HomeMy WebLinkAbout4. Minutes of May 3, 1993 Regular Meeting . � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS ��A�"� REGULAR MEETING MAY 3, 1993 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount Port Authority was duly held on May 3, 1993 at 5 :30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 - 145th Street West . Chair Dunn called the meeting to order with Commissioners Anderson, Wippermann, and Edwards present. Commissioners Carroll, McMenomy, and Sinnwell were absent. Staff present in.cluded Executive Director Jilk, Economic Development Coordinatar Miller, and attorney Mike Miles. There were no additions or corrections to the agenda. MOTION by Edwards to approve the agenda as printed. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 4 . Nays: 0 . MOTION by Edwards to approve the invoiees as presented. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0 . Chair Dunn commented on the large dollar amounts being spent by the Port Authority for attorney fees. MOTION by Wippermann to � approve the April 6, 1993 closed executive session minutes as printed. SPCOND by Anderson. Ayes: 4 . Nays: 0 . Commissioner McMenomy took his chair at 5:35 p.m. MOTION by Anderson to approve the April 20, 1993 wark session minutes with an amendment to show attorney Mike Miles present at the meeting. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: 5 . Nays: 0 . Chair Dunn requested an update on the armory site businesses and whether the Reno' s Pizza transaction was complete and whether the checks had been distributed for the purchase of the properti�s. Economic Development Coordinator Mi11er advised that the check for Reno' s Pizza and the bill of sale were ready to be signed and picked up by Mr. Capocasa. Miller also advised that �he checks for the purchase of the properties had been submitted to the attornies but problems with the listed payees on the checks still need to be resolved. Commissioners took under consideration the proposed redraft of the Port Authority Bylaws. After considerable discussion Commissioners agreed that they had three options: 1) no standing rules, leave bylaws the way they are; 2) adopt standing rules that are separate from bylaws; or 3} amend bylaws to incorporate standing rules and send to city council for approval . There was some agreement that the standing rules, separate from the bylaws, offered more flexibility and were more easily amended because proposed amendments did not have to be approved by the City Council . Executive Director Jilk commented that the bylaws wauld need to be amended to allow for the standing rules, if the standing rules are adopted. MOTION by Dunn to adopt the standing rules, as proposed, separate from the Port Authority bylaws. SECOND by Wippermann. Ayes: Wippermann, Dunn, Edwards . Nays: Anderson, McMenomy. Motion carried. . , � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS DR��T REGULAR MEETING MAY 3, 1993 Economic Development Coordinator Miller updated the Board on staff' s response to Scott Rynerson' s eorrespondence regarding the Ron and Kerry Johnson praposal for redevelopment of the Repairs, Inc. site. Mr, Rynerson's concern was that park land was part of the proposal and that the Parks and Recreation Committee had not received any documentation pertaining to this. Miller advised that, at the time of writing his letter, Mr. Rynerson was not aware that staff was working with Parks and Recreation staff regarding the procedural details of this project. Miller further advised that as soon as �.he plan details are complete, he would appear before the City Council for Project Plan and Project Budget Approval for the Port Authority to implement the project. Chair Dunn also commented that he had met with Mr. Rynerson and the essence of the meeting was that more communication between the committees was necessary. In response to questions regarding financing the project, Miller advised that the Johnsons are still proposing private financing. Consensus was reached that a motion was not necessary to direct Mr. Miller to correspond with Mr. Rynerson thanking him for his concern with the Johnson proposal since the Board and staff had already followed-up and addressed the i.ssues in Mr. Rynerson' s letter and discussed them with him. ' Economic Deve3opment Coordinator Miller presented to the Board, for their consideration, a draft Request for Proposal for Matel/Restaurant Development. Miller reviewed details of the RFP and advised that it calls for a 50-unit or more motel or motel and restaurant combination. Miller also advised that the RFP is not site specific, but requests that the proposed site be within the 1979 tax increment finance district boundaries. Discussion ensued regarding the need to advertise and open up the process to other developers besides the developers currently working with Port Authority staff_ It was felt this would aid in receiving the best possible proposal . A.ttorney Miles explained state law regarding competitive bids and when it is necessary for cities to advertise for such. Miles further explained that bids are needed when cities are advertising to purchase equipment or construct new buildings, but state law does not impose laws on the RFP process. Amendments to the RFP were discussed and agreed upon. MOTION by Edwards to approve the request for proposal for motel or motel/restaurant deve�opment within the 1979 TIF district with the agreed upon amendments. SECOND by Anderson. Ayes: Dunn, McMenomy, Edwards, Anderson, Wippermann. Nays: 0 . Executive Director Jilk reviewed his eorrespondence listing his recommendations for implementing ways to build on the existing relationship between city government and the Rosemount business community, specifically, the "One Stop" Service idea. Jilk suggested that the ideas presented in his correspondence are meant to improve city government' s understanding of issues of importance to the business community; ways city government can assist businesses, where appropriate, to stay in Rosemount; expand when desirous to do so; and to maintain an open line of communication in the process. This is ail in xecognition of the need to maintain a working rela�ionship with businesses in the community. Jilk suggested that John Miller, �he city' s Economic Development Coordinator, be designated as the contact person for all communications between the business community and the �._ � ♦ 1 � ROSEMOUNT PORT AUTHORITY PROCEEDINGS ��AF� REGULAR MEETING MAY 3,1993 City in governmental relations matters. He suggested that John's title should be revised to Economic Development/Business Relations Coordinator which develops the position even more into a focal point for business and government relations. Jilk went on to explain the different areas in which John would direct these efforts. Considerable discussion followed regarding commissioner' s concerns that John' s position would become to "watered down, " affecting his ability or effectiveness. Commissioners felt that the need for a business liaison is obvious, but felt that it should be the responsibility of the administrative branch to manage the department heads in these areas . Commissioners agreed to take the recommendations under study and requested that staff review , Commissioner� s concerns and reschedule the item to another meeting ' night. MOTION by Dunn to adjourn. sEcorrD b� EaWa�-as. Ayes: 5 . Nays: 0 . Meeting adjourned at 6 :55 p.m. • Respectfully submitted, Deborah Widstrom