HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a/ Consideration of Scope of Service Agreement for Preliminary Plat Development of the Rosemount Business Park l CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY FOR ACTION POR'�' AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 7, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR PRELIMIN. AGENDA SECTION: PLAT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE RSMT. BUSINESS PARK CONSULTANT/STAFF REPORTS PREPARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA �3¢�■ . � ,r A ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR Ii IVt y ATTACHMENTS: DRAFT SCOPE OF SERVICES AP VED Y: AGREEMENT Attached for your review and consideration is a scope of services agreement submitted by SEH, Inc. The agreement, if approved by the port authority, would have SEH complete the preliminary and final plat for the subdivision of the business park property. Also to be completed would be a grading and landscaping plan and a PUD phasing plan. The latter is a requirement of the city' s zoning and subdivision ordinances. Sixty days would be required to complete the work and total cost is estimated at $17, 515 . 00 . This would be the first week in November, approximately the time the closing would occur. RECOb�iENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend approval of the scope of services agreement submitted by SEH, Inc. to complete subdivision work for the Rosemount Business Park. PORT AUTHORITY ACTION: � - 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55110 612 490-2000 800 325-2055 - ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERtNG • ENVlRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION August 31, 1993 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park, SecHon 32 Preliminary Plat and Associated Work SEH File No. ROSEM31 b4.02 �Ir. john Miller Economic Development Coordinator City of Rosemaunt 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Dear Mr. Miller: Short Elliott Hendrickson (SEH) appreciates the opportunity to provide continued services for the City of Rosemount on the Business Park In response to our meeting on August 17, 1993, we have prepared a Seope of Work and engineering budget for the Preliminary Plat and associated work. T'his scope is based on our understanding of your needs as previously discussed. However, the scope is subject to modification and revision by the:City as necessary to meet other needs that you may have. The items available to us at the time of this proposal include the City of Rosemount Subdivision Ordinance and the Dakota County Manual of Minimum Guidelines for Subdivision Plats. The boundary survey for the 80 acre parcel is not availabie at this tirne. T'he work has been divided into five (5) components. These components are listed below along with the estimated engineering costs. A detailed Scope of Work is also attached for your review. Work Item Estimated Engineering Cost Update Existing Design $3,142.00 Prepare Preliminary Plat $6,821.Oo Prepare Grading and Landscaping Plan $2,403.00 Prepare P.U.D. Phasing Plan $1,133.00 Prepare Final Plat of Phase IA $4,016.OQ Estimated Total Engineering Cost $17,515.00 SHORT ELLfO1T HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS,MN ST.CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS,W! MADtSON,WI Mr. john Miller . August 31, 1993�'_ Page 2 As with the Concept Plan and Feasibility Study for Phase I, we would like to propose that all work on the project be done on an hourly basis at our standard hourly rates. Any change in the scope which occurs at the City's direction will result in a change in the associated costs. It is anticipated that the project will take approacimately 60 days to complete,beginning with the receipt of all necessary information from the City. This does not include the time necessary for the County's review and approval process. If this proposal is acceptable to you, please sign below and return a copy for our files. Again, we wish to thank you for the opportunity to serve.the City of Rosemount. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at 490-2066. Sinc rely, 12�t�""� • . David F. Simons, P.E. Pr ject Mana er s��. ��� rome H. Smith, L.S. Land Surveyor DFS:AE/kam Attachment Authorized by the City of Rosemount (Name) (Title) tDate) : Estimated Engineering Scope of Work Cost Update Existing Design * Move the location of the Entrance Drive to the east as $ 498 required by Dakota County. Move the utilities accordingly. * Add the topography for the easterly half of the 80 acre 183 parcel to the existing Phase I drawing. � * Add the boundary survey information to the drawing. 122 * Design an additional east/west roadway along the 437 south boundary of the parcel connecting to Biscayne Avenue. * Update the overall drawing o€ the Business Park to show 406 the relocated Entrance Drive and the additional roadway connecting to Biscayne Avenue. The Ring Road may have to be adjusted slightly to accommodate these changes. * Move lot line locations to accommodate minimum 2.5 acre 549 "blocks" of land which can be assembled to create larger parcels. * Determine the location of all necessary easements and setbacks. 305 Show these on the drawing along with any necessary dimensions. * Coordinate with Dakota County on the turn lane improvements 337 necessary at the Entrance Drive and C.S.A.H. 42. * Hold progress meetings with City staff to review and comment 305 on the revised design. Subtotal $ 3,142 Prepaze Preliminary Plat * -Verify the horizontal position of the boundary corners set during $ 1,825 the boundary survey. It is assumed that the boundary survey will be complete and that all monuments can be found. Also, � it is assumed that the existing rights-of-way for C.S.A.H. 42 and Biscayne Avenue will be shown as monuxnented on the survey, and will require no further delineation by SEH. Some field work will be necessary to check the distance between corners, etc. * Establish vertical control on the property by running a�bench loop 534 and setting several bench marks on the property. The inverts of structures will also be shot during the bench loop. * Delineate and map the two wetlands which are shown on the � 1.28� National Wetland Inventory{NWI)map for the 80 acre parceL * Review and check the up-to-date abstract and legal 81� description which is to be furnished by the City, and add the legal description to the plat. * Draft the Preliminary Plat, send to Dakota County for 1,943 approval, and assist with the Preliminary Plat review process. SEH will pay the County's plat review fees, recording fees and reproduction fees. * Distribute the Preliminary Plat to all agencies indicated in � 418 the City's Subdivision Ordinance, and assist the City in preparing for the public hearing. Subtotal $6,821 Prepare Grading and Landscaping Plan * Meet with the City to review berming and screening concerns $ 348 � as well as drainage issues. * Develop a preliminary grading design showing the general � 693 direction of drainage for each lot. Show the�normal and high water level of all ponding areas. * Develop berming and landscaping designs far boulevards, 381 easements and right-of-way areas. * Draft a plan which includes the above components and submit 981 to the City for discussion and approval. Subtotal $ 2,403 Prepare Planned Unit Development (PUD) Phasing Plan . Meet with the City to look at different options for phasing and $ 269 * obtain a consensus on the most logical stages for development. * Add phase lines to the drawing. Consider the logical 432 extension and development of utilities, streets, ponding areas, etc. ; * Show all information normally shown on a PUD. 432 Subtotal $ 1,133 Prepaze Final Plat of Phase IA * Set lot and block corners in the field for Phase IA. The remainder $ 2,130 of the 80 acre parcel could be platted as outlots, depending on the desires of the City. * Edit the drawing to show all information required for the Final Plat. 1,353 Obtain all necessary signatures, etc. * Distribute the Final Plat for review and approval. SEH will pay 533 the Final Plat review fees, recording fees and reproduction fees. � Subtotal $ 4,016 __ Total $17,515 Estimated � Cost