HomeMy WebLinkAbout2. Interview of Search Firm Representatives for City Administrator Position M E M O TO: Mayor McMenomy Councilmembers Willcox, Wippermann, Staats, Klassen FROM: Susan Wa1sh, Administrative Assistan � 4� ` � i�_ DATE: October 29, 1993 r`�`L SUBJ: Search Firm Proposals I am pleased to provide to you five written proposals from search firms to assist you with selecting a city administrator, I contacted the three firms that were suggested by the executive director of the League of Minnesota Cities. I also contacted Personnel Decisions, Inc. who I knew had assisted other metro cities in finding a new administrator. Cy Smythe from Labor Relations also indicated an interest in assisting the city so I invited him to present a proposal. The representative from each search firm will review his/her proposal with yau and then field any questions you may have. If I can be of any assistance to you prior to the special council - meeting, please feel free to contact me. cc: Ron Wasmund, Acting City Administrator . , DATE: November 4, 1993 TO: Rosemount City Councilmembers FROM: Mayor E.B. McMenomy SUBJ: Additional Search Firm Consideration On Wednesday of this week, I received a phone call from Dave Knutson of North American Recruiters, Inc. He's interested in interviewing for the search firm position. I told him that our staff had already arranged for 5 firms to be interviewed tonight and that I wasn't comfortable just telling home to come to be interviewed tonight. I spoke with Dennis Wipperman after last nights Port Authority meeting and we both agreed that it made sense to provide the council with the literature that was faxed to me in regards to Dave's company. I would ask you to look over the information. P.S. The Barnesville situation sounds similar to ours. Nr� �., - _ - - _ 4.JED 1 r. _ �, � �-, P _ 4_� � ,. , �I�I�ii��qliil�iliil�ll!lilll����I���Iii�iii�Pli�ili�b'���ir�;���lllli�ll!�Illil��#�IiIN�NIIi��III�IIII�if�II���1�����iGil���l��I�I���i�l,l�lEi,l�lll�l!ii�ll;li��i�lif�i�i�!I.�1i�llliilil�?�l�1�1���l��?�����N�Ii�l�Inl���l�l��ilf��l tVGR�"� /�MERiCAN R��RU�T�RS, INC. IGGQ South ri7ghw�aq X00 P�(�.TECH R�S�URC�S �a�rkdalt Ptar.a,Suica 519■St,l,ouis park,Minncrote 55416 !N!I?��NiIi�I�;�Ifli�lH'�IlI�III�Ilh!���IIN(IIiI�i�VN��'���II�I���I������II�I��IiI�HIIIII�Il��=11��iili�li;llll�ll�lldl���l�lll���Cd`I�Il�t���(�1n�1�N�11���111�1�N����1�blal�li�ll� ����I�II�I��INN1N1fI�iN�(N�IININulill In t}ur 38th Ycnr �hos�t d22/593-t9S2�Fsx 6X2/541-5850 Supporting thc arowth anQ Pro[ilability of Our Clicnts Since 1455 , N01'�h Ar11�ClC�tl R�Ct'Uit4t'S and itg subsidiary, Pro-Tech Re�ouxces, has a staff af six full-time recruitexs, t�ur supgort staff includes bc�th fult and part-�ime researeh assistants. Our en- housc, propriccary data base givcs us acccss to over 17,000 candi- dates. ln additinn, over 28,OOU mare c�ndadates arc available thrc�ugh our natianwidc networkiz�g capahility. We maintain lo�g- standing memt�erships in thc Nati�na! Association of Personnel Services, the Minnesota Associ�tion af Persat�nel Services, t�e M'rnncapolis C'k�a�uber of Cammcrce, thE S1. Paul Cha�,aber of C:cymmerce, the Bettcr Busencss Bareau of Minnesota, W@ I1�V@' b0E*CI 1'e'CCt��t�ll� for aur clients, both in the Twia Cilics Melropolitan Area and across the z�atRon, since 1955. This m�kcs our firm one of the ald�si in ihE StaEe of Minacsota. Our coniinuing succcss is built On Our COnstAnt adl�Crencc to Ehe moSt stringcnt rncasures of eth�cal a:nd p�ofessional practicc�--the Cod� taf EthiCs and Standards of $E6ica1 Practiiccs of the Nalional Asso- ciaiion <�f Pcrsonne! Scrvie�s an� its Minnesota affiiiate. Duxing the last thrc;e ycar5 alone, over 1.58 client cnm�anics havic entrust• cd their Searchcs ta our firm, resu[ting in pv�r 396 Si1CCeSSfl11 hiring doc�sions, all corctpleted through North American Recruiters and Fro-Tech Resources. �very cl�ent has different needs. �y providing an array of �licnt-foeused solutians, wc can m��t all af them, Each solu- tion wc affcr has a single focus--maiching the sight porition with the right persan. This focus includes our cammitment Io both tho Icticr and thc spiriE of all eqval opportuniky l�ws. Our ref�rrals Firc ha5ed solely c�n thc battom line•-the ability of the candidate to dcr the job. t)ur focu� oc� c�ieat solutions has kept Nortb Aareri- can Rccruitcrs heyond lhc eutting cdgc in speed, efficieney and flexihility. N O ti:' - i - �+ ? LJ E D Y E. � 4_Y = 4_7 F _ �� 3 The Ret�i�ed S�arch Process. Yaur rctaincr guaran�tees ;h� cxclusivity of thc scarch, and cnsures a levcl of commitmen! bctwccn client and recruiter that ge[s result5. The commitment of yaur ret:�iner gets our commilmenE lo you. We begin by schedul• ing a personat mceUing. 1�uring this meeting, we ass�ss t�e nceds involvcd. A thc>rough, in-$cpth writicn deseription is tblcca of thc posiiic�n to be filled. We galher ia!'ormAti�n about tk�e t�sks to he �icrformcd and thc �ersona;lity tr�,its ax�d experience lcvel de- Sired in the idcdl candidate, We asscss thc managcmen! style within the reporting strticCure, and the carperate culLure. The tcrms of c�mpcnsatioa, the �xtent pf benGfitS and tb,c timing of rcviews are invcstigated. The interviewing proc�ss is establish�d anci timelincs of the search will be agrced u��n, T<� allc>w for our elrcnt's to hettcr undc;rstaad thc total cosl involved, a flat fee +s � Hgrcod upc>n, ihis �lirninates any hiddcn cost� and misunderstand- ing. A rclaincr in the amount of oz�e third (I/3) of the Cotal fee is duc pric�r tn thc commencemcnt of the search, anpther on� third (! /3) is duc in thirty days ar prior ta i�te�'viewing candidatcs ticlectcd hy the clie»t compaay whichever occurs first, Ehe remain- ing one lhird (1/:�) is duG within �ive days of the starting d�cc of cmplt�yrrtcnl. This schcdul� pravides flexibiiily and a comrnitment tp wUrEc together. �E'�@�"��'IC8 �i�'1@C�C�MIg. How ean you tell i� a self-proelaimed "tcrp eandidate" is tElling the whole story? At yaur request, we can suppty infarmbtion covereng such things as an ernployee's or cnndidate's profcssional licensing, education anc! employment hi4tc>ry. Thcsc things can be difficult to verify. Out' solution, ►nvntve5 a nc�-nonsense, in,-depth a�nd campletcly car,fidential inquiry made to lhe people "in the know"--pratecEing bath yota and �hc candidate from the risk of later em�arr�ssments or law- suit5. Wc can find �ut informalic�n c>n criminal conviction�s, crcdit histary and prohlems with subslenee abusc. We ean verify prior empl�ymcnl and cducation. We c�n access wark r�cards and c:hcck past perf�rmance, We cto this every day of every week bceausc, whcn it comcs to hiring, truth ir always bcticr than f�c• tit�n, ��$G1C��� Very plten, yc�u have tp see thc whole picl.ur� in c�rder to knc�w whcrc you stand. 'VVhen it comes ti¢»,e t� filt an opcn po�itic�n, tha pay or bene�'its z�ay uot �aatch the changed �xpcctations of thc marketplacc. You may tseed to crcate a new position but thc jr,b description naay ,not co�apare �avorab�y to what r�,mpetitors are daing. Be�'ore giving � raise or a pranaotion, il payti 1� knaw if y�u'rc giving too much or lan littic. And whcn it comcs tiane to executc a search assignment, all of this and more is nccd�d to bring the whole picturc togclhcr. It may require the anaiysis of �hc �taff��g at' a u�ajor�ty, if net a�l, af yaux corapeti- toes or suppliers. Uur research staff will keep you in the know, c�n any prajcct. NO '. - _ - ti+ � IJED 1 r. _ E� 4 tiy F _ � 4 . , $USINESS REF�RENGES C1�' NQRTH AMER7CAN RECRUITERS, INC, Par�ial List Mark Lindgrcn Preside�nt Shaw �.ucn.hcr Co. 488-2525 Dennis Walsh (;hai�'�man W�1shJDunsmore 341-2$21 Tim Dohcriy Aresideat �',E. L�oherty Co. $32-$38Q Nc�rm Sttychr C:hairman Innex Cirele 542-0682 'Bill Anderson President Midw�st Sign 489•9999 Miehac:l Larkin Fresident L�rkia X�d, 645-6400 C'huek Mattson Presid�nt ,�brasive Systems 424-7400 ICen Silipka President Mid-A�terics Power 894•7711 David Brink t`,�a�rt�o,an Stylmark 574-7474 D�cvid W, Elvig �resid�t�t Elvig Design 561-6711 (,ary Jatn�s Presidcnt James & Co. 451-3850 Rahcrt Coughlan Pr�sident KasoEa Sto�ae (507}625-2746 bavc Schwct Presidc�t Taol Crrinding s�a-o2aa Kathy Stci(ey President Business Systems 59�-1443 Brad Johnson 'Vice Preside�t �'E�'CO 484•1$14 bnn Lo�an Vice Fresid�nt M.A, Crcdn�y Co. 44$-2612 „ (lary Vigness C;FU Stylmark S"14-747a Tvm ('rearou Vice President Bob, Inc. 533-2261 M urray Henncssy General M�nager Lawrence 8agn 488-fi711 Jc�hn C:hcnevcrt G�neral Manager Shaw lu,n�abcr Co, 488-2525 VVayne Nclson General Manager Stcwart Lumber Cv. 378-1520 Dan Krxesin�ki Vice �resident OCE' U.S.A. (312)714-4518 Marty Van Eps Dir, Operatioz�s ToI-O-Matic, Inc. 333-6605 lohn Conclly Vice Presidont R. Johnson Stcel 881-1155 �c�e Chowen C,�neral Manager �.a,mpert 'Yaxds 645-8155 tCc» �auer Cou�eilman t:ity of Barncsville (218)354-"�78g BA��IESVI�.LE � �-� �■r �y� � SEC�ION A OF2E SECf10N-12 PAGES LOCA�ED[TiON """'""" S[�lGLE GOPY `punr9p�'cursOfi� But�wEa�cny7urscfay" BARMESViLL�, MlNN�SOTA 56514 ��� ����������''d►'`���� VOLUME 91-l+11JMBEFi 37—�iFESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1993 ' � �� S�ra S C�r� Ne v:r ��� �our�c�l � s � � �� � �rr A�rd «He��' Ht���e� Snavrr P� o . `I�� Bamesville City Cauncit exewtiv�s.Tf�ey cha.rg�e�eveu�- gcn�al public,"Sirnonsen stated� City C[erk Da�id PederSon t�d a light age�nda a�d was oa a cent af the hi�ed ind.ividuals fust swrnmiug up the job_ notad Wat h�tia�l no re�oflection�if recard-hii�ing pace for wr�ppi�g year salary as a fee. 'E'his would �08 ��of����� �y e2ecrion ever being h�id and tEe up a �cetin$ wt�a they ran itita am�e to befiwee.�►53,0(}6 arrd S4,IX10 thc topic af a past election by the had no rec6rds ar da�unentatioo to same mugh water last Manday. fat ttteir se�r+ioes. ALso in a�nsider- gEneral public was �Sroug6t up irndicate any suc�voting. Mceting in regular sessioFt> I�e al- ation is a frm c2�llcd North wherc the public t�ar! sup�ecify The debate about whai ta do d��neri whizze0 t�roug6 tt�e ma- Anasrican R�c,�ruiters who special- twmed down tbe positian of a city continued for sorne tirne anci f�rEal- jority of Ibe age�a in tess ltian an tze in Ehe feld of totating execu- business a�i�ninistratar/rnanager. iy it was decided to invite the h{lU1 �lJI gOi �0$gOC� C�OWn 0�1 [� tive.s for positions. The} have a 1+ZaYar lack Solu�►and Alderrrtan North Ame�ican Rocruitets firm in pr�ures ro use in hiring a Etevr ;ong track record and impre.tsive �'hil Kicsc�bach appeared to be in foc an ir�tervicw. In the meantime city twsiness and persounel super- credentials. 'F'�ey also cbarQe agece�rzent that such an electisrn had Simartiseri,Baaer arid City Anarr�ey vF.sar and a�4o disagreed on the pur- �g,ppp for�h��r servic�. ��ld. Alden Gjev�e will continue t�eir �;� c�ase of a �ew snow piow and �fln���ua� fram the cou�cif �derrnan Fiarry i[olland pose� du;ies as th�executive searc�ac�m- ���• went several differe�t directinns a yue�tion to for€ne� Mayor Cene mitteP. � Prim as to i�is rcco4lecdons of sucxt �*"# "E�eBd �luni�r" . . . alcer [trc initiai pr�seo�tians. At �1� 1�t last monlh's ccxmc�il mee#ing onc point Kieselbac�i had a mation an elcxuan_ �� ihe a�a agteec! tn go ou[and or� ih� iloor to r�taia c�e Nprth "if s�ch an eletxioo was he2d it �i� hire a"he�d 6untef' to find some- Arnecican Recruiters CErrn citiag never ha}�pened during�y tea�re as � one to filllhe vac�t city adminis- [tre n�ed to have t�e best fim�Pus- �ym a� ����who origi- trator posit'son_ The couacit also sible do the preli�niQary s.earcb to ��Y P�P��d � ��itioo,'. Pcirn u agrecd at that time to change the uy to ekunir�ate past mistakes in said. "lf it was ever he[d Dave W fob descri�ti�foq the position. hiring. Ped�r�oo as City Cierk cii<in't dc� ., During the past rnonth The debate about wbat ta do his job and take ca,�e of the legal ,v,� � g�fl�� � with the executive searc� oomms�- waik tnat is required_ We as a r�� �asidering vario�s firrns to von- tee's report cantinuecl at le�gth- newspa�ef didn't dfl our job and rt, da�We search.tereive �d�eview Dursng seve;a! poinis, the c+onvear- cun t�ne t►eces.�ry legal acxices on I �PPlicarians and r�sumes. condnct sarians turne�d to the spe�ific jabs the eloction as would be rec�uiral �;, pneliminary interviews+xit�candi- t�at �l►� iadividua� hirecl was to by law. If the e�ecrian was ever dat�es and narcow the list da�ra for • ;rerfocm. "We �ooked at all of ih�s held it never mac�e it ta a news � caudidates that will bc presented at la�t mcsnth's mce�ing and adopt- stosy since we have nc��en�ion+nf cn�t►e councif."Ibe s�urh has t�een ed a jab cfi�iption;'said Ba�:ier. it in our pa�er that anyone can fi�td � naarowed io two firms at tbe pze- "All we'r� l�is�ng iar is a su- �c1 'We've had pea�le going �� thmu b hack issues si�ce last seut Lime. perrr�an to �r#arm all of tbc vari- � � � ,.. . . . � , .,..� ;�ti� ���;� r„ n�m anct srill spring. [€ �Lat cicctian was zver �ARNESVILLE . � � S�CTION A o�s�c�rxx�-i2�,ticEs LACAi.EOfTION '"''"""' SINGLE COPY � ���!��� �D:xr907''utrsOfd But?(yw�vcn�7ucsdaq� BARNESVILtF,rVfINfVESOTA 5&51d ��� ��� r ,-. V{}LUME 9j-f�l7MBER 41—TiJESDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1993 Cauncil Moves To Hlre Il�e�r Buslness Adm�nis�ra�or "Tbe Barnesvil�e Lity Cauncil, at hfs Cum. We we�e vcry i��sr�ssed. business wilh him to fll �We� scc Eil." Soth rno�ionc gas.�:l Cheir regular maeting on Mpnday, I�r the �ost part, tre does nai u9e pasitions, HUtt�Ca�tso� i7q�.�i:�d ;ts to th� with unan�mous approval Fekxuary $, moved to hire a new advc�ising to rec�uit since he fc�els "He dces rnore than just find a cos� invo�ved in hiring T�3arth from [he six aldcrrnen. adminisu�ator cc► overseae business that attracts on�y the unem�3ayed pofe�ntta� candit�ats fflr a jot►. Iie Arnerican Recxuiters. Wben it wa.� and personnel for Fke city_ and thase [hat are d�ssatisfsed with ha.s taken it upon himseEf to expiain�d tha� the total c�st for All�ough the tapi� has receiveci their prescRl p��.i�tions: Instca� he already iaspect Ihe fawn and he �rvice.� woutd amount ta SB,i}DO mucb attention fra�n thc public and �eaJs with a IEst of potentfal witl try ro match so�eone ta aur wit� 53,04d �p frnnt an�3 the the press ovcr the �asi ycar, the candidales that he has d�vclop$d coa�aunity. The timeframe be rema.inder at �rie finxl hiring, s�c actian at tbe Mooday meeung and dces a cornplete backgmu�� ���� �o stast irnmcdiaie;y t�uC54S[1t1eQ Ule COSi OI U7�ServiCC. involved iilde d�bate. chcck oa t�e individual e6at he vrilh Ehe cci�ruiting and hopeful[y That pr�m}�ted an irnmedia�e At the January council meepng feels rnisht be able to filt the p��t. bave somenne on staff hy carly response frorn A[derman l�arry the alderrner�were undccided as tt� f�c has se�cn yea.rs with this Apr�l althouSh fhat rnay he Holland, "[ ha�e sat up 6ere for eaacily �aw to �roceed in tbe cornpany f�llowing a 22-year sflmew�at o�rtirnistic �oeavse of y� tryiog to do a gaod joY►. En r�ritir�g�rn��s. `Ihey6�agreod carcer ���iih thc rnilitary. We think rclocation and other �e �asl two hirings we did the in December t}i.at Etiey wanted same he �tiould do an exccUent job of cansit3eaatic�s,"Bauercr�ncluded. be5t jaY>�ve knew how to do and for rype of a "headhunter" to review seie.�:ting thc rrext person for the Both Baucr anil Simonsen �ne reas��n or anotl�er,we failed if y the app�icatior�c. T6e two oplions posilinn," favored retaining the fir3n but 1be this new n�ctl�od gGs us a qualifu�d presented by Aldermen Kirn Alderman Ba�er also gavc actual mation to hire did not come individuai, I svould say �hc S8.(lOtl �' Simonsen a�d Kc� �3auercalled far f'dc�nh Amcrican Rec�uitcrs high ���xiat somc negative inpu� frorn is c�amn cbeap." '�' an eutpioyrnent age�cy to handle marks. "We bave spent a grea�dEaE r�embers oF We�udiei►oe. C�nversatio� cont+nued for " the applicadons or a fum that does o[ lime duri�g the past twa Jar€e Harciscxi. Rulh Carlu�and �rne tirnc between�nernbers of the 'i' direct recruiting of exc�cutives wa.s months c�anging ar�d rnodi!'ying Diane Haugen were in atte�c�ance co�ncil and the audie�ce as to the -� a� option. Tbe price for thc t�c existing job descriptis�n ta ar�d voiced ainccras abo�t ritling Reed f�r a� u�xtate in tbe a1d services�ari�d Fr�m S3,{}00[as tbe morc accurate[y reilect city necds. the pcnirion. F.arlier in the evening c�rciinanoe t►t:#'on: thc new ��sition � cmployment agency to S8,000 for We have �isit�c� wiah at least 1(arYison �wdme.�l a tinietahle that was ac�vertiseei. That �Sro�pted '�u the diree[ rccruilment. elevc� t�f the city's emplayees to called for � 'go-slow' approach in anot�er response from Flolland � Tbe matter was eeferred to get their input befc�re deciding to t�iring a new peison. She nc�ted that �,�o s�t� , "[ rea�rnmen� thai we B<�uer and Sirnunse� for lheir pr�ij��b�g a new h�sin�s �cause of che petuioo tbat had �e ��advice of our ou�n attt>rney �;, re�iew duria� the �ast mont.h, administraro� been prese�ted to �he cauncif � p�,�j �,,�� �is mec;ting" ,T, After interviewing David Knu�.son, �°Bo� Kirn and 1 we�e �ery ear}icr, there was obviaus Sima�scn rnovc�, 8aucr a representative from Nnrth impressed wilh David Knulson azid sentimen� for oat filliag the post �n�� to rctain North Mtc�iGan r,�, Amencan Recruiters: Inc., hoth the Ncrrth American Recruirers �ftcr returning �o the tapic a ��ite�s to begin the job search aidermeo werc in agreerneot to firrn I have done backgro�nd numher of times G�evre stated, �Ur a r►ew husinecs aclministratnr. i rctain that fi�m to da thc job t�ncb chccks with many of rhe rnajor "t�►erc is no netxi [t�r►mencl thc�ld ��r mrsre prti�►erly a per5on�ne3 . and screen potential c�ndida�tey. i'irms that he has done recruitin� orciinancc t� till the ps�sitic�n. 1�c s�yp�rvisot, as thc new joh �, Sirnonsen said of the setectton for and thc;y all re�ort sensational councrl h;3s thc optrpn and thc �s�n���n c�ls fnr. A secont� L pr�x�css, "wc interviewed Knutzon res�lts. We harrc gottcn r�ve tatitude ln �c'ru�t under the ncw �yn�ion e:ille� ��r the retaincr af F.�r ....o� �,...� s..�._.r..__� ___ �__ _ __ _ � � . . .. � _ - , . . . . . . .. . BAR�ES��LLE . �_ ��,� � SEC1lON A �s�aKs-zo P,e�Es L4CAL EOlT�ON '""""" SfNG�E COPY ��l��k�:•'r: LWJ •: . ' !1/ ���� VdLEJME 9�1-NUMBE�BTEIES�Y hhARCH 3t1. 199�i R�ESVILLE.MINNESOTA 565t4 ��� Coun�ill�l�o ves To Hir� Cha��in �4 s Su et�rjsot� J� ay: �x��e sl4�tscad St�ff Wr�De� loh� M. Cbatiin, a Parkers references. p�us t�at of t6ree anoiher 90 miuutes devcxed w a Eac� of t3ie three councilmen Frairie, Ni�n�sota, tax acoountant formu employers. Afso iac3uded c3iscussiaa a�oogst the oommiuee. had been ask�d w comment about has bee� t�ired to f�l t�e positiop was a cunsvmer credit Besides a ver�a! interview, ea�c� t�e �rocedure and t�ay did so of Business and FJnployee Job iu�esiigaLion. a �olice searc� for c.andidate bad to fill out a leng�hy fa�orabte. However, the mayor Supervisor far t�e City of aay vialations, banYrvpic�es ar qaesoioanaire requuing essay type volunteered one oegative aspeci: Bamesville. lie[}s, answers. Mr. Chaltio s5onld be He was heard to muUe�."I have to T�e City Co�cif, at a sp�cial `"lhis c.�nd'tdate certainly lived we�t qualifiesl. give up my Qeski" session, Manday. MarcE� 22, up to tbe s#ateme�ts�ade ou his approved the recommendatioa resume!" Kn►ntson concluded. �:� made by North AmericaQ. Cba€ti� bel� �e pasition of C�O� � �$°O his wcxic on Recn�i�ers, ioc., and that af the Parkers Prairie"s Business �prit i2, 1993, with a stani�ag �i� t�ee councilmeD serviog on the Adminisaator for sex years. Ne ��a�S�,�-��Y�,�� �'� selaction cc�mitiee. T�e m�ti� ha�d aLgo bce�a cit}►c�erlc. the be�e�ts staced i� che City �� was�by�a Sim�u�,who Aiiogeuher lhere were 112 ��0���� Policy Man�a�, which �i� was a �embex of that oommitte�, otential hcants, sonae of �SO s�vacation and leave time and was seconded by Phil w�rnn w�c,antacte�d by pl�ane by �OCations. The City will pay '� °7 actual relocatson expeas�es not to Keeselbach. `Tbe mvEion was NAR three a four t�_(}f[�Ose. ��$�,�y� A ap�xoved unanimously by a r+oii gg ��f���� � �� Chatan was pcesent at the W cafl vale af th�m aud itiat af Ken latez withdrew.Te� finalists were ��tiag, and gave a s�ort � Sauex, Jetry Am,es, Harry Halland in[erviewed by tLe coatpany, with ��b- aad Steve Molter. 'I`�e othea two cwo more witbdrawing. Of the r�� 31��I! f1lYO�V�tI Lil[I3C SB�C#lOT1 ��t�g,five were setected +dne of the conuibuting rcasons ,1�, prac�ss were Bauer and HoLland. to be interviewe� in person wrth fcx bis anc#hislami(y's dee�sion to 'l�e St. Louis Fark, MN firm the alde�eu and Knutscx�. come to Ba�vesvifle,was t�xa�se of � r�� ����by����ti� So carnpetently l�ad I+Iorth a chance conversation wit}► a wbo reviewed tbe selacL�c�iteaia American Recruiters done tbeir fomner r�esident of this oomrnunity_ hefore �ntroducing Chattin. " wo3rk that ali of the finalists wem She had spc�ken so highly oi "T6e nu,nber one prta�ity," considerec! eztr�esnely c}uasified. Baunesv�ile that it had in#7uenc� - Knutson state�, was"...tQ check However, the ioterview ptac�ss ttsem ta oQnsider re1�caUug�ere. - into t,he candidate's ba�grouadl,� tflok fram 8:00 am. until S:Q{l p�n., L An investigative serrice was �i�red aliowing an bour and one-5alf . LABOR RELATIONS ASSOCIATES, INC. 7501 Golden Valley Road Golden Valiey, Minnesota 55427 612/546-1470 FAX: 612/546-1552 OctObe�' 26, 1993 PROPOSAL TO ASSIST THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IN THE SELECTION OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR Labor Relations Associates, Inc. (LRA� proposes to assist the City of Rosemount in the selection of a City Administrator. LRA principles, Cyrus F. Smythe and Karen A. Olsen offer unique qualifications for assisting the City of Rosemount in the process of selecting a City Administrator. LRA principles consult with a significant number of Minnesota cities on a regular basis on personnel, labor relations, organizational structure and total quality management matters and are familiar with the requirements of the job of a chief executive officer in Minnesota cities. While these requirements vary to some extent by size and location of city, LRA principles bel.ieve that they have been able to determine the basic qualifications which successful City Administrators possess and can assist cities in their search for individuals who can serve as their Chief Executive Officers. A. Procedures for Assisting City in Selection LRA assistance would consist of the following activities: 1. Meet in separate session with: City Council; management staff; and non-management employees to discuss " the job. requirements of. the City Administrator position and the qualifications required of " an individual in the job. 2. Determine from meetings with City elected and appointed officials the minimum qualifications for applicants and place notices of the opening for a City Administrator in appropriate publications consistent with the City's affirmative action/equal employment opportunity obligations inviting applieations and requesting references. 3. Screen applications to determine which applicants meet minimum qualifications. Screen applications of qualified candidates with City Council and recommend final candidates for interview by City Council and management staff. Perform reference checks on candidates selected for interview. 4. Establish interviews with City Council members individually and - as a group and establish interview schedule with �ity department • heads. 5. Assist City Council in final evaluation o� candidates after interviews for selection of Administrator or rejection of all final candidates. If rejection, determine appropriate course of action. 6. Assist the City Council in developi�g an employment agreement/contract with the successf�l candidat�. B. LRA Clients l. COIINTIES Douglas Douglas County Hospital Goodhue Hennepin 2 . CITIES Albert Lea Forest Lake Redwood Falls Andover ' Fridley River Falls, WI Anoka Golden Valley Robbinsdale Arden Hills Hastings Rosemount Bayport Hopkins Roseville Belle Plaine Jordan St. Anthony Blaine Kasson St. James Bloomington La Crescent St. Louis Park Brainerd Lino Lakes St. Paul Park Brooklyn Center Luverne Shakopee Brooklyn Park Madelia Shelly Burnsville Mankato Shoreview Chanhassen Maplewood Shorewood Chaska Mendota Heights South St. Paul Circle Pines Minnetonka Spring Valley Cloquet � . Minnetrista e Staples Cottage Grove Moorhead Stillwater - Crookston Morris Thief River Falls Crystal Mounds View Tracy Deephaven New Brighton Vadnais Heights Detroit Lakes New Hope Victoria Eden Prairie North St. Paul Virginia Edina Northfield Waseca Elk River Orono Wayzata Ely Pelican Rapids West St. Paul Fairmont Plymouth Westbrook Faribault Prior Lake Windom Farmington Ramsey Winona Fergus Falls Red Wing Woodbury r � 3. METROPOLITAN AGENCIEB Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Metropolitan Airports Commission Metropolitan Council Metropolitan Transit Commission Public Housing Agency of St. Paul 4. PIIBLIC IITILITIES Brainerd Lakefield Moorhead Spring Valley Westbraok 5. OTHERS League of Minnesota Cities Minnesota Department of Employee Relations C. LRA Staff of Principles and Associates Professional assistance is provided by a team of two principal consultants and one assistant. Biographical summaries are presented below: Dr. Cyrus F. Smythe, Principal Cyrus F. Smythe received a PhD in Economics from the University of Washington. He was a member of the graduate faculty of the University of Minnesota School of Management, Industrial Relations Department beginning in 1961 until his retirement in 1988. He is the author of numerous articles in academic journals and professional publications on labor relations, labor law, employee compensation, human resource management, and pay equity. Dr. Smythe has forty years of experience in labor relations and human resource management as a consultant, negotiator, arbitrator, and professor. He is presently at his request on inactive status as an arbitrator with the American Arbitration Association and the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. In the public sector Dr. Smythe has consulted with cities, metropolitan agenci:es, counties, academic institutions, state governments, and the Federal Government. Raren Olsen, Principal Karen Olsen earned a B.S. degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee and an M.A. degree in 3 � ` Industrial and Organizational Fsychology from the Universi�y of Minnesota. She joined the consulting firm of Labor Relations Associates, Inc. in 1970, after seven years as a personnel officer with General Mills, Inc. Her consulting activities focus primarily on compensation systems in bo�h union and non-union settings. As an employer negotiator she represents employer organizations in negotiations, mediation and arbitration and assists with other labor relations and employment problems. Her work also extends into EEO, selection and performance evaluation systems. In 1979, Ms. Olsen was appointed by the Governor of the State of Minnesota as an employer representative to the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) . She was elected Chairperson and served on the Board until 1983. Ms. Olsen has authored a guide on Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action for the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Labor-Management Relations Service. Ann Antonsen, Associate Ann' Antonsen, received a B.A. degree in Psychology from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining Labor Relations Associates, Inc. she has worked in administration and management in retail operations, where she was responsible for supervision of personnel and overall management of facilities. Her work invalves labor negotiations and grievance issues including arbitration case preparation. She also prepares analyses of employer compensation systems in preparation for the development of compensation structures to meet State of Minnesota and general pay equity standards. D. Fees and Expenses LRA would_ bill for time at its regular hourly rates for work performed which are: LRA's fee structure for 1993 is: $85.00/hour for principle time $38.00/hour for research associate time The fee structure for 1994 and 1995 is: $88.00/hour for principle time $40. 00/hour for research associate time 4