HomeMy WebLinkAbout5. Bills and Communications, SEH, Inc. and Economic Development Association of Minnesota e . , cz� oF Rosn�ovxT EXECtTTIVE S'ITMMARY FOR ACTION PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION MEETING DATE: MAY 17, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: CONSIDER.ATION OF INVOICES AGENDA SECTION: $ILLS AND COMMUNICATIUNS PREQARED BY: JOHN MILLER, AGENDA��� A � � ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR �y� ATTACF�2ENTS: INVOICES AP VE BY: % � � f The Port Authority has received the follawing invoices: 1. SEH, Inc. $5, 085 .90 2 . Economic Development Association $ 20 . 00 of Minnesota � RECObII�1ENDED ACTION: Motion to approve invoices as presented. PORT AUTHORITY ACTI4N: � . � . � in�vorcE � 3535 VADNAlS CENTER ORIVE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55110 612 490-2U00 800 325-2055 - ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTAL • TRANSPORTATION Apri� 29 1993 IhvQlc �To. 17705 Pro�ec� No. 0000093164.01 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ATTN: JOHN MILLER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 For: BUSINESSPARKEINRSECTIONH32E I OF Professional Services for the period ending Apri1 10, 1993 Professional Personnel Hours Rate Amount PROJECT MANAGER SIMONS, DAVID 59 .0 60.61 3 ,575.73 PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCH ELLE MICHAEL 13 .0 43 .56 566 .25 THOR�SON, RANDALL 1 .0 64 .48 64 .48 DESIGN ENGINEER/ARCH ZIENTY, DANIEL 13 .5 49 . 76 671 .71 ADMINISTRATIVE HANSON, CLARICE 3 . 5 39 . 84 139 .44 Totals 90 .0 5,017 .61 Total Labar 5,017 . 61 Reimbursable Expenses EMPLOYEE MILEAGE 45 . 10 OTHER REIMBURSABLE EXF 5 . 69 WORD PROCE$SING 17 .50 �$.29 Total Reimbursables 68. 29 __________ Total this Invoice $ 5 ,085 .90 Cumulative Billings Current Prior Pds To-date Labor 5 ,017 . 61 5,017 .61 Expenses 68.29 68 .29 Totals 5,085 .90 5 ,085.90 SHORT ELLIOTT HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOUS,MN ST.CCOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALtS,WI MADfSON,Wt � � _. EDAM SEM�.NAR �YHEN: Wednesday,Ma,y i9, 1993,9:30 am-3:00 pm IACA'ITON: St.Cloud Technical College, 1540 Narthway Drive,St Cloud,MN TOPIC: "Economic Development and the Environment" The seminar will provide up-to-date information on two environmental issues with sig�ufiicant impact on econanuc developmen�Superfund clean-up of cont�minated landfills and the use of tuc increment financing for polluted land clean-up. Landfill Clean-up There are 162 contaminated rnunicipal landfills in Minnesota and our current system for financing clean-up,Superfwid,is inefficient and inequitable. � The process is painfully slow and administrative and legal costs can exceed the amount actually spent on clean-up.Worst of all,the Superfund process can lead to a debilitating round of third- party lawsuits as named responsible parties sue other companies and local governments in an effort to spread costs.The threat,economic and civic,to the affected commututy,is substt�ntiat. The Minnesota Legislature failed a second time in 1993 to fix Superfiind. Polluted Lands Tax Increment Minnesota's tax increment financing law has special provisions to promote the clean-up of contaminated lands and Minnesota Solutions is lobbying for improvements to the law this session. The seminar will describe current and proposed authority for clean-up through ta�c increment financing. SCHEDULE: Registration......................................................................................................9:30 am Superfund Panel.................................................................................10:00-12:00 Art Dunn,Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Jerry Johnson,Tri-Counry Solid Waste Cominission,St.Cloud Jim Hoolihan,Hoolihan and Nells,St Cloud Bill Blazer,Minnesora Chamber of Commerce Lunch ..........................................................................................................12:00-1:00 TaxIncrement Pane1 .............................................................................1:00-3:00 Bonnie Balach,Minnesora Solutions,Duluth Mary Ippel,Briggs&Morgan Bob Geurs,City of St.Paul cosr: $za.00���tua�l��n� Seminar Registration ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND THE ENVIRONMENT $20.00/person Name Company/Organization Address City/State/Zip Phone Enclosed is my check for $ Make Check payabie to EDAM and mail to: EDAM One Appletree Square,Suite 201 Bioomington,MN 55425 . � � - 3535 VADNAIS CENTER DRNE,200 SEH CENTER,ST.PAUL,MN 55110 612 490-2000 800 325-2055 - ARCMTECTURE • ENGINEERING • ENVIRONMENTAL • TRANSPORTATION r i TO: John Miller, Economic Development Coordinator �. FROM: David F. Simons, P.E. DATE: May 12, 1993 RE: Rosemount, Minnesota Business Park Feasibility Study - Phase I � Project Update SEH File No: 93164.01 � The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with an update on the Feasibility Study for Phase I of the Business Park. Since the April 20, 1993, Port Authority meeting, we have made significant progress on the study. However, there are some details of the study which remain to be completed. This will be done as soon as meetings with Dakota � County and CMC can be scheduled to discuss access and drainage issues. The following tasks have been completed since our last update to the Port Authority: • Street designs, including horizontal and vertical alignment, street width and pavement designs. � • Lighting and landscaping designs. • Drawings showing the proposed improvements. • Detailed cost estimates for the proposed improvements. � Copies of the drawings are attached. Drawing No. 1 shows the general location of Phase I of the Business Park. Drawing No. 2 shows cross sections through the roadways including width and pavement dimensions. Drawing No. 3 is an overall drawing of the proposed improvements. � SHORT ELLIOTT , HENDRICKSON INC. MINNEAPOLIS,MN SI CLOUD,MN CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI MADISON, WI �" Memorandum May 12, 1993 : Page 2 � We have also attached copies of the detailed cost estimates. A summary of these costs is shown below: Item Estimated Cost * Sanitary Sewer $ 300,000 Watermain 244,000 Storm Sewer 390,000 Street 356,000 � Street Lighting 70,000 Landscaping 53,000 CSAH 42 Improvements 87,000 Estimated Total Cost $1,500,000 � The costs listed above are based on 1993 bid prices and include 10°Io construction contingencies and 30% miscellaneous overhead expenses. Land acquisition costs are not included. Based on a gross area of 51.0 acres and 71ots in Phase I, the estimated total cost can be � broken down as follows: • Cost per Gross Acre - $29,412 • Cost per Square Foot - $0.68 � � • Average Cost per Lot - $214,286 • Avera�ge Lot Size - 7.2 Acres As indicated earlier, there are several issues which have not been resolved at this time: � Since our last discussion, we have learned that the County may change CSAH � 42 from a Minor Arterial designation to a Principal Arterial designahon. If this occurs, the County may deny our request for an access on CSAH 42 between STH 3 and Biscayne Avenue,even though they have previously agreed to the access.We have sent the County updated copies of our drawings and requested � that they consider the access issue at their May 24, 1993,County Plat Commission meeting. � We have not been able to schedule a meeting with representatives of the CMC property to discuss how the drainage issue on the two sides of CSAH 42 will be � resolved. We will continue to work with representatives of CMC to obtain a consensus on the drainage issue. � � Memorandum May 12, 1993 Page 3 � • Phase I of the Business Park is outside the current MUSA,but is included in the proposed MUSA expansion which is under review by the Metropolitan Council and the MWCC The City was notified on Apri127, 1993, that the Metropolitan Council has requested an extension of their review period until � September 22, 1993. Assuming that the Port Authority goes ahead with the construction of Phase I,the schedule would have tao be pushed back to the Fall of 1993, or the Spring of 1994. If you have any questions on this information, feel free to call. I will plan on attending the � May 17th Port Authority meeting to present this update and answer any questions. DFS/kam ! � i► � i � � � Estimate of Cost Sanitary Sewer � Est. Unit Description Unit Q_ty_ Price Amount 10" DIP Sanitary Sewer, �, 20'-25' Deep L.E 250 $42.00 $10,500 10" DIP Sanitary Sewer, 25'-30' Deep L:F. 500 51.00 25,500 12" DIP Sanitary Sewer, � 10'-15' Deep L.F. 200 26.00 5,200 12" DIP Sanitary Sewer, 15'-20' Deep L.R 75 32.00 2,400 12" DIP Sanitary Sewer, � 20'-25' Deep L.F. 35 34.00 1,190 18" DIP Sanitary Sewer, 25'-30' Deep L.F. 750 59.00 44,250 21" RCP Sanitary Sewer, � 20'-25' Deep L.F. 45 57.00 2,565 21" RCP Sanitary Sewer, 25'-30' Deep L.F. 1,062 65.00 69,030 Excess Depth Manhole L.F. 234 65.00 15,210 � Standard Manhole 10' Deep Each 18 1,200.00 21,600 8" DIP Risers L.F. 240 14.00 3,360 8" DIP Service L.F. 240 14.00 3,3b0 , � Cut in 8" DIP on 21" RCP Each 4 300.00 1,200 Ductile Iron Fittings Lbs. 2,415 1.50 3,623 Connect to Ex. Sanitary Sewer Each 1 300.00 300 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 50 4.50 225 i Replacement Backfill Ton 100 4.50 450 Subtotal $209,9b3 Plus 10% Contingencies 21,037 Estimated Construction Cost $231,000 i Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 69,000 Total Estimated Cost $300,000 • � Estimate of Cast Watermain � Est. Unit Description Unit C�tk. Price Am n � 16" DIP Watermain L.F. 1,060 $35.00 $37,100 12" DIP Watermain L.F. 2,520 28.00 70,560 6" DIP Servi�es & Hydrant Leads L.F. 1,155 13.00 15,015 f 16" Butterfly Valve & Box Each 3 1,500.00 4,500 12" Butterfly Valve &•Box Each 4 1,100.00 4,400 6" Gate Valve & Box Each 26 400.00 10,400 � Ducrile Iron Fittings Lb. 10,315 1.50 15,473 Insulation Bd. Ft. 25b 1.50 384 Connect to Existing Watermain Each 1 300.00 300 Granular Pipe Foundation Ton 50 4.50 225 S Replacement Backfill Ton 100 4.50 450 Subtotal $170,807 Plus 10% Contingencies 17,193 Estimated Construction Cost $188,000 ♦ Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 56,000 Total Estimated Cost $244,000 • I � ! • � Estimate of Cost Storm Sewer • Est. Unit Description Uni Qt�. Price Amo n � 12" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 750 $19.00 $14,250 15" RCP Storm Sewer L.R 339 22.00 7,458 18" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 73 24.00 1,752 � 24" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 50 30.00 1,500 27" RCP Storm Sewer L.R 1,500 40.00 60,000 36" RCP Storm Sewer L.F. 1,406 65.00 91,390 ` 15" Apron w/Trash Guard and Riprap Each 1 1,500.D0 1,500 24" Apron w/Trash Guard and Riprap Each 1 1,725.00 1,725 ' � 36" Apron w/Trash Guard and Riprap Each 1 2,400.00 2,400 Manhole,Type B L.F. 20 150.00 3,000 Manhole, Type C L.F. 121 200.00 24,200 � � Manhole,Type D L.F. 110 225.00 24,750 Manhole,Type E L.F. 25 300.00 7,500 Catch Basin,Type X L.F. 55 130.00 7,150 + Catch Basin, Type Y L.F. 15 150.00 2,250 Manhole Casting Each 23 200.00 4,600 Catch Basin Casting Each 14 225.00 3,150 Straw Bales Each 50 6.00 300 ! Silt Fence L.F. 6,740 2.00 13,480 Subtotal $272,355 Plus 10% Contingencies 27,645 Estimated Construction Cost $300,000 � Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 90,000 Total Estimated Cost $390,000 • � Estimate of Cost Street � Est. Unit Description Uni C�.yt .. Price Am r� � Mobilization L.S. 1 $10,000.00 $10,000 Aggregate Base,CL 5 Ton 575 10.00 5,751.00 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture Ton 1,544 21.00 32,424 • Type 31 Base Course Mixture Ton 1,853 22.00 40,766.00 Bituminous Tack Coat Gal. 562 1.00 562 Bb18 Curb and Gutter L.F. 6,724 7.25 48,749 t � 6" Concrete Sidewalk S.R `15,504 1.90 29,458 �c Common Excavation (LV) C.Y. 35,271 1.75 61,724 Traffic Control L.S. ' 1 5,000.00 5,000 Test Rolling R.S. 25 25.00 625 s Subgrade Preparation R.S. '� 25 100.00 2,500 Temp. Construction Entrance R.S. 14 100.00 1,400 Permanent Barricades L.F. 32 28.00 896 ' +� Street Name Signs Each 2 250.00 500 2" Nonmetallic Conduit L.F. 300 6.00 1,800 Signing L.S. 1 2,500.00 2,500 i Striping L.S. 1 4,000.00 4,000 Subtotal $248,655 Plus 10% Contingencies 25,345 Estimated Construction Cost $274,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 82,000 S Total Estimated Cost $356,000 • r � Estimate of Cost Sfreet Lighting � Est. Unit Descri�tion Unit C�k. Price Amount � Primary Feed Point w/Cable Each 2 $3,485.00 $6,970 Secondary Cable L.F. 2,300 1.75 4,025 Single Arm Lighting Unit Each 7 1,931 13,517 • Double Arrn Lighting Unit Each 5 2,300 11,500 NSP Maintenance and Operating Fee L.S. 1 12,892 12,892 Subtotal $48,904 � Plus 10% Contingencies 5,096 Estimated Construction Cost $54,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 16,000 Total Estimated Cost $70,000 • � • � � � � Estimate of Cost Landscaping . • Est. Unit Description Unit tC�. Pric Amount � Clearing and Grubbing Each 6 $100.00 $600 Stone Entrance Monument L.S. 1 6,000.00 6,000 2" Caliper Deciduous Trees Each 20 300.00 6,000 � 6' Height Coniferous Trees Each 20 300.00 6,000 18" Height Shrubbery Each 50 25.00 1,250 Topsoil and Sod S.Y. 7,300 2.00 14,600 ! Topsoil and Seed Acre 1.5 1,1Q0.00 1,650 Mulch w/Disk Anchoring Acre 1.5 700.Q0 1,050 Subtotal $37,150 Plus 10% Contingencies 3,850 ` Estimated Construction Cost $41,000 Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 1,200 Total Estimated Cost $53,000 I • � • i • � a '� Estimate of Cost CSAH 42 Improvements • Est Unit Description Unit C�tk. Price Amount � Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture Ton 333 $21.00 $6,993 Type 31 Base Course-Mixture Ton 399 22.00 8,778 Aggregate Base, Cl. 5 Ton 1,053 10.00 10,530 ` Bituminous Tack Coat GaL 121 1.00 121 Topsoil and Sod S.Y. 1,278 2.00 2,556 Common Excavation (LV) C.Y. 1,400 3.00 4,200 ! Granular Borrow (LU) C.Y. 2,400 4.50 10,800 Traffic Control L.S. 1 4,000.00 4,000 Signing L.S. 1 900.00 900 Striping L.S. 1 1,200.00 1,200 � Conduit for Future Signals L.S. 1 4,000.00 4,000 Subtotal $61,111 Plus 10% Contingencies 5,889 Estimated Construction Cost $67,000 i Plus 30% Overhead and Engineering 20,000 Total Estimated Cost $87,000 i • � � � � �I' yy,. � \�'/ / �- ; . � �, _._� y• ... » `1� _f.. . 7_ . . . , � I E'�. la F'. •�/ .i �. �„ � � _ . ' ,,, ,. � l . .� ' � .,�Il�� : / ! � r . .. .. � ; y , s � � � �� - �, � �, � d,. /j , � _ . , ,�. � � _ ' . , . i ; , , � �: t , , — t � , . .e , . _ ,_—i � : i , . _ _ -- �, ,- ,� / i � � � _�� '�' NO SCALE �/ � � �..� :�� , _ �, �� � ._ � � ',`;. � �i' � � ,. 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'� STATION ' �� �.w_ ..,� �•���., I60TH. -ST -WEST -------�� I --_ � �� � . � � - w - _ _----�I _ __ __ �__ _ _ ----- --7. , ---- - - — ---- :c� �� ,01 �l ,rc�� r�' ��—, _'�� � � �'� �_� � FILE N0. � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 93164 S BUSINESS PARK PHASE 1 DRG. N0. � ENGINEERS 1 ARCMITECTS 1 PLANNERS � � � � , R/�/ R/v�/ 8 0� • � �' 6' 4� 26� � 26� 1 I � � 8618 C.G.(TYPICAL)� SOD MEDIAN :... / � LSOD BLVD. AREAS. 6�� CONC. SDWK. 2 �/2 TYPE 41 BIT.WEAR COURSE � 3'�TYPE 31 BIT. BASE COURSE 8��AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TYPICAL SE�TION � ENTRANCE DRIVE � • R/W � R/W 0� 2� 6� 6� 21 � 21� 14� � � SOD BLVD. AREAS_ 6�� CONC. SDWK. � 2 �/2"TYPE 41 BIT. WEAR COURSE 3��TYPE 31 BIT. BASE COURSE 8��AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 • ' TYPICAL SECTION RING ROAD • FILE N0, � ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA 93164 e � DRG. N0. BUSINESS PARK PHASE 1 2 ENGINEER51 ARCHITECT51 PIANNERS •