Lots (Country Hill, Shannon Hills, 256 Carrollton) Matthew Daniels 2 Middle School Addition 29 Sub Total 395 On the Drawina Board Rosemount Village Square 50 Movie Theater 40 Kerry Johnson Office Building 6 Carrollton Farm SF Plat 8 Erickson Park Shelter 3 CMC 103 acre site: Residential 238 Commercial (8 acres) 35 Business Park (Phase 9: 48-50 acres) 265 National Guard Maintenance Facility � 30 . Sub Total 675 , Assessments Pendina Kelly Trust (7 years *50/yr) 350 Remainder of Kelly Trust in MUSA 260 Sub Total 610 In the MUSA but Not ON the Drawina Board HRA Seniors Project (Downtown) 40 The Cottages (TIF District) 75 Tom Thumb Addition 2 High School Additian 36 Hotel (location unknown) 54 Fire Station g Carlson Properties (Remaining) 74 Lund Thorsund Property (Commercial) 35 Brobeck Industrial Park (Residential) 30+ Business Park (north of 145th) 30 R-3 Property (145th & Shannon) 119 Sub Total 503 Total Units Proposed 1,788 (2183 - 395) (Uncommitted - Phase I MUSA) Total Units Proposed This is an inventory of what I am aware of proposed for the area contained within the Interim MUSA or Phase I MUSA. Depending on where some facilities (i.e. theater, hotel, senior housing) are located there may be some double counting on this inventory) � . � . CITY OF ROSEMOUNT .� � �p 3 � - _r_, .. . . - - _9 . . -- --- '< i� ,.�' � •( \ . } £ w , • i _ ^ — G� ,, -� � G•1 �\dt+19" �. % RR^' ��f-ros � �, � —_ :I _ `r� rn � � � `�9� ` � ` , �1� �T ', RR � -q�i_*''�. i:� -- -- ��-' _ �—� —.i I.�—�_ £t . C �,; , . _ � —r �P�os�� � i . - ; ' _- i : _+. l : i �� �— �� • ac � coNs - ■: �.. , _ j /'�,o �� - � �_�- �� � E — _�_ � --- G-� ' �.� ° s - -"�N ' � I - -- - - -- i ' i � ,�� , --- ' --- � � . � -- ,.,- - - , , . � P�'R •� I y ,: �� __ — _—�-- #i10 riost _ — —� _ � � �� PtOS • '0 qc� � � � � G-I � ^ �Pn .: . :'� e� 6L4 � _ _ � �- . , ,F ` -- Pp��-t � i � , r 9 r � * � `��� .Y��c�� ' \ � •��. �.1:� PD N � 'I�$ ' J 1 �� `�� --- WM , � AG ��.�'i� , � � ,V�{ �OS � , � � < R '4 p� isg.� . 1 � i. .,.,� ! f un n ��• , - - AG � 9 i�% P� T SS -- --- i .! ,.• ' """f , _ , .,,.......;. ,_ Ufl P OS P�� , u�� „ �� AG [ .' -C p� � �.� . 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T . ♦�T (�(� �--1996 Mterim MUSA UR Ur6ea Residential C Commercial j,�tu�L V SL �tu� �OW —•-2000 MUSA PD•fl Planned Devekpment•flesidentinl BP Business Pa�k � J���r� 1�� MUSA Ezpansion 11997•20001 NH High Density Residentiei G•I Genetel Mdustrial • � Comprehensive Guide Plan AG Agriculwro PII PubGc►MstitWionel WM Weste Management � CONS Conservancy PO•MU Plenned Devekpment•Mixed Use PIOS Existing Parks ar Open Space U�tC .Z�� Rfl Rural Residemial * Fuwre Pork loeetions !as inAicefod�+ths Comprehensiva Pa�k Pkn snJ Osvakpment Guidel • '� CITY OF ROSEMOUNT METROPOLITAN URBAN SERVICE AREA LAND INVENTORY 1 Current � Interim-1996 20U0 Land Use Acreage2 Parcels Acres Parcels Acres Parcels DEVELOPED LAND AREA Residential 708.05 2347 15.22 8 74.35 22 Apartments 23 19 0.67 1 0 Mobile Homes 39.2 1 0 0 0 Commercial 76.51 89 11.57 5 0 Industriat 68.99 12 31.04 2 45.24 6 Waste Management 219.6 3 0 0 0 Utilities 6.32 2 p p p Agricultural Preserves 0 0 0 0 0 0 Lakes 13.06 14 35.31 37 1.68 2 Parks 46.73 � 18 236.9 10 0.84 1 Public 117 67 113.98 14 7.77 3 Roads 382.67 18 51.02 13 120.96 21 Total Developed 1701.13 2590 495.71 90 250.84 55 Platted Vacant 201.17 137 0 0 5.75 3 Residential 148.89 0 5.75 Multi Fam Residential 17.71 0 0 Commercial 15.79 0 0 Business Park 14.61 0 0 Public/Fark 4.17 0 0 Agricultural/Undeveloped 37J.88 22 587.97 16 i 200.99 55 Urban Residential 168.8 104.38 6 424.33 PUD Residential 0 305.21 4 134.25 Commercial 7.96 11.4 26.84 Business Park 107.53 132.03 5 160.44 Genei al Industrial 46.85 0 398.6 Undesignated 48.74 0 0 Public/Park 0 34.95 56.53 Remnant Parcels 2,13 17 0.05 1 Total Undeveloped 583.18 176 587.97 16 1206.79 59 TOTAL Acreage 2284.31 2766 1083.68 106 1457.63 114 1 Based on the Rosemount GIS database utilizing the Dakota County Parcel file. Land uses are based on 12/92 inventory. The acreages may differ from the figures reported in UPDATE 2000 because they were based on manual tabulations. 2 Does not inelude approximately 246 acres from existing MUSA designated as IndustriaL � CITY OF ROSEMOUNT METROPOtITAN URBAN SERVICE AREA VACANT LAND INVENTORY BY SEWER DISTRICT (as of 12/92) LAND USE DESIGNATION TOTAL EMPIRE ROSEMOUN Piatted Vacant 201.17 67.87 133.3 Residential 148.89 49.09 99.8 Multi Fam Residential 17.71 0 17.71 Commerciai 15.79 0 15.79 Business Park 14.61 14.61 0 Pubiic/Park 4.17 4.17 0 Agricultural/Undeveloped 379.88 368.39 11.49 Urban Residential 168.8 168.8 0 � PUD Residential 0 0 0 Commercial 7.96 0 7.96 Business Park 107.53 104 3.53 Generallndustrial 46.85 46.85 0 Undesignated 48.74 48.74 0