HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Update on Redevelopment of Repairs, Inc. Site - Kerry Johnson • CITY OF ROSEblOUNT EXECUTIVT SZTb�1ARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: UPDATE ON REDEVELOPMENT OF AGENDA SECTION: REPAIRS, INC. SITE - KERRY JOHNSON MEMBERS' ISSUES PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AC�gENDA ��J� � � � � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR ���� � ATTACHI4IENTS: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR A . REDEVELOPMENT OF THE REPAIRS, INC. SITE Dr. Kerry Johnson will be present to discuss his redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site with you. As a courtesy to Dr. Johnson I have placed him late on the agenda. He has scheduled patients to 7:00 p.m. and meeting with you late will not require him to reschedule people. As a reference for your use, I have attached a copy of the RFP that Johnson responded to earlier this year. With regard to the tenancy of Repairs, Inc. , I will visit with David Allgeyer on Tuesday and have a verbal report for you at the meeting. Both Mr. Allgeyer and Ann Grossman are away from the office at this writing. I have visited with Arlyn Cope. He is looking to relocate in the Fisher building if a zoning issue is resolved in his favor. Cope is agreeable to working with Johnson in locating a "leasing" sign on the property. RECONIlKENDED ACTION: None. Information item only. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � �ROM LINDQUIST&UENNUM 09.07, 1993 T5�47 N0. 11 P, 2 420�105 GeHr� in OerrveA . 80^sMtni E�++»Srnet� lwoou9r.Ve+uK�+a Q.wsttNseM _..__.. Mux�e�►OW.MWe+eaOt�55402-2205 60017i►r StnEET.SurtE 2125 LINDQUIST &VENNUM T�e'2�"�" °E"�„�".�'°°�.�°, fNc 012�371,3207 TFtEs++OnE:3p3�5T3d�00 . Arro�ers AT L+w - ANN K OROBS�iMI _ . dt2l37i�32s7 _ September 7. 1993 ". BY TELECOPIER Mr. John MiNer City o# Rosemount Port Authority Economic Development Coordinator 2875 145 Street West Post Office Box 510 � : Rosemount, MN 55068 _ Re: Repatrs, Inc. Property Vacation Date - ` Dear John: _ Attached to this Ietter, please find a copy of the Aprii 14,�1993 agreement between Repairs, inc. and the Port Authority under which the Port Authority agreed to pay Repairs, lnc. $20,000 upon the move of Repairs, Inc: from the properiy described in _ the agreement. � Paragraph 8 provides that Repairs, inc. must vacate the property by October 14, i 993 � _ or witfiin sixty days of its receipt of written notice to vacate the premises, whichever - date is earlier. This means that the last possible date,Repai�s, Inc. can occupy the _ � property is October i 3, i 993. , . Please contact me should you need additional information, _ Sincerely, � L�-''!'t/1ti.1 `-�''�.�ti-'�-'�...-d'tL.ct,..� . Ann.K. Grossman _ AKG:pae . _ Attachment cc: David A. Aligeyer � ' F'��OM LINDQUIST&UENNUM 09.07. 1993 15:48 N0. 11 P, 3 „ -�, ..... �, ` . _,�� . AC�iR�E�! - - THIS �,GB��T is made and entered into thi� ��`day ot April, 1993 by �ri8 betweeh Repair�i Snc;i' a Minnesota corporation, and tfhe Rosemount Part Authority, a Develo�ament - Agency. - _ �EEtFl�B s y . 1. dn �ebn�.ary 5, 1991, the �OSAIQdUIlt ECOAOIOlC - Devel.opment Authority purchased, fram Repairs, Inc. , th� land in Roaemaunt, Mi2lr�esota located at 2.4390 and .�.4410 South 1�4bert Trail and 3eqally descr�bed as •fallows: : .. , . ACJDITOR'S 5UBDIVISION NO_.` 1.� : Part ot Lot�4 commericing. 348 i'eet nort3�►� of Cent�x ' � Section 29, Township 115, Ttarige 119, East 196 feet . . North X�o feetr We�t 296_ teet, South 110 #aet to , bec�ihning; _ � 2. Regairs, =nc. retained an -option 'Co r�:purchase the - property d�scribed above. On Februaxy 2;` 1s93, Repa3r�, Inc. informed the Ro�emaunt port Autharity ffk/a/ Rosemount Economic - Develapment Authority of its in��nt tv exercise its repurchase option; • - _.. 3. Tbe RosQiaount pox-� Authority wants ta redev�lop the - - property describ�d above and.wishes ta acquire �ciear title to the _ property througb negoti�ati.on �nd withaut resort ta its pcwer cP � .- eminent domain; . , 4. 2he above-named paxties desize to ccmpromise and � settle all of the.£r diPPerer�ces with respecti �o the prcperty _ . . . .. . . described ab4ve. � .... � .. ._ _ �toW �SE�EBORE, it is agreed by and �between the partSes ` - heXeto as Pollows: 5. The RosQmount. Part Autho=ity .will pay Repairs, Inc. S20,o4o upon the mcve of Repairs, �nc. from �he above-described __ praperty; , 6. 4n the condition that Repairs, Ync. relo�ates within the city oE Roseaaount, Repairs, Znc, w311 also be entitled - to retain the approximately $12,000 held in a rent escrow for the --- � propertyo Ta be entitled to r�Iocatian payments under this -- � paraqraph, relacatiort must be of .the bus�.ness bf Repairs, Inc. as it now exists, such relocation must be within the city of Rosemount, the reloca�ion site must be leased by Repairs, Inc. Eor at least one year or purchas�d, and Repairs, 2nc. must comp].y 1� . � t �. ��, . :,, � =a-�,:�.� � ' F�ROM LINDQUIST&VENNUM 09.07, 1993 15:49 N0, 11 P, 4 _. �� � �` with all applicable city cades, rc�gulatis�ns and zoninq requirements. ' - 7. Unt�1 Repa3rs, xnc. vr�cates th� praperty, the terms - -- --- ._ o� i.ts lease wil2 x�main the same ex+�ept that Rspairs Inc. wi2l � _ nat be liabl� ox ab2igated to make rent payYaents; 8. =n considerativn`af the Por�qoing, Repafrs, Inc. � agrees to relinquish ary and al� right ta repurchaae the pr4perty described abave, to vacatE..the prbpexty within six months of the _ date of this agreeanent or with3n sixty (�O� days o� its rece�,pt - --�- of written notice to vaaate the premises .Lram tne Ra��mount FoYt � � . Autharity, whictaever aat� is aaxx�er, `and to take al.l acticn � necessary to cause any sub3essars to vaaate the property within � " ' the time periad desczibed above; - -=- - 9. Repairs, Snc. �urther aqrees to r�lease and forever � disCh�rg� the Rosemount Port AuthoritY .fram. .any and all obligations related ta relocation or ree�tablishment of Repairs, � Ync. and to assum� and bea.r �ol� r�sponsibility for payments far moving and related exp�nses and re�stablishment expens�s, iP any, : to which subiessors on the praperty may ;bc :entit3�d under sta�� or federal law; . _. _ _...., _ � l4. The terms o� this settlemerit aqreement are ' _. . _ contractual and nat_ a m�re rec3.tal. �c�e sole remec�y �o� a - C2aimed breach ot tYtis agreement shall be an action to enforce - the agreement; �1. The undersigned p�xt3.es stafe that they hava ful2y - . read the faregaing Agr�ement in its entl7Cetx �rid 'tt�at they have ��-- _ been fully advised by their counsai with respect thereto, and that each o� them know and understand th� aontents d�. this agreement, and s�.qn the saiae as the.i.r own �x'ee act and deed. -- - • --- - R�sA��ts, =�tc_ &os�xo oR� �u�sax�� - BY: -� `��,..� � �Y• ' � It$ � I� i erso . _ AND % ,L;7�.� ecut�,ve "ector � �C� ���� . , � APR 14 1993 C�ERK'S OF��C�. C1�Y bP R45EMOUNY . . . . .A . � . �. � � .. . . . . . . . � .. . . . . . . . .. . � . . MEI�IORANDUM TO: Rosemount Port Authority Commi.ssion FROM: Kevin Patrick Carroll DATE: September 7, 1993 I have attached a copy of a recent article that appeared in a local paper regarding an opening an the Dakota County Private Industry Council. z am interested in apglying for the vacancy as a represent�tive of the Rosemount Part Authority. As the article indic�tes, applicants "must have a letter of recommendation from their parent organizati.on",' and applications are due by Segtember 15, 1993. I have discussed this matter by telephone with Ed Dunn, and he has indicated a willingness to prepare and/or sign a letter of recommendation. In doing so, he 'would be acting on behalf of the Port Authority (the "parent organizstion" ) , so it is possible that this matter may require a motion, some discussian and a vote. If one of my fellow Port Authority Co�unissioners believes that I am a suitable candidate for the Private Indust=y Cauncil, perhaps a motion of the type referred ta below cauld be made at tonight's meeting. PROPOSED i�I.CTION: MotiQn to authorize the Port Authorit�'s chairpe�son to prepare and submit, on behalf of the Rosemount Port Authority, a lettes of recommendat�.on in support of Kevin Car=o11's application frrr the current vacancy on the Dakota County Private ' Industry Council. __ , r • , � �.aa��'-.���'�a �''�'�„- � �,." �Coun# see�s ��p���a��#s�#��c � �� � � . _ ��- � . � � �.����a � �id � - ��ir��i� F� ��� y..: : � _,�_. _..� �.�;;�,� �� �...� -� � � �.� --��.�: ���I3akota�Cousty�aard���onn�issioners�s",��king�t�alifie��:- � nominees�� the econ�wdevelopment vacarncy on ,#he �3akota� ' C�ntyPrivate Iadustry Cewncil(PIG�. � . �-�-: �.,.-�Qaalified:candidates ��`this�va ' �,�nust � ;�'� �:��ca1� , .-: _t ,.� _ ,... � +economie�levelopme�it�on�ng.camm�ssioa o�:b�ard.�ar =��'=" local agency anfl institution responsible ft�r r�gulating,Prc►moting� ' �"""��-� _� � ,,. -assisting i�►iocal economic d�elopm ;>� , : °� `� Tt� PIC,�rovides guidance.far ari8�e�o�►ersi8lit�pon ; `sibil�ty with respect to employmentandfit'auung Pr�an�s u►Dakota Lp11[lty, ,.- t ..; �� , ;� � ' '° ��'�������—.� ' ` 4 `�� �nterested individuals iri�he vacanc3r mt�thave s 1��'reieom-�' `�mendatioa from their parent organizatton. �..-: .�-'.'µ� ,�'��:5 ,� The t,erm of�ppointment�¢ill run throu��u�30,1.994;su�6►jer��' : . ._ ° reappointmeut by fhe County.Board atthattime. .�.,�.Q : . - � � ' �'o�sti��applicado��orm�'�all the I)akota�otmty.�ic�ministrahon� � � ��Officeat�438-4418. .��,� "` �,��," ' --� � � ��� �. �>1 °�=�� � � � � � � � � ���For more��infortnation=a'ba�t PIC,�call Helen��a�lberg, PIC�cN�,�� � � � �� �ministrator,at 438-8347.'" ;�``� �"��`...`�..'`��� �,,,� ,'�' � �n { .�; � `� " .APPlit�tionsateduefiySep�15 ��� �� �'c�, ,� � _ � .. , ,. , . _ :. . .9 i .. ��' ... . ♦w . . t ' � . v ... . . ..�_iw.,- , ; . �... � ..,.. ... .._ . . . � � �....T,r.Wa+�(...�. .. ...... . . . . � . . � . . � . . ` . . .. � .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. � . . �. . . . �.. . ..